qrowings · 1 year
( from @aestasrosis )
“You don’t have to be gentle with me, I don’t break easily.”
Qrow lets out a breathy laugh, leaning down to murmur in Summers ear.
"I'm not worried about you breaking Summer, I'm worried someone might hear you and catch us." He teases her, one of his hands pinning hers to the wall, the other in between her legs.
They weren't back in their hotel room, instead they had found an empty stall at the festival to mess around with each other in, having decided the room was too far to celebrate their first missions success as fully realized huntsmen and huntresses. That, and Taiyang and Raven had practically banned them from the room once the mission had finished.
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etruatcaelum · 3 months
[ @aestasrosis // salem ]
"You cannot kill me in a way that matters."
Salem said nothing else as she laid Summer upon the granite slab that served as her worktable; crimson light flared, and a quartet of tarry two-fingered hands burst from the stone to restrain the woman, broken though she was. Any sane person would have lain still, overwhelmed by blood-loss and pain, but she was fast coming to realize that Summer Rose lacked any instinct for self-preservation at all.
Her final blow had shattered ribs and torn open a deep gash across the young huntress’ stomach; and still Summer had struggled as Salem carried her to Evernight, writhing and clawing feebly but with all the strident fury of a newborn grimm.
She smoothed the sweat-soaked bangs away from Summer’s forehead, a hint of mockery in her faint smile, murmuring, “Martyrdom is not the winning position you think it is, child.”
Ozpin truly had outdone himself with this one.
Lips thinning, Salem shifted her attention to the woman’s injuries. The wet rasp of Summer’s breathing and red flecking her lips suggested the ribs as the most immediate problem; the wound across her stomach still wept blood, but if she had severed any major arteries, Summer would not have survived the journey.
“Besides…” she said sarcastically, fingertips tracing the jagged lines of snapped ribs.
Summer’s aura guttered like a candle-flame half drowned in wax, scattered embers too weak to heal the damage; her own glowed white-hot as Salem drove into the woman’s flesh and yanked the bones back into alignment, not bothering to be gentle. The golden radiance of living water burned scarlet through pale skin, outlining the shadows of Summer’s ribcage as what had been broken knit violently back together.
“…I needn’t kill you to stop you.”
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skidqrow · 4 months
- - continued from here with @aestasrosis - -
Summer was right. He'd guessed these things, saw it in the way she sometimes flinched at quick gestures or distanced herself during conflicts. There were unhealed injuries somewhere inside her, and to know that someone had ever dared to put a hand on her made Qrow see red. More than that, he was frustrated and disappointed.
"Damn right I would've stopped you. Or at least went with you if I couldn't do that," Qrow admitted, his hands balling into fists. "You're my leader, my--" He cut himself short of saying wife. Summer knew all that already. Was there any point to elaborating it?
They'd both been through their traumas through their separation, physical and mental. It'd torn their family into pieces, yet they were gradually healing, or so Qrow thought. "Can't we be done with secrets...? Can't you trust me to be here for you?"
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scareqrowbranwen · 1 year
( from @aestasrosis , for qrow )
∆ OUTSIDE ∆  -  sender kisses the back of receiver’s hand/their knuckles
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Qrow chuckled, flushing slightly as Summer pulled his hand to her lips. "To what do I owe the pleasure, Sum?"
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corvidkins · 1 year
( from @aestasrosis , for beacon rosebirds <3 )
❝  i’m staying.  end of discussion.  you gotta learn to let people take care of you.  ❞
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raven glared to the floor , wanting to put up a protest but there would be no use — her team leader had proven to be more stubborn than herself . slender digits raised up to remove the bandana from her hair , letting the midnight waves to tumble over her shoulders .
“ i can take care of myself , summer .” she muttered ; pushing people away was her specialty, even if it were her team, even if she had a fond spot for the other. “ i’m not shaking you , am i ?”
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littleblackqrow · 1 year
@aestasrosis (🪶)
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"I've always liked poetry." Reading, he supposed, was one of his quieter hobbies. Compared to his drinking, all his hobbies had become rather quiet.
"Every day my patience for people grows a little thinner."
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mama-grimm · 1 year
( @aestasrosis )
❛ you think i’m weak don’t you? ❜
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"All mortals are weak in my eyes.... But i will admit that those eyes of yours, put you a cut above the rest. "
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unlockthestars · 1 year
@aestasrosis continued from here
Part of him understands why she'd lied; she hadn't wanted him to worry, had wanted him to think it was just another mission, that she'd be back quickly, the way she usually was. It wasn't that she'd lied to him that hurt; it was that she hadn't trusted him.
"I would have definitely tried to talk you out of it," he agrees, "but I also trusted you, Summer. If you had told me where you were going, what you were doing, that you had a chance to take her down…., I would have believed you." He still wouldn't have wanted her to go on her own, but he would have trusted that she knew what she was doing. But she hadn't given him that chance, and he'd spent the last fifteen years not knowing the truth.
"Why didn't you trust me?"
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flightofaqrow · 1 year
@aestasrosis​ from ***
oh, that hit a sore spot. qrow scoffs, “y’also realize who y’re sayin’ that to, right?” 
what? Summer’s just going to back out on everything she ever told him?
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“don’t be stupid.”
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clockwork---heart · 1 year
( from @aestasrosis , for ozpin )
❛  i suppose you think you’re brave, don’t you ?  ❜
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"Brave? Hardly."
His voice hesitates, looking past the glass of his office and trying not to focus on the reflection of a woman who he'd reluctantly deemed dead years prior.
As a protector, Wizard could be considered brave. But he considered himself a coward, running from the past and all the mistakes.
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"You're supposed to be dead, Summer."
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qrowings · 6 months
( from @aestasrosis )
002, a hospital waiting room at 3 in the morning.
Set the scene prompts @aestasrosis
Qrow was anxious, he hadn't been this anxious in a long time, but now, waiting in the hospital waiting room for the doctors to come tell him if Summer was going to survive, he wanted to be sick from how anxious he was.
He was pacing back and forth, hunched over the tiniest bit with his hands curled into fists in his pockets. He hadn't called Tai, or his nieces yet to tell them that Summer was alive, he needed to know she would make it before he told them she was found in the Evernight Castle.
Qrow had thought she was dead when he first found her, but then he saw the tiniest puffs of breath from her mouth and had rushed her out of there, abandoning his mission to get her to safety.
Now he was forced to wait in a waiting room, terrified she would die.
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etruatcaelum · 1 year
[ @aestasrosis // for salem ]
The last time anyone made it this far—the last time anyone dared try—the Great War was not yet halfway done, and the aftertaste of blood and fire draped the air like a pall even hundreds of miles to the north of the front. Salem can almost taste it again tonight as she haunts her benighted hunters: ink-black smoke feathers over the desiccated ground, a formless third shadow.
One moves less like a huntress than like prey, tense and white-knuckling the hilt of her sword. Terror flags behind her like a cape torn by wind. But the other…
Silver eyes. Scythe bared and gleaming silver itself in the moonlight, the leader strides ahead with the unshakable self-assurance of prophecy: if she had brought fear with her to Alukah, it seems she left it behind in the ashes of the grimm too young to fear her eyes.
In this state, Salem cannot bare her teeth; but the blackness becomes jagged and barbed with fury. Humans have claimed all the rest of Remnant for themselves, but Alukah belongs to grimm. To her.
How dare they bring their hatred here.
Salem gives no warning. Swift and silent, the dark mist whirls back together, hands flicking forward even as her fingers find shape. A great serpent of lightning boils off her claws to strike the sliver-eyed warrior’s fearful companion square between her shoulder-blades. The huntress screams as the bolt rips through her aura and hurls her off her feet.
She hits the ground hard, skidding in the dry grit as aftershocks wrench her body; her heart stutters, stops, starts again with an uneven, frantic rhythm, and the woman lies twitching and insensate.
“So,�� Salem murmurs, a velvet undertone beneath the echoing shriek of thunder, “the warrior comes to slay the witch, hm?” Her hands spread wide in mocking invitation; venomously, she says, “Well, here she is.”
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skidqrow · 4 months
"I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night we met I don't know what I'm supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you Oh, take me back to the night we met"
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scareqrowbranwen · 1 year
( for beacon!qrow , from @aestasrosis )
“ what are you hiding ? & don’t you dare try to lie about it . ”
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Qrow hesitates, heart pounding in his ears. He doesn't... he doesn't want to tell her, he doesn't want her to think of him differently, but he knows this relationship is built on a lie and she deserves better than this.
"...We told you we're from Mistral. That's not... entirely true. We're from a Bandit tribe, outside Mistral."
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corvidkins · 1 year
( from @aestasrosis , for beacon rosebird bc i’m insane )
"You're warm. My hands are cold. There is an obvious solution here."
raven rose a brow , glancing over at summer with a curious look. “ what? that you should get some gloves .” her sarcastic tone appearing. crimson eyes rolling and her hands extending outward. “ come here .”
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littleblackqrow · 1 year
( from @aestasrosis )
❝ i pride in me for being best. The best. ❞
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"Sorry, hot stuff, the title of the Best is already taken," Qrow pushed his hair back from his forehead and winked. "But I kinda like you, so I'll let you tag along. Maybe you'll learn something."
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