#timeline:After the Fall
skidqrow · 3 months
- - closed starter for @hxntresses - -
"Fiona, I need your help."
He didn't feel good pulling a medic further away from where she was so desperately needed. Even after the panic subsided, Grimm activity spiked in waves that continued to drive out the citizens. Those that remained either did so by choosing to defend what they could, or had no options to flee to the neighboring kingdom of Vacuo. Still, Qrow's needs were greater.
How exactly did he say what he needed her for without going into the why? "Ruby's gone off with her friends. I don't know what condition I'll find them in once I manage to catch up." He hoped that'd be all she needed as a call to action. Explaining further might divulge a secret Qrow wasn't yet ready to share.
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drooliesblog · 5 years
Dante X Lady Week Prompt: Chase
...when Dante thinks back to how quick she was to the idea –before he finalized his proposal with said fruity drink- he really should’ve known something was brewing in that batshit crazy brain of her’s. He had said that they should try doing couple-couple stuff this time, maybe chase each other across the beach during a sunset. 
Timeline:After DMC5/Oneshot
No one ever called Dante and Lady the typical type of couple, not that either of them would mock the sweetness and domesticity that comes with typical coupling. In the business of life, death and poor lifestyle choices (Lady begs to differ, but he’s not missing slices of pizza out of nowhere! Yeah, that’s right Babe) one has to make sacrifices for the greater good. Certain sacrifices in their case would be romantic dates or planned anniversaries. Dante’s not complaining, it’s a miracle they’re even able to overcome their own inner demons at the chances to say “I love yous” and have matching couple-bazookas.
She still hasn’t demanded the return of Kalina Ann II, so Dante’s still holding onto and using their baby. All she has to do is ask, but she hasn’t so the Cooler Kalina Ann is just going to keep staying in his arsenal.
Dante is fully aware and appreciates their not-so typical romantic dynamic, they don’t need a picket-fence, a future wedding, or beach holiday vacations. Especially beach holiday vacations on a secluded island that a certain deadweight is forcing Dante to take with the 2 tickets Nero purchased months prior before knocking up Kyrie. Dante stands by the belief that he doesn’t need some sexy secluded island to spice up his love life with Lady, but like… it’s free. Who says no to free shit?
But he knows Lady might need some convincing, so he butters her up. Plays up a scenario that isn’t really their style, but it’s different. Different isn’t so bad when it’s free and there’s Pina coladas with no one around.
Lady easily takes the bait, but when Dante thinks back to how quick she was to the idea –before he finalized his proposal with said fruity drink- he really should’ve known something was brewing in that batshit crazy brain of her’s. He had said that they should try doing couple-couple stuff this time, maybe chase each other across the beach during a sunset.
Cuz that’s what you do at some bougie beach, you do unrealistic crap that romantic movies sell you. And Lady does like her chic-flicks regardless of being a tough nut.
He wasn’t even serious with that suggestion, joking about turning their sunset chase into some soft-grade porn. Where she somehow loses her top when he finally catches up and they’re tumbling around the sands, making out while choking on seaweed and waves. She might have laughed at that, but he should have caught on to the gleam in her eyes.
If he did, he wouldn’t have followed along to her whims when she entices him to act out his made up scenario in that cute white bikini of her’s. “Come on Dante” she says all sugary and sweet. “Didn’t you say we should at least try something different?” Cooing with the kind of tone that spoke volumes of how up-to-no-good she planned to be.
If only she didn’t put the cherry on top by promising him “maybe I’ll lose my top along the way.”
But she nefariously did, and he blindly went along not knowing of her evil plan. Where they start fake jogging after each other. Lady giving him the fakest giggle of her life and Dante throwing out a “I’m gonna get youuuuuu” line just to complete the picture. It’s only when he starts catching up does she pick up her pace, sprinting full on across the freaking beach that he starts to get suspicious. But she amps of the fake laughter and cajoles his competitive nature with a teasing quip about his age. Dante does what anyone would do at such mockery, he runs faster to make Lady eat her words.
Crazy bitch has a trick up her bikini because right when he’s close enough to make a tackle, she throws a damn smoke bomb in his direction. Seconds later, he’s hacking up an orb and exasperatedly crying out “WHY” and “COME ON”. In the midst of it all, the scent rosemary invades his smell from Lady’s bomb, he realizes that the smoke bomb wasn’t just a diversion but a handicap to his demonic powers, dulling his physical prowess. Yeah, okay so he really should have seen the signs that Lady was going to make this harder for him, but does that deter him from fulfilling the beach fantasy he promised her? He’s gone through worst, his girlfriend forcing his tear ducts and nostrils to burn is nothing.
He’s got a game plan now, one where the smoke clears out and he’ll be a gentlemen to let her have ger distance… Before activating his devil trigger and quickly finishing this ridiculous chase of their’s. Dante’s cracking and rolling back his shoulders as he’s walking out the smoke. When he finally spots Lady he stops his tracks. It’s not that she’s farther away that leaves him in dismay, it’s that she’s scaling up a cliff.
“REALLY? ARE YOU SERIOUSLY DOING THIS? LADY?? LADY!!!” He’s yelling out loud, no one but Lady and seagulls can hear his cries of injustice. And he’s only answered with the distant wails of sea birds and maniacal cackle from the love of his life. Yeah he still loves her, he just can’t justify why right now.
The only saving grace was something white falling down the cliff that he has to admit his submission, his cries of “FINE DAMMIT!!!” accompanying her laughter.
Activating his devil trigger, he makes his way to the top of the cliff to pull Lady up from her topless climb. She’s a lot more gracious by letting herself fall into his hold after taking her by the hand. Just as a warning and precaution, he slaps her ass to check for any hidden smoke bombs.
“Hey” she admonishes, there’s not even a hint of annoyance against his action as he continues to pat her down with his free hand after deactivating his demonic form.
“Hey yourself” he finally greets, peppering her with kisses because she’s so wild and he can’t imagine her not being her. He loves all of her when she’s at her best or worst or crazy.
“Mmm come on Dante, I didn’t make you come all this way just to make out.” She’s so languid with her movements now, melting into his embrace but pushing his face away from smothering her with more kisses. Its funny how she’s never going to need her full strength to make his body bend and twist, he’s so obliging to her demands that he would bend even backwards if she asked him to. Taking him by the chin, she turns his head to the view she wants to share. He’s breathless at the beauty.
“Yeah… let’s sit by the edge, okay?”
The sunset is gorgeous and they’re alone at the top of a cliff with her nestled between his legs, both enjoying each other’s warmth. He can’t picture going through all this with another person, much less anyone going out of their way to drive him insane just to give him… this. It’s just a Dante and Lady Thing, it’s their not-so typical couple kind of thing that he likes best. But a little bit of different isn’t so bad because as long as they’re Them they’ll even bastardize typical romance. Dante smiles against Lady’s hair, pressing a kiss on top when something catches his eye.
“Is that our weapons by the rock?”
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skidqrow · 4 months
- - Random starter for @wintereign - -
Qrow had finally left that ramshackle shack from the slums of Shade. He'd joined the others who survived the attack on Atlas in a large collective of quickly-constructed adobe homes. After several shifts of community service, he'd been invited more and more frequently to the Schnee household. Sometimes for dinner, sometimes for tea, almost all of them social and initiated by the matriarch, Willow.
When Weiss returned this particular day, she walked in with Qrow and Willow playing a casual game of gin rummy. The two were laughing, sharing rare smiles over a joke Qrow just finished telling. Qrow looked over his shoulder when he heard the door open, then lifted his glass of lemonade to Weiss.
"Hey, Ice Princess. Care to join?"
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skidqrow · 3 months
- - continued from here with @wintereign - -
Qrow rolled his eyes. Weiss knew perfectly well he wasn't about to change his mind. "Can't help worrying, kid. Even with all you've been through, I get antsy sometimes."
He nudged her with his shoulder in a very Yang-ish fashion, playing to alleviate some of the tension. "We've had our fair share of injuries since Haven."
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skidqrow · 4 months
- - continued from here with @aestasrosis - -
Summer was right. He'd guessed these things, saw it in the way she sometimes flinched at quick gestures or distanced herself during conflicts. There were unhealed injuries somewhere inside her, and to know that someone had ever dared to put a hand on her made Qrow see red. More than that, he was frustrated and disappointed.
"Damn right I would've stopped you. Or at least went with you if I couldn't do that," Qrow admitted, his hands balling into fists. "You're my leader, my--" He cut himself short of saying wife. Summer knew all that already. Was there any point to elaborating it?
They'd both been through their traumas through their separation, physical and mental. It'd torn their family into pieces, yet they were gradually healing, or so Qrow thought. "Can't we be done with secrets...? Can't you trust me to be here for you?"
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skidqrow · 2 months
- - continued from here with @ein-schnee-sturm - -
He still wasn't sure where his feelings lie. They were in an unfamiliar place between friends and something more. But he couldn't just stand by while someone made their flirtatious advances towards Willow. She was so blatantly uncomfortable that his first instinct was to punch this stranger straight on the jaw. More than that, a feeling that had become a stranger to him inflamed his temper. Jealousy had overcome him in a brief flash. He acted as a guardian over a warrior, shielding Willow.
It'd been so long since he held someone in a cloak of protective possessiveness. His mind danced between past and present, the feeling of a waist in his hand so paradoxically similar and dissimilar. Damn, he wanted a drink.
"We'll take our leave now." Qrow waved them along, paired with a threatening glint in eyes. He let Willow lean into his concaved arm, beginning to guide her away and back to comfort. "Were you having a good day?" he asked her, trying to move beyond that jerk's insufferable moment.
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skidqrow · 4 months
did you just call this a family?
"Isn't it?" He looked to the group assembled before them. Team RWBY had been enough to make their unit a family forged through love and strife, and it was beginning to expand with each new ally they brought to their cause. It was easy to forget when things became hard, but they'd made such an impact in Remnant.
"Aren't we?" That follow-up question was more directly pointed towards Weiss. The two had already been through their own trials and tribulations as of late, and he was beginning to see Weiss as one of his own, a new member to his growing family.
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skidqrow · 18 days
- - STARTER CALL // Blake Belladonna || @auratold - -
The two didn't often have a moment to talk or bond beyond the occasional short interaction. Most of Qrow's attention was fixed onto Yang and Ruby, but now that the sisters were out getting boba, it left Blake and Qrow alone in the commons area with little to do but read or sit in silence. He wasn't much for either.
"So, how've things been for ya?" He was still trying to get a read on his niece's girlfriend. They seemed happy together each time he saw the couple strolling along through Vacuo, which made Qrow happy in turn. But he didn't know this addition to the family as well as he probably ought to. "Aside from that stuff in that fairy-tale land?"
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skidqrow · 25 days
“I'm not used to doing this while sober.” Or, well, doing anything while sober in the last ten to fifteen years… ((From Willow, of course.))
"Doing what while sober?" Qrow asked, almost chuckling. As far as he was concerned, they were just taking a stroll through the promenade of Vacuo. True, it was blazingly hot outside, but that was to be expected. "Enjoying a walk?"
Though as he asked it, he realized his arm was looped through Willow's, and a sad expression fell onto his face. Jacques likely hadn't taken Willow out for any walks for years, or perhaps he'd dragged her along across their estate to give the appearance of a contently-wed couple. Qrow could easily imagine needing a drink to get through one of those walks.
"Hey, whenever you're ready to go back, you say the word and we'll go home. No questions asked." And he meant it. Willow's past was hers to come forward with as she felt so inclined. And if there was something about their walk that was beginning to rub salt into a healing wound, then Qrow would do what he could to wash it out with clean water.
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skidqrow · 2 months
“…Do you think praying will forgive the sins I caused?” She knew that Opa and Großmutter had been religious, and that Willow was loosely so, but Winter herself had never considered turning to a truly Higher Power until Atlas Fell.
Qrow might have answered with sass if it hadn't been for the fact that she was seeking comfort. "Gods might be real, but they don't listen." The Brothers had abandoned the whole of humanity because of the actions Salem had taken against them. He doubted they cared if one human called out to them or not.
"The only forgiveness that matters is what you choose to matter." Whether that was herself or someone she had wronged, it didn't matter who forgave her unless Winter wanted to be forgiven. "Ask forgiveness from whoever you feel you need it from. Just...don't get lost in the forgiveness of others if you only need to forgive yourself."
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skidqrow · 3 months
“Tell people that getting married can be a hangover that never ends.” Her marriage to Jacques had been, at least.
"Some can," Qrow agreed. He wouldn't personally know, but he knew enough about Jacques and Willow's marriage to agree with Willow. "For me, it was what came after that felt like a permanent hangover."
Probably because he was permanently getting hangovers after Summer. "But you don't have to go through that anymore, if you don't want to. You can let his ghost stay in the past." Easier said than done, he knew that. He himself took nearly twenty years to get to this point. Willow had just started her detox. "Or you can in time."
His smile was faintly hopeful, intermingled with empathy for his friend. "You'll get there."
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skidqrow · 3 months
“What is your opinion of me, anyhow?” Since they couldn’t even begin to read him, Weiss’ only recourse was to ask Qrow directly.
The elder Huntsman gave a half-shrug. Weiss was among Ruby's closest friends, a surrogate family by all means. "I think you're alright, kid. You've got talent, you're a good friend and teammate." What more was there to say? They hadn't had many chances to interact, but his encounters with the Schnees had been mixed.
Jacques? An absolute asshole whom Qrow was glad was dead. He got what he deserved. Winter? Depended on each other's mood. They tended to play off one another. Willow? Surprisingly pleasant. She was a lovely person who was healing, like him.
"Need I say more?"
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skidqrow · 3 months
“I'm old, not stupid.” ((Slides you this from Willow, while I work on Winter’s reply.))
"Excuse me?" Qrow wasn't sure what Willow was implying with that, though the sass was amusing. Since their partnership as co-volunteers, he felt that they were getting along swimmingly. Could it have anything to do with his recent conversation with Ruby? If that was the case, word spread fast.
"Willow, you've gotta be clearer than that," he said with a chuckle. "I need context, or it's just vague."
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skidqrow · 4 months
[INJURY] - qrow to weiss.
|| Combining a few different prompts that had [INJURY] as an option
"What the hell were you thinking??" Weiss had charged headlong into the fray with Grimm on the outskirts of Shade. It'd just been he and her this time on border duty. No Jaune to boost her Aura, no healers nearby. He felt his chest tightening, the landscape around him flashed to an icy tundra, blood on his weapon and hands staining his vision.
Qrow forced himself back into the present, a hand on Weiss's cheek and another on the wound. "Dammit, Weiss. You can't leave now just as I was starting to love ya...you're one of my kids!"
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skidqrow · 4 months
this is my home now.
"You're sure you want that?"
Qrow was a self-conscious father. He hadn't been there for Ruby, not in the ways that mattered. He'd been a drunkard wallowing in his grief and only came around when it'd been convenient for him. And now Weiss wanted him to be that father figure for her?
"I mean, your mom and I get along fine, but you'd really want to move in here?" True, Yang and Blake already moved in, and Ruby followed soon after the talk with Qrow. All of Team RWBY under one roof with him as one of the two adult figures? Gods help Qrow and Willow.
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skidqrow · 4 months
❛  how could you say something like that to me?  ❜
Weiss looked like he'd slapped her. Was what he said really that terrible? Or was she being her usual critical and snarky self? Qrow crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at Weiss.
"All I said is I enjoy working with Willow. Your mom's good company and we have fun together. What's so wrong about that?"
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