#aether would go fencing and become really fucking good at it
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confused-disaster32 · 1 month ago
First up, Rosalina is such a pretty name?? omg???
Honestly idk if Eloise would/would be able to stop being friends completely with Pen especially if Colin marries her - but they wouldn't be anywhere near as close if Aether was in the picture (or if Rosalina was either) bc yeah Eloise values her brother and his happiness but also like. Aether could die. Bad stuff could happen to her and Rosalina too. And her entire family could get affected by any rumours that follow up - and as much as she'd like to hope that Pen wouldn't do something that drastic (esp if she marries into the Bridgerton family therefore making it so that SHE might also get dragged down) she rlly just can't take the chance no matter how intelligent she thinks/knows Penelope is, so Eloise would definitely become 5x as careful whenever she's around Pen.
As for Rosalina and Eloise, Aether is their BIGGEST supporter - will tell any lie they have to in order to let the two of them get a chance to stay together. Luckily for Rosalina, Aether has plenty of experience having to make up elaborate yet truthful sounding stories in order to deceive people in to believing that they are (literally they had to make one up as soon as their aunt came to their home and told them that they should be out in high society - on that note no, their aunt does NOT know) what they say they are so they help come up with a story which is fool proof enough that when Aether, Eloise and Rosalina come back into Mayfair no one thinks to question them.
Benedict for a while probably would stay in Mayfair cause he's still interested in his art and everyday it seems like some of the people in Mayfair are gonna show him all sorts of hidden parts of their society but he probably comes to visit Aether and Eloise the most and maybe eventually he also goes off to travel to see parts of the world himself (there's so much more art to discover if he opens himself up to it)
Though Aether finds it mildly hilarious whenever Benedict visits and he still hasn't found some sort of partner. They'd be saying whatever the Regency era equivalent of "how are you STILL bitchless my guy?" to him bc it is HILARIOUS to them that they're technically married even though they're not really interested in ANYONE, Eloise is 'married' but also has a proper life partner and Benedict who has supposedly been in the queer scene for longer and has had multiple partners in the past is visiting all by his lonesome. Aether is unsure whether to laugh or to try and help him find someone cause this guy need a muse SO BAD.
And yeah both Eloise and Aether would be the fun aunt/uncle type people, they're bringing back gifts and (child appropriate) stories about their travels and they're genuinely just both pretty good with the kids in general - though sometimes the rest of the Bridgerton's aren't sure how they should feel about it cause there's a possibility Aether WILL teach their sons or daughters to fence or do archery and Eloise is usually very pro them learning this sort of thing because at least this way they're all having equal education of these sorts of things right? Aether is 100% not being biased towards the kids so that's great (the Bridgertons are slightly panicking because WHAT THE FUCK NO DON'T TEACH THAT ONE TO FENCE NO HE'S GONNA HARRASS HIS SIBLINGS STOP THAT)
I wanna make a Bridgerton OC that's a bit of a gender fuck (maybe nb or genderqueer or smth idk) who technically feels disconnected from their birth sex and gender as a whole but rejoins high society parading themselves as a male (cause it makes life easier) and for them to end up in marriage of convenience with Eloise Bridgerton (probably use he and she instead of them - that was purely just for this post.)
#Aethelred 'I'm collecting the queer Bridgertons like Pokemon' Beckworth ladies and gentlemen#they're becoming friends with both of them and absolutely just watching their romantic lives from the sidelines#Rosalina: but how will we hide our love from the ton? surely they will become suspicious eventually? And then we will be in ruin!#Aether 'I've been hiding my identity for years now and the ton thinks im a man' Beckworth': Trust me I've got you COVERED#Aether to Benedict would be like that one Megamind meme that's just him in a 0.5 going “No maidens? 🤨”#they'd have a lot of fun#eloise and aether would be besties#they'd get along with Rosalina too#and none of them would be worried about heirs - esp since Eloise isn't the eldest and most of Aether's fam has passed anyway#so it'll probably all just go to the bridgertons when they pass - considering that they did marry into the family#and they consider that it's partially bridgerton property now too#bro aether and eloise are legit the best#they would have intellectual conversations#joke around a lot#go explore the word#elosie would write her books#aether would go fencing and become really fucking good at it#also may i say i think eloise forgave pen way to fast#thats just me cuz i would've been petty for AT LEAST another two seasons#the inside jokes eloise and aether have with each other??!!#like benedict would just be resigned to it - he has accepted his fate. plus he visits enough that eventually you get conditioned to it#anthony would be vry confused but also yippee? his little sister is seemingly in a happy marriage with a man of good standing?#(cue finding out about Aether's gender and Anthony is just like#why. why can NONE of the people in this family have NORMAL engagements CMON PEOPLE)#eloise is fond of one specific 'man' more then the rest and she's chosen that it'll be this one#i feel like eloise would be hyacinths icon for that#like thats the best bloody prank her sister could think of#<- INDEED
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rivenroad · 5 years ago
In which Prasius meets his end, Ayin’a meets Cassius and Timmy for the first time, and plays a part in Prasius’s rebirth.
It's a crisp, cool morning--grey and gloomy, but the hazy rose light of the sunrise casts the yard in a glow that leaves things feeling rather warm. Intimate, domestic. Dew still dances on the grass, sunrise birds still call in the trees. Still, the wind and the damp cut to the bone. Prasius shivers and clutches his coat around his body as he glances back and shoots a soft, fond glance to Cassius, reading and taking his coffee and cigarette in the yard, for once, while his son explores the stables and makes light, intermittent conversation with Prasius while he works. In this moment of silence, Prasius takes the opportunity to close his eyes, to take a deep breath of the morning air. It's beautiful, he thinks to himself. There's really no other word for it.
Behind him, Hakuuchi's great, hulking, and surly bird clatters its beak, and Prasius rolls his eyes. The creature, he thinks to himself now, quite matches the man. Typically, the right words and the right treats soothe the behemoth enough to make him manageable, but today he seems quite determined to make a nuisance of himself, his head low and his feathers ruffled, strange and bestial sounds rumbling low in his throat.
"So, anyway, I'm going into town later," Timaeus says, clambering half up onto the fence that surrounds the stables so that he might peer over it, then turn around and hang off it as he addresses Prasius. "I need a new pair of shoes. Look," he says, kicking a leg up into the air to demonstrate the area at the toe where the sole is coming away.
Hakuuchi's great, red bird lowers his head even further at that, his eyes trained on Timaeus's legs as he lets out a long, rattling hiss.
"Careful," Prasius laughs. "The bird is having a bad day, it seems." Still, he bends over just a bit to scrutinize, and the motion again draws the great beast's eye. "Hemlock," he warns, and the bird hisses again, beak gaping and tongue lolling. "Come on, now." He tilts his head at the bird, who leans back with great offense taken, his head swerving between Timaeus and Prasius. "Don't be like--" he says, but the bird cuts him off, whirling an about face with such speed and elegance it leaves Prasius momentarily stunned--just enough time for Hemlock to raise a massive, heavy talon and direct it at Prasius's chest. With no time to dodge, or even to consider the thought he could, he is helpless but to take the blow head on, his body driven back and his head cracking against the wood of the stall with a sickening snap. His eyes are already rolled back in his head before he can slump to the ground, no sense in him left but for a great, resounding ringing that fills his mind and then, abruptly, fades out as he lets out one final ragged breath.
"Shit!" Timaeus exclaims as he scrambles down from the fence, trying to dodge the bird to reach Prasius's side. At the sound and sight of the blow Cassius is on his feet, coffee and cigarette left smoking at the table as he assesses the situation in a split second -- Prasius on the ground, Tim's expression of wide-eyed horror, the bird, the sudden unsettling feeling of wrongness -- and strides across the lawn towards the stables in a flash.
"<Tim, watch out!>" he barks, already withdrawing a small concealed pistol from his jacket and aiming it at the bird, trying to assess in that moment whether it remains a threat that must be eliminated.
Hemlock lets out a loud, booming call, a threat and challenge. He rears back, beating his wings furiously, and then lowers his head again with another great, ferocious hiss.
Cassius steadies his aim and advances, shooting twice at the bird as Timaeus flattens himself against the wall of the stables out of the way.
Hemlock takes one in the chest and another in the neck. He crumples easily, all the fight gone out of him just as smooth and sudden as it went with Prasius. The body falls to the ground, knees tucked back and neck curled round as if in repose, a stark contrast to Prasius, who lies broken and bloodied, crumpled like a rag doll tossed aside.
The bird is forgotten almost at once as Cassius sinks to his knees next to Prasius, his gun thumping on the dusty floor. He pulls the man into his arms and puts his hand to his wrist, his neck, though it is immediately, unquestionably clear that there is no more life in him. In some strange and wild fit of desperation he rips open the front of Prasius's shirt and grasps at his chest, as though somehow it might be different.
Timaeus is stunned into inaction for a moment, and then he scrambles forward, leaning down over Prasius and his father, eyes like saucers.
"Is he -- is he--" he says, though there is no need for him to ask. Cassius doesn't respond, gripping Prasius tightly enough for his fingers to turn white.
"Get someone!" he barks suddenly, motion coming back into him all at once, the force of it practically shaking Prasius's body in his arms. Timaeus bolts upright and spins around, almost falling over in his urgency.
"Help!" he yells, cupping his hands to his mouth as he sprints from the stables. "We need a healer! HELP!" He flings open the front door of the Fury's Rest and finds the lobby empty, but he nonetheless shouts inside for good measure before spinning around and running into the street. Cassius barely hears as he holds Prasius's head in his hands, cupping his face, leaning close over him. Instinct tells him that he should do something, anything, that there must be something he can do, and yet -- nothing. His mind runs blank. He slides his hand through Prasius's hair, almost heedless of the blood he gathers and smears across the both of them in doing so.
Across the street, in a small, overgrown but quaint little stone-walled garden, Timaeus's desperate shouts ring through the morning air. The chicken that clucks softly to herself as she wanders, pecking here and there at scattered grain, seems not to care in the slightest. In the middle of the lawn, however, two more sets of ears do take note -- a white ferret, previously wiggling about in the grass, freezes still. The slender ears of a Miqo'te turn in the direction of the street.
"Hey! Hey! Anyone! Anyone know healing?!" Timaeus yells desperately, now standing in the middle of the road outside of the boarding house, still unfamiliar enough with the neighbourhood to not know which way to turn. The Miqo'te, hidden behind trees and wall, puts a hand on one hip and rubs at his eyes with the other. Too early for all this shouting. He sighs and bends down to scoop up the ferret in one hand, holding it in a practised grip designed to keep it from any mischief. He moves over to the gate, and peers out into the road.
"Hey," he calls out, and Timaeus whips around, eyes wild. The man beckons him closer. "What is it?" he asks.
"It's -- the-- the bird --" Timaeus stammers, jabbing a pointing finger behind him towards the stables. "He got kicked by the fucking bird! Fucking broke his neck!"
"Is he dead?" the Miqo'te asks flatly.
"Yeah? No? I-- I don't know!" Timaeus exclaims, frustrated. "Can you do it? Are you a healer? Fucking help him!" The Miqo'te continues to frown at him, looking him up and down in some silent judgment, and Timaeus lurches forward over the gate and grabs him by the shirt. "Are you or not?!" he yells. The Miqo'te leans his head back with a look of distaste that one might give to discovering mold upon food in the pantry.
"Yes, I can do it," he says, exasperated, and unlatches the gate with his free hand. "Show me."
"Thank you!" Timaeus yells, just as angry in tone, running back up the street towards the stables.
"Is the bird loose?" the Miqo'te asks as he follows quickly behind.
"No, it's fucking dead," Timaeus replies. The Miqo'te doesn't question him further, as soon they turn the corner and the stables are within sight. His expression hardens even further into one of grim recognition as he lays eyes upon the fallen body of the bird, and he clicks his tongue quietly.
"Hold this," the Miqo'te says to Timaeus and thrusts the ferret upon him as he breaks into a jog, approaching the hunched figures of Cassius and Prasius. Cassius remains cradling the man in his arms, silent and blank-faced, traces of Prasius's blood smeared variously across the two of them. He looks up at the Miqo'te approaches and crouches down beside him.
"I'm a healer, give him to me," he says, outstretching his arms, but for a moment Cassius clutches the body of Prasius to himself defensively, a thunderous look of possessiveness across his face. Their gazes meet, both intense, and then suddenly Cassius is gripping him instead, leaning in too close, fingers digging painfully into his arm.
"Save him," he commands, his voice giving the barest crack at the end.
"I'm trying," the Miqo'te replies, almost scoffing, as he turns to Prasius's body. In a few quick seconds, his hands graze over the man's head and neck and he begins to focus his aether into action, his eyes falling closed. He reaches out, searching for the man's soul. Only a minute or two has passed, he can tell, but there is no time to waste. Any further would be too far. He clings on. Not your time, he thinks, as he wills the man's life force to collect, to return, to become concentrate once again into this vessel.
For the first time in far too long, Prasius takes a sudden, ragged breath as his body is wracked by a quick yet violent seizure. He blinks rapidly as the world again begins to come into focus, taking in the space around him with flipbook frames that slowly blend into a coherent whole, something he can understand, something familiar, something he knows. With his mind and sight again now in focus, his eyes settle on the Miqo'te who hovers above him. He recoils with a sudden gasp of confusion and horror, and then turns to look to the stables--his last memories, there, still echoed in the blood on the dirt and straw, the dead body of the bird.
"Oh," Prasius says, overcome with a sudden despair. "Hemlock..." He reaches out, his arm still weak and limp.
Cassius clutches at Prasius again, and would have knocked the Miqo'te out of the way had the man not begun to withdraw again a split second ahead of him. Cassius grasps Prasius's face in his hands, his eyes wild as he touches his skin, his hair, his mouth to feel the breath returned to him, breathing a deep sigh of utter relief and joy. Timaeus looks on, stunned and half-distracted by juggling the ferret which seems highly eager to make its escape.
"Fuck me, you did it," he says, clearly highly impressed.
The Miqo'te sits back on his heels, folding his arms, then, leaving them to their moment, he turns to the body of the bird behind them. He crouches down next to it and runs his hand through its feathers, murmuring softly to himself. This would not do. Quietly, he begins the process again of reaching out, feeling for the creature's aether.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years ago
Roleplay Server Log #357
“The Lonely Clown”
[Lie] Is out working in her garden after having tended to her animals-
[Ever] Comes by at a quick lope- Oh hey Lie! You doing okay?
[Lie] - For the most part, my back is getting sore though
[Ever] his little cat ears perk up- oh! That sucks! Here I'll help you. - he hops over the fence- I've got so much energy. This place is amazing. I've been working since dawn and I'm not even tired.  
[Lie] Laughs a little- That's good, and I'm betting Karla's taken advantage of some of that energy too?
[Ever] strokes his tail tip a little and blushes- oh yes. I'm enjoying the new additions too, but it still feels a bit weird to have my tail grabbed.
[Lie] - It may just be a more sensitive part of your body
[Ever] Oh yes! I uh... I came over to get the horses. We should be out of your hair pretty soon- he's harvesting and replanting as they talk-
[Lie] - I don't mind having you guys here at all.  And although he will never admit it, currently it does give CP a little ease of mind having Karla around.  He understands that, not only a man but as a digital entity as well, he has no fucking clue what I'm going through and will go through
[Ever] Just between you me and the garden, Karla is rather fond of Cp. Theres definitely some respect from one professional griefer to another there.
[Lie] - You forgot murderer in there
[Ever] Well.... Yeah. These days i think it's a  more or less a revenge thing rather then a random habit... She gets so frustrated when people treat her poorly right off the bat. Her temper gets the best of her....
[Lie] - For CP it's just a habit
[Ever] She still hasn't been in town, I think she might be af-
[Gk] Hops over the greenhouse with Cp on his back- Husband delivery! Sorry he's still a bit drunk. Hah!
[Ever] Poofy tail-
[CP] - I'm not drunk you idiot!
[Lie] - Thanks GK, I figured he could use a break
[Gk] Just laughs- We had a good time anyway.
[Ever] Is staring at the dragon-
[Lie] - Oh, Ever, I don't think you've been introduced.  This is GK.  GK?  THis is Ever
[Gk] Hey it's a... little cat guy?
[Ever] Gk? That is a big dragon... And so metal! I love the horns.
[Gk] So... hows the bun?
[Lie] - Growing, but my back does start to hurt every once in awhile...
[CP] - Why didn't you tell me?
[Lie] - Because sleeping with my back against you helps it go away
[Gk] Aww, do you just need warm Lie? I could hang around more often. - He minces into the yard and flops down on the cobbles-
[Ever] Sets about finishing Lie's yard work while she's distracted.
[Lie] Laughs a little- Sometimes, but I can't just sit about neglecting my work either
[Gk] Nonsense! I'm here to help. I want to play with the little bundle when they're big enough. - his gaze is slightly abstracted and a thought floats on his mind high enough for Cp and maybe Lie to pick up on. It's a twinge of longing for the little sister he hasn't seen in forever.
[CP] - A sister?
[Gk] Hmm, what?
[Lie] - You have a sister GK?
[Gk] ducks his head - Yeah.... she helped me a lot when I was in my reincarnation cycle...
[Lie] - What was her name?
[Gk] Says it very quietly- Brina...
[CP] - Is she still on your old seed?
[Gk] Scuffs his hooves a little. - No... she had some drug problems... Steffan and Bro actually helped her get clean...
[Lie] - Do you know where she is now?
[Gk] She intervened on my behalf to have me released from the End and then she went to the aethers to live with my stupid asshole of a NOTCH....
[CP] Growls-
[Lie] - Are you sure she's still there?  Maybe she returned to try and look for you?
[Gk] I don't know. But he's basically a god. If she knows where I am, he'll shortly know too. And that could be bad.
[Lie] - Well, I'm sure no matter what, she misses you
[Gk] Puts his chin on the ground - She probably thinks I'm dead.
[CP] - Nah, I think she knows you're still around
[Gk] Why do you say that? Since Jean vanished?
[CP] - Uh, because I have a sibling?  And even before I became glitched I just...  Knew if Stevie was in peril or if he were safe
[Gk] Maybe. I still care about her.
[Lie] - You two are lucky.  My brother was never anything but an ass to me
[Gk] Nobody can fuck you up like family...
[Lie] - I didn't understand for the longest time.  He was jealous...  Jealous that I had a healthy body and he didn't
[Gk] What happened to him Lie?
[Lie] - He was born with very fragile bones, left him confined to a wheelchair.  I never realized how much he hated me until I accidentally broke some of his bones just from trying to hug him
[Ever] Pauses in pulling carrots- Ironic that you're the one who gained a night-indestructible form. Too bad he wasn't nice to you. You could have brought him along.
[Gk] Grumbles, having long ago grudgingly realized the value of being nice to people.
[Lie] - I don't even know if he's still alive
[CP] - Do you even care if he's alive or not?
[Gk] Yeah, he kinda sounds like an ass.
[Ever] Same.
[Lie] - I...  Don't know
[Gk] It's okay to not know.
[Ever] Yeah, I don't care if my asshole dad is alive or dead either. I'm done being told what a dissapointment I am.
[Lie] - I suppose it would just bring back all of the worst memories if I were to find out
[Gk] Then just let it go. You have a family here.
[Lie] - Yeah- She glances down at her belly- And it's just gonna get bigger
[Gk] Yeah. One more Herobrine, and a native with a double dose of genetic derived power. This should be interesting.
[CP] - Jeb probably wakes up terrified of it every night!
[Gk] Eh, she'll likely have her moms nice disposition just to shock everyone.
[Lie] - I wouldn't be so sure, she's already started griefing.  Scared TLOT just by moving
[Gk] Barks out a little gout of fire with a belly laugh- Just didn't want to get my hopes up. That's funny as fuck.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Lie] - Yes, well he was a little more focused on the fact that she currently only has one heart
[Ever] But humans do only have one..?
[Gk] Here humans have ten. But small animals have fewer. The others will likely grow in in time.
[Lie] - Yeah- She winces a little as a twinge goes through her back
[CP] - Lie...
[Gk] Pats the ground with a hoof - Come over here kiddo.
[Lie] Laughs a bit as she gets closer- Technically you could say I'm older than you GK, if we're going by how long the game has been in existance
[Gk] I can call you that if I want. I've lived hundreds of lifetimes. Also. You're small. - He grabs her gently with the tentacles of one wing and sets her down on one of his back legs so she's leaning against his chubby side. He's just as hot as Cp and his scales are small and smooth.
[Lie] Hums happily at the heat-
[Deer] Is enjoying the late afternoon sun out by the koi pond-
[Buff] Comes jogging up looking slightly annoyed- Hey! Are you busy?
[Deer] - Hm?  No, what it?  Is everything alright?
[Buff] Oh good! Here! - He reached behind him and dislodges Lj from the spot where he was clinging to Buff's shirt and plunks him on the ground in front of Deerheart before running away very fast.
[Lj] Gives her a sad look, he's got his box under one arm- I guess he doesn't want to play anymore....
[Deer] - LJ?  What's wrong?  Are you hurt?
[Lj] No just... empty... I didn't want to be by myself. - He's holding the box close like a security blanket- Home is too quiet right now.
[Deer] - Oh LJ, well you know you're always welcome in the castle
[Lj] I was going to ask... Can I do something with you today? Anything is fine.
[Deer] - Well I was planning on making some pies for Yaunfen
[Lj] That would be nice. - He goes quiet and then suddenly gets a rather haunted look- Tell me something. Anything. I need noise!
[Deer] - Uh...  Ummm...  Why?  What's wrong?
[LJ]  I don't want to talk about it. Tell me a story. Please.
[Deer] - What type of story would you like?
[LJ] I don't know! - He looks distressed. - I need to do something.
[Deer] - Alright then, follow me, we can walk and talk- She begins recalling her first memories of being on the server
[LJ] Follows her a bit too closely, listening intently-
[Basil] Is swimming out around the lava fountains and makes a loud bellow-
[Deer] Jumps a little as the noise before shaking her head a little at her own response- Where was I?
[LJ] You were talking about Yaunfen....
[Deer] - Right, when they were born...  I'd never seen Doc so happy- She opens the door to the castle and holds it for LJ
[LJ] Goes inside, his fingers drumming a light tattoo on the box. His question is barely a whisper - how do you stand it...?
[Deer] - How do I stand what?
[LJ] Being alone in your mind?
[Deer] - I wouldn't necessarily say I am.  The first time I truly had my mind to itself, well, it was when Flux had to take over the seed so I wouldn't be reclaimed by it.  My mind is always being filled and churned by everything happening on the seed
[LJ] I'm almost jealous.... This feeling is so... I'd say I was going mad but I've been there done that- he breaks into an uneasy and too- loud laugh that trails off into silence and frightens most of the horses into the back corner of the pen.
[Deer] - It's alright LJ, I've had Aven mention to me that BEN still has panic attacks when he realizes just how quiet his mind has become
[LJ] Extends his arms to give himself a twice over hug- you said something about baking?
[Yaunfen] Comes up from downstairs, worried by the laugh- Um?
[LJ] Can't meet their eyes- Yaunfen...
[Yaunfen] Gives LJ a bit of a hard look. - Mada says you couldn't help yourself. And I got in trouble with Big Fire for not listening. But if you hurt mada again; I'll stomp on you. - They notice Deerheart standing behind him and blink a little before ducking with a guilty look. - Sorry mama...
[LJ] I... I understand...
[Waffles] brushes past Yaunfen and sits next to them on the floor in a regal pose before washing a paw.
[LJ] That's uh... a really unusual cat...
[Yaunfen] Smiles proudly- I did science with mada and we brought them back from a fossil!  
[LJ] Shoots a weirded out look at Deerheart. - A fossil from where? Prehistoric Candyland???
[Deer] - They're been a bit of bleeding between seeds
[Deer] - And Yaunfen, you should know better than to be threatening people
[Yaunfen] But mom... I've seen mada threaten people if they thought they might hurt us.
[LJ] What's wrong with being defensive of your family anyway?
[Deer] - There's a time and a place Yaunfen.  Mada only threatens other when they are currently a threat, note, they never threatened LJ because they knew it was a moment that would pass, because they knew they were talking to a friend who had momentarily lost control
[Yaunfen] Yes mom...
[LJ] there's something to be said for anyone who will defend their kin with all their might. I've seen Slender rescue the other members of our household lots of times. And if it's the SCP... there is no mercy, and generally no survivors.
[Deer] - Exactly, but for now, we have some pies to make
[Yaunfen] What's a SCP?
[Deer] - A very bad group of people who like to capture entities like us and the pasta's
[Yaunfen] Hugs themselves uncertainly- why??? That's terrible!
[Deer] - Because that's how some human's are about things they don't understand.  That's why we have to be careful when we go irl
[LJ] Well... Its not just that... Creepypastas do kill humans... It's a compulsion. The Slenders have no choice. They are apex predators and humans are their prey.
[Yaunfen] But mada goes out all the time! Does that mean they're always in danger of the bad people catching them?
[Deer] - Yes it does, that's one reason why when they're going someplace new they ask Big Fire to go with them
[LJ] Even taking Herobrine it's still risky...
[Deer] - But still safer than if they were alone
[LJ] True. - he takes out a bit of hard candy and instantly has Waffles full attention.
[Waffles] Mow???
[Deer] - Careful, Waffles loves candy
[LJ] heh. Kitty kitty?
[Waffles] Pupils a bit dialted-
[LJ] Waves the candy around as the cats eyes follow it and then flicks it into the horse pen- [Waffles] sails high over the fence and the horses scatter as the huge cat jumps among them, batting the tiny round ball around and then flinging it in the air-
[Deer] - LJ!
[LJ] Snorts and then laughs, just a little, and more genuine and less desperate then before-
[Deer] - That's better sounding
[Yaunfen] Silly cat!
[Waffles] Tosses the candy into their jaws and crunches it up-
[Gir] Stand over the cat and snorts a full snoot of graveyard dust out of its nostrils in annoyance
[Waffles] cat sneeze-
[LJ] Still laughing-
[Deer] - Come on, kitchen is downstairs
[Yaunfen] Whistles for the cat and they follow the others down-
[LJ] snickering quietly -
[Deer] Heads over to the lemon tree and starts harvesting- Yaunfen, why don't you find a record to put in the jukebox
[Yaunfen] Okay. They dig around and puts in one of the ambient C14 tracks- nice and soothing
[LJ] kinda sleepy, you guys really are all about lulling your players into a trance
[Deer] - It helps
[Yaunfen] it's nice, it feels safe. [LJ] meh. I still can't believe this is Herobrines game
[Deer] - If you feel like you need to sleep, then go ahead LJ
[LJ] No! I mean... That's too quiet... I need noise...
[Deer] - We can keep the record playing
[Yaunfen] Oh! I have something noisy! - without thinking they pull out the curly shell and blow into it. There's a moment of pregnant silence and then the room goes entirely black as Basil lays down on the glass above them with a loud aggravated bellow and a baleful eye on them below-
[Deer] - Oh dear...
[Yaunfen] Basil is noisy!
[Basil] Sound like a whale with flatulance.
[LJ] Is just smiling, just a little bit-
[Deer] - He comes whenever Yaunfen blows on the shell
[Yaunfen] Proud smile.
[LJ] Something else prehisoric I presume?
[Deer] - No actually, from the real world
[LJ] How strange.
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loveeari · 1 month ago
i feel like eloise wouldn't really stay friends with pen or even keep in touch with her after she gets "married" to Aether because eloise herself PERSONALLY knows how big the secret it is and could litterally get aether MURDERED and with how pen just airs everyones buisness out when she gets mad especially, she wouldn't stay friends with her.
I also really love the fact that aether has a supportive mama like she would THROW DOWN for her child and honestly I respect that sm tbh especially in that day and age. I would also love if maybe Benedict would take on a male lover or something of that sort and just leave with Eloise and Aether.
OMG Eloise and her Female lover living with Aether can be explained away so easily. Like they could say oh yeah Rosalina (thats her name now) was married and then her husband died unexpectedly and Rosalina could be Aethers best friend or something to that sort which makes them close in a platonic sort of way.
Aether and Eloise would be the fun uncle/aunt and like all there neices and nephews would want to talk to them because they listen and don't judge (sometimes). bro there house wherever they live in mayfair would be such a safe place like no bullshit sociatal expectation is placed on anybody.
I wanna make a Bridgerton OC that's a bit of a gender fuck (maybe nb or genderqueer or smth idk) who technically feels disconnected from their birth sex and gender as a whole but rejoins high society parading themselves as a male (cause it makes life easier) and for them to end up in marriage of convenience with Eloise Bridgerton (probably use he and she instead of them - that was purely just for this post.)
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