gallowking · 5 years
Grasps the flier and reads it thoroughly like a true lawyer would. 
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“What is this charity for, then? I think clarification is an order as to where our QP will be going towards.” 
@counterforced​ @saoiri​ @aeronotch​
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wisesteyed · 5 years
aeronotch replied  “Moriarty.”
The top icon kind of reminds me of Hans, just older.
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Aaaaaaaa now that you mention it, i can kinda see a resemblance? maybe because of the glasses? though i feel like if anything, he looks more like he could be his father  hahahah!
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cursedjustice · 5 years
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@aeronotch​ you can’t say I never spoil you.
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soliser · 5 years
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"hauuh!!”     one giant, the size of the sun giant, note to self: the food processor is loud. very loud. much too loud for her canine senses, despite her currently using the form of a human. the herald of ragnarok cowered behind the table, quite some distance from the machine as it continued to do its job, whatever it was really. only when it finished, did she peer over her ‘cover’, eyes narrowed in both confusion and concern.     “why does our master have that?? that monstrosity!!?” // @aeronotch​​
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lacobscur · 5 years
Happy Holidays! ⛄. i'm a snaggin' them cookies too.
You are welcome to any of the cookies in my house and so is Robin. Robin can have anything he wants from me tbh
i have a whole pinterest board for rob so i made him an aesthetic sheet ! i had fun
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solisnumen · 5 years
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“Heavens me, our Master must be joking. Us? Working together? Again? Is this some ‘cheaters assemble’ squad? Or, perhaps, ‘those who use sneaky tactics’ team? No, no, no, both sound awful. Spending the night with you in the forest sounds like the worst scenario ever. This is not the route I was going for!”
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boldestgreen · 5 years
@aeronotch​ replied ; "You can take my spot."
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         Oi! Don´t throw at me your dirty rags! you out of everyone especially!
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coillededhuilean · 5 years
For every 💭 I receive, I will write one thought my Muse has had about yours. || Accepting
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“–Still not understandin’ all th’fascination wit what I am. Not exactly sunshine an’ rainbows, or a walk in th’park.”
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hearthhearted-a · 5 years
"Oi, Master!" He put a hand on her head, turning her another direction. "Ya nearly stepped on a trap." It was pretty obvious too, to Robin, with how that patch of grass seemed odd compared to others.
Ritsuka started for a moment when she was turned around, then flushing with embarrassment upon hearing Robin's words. "Ah-ah, thank you Robin-san! Sorry for not noticing, I, uh, don't have much practice with traps yet, haha!" Ahh, she's crying on the inside...
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lybian-glass · 5 years
Swoops in for a kiss. 'G'morn' Pinky.'
Even if servants didn’t need to go to sleep in a conventional way, the Caster did so out of habit. So when she slowly woke up, she barely comprehended the Archer was beside her in the bed. It was when he kissed her that she realized no it wasn’t a dream and he was actually there. The greeting with the nickname made her red even though it wasn’t the first time she kissed. It didn’t stop her from returning the gesture back as she kissed him as well.
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“Morning to you, Mr. Hood.” She was teasing him to hide her embarrassment as she continued; it was hard to not look down at that bare chest. “What have I done to have your presence here?” 
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maledicti-oculi · 5 years
“ you’re actually kind of amazing ”
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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🐍— ❝You flatter me....❞ She whispered. Though, he would be able to see she wasn’t used to such compliments. Though, she enjoyed hearing it. She. wasn’t used to praise from another. She was used her her sisters, always scolding or down talking her.
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unwcvering · 5 years
@aeronotch​ asked  —
“ there aren’t a lot of people like you in the world ”
FE.3H starters || accepting
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       “You’re wrong.” The Caster didn’t hesitate to reply or disagree, stating his opinion without any reserve. “There are a lot of people like me. First and foremost without being tied to a spirit, I am a magus. They would jump at any opportunity for themselves, go as far to trade their humanity to reach their goals or obtain power. I’ve seen it countless moments over the years... Driven to the brink of madness for what is a glimpse of what they could have, only to have the very thing they want most taken away along with what little they already possess. I could have been like that.” It might not have been the point the Archer had been trying to make, El-MeIIoi II couldn’t sit there and act as if he were no different than those corrupted magi. 
       “There are people that are equally kind with wanting nothing in return. Those that would protect while knowing that it would ultimately be their own downfall. Not all of us would be so quick to do that. People like them, there aren’t a lot of people like that in the world.” Though, admittedly as much as he wished there were, it was unrealistic. “I could not pay such an ultimate price as that. Death is far too frightening for me to bear... If not for Zhuge Liang, I might as well be a coward in comparison and stand on the side while everyone else fights.” Shaking his head, he ran his hand through his hair and folded his arms. “What I mean is there are plenty like me... Far too many, really. There should be more that are the opposite.”
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starrymaster · 5 years
Shoots at nbd.
When Hakunon was shot, it was painful. Didn’t she felt this before? didn’t she die like this before? It felt too familiar. It felt like she went though this, but a long time ago. This time, there was no one to protect her. It was just her alone.
The brunette’s visions blurred, before hitting the floor, flat down. She cannot muster the energy to even scream. Her energy felt like it was draining away quick due to the poison.
Maybe next time bring an servant or anti-poison to protect you, hakunon.
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DEAD END - Robin casually murders Hakunon.
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ecarlatecendrillon · 5 years
aeronotch liked your post: “I want to rp with a Robin Hood at some point”
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( I see you, Solivagant. Want to plot out something for Mashiro and Robin?
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soliser · 5 years
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@aeronotch​  said : [ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger for hati
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"  wha  --  ”          emerald eyes widened in shock at the sound of pain from behind.     not an enemy,  their mind supplied but why would a fellow servant  --  didn’t they know the vargr could handle anything??     they clicked their tongue,  dashing forward with claws extended to finish off the enemy before turning back to the archer with a rare mix of concern and anger within their eyes.          “  hey,  why did you do that??   we didn’t need help!!  ”
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tamaxcat · 5 years
aeronotch answered your ask
      What kind...              That was a good question! What kind of cookies did Cat- or, Master like?
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       "Let's make chocolate chips, woof!"
Putting her own apron on, Cat joined him near the ingredients, pulling a bowl over so she could start with preparing the dough. Although, saddly... Cat was better suited in the kitchen with cooking meals, and not so much baking. Those giant paws just weren't very delicate for this type of thing, which may have also been why she roped the Archer into her schemes- but, as soon as she went to pick up the bag of flour, this fact became so clear. For those paws held a bit too much force, and the bag popped open- sending a nice big cloud of flour up to cover her, and partially even Robin.
.... That backfired.
        "Ehe- Cat will go start the oven instead."
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