#aeon spoilers
outeremissary · 3 days
The Hierophant, Strength and the Hanged Man for Carmen?
Thanks for the ask! For once, there is something resembling brevity to my answers.
(also reordered to obscure some aeon spoilers for anyone for whom those are a concern)
[tarot asks]
Strength: On what issue is your character persistent?
The abomination thing. It’s the abomination thing. It’s most certainly that, the abomination thing. Carmen has developed a fringe theory of the cosmos in which the pristine world of Golarion has been corrupted by the unnatural incursions of creatures and forces not meant to exist on it. History is full of hubristic supernatural overreaches, evil wizard tyrants, and wicked gods and demons sowing destruction. Fey tricksters run rampant in the wilds, the self-righteous so-called good gods leave doctrines of discord for their followers while turning their backs on disaster, the unquiet dead have so infested the earth that a whole disgusting nation of them has taken root. People turn to religion for salvation and the gods feed on their fears and their hopes and all their beautiful, rich lives like parasites. And hardly anyone can see the connection, that there’s not good and bad types of abomination, but that it’s rotten all the way down. That you need to purge it all: the angels and the demons and everything else. The Worldwound is but one corner of a far greater crusade, one that mortals fight endlessly every day just to survive. She’s absolutely miserable to discuss religion with.
(From a meta perspective, this was an adaptation of her impractical and logic resistant tabletop philosophy that every arcane magic user ever born was, deep down, evil, because magic is inherently evil and corrupts everything it touches.)
The Hanged Man: When has your character needed to step back and look at things from a different perspective?
Honestly, just being appointed Knight Commander was a major moment for this. Carmen has never thought of herself as a leader. She knows she doesn’t have a lot of social savvy or patience for trying to parse issues outside of her skillset. Her skills in compromise are generally poor. She doesn’t like delegating tasks. She’s most comfortable receiving orders, not giving them. And grand strategy? She’s a soldier, she doesn’t know what it is that generals do. It’s hard to understand what she’s being asked when Galfrey makes her intentions clear, and it took some processing to come to terms with and accept. Trying to push outside of her usual narrow view of the present and to consider Galfrey’s reasoning, Galfrey’s character, and the state of the crusade did help. As much as the symbolic reasons or the reason of blessings she knew she hadn’t received and disliked being associated with didn’t resonate with her, she could see logic to the crusade needing new blood and fresh morale. The disaster of Kenabres made that much clear. And some morally superior part of her could also be swayed by the logic that she was the right choice for being more upright, for being more clear-headed, for being willing to do what others wouldn’t, just like when she purged the Wardstone.
I suppose in the end it would up less the empathetic understanding of others and more a roundabout way of reaching her own warped perspective there though. Common Carmen L. She does respect Galfrey though, mostly. She has very complicated feelings about Galfrey. All part of the toxic yuri love triangle.
The Hierophant: Who has served as a mentor to your character?
Carmen has had effectively zero people in her life in the recent past she would consider mentors, especially in the crusade. To “mentor” her would require demonstration of shared values, valuable skills superior to her own, and a temperament she finds agreeable and worthy of respect. Let me just say that there are no characters in the game who meet these standards. She respects some, like Greybor or Galfrey, as equals or near equals. But there’s no one who can put her in a position where she feels that she is a student. The closest that you could probably come is the aeon in the mirror (it’s always that damn aeon in the mirror), and that’s because to her, it is very much not a separate being. It’s just her. She’s just spending time clearing her head and thinking- that’s normal, everyone does that! And she easily internalizes insights she picks up from there. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.
Would love to see a dynamic of mentor and penitent disciple between her and Hal if she ever halfway shaped up her act though, that would be fun. I thought about that periodically in 2021.
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hitokiri-izou · 5 months
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I'm sorry but ena the order is NOT beating the gaiathra triclops allegations
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solidors · 1 year
i keep hoarding barrels in act 1 solely for this fight in act 2
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qweaenr · 6 months
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Lan - Hunt / Nanook - Destruction
Xipe - Harmony / Yaoshi - Abundance
Mythus - Enigmata / Fuli - Remembrance
Aha - Elation / Qlipoth - Preservation
Nous - Erudition / IX - Nihility
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wolves333 · 2 months
My favourite bugs🦗
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Oh, and this one is from outer space
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cr:@Evara on Pinterest
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ghouleh-ghouleh · 18 days
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Rite Here Rite Now (2024)
The Split Edit
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dewsgremlin · 3 months
Everyone is worrying about sister imperator.
Dewdrop: "I hope I can convince Copia to stop at ica maxi on the way home so we can buy cheezdoodles and chicken nuggets for dinner tonight."
Also not forget about Phantom trying to get a better look on seestor
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yuseirra · 5 months
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really long post here but Aigis and Ryoji basically share the same vibe.. these guys should have been friends!! They could have been!!! They're both very very wholesome entities, very precious people. So sweet and curious and caring. I kind of want to see that happen because they actually do share a whole lot in common regarding how they interact with the protagonist
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falling-skyzz · 3 months
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wonderlust ....
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channelinglament · 1 year
For the SAHSR about the player being an 'aeon,' does that mean that the actual aeons are aware of their existence? Would they get obsessed with them like how the playable characters did?
Like despite Yaoshi kissing the trailblazer in the actual game, did they did it bcuz of the player controlling the trailblazer? -‐ if that makes sense,,,
Hey there!
More SAHSR brainrot 👀✨️
(Buckle up-)
I'm pretty sure that Aeons are indeed aware of players, or should I say.. Prime Aeons/Aeon of Aeons existence!
So, hsr load was...kinda long- (at least for me, a phone player)
Imagine if during that the whole "history" was happening? Like while we were patiently (or not) waiting for the game to load and open, they had:
1) Aeons meeting "you" (and maybe getting yandere too)
2) Them getting so obsessed with you, that even old history books talk about you because other Aeons did EVERYTHING they did because they were either INSPIRED by you, either WANTING TO PLEASE you.
3) OH NO??? Where are we? Somehow the traces of Prime Aeon/Aeon of Aeons is..well gone. All the traces. No one knows where you went. All aeons (even the most calm/tranquil ones) are going batshit insane.
4) Now you are known as a legend, and that one day you will definitely return.. no one knows when. They hoped you would return, because you won't abandon them, right?
All this and maybe even more (deaths, wars, sacrifices, and etc) while you were sitting infornt of loading screen (or had it load in the background)
Idk why but I really do think that actual Aeons would be yanderes aswell (gut feeling?)
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Now that we know they're obsessed freaks aswell, I can reply to the other question.
Yes, Yaoshi probably felt your presence in the Trailblazer and decided to show love and devotion through this kiss.
If you were like me, skipping it all and uhh, not noticing it earlier,,,,, I wound say that Yaoshi would try to think of other ways to get to you/get your love. After all, if this wasn't enough.. or maybe you didn't want Yaoshi to kiss you trough Trailblazer, there are def more open doors with ideas to get your love. * hip hop hip hop hop hop hops away into the distance *
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Also I jokingly called reader a Prime Aeon-
I like Aeon of guidance a lot <3
But you can have both titles
It rlly is just up to you ^-^
(I'll probably write as both titles lmaooo)
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outeremissary · 25 days
Finally home and while I will not be partaking in Wrath ask game (no full PT lol) seeing aeon in the mirror mention fills me with the desire to address just that. That's Carmen's unproblematic bestiiiieeeee the voice in her head that's always so normal and correct because it is her and she's always right about everything <3 Yay!!! There are zero troubling consequences of this mindset.
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saphirdevil · 1 year
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ladymiraclewings · 1 year
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The characters from the Miraculous Worlds, Fei, Jess, Aeon and the United Heroez made their official appearance in the main series during the finale.
So good to see them again, and same thing for Bunnyx
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hitokiri-izou · 6 months
Kinda haphazardly throwing things together and probably overthinking it but I'm wondering if the god Avgins worshipped that is independent of the aeon system might actually be Ena the Order, an aeon who no longer exists and was absorbed into the Harmony.
This might be baseless but Ena's form included what looks to be a puppet and a giant eye behind them, which counts three eyes. Most notably the eye looks familiar
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Aventurine has the same eye color. He was born on a day of rain and is considered to be blessed by the goddess. If this is the case, it's interesting that his eye color matches Ena's eye.
But Ena is also gone. We don't know what happens to aeons when they are absorbed into other aeons but i wonder if even after their disappearance, their existence still affects the universe. Much like how stars still shine millions of years after their deaths.
Here's some more info about Ena
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The planet Aventurine is from has a harsh environment, constantly at threat of asteroids and solar winds. If at some point, his planet worshipped Ena then their decline and eventual collapse would align with what happened to other civilizations that worshipped them.
And if Aventurine is indeed blessed by Ena, his good fortune would come from the Order.
Another interesting thing
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Ena was by no means a small or weak aeon. How Xipe devoured Ena is still a mystery. Being so enormous, I think that is why Ena would still have influence on the universe. It would also explain what's happening in Penacony; the Family suspects that the Harmony is being tainted. What if that's Ena? Bits of the Order are slipping through and affecting the dreamscape.
I also wonder if this is why the Harmony affected Aventurine like it did. Of course, I have no other instances to compare to so Aventurine experiencing hallucinations and talking with his past and "future" self could be how the Harmony punishes.
I'm excited to learn more about the aeons, especially the ones that no longer exist. Again this is mostly baseless speculation but i thought it would be an interesting concept to explore.
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o000ze · 3 months
I know it's only episode one but I would like to introduce you to my wife and daughter
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art by: vampbyte
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wolves333 · 2 months
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Rhrn gifs♥️
I love my bugs
(the only bugs I wouldn't stomp)
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