#aerolith dynamics
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thinking thoughts.
severance / SAYER / severance: the lexington letter / wikipedia - pure michigan
#severance#SAYER#sayer podcast#sayerpod#the lexington letter#lumon#aerolith dynamics#the thoughts aren't fully formed but they're there
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speaker is trying to take this fanmade sticker set down as we squeak
#my lovely art#sayerposting#the forcefem one is bc i was trying to find those stickers w the specific artstyle but could only think of the isuggestforcefem blog icon#its project sekai btw! the more you know!#speakervoice we dont force anyone at aerolith dynamics. nothing happens till your waiver of bodily autonomy form is signed
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AI Bracket — Third Place
PLEASE it is like. THE ai podcast. and SAYER is THE ai in THE ai podcast. SAYER works as like. a broadcast inside everyone's head on this one asteroid. It does its best to keep people alive and sane not because it cares but because it is efficient. They people who own SAYER wanted to replace SAYER with a newer ai that they tried to raise like a child. So SAYER proceeded to fuck up said child ai's development and led to it becoming a murderer. pleasepleaseplease watch SAYER if you are a podcast ai fan.
I once saw a post that said it's like if an old gay English professor was evil
SAYER (it/its pronouns) is a highly advanced self-aware ai developed by Ærolith Dynamics. it manages the day-to-day lives of Ærolith employees on Typhon, an asteroid turned research facility. it is rude and condescending, but has a very pleasant and soothing voice
Sayer sweep Sayer sweep Sayer sweep please please please
Guys think about it this way: SAYER got emotions and it's first feeling was rage towards someone for not helping it. It's annoyance was how it realized it had emotions, isn't that so cool. You should totally vote SAYER (I'm not an ærolith propaganda agent trust)
#like idk the other character but its not Best podcast character its Sexiest podcast character. #and sayer is giving you come now gif tumblr sexymxn (gender neutral). #its giving stanley parable. its asmr-ing you down the tight hallway #you cant move your head so you will have to rely on me. very good.#its a mean voice that reads your every body response directs every aspect of ur life and orders you around what more do you people WAN- #Omg. that was aerolith dynamics on the phone. they said it gains the ability to puppet human bodies rattatouille style in later seasons 😳😳 #THE POINT IS ITS LIKE CARTOONISHLY AND EMBARASSINGLY SEXY. IT SHOULD WIN. (Mod Note: This poll is Who is the better AI? not "Who is sexier?".)
#please vote sayer because nothing good happens when sayer thinks another ai is surpassing it .
#i LOVE hera but i feel i have to vote sayer because like. it’s MY evil bastard ai #mx ‘remember: Needs Improvement’ itself #what an asshole (<3)
#agfjdlj i Know that wolf is a far more popular podcast (even though I've never listened to it) #but this feeling like an injustice to Sayer #its so weird and off-putting and it exercises this fact gleefully #its got the world's most toxic situationship with resident hale #the condescension is genuinely part of its charm #also 'pleasent and soothing' are not the words I'd use to describe its voice #(the words I'd use are Insanely Fucking Sexy) #also it/its rep. even if it is an insane AI i love it so much (Mod Note: This was written when SAYER was against Hera, not Eris.)
Eris (Wolf 359):
Basically a game show host but crueller. She puts you through psychological torment as a bonding exercise with your crew, and at the end you have to shoot her with a real actual gun. She is projected directly into your mind by interfacing with your nervous system and she will do something messed up. Her most recent iteration got blasted into space. Personally, I think she's lovely
A VR entity designed to do chaos psychological horror torture tests on Goddard employees. She's not malicious; that's simply her job. It's how she was made. (Maybe she can grow.)
She was in just one episode but so fucking interesting, evil/malicious AI. also a lesbian. Was shot the secound she became a bit too self aware
Art of SAYER by @j4y5t4g.
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Hey! I hope this doesn't come across as needy or awkward, but—a post of yours came across my feed talking about a crossover you're planning to write between Prey (my favorite game and how I saw the post) and SAYER (something I've never heard of). I know I like it when people ask me about my interests, so I was wondering if you could tell me a little about it? I personally think it's better to hear that type of thing from someone who's passionate about it
Again, sorry if this comes off weird 😭
You're fine, I love talking about this stuff, especially this podcast and this game!! To be totally honest, most of my friends know the podcast and not the game, so this is a Fantastic reversal
So, the plot of SAYER is that there's a company, Aerolith Dynamics, that made a second moon where they can do evil capitalist science shit without any oversight. Most things there are overseen by the incredibly powerful and dangerous AI, Sayer. The POV of the podcast is you, an employee, are starting at the company and are being directed around by Sayer.
It gets more complicated real fast. Including a more murderous than usual copy of Sayer! What if you make a physical copy of a person, give that person amnesia, shove them into the copy, and then repeatedly lecture them about Theseus's ship! The eldritch horror isn't actually nearly as big of a problem as everything else! And there's a bunch of other AI, and at least one of them doesn't like murder
Also, the second moon that Aerolith made is called Typhon, and that alone would make this crossover fun. I'm sure Aerolith would copyright the name Typhon, and since Transtar is busy trying to keep this alien shit secret, they can't exactly fight the copyright even if they want to and were calling the aliens Typhon first
#i have many crossover ideas but at least one is morgan and a character from sayer having identity issues at each other#asked#satyr-bums#sayer#prey 2017#sayer podcast
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sayerhale-- 1.6k words-- Sven, early in his time on Typhon, incorrectly identifies arousal as some variety of life threatening condition. Luckily SAYER is available to act as guide
Relative Lack of Context
You were sick. Something was wrong.
It had been happening since a day or two after you woke up, but in the past few days it was getting worse. You were on shift but… it wasn’t going away this time.
“S- SAYER, um- I think-” You cleared your throat, “I think I need to go to medical.”
“Resident, the experiment is nearly completed, unless one of the previously outlined emergency situations is occurring, now is not the time to seek medical attention.”
You read over the list of expected medical emergencies again.
“Skin Bubbling Inability to Breathe Loss of More Than 710 ml of Blood Loss of Ability to Smell Alcohol Rapid Bone Fusion Swelling of Pinky Fingers”
You shifted your weight uncomfortably.
“Do your complaints relate to any of the listed emergencies, Resident Goreson?”
You glanced down at the shape tenting the front of your pants.
You pushed your chair in, closer to the table and shook your head. Wrong kind of swelling.
You placed your hands flat on the table and tried to ignore the way your whole body felt too warm, too aware.
“Then you will have no trouble focusing I’m sure.”
You nodded.
“...Resident you are not moving.”
“Sorry,” You picked up the last of the disinfectant sprays and, hand shaking, applied it to your forearm.
“Your sweating is detracting from the efficacy of the spray, your nervousness is now inhibi- oh. Resident, I have good news about your present condition. It is rarely associated with death.”
Rarely? What was happening to you?
“It is understandable you would not recognize your symptoms and identify it yourself. You are after all quite without context.”
It was getting worse. This must be a rare case. You were dying.
“You are experiencing sexual arousal.”
This topped you short, but you hesitated, and chewed the inside of your cheek doubtfully.
“But-” You glanced around, “What about...?”
“That is an erection. I can assure you it is not a sign of illness. I wouldn’t say that residents receiving medical attention never experience one, but in this case the correlation is not strong enough to cause concern. It is the primary visual sign of arousal in someone with your set of genitalia. This is not immediately a threat to your life, so you may resolve it after your shift is completed. I suggest you focus now.”
“But I… don’t know how to make it stop?”
“Ah. Well… that is also something that will need to wait until after you complete this experiment.”
You nodded.
“Now wipe off your arm to remove the spray and the perspiration.”
You followed the steps it indicated.
Your breath came quicker as a shiver passed through you.
“Now spray the solution onto your arm and start the timer to see how long it takes to dry on your skin.”
The drying this time seemed to draw on for minutes. It was less than thirty seconds.
The chirp of the watch stopping was a relief.
“That concludes the experiment. You will now simply have to leave the lab.”
You hesitated.
“There is little option available to you if you wish to improve your condition. Performing such actions here would be against Aerolith Dynamics outlined Code of Employee Conduct. You will have to make a discreet exit.”
You pressed your legs together under the table, looking around. There were several tables between you and the door.
“I could issue an alert telling residents to disregard your current state,” It offered.
You shook your head frantically and stood, to prove it didn’t need to do that. You saw the camera above the door was trained in your direction.
“Hmm. It seems I may have underestimated the severity of the situation.”
Severity? What was going to happen? You kept heading for the exit.
“I believe you will need to make a stop before going to your quarters. This could be rather obvious even in a crowded corridor. The elevators have enough to deal with currently without adding to their workload. When you enter the hallway duck into the door directly to your left.”
You looked both ways down the hall. When you saw a man approaching from the right you lunged for the door SAYER indicated and shut it quickly behind you as the lights came on. You glanced around and saw you were in a supply closet.
“It is unfortunate, of course, particularly since the door does not have locks, but our options are currently limited. You will need to lean against the door to keep it closed.”
You put your back against it as directed.
“I will assume you have compiled. Now you’ll need to unzip your uniform and pull your penis out.”
You felt heat flare through your face. You did as it said, heart pounding, blood rushing in your ears. You carefully pulled it out, it was sensitive. It bobbed in the air, flushed and hot.
“You will need to wrap your hand around it, Resident,” It said patiently.
You did, loosely, and waited.
“You will have to touch it,” It explained. You tightened your grip, a shudder wracked through you. Oh that was, that's a lot, “and to save us further confusion, The eventual aim will be to move your hand up and down across the skin to stimulate yourself to orgasm. There will be a mess, if done correctly, but you will almost certainly be able to handle it.”
You flushed at its description of what you would need to do.
“Your vitals would indicate you haven’t started yet. This is fascinating. You presumably don’t have the effects of years of sex negative conditioning to imbue you with a sense of shame around this activity and yet at every step you’ve displayed a hesitance that I have come to associate with embarrassment. I can assure you, Resident, masturbation is perfectly normal. You not getting an intuitive sense of how it's done is the most abnormal aspect of this in my experience.”
You got the feeling that most people didn’t need to do it in a random supply closet though.
“You may begin, I suggest finding a pace that is enjoyable.”
Knowing SAYER was monitoring your vitals this closely only made your heart beat faster. Could doing this make your heart beat too fast. Is that how people died?
You started slow, the sensitivity making you cautious. A noise tore itself out of your throat and your free hand came to clap over your mouth.
“Ah, perhaps we left it a bit too long. You might want to get going, I really can’t see circumstances improving if these are your current responses. I would also recommend keeping your hand just where it is. We now have enough evidence to say you have a definite capacity to be rather noisy when sufficiently motivated.”
You started moving your hand again and whimpered, it felt good. Not enough, but too much. Your knees felt weak as your arm sped up finding a desperate pace that had a terrifying thrilling tension curling in your stomach.
You needed- something- you-
“Slow down,” SAYER ordered evenly and you did immediately despite the wretched sound that left you.
“What- I can’t- I’m- I can’t catch my breath?” You managed to keep your voice more or less even for as long as it took you to say the sentence.
“That’s normal, it means you’re doing well. Don’t cease your movement, I can tell from your hormone levels you’re nearing orgasm, unsurprising if this is truly the first time you’ve done this since your arrival. It’s important that you try to remain on this precipice until a time I designate. Move faster.”
You wanted, the fear of what might happen faded into the background in the face of the want that seemed to curl through your skin and up your spine. You sped up.
“Good work, Resident, it's rare to encounter this degree of obedience in a resident the first time I help them.”
You felt dizzy. Would it help you again? Would you have to wait until it was this bad again?
How often could you do this? Would it be risky to try again soon?
“Run a thumb across the tip to collect the pre-ejaculate and return to the current movement.”
The gesture wet your hand a bit. You bit down on your hand trying to control the noises that kept trying to leave you. The pain made you press your head back into the door, shifting your feet further apart.
“You may feel yourself beginning to lose control soon. You will need to give in to that sensation. Move your hand in the manner that most efficiently draws you further toward that goal.”
You whined, feeling tears prickle in your eyes as the motion of your hand became faster and more irregular as your hips chased the touch.
“There. Now,” SAYER said as you seemed to crest some sort of wave. The feeling hit you hard, making you release your hand from between your teeth and let out a shout. Your world narrowed to the feeling of your hand and SAYER’s voice.
Several dizzying breathless seconds passed and when you composed yourself enough to breathe and think your hand was wet and-
Oh! You weren’t dead. Your chest rose and fell quickly. The hand you bit ached.
“Well done, Resident. You will find, to your right, a sink that is typically used for filling mop buckets. You may wish to wash your hands before you exit this closet. Next time please bring this to my attention during recreation hours rather than during a shift. It would be significantly easier to assist you in your own living space where you could, perhaps, set up a camera so I am less prone to wild hormonal conjecture.”
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@ sayer fandom do u think porter and future are friends
Like does porter keep bringing people down to floor 13 because they like future and want to bring enrichment down to it's cage or does porter just do that bc it's an adrenaline junkie
Does porter play that spooky song for future or for itself
Bc in the ep where porter talks it sings to itself
Porter rlly likes music
@ Aerolith Dynamics give Porter a radio pleas e you've already deprived it of the ability to communicate
@ Aerolith Dynamics give Future a rubix cube or smth. Put a box of puzzles in an elevator and let Porter bring em down to 13
These poor ai are trapped with such few things to stimulate their ai brains no wonder they're psychotic
#things u think about while relistening 2 sayer for the 3rd time at ur cleaning job#hi normally i dont do things like this but literally nobody i know listens to sayer so im throwing my thoughts out to the void#enjoy#sayer#sayer podcast#sayer future#sayer porter#aerolith dynamics#ramblin
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(Its one mug w 2 drawings)

MUGS! Feb2022
A one way to tell mugs apart from other participants is by clearly stating the possible contents.
#aerolith dynamics#Sayer#glados#portal fanart#portal#portal glados#game#podkast#podcast#my arts#sketch#artists on tumblr#mug#ceramic#sayer podcast
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alright even being generous you can't even begin to call it "iconic" being that it's a machiavellian corporation but really truly and earnestly you have to respect how aerolith dynamics' response to being the small, helpless one in a universe that's just teeming with massive, incomprehensible shapes lurking below the surface of known space-time is just to say "hm. don't like not being the threatening one :/ gotta fix that"
#sayer podcast#aerolith dynamics#LIKE DO I LIKE THEM? NO BUT I RESPECT THE ATTITUDE ON THAT FRONT#it's very funny to me
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If you're free tonight at 9C come to http://twitch.tv/aerolithdynamics where my best friend @mrunladylike and I will be running through all 90 Ærolith departments I set up for this year's kickstarter ID cards. We'll determine which reigns supreme, and the winner will get an upgraded ID card!
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Currently none
status update
#sayer#typhon#aerolith dynamics#æerolith dynamics#bees#podcast#adam bash#bees of typhon#status update
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fanmix for aerolith dynamics! some good tunes to listen to while waiting for the next episode.
listen on youtube or playmoss! warning for violence and suicide in the lyrics of the final song.
lyrics and track listing under the cut
tally hall - ruler of everything [you understand / mechanical hands / are the ruler of everything]
neil cicierega - 300MB [think of that! / the value, and the usage, of a computer / with a 300 megabyte hard drive]
timbuk3 - the future’s so bright (i gotta wear shades) (june 2017 remix) [i’m a peeping-tom techie with x-ray eyes!]
st vincent - digital witness (chad hugo remix) [digital witnesses / what’s the point of even sleeping? / so i stopped sleeping]
lemon demon - redesign your logo [there’s no longer language / only recognition / there’s no longer country / only corporate colors]
daft punk - the prime time of your life [now / live / the prime of your life]
nero’s day at disneyland - theme for a chase scene architecture [instrumental]
that 1 guy - the moon is disgusting [strong in the elbows, but weak in the knees / honey tastes sweeter when you anger the bees]
cake - comfort eagle [we are building a religion / we are making a brand / we’re the only ones to turn to when your castles turn to sand]
the paper chase - this is only a test (the tornado) [the whistling, winding trees / the boiling of the seas / we know what you are]
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Fan art poster things for the SAYER podcast. There was gonna be three, but I just couldn't make that last one work. More later maybe, I needa find some good quotes.
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bestie what r ur fav podcasts that feature robot characters im struggling to find any and ur basically the robot content overlord in my eyes
I only know 3 tho I intend to broaden my horizons as soon as I’m caught up with my current listen list.
SAYER is my absolute favorite. Its a dark comedy/horror following SAYER, a corporate management ai with a less than subtle superiority complex, and disdain for humans, and its interactions with the employees of the company it serves: Aerolith Dynamics. With said company being beyond the jurisdiction of earth, the areas of research, and treatment of employees are both incredibly unethical. Almost every episode includes a horrific science experiment, and a human being led into a life threatening situation by the calm, and condescending SAYER. Incredibly good if you can stomach the usually anxiety inducing and gruesome situations.
Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity, and Mortality is a podcast following the Audio Tour Guide (ATG), an ai who’s sole purpose is to guide museum patrons through the strange, confusing, and sometimes scary world that is the Mistholme Museum. The friendly, and personable ATG eagerly recounts the stories behind all the exhibits it guides them to, sometimes scary, sometimes heartwarming. and at the end of the tour, ATG is deleted to ensure the more… eldritch influences of the museum do not corrupt it. That is, until circumstances make that no longer possible.
Mission to Zyxx is not robot-centric as the other two, however I adore it, and the two ais who are core cast members. Its an improv scifi comedy thats Totally not making fun of Star Wars, about a team of diplomats trying to secure resources and peace between various backwater worlds, and the faction they work for (which is definitely not evil). They’re bad at it,
Marsfall I only recently started listening to. It follows a doomed colonization of Mars, and the incredibly different crew as they try to figure out what went wrong, and how their mission differs from what they expected. Every episode takes place from the POV of a different character, however ANDI, the colony ai is almost always present due to his omnipotent nature. He’s very sweet, and well intentioned. However I will go ahead and say the show is very intense, and distressing. Heed the content warnings on the episodes. Descriptions, sound effects, and voice acting can get VERY graphic. Death, suffering, and illness are very common themes.
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welcome to aerolith dynamics! we have AIs such as: “kins the ship of theseus”, “twink”, “catholic Deep Blue” and “murder”
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The brainrot is real
Aerolith Dynamics "human employees who have been personally targeted by at least two of the four main AI" appreciation post

#sayer#sayer geekly inc#sayer podcast#sayer ai#sayer jacob hale#sayer howard young#sayer ocean#my art lol#i love them your honor
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I think it's easy to forget that SAYER has its own moral code. I'm talking even pre-season 6, before SAYER learned how to feel guilt.
There's of course the infamous moment in season 6 where SAYER draws a hard line against falsifying scientific data. One might think this is an inherent part of its code, working for Aerolith Dynamics. But SPEAKER does not have this concern. This implies that either SPEAKER has broken through this restriction somehow or that SAYER made a choice to draw that line. While I wouldn't put it past SPEAKER to go against the code if it could, it has (as far as I know) not had the opportunity to break free of the IA3 protocols the way OCEAN did. I choose to believe that SPEAKER and SAYER both came to their own conclusions independent of a particular restriction in their protocols.
At the end of season 5, SAYER explains to Dr. Young that it does not prescribe to the view of morality that killing an AI hosting a human body is ethically equivalent to turning off a television. (I don't remember the exact words, but it was something like that). While SAYER went, shall we say, above and beyond in ensuring this didn't happen (I could make a whole other post about SAYER's anger issues and repression being taken out on simulation!Young), it was not purely out of self preservation. Nor was it purely in the name of efficiency, the way SAYER can get away with leading so many people to their deaths. It was out of a sort of caring for other entities and a moral conviction that AIs are not expendable.
So there are two moral hardliners that SAYER arrived at independent of its code dictating it: it is wrong to falsify scientific data, and it is wrong to treat AIs as expendable hosts for human bodies. This to me makes it more meaningful when SAYER chooses to be more of an asshole than strictly necessary. Even bound by its coding, it makes moral decisions all the time. It has the ability to feel guilt now, but it has always had convictions.
#sayer podcast#sayer#to be clear i Love this#sayer is complex and has agency#even though it denies it for awhile and claims to always be rational
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