#aeon is your pirate fic real or did I hallucinate it
aeoneskova · 8 months
Ok same anon but after stalking ur tumblr a bit i find not one but TWO wolfstar pirate aus???? When i tell u the relief slash excitement that just rushed to my head bc i was so scared of coming off as a rabid amnesiac harassing an innocent author in my quest for that one fic i just could not get out of my head but it turns out i didnt hallucinate the experience????? Anyways just wanted to let u know im so ready to buy ur entire stock of pirate au
I can’t lie your asks were so funny to wake up to 😭
Yes!! I started writing a pirate AU called That’s Life but because I was struggling to get through my other two long wips I decided to put it on the back burner some time last year. I didn’t take it down completely I just added it to a collection where it would be hidden - apologies for sending you half mad 😭😭
Anyway because I’m physically incapable of sticking to one project I ended up changing that fic around a bit and I renamed it to the Subtle Art of Sinking Ships. I really can’t wait to start writing it again but I’m forcing myself to finish my Perciver fic before I do
So yeah you’re not crazy!! And honesty thank you so much for your asks not only where they very encouraging about my fics but they also made me laugh too :))
The pirates will be here soon… hopefully… ❤️❤️❤️
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