tsunael · 7 months
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screenshot meme | accepting!!
Send 🌱 to see them in an outfit they might have worn at the beginning of their story.
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sealrock · 6 months
send LOST for a scene from my muse's past in which they felt lost, literally or figuratively
ask meme (closed)
(ty for the ask @aethergazing!)
Evander adjusted the wide-brimmed sunhat around his head for the umpteenth time this hour—it was much too big for the boy, on top of being itchy as the straw poked at his scalp. Despite his discomfort, Evander's mother wished to protect the crowns of her children from the noonday summer sun that baked the lands across Thanalan. While the streets of the Sapphire Avenue Exchange were covered with richly decorated tapestries to block out the overwhelming sunrays, the heat was inescapable thanks to the choking amount of people stuffed in the thoroughfare. Evander gripped Patroclus' stuffed tapir close to his chest—not that he was afraid, mind you, he's too old for that—he just didn't want someone to come up and snatch it, for that would mean excessive crying and temper tantrums.
Merchants hollered out their wares at slashed prices from every angle, city criers screamed louder than the merchants about the latest scandal, and carts of imported goods sluggishly made their way through the crowd of wealthy men and impeccably tailored women. Evander never liked coming here because of the crowds, for one could easily get lost if they weren't careful. But today, he and his younger brother Patroclus were pushed out of the house by his mother so that she could prepare his stepfather's nameday dinner. It happened to be one of the rare occasions that they left the safety of the manor without their parents, especially on a day like today. Evander felt well enough to venture out, but that didn't mean he wanted to. He had a mind to fake being sick but decided against it. He outright refused to wear matching outfits with his brother, however. He could dress himself just fine. 
The boys' nanny, Nanaqo Naqo, an otherwise absentminded Lalafellian woman, had her hands full this day as she triple-checked her list of to-do's while keeping her round ruby eyes on her young charges. She kept Evander flanked on her left and Patroclus on her right. Patroclus dutifully held onto Nanaqo's apron strings as he took in the sights and sounds of the thoroughfare with rapt interest, his green eyes sparkling with amazement. The young lad, no taller than Nanaqo and just four winters old, was dressed in light fabric of the finest quality—akin to a little sailor, with a sunhat similar to his elder brother, his thumb hooked in his mouth the whole while. Their mother thought it was adorable, but it was a habit their grandfather tended to frown upon. Evander skinned his nose up at the display, something he learned from his grandfather. Their mother never attempted to 'fix the issue' as his grandfather complained about. She and Evander's stepfather encouraged and enabled Patroclus to never grow up.
Patroclus and Evander may be brothers, but they share nothing in common. Patroclus was too immature to be on Evander's level of intellect, even if Evander had a five-year headstart. Most of Evander's tomes and journals were tarnished by Patroclus' impish desire to scribble on the pages. Before that, Patroclus would chew on the bindings or rip out the parchment as an infant whenever Evander attempted to bond with him. His mother dismissed Evander's frustration by buying him more books; she would offer hollow comfort in saying Patroclus didn't mean it. He was still a baby, after all.
Babies are no longer babies past the first year of life: Evander learned that from his treasured medical textbook, something he keeps out of Patroclus' reach with his grubby hands. Perhaps the material was too advanced for Patroclus; not everyone could be a (self-proclaimed) prodigy like Evander.
Evander blinked and allowed his eyes to refocus. With his head turned downward, Evander landed on his exposed toes between bejeweled sandals, the lavender tapir squeezed between his arms. Nanaqo never noticed the boy's ruminating as she agonized over fresh produce for what felt like half a day. But she was so preoccupied with her shopping list that she failed to realize Patroclus was missing.
Patroclus was missing.
Evander had a few ilms on the woman to see over her yellow hair, his eyes quickly scanning the area for a familiar sunhat. Patroclus was nowhere to be found.
Evander wanted to say something, but the words never came out. His attempts to silently grab his nanny's attention went unanswered with an irritated wave of her hand. He could see it now: his mother practically inconsolable with grief at the news of her youngest son's disappearance, and his stepfather's wish to turn the city inside-out for his only son. The family would be beside themselves, all while ignoring Evander.
With no other recourse, Evander swallowed down his nerves and snuck away into the crowd. When he wasn't weak from illness, Evander took to studying various atlases and the city's layout, so he had landmarks to guide him back to Nanaqo once he found his wayward brother. He shuffled between tall bodies, hoping not to be stepped on, as he weaved through the busy street. He kept his eyes forward and ears strained for any wailing calls for their mother, but Evander quickly became disorientated over the overwhelming amount of sounds.
Evander got knocked onto his back by a speeding courier, his sunhat tumbling to the cobblestone road. He fell right into an exposed spot of sunlight, the harsh light blinding him. He never let go of the stuffed tapir, however. It was the only thing that kept him anchored, and as childish as it sounded, its comforting presence kept him from crying. He's too old to cry, stony words his stepfather would tell him. No one was around to help him, so Evander had to toughen up.
Shaking off the dizziness, Evander brushed off his dirt-stained clothes and placed the sunhat back on his head. He walked a far distance away, and he still hadn't seen Patroclus. The Sapphire Avenue Exchange was a straight road, but it had many exits to alleyways and hidden corners that any mischievous four-year-old could hide in. Patroclus could be anywhere. The boy dipped into a random alley to escape the din of noise, only to land in a completely different world.
The alley was dark, dirty, and smelled of something foul. The sun wouldn't cast its light here. Evander got strange looks as he walked past adults with nothing better to do than loiter. His pace quickened when he saw, or thought he saw, someone brandish a weapon against a man he was arguing with. Feeling unsafe, Evander stepped back onto the main road and became swallowed once more by the hungering crowd. He was now further down the thoroughfare, in an area he wasn't familiar with. Evander felt anxiety settle in his stomach as he continued to walk, overcome with trembles. It had occurred to Evander that, maybe, he didn't know the streets of Ul'dah as well as he believed.
Evander was lost, and there was no one around to help him. Evander found a shaded spot to sulk in as he watched hundreds of faces pass him by without a second thought. The excursion left his belly griping for food—he would starve here. Evander curled into himself and let his eyes fall shut.
Surely, Evander's mother would mourn him. His aunt Cassandra would've seen this coming thanks to her 'predictions,' not that anyone believed her. The bad men would take him, especially the ones spoken about in the morning newspaper. He would read about missing persons and tales of how they were snatched up by Amalj'aa, fresh sacrifices for their god. That terrified Evander more than anything in the world. His whole life was ahead of him. He was too young to die, not now—
Evander jumped up, wild eyes spotting a red-faced Patroclus on the other side of the street. His sunhat was missing, leaving his fluffy head of pitch-black hair uncovered to the afternoon sun. He appeared to have been crying... as per usual.
Disregarding Nanaqo's rule of looking both ways, Patroclus ran to him on wobbly legs and outstretched hands. He crashed into Evander's skinny body before letting out a tired wail, snot and drool straining Evander's sweaty shirt. Evander finally dropped the tapir to hold his younger brother, shaking and unable to form words.
"I want mama, I–I want mama and papa!" Patroclus cried, heaving sobs soon catching the attention of unbeknownst pedestrians. Evander felt annoyance rise once the shock wore off. With care, Evander pulled Patroclus away to look him in the eye:
"You idiot! Where did you go? You know you shouldn't wander off like that!"
Patroclus' cries lowered to whimpers, his freckled face stained with tears, "I–I wanted a candied apple 'cause Nana said I would get one, but then I got lost..."
So that's what happened. Nanaqo took too long weighing literal apples and oranges, and Patroclus grew impatient. Evander huffed out a breath and handed the toy to his brother to hold. Patroclus grabbed it before wiping his runny nose against the fabric. Evander rolled his eyes before rising to his feet. He tried to smooth down his brother's hair like their mother would, but his fingers were too calloused from holding books all day. He didn't have the same loving touch as she did. He cringed as he used his handkerchief to wipe away the drying snot, a gentle motion he would catch his stepfather do, but Evander was too rough. Patroclus didn't seem too bothered, he stopped crying at least. His eyes were a bit swollen, and his cheeks a tinge of orange, but his breathing grew regulated.
"Where did your hat go?"
"... I don't know..."
Another huff. Patroclus could never keep track of his stuff. At least Evander keeps a log of where his items belong to. Now satisfied, Evander gathered his wits to begin the long trek back to the produce stand. But before he could take a step, a shrill voice reached his ears:
"BOYS! Oh, thank the Traders, you're both safe!"
Nanaqo looked more frazzled than usual as she gathered her skirt to rush over to their spot, her tidy bun slowly coming loose from stress. Sweat clung to her flushed skin, usually pale, from exertion. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates and filled with terror. Evander could only imagine what was going on in her thoughts, how she could've misplaced her employer's grandsons so easily. Guilt washed over Evander for causing her such worry.
"What happened?! Are you hurt?! Did anyone try any funny business with you?"
Evander glanced at Patroclus, who looked at him, "No, Ms. Naqo, we're fine. We, uh... we wanted to–"
"I want a candied apple!"
Evander glared at his brother. Nanaqo let out a long-suffering sigh and shook her head, but she didn't chastise them. She smiled, even. Nanaqo's seemingly infinite amount of patience continued to amaze Evander.
"Yes, yes, it completely slipped my mind. Come along, then, before the hour grows too late, I must return to my duties."
Instinctively, Patroclus grabbed Nanaqo's apron string, his other arm holding onto the stuffed tapir for comfort. Evander grabbed the other end, not that he needed to, but it would ease Nanaqo's frayed nerves some to know he was right behind her. With Nanaqo, the three of them walked through the street with ease.
"Um... Ms. Naqo?"
"Yes, Evander?"
Evander didn't want to ask, but he swallowed his pride.
"Don't tell grandfather about this. Or our parents."
He caught a small smile forming on her lips, "I wouldn't dream of it, dear. As long as you two are safe and sound, I won't say a word."
Evander released a quiet sigh of relief.
"And because you've been such a good lad looking after your brother, I'll get you two candied apples!"
Evander felt a youthful sense of glee come over him, and the question went out of his mouth before he could catch himself:
"The green apples? Covered in caramel?"
"Of course!"
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lavampira · 3 months
20. what is your wol's best quality? what's the thing that they do that really gets stuff done of makes people like them? hard mode: their own perception vs. a friend or partner's perception.
pre-dawntrail wol questions
ty sophie!! 💚
20. what is your wol's best quality? what's the thing that they do that really gets stuff done or makes people like them? hard mode: their own perception vs. a friend or partner's perception.
in her own perception, it’s her protectiveness. she’s so full of compassion for others and would do anything to keep them safe, whether it’s her close loved ones or the realm, and people do feel comforted around her because of it.
and people would def agree with that, too, but to others who know her well, it’s also her stubborn willingness to see things through and keep her promises, how she always wants to help and never gives up even if the odds are against her.
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zylphiacrowley · 2 months
2. What was the first thing they did when they arrived in Tuliyollal?
Dawntrail WoL/OC ask game!
2. What was the first thing they did when they arrived in Tuliyollal?
Uhhh if you don't want to click through tho, X'vahl got sick and threw up in the harbor in front of his "what-are-we" person, Erenville. It was not his most shining moment. In fact he considered perhaps just throwing his whole self into the harbor as well (which is saying a lot considering he is a giant thalassaphobe).
Thank you for the ask! ~♥ :3
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sileniadream · 5 months
send CHANGED for a scene from my muse's past that represented a turning point in their life
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The day had been quite long and the sun was slowly setting in the shabby house she’d take as her shelter since few months. Having spent days in the Gubal library these past days, Lyreis had many books to read to free her head from the growing guilt building inside her mind. Leaving wasn’t an easy choice. Staying would have been even harder if she was honest. But she couldn’t keep going on as it was. And so she decided to hide away for a time, how long she hasn’t decided, and to maybe find answers to her many questions. In the ruins of Old Sharlayan she found a place to stay that standed still beneath the many houses left as they were. She could protect herself from the few monsters around, and find food and herbs to keep on going. The library, that she sneaked in with the blessing of Master Matoya, was her source of knowledge, countless hours of research to know. Know if she was human. Thordan words kept ringing in her ears even after she ended his life…
Now watching the sun setting off, she tightened her shawl around her shoulders. Not that it was cold, as for once the land was actually having a warm summer, but she always felt a chill when the light disappeared, as she only counted for herself “One more day, and still nothing”. Lyreis wasn’t sure she would find any in her lifetime anyway, but the hope made her keep going. She lost everyone anyway, left for Tataru and Alphinaud, and she didn’t want to lose them too. The hyur couldn’t save anyone close to her heart, misery followed her, or maybe she created it by her presence only, and she preferred to stay away, thinking it would be a good ward to chase death from them. A sigh, and Lyreis decided it was time to sleep. The night would be there soon, and with it the darkest thoughts. Better to be asleep than to think of ending it all. Climbing the stone stairs, she found her bed between piles of books and a few clothes, and got under the cover, to warm her heart more than her body. The heat was getting stronger somehow, but she didn’t think much of it, and let her mind wander, seeking the solace of the unconsciousness.
She was running as fast as she could. Behind her, a dark shade was walking, slowly, a face of desperation barely visible, eyes scared but accusing. A monster. A monster. It was her face. Her eyes. Her voice saying those words. “It is what you are. You cannot escape.” But still she was running, trying her best to get away from herself, from the dark presence inside of her.
Lyreis was now awake, in the middle of the night. Her eyes had difficulty finding focus in the dark, and her heart rate to calm down. Her breath was short, locked in her throat, but soon a breeze broke off the nightmare that was still playing in her mind. A window that wasn’t tightly shut was making noise and forced her to rise from her bed. It was better anyway than staying in it and having the nightmare coming back again. Stepping down, she latched the window, and looked around. Nothing was missing or moving. It was just her that didn’t do her job correctly for once. Slowly making her way to the kitchen, she stumbled a bit but finally got to the bottles on the table. She needed something to calm her down, to numb her mind, and she remembered a few potions she found in Gubal would do the trick. But it was the night, and there wasn’t much light to show her the labels on the bottles. It was already too late to read any of them anyway, as she chugged the one in her hand down as fast as she could. Going back to her bed, Lyreis didn’t feel anything special, and went back to sleep, only wondering what she’d do the next day, if there was anything to do anyway.
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Waking up was harder than usual. Nesting in her cover, Lyreis didn’t feel like opening her eyes. The sound of birds chirping outside was louder than usual, and she put her pillow on top of her ears to make it go away. But it felt a bit strange. Her ears didn’t seem to encounter the pillow. It was as if they weren’t there anymore. “Not there… ?” Surely she was still half-asleep and that thought was utterly stupid, but she opened her eyes with a sudden apprehension. The cover fell from her as she sat on her bed. The light coming from behind the curtain hurted her eyes a bit, and her left hand touched something made of fur, which moved in surprise as she reacted to it. Lyreis looked down, feering a creature had come into her house during the night in the open window and found its way to her bed. It was… long, furry, moving… purple ? The same shade as her hair falling down in front of her gaze. “A tail”. Indeed it was a tail. Hers. Her hands moved slowly toward her head, in a slow realization of what was happening. They didn’t stop at where her ears used to be, but higher, softly touching two appendices that weren’t there yesterday. Her whole body felt different, stranger, a skin a bit too tight. Her vision changed, her senses exacerbated from her new sight, new hearing. Trying to get out of bed and standing felt like climbing the highest mountain. Keeping her balance with a tail was harder than she would have thought. A miqo’te. She turned into a miqo’te during the night, but why ? How ? And then it hitted her : the potion. In her haste, she did something terrible to herself. But, at the same time… No one would recognize her now, right ? Maybe… maybe she could use this change as a way to start her life again…
((thank you @aethergazing !))
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fheythfully · 9 months
blue violet!
blue violet ; a flower for faithfulness .. for a time my muse showed faithfulness to another, and in what circumstance that was.
The first that comes to mind is Satella leaving her home in Sharlayan to follow her aunt to Limsa Lominsa. Her aunt knew full well the struggles and pressures that were put upon young Satella by her mother - her aunt's sister - and when it finally reached a point where the child was about to tip over, her aunt came and offered for Satella to cross the ocean to be with her in Limsa Lominsa. Satella followed her without hesitation, leaving behind the mother she still could not help but love, her studies and the entire culture of Sharlayan. She's never even once regretted this decision.
Thank you for the ask! <3
flower ask meme
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etheirys · 9 months
sending u all the hugs bc i absolutely love your writing and your gposes so so much so your tags made me really happy thANK YOU ♡
AH thank you 🥺!!!! narrative gposes are a difficult form of story telling (i struggle tackling it in this medium) but you've perfectly hit that 'screencap from video / cutscenes' vibe that i really admire. i love what you're doing and can't wait to see more!!!!
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shroudkeeper · 5 months
Lady Kikyo Takahashi
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thank you so much for the tags: @sealrock / @chadhunkler / @thefreelanceangel / @archaiclumina - I appreciate you all thinking of me!
I would like to tag @archaiclumina / @aethergazing / @aethernoise / @ishgard / @fatewalker / @gatheredfates / @houserosaire / @ungrateful-cyborg / @ahollowgrave / @icehearts / @rasenkaikyo / @riftdancing / @avampyone - and anyone else interested, you're tagged by me, love!
Name: Takahashi Kikyo ( formely Miyoshi ) Nicknames: Yugao-hime, Kikyo-dono, Shinigami, Little Kami Age: 25 Springs Nameday: 4th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon Race: Miqo'te ( both Sun and Moon ) Gender: Cis female. Orientation: Demiromantic / Demisexual Profession: Teacher of the arts and language, the Shepherd of Souls
—𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔
Hair: Once a light lilac, it has darkened into a rich purple hue. Eyes: Golden Skin: Dark brown Tattoos/scars: A few faded scars from a previous life. Most of the others are not privy to the naked eye.
Parents: Miyoshi Takeo & Miyoshi Ying-Yue ( both deceased ) Siblings: None. Grandparents: Unknown. In-laws and Other: The adopted father is Takahashi Fusanosuke. Clan brothers, adopted from vassals, Kurosawa Hiroshi and Seito. Pets: Kumo, her father's loyal shiba.
Abilities: Due to her over-abundance of dark aether and her connection to the yomi, Kikyo utilizes umbrakinesis to manipulate darkness to her will, further amplified by the use of 离别钩 ( The Parting Hook ) which is a scythe that only her hands can wield, due to its ability to draw the life force from anyone who comes in contact with it, she is burdened with carrying this tool of death; the devourer of life. Though Kikyo is mostly seen with that weapon, she is also trained in the art of iaido from Hayate, a master swordsman in iaijutsu, however, it is on rare occasions that Kikyo is seen carrying her beloved swords. Hobbies: Playing her variety of instruments, painting, pressing flowers, volunteering, and making wagashi.
Most Positive Trait: Unfaltering kindness. Most Negative Trait: Self-sacrificing.
Colors: Red, purple, and white. Smells: Incense, pine trees, flowers, freshly brewed tea, and salt from the sea. Textures: Silk, bamboo, grass, snow, ash. Drinks: Tea ( green, barley, oolong )
—𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔
Smokes: No. Drinks: On certain occasions, Kikyo would partake in sake or plum wine. Drugs: Never. Mount Issuance: She once had a horse-bird when traveling in Gridania, however, while in the East, Kumo wears a charm that allows him to grow in size and offer reprieve when she needs to travel far. Been Arrested: She was detained by the occupation of Garleans, who invaded her village, for sheltering refugees seeking safe passage, and previously due to practicing her faith openly.
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iona-xiv · 8 months
I was tagged for WIP Wednesday @aethermimic (Thank you! )
I'm currently crafting the backstory and (modded) attire for my husband's latest character. It's amusing how he 'borrowed' my character Rue's (Ruewena) name for her—seems he's quite the admirer of my Au Ra girl.
a new AU in the Dawntrail setting, this character is a daring sky pirate with plans to abduct Iona and adventure ensues.
It feels very Ghibli (castle in the sky) to me haha. There will be lots of laughs and tenderness with his character.
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Tagging : @vivalatora, @chadhunkler, @mai-takeda, @marilyn-maeve, @odyssiaquinlan, @wyattsminne, @thewarfist, @zhauric, @sarnai-dagra, @aethergazing, @ishgardmuffin, @sie-sharp, @jujuna-ffxiv. @airis-ray, @acutelittlebox, @koijikido, @elfie-kitten, @gravemisstake (and of course anyone else who feels inspired to share! <3)
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tsunael · 2 months
11. What was their initial impression of Sphene? How did this change as the story progressed?
Dawntrail OC Questions | accepting!
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Obvious Dawntrail spoilers below.
The same as Wuk Lamat at first, though certainly not as trusting. I think there was a time where Tsuna believed in the innate goodness of all people, but since coming to Eorzea-- Ishgard especially-- her cynicism has only ever grown. I think she's on the way to healing though-- that was what 6.1+ was meant to be for her.
Learning that Sphene was some sort of man-made construct or artificial intelligence though is difficult for her to wrap her head around. She has never cared for magitek, or even technology in general since she's somewhat of a traditionalist. Sphene's feelings, however, were universal no matter the manner in which they were conveyed.
I think Tsuna's fatal flaw is that she's still a pacifist due to her upbringing. It's purposeful that she's a huge hypocrite. So the desire to keep the dead alive is something they share. Not that I consider her a canon alchemist, but the lvl quests inspired her story a lot in that she (accidentally) pumps so much aether / white magic into Haurchefant's corpse that he fails to decompose even still.
So when Severian asks the wol and says this...
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It really brings to mind Living Memory, and the Aitiascope.
So I believe Tsuna saw Sphene as a relatable and obviously tragic figure, surely. Maybe even a reflection of herself if she continues down the path of trying to hold onto things that have already left her.
Some minor canon bending tho... she would not have participated in the play, or shut down any of the areas. Honestly, most of the events that happen I don't think she participated in. Much like Erenville, I think she would have been extremely aloof during the entire stay there.
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sealrock · 4 months
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon for hector !
ask meme
so... what to say about this. for most of hector's life his personhood was dictated by others; what to say, what to do, what to eat, who to kill. the same held true with what he liked and disliked: he liked the empire, and he disliked anyone who went against the emperor. but since he's been free from the brainwashing and terror, hector can choose whatever he wants to like now, even if he's apprehensive to share them with others
hector likes taking care of plants, as I mentioned in an earlier ask. with his past experience living in the wilderness, hector can identify most plants, fruits, and flowers and cultivate them. paris tends to bring back seeds from various places for him to grow
besides plants, he also likes music. he once owned a hand-me-down piano back at home that he would play for him and his father, but they eventually had to sell it for gil/get rid of it since it took up too much space. nowadays, he can visit operas and orchestras with andromache, that's one interest they both share and love
but for dislikes, hector has many, ranging from disliking spiders to coffee to a certain style of art. the major one, however, is he greatly dislikes having others make decisions for him, or not allow him to think for himself. above all, hector hates being viewed as helpless, and he wants to be his own individual without anyone else's input. nothing makes him dig his heels in more than having someone he thinks he can trust believe they know what's best for him—he went through most of his younger life being pushed and pulled around by people in authority. this caused much strife between him and andromache after his rescue from halmarut; both thought they knew what was best for him, but neither stopped to consider what he wanted. everyone around him still views him as an object worth protecting, not someone who can try and protect himself
ty for the ask @aethergazing!
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lavampira · 22 days
HAPPY BDAAAYY!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day !!!! sending you all the looveeeeeee
aaaaa TY sophie!!!! 💚
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zylphiacrowley · 3 months
8 and 11 for the pre-dawntrail questions !!
8. how good is your wol at taking care of their armor/clothes? do they mend them themself? pay to gave it fixed? just change it when it gets old?
Caring for his belongings kind of falls into the survival skills that his dad taught him at an early age. He can mend most things himself unless it's heavy armor (which is part of the reason why he rarely wears heavy armor in the first place). He joined the armorer's guild in hopes of bridging the gap in his knowledge but he's still not like... good at it, but hey, at least he's made far more talented friends in the guild so he can ask them for help.
11. where was your wol during the last calamity? how did it make them feel? did it change their life, and if yes, for better or for worse?
Oh! This one I only just recently started thinking about! That being said, it's very much still an "in-flux" part of his backstory so... subject to change* Anyway, X'vahl was actually in Radz-at-Han at the time and the last calamity is what brought him back to Gridania. It was supposed to just be a pit stop on his way back to Gyr Abania but he ended up getting caught up helping people in the Twelveswood (truth be told he was also dragging his feet back to Gyr Abania since he was trying to figure out how to approach the people he wanted to see there anyway). Ultimately it changed his life for the... alright? He's doing okay now and he wouldn't undo his decisions if he could especially after learning that he wouldn't have found the people he was looking for by then even if he did manage to make it back there.
Thank you for the asks~!
Pre-DT WoL Questions
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nidstiniens · 6 months
Nara Landali
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— B A S I C S
Name: Nara Landali Nicknames: Princess (affectionate), princess (derogatory) Age: 24 Nameday: 11th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon Race: Midlander Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Profession: Warrior of Darkness, Omnicrafter
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: Her natural color is black, but she dyed it blonde after EW. Eyes: Gold. Skin: Warm tan, golden in proper lighting. Tattoos/scars: None, surprisingly enough.
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Alive and well, still living in Thavnair. Siblings: None, unless you count Samir. Grandparents: Probably exist, but I haven't given them any thought. In-laws and Other: None, unless you count Aymeric. "Oh, that's my Aymeric-in-law." Pets: Buttlet (chocobo), and Otes (amaro).
— S K I L L S
Abilities: DRG/WAR main (prev. RDM/BLM), omnicrafting. Hobbies: Reading, shopping, baking, journaling, training, and decorating her house and apartment.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: Loves deeply and often, empathetic. Most Negative Trait: Self-centered, and impulsive.
— L I K E S
Colors: Black and gold. Smells: Jasmine, sage, vetiver, strawberries, freshly-baked bread, garlic, old libraries, Thavnairian spices (specifically as she strolls the marketplaces), and the ocean. Textures: Anything soft. Drinks: Coffee, water, ale, champagne, wine.
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Maybe if she's super drunk, but otherwise no. Drinks: Definitely a social drinker, has been known to get very drunk at parties. Drugs: Infrequently, and only if the occasion arises. Mount Issuance: Buttlet accompanies her almost anywhere she goes in the field, and Otes does the same when she's on the First. Mostly, she rides a motorcycle (SDS Fenrir) for transportation. Been Arrested: Somehow, never.
Tagged by: @lilbittymonster 🤍 tyyyy! Tagging: @snotsloth @galpalaven @myreia @gatheredfates @grievelle @aethergazing @iona-xiv @birues @ishgard and whoever wants to do it because i'm the worst at taggingggg ~♥️
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icehearts · 7 months
5 Character Associations - Esca
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Tagged by @ishgard @chadhunkler & @sealrock !! Thank you all <3 Tagging: @aethergazing @paintedscales @prudentfolly @spiral-cut @sie-sharp - if you want to, of course! And sorry if I'm tagging you and you've already done this and I missed it aaa--
Blue (like the sky, or a layer of ice)
White (like a cloud, or an unsoiled bandage)
Black (goes with everything)
Silver (quick, like the liquid metal)
Gold (like a pile of gil)
Lavender, mugwort
Medicinal, muddled herbs
Alcohol; not booze, astringent
Damp soil, loam
Parchment, leather-bound books
Silk ribbon (neatly affixed, carefully color-coordinated)
Budding maple wand (nigh useless, but maybe one day)
Field journal (riddled with notes and careful illustrations)
Glass vials (potions and salves, usually)
Modest gil purse (always jingling)
Bright, false smiles
Hands clasped, not in prayer
Composed, ladylike posture
Curious head tilting
Watchful, appraising eyes
Flowers blooming out of season
Half-full goblets of wine
Fingers twined with silk
A tinted view through greenhouse glass
Glittering liquid swirling within a vial
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fheythfully · 3 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Satella Grace Nicknames: Elle, Ellie Age: around 27, still working on my timeline Nameday: 28th sun of the second umbral moon (4.28, we share a birthday) Race: hyur Gender: female Orientation: bisexual Profession: warrior of light, adventurer
— P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C T S
Hair: gold/strawberry blonde, kept long and she switches between having bangs and no bangs. she loves braids and bows. Eyes: light blue. Skin: slightly tanned especially in warmer month, with very faint freckles across her nose and shoulders Tattoos/scars: no tattoos, wip on scars!
— F A M I L Y
Parents: Theodora (mother, of a Sharlayan family able to trace their roots to the Archons) and Nadir (deceased, second son of a wealthy merchant family from Ala Mhigo that is now wiped out and scattered) Siblings: two half-siblings, twins, named Serah and Noel Grandparents: none living who are blood related, but considers her uncle's mother to be the closest she has In-laws and Other: Flora (maternal aunt) who took her in and raised her since she was 10, and her husband, Frederick Pets: Io, her white chocobo
— S K I L L S
Abilities: she's an accomplished and talented mage in both offensive and healing magic; she especially has a penchant for conjury and was secretly granted the robes and crystal of the White Mage right before the start of ARR. She is also being trained as a monk by Lyse. Hobbies: reading (especially romance novels), adventuring, gardening, trying out new food/being a foodie in general
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: courageous, protective, self-assured Most Negative Trait: judgemental, vengeful, secretive
— L I K E S
Colors: soft blue and pink, lavender Smells: honey, lavender, the ocean Textures: silk, linen Drinks: tea, strawberry lemonade
— O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: no Drinks: socially yes Drugs: no Mount Issuance: Io, Fenrir, her Amaro named Somna, a white griffin she named Nyneve Been Arrested: wip but I don't think so.....
Tagged by: @aethergazing and @khaiens thank you! Tagging: @aethernoise @ahollowgrave @iron-sparrow + anyone who'd like to participate!
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