#aether revolt promos
mtg-cards-hourly · 6 months
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Yahenni's Expertise
Artist: Jason A. Engle TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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mtg-realm · 8 years
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Magic: the Gathering - FNM Promo Cards
Friday Night Magic (or FNM) is a format of Magic: The Gathering tournaments, held on Friday nights in gaming stores and associations all across the world. These are designed to be a beginner-friendly introduction to organized play.  The promotional cards, provided by Wizards of the Coast as prize support for the FNM Events are foil and feature an alternate art.  Wizards of the Coast announced today the next ‘batch’ of new promos.
2017 Friday Night Promo Cards
1/2017: Noose Constrictor 2/2017: Fortune's Favor 3/2017: Incendiary Flow 4/2017: Servo Exhibtion 5/2017: Unlicensed Disintegration 6/2017: Aether Hub
Of note - June’s FNM promo of Aether Hub is a card THAT DOES NOT SUCK and is actually see play.  Thanks Wizards !
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muliebralmagic · 8 years
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Well, I am delighted.  
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ultwarrior · 6 years
Status: 06/05/2018
Unique cards collected: 14,788 (42.62%)
Sets completed: 12 (Fallen Empires, Apocalypse, Torment, Judgement, Champions of Kamigawa, Ravnica: City of Guilds, Coldsnap, Battle for Zendikar, Oath of the Gatewatch, Kaladesh, Aether Revolt, Hour of Devastation)
Most valuable card: Zendikar Expedition Polluted Delta
Cards added since last update: 92
Interesting cards added since last update: Ancient Tomb (Zendikar Expeditions); Forbid (Amonkhet Invocations), Progenitus (Grand Prix promo)
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eastsidemags · 8 years
Magic Open House Amonkhet
Set to occur the Saturday before Amonkhet Prerelease, this new event encourages casual fun for new players and easy, league-style Standard play with a participation promo reward.
On Saturday, April 15, players of all levels are welcome to come together to learn and play Magic, say farewell to Aether Revolt, and look ahead to the next exciting release—Amonkhet.
New players will be introduced to the game and welcomed into our Magic community with learn-to-play sessions, using the Welcome Decks that will be provided. Veteran players are encouraged to join the fun by bringing a friend or helping to teach new players.
Culminate your day with a casual Standard event that encourages new players to test their new decks and meet the community. Players who bring a friend are rewarded with a promo card! 
Admission is $5 per person
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loreleywrites · 8 years
Command Zone: Consulate Commanders and Renegade Ringleaders
Whether you support the Consulate’s efforts to maintain a safe and secure society or the renegade’s efforts to unshackle aether and innovation from oppressive law, Aether Revolt has new commanders for you. In fact, it has six new commanders: one for each color and colorless.
In case it wasn’t obvious, today’s article is going to break each of these new legendary creatures down. What are they about? What kind of strategies do they enable? How well do they fit into existing decks? Those kinds of things.
Sram I Am
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He loves The LEGO Movie.
Sram, Senior Edificer is all about building things up. Auras, Equipment, and Vehicles are all subtypes that augment your existing creatures. The key to any Sram deck is to have creatures that benefit from these subtypes too.
Thankfully for Sram, mono-White Equipment decks are already well-supported. Between Kemba, Kha Regent and Nahiri, the Lithomancer, these decks have existed for years. Each commander has their own advantages, and Sram’s is raw card advantage. Drawing cards is White’s biggest weakness, and making all of your Equipment spells into cantrips keeps the cards flowing.
Auras are the next best subtype to build around. Sram may only be a 2/2 for two mana, but Auras can quickly turn him into a Voltron threat. The selling point for this style of deck is that White has a bunch of removal spells that are Auras. You don’t need to attach them to your creatures to get the card; Sram is just happy you’re casting Auras at all! When your removal spells can draw into even more removal spells, you’re harnessing real power. There are even Auras that can bounce themselves back to your hand. #Value
I’m not terribly excited at the prospect of building a Vehicle deck around Sram. Depala, Pilot Exemplar hits a lot more of the relevant cards, but Sram is still going into the 99. Depala can help dig to him, and then it’s off to the card-drawing races as you amass more and more Vehicles. Since he’s also a Dwarf, Sram will be at least a 3/3 to crew most of the Vehicles you’ll play.
Bottom of the Baral
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Hooded face? Sword for an arm? Short temper? What a nice guy!
Baral, Chief of Compliance is a self-loathing mage on a plane that has very few mages. I don’t know who taught him his mad skillz, but he’s sure got ‘em.
Obviously, Baral is all about instants and sorceries. Making them all cast one less is better than being a mana dork, as it allows you the discount more than once if you can cast more than one spell a turn. Since Baral only costs two mana, you’re going to get that bonus right away.
As the number one instant and sorcery color, Blue has plenty of stuff to work with. Talrand, Sky Summoner and Uyo, Silent Prophet are just two of the existing mono-Blue commanders this archetype can be built around. So, once again, we have a new legendary creature that offers a new twist on an established strategy.
Baral does also have another ability, however. You get to loot whenever you counter another spell. Sculpting your hand is nice in a singleton format, but I’m pretty down on counterspells in multiplayer. Waiting around and trading one-for-one is a great way to fall behind. There are good counterspells, but I don’t like “Counterspells!” as a deck theme. If you do go that route, don’t forget Guile.
Party Hard
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Bottoms up, darlings!
Yahenni, Undying Partisan has a lot going on, so I’ll break it into three parts.
First, they have haste. Haste is probably one of the most underrated abilities in Commander, as not having to live through multiple opponents’ turns to attack is very yes goodtimes (That’s a technical term.) Having haste on your commander, especially when they cost a mere three mana, means more opportunities to smash for commander damage.
Yahenni is one of few Aetherborn that have the ability to draw life-sustaining aether out of other creatures. As such, they are a Vampire and have a version of the classic vampire ability. Any time a creature an opponent controls dies, for any reason, Yahenni gets a +1/+1 counter. When it comes to multiplayer Magic, creatures die. A lot. If you just play a regular game of Commander, Yahenni will get huge on their own.
Though if you want to be tricksy, you can combine a creature sweeper with Yahenni’s final ability. Sac a creature to make Yahenni indestructible, cast Damnation, and probably kill one of your opponents with commander damage right there. Or sac a creature in response to an opponent’s sweeper. Or sac a creature to stop a piece of removal. Or sac a creature to make Yahenni live through combat (especially on defense). Or sac a creature to prevent an opponent from stealing it. In case you didn’t notice the pattern, there are a ton of uses for this ability.
In fact, Yahenni being a sacrifice outlet means they’re much more than just an aggressive Voltron commander. You can do all kinds of graveyard stuff, build around death triggers, abuse the heckfire out of Grave Pact, and more.
It’s your party; go nuts!
Monkey Business
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When you’re a professional pirate, you’re always in the best of company.
But maybe you want to go bananas.
Kari Zev, Skyship Raider and her prince, Ragavan, soar free in the aethersphere. They also rumble on the battlefield, since that’s the only time you’re able to actually get that Monkey’s help. First strike and menace aren’t terribly exciting on a 1/3, and an extra 2/1 isn’t doing a whole lot since Ragavan doesn’t deal commander damage, so what do we do with Kari?
First strike and menace would be way more exciting on a bigger creature, so my first thought goes to Voltron. Load Kari up with Equipment and you have a much scarier Pirate. Red has a ton of artifact synergies already, so this is a novel way to build such a deck. It’s much less comboriffic than the usual Daretti, Scrap Savant decks and focused more on a beatdown strategy.
If you get a creature token every time Kari attacks, maybe we can also build around that. A handful of Red cards already interact with creatures entering the battlefield. Purphoros, God of the Forge and Warstorm Surge are just a few examples of cards that will love you pooping out a Monkey every turn. So long as Kari can keep attacking, you can keep whittling down your opponents’ life totals.
That’s where my brain went, but I’m sure a unique creature like Kari has more potential.
Count Me In
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What a divine divining rod. Does it point to aether? Cuz that seems like cheating. Aether is everywhere. He might be a fraud. Investigation pending.
Rishkar, Peema Renegade is one helf of an Elf. He plays with +1/+1 counters, a common theme in Green, while also guaranteeing you have two more mana dorks. He also costs three mana. That means he’s on-curve for some serious mana ramp.
Green’s relationship with +1/+1 counters exists in almost every block in Magic history. There is no shortage of different +1/+1 counter decks that can be built around Rishkar, and he’s great in any other +1/+1 counter deck as part of the 99. All that is very open-ended.
It’s worth noting that Rishkar lets any of your creatures with counters be mana dorks, not just ones with +1/+1 counters. But they’re almost always gonna be +1/+1 counters, so there’s not exactly a ton of build-around potential with other counter types. Your next best bet is to tinker with -1/-1 counters and the persist mechanic (annihilating the -1/-1 counters with Rishkar’s +1/+1 counters is a good strategy), but that’s about as far as I’d be willing to stretch.
That’s really all I have to say about Rishkar. I think he’s awesome, and he’s gonna fit into basically any Green deck you want to put him in. He’s a solid commander himself too. My expectations are high for this workhorse of an Elf.
The THOP Heard ‘Round the World
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Lore spoiler alert. Good job, flavor text!
Now that that’s out of the way, we have another colorless commander! Considering five of the now seven cost ten or more mana, it’s refreshing to see a one-drop in this “color.” First, let’s look at what Hope of Ghirapur actually does.
The answer: very little. Other than being a 1/1 flier, it can lock a single opponent out of casting noncreature spells during the second half of your turn. But only if you smack that player with Hopey first. Join me in groaning, because this ability is pretty useless.
Here’s the good news: colorless Commander decks are incredibly difficult to build. Wait, I said good news. How is this good news!? Well, there just isn’t a whole lot to do with Hope of Ghirapur when restricted to colorless cards. It is a one-drop and it does have flying, so commander damage is probably the best avenue of victory here. Colorless does have one big asset in this department: Equipment. Thopter Voltron can be a thing! If you add in some other Thopter cards, you’ll have a host of evasive threats capable of carrying oodles of weapons for you. It’s pretty silly, but I like how it captures Kaladesh’s spirit of invention.
Magic: The Gathering: Civil War
Six new commanders, all at rare, is pretty sweet. They each provide a novel mix of abilities to the format. Being rare means they will be easy to obtain (in foil (or as a prerelease promo)). Commander has its financial problems, but it doesn’t seem like any of these six exciting cards will be part of that. Truly something to celebrate!
Which new legendary creature are you excited to build around, planeswalkers?
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foilmountain · 8 years
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GP SAN JOSE MASTER REPORT!!!: So I have a great weekend in San Jose for the magic GP! Shared a airBnb with 9 other magic players some long time friends some first time meeting them. Friday: got there on Friday and weren't still waiting on about half the crew to get into town so we decided to check out the GP early. This also ended up being one of the best days at the GP, I checked out the vendors looking for cards I needed. After trading in some cards In bulk I finally obtained a card I thought I would never own, the foil promo Wheel of fortune! This made my trip already and it just had just started! After traded in some more cards I also picked up a masterpiece Mana Crypt! Pretty sweet considering I just used cards I had on me to trade in for them. Saturday: Main event time! The main event was sealed, and my deck was very consistent. I built a black/green aggro deck but my sealed pool just didn't have any power cards in it. Ended up finishing 4-4, basically 2 wins from making day 2. But the day was not lost! I picked up this amazing playmate and tokens from the super talented @postrk (pictured above) And I met the man the myth the legend that is @steveargyle and join his @ascendedminionproject Check out the sweet little minion he made me, I'm naming him InfernChomp. (Also pictured above) Sunday: i had three friends make day 2 and one of them ended up in I think 24 or 26th place, placing into cash prizes (think he won $500). I did a kaladesh/Aether revolt draft and drew with me friend at the end for 1st and 2ed! Drafted a sweet blue black aggro deck. (Posted a picture of my pool the other day if you want to check that out) Overall had an amazing time at the GP and had some great food in San Jose! So going to try and make it out to more GPs in the future!
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the-burnished-hart · 8 years
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Sol Ring | Original Art by Volkan Baga
After scouring through Magic’s entire network of cards over the course of several months, I am finally ready to unveil one of my proudest Cube ideas: the All Mythics Cube! That’s right --- I have included every card that has ever been printed with an orange expansion symbol into this Cube, and I am extremely happy that there is such a website as CubeTutor.com to help my dream become a reality (at least online). Check it out!
Some of these cards were very hard to look up and input: Gatherer doesn’t cover the miscellaneous promos that have been printed in the past with an orange expansion symbol. I had to scour different store fronts and websites to find those promo cards, and I’m so glad I did.
One of the issues the All Mythics Cube came across in the early stages of its construction (that is, a couple of years ago) was the curve. A lot of the mythic rares are big, splashy cards that cost a lot of mana to cast, which had the potential to make games played with drafted decks super slow until someone drew enough land to cast their Planeswalker or whatnot. Including those miscellaneous promos helped bring down the average CMC of the Cube, which hopefully allows for much better gameplay.
My favorite thing about the All Mythics Cube is the Masterpiece Series. Wizards decided to include lottery tickets in their booster packs now, so that means this Cube gets even better and possibly more balanced! The Zendikar Expeditions provided much needed mana-fixing, and the Kaladesh Inventions made the All Mythics Cube an ACTUAL orange Cube! Oh, to be able to own this in real life...
As the writing of this post, the All Mythics Cube is valued at $18,692.67 when every possible card is set at foil. This number does not include the prices for the foil mythics and Masterpieces from Aether Revolt, the foil mythics from Conspiracy 2, last year’s RPTQ promo Snapcaster Mage or Ugin’s Fate promo Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. I’m pretty sure after calculating those prices in, plus any Arena promo basic lands (since those are the only basic lands to be printed with an orange expansion symbol), the whole Cube is well over at least $20,000, making it worth more than almost every individual Vintage deck out there.
Feel free to draft the All Mythic Cube at the link above, and let me know what kind of decks you build! In addition, if you happen to find a mythic rare or random promo that is missing from the list, please PM me so I can add it as soon as I can. Happy drafting!
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mtg-cards-hourly · 9 months
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Yahenni's Expertise
"The Consulate pushed me to my limit, darling, and this is the result."
Artist: Daarken TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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planar-echoes · 8 years
Aether Revolt Pre Release
Last night I went to my first prerelease. It started at 8pm and ended around 1:30am. It is all pretty sick.
Round 1.) 0 - 1 I lost
Round 2.) 2 - 1 I won
Round 3.) 0 - 2 I lost
Round 4.) 0 - 2 I lost
Round 5.) 0 - 2 I lost
Well... 1-4, it could’ve been worse. I pulled an Aetherworks Marvel. I also had Baral’s Expertise as my promo. By round 3, quite unfortunately, many players started flaking off. It makes sense, it was quite late. All in all, the entire event was fun and i’d do it again.
here’s my deck http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/attempted-energy-marvel/
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rose-tinting · 8 years
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The Kambal is from the kaladesh prerelease, everything else is from yesterday at the aether revolt prerelease! My box had two masterpieces...
(the promo cards I left in their plastic wrap cause... eh???)
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stormshot · 8 years
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This is my Aether Revolt Pre-Release deck that I went 5-0 with. My Promo was the Inspiring Statuary, and the deck was a Boros Vehicles deck that performed so much better that I expected. The MVP cards were my THREE Mobile Garisons, Release the Gremlins, Sram Senior Edificer, Ninth Bridge Patrol, Renegade Wheelsmith, and Dawnfeather Eagle One of my 2 biggest plays was answering to a giant green 6/6 beast swinging at me. I double blocked with Audacious Infiltrator and my crewed Mobile Garrison. They all traded, no combat tricks, and the vehicle was sent to the graveyard, two counters on my Ninth Patrol Officer. On my turn, I play Restoration Specialist, sacrifice her to get the vehicle back (third counter added to the Officer), then re-summon the Mobile Garrison to trigger the draw effect from Sram, Senior officer. Everything I did just combo'd off each other! My other flashy play was when I Released the Gremins on my Welder Automaton and Servo token to generate bigger creatures (paying the spell WITH the artifact creatures through Inspiring Statuary, there by both cheapening the spell and triggering Ninth Patrol Officer twice) The deck just seemed to have everything I needed. Every single creature in my deck could care my Mobile Garrison, making it very reliable, and it could always untap the other creature to leave a blocker (and MY GOD, did I sweep combat with Dawnfeather Eagle!!!) I had everything a deck could need: plenty of good creature removal/combat tricks, I had control with Pacification Array and Renegade Wheelsmith, it even had ramp with Inspiring Statuary! No mythics, planeswalkers, or masterpieces, yet this aggro deck won me the whole event without losing a single game. There was so much synergy in this... I could take all day just excitedly showing you everything. I just wish I had the time to play more sealed before the event ended!
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ultwarrior · 6 years
Status: 08/04/2018
Unique cards collected: 14,111 (41.21%)
Sets completed: 12 (Fallen Empires, Apocalypse, Torment, Judgement, Champions of Kamigawa, Ravnica: City of Guilds, Coldsnap, Battle for Zendikar, Oath of the Gatewatch, Kaladesh, Aether Revolt, Hour of Devastation)
Most valuable card: Zendikar Expedition Scalding Tarn
Cards added since last update: 50
Interesting cards added since last update: Ensnaring Bridge (Masters 25), Summoner’s Pact (Masters 25 foil), Steel Leaf Champion (Dominaria foil promo)
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durbison · 8 years
Day 13
Today is unimportant. Tonight, or rather the morning of the next day, is what my whole day built up to. The Aether Revolt prerelease has me pumped. Today was a trivial grind of work and chores, but tonight is what I want to write about. For anyone unfamiliar, the Magic The Gathering prerelease events are where players come to spend money on cards before their big release, draft decks, and compleat for more cards. I am not good at this. I've done fairly poor at every event prior, and I don't expect to do well tonight, but I need to get good at drafting. I have fun. I like getting stuff early, especially the promo art cards that are only available at the events, but I desperately need to improve. Loosing a bunch is not particularly fun. Im okay with loosing, but when that's all I seem to do it reflects on me as a player. Tonight will be another step on my journey to get good. I play fairly well in the format I play regularly, but this isn't about that. This is about figuring out how to pin this format down and make it tell me it's severest. The first round has already passed. It didn't go well. I lost twice in a row. I think I had a chance the first game, but my opponent overpowered me. The second game I think I experienced some sort of "sad tilt" where I got unexceptional draws and made shitty plays. I'm posting this late because this is the first moment I had this long to write. I may recap the events to proceed in the next post.
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aquajolt · 8 years
Hopes for prerelease
As with most prereleases, hoping for some synergy with my sealed pool. I’ll take a great combination of commons/uncommons over the bombest of bombs. [Getting both wouldn’t be too bad tho. =)]. But having fun actually playing the game takes precedence. 
Remember kids! Evasion rules (i.e. flying, swinging with ‘can’t be blocked’ dudes, etc). Use your removal sparingly (i.e. Trade creatures where you can but expect your opponent to have something really big that you’ll want to use your kill spell on later in the game). Use your instants, optimally, when it’s not your turn. Bluff when you can (hold lands if you already have too many). 
And have fun! 
First look at revolt will feel, to me at least, like the opposite of playing with bloodthrist (bloodthrist being that creatures come into play with +1/+1 counters if the opponent damaged you this turn). See, back in.... M12(?) opponents would swing at you with their 2/2 into your 2/2. If you blocked they trade, but you don’t wanna lose your creature (most of the time). So you let it through. Heck! I’m at 20 life! But then bam! They play a bloodthrist creature. It’s a 3/3 that now gets 2 counters on it! Now it’s a 5/5 on turn 4! SHIIIIIIIIIIT! X_x
With this, it’s the opposite. Where if I wanna get a revolt trigger off. I may just send in a 1/1 servo token to die into your 2/2. Some revolt triggers are nasty! -3/-3, destroy tapped creature, getting counters on dudes! So be wary! I know am I will be when opponents attack into me and I’ll definitely be doing so if I wanna get my own revolt triggers to go off. =) 
Also last section. I’ll call this the “Crap Rares I DO NOT wanna open.”
Whether it be that Prism Array from BFZ or Paradoxical Outcome in Kaladesh! There’s rares that... aren’t as great in a limited environment. 
This limited I would ESPECIALLY “LOVE” to open 
Secret Salvage
Out of all the rares in the set, this card will make me unhappy opening in my sealed pool. Of course. Now that I have said I don’t want it, I’m gonna open it! (Remember getting that promo Prism array in BFZ and 2(!) Paradoxical Outcomes last release). 
Honorable mentioned are Greenwheel Liberator for ‘just being a 2/1 or 4/3′ and Hope of Ghirapur. I want some flashy rares man! Make me build around you! Or give me cool things! Or make me excited to draw you late game or have you in my opening hand! Anything! 
So ya. Happy Aether Revolt Pre-release all. I’ll snap a shot of my pulls and give a breakdown of my event after its done (and I get some sleep. x_x)
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mxmagicmakers · 8 years
Aether Revolt Prerelease
I did Two Headed Giant with my partner at a local shop!
We got these 3 Mythics  out of our total of 16 packs
we got as these two as our promos.
We actually got a non foil Kari Zev as well and her monkey token AND 
so we  built Boros for me and Golgari for my partner considering we cracked
as well as a
for red we got some reckless racers and some decent vehicles,
the archangel (pictured at top of…
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