#aerospace bonding
zohasen · 5 months
A Deep Dive into Structural Adhesives
At Kohesi Bond, we understand the critical role strong, reliable bonds play in various industries. But when it comes to applications demanding exceptional strength and durability, structural adhesives take center stage.
What are Structural Adhesives?
Unlike your everyday glue, structural adhesives are a class of high-performance bonding agents formulated for superior load-bearing capabilities. These specialized adhesives boast a unique epoxy chemical structure that translates to exceptional strength, making them ideal for structural bonding in demanding applications.
The Power of Epoxy in Structural Bonding
The epoxy structure within structural adhesives plays a vital role in their remarkable performance. Epoxies are a class of thermosetting polymers that undergo a permanent chemical reaction during curing. This reaction creates a rigid, high-strength bond that can withstand significant stress – a key advantage in applications like aerospace bonding.
Kohesi Bond: Your Partner in High-Performance Bonding
Kohesi Bond offers a diverse range of structural epoxies specifically designed for the aerospace industry. These aerospace adhesives possess exceptional properties, including:
High tensile strength: Our epoxies can withstand tremendous pulling forces, ensuring the structural integrity of bonded components in aerospace applications.
Excellent durability: Kohesi Bond's epoxies resist extreme temperatures, vibrations, and harsh chemicals, making them ideal for the demanding aerospace environment.
Superior chemical resistance: Our formulations offer exceptional resistance to fuels, solvents, and other chemicals commonly encountered in aerospace applications.
Lightweight properties: Kohesi Bond's space grade epoxies are formulated to be lightweight, minimizing overall weight in aerospace structures.
Beyond Aerospace: Applications of Structural Adhesives
While adhesives in the aerospace industry are a prime example, structural adhesives have diverse applications beyond airplanes and spacecraft. They are crucial in:
Construction: For high-strength bonding of building materials like concrete, steel, and wood.
Automotive Industry: Structural adhesives play a vital role in car manufacturing, bonding body panels and structural components.
Marine Applications: These adhesives excel in boat building due to their excellent water resistance and durability.
By understanding the unique properties of structural adhesives, particularly the strength derived from the epoxy structure, engineers can achieve exceptional results in various demanding applications. For superior structural bonding solutions, Kohesi Bond is your trusted partner. Contact us today to discuss your specific needs.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Machine learning unlocks secrets to advanced alloys
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/machine-learning-unlocks-secrets-to-advanced-alloys/
Machine learning unlocks secrets to advanced alloys
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The concept of short-range order (SRO) — the arrangement of atoms over small distances — in metallic alloys has been underexplored in materials science and engineering. But the past decade has seen renewed interest in quantifying it, since decoding SRO is a crucial step toward developing tailored high-performing alloys, such as stronger or heat-resistant materials.
Understanding how atoms arrange themselves is no easy task and must be verified using intensive lab experiments or computer simulations based on imperfect models. These hurdles have made it difficult to fully explore SRO in metallic alloys.
But Killian Sheriff and Yifan Cao, graduate students in MIT’s Department of Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE), are using machine learning to quantify, atom-by-atom, the complex chemical arrangements that make up SRO. Under the supervision of Assistant Professor Rodrigo Freitas, and with the help of Assistant Professor Tess Smidt in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, their work was recently published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Interest in understanding SRO is linked to the excitement around advanced materials called high-entropy alloys, whose complex compositions give them superior properties.
Typically, materials scientists develop alloys by using one element as a base and adding small quantities of other elements to enhance specific properties. The addition of chromium to nickel, for example, makes the resulting metal more resistant to corrosion.
Unlike most traditional alloys, high-entropy alloys have several elements, from three up to 20, in nearly equal proportions. This offers a vast design space. “It’s like you’re making a recipe with a lot more ingredients,” says Cao.
The goal is to use SRO as a “knob” to tailor material properties by mixing chemical elements in high-entropy alloys in unique ways. This approach has potential applications in industries such as aerospace, biomedicine, and electronics, driving the need to explore permutations and combinations of elements, Cao says.
Capturing short-range order
Short-range order refers to the tendency of atoms to form chemical arrangements with specific neighboring atoms. While a superficial look at an alloy’s elemental distribution might indicate that its constituent elements are randomly arranged, it is often not so. “Atoms have a preference for having specific neighboring atoms arranged in particular patterns,” Freitas says. “How often these patterns arise and how they are distributed in space is what defines SRO.”
Understanding SRO unlocks the keys to the kingdom of high-entropy materials. Unfortunately, not much is known about SRO in high-entropy alloys. “It’s like we’re trying to build a huge Lego model without knowing what’s the smallest piece of Lego that you can have,” says Sheriff.
Traditional methods for understanding SRO involve small computational models, or simulations with a limited number of atoms, providing an incomplete picture of complex material systems. “High-entropy materials are chemically complex — you can’t simulate them well with just a few atoms; you really need to go a few length scales above that to capture the material accurately,” Sheriff says. “Otherwise, it’s like trying to understand your family tree without knowing one of the parents.”
SRO has also been calculated by using basic mathematics, counting immediate neighbors for a few atoms and computing what that distribution might look like on average. Despite its popularity, the approach has limitations, as it offers an incomplete picture of SRO.
Fortunately, researchers are leveraging machine learning to overcome the shortcomings of traditional approaches for capturing and quantifying SRO.
Hyunseok Oh, assistant professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Wisconsin at Madison and a former DMSE postdoc, is excited about investigating SRO more fully. Oh, who was not involved in this study, explores how to leverage alloy composition, processing methods, and their relationship to SRO to design better alloys. “The physics of alloys and the atomistic origin of their properties depend on short-range ordering, but the accurate calculation of short-range ordering has been almost impossible,” says Oh. 
A two-pronged machine learning solution
To study SRO using machine learning, it helps to picture the crystal structure in high-entropy alloys as a connect-the-dots game in an coloring book, Cao says.
“You need to know the rules for connecting the dots to see the pattern.” And you need to capture the atomic interactions with a simulation that is big enough to fit the entire pattern. 
First, understanding the rules meant reproducing the chemical bonds in high-entropy alloys. “There are small energy differences in chemical patterns that lead to differences in short-range order, and we didn’t have a good model to do that,” Freitas says. The model the team developed is the first building block in accurately quantifying SRO.
The second part of the challenge, ensuring that researchers get the whole picture, was more complex. High-entropy alloys can exhibit billions of chemical “motifs,” combinations of arrangements of atoms. Identifying these motifs from simulation data is difficult because they can appear in symmetrically equivalent forms — rotated, mirrored, or inverted. At first glance, they may look different but still contain the same chemical bonds.
The team solved this problem by employing 3D Euclidean neural networks. These advanced computational models allowed the researchers to identify chemical motifs from simulations of high-entropy materials with unprecedented detail, examining them atom-by-atom.
The final task was to quantify the SRO. Freitas used machine learning to evaluate the different chemical motifs and tag each with a number. When researchers want to quantify the SRO for a new material, they run it by the model, which sorts it in its database and spits out an answer.
The team also invested additional effort in making their motif identification framework more accessible. “We have this sheet of all possible permutations of [SRO] already set up, and we know what number each of them got through this machine learning process,” Freitas says. “So later, as we run into simulations, we can sort them out to tell us what that new SRO will look like.” The neural network easily recognizes symmetry operations and tags equivalent structures with the same number.
“If you had to compile all the symmetries yourself, it’s a lot of work. Machine learning organized this for us really quickly and in a way that was cheap enough that we could apply it in practice,” Freitas says.
Enter the world’s fastest supercomputer
This summer, Cao and Sheriff and team will have a chance to explore how SRO can change under routine metal processing conditions, like casting and cold-rolling, through the U.S. Department of Energy’s INCITE program, which allows access to Frontier, the world’s fastest supercomputer.
“If you want to know how short-range order changes during the actual manufacturing of metals, you need to have a very good model and a very large simulation,” Freitas says. The team already has a strong model; it will now leverage INCITE’s computing facilities for the robust simulations required.
“With that we expect to uncover the sort of mechanisms that metallurgists could employ to engineer alloys with pre-determined SRO,” Freitas adds.
Sheriff is excited about the research’s many promises. One is the 3D information that can be obtained about chemical SRO. Whereas traditional transmission electron microscopes and other methods are limited to two-dimensional data, physical simulations can fill in the dots and give full access to 3D information, Sheriff says.
“We have introduced a framework to start talking about chemical complexity,” Sheriff explains. “Now that we can understand this, there’s a whole body of materials science on classical alloys to develop predictive tools for high-entropy materials.”
That could lead to the purposeful design of new classes of materials instead of simply shooting in the dark.
The research was funded by the MathWorks Ignition Fund, MathWorks Engineering Fellowship Fund, and the Portuguese Foundation for International Cooperation in Science, Technology and Higher Education in the MIT–Portugal Program.
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gauricmi · 5 months
Mastering the Art of Bonding with Composite Adhesive Techniques
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Understanding the composition of composite adhesive is essential for mastering bonding techniques. Typically composed of resins, fillers, and additives, composite adhesive is engineered to create a strong and durable bond between different materials. The precise formulation of these components determines the adhesive's properties, such as curing time, strength, and resistance to environmental factors.
Surface preparation plays a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness of Composite Adhesive bonding. Before applying the adhesive, surfaces must be clean, dry, and free of any contaminants that could compromise the bond. Proper surface preparation ensures maximum adhesion strength and promotes long-term durability.
Selecting the right application method is vital for achieving optimal bonding results with composite adhesive. Depending on the materials being bonded and the specific requirements of the application, various techniques can be employed, including brush application, spray application, and automated dispensing systems. Each method offers unique advantages and considerations, allowing for precise control over adhesive application and distribution.
Proper curing is essential for maximizing the strength and durability of composite adhesive bonds. Curing refers to the process by which the adhesive undergoes chemical reactions to harden and create a strong bond between the bonded surfaces. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and curing time must be carefully controlled to ensure consistent and reliable bonding results.
Get More Insights On This Topic: Composite Adhesive
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chemicalsmaterialsnews · 11 months
Bonding Excellence: Navigating Trends in the Epoxy Adhesive Market
Adhesives are essential products that are often overlooked. They’re noticed, until they fail. If your supports aren’t correctly fused, it could bring about disjointed parts, damaged equipment, and worn-out piping systems.
So, this blog has the ins and outs of epoxy adhesives, which can help you secure the pipe supports with confidence.
What Is an Epoxy Adhesive?
From time-to-time epoxy adhesives are confused with bonding products like glue. However, they’re far more complex than most adhesives. These are often called structural adhesives These terms make their role clearer: They’re high-performance adhesives meant for applications calling for powerful bonding, such as aircraft, automobiles, aerospace technology, or heavy process piping systems.
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Uses of Epoxy Adhesives Coming to process piping systems, the epoxy adhesives have a vital role to play. These systems frequently require to join unlike materials together, like composite pipe shoes and metal piping. Besides, adhesives need to hold structures together in heavy vibrations, high pressure, and corrosive environments.
An area where epoxy adhesives have advantage is when you’re including pipe supports like wear pads, pipe shoes, and Flat Plates. That’s since this mixture enables to install without welding.
Benefits of Epoxy Adhesives? • By safeguarding pipes or adding wear pads to the system, raw piping can be insulated. Suddenly, you’ve protected pipes from metal-on-metal contact deprived of the high cost of specialized labor. Also, by eliminating welding, you’ll be evading susceptible spots requiring special heat treatments. • These pipe supports can increase the life of the systems, need to be held together. These adhesives work pretty well since they are sturdy and can stand extreme environments. • An epoxy can also work as a sealant filling open gaps. This guards pipes and supports from corrosion.
Different Kinds of Epoxy Adhesives There are numerous epoxy adhesives, but they can be split into two one-component and two-component
One-Component Adhesives These more often than not come as a single paste. Though, the name can deceive a few. Though they come as only a single physical substance, they still require external elements to start the curing process. That means they require moisture, heat treatment, or special lighting for bonding.
Two-Component Adhesives These require you to blend two elements. When applied properly, the outcome is a powerful bond. Though, since two-part adhesives need mixing, there’s the likelihood for a human error.
What’s the Solution? If you desire to get the paybacks of a two-component adhesive without mixing the right ratio or getting it on the skin, use a static applicator. This loads onto a standard epoxy cartridge and brings a two-part epoxy in a flawless mixing ratio, saving the mess and guesswork that from time to time come with physically mixing two-component epoxies.
Due to the increasing demand for these adhesives in numerous industries, the total value of the epoxy adhesives will reach $13,484 million by 2030.
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Sticking Together for Success: Exploring the Lucrative Opportunities in the Adhesives and Sealants Market
The value of the adhesives & sealants market was USD 66,649.9 million in 2021. It is powering at a rate of 4.9% in the years to come, to reach to USD 102,604.3 million by 2030, according to a market research firm P&S Intelligence. This is majorly because of the increasing use of the product in the construction and automotive sectors. Furthermore, the growing requirement for these materials from…
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tiny-space-platypus · 2 months
Part 5 Not your average field trip
Dani had learned that rich people school is SO much different from regular school in the past month and a half. She was actually learning something here unlike the school she used to go to where she'd just sit bored most of the time. She had learnt quite a bit actually. Something that really angered her was realizing that her class bullied Mr.Brother mistaking, bad attitude, Damian Wayne. Though they never actually touched him, just rumors, rather awful jokes, and mean spirited memes. Apparently being a Wayne meant he was practically immune to physical bullying. Something about the others being afraid of his family ruining theirs. Did the Waynes have that much power?
Whatever, Dani has decided she was going to be this boy's friend. So instead of hanging around the other kids she hung around Damian her protective core claiming him as a friend meaning she'd protect him.
Talking to him was almost insufferable though. He was soooooo uptight till Dani started noticing his sketches. Well, that was something they could actually bond over since talking wasn't working. So Dani started bringing her own sketch book though her drawings were mostly blueprints like her brother, she also did like just drawing regular things as well. They might not talk when they spend time together (both finding each other's voice insufferable) but they did share drawings and sometimes even blueprints that the Dannies worked on together. Damian had even admitted they were good! Her brother and her even getting a compliment out of Mr. Always scowling Damian Wayne! Dani got way too excited over that almost falling out of the tree she was dangling from. He compared her to Mr.Grayson Wayne, she huffed when he told her that wasn't a compliment.
Today was like every other day of school. They'd sit in class, do whatever they need to then go out to recess like the rest of the kids. Dani would play games with the other kids for the first half then go sit at the tree with Damian to draw. She was always sitting in the tree hanging upside down. Dani insists it's the best way to draw but Damian doesn't believe her. She's just weird. Anyways today Damian decided to talk with Danielle. "Are you excited for the field trip?" Dani looked down at Damian confused. She didn't know there was a field trip and certainly didn't pay for her spot. She wasn't sure if she could pay for it. "Field trip? I didn't get anything for a friend trip. Did we have to pay for tickets?" Damian scoffed at Danielle not knowing anything about the field trip. They had been talking about in class for a week now. "No you don't need to pay we're going as a class to an aerospace museum. I thought you'd be excited." Just by the look in Danielle's eyes he'd released he messed up. Not that he had upset her but he had hit something she was going to non-stop talk about for the rest of recess. He groaned internationally, at least her rambling was intelligent.
Apparently Gotham academy loved going on field trips and today was supposed to be one of those days. They were going to go to Metropolis to go see The BEST aerospace museum so Dani was excited. She loved space about as much as her brother did after all. Her and her class all got on the bus together and happily chartered with each other, Dani of course sat next to Damian. They were close now after all even if their relationship wasn't built on talking. Damian rolled his eyes at her since she was practically shaking with excitement. Damian and her spent time before the bus ride started doodling for each other then when everyone else got on the bus Dani became much more social with the other students. Telling them about space and aircraft and all sorts of constellations, even drawing them out for them. Everything was going great!
But of course, she was a Nightingale and this was Gotham and things have been going too well for too long. Apparently the weirdo and his gain of fruitloops is the Scarecrow and his goons. As soon as the bus started down the main road the bus was hijacked and forced off course to a graveyard that the Scarecrow used as his base. Dani frowned as they ran over graves and that whenever one of her classmates moved a gun would be pointed towards them. She wasn't afraid they'd actually use it though, they had no intent to kill them if she read their emotions right. She noticed how whenever they threatened someone Damian tensed but in a way that felt more like he was ready to fight not run. Interesting.
Dani was going to wait, she knew that heroes were coming eventually so they wouldn't be missing too long. Then one of the goons mentioned something about them being subjects. Experiments, they were going to be their experiments. Danielle refused to be an experiment again.
Damian had pressed his panic button as soon as the bus was taken over. He could have done something, could have taken out every one of these goons and could have had them back on track to their field trip but that would have blown his cover. He can't blow his cover, he can't put his family in danger. He'd have to wait for the others, he'd have to wait to be rescued.
It was interesting watching Danielle's reactions, she didn't seem scared at all. Actually the only time she seemed any sort of upset was when they ran over grave stones mumbling something about disrespect. Then in an attempt to scare them more the goons brought up the tests they were going to do on them. How they were going to use fear Toxin on them, a new branch of it and they were the first test subjects. Danielle tender at that then tried to get up only to be pulled back down by Damian who was looking at her with a 'what the fuck are you doing?!' Causing her to just smile at him, it was different from her normal smile, this one didn't feel human. This one felt threatening, Damian barely managed to pull her down again. Whispering urgently to her. "Danielle don't- The bats will be here soon, they'll deal with them. Don't kill yourself"
Danielle begrudgingly sat back down next to Damian who now refused to let go of her hand so she didn't do something stupid. So now they were stuck waiting.
It took another 15 minutes to get to their location though they weren't off loaded from the bus. Instead the emergency exit was pressed against a mound of dirt and someone was guarding each one of the emergency exits. They took the role called lists from the adults, guess that was how they were going to determine who it reacts best to. There was a gas canister attached to the top emergency exit. Both Danielle and Damian just stared at it though nothing happened, nothing was coming out frustrating the goon who was supposed to control it. Damian then noticed Danielle's hand growing colder and colder.
They threw in a gas grenade into the bus hitting the adults in the front with gas before stuttering and stopping completely. When the second one was thrown in the one on top stuttered dripping out the concentrated fear toxin.
Dani was creating ice over the exit points for the gas preventing it from spreading but it was slowly getting harder to hold as more grenades were thrown in. This would be so much easier if she could transform but she couldn't do that here. Her reading was probably already going through the roof meaning the GIW- No focus. Just prevent the gas from getting more people. Prevent more people from becoming experiments. She got colder. She looked at Damian for a second then tried to pull her hand away as another grenade was thrown in, instead of the pale yellow of the others this one was bright blood red. Danielle breathed some of it in before freezing that one too. Blood bloom gas, they had blood bloom gas. She choked on it about as much as Damian did. He squeezed her hand as he began to hallucinate. He then attacked her just as the bats finally began to show up taking out the goons and of course losing Scarecrow.
Danielle was holding her own against Damian who was currently trying to tear out her throat. Both now tussling on the ground. Both of them breaking ribs, blackened eyes, broken noses, the works as they battled. This would have been fun if they weren't both poisoned. Maybe when all is said and done Damian would agree to fight her again. Without poison.
Eventually though they were pulled away from each other. Batman holding Damian down as he sprayed something into the kid's face. Danielle almost attacked Batman for it till Damian calmed down and held onto the bat. She hadn't been paying attention to the Red one looking her over and asking questions. She was still breathing heavily from the poison and fighting. His voice caught her attention.
"Ms, are you alright?" RR asked as he touched the red trails left from the blood blooms under her skin. It wasn't a kind of poisoning he's seen before. She flinched away when he touched the trails. Danielle mumbled "Will be, it hurts though"
"We're going to get you to a hospital alright?" It took Danielle a solid 10 seconds before processing what RR had said. The look of pure panic on the little girl's face worried him. "No! No hospitals, No doctors!" Danielle could not go to a hospital, if she went to the hospital they'd realize she wasn't human and if they realized she wasn't human she'd be put back into a lab and Vlad and the GIW.
Danielle was now hyperventilating, causing RR to back track. "Alright, no hospitals. We won't take you to a hospital. Do you know where your home is, we can take you home." Danielle slowly got up and looked at RR then at Damian who was still holding onto Batman. She still looked a little panicked. "Is he going to be alright?" RR looked over at Damian and smiled softly. "Yeah he'll be alright, do you know him?" RR already knew that Damian had been keeping tabs on her but he still wanted to know what she thinks of his brother. "We're friends. Or maybe we were friends, I did break a few of his ribs" she paused and looked away from Damian then back at RR. "Can I go home? Please?" RR was still looking at Basn and Damian but did start to respond. "Yeah after-" he turned to look at her and she was gone. Huh, guess the kid's a meta.
As soon as RR said she could she turned invisible not listening to him complete his sentence. He said yes and that's all she needed. Danielle flew home where Danny was still in the middle of an online class. When she was him she immediately grabbed onto him sobbing. Dani sobbed then passed out mumbling something.
Slight problem, this wasn't Danny. This was Jason who was now very confused and concerned. Dani in her slightly delirious state went to the wrong apartment building. Seeing what she assumed was her brother she just let herself in not even trying the key. So now Jason had a kid in his safe house, who didn't have a key or set off any of the alarms, who looked like hell, now passed out on his couch.
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jji-lee · 18 hours
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⋆₊˚⊹.𖥔 zoom, click, panic ! -> hyuck's group
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pussy feens (virgins) !
lee donghyuck is obsessed with anything camera related, no wonder he's a photography major. unfortunately for him it's an expensive hobby for a broke student like himself. he just lost his job at the convenience store cause he was too scared to help a hot girl find flamin' hot cheetos... he's a 24 year old virgin can you really blame him?
women gender studies major mark lee has to be the face of feminism. this may just be a ploy to try and get laid though, not like it's working anyways, the girls think he's gay. he's the dad of the group always making sure his boys are in check, and respecting women like they should. they'd have to actually get near a woman to respect her though...
zhong chenle's head is probably so huge because of how big his brain is, i mean who else is successfully completing an aerospace engineer major? not only is he a super mega nerd but he has an unhealthy obsession with stephen curry... what girl would wanna sleep with that? but who needs girls when you have your best guy friends who also get zero female interactions?
finance bro jung sungchan should have an easy time getting a girl.. right? wrong. he has no rizz whatsoever. but he's pretty popular amongst other men so he gets the guys access to all the biggest parties. parties which they spend all night stuck to one another... maybe they should try splitting up next time...
park jisung is the embodiment of shyness. no one knows how he's the only one in the friend group to have lost his virginity. he's cute and soft spoken... the the public. but when he's with his friend group no one can make him stop talking, certified yapper. and what's worse is that his rants usually consist of stars and planets, blame it on his astronomy major... or was it astrology?
these virgins met on a porn discord chat. they realized that they had the same taste in twitter porn and eventually made their own group chat to share videos. with some time there were less porn links and more personal talk. how sweet a bond forged by naked women and tragic backstories. but don't underestimate them, they'd ride and die for each other.
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yn's group -> masterlist -> intro
notes : literally all nerds cause they have nothing else to worry about but keeping their grades up tbh. didn't realize how smutty this smau is gonna be so pls prepare urselves for dirty bad words and descriptions im sorry 😞
taglist : @kimsaerom , @n0hyuck , @nanaxwi , @neverbeurs , @sunghoonsgfreal , @hizhu , @axo-l0tl , @strawberrysavi , @hyuckiebb-blog , @hyucktion , @4yunogf , @jakesbubu , @gacktsa , @iheartjayke , @annoyednblax , @luvvhaechan , @dudekiss3r , @yesohhsehun , @prettybluei , @soobinbunnie5 , @hyucksunset , @the-swageyama-tobiyolo , @byeonwooseokabs , @kodasity , @hyuckmoon , @catdonut657 , @lionzyon , @luvandletter , @defzcl , @nneteyamss , @222brainrot , @1lovejinki , @zzurao , @catpjimin , @multifandomania , @docilismo , @injunnie-lemon , @jeonghansshitester , @babyjenono , @wonswondrland , @livingdoll-hara , @minkyuncutie , @luvsooby
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munkeerobotbones · 10 days
Okay so I don't know if anyone's going to see this at all but I have an idea for a Gravity Falls au that I have not named yet. In this, both brothers fall into the portal. The portal is discovered by Fiddleford, and he ends up partnering with Shermie, And then both men bring their respective families to Gravity Falls. In the AU, Emma May is an aerospace engineering professor, Shermie is a biology chemistry double major, and while none of them understand quantum mechanics, they are quick studies. Even so, until they find the other two journals, they don't complete the portal. Because of the presence of their children (Shermie has a boy and girl, and then there's Tate), they manage to find the journals after about 10 years.
The focus of this fic is on opening communication and team work. The time the twins spend in the multiverse is intense, but they learn to depend on one another. Some of it is a hurt/comfort, there's some blood and gore, heavy themes, at least so far. I am about 20,000 words in, and I'm pretty sure this is gonna exceed 100,000 words.
The focus of the story from the side of Fidds and the gang is on the newly built blended family dynamics, themes of mental health, coming to terms with different LGBT alliances, the fall out of PTSD for vets of Vietnam, and working through grief.
The multiverse travel has a lot of the brothers surprising one another and one teaching the other about different complimentary traits. It's got some survival, some angst, but also bonding that I haven't seen enough of in some of my favorite fics.
This idea has been swimming around my head for a few months and I spent two hours on JUST the outline. (The outline itself is some 8000 words 😵‍💫) I feel good about it so far, but I wanted to gauge if there would even be any interest if I put it on AO3.
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fairypaw · 9 months
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Poly plastic critters be upon ye' 🏳️‍🌈👭👭💥
me babbling about them under the cut as always
i recently got these lps together and theyre my darling starshines. i kinda wanna make them into long running ocs make lore for them and all that,, so here are some info and hcs and lore for the girls <33
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Dorothea Flores || (cocker spaniel)
• she/her (afab)
• nicknames: dory, dorothy
• met Tommy first during early highschool, they were acquaintances and were on friendly terms through classes/projects but nothing came of it due to Dory's issues and Tom moving shortly. Rekindled again much later when she was on the job to find a heavily concussed Tommy
• Met Nia in pre med, Nia was the one who really helped her sort out all her issues and how they came to date was Dory on the bathroom floor post breakdown and went "lol that was embarrassing. wanna grab coffee later its a date"
• your local recovered mean girl grew up an angry child under her parents roof, its okay she figured it out,, eventually,,, in therapy
• currently an EMT, though shes undergoing training to become a paramedic.
• loves cooking!! she sings when she cooks and her girls will butt in off key fondly
Niamh Buckley || (deer)
• they/them (transfem amab)
• nicknames: nia
• homeschooled for most of their life, conservative parents who kept them in a short leash. ran away when they were 18 and lived with Tommy and her brother before going to collage where they met Dory.
• currently in med school to be a pediatric psychologist, but teaches elementary ballet part time
• kids love them like they're some sort of children whisperer, they hope to foster kids one day, something something breaking generational trauma
• loves gardening, grows their own veggies and herbs, hoping to grow a flower garden once they're a homeowner and not a heavily in debt student
Hamamoto Tomeiko || (cat)
• she/her
• nicknames: tommy, tom, miko
• was raised only by her older half brother growing up, her parents were unfit to raise a child and her freshly 18 brother adopted her, started calling him dad down the line.
• had a crush on Dorothy since high school, but it was pretty one sided since they were only in the same school for 2 years, because her dad's job made them move around a lot
• can pick up conversational languages pretty quickly because of this, also knows two different sign languages
• Met Nia because her dad came home with a homeless runaway kid and he took them in immediately knowing exactly what it felt like, they bonded while living together and decided to be roomates again in collage. feelings ensue
• wikipedia lite, will tell you about the article they read about whatever niche topic whenever they get an excuse to (theyr a little acoustic)
• studying in aerospace engineering, girl never let go of her hyperfixation of rockers since she was 7 and it shows
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them . btw.
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🟢 To what faction do you belong?
🔵 What factions (that you do not belong to) do you respect? Why?
🔴 What factions (that you do not belong to) do you disrespect? Why?
🟠 Is there an extinct faction you wish to see brought back in some form? Why?
🟡 Where do you currently live (nation/region/planet)? Have you lived elsewhere?
🟣 What are your top 3 favorite planets you have visited, if you have visited multiple worlds?
⚪ What was the first vehicle (BattleMech, Battle Armor, AeroSpace Fighter, combat vehicle, etc) that you piloted?
💛 What do you currently pilot?
💚 What do techs usually complain about with your piloting?
💙 What is a different kind/class of vehicle, 'Mech, or AeroSpace unit you would like to test, or simply would desire to get good at using?
♥️ Do you have a preference for ballistic, energy, missile, or other (e.g. melee/EMP/EW) weapons?
🎖️Have you been awarded any medals or commendations, and if so, what were they awarded for?
💳 If you are/were a mercenary, who is/was your most and least favorite client?
💰What was your dumbest and/or smartest purchase?
🐺 Is there an animal that you keep as a pet? Or an animal you might want as a pet?
🔮 For Clan characters, what do you think of the Inner Sphere, in whole or in part?
🌼 For Inner Sphere characters, what do you think of the Clans, in whole or in part?
✨ For Inner Sphere characters, are you a noble or a commoner?
👑 For Inner Sphere nobles, what are your titles and holdings?
🎱 For Inner Sphere commoners, what do you think of nobility and the neo-feudal system?
🌺 For Clan characters, to what caste do you belong?
🏆 For Clan characters, have you won a Bloodname? If so, what is it?
⛓️ For Clan characters, have you taken any bondsmen/women? Have you freed them or do they remain bonded?
🔫 If you can fight in non-vehicular combat, what weapons do you favor?
🤖 Do you have any cybernetic implants?
📚 Is there a particular historical event that resonates with you? Are you a fan of any famous individuals from the past?
🛸 Is there a "canon rumor" theory (e.g. hyperspace weirdness, aliens, Phantom 'Mech Ability, time travel, alternate universes, the Lost Cameron) that you believe in? Or perhaps have experienced?
(OOC: Well, everyone, here it is! A Battletech specific ask game for BT muses/OCs! Have fun everybody, and if you think of any extra questions I should add, let me know!)
Let's get this spread out, and start asking!
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luciusime · 10 months
Kr & S1
In the early days of his creation when he was still small and had extra fat clinging to his cheeks, the pains of growing spreading all over his body, Kr was not surrounded by blindingly red walls that looked too much like flayed open flesh and the smell of ozone and formaldehyde. His first lab was plain, and he couldn't name more than half the things in it. Hell, he couldn't even speak or retain consciousness very well. He was like a newborn baby, and like a newborn, he picked up on the things around him.
The walls always crackled with the bright hum of electricity, grating annoyingly at the edge of his hearing in a fuzzy sort of way. The lights always flickered too dimly and at a speed too fast for normal people to see, but it irritated Kr's eyes. Several doors down from him one of the scientists repeated the same mumbled words over and over again every day,
" Our Father, who…"
And a couple of levels into the basement, there was a perpetual screaming. It didn't have a schedule, unlike the scientist. He'd float into the waking world sometimes and it'd be silent, and sometimes the screaming was so loud it made him cry tears of pain.
It was one such time when he was crying- wailing with all his limited lung capacity- when a scientist, not the Our Father one, stormed in and demanded he be silent. When words failed, she simply turned on the components of his first chamber that filled the tank with stasis fluid. As the charmer filled and he was forced to sleep, the scientist mumbled to herself.
" The first clone is a screamer and the second is a crybaby, go figure."
He didn't really have time to think about those words when she said them, but when he woke up after a week and heard the whispers, there was no forgetting them.
The voice in his ears was soft, warm even, but something about the rough and wet sound made Kr squirm.
" And so that's why Orion is named as it is. I'm not sure where we are, so I'm not sure what the sky looks like over us, but I'm fairly sure that if you looked into the endless expanse of the stars from here, you'd be able to catch a glimpse of it."
Kr wanted to ask what a star was, and what expanse meant, and what a sky was. He did nothing as the other boy continued on. Space, aerospace, science, mathematics, English, and various other subjects were all he would talk about during the first few days after Kr was awake. He'd paint pictures with his words, stumbling through descriptions of little lights dancing and fiddling across the sky, the layer above the earth that reflected light and protected the thing on the planet from the sun, a really big star. He'd ramble on about aerodynamics and the requirements for a functional spaceship, giant flying metal constructs meant to take people into the sky and then far beyond it.
Kr hung off his every word, cooing whenever the older boy went over something particularly interesting, like biology or engineering. When the lights went out into the lab and only the soft hum of the low lights and the older boy's words filled his ears, Kr was at peace.
Of course, peace never lasted after the lights came back up. The only upside to the screaming was that Kr learned to control his tears, dampen his hearing with a constant stream of his own noise, and speak. He spoke about nothing, mostly listing off the things in his little lab, listening as the older boy gave him the names of the things he described.
"The walls are grey in here, and there are…"
His voice trailed off as he searched for a word he could not find. The older boy held in a strangled cry and waited patiently for Kr to continue.
" It's shiny, and I can't move my head enough to see it, but it shows me the floor, even though it's on the ceiling."
" Mirror, aus." the other whispered back, barely moving his mouth at all as he strained against his restraints, the reinforced bonds creaking loudly with his every effort. Aus, that had started happening recently too, that word he couldn't define and the older boy hadn't gotten the chance to explain.
He repeated the word, mirror, then told the other about the things he saw there. He trailed into things he could feel as he started to repeat items he'd already listed.
" The pod is still cold as ever, and the metal isn't all that nice to be pressed against."
He kept making noise. When he ran out of words he hummed, cooed in that oh-so-familiar way that always made the other boy's chest rumble when he was pleased with Kr. He did so until the screaming subsided and they moved the older clone back to his own containment unit. Kr let the humming and cooing taper off as he waited for the other to say something.
" When I was little, still a fledgling, only about 2, and I looked it too, I managed to slip away from here. I ended up somewhere far, and a little redhead girl and her parents found me."
Kr wondered what spurred this particular story, but instead of asking, he cooed and settled himself to listen.
" The redhead, Jazz, she became my older sister. A female born before you sharing the same parents. Her parents were my parents, but more than that, she was my whole world for a while. We were close, and I was safe with her. She was the first one to ask me my name, and the first to give me something so precious so freely. She gave me Daniel, Danny."
A soft rumble echoed through the halls of the facility and up through Kr's chamber, shaking nothing but Kr's bones.
" I wish you could have met her aus, she was the smartest person I ever knew, probably still the smartest person I ever met too. Maybe, when I figure out how to get out of here again one day, I'll take you home to meet her, how does that sound?"
Kr cooed, no words coming to him in the intense emotion that swelled up from his chest and clogged his throat.
Of course, getting out again was a pipe dream for Danny, afterall, he couldn't do much with the whole basement level he was kept on bathed in ectoplasm inhibitors, low level kryptonite, and blood blossoms, preventing him from regrowing his arms and legs or breaking his bonds. But his precious star child little brother didn't need to know that. He also didn't need to know about the transfer order to move him to a new facility, the order that would leave Danny trapped in the basement with his precious star none the wiser of his existence.
" Alright star, I'll let you meet Jazz one day, it'll be fun."
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zohasen · 2 months
High-Performance Adhesives for Aircraft Manufacturing
In the aerospace industry, the demand for high-performance adhesives has never been greater. As aircraft designs evolve, the need for materials that can withstand extreme conditions while ensuring structural integrity and safety is paramount. High-performance adhesives have become integral to aircraft manufacturing, providing exceptional strength, durability, and reliability.
One of the primary reasons aerospace adhesives are indispensable is their ability to bond various materials such as metals, composites, and plastics. These adhesives offer a seamless bonding solution, reducing the need for mechanical fasteners, which in turn decreases the aircraft's weight and enhances fuel efficiency. Among the various types of adhesives used, epoxy adhesives stand out for their remarkable properties. Epoxy adhesive manufacturers in India are at the forefront of developing formulations that cater specifically to the aerospace sector's rigorous requirements.
In addition to strength, electrically conductive adhesives are gaining traction in aircraft manufacturing. These adhesives ensure reliable electrical conductivity while providing robust mechanical bonding, making them ideal for electronic components within aircraft. The ability to conduct electricity without compromising on bond integrity is a game-changer for the industry, paving the way for more efficient and reliable aerospace systems.
As an adhesive manufacturer in India, Kohesi Bond is dedicated to producing high-quality aerospace adhesives that meet international standards. Our range of epoxy adhesives is designed to endure extreme temperatures, resist environmental degradation, and maintain superior performance under stress. We understand the critical role these adhesives play in ensuring the safety and efficiency of aircraft, and our products reflect this commitment to excellence.
In conclusion, the advancements in aerospace adhesives are revolutionizing aircraft manufacturing. With the expertise of epoxy adhesive manufacturers in India and the innovative solutions provided by companies like Kohesi Bond, the future of aerospace construction is set to soar to new heights.
For more information about our high-performance adhesives, visit Kohesi Bond.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
New Process Allows Full Recovery of Starting Materials From Tough Polymer Composites - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/new-process-allows-full-recovery-of-starting-materials-from-tough-polymer-composites-technology-org/
New Process Allows Full Recovery of Starting Materials From Tough Polymer Composites - Technology Org
In a win for chemistry, inventors at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory have designed a closed-loop path for synthesizing an exceptionally tough carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer, or CFRP, and later recovering all of its starting materials.
A polymer, functionalized carbon fibers and a crosslinker are mixed and cured. The components can be retrieved by addition of an alcohol, pinacol. Credit: Philip Gray and Anisur Rahman/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy
A lightweight, strong and tough composite material, CFRP is useful for reducing weight and increasing fuel efficiency of automobiles, airplanes and spacecraft. However, conventional CFRPs are difficult to recycle. Most have been single-use materials, so their carbon footprint is significant. By contrast, ORNL’s closed-loop technology, which is published in Cell Reports Physical Science, accelerates addressing that grand challenge.
“We incorporated dynamic crosslinking into a commodity polymer to functionalize it. Then, we added a crosslinker to make it like thermoset materials,” said ORNL chemist and inventor Md Anisur Rahman. “Dynamic crosslinking allows us to break chemical bonds and reprocess or recycle the carbon fiber composite materials.”
A conventional thermoset material is permanently crosslinked. Once synthesized, cured, molded and set into a shape, it cannot be reprocessed. ORNL’s system, on the other hand, adds dynamic chemical groups to the polymer matrix and its embedded carbon fibers. The polymer matrix and carbon fibers can undergo multiple reprocessing cycles without loss of mechanical properties, such as strength and toughness.
Rahman led the study with ORNL chemist Tomonori Saito, who was honored by Battelle in 2023 as ORNL Inventor of the Year. Rahman and ORNL postdoctoral fellow Menisha Karunarathna Koralalage conducted most of the experiments. The trio has applied for a patent for the innovation.
“We invented a tough and recyclable carbon fiber composite,” said Saito. “The fiber and the polymer have a very strong interfacial adhesion due to the presence of dynamic bonds.” The interface locks materials together through covalent interactions and unlocks them on demand using heat or chemistry. Saito added, “The functionalized fiber has dynamic exchangeable crosslinking with this polymer. The composite structure is really tough because of the interface characteristics. That makes a very, very strong material.”
Conventional polymers like thermoset epoxies are typically used to permanently bond materials such as metal, carbon, concrete, glass, ceramic and plastic to form multicomponent materials such as composites. However, in the ORNL material, the polymer, carbon fibers and crosslinker, once thermoset, can be reincarnated back into those starting materials. The material’s components can be released for recycling when a special alcohol called a pinacol replaces the crosslinker’s covalent bonds.
Closed-loop recycling at laboratory scale results in no loss of starting materials. “When we recycle the composites, we recover 100% of the starting materials — the crosslinker, the polymer, the fiber,” Rahman said.
“That’s the importance of our work,” Saito said. “Other composite recycling technologies tend to lose the component starting materials during the recycling process.”
Other advantages of the reversibly crosslinked CFRPs are quick thermosetting, self-adhesive behavior and repair of microcracks in the composite matrix.
In the future, closed-loop recycling of CFRPs may transform low-carbon manufacturing as circular lightweight materials become incorporated into clean-energy technologies.
The researchers drew inspiration from nature, which employs dynamic interfaces to create robust materials. Nacre, the iridescent mother-of-pearl inside the shells of marine mussels and other mollusks, is exceptionally tough: it can deform without breaking. Moreover, marine mussels strongly adhere to surfaces but dissipate energy to release when necessary.
The researchers aimed to optimize interfacial chemistry between the carbon fibers and the polymer matrix to boost interfacial adhesion and enhance CFRP toughness. “Our composite’s strength is almost two times higher than a conventional epoxy composite,” Rahman said. “Other mechanical properties are also very good.”
The tensile strength, or the stress a material can bear when it is pulled, was the highest ever reported among similar fiber-reinforced composite materials. It was 731 megapascals — stronger than stainless steel and stronger than a conventional epoxy-based CFRP composite for automobiles.
In the ORNL material, the dynamic covalent bonding between the fiber interface and the polymer had 43% greater interfacial adhesion compared to polymers without dynamic bonds.
The dynamic covalent bonds enable closed-loop recycling. In a conventional matrix material, the carbon fibers are difficult to separate from the polymer. ORNL’s chemical method, which clips fibers at the functional sites, makes it possible to separate fibers from the polymer for reuse.
Karunarathna Koralalage, Rahman and Saito modified a commodity polymer, called S-Bpin, with assistance from Natasha Ghezawi, a graduate student at the Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. They created upcycled styrene ethylene butylene styrene copolymer, which incorporates boronic ester groups that covalently bond with a crosslinker and fibers to generate the tough CFRP.
Because CFRP is a complex material, its detailed characterization required diverse expertise and instrumentation. ORNL’s Chris Bowland tested tensile properties. With Raman mapping, ORNL’s Guang Yang showed the distribution of chemical and structural species.
Catalin Gainaru and Sungjin Kim, both of ORNL, captured rheological data, and Alexei Sokolov, a UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair, elucidated it. Scanning electron microscopy by Bingrui Li, of ORNL and UT, revealed that carbon fiber maintained its quality after recycling.
Vivek Chawla and Dayakar Penumadu, both of UT, analyzed interlaminar shear strength. With X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, ORNL’s Harry Meyer III confirmed what molecules attached to fiber surfaces. ORNL’s Amit Naskar, a renowned expert in carbon fiber, reviewed the paper.
The scientists found that the degree of dynamic crosslinking is important. “We found 5% crosslinking works better than 50%,” Rahman said. “If we increase the crosslinker amount, it starts making the polymer brittle. That’s because our crosslinker has three hand-like bulky structures, able to make more connections and decrease the polymer’s flexibility.”
Next, the research team would like to conduct similar studies with glass-fiber composites, which maintain high performance while lowering the cost and carbon footprint of applications in aerospace, automotive, marine, sporting, construction and engineering. They also hope to reduce costs of the new technology to optimize commercial prospects for a future licensee.
“This step will open more applications, especially for wind turbines, electric vehicles, aerospace materials and even sporting goods,” Rahman said.
The Vehicle Technologies Office in DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy sponsored the research. DOE’s Office of Electricity sponsored Raman mapping.
UT-Battelle manages ORNL for DOE’s Office of Science. The single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, the Office of Science is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. For more information, please visit energy.gov/science.
Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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hiranospiercing · 2 years
shounen ai mangas that should be a part of your reading list if you enjoy reading healthy and plot driven romances- part 1.
I've been reading bl for years now, the reason why i indulged myself into reading this particular genre was simply because shoujo as a genre is too repetitive, most tropes are overused and it's honestly really hard to find good stories once you've finished the easily accessible popular franchises.
boys love is divided into two sub genres, yaoi and shounen ai, I personally do not enjoy reading smut, it's a different story if intimacy plays an important point for the character development of the characters in the story, but i'am not a huge fan of the porn being used as the plot device for the entire manga and hence i won't be including yaoi mangas in this list.
1. Sayonara, Heron.
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Sayonara, Heron is one of those mangas that remain ambiguous and non-linear for the majority of the time but gradually intensify itselves once the ending is near without losing it's delicacy, i won't be talking about the plot since i want you to experience this 7 chapter long manga the way i did, without knowing anything about it, but it's simply about family and relationships, the art style is so pretty, the rooftop, the cigarettes, the kisses, everything. I do not see enough people talking about it and maybe you should help me change that.
2. We're still in the spring of life.
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Academics, Aerospace and Adorability, everything about this manga is so heart warming, the hesitation in the beginning of a friendship which ends with a comfortable yet passionate relationship, the naps, the math equations and the confessions, this manga is simply about two boys growing together by simultaneously relying on each other. Also the rocket metaphors have my heart, read it to find them out.
3. Our dining table.
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I've always been a huge fan of child care as a separate genre on it's own, but this manga is one of the only romance mangas where the child care part of it actually plays a huge role for the development of the characters, it honestly isn't forced like some omegaverse stories rather it's comforting and actually heart warming to read, the food being used as a love language, the friendships and the bonding amidst the family and the main character is beautiful, give it a go if you want to experience legit therapy lol.
4. Blue sky complex.
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Blue sky complex is one of the few shounen ai mangas which seems authentic and raw because of the awkwardness of the characters, the relationship between the characters is easily connectable in the sense that you get the insight of how their head actually works and makes those decisions, it explores gay relationships in a very interesting way, and honestly is very close to my heart because well it's the GLASSES GUY X GOOF BALL trope yet again.
5. Yuki no shita no qualia.
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Now, this manga vaguely reminds me of sayonara, heron but honestly is a lot more strong with what it wants to explore, it's one of those mangas that will accidentally make you cry because of the beauty of it's characters and the development of their relationship.
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"i think you make me kinder," is better than any "i love you".
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evervalence · 7 months
some random The Hollow headcanons
before his emo phase, Adam had a boy band phase, and so did Mira. they bonded over it
Mira is Thai (you can pry this hc from my cold dead hands)
Reeve has a really good singing voice, but no one knows because he never sings in front of them, until the group has a karaoke session
when he was a kid, Kai was obsessed with space and NASA and wanted to be an astronaut. now he's refined it into aerospace engineering instead
Vanessa has a calico cat that she treats like her child. she can be all mean and sassy but once the cat shows up she puts on her baby voice
everyone thinks Mira is an actual Disney princess. like, she's literally perfect at everything she does. the group makes her recreate the Snow White singing to the birds scene
Skeet is definitely a stoner. ik it's a kids show but he's legit one of those stoner coded characters who if it was the 90s would have been played by Matthew Lillard
Mira and Kai don't like horror movies, while the rest of the gang does. that creates problems for their movie nights when some people really want to watch a horror movie. they'll reassure them that "this one isn't that scary, it'll be fine" and those two end up getting scared anyways. if it's a sleepover they'll follow other people around for the rest of the night bc they're afraid to be alone
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Strong and Durable: Exploring the Growth of the Epoxy Adhesive Market
Adhesives are essential products that are often overlooked. They’re noticed, until they fail. If your supports aren’t correctly fused, it could bring about disjointed parts, damaged equipment, and worn-out piping systems. So, this blog has the ins and outs of epoxy adhesives, which can help you secure the pipe supports with confidence. What Is an Epoxy Adhesive? From time-to-time epoxy…
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