#aes series || cocktails as people
worldsaesthetics · 1 year
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Cocktails as People -> White Russian Girlie
She likes things cosy and beige, like the sands outside her mansion in Malibu or the sweater she wears every morning after waking up late. Like the golden retriever that rushes up to her side in the golden-sun-dazzled kitchen. She takes after a slow living, enjoying each moment as it comes instead of worrying about the things that may come next.
About the Drink:
With a creamy mouthfeel and a richness almost like a latte, this drink is a twist on the Black Russian originating in 1949. It adds in heavy cream to the traditional recipe of vodka and kahlua. Adding in cream originated in Berkley, CA in 1955 and became popular in 1998 through the movie The Big Lebowski.
• 2 oz. vodka • 1 oz. kahlua • 1 oz. heavy cream
Instructions: pour the vodka and kahlua over ice and mix with spoon, pour the heavy cream on top and stir, serve
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