#african palm civet
saritawolff · 1 year
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My first big project for my new Instagram account: SaritaZoo
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warcrimesimulator · 5 months
Feliforms really are so fun.
The linsang on the top left is more closely related to the tiger than it is to the genet on the top right (which is closer to a hyena!)
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But it gets better. All four animals above are more closely related to one another than they are to the African palm civet below.
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bolt-x0 · 1 month
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Added little fun facts the last time I did this, so here’s some fun facts about civets
-African civets are sometimes referred to as Otter civets
-civets are often very shy
-some civets produce a musk that’s often used in perfumes
-civets are closer related to mongoose than cats
-civets have non retractable claws
-African civets are mainly nocturnal but will appear during cloudy days occasionally
-civets are apart of the Viverridae family which includes fossas and binturongs
-civets typically have 40 teeth
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This is a baby palm civet <3
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nikofortuna · 1 year
JTTW Chapter 1 Thoughts
I finally managed to sit myself down and read the first chapter for the @journeythroughjourneytothewest Reading Group!
So I have actually decided on dual-reading each chapter. As I have a physical copy of Anthony C. Yu’s translation I read that one first, though afterwards I looked at the J.F. Jenner translation as well, which ultimately made me come to the decision of reading both versions each chapter. While Anthony C. Yu's version has more definitive detail, J.F. Jenner's is just easier to understand. It is very much a sense of I kind of got it the first read including the major points, but I really connected some additional dots with the second.
Additionally I'll be listening to the Audio Drama Series on YouTube by @jttwaudiodrama, the chapters that are available so far anyway, which honestly might be my personal favourite already. I adore that they use the Mandarin names at least once when they come up for the first time and they use the original measurements and such! It was so weird reading "36 feet and 5 inches", partially because I use the metric system, meanwhile “3 Zhang 6 Chi and 5 Cun” felt far more natural to hear. The Production Notes for each chapter are great too!
Now onto some of the thoughts that came up in my mind while reading!
“It’s free real estate.” When the monkeys were moving into Shuilian Cave that’s what immediately entered my mind.
Also something I found interesting is that the stone mansion was abandoned seemingly in a somewhat hasty manner? At least that’s how it came across to me with it not being completely clean, but there still being leftovers on the table. That or the previous owner didn’t care much for keeping things orderly, it could be either really.
Very much love the anti-grindset vibes when Sun Wukong sees how focused on fortune and fame humans are always striving for more. They are practically working themselves to death without ever stopping to just live in the moment for a while and are never satisfied with what they have either. One ought to think if you are already a prime minister as mentioned in the poem you have more than enough wealth to live comfortably.
One could argue that since they believe in reincarnation, which might even be a confirmed fact there, they might think they will be able to relax in another life. However when would that life come around then, if they just continue with this work ethic lifetime after lifetime? If they simply want their children to have a comfortable life, why would they be perpetuating this mindset actively preventing them from having one?
Then you have the woodcutter as the exception to the rule, who doesn't have much, but is still rather content outside of genuinely valid concerns regarding getting enough food on the table.
This whole issue being brought up so early in the book already puts it in a very good light. Looking forward to the story's further exploration of these topics!
Rounding out with something sweet, one of the animals Sun Wukong befriends in the Anthony C. Yu translation is a civet, which I didn’t know what it was, so I looked it up. They are so adorable! Just look at their big ol’ eyes and cute little snoot! Precious!
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This is an Asian Palm Civet specifically, which I guess might be the kind he could have met. Something I read on African Civets specifically, which I assume goes for other kinds of civets as well to some extend at least, is that they are not felines which one might guess at first glance. They are more closely related to weasels or mongooses instead!
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Learning about animals today
Pangolins, which I had heard of but didn't know much about. And I still don't, but I can now tell you that they remind me of armadillos and that Sunda Pangolins are critically endangered. Specific species because Metazooa started all of this and that's the link they gave me.
Civets, which I didn't remember having heard of before, but I had to have because: 1. Masked palm CIvets were tied to the SARS outbreak 20 years ago. And 2. Asian Palm Civets are involved in the production of kopi luwak (aka "cat poop coffee"). Both of these are things I was familiar with, but I never could've told you the animals' names. The photo on the main civet Wikipedia page is an African Civet, and I think they are so stinking cute (and also funny-looking, like a hodge-podge of hyena, racoon, and house cat). I mean all the civets I found photos of are cute, but that one's my favorite.
And speaking of kopi luwak, here's the dude who made it world-famous on how the animals involved in it's production are now treated (which is horribly)
I feel like no wildlife post is complete without a way to help, so here is an organization in India which helps various species-- including civets and (to a lesser extent because they being endangered makes them rare) pangolins (although generally not Sunda Pangolins, as India is outside their native range), and has a 100% rating on Charity Navigator:
I had wanted to find organizations specifically focused on Sunda Pangolin conservation and on the welfare of civets in coffee production, but didn't have much luck. But that's ok, I really like the type of work that Wildlife SOS does.
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elementalgod-aj · 1 year
Anthro Allies Remastered (Part 5)
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Part Three Of Mammals
Vaughan (Solenodon)
Piniqua (Hedgehog)
Gymmy (Moonrat)
Enki (Mole)
Rapid (Shrew)
Dazzle (Desman)
Wisteria (Pallid Bat)
Maurice (Golden Crowned Flying Fox)
Layers (Giant Pangolin)
Towana (Tree Pangolin)
Havak (Dire Wolf)
Zerdaunki (Fox/Tanuki)
Mapuche (Maned Wolf/Short Eared Dog)
Debby (Small Dog Hybrid)
Farrah (Bear)
Kiala (Spectacled Bear/Panda)
Quigley (Fur Seal/Sea Lion)
Poppy (Seal Hybrid)
Brian (Walrus)
Ursula (Elephant Seal)
Rogue (Red Panda)
Zixi (Skunks)
Dacoit (Procyon Hybrid)
Chiraz (Grison)
Yeast (Weasel)
Vega (Ferret/Mink/Ermine)
Everett (Guloninae hybrid)
Ratel (Honey badger)
Warren (badger)
Stream (Otter)
Zimiri (Lyoki Cat/Panther)
Kenzo (Tiger/Lion)
Rhonda (Lynx/Maine coon)
Guy (Black Footed Cat)
Lynn (Asiatic Linsang)
Musang (African Palm Civet)
Feral (Spotted Hyena)
Zag (Striped Hyena)
Zig (Brown Hyena)
Mounda (Aardwolf)
Sleek (Slender Mongoose)
Nimble (Yellow Mongoose)
Trixie (Meerkat)
Chaz (Kusimanse)
Cosima (Fossa)
Erik (Ring Tailed Vontsira)
Dvita (Falanouc)
Alan (Oyan)
Percy Civet/Genet)
Kernal (Binturong)
(For More Information About The Earthdemons, Neo demons, The Anthro allies , the O'Kong family and more of theses characters as well as updates please visit the @the-earthdemon-hub for more)
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feliniakattus · 1 year
Species Card: The Lycavet
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The Lycavet.
African Palm Civet and African Painted Dog.
Slowly being domesticated by Claw Kattii
Bond strongly with one carer
Used primarily for hunting and scrap removal, but also occasionally used to raise Kattus cubs with no nursing parents
They display the complex patterns of an African Painted Dog.
Naturally very social
A litter of Kattii and a litter of Lycavets are often raised together, with companions choosing each other as they grow
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animal71154 · 1 year
okokok i wanna make a list of interesting animals that i like and some of which i have trouble remembering sometimes. i will edit this over time. ok. i thought we would be able to do readmores on mobile by now but apparently not. ok (i also always forget the word reconcile so that can be here too)
MARSUPIALS common brushtail possum, quoll, tasmanian devil, thylacine, cuscus (common spotted cuscus, sulawesi bear cuscus, silky cuscus), opossum (white-eared opossum, four-eyed opossum, yapok/water opossum), tree kangaroo, glider (greater glider, yellow-bellied glider)
RODENTS rat, mouse, nutria, Gambian pouched rat, capybara, Brazilian porcupine, jerboa (long-eared jerboa), chinchilla, vizcacha
MUSTELIDS ferret, weasel, stoat, marten (yellow-throated marten), skunk (spotted skunk), mink, greater hog badger
PRIMATES tarsier, aye aye, ring tailed lemur, japanese macaque, gelada, marmoset (pygmy marmoset), capuchin, spider monkey (red-faced spider monkey), howler monkey, white-faced saki
VIVERRIDS binturong, civet (owston's palm civet, African civet, banded palm civet), linsang, genet
PROCYONIDS kinkajou, coati, ringtail/cacomistle, raccoon
HOGS wild boar (really been enjoying these lately) , red river hog, pygmy hog
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FELINES margay, rusty-spotted cat, black-footed cat, asiatic golden cat, bornean bay cat, little spotted cat/oncilla, jaguarundi, sandcat, lynx, bobcat, caracal, serval, fishing cat, pallas' cat
ANTEATERS tamandua, giant anteater, silky anteater, pangolin
LAPINES rabbit (flemish giant rabbit, sumatran striped rabbit, Netherland dwarf broken chocolate colour (someone said i would be this if i was a bunny)), hare
OTHER MAMMALS fossa, mongoose (yellow mongoose, common slender mongoose), elephant shrew (black and rufous elephant shrew), treeshrew, colugo, spotted hyena, antelope (oryx, roan antelope), honduran white bat
FISH eel (New Zealand longfin eel, moray eel, gulper eel), black ghost knife fish
ARACHNIDS jumping spider, house spider, daddy long legs, huntsman spider, tarantula, camel spider, tailless whip scorpion, horseshoe crab
OTHER INVERTEBRATES snail (giant African snail), slug, slater/pill bug, isopod, praying mantis, bee (honeybee, bumble bee), moth, millipede, centipede, earwig, beetle, sand hopper
ok now im tired and im going to go to bed. i will readmore this tomorrow when im on the computer maybe. goodnight
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oaresearchpaper · 4 months
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Current old map:
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(Bering land bridge will actually be disconnected in the updated map.)
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*Africa and Eurasia are now connected.
*The Americas are now separated at Panama.
*Australia has connected to New Guinea and nearly touches Indonesia.
4 separate continents and 1 pseudo-supercontinent.
Arctic faunal interchange:
Fowl, Raptors, Passerines, Auks, Loons, Amphibians, Rodents, Mustelids, Cats, Canids, Deer, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Horses
African-Malagasy faunal migration:
Fowl, Hornbills, Storks, Raptors, Passerines, Crocodiles, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles, Amphibians, Bats
Afro-Eurasian faunal interchange:
Ostriches, Fowl, Hornbills, Storks, Raptors, Passerines, Pigeons, Horses, Deer, Boar, Cats, Canids, Viverrids, Hyrax, Macaque, Bats
Indes-Australian faunal interchange:
Lizards, Snakes, Amphibians, Ratites, Hornbills, Parrots, Raptors, Pigeons, Passerines, Kingfishers, Dasyurid marsupials, Kangaroos, Cuscus, Pigs, Chevrotain, Stink badger, Palm civet, Bats, Rakali
Austro-Zealandia faunal migration:
Lizards, Amphibians, Parrots, Raptors, Passerines, Bats
Zealandia-Antarctic faunal migration:
Parrots, Swallows
Patagonian-Antarctic faunal migration:
Tinimou, Geese, Vultures, Caracara, Egrets, Shorebirds, Swifts, Bats, Trout
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warcrimesimulator · 6 months
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Misc carnivorans. There's a lot of hyenas I want, I do intend to actively collect hyenas, but as of right now I just have two and tbh I can hardly even count the Lion Guard hyena as part of my collection lmao
Also viverrids but that might be an easy collection to knock out because there are so few viverrid figurines. There's a store online that sells literally all of the Play Visions viverrids and the large Nayab genet (which I actually used to have, idk what happened to it) so those are all accessible to me. Collecta African civet is also easy to find. Other Nayab figures (a few otter civets, a masked palm civet, and the extra large genet) will be a struggle to find tho.
Aside from that I only actively collect non-otter mustelids and as you can see I have quite a few martens (with a Kaiyodo marten color variant and the Schleich beech marten on their way)
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This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
This week we’re going to find you a new friend that will love you and listen to you all you need. That’s right, we’re getting you.. A PET! Let’s get to picking… and may the best pet WIN!
You’re getting the Prehensile-Tailed Porcupine. Originally from Central and South America, they are large rodents with an odor reminiscent of human BO… meaning if you carry it with you you’ll have plausible deniability. This week… lose the Axe Body Spray.
Hey, everybody else? Don’t laugh. Because Taurus is getting a Dik Dik! It’s a tiny antelope species that have been kept as pets in the past, being sold at a hefty $6000 price tag. This week start planning for what you’ll be feeding your Dik Dik… because you’ll have to explain to the PetSmart Employees that you're NOT being lewd.
Get your passport in order because your pet will be the Raccoon Dog. Also called Tanuki, this has an uncanny resemblance to a typical raccoon, but it’s a canid from East Asia. They are one of the few federally banned species in the United States, but they are often kept in Europe. So this week, find the German Consulate and apply for a visa. 
Cancer Moon-Child 
Your animal will be… the Hyrax. Resembling a marmot or some other common rodent, the hyrax is the closest living relative to elephants and fairly related to manatees. At 70cm and 5kg, it’s the closest thing to a Vaporeon you’ll ever own. Do your own jokes.
Honestly, your pet is going to be one of the most symbiotic relationships on this list. You’re getting the Asian Palm Civet. Yes, THAT Coffee-Enhancing Civet. Fortunately for you and your coffee habit It’s about the size of a house cat. This week… we’re putting you on Decaf. NO! You are NOT allowed to appeal this punishment. You EARNED this one!
Your desire to be Unique plays out again - your pet will be… the Jerboa. Imagine if you took a kangaroo, crossed it with a mouse, and… well, that’s about it, really. They’re cute, all-but impossible to find in the Americas, and bounce around like no one is looking. This week mix and match things you normally wouldn’t. Like, say… Your Socks!
Get some clay. Make the head of a fox with it. Now pull those ears up more… MORE! There’s your pet: the Bat-Eared Fox. This African fox will help you with your gardening because it’s an insectivore. This week… actually START that garden you’ve been meaning to for the whole winter. 
Your sick sense of humour is bringing you a pet in the form of a Tennessee fainting goat. The adorable, inquisitive, teachable little cutie who, when startled, turns into a goat-shaped mannequin. You want to stop that fainting for a while? Stop giving it water for a couple days. This week, YOU try going three days without water and see how YOU feel first!
Not the most exotic pet, but you’ll get one of the cutest: the Chinchilla. On the bright side, they’re pretty docile. On the bad side, they are nocturnal and are most active at night. This week, switch your work schedule around so you can spend quality time with your dust-bath taking friend.
Better be ready for a long-term commitment, because you’re getting a Sugar Glider! Actually, better make that Two. They’re social animals that live upwards of 15 years, and they need to have companionship. This week, learn how to sew a little sugar glider diaper for them. You’re gunna need it.
Proving that we’re not out to get you, your pet will be… the Capybara! These enormous guinea pig relatives are the largest rodents in the world, and have the sweetest temperament. They are semi-aquatic and require a pool of water to swim in. This week, look up pictures of Capybara and see that they literally charm all other animals to like them.
Finally, we have for you… the Muntjac Deer! They are compact enough to live indoors, being about the size of a medium dog, and are pretty intelligent, trainable, and live well with other pets. The Good side is their droppings have very little odor. The Bad side is… their droppings have very little odor. This week TRY to remember that you don’t have The Smartest pet of them all. The vet said to leave the light on at night and lay some newspapers on the floor for it… NOT that it’s reading.
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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allisephemeral · 4 years
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daimashu-adopts · 4 years
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Furry Adoptables 2
African Palm Civet and Bearded Dragon
$15 each or $20 for both
paypal only
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striped-civet · 6 years
by Johannes Pfleiderer 
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the-faunal-frontier · 6 years
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Nandinia binotata - African Palm Civet
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