#affection exposure therapy fr
lavenoon 2 years
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"Enough of that. Now it's your turn." "You know I can't say no to you."
Sometimes you gotta switch from being flustered to flustering, to keep things even <3
Somewhat a companion piece to this
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agentbobr 1 year
I have got request how would the turtles react to their s/o that is meek shy and sweet
this has been in my ask box for so long i am SO sorry- anyways hope you enjoy!! 馃挋
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鈾ワ笍 raph both loves it and hates it, because he would love to help you come out of your shell heheh-
鈾ワ笍 but he also really love when you get shy near others and hide behind him- it's just too cute!
鈾ワ笍 and oh my god. he loves how sweet you are! it counters just how sweet he is and might end in a sweetness competition but it'll probably be one-sided /j
鈾ワ笍 he just wants to coddle you in love so bad! like your so so shy,,, it's adorable! expect to be carried around like royalty
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馃挋 one, how the fuck did you fall for HIM? LEONARDO, the most loud, somewhat annoying, flamboyant bitch of the team? he's the rizzler fr ig 馃檮
馃挋 he's going to give you "exposure therapy" in hopes that you'll be even just a bit less shy
馃挋 he will be babying you. SO HARD. it'll be so annoying tell him to stop please
馃挋 does the most sweet yet nauseating shows of affection just to get you to shy away and hide your face in your hands. he's just a fucking menace
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馃挏 this actually works in donnie's favor, he gets a sweet partner who's shy near others aka doesn't need to go out on huge public dates
馃挏 which works well with his whole turtle thing-
馃挏 also he's just like leo in the way that he'll go out of his way to get you nervous and flustered
馃挏 my boy likes reactions, he's just like leo just he has standards. also you two will be having so many at home dinners with chef mikey lololol
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馃А it works for both of you, pleaase!!!
馃А will make many comments about how he could use you to make his baking even sweeter. goddamn he's smooth- /hj
馃А but also you two somewhat balance eachother out, like ying and yang, the sun and the moon!
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asks open as of 4/29/23 馃挋
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hozaloza 9 months
Cool little predict/scenario (spoilers ig)
What if the group escapes with the help of the Crane group (except Ashlyn ig... she'll be going through some shit with Maverick kind of staying by her side, evil or empathy idk), and each kid is with the Crane Group member who matches them the best: Ashlyn- Maverick
Aiden- Mr. Thomas
Ben- Blondie (that is, if he does get his name drop, btw I'm gonna consider a character having a name mean they are important to the story)
Taylor- Jasmine
Tyler- Ryan
Logan- Alex
And they're all just kinda on the run from the bigger organization. I like to think each kid has different feelings based on who they got with.
Ashlyn is stuck in this strange comatose phase, following phantoms around to figure out how to get out of this sleep. She senses Maverick nearby but can't do much about him. Although, she senses strange calmness every time he's around (He's speaking comforting words to her, hoping she could hear them, and let it be known he's there for her... omg uncle figure y'all?? FOUND FAMILY AU BABY-). Maverick is just sort of sitting by Ashlyn, observing her to see when she'll wake up, wondering why he came to this point in life (redemption arc baby).
Aiden doesn't trust Mr. Thomas at first, refusing to believe he and him are similar. But after some exposure, he finally understands the similarities, and feels seen by the teacher. They do... a lot of stupid shit while on the run (All those poor billboards man). Thomas also has to keep Aiden close to him in case the phantom tries taking control. Although he does treat Aiden to skateboarding and cool events (which they half the time end up having to leave early because Crane members)
Ben is hesitant to talk to Blondie, not wanting to speak to him. But he notices how Blondie doesn't really look like he wants to talk either, but forces himself to so he could communicate important information either way, and starts to slowly communicate with Blondie (with paper). They bond over the fact that they both don't like communicating with their voice, and Blondie thought giving Ben some speech therapy could help him out. He works with him often, while they relax in calming picnic spots or fields.
Taylor literally will refuse to talk to Jasmine the first 3 days, both out of fear and frustration (She probably has PTSD bc of this woman). Jasmine won't force her to talk, simply asking questions that require head nods or shakes. After 4 days, Jasmine gives Taylor a nice little trip to the Mall Of Georgia, seeing if there was a possibility to contact her brother (who was with Ryan) so they could talk after so long. She let her roam a little bit, with a good amount of cash to treat herself. Taylor does some shopping, not really having fun since she was alone, but she overall got a good change of clothes, meaning she didn't have to wear Jasmine's stuff anymore. While exiting from the food court, she stood there for a second, observing a group of friends having a fun time, not having to go through the hell she was in. She pulled the hood over her head, just wishing things could go back to at least the simpler times. However, she was unaware of the fact that a Higher-Up crane was attempting to sneak up on her. But luckily, Jasmine had been driving up the car to the entrance and planning on waiting for Taylor, when she saw this. Without thought, she drove full speed and hit the Crane Member. Taylor was caught off-guard, and realized what had been happening. "Get in!" Jasmine yelled in a panic. Taylor quickly threw her bags inside, closing the door, and Jasmine sped off. [Side note- Some kids who knew Taylor recognized her, and it spread around the school like crazy]
Tyler is straight up being sassy with this man. Insulting his bald ass head (Insults is his coping mechanism fr), and not really cooperating half the time (Phantom is starting to affect him, so). Although, when he is calm, he generally learns about Ryan, and they discuss about their similarities (Like them being both Hispanic, although Ryan is also mixed Vietnamese). He takes Tyler around the state, giving him a little break from the madness, also making sure he has a safe place to be at night for when it hits 12:00am. (He took him fishing once, safe to say he's never doing it again.)
Logan already got along with Alex, so he's just discussing about plans to get back with the group. However, Alex encourages him to take breaks every once in a while, by taking him stargazing on multiple occasions. He also does calming activities with Logan, like touring museums or having nice little snacks by ponds. They also grow close to each other, treating one another like family (FOUND FAMILY AU BABYYY)
Yes, Taylor's was kinda long. I thought of this concept bc of her, let the child have it. Anyways, hope you like this little ramble I had that actually involved all the kids 馃挭馃挭 Bye bye (Prob more coming soon, lmao I'm gonna go insane this hiatus. Red hope you're doing good though, take a break if you need it)
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horsemeatluvr23 5 months
Weighted blanket anon here! I also use a cane on occasion, one of my headcanons is also that Etho uses a cane sometimes! He doesn鈥檛 use it all the time though, as he usually overestimates himself but him and Scar definitely talk about it a lot. I like to project onto Etho heh
- Doc is scared of heights, it鈥檚 not something acknowledged often but he鈥檚 been working through his fear with his friends and has decided to be proud of how far he鈥檚 come with this fear rather than be ashamed of it.
- Etho鈥檚 picky about his face just because, if push comes to shove he doesn鈥檛 really mind who sees his face. However he can鈥檛 help but get a little nervous about it sometimes, he鈥檚 gotten so used to the mask taking it off just feels strange.
- Ren likes to chew things, a LOT. He bites (gently) to show affection too!
- Ren still has his prosthetics from season 8, but he worked with Doc and Cleo to make them hidden, look natural. Being a cyborg is cool and all but he didn鈥檛 really feel like he looked like himself then.
- Jellie is (and always has been) the goddess of everything! She vibes in space and plays pinball with planets and stars sometimes! <33
- (another projection) Tango and Etho both experience tics! Pretty mild for the both of them, but sometimes when they both have a bad tic day they鈥檒l keep setting each other off, and as funny as it can be it does get tiring for them.
projecting onto etho my favourite hobby<3 he has cfs aka myalgic encephalomyelitis... just like me fr
i wonder if doc always building stuff super high in the air is because he's trying to do exposure therapy lmao ... the perimiter made me feel scared even just watching thru a screen
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sreekantseo 2 years
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princesiddie 7 years
kay same link frm earlier but whn he was raised he was forced into work wit little t no pay n yelled @ constantly for "not doing it right" or taken t like a room n beat n yelled @ n ever since thts just fucked him up n he cant stand yelling like if hes in a crowd full o ppl yelling hell shake n just sit down n cry or like puke out of fear n he jus cant stand it so sidon hasta go out with link t places so he cn b there t comfort link whn he sees link getting stressed out bc of the loud people 馃崑
my poor boy :-(( !!!! he ,, hates tht he has to but he p much cnt go out w/o sidon at least nt somewhere where he knows or suspects itll b rly busy n crowded hes been tryin to get better abt it but its so deeply rooted in him tht itd take more thn jst exposure n desensitization (he needs like legit therapy probably) but ! sidons totally fine abt it coz fr one he jst likes bein w link n also he knows how badly he cn b affected by stuff like tht hes seen him go in2 a full blown panic attack more thn once n its ,, never fun ,, but its a lot better whn sidons with him !!! if he starts panicking he cn reach fr sidon to help ground him or to jst calm him down !! :0 or he cn help get him outta there if hes real upset (better thn link wuld b able to if he were by himself n unable to thnk straight)
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