unsunderedphoenix · 1 month
Continued from here
Opsiános sighed, just as exasperated. Take your eye off a creature for five seconds and it was gone. He supposed he really couldn’t complain much given his own creation, that was currently being reviewed was like that. Granted, his spriggans were likely a little more adventurous.
“ Let’s go find your lost creation.” He stated a soft smile on his lips. Best to do it together and have some fun with it.
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pcndaemonium · 4 months
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𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐀 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐄, 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐃𝐀𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐀. Yet they had never spoken to each other. Maybe they had exchanged a glance before, but if they had done so, Athena could hardly remember it. While she doubted he knew who she was, he was a prodigy among them—Master Lahabrea's apprentice and possible successor. Many would have killed for the chance which had been granted to Hephaistos.
Becoming the apprentice of the great Master Lahabrea was considered a great honour, after all. More than the chance, however, Athena was more interested in what exactly had Master Lahabrea prompted to accept him beyond his talent in the art of creation. When he entered the entry hall to the Convocation member's office, the young girl regarded him from behind her mask. How brightly his soul shone.
Fascinating. She leaned forward on the bench, she was sitting on, and strands of silvery white hair cascaded down her shoulders. " Have you been experimenting on the sprites, too, " Athena asked the other, while a mischievous grin lightened her features, as if there was more to the story than she brief glimpse she had allowed him. " You are Hephaistos, yes? "
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minarcana · 2 months
@aetherstorms // mean to him.
Ker is unperturbed, staring down Emet-Selch with his usual inscrutable sort of bemusement. "Would you have asked? Even if you needed my advice desperately, which you do, I doubt you'd ask. I'm simply saving you the trouble by offering it unsolicited."
He realizes that he's largely speaking nonsense, but delivers it with confidence and authority befitting a professor. Ker's own hair is of far too long a length for any rule-abiding Amaurotine to take his advice. "Anyways, you should part it differently. Or something with your bangs. It really is a crime that having your hood down is so frowned upon, but you can at least try to look decent underneath al the boring featureless outfit." Spoken like a true mage who keeps 'forgetting' to put on their mask.
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bladeshowers · 11 months
How do Amara and Evan feel about being the WoL in their respective WoL verses?
Evan kind of stumbled into things and never really saw them going the way they did. She's in it purely for the adventure of everything and to witness cool things other people don't get to. Sometimes the entire thing feels a little constraining to her, but she's happy to be able to help people, even if doesn't necessarily view it as something she has to do. idk. She honestly kind of views it in a very spiderman like way. She has a lot of power and a lot of responsibility to the world. Sometimes it sucks since she can't save everyone and she has to live with that. She just kind of accepts the good and the bad of it all. Evan's come to terms with the fact that she'll never get a break and will probably die doing something heroic and there isn't much she can do to change things. She's content to go with the flow and see where life takes her. Being WoL is very fulfilling to her, even if she does feel like she's more emotionally distanced from those she cares about because of it. Evan doesn't like to burden people, and even though she's more in touch with herself emotionally, she does tend to keep that stuff to herself. And, to be fair, no one really asks her either.
Amara tends to lean towards being resentful of the responsibility and all the weight that gets put on her shoulders. Originally, she definitely leaned into it because it was getting her money, fame, fortune. Then shit started going downhill with the faux assassination and just kept getting worse between people she cared for dying and the increasing amount of pressure on her shoulders. Now, she's kind of stuck in this weird place where she's a hero but doesn't really want it because she doesn't feel like everyone deserves to be saved. Endwalker kind of forced her to accept the intellectual fallacies of her logic given how high the stakes were. (Which is her fascination with Amon explained to some degree.) It also solidified that she - as warrior of light - is bordering on primal status and that could be tipped over the edge one day. Which is frightening to her. She likes the idea of that power but… Ultimately she's stuck walking in Azem's shadow and she hates it. She always wanted to be free of one cast from her family or brother and now she's stuck with a bigger and more grandiose one. Her hatred is offset by her fascination though.
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valiisthea · 1 year
Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
Munday Meme!
Oh so, so, so so many. Most of them can be found under my AUs link on my pinned post, but some new ones recently I've tagged as wishlist or mentioned in passing.
Specifically, there was a modern AU where Clive was kicked out at 18 and moved into a cheap complex owned by Cid. Elwin foght Anabella to let Clive stay but Clive left as to not complicate things. Joshua is sick in this verse. It's pretty much a sandbox!
There was also a medical/ER AU where some 16 charas worked as paramedics, some worked as ER nurses, some were ER doctors.
There's the thread I want to write where someone comes to let Terence have some closure on Dion.
There's the Dion survives mess I wanna write.
And then everything under that AU link.
I freaking LOVE aus more than anything.
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flameinherited · 3 months
@aetherstorms | continued from here [x]
There was almost nothing she would not tell the man who had become a dear friend to her, despite the vast difference in age. By all accounts, he could very well be her own son, she thought to herself while regarding the other Convocation member. Her lips pursed briefly before she revealed to him the nature of the favour she had to ask of him: " Do you remember the reports submitted by Emet-Selch about the anomalies within the aetherial sea? A strange noise coming from below the earth. " At the time, she had not paid much mind to him, Azem had to admit.
" They have grown in intensity since and affect more people now. Not only children with a link to the Underworld. More and more people report of misshaped creations and a loss of control over them. " She turned to the side, averting her gaze as if she was scanning the ground for something invisible to her friend and colleague. Behind her mask, her brows furrowed into a frown. If she had listened to Emet-Selch sooner, perhaps—no, there was no use in dwelling on it.
Before now, it simply had not caught her interest. " I need you to help me search the source of this anomaly before it breaks out and spreads. This falls under Master Lahabrea's jurisdiction, but I have reason to not ask him on this matter. Reasons I cannot disclose for the moment. You have to trust me. "
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sheepwithspecs · 9 months
i hope devs realize that having carvallain and rhoswen show up as starlight npcs doesn't mean they're allowed to skip them at valentione's bc at this point it's tradition--
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spotofmummery · 9 months
Confess Your Secrets to Me and I'll Tell You What You Need to Hear
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The Sun Will Not Set on You
Whatever you are looking for, it can be found. It is waiting for you. This fear has no place in your home. No matter what shape your grief comes in, there will always be a place for you in this world.
-Take Quiz Here-
Tagged by: @aetherstorms (Thank you!)
Tagging: @pinxli @mimble-sparklepudding @roguestly @scholarlostintime @lettersnorth @briar-ffxiv ...and anyone else who wants to try it!
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onegreybun · 28 days
The Captain [Prompt 1, Steer]
You were faring well when last we met, and I pray that fortune continues for you. I’m sure you can imagine the state of everything over here. In the absolute chaos of our endeavors I’ve gone ahead and burdened my shoulders with more responsibility. Though, I would be lying if I said that it was completely unpleasant. I believe I’m starting to understand the appeal you saw in this line of work.
It’s nice to be able to pretend that things are normal every now and then. And all the better to be on the side of employment. As nice as the wages are, it doesn’t need to be said where the real appeal lies. Both sides are quite stable in that balance. So neither you nor anyone else needs to be worried for a while. We’re starting to make headway on the Blue Stone issue. I’ve enlisted more to help and while my confidence for complete success is still low, I’m sure that we’ll be able to make some sort of progress when all is said and done. It’s a lot like the Captain Rhysworn story. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that man in the storm. I told you about that a long time ago. 
Do you remember? It was the day I left the continent of my birthplace and boarded that little crew ship as a stowaway. Five days into the trip, that aetherstorm of wind and water and levin hit. The hull was pierced by debris and flooded the lower levels in a matter of minutes. We tied ourselves with rope to the deck railing and prayed. And we did so for no reason other than it was the best option for survival.
But all those men tied together and crying and clinging to the railing and I was certainly one of them, but the Captain wasn’t. That man was drenched from head to foot in his silken vestments, the feathers that he had proudly plumed in his hat splayed and plastered against his face. His hands were like iron in their vice grip to the helm while his ship fell apart around him. The wind tore the sail into shreds and it came down to cover his face. It draped that man as if it were wrapping wet ham. His hands didn't relent for a second on that wheel. It was like watching the conductor of an ensemble. A mage of the highest caliber weave this spell. He pressed on as though nothing and no one else existed around him.
And yet, no one died that day. Captain Rhysworn’s madness steered us through that storm. The shrill of his screeching laugh was our beacon, and the defiance that raged in those silver eyes was the light on the shore. Hands that slaughtered stars know how many saved us that day. When the storm had quelled long enough for us to breathe again, he then ripped off the piece of the sail, clenched his fists high, and shrieked in declaration of his own divinity. 
I’d like to think that’s what’s in our future, Viv. I think we can learn a lot from that man. Especially his motivations.
All the best,
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reassambled-dragoon · 17 days
12: Quarry
   She was a hunter, and she was tracking her prey through unfamiliar terrain. Not just unfamiliar, but hostile, with massive protrusions of overcharged elemental energies thrusting outwards everywhere she looked. Additionally, there was yet another aetherstorm, a phenomenon the Mor Dhona locals called Gloom, sullying the air and tinting everything purple.
   Everything made her teeth feel like she was biting down on a live wire. It was painful, but she had lived through far worse. And she still had her quarry to find, and a reputation to uphold. 
   Stasia knelt down to inspect a scuffed stone. The faintest trace of a boot could be seen: too large to be hers or Alisaie’s, too small to belong to Storm or Star. In fact, the trace looked about right for a human. Hyur. At this moment, focused on the hunt, Stasia did not give a damn about the distinction.
   She focused for a moment and made a tiny gesture, drawing on the ambient magics swirling around her. In a heartbeat, she became well-nigh invisible and eerily silent, her glowing eyes also dimmed. She slipped past Saint Coinach's Find unseen, then climbed to a rocky perch and studied the researchers.
   No. Her prey wasn't among them.
   Stasia moved on, patient and focused. She found another trace, this one backtracking slightly. With a flick of an ear, she ghosted along the rocky trail, her senses alert. The crystal formations became flame-hued, and the air audibly crackled and hummed, making her skin crawl. She had to fight to keep from being overwhelmed, and cast about for another trace.
   The hunter found a hint of a path, more like a natural way through the rocks and crystals. The climb made her head throb, but she managed to maintain her stealth spell just long enough to silently stalk up behind the man in white and tap a finger to his temple. Her stealth spell dissipated, revealing a wicked grin. 
   “Hello, Thancred. This round goes to me.”
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unsunderedphoenix · 1 month
Continued from here
Aurora hummed as she looked up at him. The collar that suppressed her powers slowed her healing factor, but did not eliminate it. In the and she would be free of scars. There was also the fact that she would never forgive herself if he died when she could prevent it in some way. If any of them died by this bastards hands really. She also knew her defiance, as small as it was, gave many of the other slaves in the house hope. Hope that something would happen to free them of the Master torture.
“ The beatings do both bother me. Better me then one of you, you are all much easier to kill.” Aurora hummed and gave him her signature soft smile. Even her voice was soft and carried an almost etherial quality to it. But then, her entire presence could be described at that.
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pcndaemonium · 4 months
19, 31!
shipping questions. | @yellowfingcr
-> 19. is there a ship you used to dislike, but now you like?
Not that I can think of, right now. Sometimes I feel like my toxic trait is that once I have an opinion on a ship, I don't change it so easily because it takes a while for me to have an opinion on one. Does that make sense?
-> 31. do you have a favorite memory when it comes to rping a ship?
Okay listen, a few weeks in when I joined the XIV fandom, I met my friend at @.aetherstorms. I found her open starter for Emet-Selch in his tag, I think, and I decided to reply to it with OG!Athena. I don't think either of us intended to ship these two, but in the course of... idk 400 notes on the thread (?), they fell in love, and we started shipping. It was so amazing to see, and I still remember this ship so fondly even though we have dropped it.
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socialpoison · 2 years
The Phyrexian Arc where my ocs are concerned:
-Traenor went on a revenge quest for the friend he thought he lost to Jin-Gitaxias, Endry.
-He enlists Klaus and Andra to help him out.
-Traenor and Klaus went to New Phyrexia and helped the resistance for a bit.
-They investigated Kaldheim, then Kamigawa, where they met Avon, who was investigating consortium leads that led her to Tezzeret's trail.
-They try to follow up on leads that bring them to Elspeth's homeplane, New Capenna. They meet walkers from the Order of Heliud , Lys Ora, Vanya, and Constance. Lys Ora blames Andra for initiating their homeplane's eventual destruction (andra is unaware) and she chases Andra off. Vanya joins the gang.
-They go to Dominaria, after reports of Phyrexians invading. Vanya takes them to the Serran Order of Grace, her order which had been infiltrated by Sleepers. Avon helps root them out, until she accidentally mind melds with a sleeper, and turns against them, nearly destroying them all. Avon is captured and left to recover, though they do manage to save the Order.
Around here, Ellidus is captured and compleated, and the Order's listening post on New Phyrexia now monitors planeswalker travel for New Phyrexia.
-In BRO they meet with the Gatewatch formally. They prepare their homeplanes for invasion. Traenor finally gets his second knighthood.
Around here, after months of the Listening Post being used to stop planeswalkers from messing with Phyrexia, the Order hires a certain Metathran to take it down. Ellidus is punished for losing it, and to try and make up for it, they help augment the Phyrexians' new anti-planeswalker field, with their body as a component.
Also Ora discovers Andra never intended to kick off the growing of Axin's aetherstorm, and would have stopped it if she could. They return to the gang.
-In ONE, the gang go to New Phyrexia to try and run interference for the Planeswalker Strike Team, and achieve a secondary goal, which is to try and find how the Phyrexians are compleating planeswalkers.
But Klaus is separated on arrival and captured. His immunity from Melira is bolstered by some Halo he takes, so he isn't compleated at first. However they do put him into a pod to access his memories and magic. While he's under, he dreams a journey through the layers of Phyrexia, where he sees people he knows being either captured or compleated. He's rescued just before he dies or gets compleated.
Ellidus is probably separated from Realmbreaker, left helpless.
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aetherstorms · 1 year
After thinking about it for a couple of days, I'm putting all my Final Fantasy muses in one convenient place; here! So on top of XIV, there will also be XVI and VII here as well. You can check my muses list for everyone who is making their home here.
So don't be alarmed when you start seeing posts from the other series, I'm still playing 14! This just makes more sense than juggling multiple blogs.
I am also considering changing the name (yes, again) to aetherstorms, since I like it a lot better.
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xanican-exile · 1 year
"This world is dying."
A wizened old man stood up from his chair, stacks of papers detailing various experiments, expeditions, and vivisections in front of him, lit by flickering candles. Primitive, but it was all he had at the moment.
"Its death blow dealt over a millennia ago, since then it has limped on, its wound festering and draining its vitality." Slowly, made his way over to an open window where his telescope stood, aiming at Talak. The old man gazed upon the larger of the twin moons and the swirling aetherstorms that yet raged on its surface, their shifting colors visible even to the naked eye. Once those energies has saturated the earth, pure and calm. Now they raged above, violent maelstroms that crashed into each other far away; the result of gods and dragons squabbling like children over this world. And where were they now?
"Gone, lost. Abandoned us after breaking their toy." He turned away from his telescope in disgust and looked down at the land below. To his sight the old leylines ran with streams of magic, filled temporarily by what aether trickled down from the moons above, only to be washed away every day with the rising sun. Once, they had been rivers of light, power that sustained the creation of wonders scarcely imagined today. Not bound to journey of the sun and moons, orphaned far above, but anchored to the earth where it naturally belonged. "They've lost so much, and they don't even know it..."
Even diminished, it was beautiful, thin lines of liquid light rushing and swirling across the ground. He longed to reach out and grab it, to fill himself with its power as he had so many times. The effort would have been futile, in his current state only the merest trickle would answer his call. He had wasted far too many nights over the centuries trying for more. Perhaps I am dying a slow death as well.
The thought made the old man shake his head. No, no he could not allow himself to die. Not with so much still to be done. Works unfinished, plans to set in motion.
He would not abandon this world as its gods had
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valiisthea · 1 year
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Jess! But I've taken an affinity to being called 'Diehards' (a play on my twitch username).
Age group: Erm...old lol. I'm 32.
Pronouns: She/her
Favorite color: green or blue, don't make me choose.
Favorite food: ugh, pasta. Particularly alfredo pasta. Im an alfred-hoe.
Tattoos/piercings?: Mhm, I have six tattoos (both shoulders, forearm, wrist, foot, chest/over my heart) and then 11 piercings (5 in right ear, 4 in left ear, septum, right nostril).
Current song stuck in your head?: Actually, none. BUT. Yesterday it was "all the things she said" by Tatu LOL.
Pets?: OH boyyyy. Five cats, 3 dogs, and a mouse. Yes a pet mouse, not a house mouse lmao.
Favorite book?: Sheesh, In The Heart of The Sea or The Martian.
Do you have a 'prized possession'?: yeaaah. My uncle passed away when I was 5, he gave me this silly little robot toy when I was maybe 2? It's in the barn right now, but I'll never get rid of it. My dad appreciates it too. That was his little brother and one of the only physical things we've got left of him.
Dream job: ok don't laugh at me, but I've wanted to be a paleontologist since I was 5 years old. I'm obsessed with dinosaurs, to the point where I've been caught physically crying looking at bone casts in museums before and taken online classes to learn more about em.
Tea or coffee?: both my friend. Both.
Hobbies: I stream on twitch!! That's really all I do aside from work and RP. Yall can come hang out with me and my twitchfam any time! www.twitch.tv/forthediehards
How long have you been role-playing?: Since I was 18, so 14 years?
Who is your most active muse: Mm, any of the FFXVI ones right now. Most specifically Dion. I've also got a lot of muse for Roche from 7 remake.
Significance behind your url?: hm, well, it just means there's a surplus of hearts. Because I have an assload of muses, and they've all got hearts. So many, many many hearts lol.
Tag some partners!: @lightxrampart @mediciina @pheoniks @sagefired @madrites @carrotsaversion @havfayth @aetherstorms @legendaryplayer @eifri @levinstrike @kihel-sorcas @oifrit @rosfieldj @lightwxrden @creatrix-mea @ofdiamonddust @ultimaleus @holyguardian @rosxrian @waloedrex @waloed-steed @stellarisen @poeticphoenix @spiras-summoner @txnichtgut @diions @ofdragonslight @firevow @wingedturmoil @tsckcyomi @knightxvowed @swerte @owyrmtail @gillionaires @of-mythos @wyvern-flames @oultima @floscaedis @rosfeild @eikonshiva @poppydedicant @yinjiyang @inproelia @ifritmade @lionheartedscout @equescaeli @adenial @phoenix-flamed @flamesofrebirths
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