#aemond targaryen x plus size reader
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Aemond Targaryen x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 3628 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader is closer to Aegon, which is unacceptable to Aemond, who is in love with her and always has been
(Disclaimer: I despise the brutality against women used as a plot device for 'entertainment' so any SA or ickiness regarding Aegon doesn't exist in my universe. He's still a burden on the realm and uber pathetic tho)
You had always cared for Aegon.
He could be challenging sometimes, you knew that better than anyone, but that didn’t change the fact that he was important to you. As children, he would share his toys with you and tell you stories of worlds far beyond this one.
Things changed as you got older, of course, but he was still Aegon. It didn’t matter how crass, cruel, or drunk he got.
He was your truest friend, and that meant that you were willing to put up with certain things for his sake.
At this moment, for example, you were listening to him drunkenly ramble about battle strategy and knights he figured he could best in combat over dinner. Did you particularly care about either of those things? Of course not.
…but Aegon did, so you listened all the same.
Just as the rest of his family did, because like it or not, he was the firstborn son and this kingdom was his to inherit.
One member of his family, in particular, was less than thrilled with this arrangement. At the other end of the table sat Aemond, the second son of King Viserys Targaryen, drinking from his own goblet to keep the bile from rising in his throat.
You had to be kidding.
Did you truly find his brother that interesting? It wasn’t possible that you actually believed him capable of besting Sir Harwin Strong in hand-to-hand combat. Aegon could hardly stand on his own most of the time.
He would die in a fight like that, and Aemond knew you were clever enough to know that. Still, you said nothing as he continued his rant.
You just kept listening, with a soft smile playing at your lips, as if his idiot brother wasn’t an embarrassment to his bloodline.
“I know for certain that I could have been a knight, the best knight there ever was” Aegon spouted, slurring his words lightly toward their end and earning a soft giggle from you as you imagined what that would look like.
It was a lie.
Aegon didn’t have what it took to be a knight by any stretch of the imagination but your laughter wasn’t so much about what he said. More than anything, it was about Aegon. He was drunk, as he so often was, but in moments like these, it didn’t matter.
This was how he’d been as a boy too, and that was the part that amused you. The slight glimpses of the dreamer he’d been before the world had robbed him of his right to dream.
Before he’d turned into nothing more than a man, seeking out his own pleasures, even at the expense of every other.
“I think I would quite like to see that” you mused, sipping from your own cup, though you weren’t anywhere near as under the influence as he was. You had been nursing the same goblet all night, one cup for Aegon’s seven.
It wasn’t really a challenge, but like he so often did, Aegon took it as one anyway.
“I would venture I could even beat Aemond, if he’d be brave enough to face me,” he added, shooting his brother a look that did sort of alarm you. It was beyond harmless musings about the knights of the realm and famed warriors.
This was a bit more personal, and you didn’t like where it was heading. “I could even cover an eye, make it fair for him”
Naturally, in his drunken state, Aegon’s movements were clumsy and rash but the implications when his left hand came up to cover his eye were just as impactful as they would have been if they’d been delivered sober.
You were silent for a moment, your gaze shifting between the future King’s lopsided grin and the sharp glare of his younger brother.
He knew that he’d been insulted, and you didn’t expect him to forgive it, but shot him a look anyway. It was small, but the message was clear.
You were asking him to ignore his brother’s ill conceived attempt at humor.
“Alright, perhaps you should slow down, Aegon” you suggested finally, resting your hand gingerly on his wrist, all but forcing the cup in his hand back to the table’s surface the moment he once again attempted to lift it to his mouth.
He had already been drinking most of the day and as the sun slowly retreated from the sky, it was certainly time to stop. Your fear for what he’d do if he didn’t was only furthering your insistence.
Not that you could make that clear outright.
“Y/N’s right, it’s about time for everyone to turn in” Alicent agreed, shooting you a thankful glance as she stood from the table, glad that she didn’t have to step in. The King had already gone back to his chambers, and with her leaving, everyone else was sure to follow suit.
Alicent had always been glad for the bond you shared with Aegon, though she didn’t understand it, especially in moments like this.
You were probably the only person who could have ever gotten him to do as you asked without the tantrum that normally followed. “Goodnight, your Grace” you called, watching as she and Helena retreated from the room, leaving you, Aegon and his brother alone in the room.
In the back of your mind, you were aware that Aemond was still watching you, his blue eye unwavering as he studied you, but you didn’t have time to figure out why.
Not before his brother once again pulled your attention to him instead.
“I’m not finished” Aegon tried, bringing the chalice back to his lips only for Aemond to scoff over your shoulder.
He would truly never understand how his brother had managed to survive this long, much less maintain his place in line for the throne. He had no real business being there, and he wouldn’t, if it hadn’t been for his birthright.
Though that would just be among the list of things Aemond didn’t understand, like why you were so determined to take such good care of his pathetic brother, when you got nothing back in return.
Aegon would never show you the same courtesy, not in the way he would, had he been in his place.
“Yes you are, it’s time for bed” you spoke softly to your oldest friend, but your eyes had found their way across the table to Aemond and his now sour attitude.
It was no secret that he and his brother didn’t exactly get along, but you didn’t understand what had happened tonight that was any more irksome to him than any other night. It certainly wasn’t the first time he’d insulted him, and it wouldn’t be the last.
Every night with Aegon was essentially the same, and no one was more used to that than Aemond was. Not even you.
“Will you take me?” the firstborn asked, that twisted smirk finding its way onto his face once more as he grinned, never ceasing his drinking even as he spoke about being done drinking.
Normally, one of the servant girls would be tasked with trying to get the future King to his chambers, but between his cheery mood this evening and the silent appreciation you’d gotten from the Queen, you figured you were up to the task tonight.
“If you promise to behave, I will take you” you agreed, finally reaching over to snag his cup from him completely, the stem held delicately between your fingers.
Again, Aemond found himself swallowing back more than just wine as he watched the scene in front of him unfold.
Did the two of you really have to do this every night? Aegon was married after all, and if his mother had anything to say about it, you would be too, soon enough.
It was so far beneath you.
In Aemond’s opinion, his ridiculous brother could live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve a moment of your time, but clearly, his believing that wasn’t enough to convince you. At this point, he feared nothing would.
“Are you serious?” he finally called out, not even bothering to hide the ugly tone in his voice. It was practically dripping with emotions, but whether that was jealousy or disgust, he wasn’t sure.
Perhaps it was some mix of both.
“About what?” you hummed, your focus not leaving his brother even as you spoke to Aemond, ignoring the clear upset in his voice in favor of getting the future King to his feet.
Because even when he was speaking directly to you, Aegon was all you could ever give your attention to.
Aegon was basically dead weight when he drank like this, and it was going to be quite the task for you to get him into bed without accident. Not that the servant girls complained, each and every night when they took the job.
They simply did what needed to be done, and you weren’t about to be any different. Those girls deserved a break from his drunken antics for once.
“I could get someone to do that for you. It isn’t your job to make sure he gets to bed” This time, Aemond was sure to monitor the venom in his voice, fully aware that it wasn’t getting him anywhere anyway.
If Aegon had spoken to you like that, you would have stopped everything to assess its origin, but from Aemond, it was almost as if he hadn’t opened his mouth at all.
Why he even bothered at all at this point, he wasn’t sure.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind,” you assured, draping the blonde’s arm over your shoulders and heading toward the door without a second look at his brother. The second son, the man who dreamed of taking care of you instead of forcing you to care for his every need.
The man who had been hopelessly pining over you for all the years you’d known him, but who you’d never once actually seen.
Left all alone at the table.
You were able to move quietly through the halls, finding Aegon much less drunk than you’d originally assumed once he got to his feet. His steps were clunky, and he’d been whisper-yelling in Valyrian at you the entire time, but he wasn’t totally helpless.
He’d had enough to fully give up on the pretense of his birthright, but not enough to be slobbering on your shoulder, which you had enough cause to be thankful for. In the past, he’d not been so gracious.
“Alright, go to sleep now Aegon,” you cooed, pulling the covers up over him and pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. “In the morning, we can take a walk around the garden”
The only answer to your suggestion came in the form of gentle snoring, which made you smile in spite of yourself as you left the room.
It seemed to you that the only time the prince got any peace was when he slept. He hadn’t always been that way, but as the days passed, you found it harder and harder to ignore the way the world was changing him.
You weren’t blind to the truth.
It was just as obvious to you that Aegon was a disaster as it was to everyone else. You knew that he was a coward and a fool and that the care you had for him was the only thing keeping you from sharing the ire for him that so many others felt.
You knew that, but the truth remained that he was your oldest friend and you loved him for that, despite his many flaws.
You were many things, and loyal seemed to be chief among them, even if sometimes you wondered if your faith in him was misplaced. Would Aegon be a good King? You weren’t sure, but you knew that you would be by his side until the day he proved undeserving.
The Lord’s chamber door closed softly behind you and gave way to a long dark hallway, which you maneuvered expertly. You had taken the walk between your chambers and Aegon’s a thousand times and you knew it like the back of your hand.
Still, you couldn’t account for everything.
For example, you never could have expected to be grabbed from your path until it happened, and you found yourself standing in an adjacent room instead of the long expanse of the hallway. You couldn’t see it that well, with only the moonlight streaming in through the window available to help orient yourself.
It wasn’t an altogether distinctive space at first glance, but it didn’t take you long to place it anyway.
The grasp your kidnapper had on your arms remained, even as the moments ticked by, and while it wasn’t tight or uncomfortable, it gave away the perpetrator in an instant.
No one else was capable of so much selfish aggression while also maintaining such a tight composure. No one else would have cause to take you from the hall, and certainly no one else would have the gull to do so.
Still, for whatever reason, apparently the blonde had decided to snatch you from your normal path and was now just holding you here, a foul look on his usually handsome face.
“Care to explain yourself, my Lord?” you scoffed, removing your arms from his grip as gently as you could, and trying to figure out what could have possibly gotten into him.
It didn’t make any sense.
Never had he attempted something like this before, and you couldn’t work out what was going on, no matter how hard you tried.
“My problem? My problem is that you couldn’t possibly be more of a fool” he started, essentially ignoring your justified response in favor of his own feelings.
He couldn’t watch it anymore.
It was bad enough that his brother was a bumbling idiot without any care for history or culture, or any actual skill. He couldn’t have the throne, the realm, and the affections of you.
That would simply be too much.
Especially when he deserved it so much more. .
“What are you talking about? How much did you have to drink tonight?” you wondered. You were used to Aemond being moody, and he could be unpredictable sometimes but never had he put his hands on you like this. Never had he spoken to you in such a way.
It didn’t make sense, and if you were being honest, you didn’t like it. This was something you wouldn’t have given a second thought coming from Aegon, but here, with Aemond in front of you, it confused you.
Aemond scoffed, clearly not finding your care for his well-being as endearing now that it was aimed at him. Even an hour earlier, he would have been thrilled to have even an ounce of your affection, but not now.
Now, it was almost an insult.
He was so tired of being the second son, and the second in line for everything. Just once, he wanted someone to pick him over his idiot brother.
“Not nearly enough. Perhaps if I drank more, you’d actually look me in the eye”
That got your attention.
You were silent for a moment as you considered his words, and what they could possibly mean in regards to this conversation.
It was an obvious jab at his brother, but it still didn’t help you understand what all this was about and you were torn. You didn’t know how long you were supposed to let this go on or how you were supposed to react.
On one hand, you never would have wanted Aemond to be upset but on the other, you couldn’t exactly explain being alone together in the dark, in the middle of the night.
It wasn’t technically allowed considering that you were both unmarried, and while the Queen was fond of you, you were certain she wouldn’t like this.
You sighed, taking in the distance, or lack therefore, of space between the two of you before you finally broke your silence. “Aemond, enough of this, what has you so upset?”
Your voice was soft as you spoke, hoping to get him to calm down enough to actually speak to you. He had always been the more rational of the brothers and he was certainly better at communicating.
It was one of your favorite things about him, but right now, he sounded like Aegon and you didn’t like that one bit either.
You put up with Aegon out of care for him and hope for the kind young boy you had once known him to be, but Aemond was better than that. You enjoyed his company, and the time you spent together was time you treasured.
You didn’t understand why he was so angry with you tonight.
“I don’t understand why you love him when he treats you so poorly. What has he ever done to deserve your affections?” he wondered, his tone matching yours almost instantly.
It hadn’t been his intention to yell at you, and it certainly wasn’t something he wanted to do, but one man could only take so much. At some point, he had to make it so that you saw who he was, and what he had to offer you.
Of course, Aemond would have preferred a heartfelt declaration of his feelings, in a room where he could actually see the sparkling of your eyes instead of this, but it was no matter.
Even if it had to be like this, little more than a hushed whisper under the cover of darkness, all that mattered was that you heard him.
…and what choice did you have after something like that? What had Aegon done to deserve your affections? You weren’t sure.
Granted, if you’d had time to think about it, you may have had a reason. You may have been able to explain the many reasons you’d chosen him as your closest friend but right now, you couldn’t think of a single thing.
All you could focus on was the way Aemond was peering down at you with so much intensity and the way his right hand had slowly snuck back up to your wrist at your side, fiddling with the fabric trim of your sleeve.
All you could see, and feel, was him in a way you’d never experienced before.
“I don’t know,'' you muttered finally, feeling a bit pathetic as you willed your brain to work properly. You had never once been stunned into silence by the presence of another person before, and it didn’t make any sense.
What had changed? You didn’t know. Apparently, in this moment, you didn’t know much of anything but instead of mocking you as Aegon would have, Aemond simply nodded.
That was what he thought.
You were so used to being devoted to his brother, and had been for so many years, that you didn’t even know why that was. You were so busy constantly doting on him, and dealing with his every thought and feeling that you didn’t realize it was meaningless.
“I could be so much more for you, if you’d only let me” Aemond’s words surrounded you the moment he spoke them, and like the crashing of waves, you realized what this was.
He wasn’t angry at all.
Aemond was hurt.
All this time, he was under the impression that the reason you remained by Aegon’s side was because of a longing, forever to be unfulfilled, but that couldn’t be more wrong.
You did not love Aegon, and it was not Aegon who made you feel as if you could breathe for the first time in all your life.
That title belonged to another, though he had clearly been just as blind to the truth as you had before now.
“I do care much for Aegon. He’s one of my oldest friends, but I have no desire to be with him,” you clarified, feeling the need to get that out in the open first and foremost. Getting a bit braver, you took his wandering hand in your own, giving it a testing squeeze.
It was so strange, knowing someone so well and not at all, all in the same moment.
Aemond tensed slightly at the touch, almost as if you’d struck him, largely because this wasn’t what he’d expected at all. In truth, he hadn’t had much time to consider anything at all regarding this conversation, but he never would have predicted this, not with all the time in the world.
“What do you desire?” he asked, his tone barely audible and inconceivably small as he tried to wrap his mind around how he’d gotten to this point.
You, the one he’d always dreamed of, were so close and yet still so far away. He felt as if he were to breathe, he may ruin it all, and that just wasn’t worth the risk.
Gingerly, you collected your thoughts, for once deciding to let your own desires out way those of everyone else.
Aegon didn’t matter, the opinions of the nobility didn’t matter, and really, Aemond didn’t either. In this moment, all that mattered was you and what you truly desired, stripped bare of all other things.
“I quite think I’d like to be cared for, for a while” you hummed, your voice equal parts certain and wavering as you tried to take a role you’d never known a day in your life.
If Aemond meant as he said, he would take care of you and that was something you desperately wanted. You just weren’t used to asking for the things you wanted, or even, needed. It wasn’t something someone of your standing had ever known.
…But, perhaps it was time to change all that.
#aemond targaryen#House of the Dragon#HOTD#Aemond#Game of Thrones#GOT#Aemond Targaryen imagine#Aemond Targaryen x reader#Aemond Targaryen x ps reader#Aemond Targaryen x plus size reader#house of the dragon x reader#house of the dragon x ps reader#house of the dragon x plus size reader#house of the dragon imagine#HOTD x reader#HOTD x ps reader#HOTD x plus size reader#HOTD imagine#game of thrones imagine#game of thrones x reader#game of thrones x ps reader#game of thrones x plus size reader#GOT x reader#GOT x ps reader#GOT x plus size reader#GOT imagine
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Zȳha lyks
Summary: You find an ally with the second son of King Viserys. Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Plus Size Reader Word Count: 2.4k+ Warnings: AFAB Reader, fat phobia, kissing, oral (f receiving), fingering, p in v, overstimulation, loss of virginity implied. Author's Note: This story is based on this request:
I definitely tweaked it a bit but I hope you enjoy it.💜 Thank you to my beloved beta reader @annikin-im-panicin for your insight with this peace and to @azperja for your emojis 💜 Valyrian translations: Zȳha lyks is his peace 💜 Dividers by @saradika-graphics 💜
It was your father’s ambition to weave himself in the inner circle of the crowned princess that pulled you away from Claw Isle, leaving your brother behind to step into the role vacant for House Celtigar. During your journey, your father would repeatedly impress the importance of absorbing the tutoring of the maesters, to learn of your ancestral history before it had been so diluted by the blood of Westeros…but he was also adamant that you were to take advantage of your social seating, to make worthwhile and lifelong allies while in King’s Landing.
You were quick to note the marionette strings that Prince Aegon held, allowing the Strong bastards to hold their heads high with their snide comments on how they found you, “pleasantly plump enough,” or so they supposed.
It cut through your skin and burrowed into your heart, but your face never betrayed your anger nor your hurt. Instead, you went to your father with your heartache but his response was almost flippant about your torment.
“Our blood stems from the veins of Old Valyria,” your father now spoke of this as a fact, as something without any room to argue against. “They are our kinfolk and we seem destined to intertwine our blood with the blood of the dragon.”
But on this day you pushed aside your father’s words the moment you saw Prince Aegon and his puppets shift their collective cruelty onto the second son of King Viserys, Prince Aemond Targaryen.
He was a quiet, sullen boy, who always seemed sunkissed and kept his large, lavender eyes downcast. You saw how his pain curved his posture, a hooded melancholy draped across his slouched shoulders. He blanched as the boys retrieved the Pink Dread, his freckles stark on his porcelain skin.
Their gibe laughter echoed within the Dragon Pit and it boiled your blood, urging your steps forward to push past the brunette pair of princes and towards the puppeteer. Aegon’s brow raised, amused with your flushed fury that was staining your features, quick to sneer his comment on how, “–perhaps this swine could be mounted in–” but it stopped once your balled fist cracked into his nose.
Your satisfaction trilled up and down your spine with the pop of cartilage, watching as he cupped his face and the crimson that poured between his fingers. His wounded howl called back the Dragonkeepers and the White Cloaks assigned to them, all horrified at the sight. You were in trouble, undoubtedly, feeling the large hand that curled around your wrist to drag you back to your father. You dared look at Aemond, catching the upturn quirk of his mouth, the glitter in his eyes that met with your own.
It began a bond with the foundation of a mutual disdain, a hatred that would be solidified with events at Driftmark.
The events that followed that fateful night were flurried: the crowned princess all but fled the capital with her new husband and children, while your father decided to uproot and follow after. This had been halted by the queen’s request, behest of her daughter Princess Helaena, asking if you would remain as one of her ladies and confidants.
It was something that could not be denied and you found yourself alone with Helaena, her first request was for you to bring a book to her brother, who had since been boarded up in his room to recover.
“Am I to read to him?” You peered up from the cover to Helaena. “What if he does not wish to see me?”
“I believe this book and its company would interest him,” she glowed with her sweet smile, “I believe he would enjoy the change in narration, as our maester is rather monotone,” was all that she offered.
At first, Aemond had been hesitant of your company, bashful of the bloodied bandages that required to be tended to, but you showed to be steadfast, unflinching, but with a sense of empathy without the effortful pity that came from everyone else. You saw how he warmed as your visitations turned habitual, with you joining with his lessons and remaining when the maesters left. Helaena would slyly dismiss you for the day and this allowed Aemond to help you practice your shared ancestral tongue, or listen to whatever tome caught your attention in the library, even delving into bits of gossip or updates that pertained to his dragon.
“Vhagar flies over once a day. I assume it is to check on you,” you informed him one afternoon, “and she rests on the outside of the city walls, overlooking the bay.”
His cheeks pinked with his shy admittance, “I can feel her.”
You could not help your smile in return. Whereas Helaena was always sweet and always kind to you, and even Aegon had a newfound respect in your regard, you found it was the second son of King Viserys that allowed you to find a sense of comfort that you thought had been left at home.
Aemond recovered, as you knew he would, and you still remained at his blindside as he reacclimated to his new depth perception. He began to wear an eyepatch over his scarred socket, its wrathful red line curling above and below, along with his apprehension to the whispers of the court about the marred Targaryen prince.
“You are the rider of Vhagar, with the blood of the dragon in your veins,” you reminded him, your own blood rising to the surface. “Pay them no mind.”
Aemond listened to you, as he always did, focusing his determination on relearning his world with his handicap. You watched as he grew tall, his sinewy frame becoming taut under his fitted tunic and slacks, a result of the countless hours he spent training with Ser Criston. He matured with a severity etched into the marble he seemed to be chiseled from, though you still would see a perpetual smirk that would play across his lips.
Your heart fluttered until it bruised against your breastbone when he shyly asked that you would walk on his right side. “I wish to be able to see you,” he murmured and you burned with his words. Aemond showed consideration to match his gait with your steps and you enjoyed the heat that seemed to permeate from him; his large palm would cover your own, tucking it into the crook of his arm to keep you close at his side.
Worthwhile and lifelong allies, your father’s mantra repeated in your mind, but on his eight and tenth nameday, you felt the thrum of an unknown emotion vibrating within you with his close proximity.
His mother had gifted him a sapphire stone that was carved to fit where his eye once been, and when he focused his bicolored gaze on you–how the blue was brought out in his lavender eye with the complement of the gemstone, its amber flecks in the shine from the candles lit–did you feel the air pull from your lungs.
You had never cared for the vicious tittering of the noblewomen and would find yourself arguing how Aemond was handsome still, as it seemed a quality trait that most Targaryen men possessed. But in that moment, as the warmth flooded your features from his steady stare that now bore through you, you began to grasp it to be so much more for you.
Aemond misread your reaction, flinching to pull on his eyepatch with his apology: “I would never want to offend you–”
Your hand reached with its own volition, touching his elbow to stop him. He paused and looked at you and you took a breath before you could manage to say, “Aemond, you are beautiful.”
You burned from your boldness that was spilling from your tongue, your realization of what began as a mutual hatred for his nephews was on the precipice of something you knew you could not ignore.
Aemond watched you, his eye flitting over, before he tucked his eyepatch into his pocket and then offered his elbow to you. “Come, Lady Celtigar, we should not keep them waiting,” his voice low, and only then did you notice the rose hue that touched his cheeks.
After his celebration, it would be romanticized how the prince disappeared, taking Vhagar to fly to Claw Isle and demand your hand in marriage, against the Lord Hand’s protest for a more strategic pairing. Aemond would not be deterred and he returned with the intention to have you as his wife, which you graciously accepted. The ceremony that followed was intimate, steeped in the tradition of Old Valyria and sealed with a kiss that tasted of iron.
It was then you felt a new shyness that swept through with your muted mortification of the intimacy that was now expected of you, that Aemond would see all of you. He always seemed to take pride with how you were dressed in your finery, gowns stitched to complement your buxom figure, but you soon learned that Aemond much preferred what was beneath the silk and lace.
That night he would show you. He relished to peel away your layers, his mouth ravenous to taste your skin, his tongue licking to follow the natural slopes of your breasts and to the valley between. Aemond was panting with his anticipation, placing hot, opened mouth kisses to cherish your every curve, with gentle nips of his teeth that left blooms of rose as he continued towards your soft stomach and lower. He savoured your taste and how your body responded, how you were breathless, flushed, writhing beneath him.
“Aemond,” you gasped as he nestled between your plush thighs.
He shushed you, his breath warm against your silken folds, and it tickled in a way that caused you to squeeze his head between. His pleasure spilled with a low, guttural groan that rattled your bones beneath, but he would never pull away, as you would learn.
Your fingers combed through his silver hair as he began to tease you, sparks licking the base of your spine as he drank your essence. His gentle touch fell in tandem with his tongue, a pacing that was harmonized with your sweet sighs, only quickening with the flutter of your walls. The sparks of pleasure flashed white with your peak shuddering throughout, pulsing around his digits that remained knuckle deep, coaxing you to completion.
When your breath finally returned, you felt him grinning against your cunt. You found the muscle strength to tilt your chin down and meet with his eye blown, the shine of you on his smug expression. “One more for me, pretty girl,” his tone was low, commanding, his lips feathering your now swollen bloom of nerves.
You were boneless and quivering from your second release and only then did Aemond shift to move on top of you, melting against the softness of your skin, fitting in a way that you never realized before was missing from you.
He captured your mouth, his gentle thrusts filled you, completed you, and he trembled with his own reserve until you finally begged, “Aemond, my love, please, I need you–” that he rolled his hips against you, burying to the hilt with a rhythm that grew desperate. The litany that spilled from your lips as you clung to his shoulders, the flashes returning but with color from this new pleasure rekindling deeper within you.
That night, Aemond showed you the dragon that you were always aware thrummed beneath his practiced poise, something insatiable and wanting. He played the perfect gentleman in court, though his large hands always reached to touch, to grab whenever eyes were turned. You were his peace personified, decorated with love bites of your passion shared, the lifeline to his sanity that balanced on the edge of the coin flipped by the gods.
And it was tested when the crowned princess returned to argue for the claimant of Driftmark.
That night, the dinner had a palpable tension that the minstrels tried to drown with their music. Aemond held his gaze, piercing, loathsome, waiting for a moment to lash out, and that moment came served on a platter: a suckling pig that crackled still from the flames it had been removed from.
You first noticed the crass snickering of Prince Lucerys that was followed by the swell of your husband’s anger, something you quickly abated with the gentle press of your hand to his forearm as you pushed to stand. The room halted, the attention trained to you as you made show to hold up your gilded cup. “Final tribute,” your sickly sweet tone began, “to the health of our nephews…”
You knew that Aemond was watching, his agitation holding him rigid in his seat, his curiosity browed as you continued your insincerity, stating all three of their names with emphasis, “...each of them handsome, wise,” and your lips, stained by the wine, curled upwards, “Strong.”
It was a rippled effect: the shock of the queen, the sharp eyes of the Lord Hand, the heated glare from the other end of the room, but it did not stop you. Instead you looked for the perpetual smirk that was now playing across your husband’s mouth.
“Come now,” you gestured again with your goblet and even Aegon, with a dark chuckle, raised his own, “let us drain our cups to these three Strong boys.”
“I dare you to say that again.”
Aemond pushed to stand, his ire returned with a force as he moved to wall you away from Jacaerys. “You dare raise your tone to my wife,” his wrath cut with each word, the fire in his blood pouring from him. “She only meant to compliment you… or do you not think yourself Strong?”
It ended as quick as it had begun with Jacaerys thrown across the floor and a throaty chuckle from the back of Aemond’s throat. The clash of dragons was split apart by the White Cloaks and you watched your husband with a pride blooming in your chest, knitting with the love you now realized you had always carried for him: he was truly beautiful, squared off and fearless, his severity now furrowed onto his features that showed golden from the candles lit.
You held your head high as you walked to grab his sleeve and his attention returned to you, to your touch, though his scowl remained splayed on the sharp edges of his face. You pulled him to leave, to return towards your bedchambers; Aemond brimmed with a passion that you knew needed a release and you would forever be willing to be that vessel for your husband.
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𝓥𝓲𝓼𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓽'𝓼 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮
Viscount Aemond Targaryen x Curvy Stark Reader
Summary: She had never seen Viscount Targaryen , nor she ever exchanged a word with him. But that changed one evening, after which the man unexpectedly began to appear everywhere she looked , not letting her mind forget him. Even for a moment.
A/N: I'll admit I had a lot of fun creating the whole idea, mainly because a lot of inspiration was taken from the Bridgertons as well as from Pride and Prejudice, but I think the title explains it all. I can only hope you will like it as much as I do and you will enjoy reading it.
Please remember that english is not my native language and mistakes can happen.
Work contains smut.
Viscount Aemond Targaryen. A man known to few. With a mystery hidden behind his lavender eye, with a hair color of the December snow and a face cold and sharp like a stone.
He radiated both seriousness and arrogance, and with every word he spoke there was a sense of crude indifference to all those he considered unworthy of his presence.
And yet , despite all this , despite his status and sense of superiority , he stood here, stood and looked at the woman he couldn't have.
Her skin looked as soft to the touch as the most expensive velvet , her hair smooth and glistening , were pinned up and styled , highlighting her face , which was adorned with full , kissable lips and rosy cheeks. Her curvy body hidden behind the material of an expensive dark purple dress left little to the imagination , letting his eye and mind feast.
But whenever he tried to force her to level gazes with him her eyes seemed to run away from him. She never submitted to him. Instead, she chose to hide from the man, which made him want to hunt her, suddenly being more determined than ever in his life. And just as he was about to seize her , trapping her in the snare of his long arms , a female hand grabbed his shoulder, halting his movements.
-Mother - he said through a clenched jaw, looking at the older woman out of the corner of his eye.
-Where are you going Aemond? - she asked , wrinkling her eyebrows in consternation -Your betrothed has just arrived , don't keep her waiting - she confessed , shifting her gaze towards Floris Baratheon , who was standing at the other end of the ballroom.
-There are matters , which I must attend to. Immediately - he replied in a controlled and cool tone of voice, gently pushing his mother's hand away , leaving her before she could stop him physically or verbally.
His steps, like himself, were full of control and composure without betraying his true intentions even for a moment. Intentions that were able to crush him under the weight of future consequences, which, despite everything, seemed of little importance to the viscount ,especially when he finally found the mysterious woman who has clouded his senses with her mere presence.
She stood on the balcony , gazing at the night sky , letting the moon illuminate her immaculate face , giving her person an almost angelic glow.
But when Aemond crossed the threshold , placing his foot on the marble slab , the stranger's gaze almost immediately turned in his direction , finally allowing him to drown in the depths of her eyes , which looked at him with intrigue as well as a shadow of irritation.
-Who are you? - she asked , looking for an answer in the features of his face , unfortunately unsuccessfully.
-I should ask you the same question Miss- he stated , walking slowly towards her.
-And yet it was not I who burned the imprint of my eyes on the stranger's body - remarked the young woman , turning fully toward the viscount , now facing him -You did sir. And now you have decided to follow me.
-I did not follow you - he replied , placing his large hand on the stone railing , giving her a feeling of almost being trapped , by how close he was to her now - The truth is that I tried to find you.
-Since you have achieved this goal , what more do you want? - she asked almost in a whisper , studying his face , which was decorated with a long scar and a sapphire in place of the left eye.
-Your name. I want to know it- he said as quietly as she did , bringing his face closer to hers.
The air around them suddenly seemed to become hotter and heavier.
-I will tell it to you…if you tell me yours sir- she replied ,breathlessly , not knowing why.
-Aemond Targaryen - he said almost immediately wanting to know the name of the stranger, who with each passing second made him forget about the bride that waited for him downstairs.
-You're a viscount - she pointed out, placing her hand on his chest to create a previously non-existent distance between them.
Aemond furrowed his brow and took her wrist in his palm , feeling her quickening pulse under his fingertips.
-Are you worried that someone will see you with me? - he asked her with a shadow of amusement on his face.
-I'm worried about what a man like you wants from me , when he is about to marry one of Borros Baratheon's daughters - she stated , stepping away from the stone balustrade , forcing the viscount to let go of her hand.
-I simply wish to learn your name - he answered , repeating his earlier words.
-Y/n Stark - she said , finally revealing her identity, causing a satisfied smile to appear on the viscount's face, which disappeared as quickly as it appeared as she continued - Now if you'll allow me, I'll go my way and you go yours, and we'll act like this encounter never took place.
-Your secrets are safe with me , I assure you Miss - he reassured in a serious tone.
The woman's gaze fled from him for a brief second, as if she needed to think deeply about something. After a moment she shifted her gaze back to him, looking into his violet eye with stoic face.
-Goodnight lord Targaryen - she said before she left the man, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
When the silhouette of the woman disappeared , he wanted to follow her , but stopped himself , turning his gaze in the opposite direction. Yet he could no longer focus on anything other than the beautiful female he meet at the ball to celebrate the engagement, his engagement.
And he wasn't the only one.
It seemed that he was everywhere she was. No matter what she did , no matter where she went , his figure always appeared in the corner of her eye. He haunted her mind as much as she haunted his , and despite how much it tormented both of their souls , she kept her distance , running away from him like a game , while he was the hunter , hunting her. With each of their encounters being closer and closer to catching her.
Until finally there was nowhere to run , nowhere to hide. The only thing left was confrontation.
They met again at the ball , in the same place where their eyes first met , the first time they heard each other , the first time they touched each other's skin.
But this time the man wasn't alone.
Floris Baratheon held on to his arm , smiling shyly at the people who were watching the viscount and future viscountess.
And Y/n was one of them. Her eyes stared at them with a shadow of longing , that the young woman did not even try to hide.
-Are you all right sister? - asked her older brother, standing by her side since the beginning of the ball , watching her closely.
-Yes , yes - she whispered , turning her gaze toward the man, -I just need to get some fresh air.
Cregan sent her a concerned look but did not stop her , silently watching as she left the residence in a haste.
Her breathing seemed to become heavier by the minute , and her footsteps got more and more aggressive.
The realization of what was happening to her began to sink inside her brain. Miss Y/n Stark had fallen in love with a man who belonged to another.
And if fate hadn't mocked her enough , the bane of her existence appeared when all she wanted was to forget.
-Miss Stark - Aemond greeted her , standing still as she turned to face him.
-Viscount Targaryen - she replied , with distress in her tone -Why are you here?
-I saw you leave in a hurry - he explained , scanning her face, which had a grimace of fatigue on it -I wanted to make sure you were okay.
-Why? - she asked , frowning her eyebrows -Why you do this when your betrothed is inside , waiting for you. Why do you do all this? These unexpected encounters , fleeting glances. Why my lord?
The man suddenly appeared by her side. He was so close that their breaths mingled and there lips almost touched.
-Because I care about you - he confessed with seriousness in his voice , looking hard into her eyes.
-You don't know me. And I don't know you - the woman said , stubbornly trying to push away the viscount , but in vain - We can't love each other , we can't.
-And yet, despite your proclaims , I can no longer eat , I can no longer sleep , I can no longer breathe without letting you consume my every thought - he proclaimed , capturing her cheek in his large hand -You haunt me in my dreams , you haunt me during the day , you haunt me when I'm with my family , you haunt me when I look directly into the eyes of my betrothed - he growled , brushing her ear with his lips -You can deny it , but at least don't make me do it , don't make me continue to suffer without you by my side.
Y/n felt as if something had possessed her.
His words made her finally forget, but unfortunately not about him, but about the outside world that was so close to them, almost at her fingertips.
She let the viscount finally taste her full pink lips, embraced her wide hips in his rough hands, and dragged her to the carriage standing just behind them, locking them inside. The interior of it suddenly seemed so small , as their bodies pressed against each other.
His palms, large and warm, touched her in places that were forbidden to him, but in his movements there was not a shred of thought about the later consequences, only uncontrollable lust.
-From the moment our eyes met, I knew that I had to possess you, that I had to make you mine - he whispered into her neck, gliding his nose over her pulse, brushing the skin of her neck with his tongue again and again, leaving wet marks behind.
The woman moaned quietly in response , closing her eyes and tilting her head , making herself putty in his hands , which he took advantage of by pushing her onto the seat ,kneeling himself on the floor of the carriage , with his large hands running over the white material of her dress , therefore revealing the smooth skin of her legs , which he sensually kissed, leaving an electrifying sensation that caused her to shiver.
Her eyes closed involuntarily when the viscount's lips found their way to her heated and moist inner thighs , while his fingers melted into her firm bum , lifting her curvy body so her ankles could fell on the man's broad shoulders.
His teeth found their place on the woman's undergarments, tearing them in one strong movement, which caused the cold air to hit her sensitive womanhood, that trembled under the sudden change of temperature.
-Aemond - she whispered , calling him by name for the first time - What are you doing? - she asked, looking down.
-I want to taste you - he muttered , kissing her ankle - I wonder if you taste as sweet as your lips do - he said , slowly pulling up her long gown , so that nothing would block his view of the woman before him.
Before Y/n could respond to his words , his tongue touched her swollen clit , swirling it around the pink pearl , making her uncontrollably thrust her pelvis forward , imprisoning the man in the softness of her thick thighs.
Aemond , in response , growled , clamping his hands on her firm flesh , drawing her impossibly closer , feasting. His mouth explored her femininity , kissing and licking every part , leaving nothing without his attention . He was bestial , greedily drinking her juices , which tasted like the sweetest dessert of his life , as his eyes stared at the woman in front of him , who was consumed by convulsions of pleasure that tore their way through her body , making it burst into flames that consumed her mind.
The viscount watched with delight as she broke under her first orgasm of the night, licking everything she gave him , feeling under his fingertips how her muscles went limp , and seeing how her eyes became clouded by uncontrollable desire.
-Aemond - she said breathlessly , desperately grabbing his jaw , trying to pull him close to her.
-What is it my sweet? - he asked , purring like a cat.
-Please…please…make love to me, Aemond - she begged, brushing her lips against his, tasting herself on them, combing her fingers between strands of his white hair.
In response, the man embraced her curvy body , securing it in his strong arms , positioning the lovers so that this time he was resting on the seat , placing Miss Stark on his legs , immediately proceeding to assault her neck with slow kisses, while his hands crept to her throbbing entrance , which was waiting for him , embracing him tightly as he inserted two fingers into her , sensually moving them.
-So warm and tight - he muttered into her ear , biting its lobe - Full of desperation and need.
-Don't make me wait…I beg you…I can't stand it - she whimpered , burying her face in the hollow of his neck.
Viscount took her flushed cheek in his hand , making her look at him while his other hand skillfully unbuttoned his black pants , freeing his thick and long member , which he directed at her wet entry , entering her slowly and carefully , looking deeply into her eyes.
She felt like she could feel him in her throat. He rammed her insides , mixing the feeling of pain with pleasure , spreading it from the top of her head to her toes. She moaned, whimpered and mewled, letting him move her as he pleased, making her see stars. His member was hitting sensitive places that were never known by her, making her walls clench tighter and tighter against him.
The second orgasm that overtook her body felt overwhelming , yet he kept moving, wanting to feel the sensation of her thight walls clenching onto him for as long as possible, before he did what he wanted from the moment he saw her. He maked her his.
Y/n moaned softly, feeling the sudden heat that poured from inside of her , right between her wet and sticky thighs. Holding the viscount by the neck, she pulled him even closer, snuggling into his muscular body.
Everything seemed to quiet down around them. The windows of the carriage fogged up through their passionate act , and the air became hot and suffocating. However, they did not care , they were too busy melting into each other's embrace.
But this changed when she heard his words , whispered directly into her ear.
Will you marry me , miss Stark?
#house of the dragon x reader#house of the dragon#house of the dragon smut#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x fem!reader#bridgerton au#pride and prejudice au#my writing#hotd#asoiaf#aemond targaryen fanfiction#viscount!aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x plus size reader#curvy!reader#aemond targaryen x curvy!reader#aemond targaryen x stark!reader
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THE PINK DREAD - CH. 33 (Masterlist)
Chapter Summary: As the Valyrian houses gather for the anticipated dinner party, King Viserys has an unexpected announcement to share. Word Count: 6070 CHAPTER WARNINGS: We're still talking about menstrual blood. I also only proof read this once, cause ya girl is getting lazy. So apologies for types/grammatical errors, and odd sentencing/wording.
Series tags: Aemond x Plus size!OfC, Aegon x Plus size!OfC, Celtigar!ofc, Plot with Smut, mdni 18+, Aemond End Game, Angst, Comedy, The Dragons Don't Dance, slow burn, friends to enemies to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers.
Credits: Lace Banner by Aquazero, pearl divider by Pommecita
Notes: This is another one of those chapters I'm not particularly happy about. I think my problem is that I absolutely LOATH writing scenes where there are more than four people. Because there are just too many moving parts and I feel like I need to acknowledge everyone's existence. It's tiring. Anyway, I hope this reads better than I feel like it does.
The Small Council Chamber was at its fullest for the first time in years. Though there was a single marble left unclaimed in the centre of the table, a white and grey granite sphere that would belong to the Master of Ships. Alas, with Lord Corlys occupied near a decade in the Step Stones, and now incapacitated to near death, the subject of anointing a new master of ships was broached several times in the past, and that day was no different.
“Word has it that the Cannibal has moved all the way north west, settling in the mountains around Iroman’s Bay. Dalton Greyjoy told me himself that the Ironmen have begun preparing ships with scorpions, and arming themselves with harpoons, ready to take down the beast,” Larys leaned back in his chair, eyes casting over the nearly full table before landing on the King. “He said that he is willing to take down the nuisance at your pleasure, your Grace, and all he asks is for a seat on this Council and a bride with a generous dowry.”
“Of course he did,” Lord Bartimos rolled his eyes.
“Your Grace, we do need a Master of Ships,” the Lord Hand reminded, and everyone’s eyes strayed to the lone marble in the hexagon. “Lord Dalton is an exceptional sailor and captain, and has one of the largest fleets in the Seven Kingdoms, next to the Redwyne’s.”
“Yes, but might I remind you of his reputation,” Daemon shot Otto a look. “He’s done far worse than I, and yet you kept me farther away from this Council.”
“Daemon, please,” Viserys lifted his hand, already tired. “We are not going to bring up the past today…” He turned to look at Barty, who appeared to agree with Daemon, predictably. With a sigh, Viserys lifted his arms, “Tell Lord Dalton I will think on it. Until then, there are many others that we must consider.”
“Like who, your Grace?” Lord Wylde raised an eyebrow.
“Lord Manderly, for example, or Ser Cedric Redwyne, Lord Corwyn’s most accomplished son,” The King answered swiftly. “Not to mention, Lord Clement and Arthor Celtigar, Bartimos’ sons. Clement has possessed the seas since his youth, and knows Lord Corlys personally.”
At the mention of his sons, Barty’s chest swelled, “It would be a great honour, my King. My boys would make you proud, should you have them.”
Rhaenyra glanced at the Hand of the King; he appeared as if he was holding on by a thread. His mouth opened to say something, but instead he clamped it shut after sharing a look with his daughter beside him.
Having a Celtigar on the Small Council again would impede Otto’s ambitions. With Bartimos back, Rhaenyra could tell that the Hand was becoming more irate and impatient, making his motives clearer with every desperate attempt at salvaging Hightower power. His plan was thwarted when Viserys’ health improved; he was no longer addled with Milk of the Poppy and strained with pain, making it easier for Otto to manipulate by the power of suggestion and urgency. Ever since Lyonel Strong had stepped down as Hand and was tragically killed in the Harrenhall fire, Otto’s re-admittance into the position was merely due to the lack of better prospects. At that point, Viserys’ relationship with Bartimos was strained, otherwise the Claw Isle lord would have taken Lyonel’s place.
However, now they are friends again, it was only a matter of time before Viserys realized he could replace Otto with him. The man’s presence in the Small Council while not having a title to belong there was enough of an implication. It would only take a few pushes until Otto finally snaps, forcing the King to do so. Ultimately, that would be a win for Rhaenyra, ensuring that there is no more Green influence whispering in her father’s ear.
Rhaenyra swiveled her eyes to Alicent for a moment, before moving her gaze onto her hands folded on her lap. She and the Queen have been cordial since Visenya’s funeral, though they have yet to share any true moment of reconciliation. At most there were glances of pity, sadness, longing, mutually understanding that they both wished to bury the axe. It was just a matter of who was going to lower their weapon and make the first wave of the white flag. After her conversation with Jacaerys the night prior, it would appear that she would be one to do that.
Otto was wrapping up the final details of the Tourney, after making suggestions for possible low-born men to be knighted and even chosen to be a Kingsguard. Then he asked if there was anything else that needed to be brought up before they departed, and Rhaenyra felt a sense of deja vu.
“Yes, there is, as a matter of fact,” she stood up slowly as everyone remained seated. “Several years ago, I stood in this Council Chamber with what I believed was a wise and honourable offer… I said it then, that we are one house, but we have since been divided all these years.” Her eyes roamed the table, noting everyone's expressions one by one. Daemon looked expectant, Otto looked too controlled, Alicent appeared conflicted, and her father’s pleasant smile of encouragement filled her with hope. The first and last time this was mentioned in this room, Alicent barred more mental strength than he.
“His Grace wishes this to be a season of peacemaking, which I heartily agree… As does my son, Jacaerys, who was the one to bring this up to me.” Bartimos tilted his head towards Daemon, his brow furrowed.
Rhaenyra turned to address him first, “Lord Bartimos, your daughter is simply lovely. You know well that I adored her when we both resided in the Red Keep, as I did her mother… A union between our families would have been ideal, yes, but I made a promise to my son that I would give him the liberty to choose, as my father gave me when I was his age.”
The Lord of Claw Isle seemed to deflate in his seat, his eyes seemed to age as he blinked defeatedly, “My Princess, I would like to apologize for any insult my daughter has—”
Rhaenyra smiled and lifted her hand up to stop him, “Apologies are not necessary. There was no insult to be had… On the contrary, Jacaerys and Valeana got along well enough, but nothing beyond cordial companionship. Instead, your daughter has inspired my son…” Rhaenyra trailed off and looked back to Alicent. “He has approached me to inquire about the possibility of taking Princess Helaena’s hand in marriage. As it happens… He has already discussed it with her privately.”
Alicent straightened in her seat, her mouth hung open with the incapability of articulating a response. Her eyes casting over to her father did not go amiss, and neither did Daemon’s look towards Bartimos.
“Helaena has not mentioned this,” Alicent stated, her tone betraying her need to disbelieve her ears.
“It appears to be a new development,” Rhaenyra folded her arms in front of herself diplomatically. “Though Jace has said he wished to court her quietly and without stress to ease Helaena’s mind.”
“Well now,” The King finally spoke, his smile widening. “I did not wish to say it… But this was something I always wished had happened all those years ago.”
“But your Grace, we have already discussed betrothing Aegon with–” Otto was promptly cut off by Viserys.
“It was discussed and I made the decision of it not being discussed further,” Viserys looked at Otto, his purple eyes wide with the unquestionable authority of a King. “Helaena is too soft for Aegon. You of all people understand his appetites, as you spend most of your day containing the deplorable truths he hides in Flea Bottom. I know he loves his sister, but it does not go beyond that… And I believe everyone in this very room could all agree… He does not wish to marry Helaena, as much as she does not wish to be married to him.”
The Lord Hand visibly sunk into his chair, his hands lifting in a feeble attempt to convey surrender. “Aegon is your first born son, your Grace. If there were anyone to marry first, it would be him. He is well past the age.”
“I’m aware, Lord Otto,” The King smiled ironically. “Though as you are all aware by now, Aegon is in a very unique situation. And if the whispers have any merit,” His eyes flickered over to Larys, “It’s the same situation as my other son.”
The King fell quiet, looking down at his four fingers as they drummed the marble sitting in its nest in front of him. Then he moved his eyes onto his friend, Barty, who sat at his right. Bartimos stared back, his jaw taught as they silently communicated the obvious.
“I am inclined to allow the chips to fall where they may,” Viserys finally says, lacing his eight fingers in front of himself. “For my daughter, Helaena, however, I wish the world for her… And what better world can I give her than one where she is to be a future queen of the Realm, to be married to a honourable, compassionate, and strapping man like my grandson? Alicent, my dear, do you not agree?”
The question was a challenge, to gouge a reaction out of his wife. If Alicent did not agree, she would voice it. But something kept her lips buttoned, and she looked wide eyed between her husband, her father, and her former friend. If only Rhaenyra could read her mind, to know what she knew, to feel what she felt. Instead, the Princess waited with baited breath.
Alicent slowly stood up from the table, her fingers anchoring her body on the table as she did. Her eyes found Rhaenyra above everyone else’s, effectively avoiding the imploring eye of her father. With a swift movement, she grabbed her goblet, and raised it to the Princess.
“I agree,” her answer fills the room, stirring emotions. “It is time we repair the rift between our families, and make our house whole again.”
When Valeana woke up that morning, it was earlier than she typically would find herself in. Shyla was missing from her bed, which only reminded her of her dream. A wave of nausea hit her; it felt like guilt, it felt like loss. It was so much simpler then, to choose both and have them willing. But it was not reality, as much as she curled back into her pillows, hoping to fall back into that dream that ended so unsatisfyingly.
There was a distinctive squish between her thighs when she moved, and she internally groaned and threw her head back. She must have bled through her rag during the night. Carefully she moved her body over to inspect the sheets underneath her, finding it clear, thank the gods. Then, Valeana quickly strapped on Lady Footlyn so she could clean herself at the washing basin in the corner. A meticulously humiliating process she had to do every single morning the last few days; every moon for the last 8 years. Only 40 more to go.
Though when she pulled up the damp cloth, she didn’t find what she expected. Her moon’s blood was over, what remained was slick, translucent, with a pinkish hue (likely remnants of her blood). Cringing at herself, she resumed her cleaning, ensuring that her thighs were thoroughly dry. At least she didn’t need to plug herself with cotton anymore.
Over breakfast, it was collectively decided that Shyla should no longer suffer another night trying to sleep next to Valeana. Apparently, she had snored so loud and stuttery, Shyla had to check to make sure she was breathing several times.
“You sounded like you were a street cat being mounted by a direwolf, Val,” Shyla rubbed the corners of her eyes. An apt description, considering what she was dreaming that night. Unfortunately, there was a lack of Cregan. Perhaps another night.
Floris was violently reluctant in giving up her single bedroom, but it was put to rest when Shyla expertly handled it.
“It’s alright, Floris. The settee is kind of comfortable… I guess I can stay there for, what…two more moons? My neck won’t hurt forever.”
So, it was decided. Floris’ single room would be Valeana’s. The transition between rooms was a series of glares and muttered remarks as trunks of clothing were moved from one room to the other. When it was all settled, Val collapsed on the larger bed with a sigh. Floris’ former bedchamber was smaller, situated just above the one Valeana shared with Shyla. Stairs lead to it, a circular room in the spired tower above their family’s wing of the Holdfast. There was a larger tower on the opposite end, where her parents’ were. Unlike her former accommodations, this one’s balcony was considerably smaller, just enough for a lounging chair and a tea table.
Aemond would have a harder time climbing up there.
Val lolled her head towards the inconspicuous bookcase, now empty of Floris’ belongings. Almost forgot about that. She lifted herself up on her elbows and looked around the room, now truly taking in how blissfully removed it was from the rest of the apartment.
A smile crept on her face, slow and devious, just as her hand moved up the hem of her skirt.
The highly anticipated, but even more dreaded gathering of the Valyrian houses would take place that evening for supper. Valeana had spent the entire day making Queen Alicent’s dragon dress with Rosy in the private confines of her new bedquarters to kill the day. While her maid could not talk, she was actively listening as Valeana imparted ideas for her own gown for the Creature Ball. In the end, she decided to be a white lioness, a homage to her mother.
By the time it was time for her to get dressed for supper, the Queen’s dress was practically finished. All that was left was a final fitting to ensure everything was in place, which they had plenty of time for. The Creature Ball would not happen for another moon, at least, some weeks after the Tourney and the Victor’s celebration in the pavilions was over.
There was, however, a formal dress code for the evening. Everyone must wear the colours of their house, which meant that the Celtigars will be garbed in whites and reds, including Floris.
“Why was she even invited,” Valeana ranted to Rosy as the girl helped her pull the solid vermillion dress over her head. “She’s not a Celtigar, she’s not Valyrian.”
And yet Floris wore Celtigar colours, a red bodice with matching tiered layer, an ivory skirt underneath and trumpet sleeves. A ridiculously extravagant dress that expressed something that she clearly is not. All that was missing were crabs embellishments, like Shyla’s.
Her younger sister’s dress was mostly white, save for the inside of the corset in the front, and the stripe of red on the hemline of her skirt, sleeves, and square neckline. Her mother wore a solid red dress, much like Valeana’s, but hers had far more bedazzlement with pearls and polished quartz, which matched her statement necklace.
Valeana had a fair amount of vermillion and ivory coloured dresses, enough to fill two trunks over had she brought her entire wardrobe with her to King’s Landing. Though there was one in particular that was her favourite, one that she had only worn once at her coming out ball on her 18th name day two years ago. It was a bit romantic, perhaps a little much the evening, but the King did request his guests to wear formal attire. And Valeana was feeling particularly romantic that evening.
The skirt was slimmer than her usual gowns, but still held a petticoat underneath to keep shape. Though unadorned with embroidery, it was flowy and delicate. What made the dress her favourite work was the sleeves and the neckline. The sleeves were trumpet shaped, though entirely made out of vermillion dyed veil-type lace that exposed her arms from shoulder to wrist. The dress itself was designed around this fabric, so the lace was the focal point. The bodice had a lace corset in the front, and the neckline was sweetheart shaped, bordered by more lace that framed the tops of her bosom, clavicle, and over her shoulders with a patterned fringe.
Rosy plaited her hair intricately, though its loose appearance made it appear effortless to anyone who didn’t look too close. Four smaller braids beginning from her scalp met in a knot at the back of her head, and the rest of her hair was pulled into two thick messy braids.
Valeana stood after strapping on Ser An-toe-knee Woodsby, then shook her hips around, making the dress swish around her legs. Looking up at Rosy, she asked, “How do I look?”
The mute girl communicated with her hands, a language that Val slowly learned over time. Her fingers made a crown on her hand, and then she covered her left eye before pointing at her heart.
Prince Aemond will love it.
Valeana smirked bashfully, “And what about Prince Aegon?”
Rosy stared at her with a tilt of her head as she considered the question. Then she motioned with her fingers around her chest, and made a squeezing motion.
He will enjoy that part.
Valeana threw her head back in a laugh, then turned around to go find her shoe for her right foot. Her eyes glanced at the bookcase, the one that hid the hidden passageway, and she couldn’t help but involuntarily swallow at the mere possibilities this room offered.
The dinner was being hosted in the Holdfast’s private ballroom, designed for family-only events and intimate parties. The Celtigars are the first to arrive, Bartimos leading the charge in his ivory doublet, trimmed in red, marching red grabs on his shoulders. Ursula behind, then Clement in a dark red doublet, and Arthor wearing similar. The girls filtered in right after, Floris, Valeana, Shyla.
There were two tables positioned in a T shape, but separated by a platform. The smallest table sat horizontally on the platform with larger chairs. Two in the middle that faced the hall itself were the tallest, and the most ornate, a visual indication that it belonged to the King and Queen. The longest table was placed vertically below the platform some distance away; it had a total of fourteen chairs.
“I suppose that is where us kids sit,” Arthor comments as he moves around his family to take a gander around the ball.
There was a band in the corner, playing lightly to create a background ambiance. Drapes were pinned to the ceiling, red, black, white, aquamarine; the colours of the Valyrian houses. Valeana noted green was distinctively vacant in the decor, as were the Hightower banners. On poles that flanked the fringes of the ball room, the sigils of House Targaryen, House Velaryon and House Celtigar stood proudly one after the other. At the very end of the ballroom, beyond the modest dance floor, was a statue of a dragon with three hands, candles were placed on its pedestal, illuminating it from below.
Valeana stared at it for a moment, examining each head closely, particularly the one in the center that faced the room, eyes trained forward.
The dragon must have three heads, a voice echoed in the back of her mind.
Not long after their arrival, Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon strode in with their litany of children, save for the younger ones, Viserys and Aegon, who likely were put to bed by then. After the obligatory formal greeting, the growing crowd began to mingle. Clement went to crowd Daemon, and Jacaerys slowly made his way towards Valeana, who lingered around the statue.
“The milkweed plant worked,” Jace said cheekily, his hands behind his back.
Val grinned at him, “I told you. Did you talk to your mother about it?”
He nodded, “I did. She told me she had wished for it years ago, but was thwarted by Alicent. I’m guessing the Queen wished Aegon and Helaena to be wedded, but that was not going to come to pass…”
She hummed in understanding, “And what does Helaena think of it?”
“She has told me she cares for me, but she does have reservations about being Queen. I assured her that if she wishes it, she will be Queen in title only, and that she does not need to be obligated in affairs of the court. I only wish for her to be contented, and not forced into a loveless marriage where she is not appreciated.”
Valeana smiled softly and placed a hand on his bicep, “You’re a sweet man, Jace. She is very lucky to have you.”
He looked down, suddenly overcome with bashfulness. Jace nodded his thanks, and then lifted his gaze up at her, “You look very pretty, by the way. That colour suits you.”
She pursed her lips sheepishly, “Thank you, my Prince.”
“Are you sure I can’t change your mind about us? Aegon the Conqueror had two wives—”
“Don’t push it.”
Upon entering the ballroom, Aemond’s eye immediately found her, like a moth to the moon. The vibrant red of her dress contrasted greatly against the canvas of grey stone and wooden floors, like an orange-red rose growing on a vine along the face of the castle. He barely registered the formal greetings towards the King, he was too busy examining the narrow space between his Valeana and Jacaerys. He locked eyes with his nephew, and the insufferable bastard smirked at him before turning to her and saying something.
Aegon appeared at his side, just in time for Jace to walk away from her, “Does he believe he still has a chance with her?”
Aemond could only grumble in response as Jace strode by them. “Uncles,” he greeted with a short nod of his head, and a faint smirk at the end of his lips. Aemond’s body prickled; he was so worried about Aegon, he had forgotten about Jace. He did not seem to appear a threat anymore, with Valeana very obviously showing disinterest in the forced courtship, but that was contradicted by their show of friendliness.
Did she grow close to him during that day in the Godswood? He didn’t ask how the ride had gone when he was on her balcony, he was too consumed with the need to be with her, he had pushed it out of his mind completely.
His father and mother moved to their centered seats at the table on the platform, which signaled everyone to do the same. Without being instructed, it appeared that everyone knew where they were to be seated. The elder generation took their place at the King’s table; Bartimos on Viserys’ right, and Otto on Alicent’s left. Rhaenys sat across from him, Daemon across Alicent, Rhaenyra across her father, and finally, Ursula sat across from her husband.
At the longer table, it was a bit more chaotic as people scrambled to claim seats next to people they wished to be rooted next to, and actively avoided those they didn’t. Aegon and Aemond shared a look before they practically scrambled towards the approaching Valeana, who was about to take a seat next to her brother. Aegon, though, rested his hand on the small of her back, and guided her to the other end of the table.
“Where do you think you’re going, Lady Valeana?” He smiled against her ear as he pulled out a chair near the end of the table. After he tucked her in, Aegon settled into the seat on her right, next to Helaena. Aemond took the seat on Valeana’s left, the very end of the table.
Even though everyone in the room presently was aware on some capacity of his affection for Valeana, Aemond still had to keep the appearance that he wasn’t. He hadn’t the opportunity to end things with Maris, and the servants and guards that milled the room were just as responsible for the whispers as the ladies of court were. The last thing he needed was for Borros Baratheon to learn about his dishonourable snubbing of his daughter through a maidservant.
Aemond was about to place his hand discreetly on Valeana’s knee underneath the table, but he looked up to realize he was sitting directly across from Lucerys, who watched him with oppressive entertained scrutiny. Valeana must have sensed the tension, because she turned to him with concern etched in her features. No words were said, but her hand reached under the table and squeezed his thigh comfortingly. The corner of his lip twitched at the contact.
The long table was quiet as everyone settled, only the sound of music and the shuffling of servants were heard. Even the King’s table was subdued with its chatter, reduced to murmured compliments. The tension hung in the air like the wrought iron candelabras that were suspended from the ceiling with thick chains. The weight of Vaemond’s sudden and brutal execution was still a fresh memory, but there was also something else amongst the adults that appeared to keep their shoulders squared. Particularly the Lord Hand, who’s eyes were darker than usual. Aegon caught his eye before their grandsire moved it onto Aemond. A silent reprimand, though neither prince knew what they were being scolded for.
The first course was gradually spread along the tables; smaller fare such as mutton stew, fresh bread and soft butter, cured sausages and spiced olives. Grilled vegetables and various sliced cheeses, accompanied by jams from different fruits; fig, grape, strawberries. Salt water oysters were piled high on a bed of salt, next to it were steamed mussels in a red sauce.
“Let us pray before we begin,” Queen Alicent said loudly enough for all in the room to hear. Her piousness is not shared with most in the room, but none seemed to protest, save for the slight exasperation found on Daemon’s features. Everyone collectively bowed their heads and wove their fingers on their laps, everyone except for the Blacks, who only folded their hands.
Aemond respected tradition, even if it was from his mother’s side. He and his siblings may have been raised to worship the faith of the Seven, but They held very little value in their life. Aemond, too philosophical, too agnostic, would say that Their existence is both plausible and impossible. If the Father was just, the man sitting in front of him would have paid for the sin of slicing Aemond’s eye clear from his head. If the Mother was merciful, the woman sitting next to him would have both of her legs. Life was not fair, the gods less so, but out of respect for deities that he may one day face, he bowed his head and prayed when he was supposed to.
Aegon, on the other hand, was different. He believed in the Seven, sure, but also believed they didn’t love him; that they turned their backs on him the day he was born, and decided that he was their mistake that they were trying to forget. It should have been Baelon that survived, not him. Baelon would’ve been the heir his father always wanted.
“May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love,” Alicent led the prayer. “May the Smith mend bonds that have been broken for far too long. May the Maiden shower us with love and light during this Royal Conclave. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest.”
There was a notable shift to the atmosphere that could be tasted on the tip of everyone’s tongue at the mention of Vaemond. Lucerys’s mouth pinched and his eyes roamed the table before resting them on his lap; his step-sister beside him blinked rapidly, as if she was trying to keep a stoic face; Rhaenyra stared vacantly at a spot on the table, her nostrils flaring; Daemon rolled his eyes to the back of his head; Valeana gave a barely audible sigh through her nose, the creases between her brows deepening.
Before people could tuck into their meals, the King pushed himself up, his weight held up by his cane; ivory and ironwood, a dragon nesting on the top. Everyone looked up at him expectedly and he looked at all their faces with a smile so contented, so peaceful, it was enough to forget that all other individuals in that room hated the other for one reason or another.
“This is an occasion of multiple celebrations, it seems,” his mouth widened as his teeth peaked from behind his lips. “Tonight is the first night in generations that the three great Valyrian houses are united under one room. The Targaryens, the Velaryons, and the Celtigars all survived the Doom of Old Valyria.”
Aemond’s eye drifted over all the faces here present. There wasn’t a single true Velaryon by name present; the only two that held blood of a Velaryon were Targaryens by name. No, the Velaryons were nearly a dead line. Vaemond’s sons were the last true Velaryons, but they were not here. They were no older than Aemond’s nephews, Viserys and Aegon the younger, and by now they would be learning that their father was dead. That half his head rolled around like a flipped coin on the flagstone floors of the Throne Room, less than a minute after he shouted ‘bastards’ at the top of his lungs.
“And we sit here today, as one house: The House of Valyria. Proud, ancient, and forged in fire and blood, in salt and sea,” Everyone raises their goblets in murmured agreement. “It truly gladdens me to be part of this historical moment. Our families will now no longer be divided, but blended. My grandsons, Jace and Luke are set to be married.”
Aemond felt his blood drain from his body instantly. His brow furrowed, his heart ached in a pang of betrayal. His brother felt no different; they both turned to the woman seated between them. Valeana hadn’t seemed to notice this, as she was looking at Jace with a slight smirk upon her lips, and that made it all the worse.
The implication of their father’s speech was thick in the air, and hard to ignore. Both Princes exchanged glances of disbelief, and yet the way Valeana and Jaceaerys were speaking with each other when they first entered… What the hell was going on? Was… did Valeana…? No, no, surely not…
Aemond’s fingers were visibly trembling under the table, his eye prickling, and his ribs felt like they were going to crack under the pressure of his rapidly beating heart. Aegon was less conserved than he; his mouth twisted as if he was trying to swallow down bile. He lifted his hands and placed them on the edge of the table, ready to push his chair away and leave the room.
But then the King continued.
“Luke will marry his cousin, Rhaena, and together they will one day become Lord and Lady of the Tides. And as for my eldest grandson, Jacaerys, my daughter’s heir… Well, he has asked for the hand of the purest soul in this room. It fills my old heart with immense joy to announce the betrothal between Prince Jacaerys and my little butterfly, my daughter, Princess Helaena, the future King and Queen of Westeros. I wish them a lifetime of happiness, peace, and prosperity.”
“Here, here,” someone had said through the sounds of clapping.
Aegon had made a brief screeching noise with his chair in his failed attempt to leave. He instead spun to Helaena sitting next to him, who held a sheepish, shy smile, lavender eyes avoiding everyone in the room, other than Jacaerys who was watching her with fondness.
“Helaena and–” He began, but cut himself off, turning back to Valeana. “Were you aware of this?”
Val leaned back into her chair, her fingers laced innocently in front of her, “I kind of had a hand in it.”
Aegon practically sunk in his chair, his hands raking into his scalp. The adrenaline seeped out of his pores and landed on the floor. He lulled his head to look at his sister, and then back at Valeana, “I do not know if I feel better.”
Valeana raised her eyebrows, “Did you think he was referring to me?”
He leaned into her, his voice a whisper, only loud enough for her ears, “Darling, I was very nearly going to kidnap you right here and now.”
Aemond physically felt like he nearly avoided a landslide; visually, he remained impassive, if not a bit bothered around his one expressive eye and flared nostrils. Still his shoulders relaxed once the relief washed over him like a cool breeze on a humid day, which softened the blow of the knowledge that Jacaerys was marrying his fucking sister. A development that he realized was his second least favourable probability, right next to Jace marrying Valeana.
No, he thought as he glanced at Aegon, leaning into her space like she was the only source of heat in the middle of winter. The third least.
Facade be damned, he could not sit silently by while his brother was allowed to publicly stake his claim on his woman, like she was some newly discovered, unoccupied patch of land. Aemond leaned back in his seat haughtily, and without a word spoken, he reached under the table and scooped up Valeana’s left hand that sat idly on her thigh. Ignorant to his intentions, she instinctively wove her small fingers in between his large ones, likely believing for a split second that he simply wanted to convey relief in the shadows. However, he had no intention of keeping it in the dark any longer, not now when the stakes were growing too high.
It was a simple gesture, but one that conveyed a very large statement. Aemond pulled their conjoint hands above the table and laid it between them, his thumb moving rhythmically over the back of her palm. Those closest to them had their attention ripped away from their plates and conversations to stare. He could feel her hand tense in his, and he watched her in his peripheral as she turned to him, mouth ajar, eyes wide.
Aemond tilted his head in her direction, eye lifting to meet her marbleized peridots, blinking up at him in shock. His smile coiled at her reaction.
“Ao jurnegon gevie isse bona grēza, ñuha jorrāelagon (You look beautiful in that dress, my love),” his voice was velvet on bare skin, soft, sensual, erotic. “Absolutely stunning.”
On her otherside, Aegon leans forward into the table to openly glare at his brother. His jaw rotates as he grinds the back of his teeth; the only visual proof of him trying to contain himself. In the end, he huffed an ironic laugh, and then smirked at his brother’s brazenous.
Aegon moved his chair closer to Valeana, the legs roughly screeching against the floor hollowly. With his side now flushed against hers, he draped his arm around her shoulders and leaned in to give her a peck on the corner of her mouth.
“How lucky am I to have the most gorgeous creature on earth at my side,” his tone was saccharine and sanguine, his eyes were predatory and possessive.
Valeana could do nothing but remain trapped between them, not knowing where to rest her eyes. When she found the most neutral point, it was Lucerys and Rhaena who sat across from them. The latter looked partially mortified, partially intrigued, and the former seemed like he was about to combust from amusement.
On the other end of the ballroom, on the platform, seated at the end of the shorter table, Otto Hightower watched the whole thing from his perch. His chest swelled with a sigh of exhaustion and growing impatience. He was getting too old for this shit.
“Seven bleeding Hells,” he muttered, loud enough to garner the attention of his daughter beside him.
“What is it?” Alicent asked in a low tone, her brow creased in concern.
Otto turned to her slowly, “Your fucking sons.”
CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR SNEAK PEEK Slowly he turned around, his one eye peeking over at Luke over the bridge of his nose. His nephew was laughing; eyes squinting in a mischievous glint as he stared at Aemond, and then back at the roasted pig… And then onto Valeana, who was unaware of it all. Suddenly the table jostled, the bang of Aemond’s fist on the table immediately halted everyone’s chatter and movement, bringing their collective attention to his side of the table. Fisting his cup, Aemond ascended from his seat and extended his arm, his eye trained on his nephew in front of him. “Final tribute...”
Notes: F I N A L T R I B U TE Get ready for a whole chapter dedicated to fucking speeches XD Because by god... I'm never...I'm never gonna watch that episode again, I've seen it too many times to write this chapter and the FemAegon oneshot.
Tag: @queen-of-elves, @keylin1730, @anakilusmos, @weepingfashionwritingplaid, @sugutoad, @desireangel, @t0biasparabatai
( if you wish to be tagged for this story, just give me a reply! )
Please do not re post, redistribute or plagiarize my work. The only other place this story is posted on is ao3 under the same username.
#celtfics#celtfics: pink dread#aemond fic#aemond fanfiction#aemond x oc#aemond x ofc#aemond x original female character#aemond x original character#aemond targaryen#aemond x reader#aemond x celtigar#plus size oc#plus size original character#aemond x plus size ofc#aegon x ofc#aegon targaryen#aegon x oc#18+ mdni#house of the dragon#house of the dragon fic#hotd fic#hotd fanfiction#ewan mitchell#ewan mitchell fic#aemond targaryen x oc#aemond targaryen x ofc#aemond one eye
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Keep Me Near Your Heart XX

Jaenara stare out the window in daze, her mind muddled and scrambled with various scenarios of her husband whereabouts, it had been two days since he last been back and Jaenara was beginning to go a little stir crazy.
She start pacing around the room, it was late, she came back from spending another dinner alone.
Jaenara's emotions were split, she was angry and worried about her husband, as much as she grown find his existence annoying, she needed him still. She needed him here with her, with their child, he been gone for so long that Jaenara took to crying herself to sleep.
If she founds out that he was with Rivers this entire time, she was leaving him and killing her and that bastard in her stomach. She wasn't going to let him humiliate her or their child, not again not ever.
The sound of the door opening made jaenara turn so quickly it made her dizzy for second, she look towards the door to see Aemond walking in with one hand behind his back.
He closed the door behind him and stood in front of it with a nervous look on his face.
"Where have you been." Jaenara hiss after a minute of tense silence between them, her hands balled into fist by her side, "Do you have any idea the hell I been through without you here."
Aemond look at her with apologic look, he was relieve and a little happy that his beloved was thinking of him while he was away.
"Hello! Idiot. I asked you a question." She snapped making Aemond snap out of his thoughts to look at her just as jaenara was stalking towards him.
Aemond dropped his arm from behind him clenching the object in his hand tight out of nervousness, as jaenara stop just a couple of feet in front of him and glance over him before notcing how hard he had his fist clench.
"What's in your hand?"
Aemond swallow the lump stuck in his throat before clearing it.
"Well, I know you been feeling...stress, so I thought I'll get you something to lighten up your day." He said softly, Jaenara looks from the necklace to her dense husband.
"If you wanted to "brighten up my mood", Aemond. Maybe, you should have fucked me two days ago rather than leaving to get me some stupid jewelry, you know I will never wear, you should have come back home and fuck me like you promise." She snarl, Aemond deflates before bowing his head.
"I thought--"
"I don't have you around to think, you dope, you are here to pleasure me." She jeered, "And to keep an close eye on you, I know how weak...men are when they miss their mommies and past lovers. " She sneer before turning away from to walk towards the bed.
"Your right, my love--"
"I know I am," she sassed, "Now, throw that thing away and do what your good at." Jaenara fall flat on her back on the bed, she move her legs up so her feet is planted on the mattress parted.
Aemond stayed frozen by the door, he knew he couldn't keep his love waiting for too long so he slowly drag his feet over to the bed before stopping in front of Jaenara's parted legs.
"Well? What are you waiting for." She asked agitated.
Aemond frown a bit, before he looks down at the necklace in his hand.
"Can I make a request, my belove?"
Jaenara exhale before dragging her elbows to push her up to look at Aemond.
"Does it still involves you fucking me?" She asked annoyed.
Aemond nodded his head, jaenara gave a eyeroll before giving a nod. Aemond moves his hand in front of him, and opened his fist to take one end to display the necklace fully.
"I would like to put this on you...while we make love." He looks up at her when he said the last sentence, Jaenara raise her bow curious before sitting up as her legs hang off the bed to get a closer look at the necklace.
Jaenara glance at the beautiful blue jewel, it's stone reminding her of Aemond's sapphire eye.
Jaenara looks back up at Aemond before moving off the bed, she turn around moving her hair aside for her husband to the necklace on. It took a second before jaenara felt aemond's fingers ghost along her skin on her neck, she felt the cool metal of the chain rest against her warm skin.
Soon lips press against her neck before he move to peck along her collarbone before moving to the other side of her neck as he put his hand on her stomach rubbing the round belly of his belove, Jaenara closed her eyes and lean against him, he press his lower half against her rocking his hips slowly as he suck on her neck causing her to let a small mewl.
The slow pace was not feeding the fire inside her, she pulls away quickly and turns towards Aemond catching by surprise as she grab his cheek and pulled him down to kiss him. Aemond made a noise during the kiss, Jaenara maneuver aemond around so he was now standing front of the bed without breaking their kiss. She slides her hand down his cheeks to his chest and start unbuttoning his vest before shoving it off his shoulder, she move to do the same for his shirt but forgot about it leaving the tunic to remain open.
Jaenara pull her lips from Aemond and push his chest making him fall onto the bed, she climb on top of him to straddle his hips before leaning back down to peck kisses along his neck as her hands work to unbutton his pants.
"We need not need to be quick, my love." Aemond says, but jaenara ignore him as she shove her hand down his trousers.
Aemond's hand was quick to shot out to grasp her wrist making her stop from pulling him, Jaenara pulls back to look at Aemond with a scowl.
"What! What is it now, Aemond." She snaps, Aemond look at her with parted lips as he stare at her unsure.
"...I want us to go slow, I wish to make love to you...it feels like forever since we made love and I want to take my time...to make you feel good--" Aemond speaks as his hand moves from her waist to grasp her cheek, but jaenara was quick to slap it away and interrupt him.
"Does it really matter? Your getting your cock wet one way or another," she snarked, "So, lay down, shut up, and enjoy." She roll her eyes before snatching her hand out of aemond's grasp to go back to pulling out his cock.
Aemond didn't say anything, he drop his hands to his side and lay his head back like his wife's demanded.
Jaenara lick her hand before pumping Aemond's cock making the young prince moan and whimper as he clench and unclench the sheets, jaenara bite her lips getting wet from the small noises her husband was making. Once Aemond was fully erect, jaenara lift up her skirt while her other hand kept up her motion before she rub his cock along her folds.
Jaenara and Aemond moan in unison as she lower herself, Jaenara's eyes was closed in bliss, feeling like she haven't felt a cock in her in years. She didn't waste time before she start moving her hips up and down his cock in a slow pace to get use to him again, after a few minutes Jaenara was rocking her hips as she digs her nails into Aemond's chest causing a wince to come from the man below.
Nothing but grunts and moan filled the room, both enjoying the feel of each other after days of not touching. One was more happy than other, which confuse the latter since sex makes everything better. Right?
Jaenara peel her eyes opened and look down at her husband as she still moves on top of him, she take him little by little. Her eyes gaze over his big hands on her hips, before moving her eyes to look at his hard and muscular ivory chest that was glistening. She put her hand on his chest, digging her nails into him again hearing him grunt, not sure from the pleasure or the pain, but she enjoy seeing his muscles tighten when his fucking her.
The dragon princess begin to slow down as she slowly start to get close and tired as she does all the work, she flick her eyes to Aemond's features, her brow twitch as stare at her husband close eyes and scrunch up face. It was a familiar look that she seen before, the way he tilt his head back and how he squeeze his eyes closed really tight, it look like he could be thinking about something...or someone?
Before she could stop herself, Jaenara's hand flew out and smack Aemond across the cheek.
Aemond yelp in shock and look at his wife in disbelief, Jaenara stare back at him equal shock and disbelief. She was so in disbelief that it soon turn to anger as the feeling suddenly took over her bosy and mind, before she even realize it she was hitting him again.
"You...bastard." she hiss under breathe as her hits switch between hitting him in the face and his chest.
Aemond block his belove wife's hits with his arms blocking his face, he didn't want to grab her and hurt her, he knew she tire herself out eventually.
The one eye prince let out a groan when Jaenara's hand hit the side of his head with great force, the hit was harder than any of her others making Aemond squeeze his shut again and hope that she stops.
Jaenara look down at Aemond out of breathe, she blinks as her vision clears up. She sees her husband with his arms up and blocking his face, his chest heaving too from everything that happened. Jaenara looks down at her throbbimg hands before glancing at Aemond, when she put two to two gather, she slide off him and stumbled off the bed putting her back to him.
As Jaenara stumbles away in a daze, Aemond slowly gets up and look over at his wife as she fell onto the couch and hunch forward putting her hands in her hands in distress.
Jaenara couldn't stop shaking, she didn't know what was going on with her. She didnt understand where all this anger was coming from, she never had that feeling before in her life not even when her mother would leave without her to visit her Rhaenys and Corlys. She was never like this, she never lose control. Everything felt confusing and she felt like she was beginning to act like her mother.
The young princess flinch when she heard her name, she pull back and look up to see her husband. The redness around his left cheek made her heart clench in her chest, she look up to face his anger and wrath. But, she was only meet with was Aemond soft lilac eye as he gaze down at her with a concern look.
Jaenara had to turn her eyes away before he could see any tears spill out, she didn't understand how he could look at her after what she did.
"Jaenara, please don't cry." He beg as he take a seat on the cushion next to her.
He move his hand to put on her mid back but she just move away from him, making him frown.
"Why." She whispered as she stare vacantly at the fireplace before them.
"Why, what, my love." He ask, moving closer to be by her, his hand went to her own on her lap and squeeze.
Jaenara sniffs and moves back so her back could be resting on the couch, before she looks over at Aemond with a meek look.
"Why did you do this to us?" She asked with hint of defeat in her tone, Aemond sat frozen taken back, "Why? We could have been happy with different people, we could have spare each other the heartbreak, and the tears, and the lonely nights--"
"My love, I know I have made mistakes, too many to even allow me in your graceful presents." Aemond moves to kneel in front of Jaenara, looking up at her with desperate look, "But, I am trying to atone for it, my love. I am trying to undo my foolishness, and show you that you are the only one for me." Aemond says, but he could see the doubt in her sweet eyes.
"How can I think I am the only one, when your first love is now carrying your child." Jaenara says in distress, making aemond cast his eye down, "How can I feel secure in our marriage, when all I can think about is...is the fact that she's carrying your true son."
Aemond look back at her.
"We still are not sure if that child is mine, and if it is than I will not claim it to be." Aemond put his hand on Jaenara's belly, he look at at it for a moment before looking at his belove, "I made a promise to you, did I not? This child is mine and nothing or no one can tell me or make me think otherwise."
Jaenara sigh, even through his words brought assurance in one part of her heart, the others parts were still so doubtful of his words.
"As much as I appreciate your your words, Aemond. They still do not make me feel like we are good for each other."
Aemond frown and his hand slide off her stomach as he leans back to fully take her in, Jaenara could see the heartbreak in his eye at her words but she knew it had to be said.
"That is not true." He whispered.
"Isn't it?" She asked, "Or did you forget what happened not five minutes ago, it is obvious my emotions are not in order right now and I fear I am turning into my mother." Jaenara admitted sadly, "I have made a grave mistake bringing us here, I thought being away would bring me solace but instead i have made our life here miserable, yours mostly." She said lowly.
Aemond shook out of his heartache at Jaenara's pain and brought his hand to Jaenara's hand to hold.
"It is not your fault, it's just the baby growing inside you." He reassures, but Jaenara only shook her head.
"Or maybe, it just us."
Aemond's heart clench in his chest again, he could see that he was losing her. All this time he thought the worst was over, he thought after all the games he played and pain he caused his belove. That the gods finally was giving him a chance to redeem himself, but he sees that is not the case.
"You know that's not true, we were meant to be together." He breathed, "I always known it, it was written in the stars." He lean his head against his entwine hand with hers.
Jaenara put her other hand on his head, she slowly start to caress his hair.
"I wish that was true."
Aemond lift his head causing Jaenara take her hand from his head, he looks up at her with misty eyes.
"You wouldn't be saying that if you knew the dreams I had." He said, making Jaenara look at him confuse, "Dreams that you could see and remember clear as day, dreams that showed you what could of been if you made the right choice in the beginning." He bluster on.
"Aemond--" Jaenara starts with conflicting emotions.
"I dreamed of you every night, I was young when I realize what they were telling me," Aemond confessed, before his demeanor change from fondess to regret, "But, I...I made a choice that lead me to lose my eye, to you hating me...and getting hurt, and all I did was blame you and your brothers for what became of me."
"I was already the black sheep because I didn't have a dragon of my own, after I lost my eye and gain the biggest dragon that lived, I was a monster. If they didn't fear me because of my dragon, they avoid me like the plague because of my hideous scar." He huffed as a look across his face before disappearing, "I never felt more alone than I did that day at Driftmark, and the only person that never made me feel that way again was Alys, she was my first and only, when I was with her I wasn't thinking. I was just...there."
Aemond frown his brows in thought at what he just said, Jaenara stare at her husband in disbelief. She never knew that Aemond knew Rivers for that long, she always assume they meet a year or two before Jaenara came to King's Landing to marry Aemond.
"Is that why you never wrote me? Because you were in love her."
Aemond shook his head at the misunderstanding.
"I did not think you wanted to talk to me after what i did to you that night in the cave," His eye downcast in regret, "...hitting you with that rock destroyed me, but seeing you not moving killed me inside..." he confess with tears, jaenara move her hand so her index finger can brush over the scar on the side of her temple.
She remembered that night vaguely, everything happened so fast and the last thing she remembered was hitting one of her cousin in the face with her elbow.
"...and I was so angry with you, I felt like you betrayed me when you chose your brothers over me and I hated your brothers for being the reason you hated me. I was too angry and too full of hatred to try to rekindle, so I went with aegon to fleabottom and I meet Rivers."
Jaenara looks away from him, she knows what his saying ahouldn't make a difference on how she feeling, but it's hard to ignore what is in front of her.
"Jaenara, please know that I am sorry, I never meant to allow my affair with Rivers to drag on longer than it should have over the years. Once i stop dreaming of you, I assume that was a sign from the gods that I made my choice and I lost you forever." Aemond expressed, as a last ditch effort to get Jaenara to see the truth about them.
He wanted to know that they were always meant to be together, he always believe in the dragon dreams that was told to him when he was a boy. He made sure that in every dream he sees Jaenara, he would make sure to look for a dragon, because than that when he knows that him and her still had a chance.
Aemond felt a warm hand on his cheek bringing him out of his throat to look at his belove wife in front him, Jaenara smile a little, before she pull her hand away to wrap her arms around his shoulder pulling him to her. He was caught of guard that he had to shift on his knees to hug her less awkwardly, he put his hand on her back and rub, she buried her face in his shoulder inhaling his scent before turning her head to the side facing away from his face.
"I think im ready to go home now."
#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen x y/n#aemond targaryen x original character#aemond targaryen x ofc#aemond targaryen x female reader#aemond targaryen x black!reader#black!reader#black oc#x black reader#black reader#blackoc#black!oc#x black!reader#x black plus size reader#x black oc#xblack!reader#x black fem reader#x black y/n#asoif fanfic#hotd x reader#hotd imagine#hotd oc#hotd fanfic
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Arcie goddam!? U got me hating and loving at the same time for different people In the same area that I gotta take a breather cuz some bitches just be HATING FOR NO REASON 💀💀💀🤡🤡🤡 like what you mean u gonna tell me ...... . .. ME TO GO BACK AND FIND A "SUITABLE" MAN??? ..a fucking lord of "my stature" fucking excuse me u little shit u ain't even worth to fucking walk these halls let alone the dress that ain't even worth a goddam penny cuz of ur attitude 💀💀
The word "lady" ain't mean nothing to yall when bringing another woman down 😭


But let's forget about all that and zoom to aemond cuz aemond might have won his little war against daemon (which lowkey gets me curious about sum other things 👁 I ain't gonna lie) but manz wons himself a true girlie who all she wanted was to read a book far away from everybody else
And he practically took one look at her with a dipped in pink glitter aesthetic and yellow sparkles and saw nothing but pearl beauty ✨️


Hae iksā
Summary: Aemond has been tasked to find himself a wife. Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Plus Size Reader Word Count: 3.8k+ Warnings: AFAB Reader, kissing, oral (f receiving), fingering, grinding, p in v, overstimulation, loss of virginity implied, fat phobic comments are made and a Lannister acts like a cunt. Author's Note: Hey everyone! This story is based on this request:
And I took inspiration from the prompt from @writings-of-a-hufflepuff 💜 Thank you so much to my beloved beta reader @annikin-im-panicin for your insight, for your help, Ilysm 💜 Valyrian translations: Hae iksā is as you are, Sȳz riña is good girl 😈 Dividers by @saradika 💜
You never expected to catch the eye of Prince Aemond Targaryen, much less be wrapped in his arms as you both glided across the polished dance floor. It was a moment that came from the fairy tales with how he swept you away with his graceful lead.
It felt surreal to think how this was the very same prince whose notoriety began with the first bloodshed that inevitably threw the realm into civil war, and how it solidified when he brought it all to an end with his victory in what was now known as the Battle Above Gods Eye. He continued his regency until his brother, King Aegon II, had healed enough to ascend the Iron Throne once again.
The king decreed that the title Protector of the Realm remain seeded to Aemond, a new namesake that shadowed the last whispers of kinslayer. With his heroism now renowned, and ballads created to commemorate his bravery, it was the king who suggested that Aemond continue his bloodline.
There was the announcement of a grandiose festivity which began to breathe life back into Westeros’ economy, with ravens sent to every noble house, extending an invitation to every eligible noble lady.
This was how you came to King’s Landing.
It was the possibility of any bloodline to knit within the Targaryen dynasty that your father could not deny, and you were soon boarded onto a ship to Lannisport, taking a carriage with your septa to follow the Goldroad to the capital, your House flag and its embroidered kraken whipping in the air.
With your travels, your septa reiterated your purpose, an almost daily affirmation repeated, but your mind was also aware of all the ladies that would be in attendance and the probability of a moment alone with the prince was… well, not something that you would hold your breath for.
In truth, you were actually excited to visit the capital, the opportunity to meet and befriend the other noble ladies, though this optimism soon soured after your arrival. Road wearied, you were ushered by your septa and handmaidens assigned, washed and dressed in one of the many gowns stitched for this occasion: a bodice tightened to flatten your soft stomach and your chest pressed up for display. Though your whines were ignored as the corset strings were pulled, you felt rejuvenated, albeit breathless, when you were finally escorted to meet with the bevy of nobility from every kingdom, dressed in their finery and their murmured pleasantries.
At first you were aglow with the socializing prospect, though your excitement withered when you realized the quiet that washed over, the cruel curl of their lips as their eyes narrowed, their brows raised in mockery. Any attempt you made at conversing was met with an echo of patronizing response, but it was the hurtful comment of the Lady Lannister who boldly spoke, “I suppose even a swine wrapped in silk is allowed their chance,” that made you excuse yourself, slipping away to wander the corridors until you found an ornate oak doors propped open, leading into the athenaeum.
Here you found your salvation amongst the rows of shelving, your unshed tears drying while your fingertips brushed over the leatherbound spines.
“Have I been found?”
It was as if your soul ripped away from your body, flooded with the burning realization that you were not alone.
Prince Aemond Targaryen was tucked away in a window seat, a book resting on his lap. Though his expression remained severe, his tone did not indicate if truly was annoyed with your presence. Instead, he watched you, his lavender eye flitting with curiosity, perhaps, while his sapphire stone reflected in the sunlight that poured through the bay window.
“Forgive me, I had only wished for a moment alone before I was paraded as a prize to be won…”
This made you laugh, your hand quick to clamp over your mouth to muffle the sound, and you would have sworn you saw the flicker of amusement wash over his sharp features. “My apologies, your grace, I had not meant to impose,” and you blushed from his steady gaze. “I also am hoping for some solace with a good book, though I find myself on which to choose with this selection at hand…”
What you had not expected was Aemond pushing to stand up, towering over your steps as he took it upon himself to walk you up and down the shelving, taking the time to point out his personal favorites and listening when you spotted your own. When you finally settled on Iron and Rubies, you noticed his brow knit with his question. “Warrior women?”
“I must learn if I am expected to survive this–” and you paused on the word choice, bevy of bitches, held back by your good propriety, caged behind your teeth, and instead you chose to say, “–these festivities being held in your honor.”
The prince was watching you carefully as if he did not believe your words, but he did not press and instead offered a smile. It was warm, it was genuine, and you tucked this moment away in the pages of the book in your hands.
But moments like these would repeat itself through the sennight, with your days finding its repetition: it began with a parade of skirts that flounced to capture the attention of Prince Aemond, with their indifference towards you allowing you to slip away and return to the library.
Every day you found him awaiting you, a question poised on his lips about your opinions on the book you were reading, or sharing his complaints of the tasteless tactics shown by the ladies in attendance. You saw the loneliness that haunted the severity of his expression held, like a mask worn to keep everyone at bay; there was a pain hinted with the little he would share when you two were alone, and his confidence in you made your heart soar.
You could not help but cherish this time shared, your wit striving to hear his laughter which would weave into your heart, this intimacy writing itself in the marrow of your bones. You already knew you would revisit these memories when you grew old and gray, all too aware that the prince would still be expected to take a wife by the end of the week.
It soon came to the final night and his grace, King Aegon, had called for two sets of minstrels to be rotated for a continuous play of jovial melodies that the guests could dance too. The night swelled with the clash of instruments resonating through the arched ceiling, of laughter and the clinking of crockery as every mouth partook in the feast that took a month to prepare.
When you arrived, you were nearly ambushed by the very same Lady Lannister, pulling at your arm, almost pinching at the flesh shown past your quarter sleeve as she pulled you aside. “I am aware of your dalliance with the prince, Lady Greyjoy,” she began with a tone that struck cold against the length of your spine. “I am aware of your…friendship with Prince Aemond and feel compelled to impart some advice.”
Your back was to the celebration, the sounds of the lords invited trying to capture the attention of the ladies who were searching for the silver haired prince muffled in this moment. Your eyes narrowed onto her. “What advice would that be?”
“My dear girl, I truly believe your stocky size would have you better suited for a broodmare,” her painted lips continued with a sneer. “A comely lord, of course, for your status sake…”
“Shall I gift her your tongue?”
You had barely processed her insult when his distinct timbre cut through as sharp as the blade of Dark Sister which hung at his side. You saw how the Lannister girl pale before she turned towards the prince, falling into a curtsy so deep, that her knees nearly touched the marble floor.
“Your grace,” her spiteful tongue now stammered her words, “I was unaware that you had arrived–”
“Or perhaps I should have her fed to Vhagar so she can no longer offend my sight?” He interrupted, his gaze settled on you alone, watching for your response.
There was a sense of exhilaration that trilled your spine with this momentary power he presented so flippantly in this moment. You could not stop your smile. “There is no need, your grace. I would much prefer a dance than to sour the belly of a dragon.”
He then reached for your hand, his large palm enveloping yours to tuck into the crook of his arm and leading you out to the dance floor. Here, he showed that the grace he held with a blade translated seamlessly with the waltz, and your head swam with the close proximity to him, of the woodsy amber musk that held onto his doublet.
You then burned with the realization that every set of eyes were trained to watch, to gawk at how tenderly he held you in his arms.
I suppose even a swine wrapped in silk is allowed their chance.
When it ended, you curtsied, quick to escape out to an enclave, to be met by the night and fresh sea air that rolled from the Blackwater Bay, the crash of waves muting the party you left behind. Your hand pressed to your chest, your heart beating against your bones, and you focused on slow, deep breaths.
“Are you all right?”
Your blood began to rise to the surface as you spun on your heel to face the prince. He was dressed in black, sleek and tailored to his leane frame with his house sigil embroidered onto his chest and a cape draped across his broad shoulders with a forest green underlay that peeked with the breeze. He was poised, his arms knitted behind and rested on his lower back, his silver hair glowing in the silver moonlight.
You looked back over the bannister, your grip tightening on the stone. “Please, your grace, you have done more than enough for me this night–”
“Aemond,” his low tone halted your words and you looked back to see his large hand pressed to his chest. “Please, my lady, with how well we have gotten to know one another, I would wish that you would call me by my name.”
You could not help your incredulous noise to his request. “Forgive me, Aemond,” and the emphasis added on his name caused his lips to curl upwards, “but I am confused as to what game you are playing. We are both aware of what is expected of you–”
“That I am to find a wife,” he again interrupted.
Your lips pressed into a line, barring the frustration that threatened to spill, exasperated by his amusement that seemed to replace his usual stoicism. “Aemond,” your voice was strained, “I have truly enjoyed our time together, but now I must implore that you find your formidable wife as is expected, as I am certain she must exist,” and your hand waved flippantly back towards the entryway that led into the hall, into the sea of skirts swarming, “somewhere within the Keep.”
“I have already, Lady Greyjoy.”
You did not dare meet with his gaze, your eyes dropping to watch his leather boots take slow steps to where you were rooted on the terrace. It was something inevitable, something that you knew would happen, but still his words began to burn into your chest. “Oh. Then may I be the first to offer my congratulations.”
His amusement was still apparent in his tone. “For myself or for you?”
You blinked. “Aemond, you could not possibly pick…” and you faded away, still mulling over his words.
“Would it have ever occurred to you that I find all of you attractive?” Aemond pressed closer, his arm reaching, and you allowed him to take your hand, watching his slender fingers curl to hold, his thumb running along your knuckles. “I would not pick and choose parts of you that I love, and just ignore the rest. I find that you, as a whole, are exactly what I have been hoping for,” and a sly smile played on his lips, “in a formidable wife.”
It tore the air from your lungs, but his warmth kept you grounded in this moment. “Love,” was all you could manage. It was not a question, but you were unbelieving still.
He leaned forward, the silk spill of his hair, his gaze locked onto you. “Yes,” his finger touched the underside of your chin, holding your attention. “I believe it began from the moment we met in the library, but it has become a certainty as we continued to cross paths. If you would have me,” you now noticed the pink stain to his cheeks, “I wish to announce that you would become my wife.”
“Me?” You felt numb from his confession, from the nip of the cold air.
He hummed again, stepping ever closer. “Yes. I love you,” and you could feel the warmth of his breath fanning your cheeks, “just as you are.”
With the announcement of your betrothal, the Red Keep was emptied of the excess nobles to begin preparations. Your fingers felt numb when you wrote the letter to your father: Prince Aemond Targaryen has chosen me to be his wife. The freedom you once shared in the library was now monitored under a spyglass; Aemond remained respectful, of course, though you noticed how his touch lingered, his palm pressed to your lower back or his lips to your knuckles with his kiss.
His subtle gestures were for you alone and it left you wanting more.
The ceremony was intimate with only his family and your septa present. You felt dazed from the attention shown that day, scrubbed raw and hair prepared, the corset tightened around your silk chemise before your heavy gown was placed over. Your ears burned as your septa tried to prepare what wifely duties would be expected, a trepidation curling at the base of your spine.
The vows were exchanged with a chaste kiss, and soon your fingers were tucking into the crook of his arm, his large palm covering your own as he escorted you towards the marital chambers, a party in tow. It was then you saw the dragon that thrummed beneath when his voice commanded the room to empty, finally leaving you alone with your husband.
There was a moment and he stepped further into the now empty room, while a bashfulness crept into your bones, your hands trembling to remove the cloak as your eyes fell towards the bed made. You were now painfully aware of the intimacy that would be required and your eyes dared to look over to Aemond.
He was already bare from the waist up, his doublet and tunic removed and draped over one of the chairs, his hands pausing at the laces of his trousers when his gaze met with yours. He pursed his lips a moment, his neck bobbing. “Would you…like me to help you undress?”
You were choked on your breath with the sight of Aemond, as he seemed to be carved from marble, lean and lithe and marred by silver scars of the battles won, decorating across his chest. He was waiting, the gleam of the candlelight on the sapphire placed in his scarred socket, and when you gave a shy nod you saw the shimmer of his hair that spilled over his shoulders with his slow steps to close the space between you.
Your eyes fell to the lines that cut into his hips, dipping below the waistband of his trousers that rested on his slender waist; your eyes widened at the laces already loosened, at his bulge that strained against the crotch.
Aemond was now close enough to touch, his hands warm as always, returning your attention to his bicolored gaze. You were burning with his heady gaze, from the fire you knew to be knitted with the ichor of his veins. He leaned forward until his brow touched with your own, your breathing a sweet exchange with the scent of the Dornish wine served.
“I would not wish to hurt you,” his hum punctuating his pause, his vow to you, “I will go with whatever pace that you set.”
And so you kissed him.
Aemond hummed again, his lips soft and sweet and so very warm against yours. It was not chaste like in the chapel and you dared to deepen the kiss, feeling his grin against your mouth and his clever tongue curling to taste.
You gasped softly and his arms wrapped to pull you flushed to his chest, enveloping you in his warmth, in his woodsy musk of sandalwood and ash. A heat began to pool at your lower back, slowly permeating throughout, sending your heart aflutter. When he pulled away, you could not control the small noise you made and it was met with an almost roguish grin, his hand taking yours to lead you to the bed.
Aemond turned to face you and you nearly choked on your nerves as his fingers began to gently unfasten the latches and laces confining you within your gown, pulling away the layers until all that remained was your chemise and the smallclothes worn under. Your arms folded across your chest to shield, to shy away, but he was quick to wrap his large hand around your wrist, pulling lightly until your arms dropped back to your sides.
It was then that you noticed the black that eclipsed the lavender of his eye.
“Gevie,” he breathed, closing the space once more to capture your mouth. His kiss devoured you, his passion pouring into you and you were all too willing to drown. His hands roamed to peel away the remaining layers, a red stain to his sharp features and his lips kiss-swollen and parted as he looked over your nakedness.
“Gevie,” he repeated, pulling you to lay back onto the bed.
You sunk into the pillows and he climbed on top, now bare himself, his tongue relentless to lave every curve, every roll of your skin showing until the heat prickling began to consume you, his love bites flushing their dark plumes against your skin. You writhed beneath him, breathless and flushed, before he finally settled between your thighs, his fingers dimpling with his hold.
His exhale tickled the warmth that pooled between, and then Aemond pressed forward to place an intimate kiss to the bloom above your entrance. Your lips parted with a wordless cry as his tongue began to taste, his low groan reverberating your bones beneath.
“Just as sweet as I imagined,” he murmured between your folds and you were burning with how his clever tongue now pulled you towards an unknown edge.
You gasped, louder than before, with the gentle prod of his fingers that were slick with his spit, curling with purpose within your velvet walls. You nearly cried out as sparks of white danced in front of your eyes, the heat that had been pooling now coursing throughout and returning to tighten in your lower abdomen.
Aemond continued his ministrations, his tone growing husky with his encouragement, “Yes, my sweet wife, just like that,” as your pleasure began to spill, pulsing around his fingers that continued to coax you through your completion.
It was otherworldly and you only felt grounded with the welcomed heat that permeated from Aemond, feeling him shift to slot his slender waist between your thighs. You cant your hips to cradle him in your hips and Aemond lowered to press his length against your silken folds with a delicious pressure that had you shudder.
He swallowed your soft whimper with a sweet kiss, his hands roaming to hold you close for the slow rut of his hips against you. You felt raw from your prior release, and the mixture of pleasure and pain was now amplified when his head dipped lower, his kisses tickling and tasting the sheen of sweet across your chest and neck.
“Aemond,” you gasped and he hummed again, his perpetual smirk playing across his lips that captured your own again.
His mouth trailed your cheek, pressing to the soft divot below your jaw, and the rekindled heat began to lick at your spine, spreading in response. “Are you all right,” he murmured against your skin and you could only nod an eager yes, your words gone along with the trepidation from before, wiped away with his mouth and his tongue.
This earnestness seemed to please him and his low timbre praised you. “Sȳz riña,” and you burned with embarrassment for being unfamiliar to the foreign tongue he spoke so sweetly to you.
His arm then moved between and you felt a blunt pressure at your entrance. Your fingers dug into his shoulder blades, beckoning him forward, and he followed with his gentle thrusts, pushing slowly past the slight resistance and sinking into your wet warmth.
You sighed when he fully sheathed, a pleasant stretch to accommodate his girth, and only when he saw your contentment did Aemond relax, melting against your softness. His head tucked into the curve of your neck, his low groan chorused your sweet sounds to this new sensation.
Aemond then stilled, waiting until your hands moved to cup his jaw, your thumb careful to trace, and you whispered words, “I am fine.” You assured him, you begged him for more, and he responded with a slow rut against you.
Your pleasure began to build with his pace, a passion that was rooted even deeper, and your thighs lifted to tighten around his waist, your soft cries encouraging him to quicken. Aemond snapped his hips against yours, and your pleasure began to expand, returning with the flutter of your walls as he continued, hitting a spot within that has your swearing that the stars now shone bright above the marital bed.
It consumed you both, with your tears pearling in the corners of your eyes and Aemond following after, his thrusts sloppy as he spilled inside of you.
You both stretched onto the mattress, flushed and spent, a comfortable silence punctuated with the crackle of candles that had been lit in the bedchamber. After he caught his breath did Aemond move to grab you, pulling you against his chest, his fingers trailing over to follow the length of your spine and back, his sweet murmured concern for your wellbeing.
You felt flustered from his attention, promising him that you felt fine, that it was nothing more than a delicious, dull ache between your thighs.
His large hand then cupped the side of your face, his chin tilting forward to press a kiss to your hairline. “Gevie,” Aemond hummed, a low rumble in his chest.
You could not help but ask him. “What is that word?”
His thumb stroked your cheek with his translation, “Beautiful.” It was stated as if it was the most obvious thing, your chest swelling with an emotion, bursting at the seams as he kissed your lips again.
Taglist (Tumblr kindred spirits): @aaaaaamond @annikin-im-panicin @watercolorskyy @black-dread @fan-goddess @httpsdoll @theromanticegoist @assortedseaglass @amiraisgoingthruit @theoneeyedprince @babyblue711 @itbmojojoejo @girlwith-thepearlearring @lauraneedstochill @theobjectofyourire @troublesomesnitch @hb8301 @snowprincesa1 @namelesslosers @darylandbethfanforever9 @helaelaemond
arcie's hotd masterlist
#hotd fanfiction#hotd fanfic#aemond targaryen x plus size reader#plus size reader#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen fanfiction#aemond x you#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen fanfic#aemond x reader#consui sees#consui says sum
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THE PINK DREAD - CH. 29 (Masterlist)
Chapter Summary: There is no summary for this. Y'all are going in blind. Word Count: 7913 CHAPTER WARNINGS: Angst, Fluff, Self-Loathing, Depression Sluttiness. Oh, we're still talking about menstrual blood.
Series tags: Aemond x Plus size!OfC, Aegon x Plus size!OfC, Celtigar!ofc, Plot with Smut, mdni 18+, Aemond End Game, Angst, Comedy, The Dragons Don't Dance, slow burn, friends to enemies to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers.
Credits: Lace Banner by Aquazero, pearl divider by Pommecita
Notes: Yes, this chapter be a big girl. Also trying to pretend that ch. 28 not getting as much comments (given what happens in it) does not bother me. I'm totally okay. Really. (morgan freeman: Celt was in fact, totally not okay)
“Princess Helaena!” Ursula said in wonder when Ser Steffon introduced the princess’ arrival. “What a pleasant surprise! We were about to have supper, but you are welcome to join us?”
Helaena smiled politely, her arms woven behind her, “That is a kind offer, Lady Ursula, but I was wishing for Lady Valeana’s company tonight. May you spare her this eve?”
Valeana had been idly biting the nail of her thumb, an excuse to keep her fingers on her lips, trying to reenact what happened on the balcony a couple of hours ago. Aemond had left her shortly after their kiss when they heard her mother and Floris arguing when they stepped foot inside the apartment. He gave her one last searing kiss and told her that she would see him again that night, though did not specify how that would happen. Then he scaled down the side of the castle, to the gardens below, like some majestic silver-haired mountain goat.
Ursula turned to Bartimos who looked just as surprised. The Celtigars were nearly a full unit that evening, save for Clement who had chosen to remain in the pavilions. Floris, who sat as far away from Valeana as possible, had muttered under her breath about how Helaena would be doing them a favour, that there will be finally food for everyone. Comments like these weren’t uncommon, even back on the Isle, Floris would make passive aggressive remarks at how much food Valeana had on her plate during meals. However, Floris was no longer a simple annoyance Val had to endure, she was worse, and Valeana wasn’t just going to ignore her jabs any longer.
Valeana swept herself up from her chair and answered before her father could for her, “I would love to keep you company, my Princess. I was just starting to get a headache– there’s an awful perfumy smell around that reminds me of a desperate old maid.”
Arthor snorted into his drink, and Shyla sniffed the air naively, not aware that it was meant to be an insult. Floris shot her a dangerous look, but ultimately her lips buttoned and the jab went unnoticed by their parents.
Weaving her arm into Helaena’s, she turned to Bartimos, “Is that alright, father?”
Bartimos hesitated, but he knew he could never deny the princess’s request. “Of course, of course. Will you need Steffon to collect you later?”
Helaena answered this time, “That won’t be necessary, Lord Bartimos. I have made accommodations for my friend to spend the night in my bedchambers.”
Valeana raised an eyebrow at her, but didn’t argue. Her father seemed conflicted, but with one sharp look from Ursula, he relented. As a woman who loved networking amongst her sex, she was not going to let her husband hinder a friendship between their daughter and the only daughter of Queen Alicent.
With a nod, Bartimos conceded, “That is agreeable. Though, make sure to return her early on the morrow. I want her ready before Princess Rhaenyra arrives.”
Making that promise, the two girls bid their goodbyes and promptly left. Ser Arryk was waiting for them outside, and dutifully followed them when they left. Valeana sent him a tentative wave and a sheepish smile.
The knight smirked, “Haven’t stolen any more cooking ale recently, have you, Lady Valeana?”
“The night is still young. I may need your assistance again, Ser Arryk.”
He silently laughed, but made no more comments.
After a moment, Valeana leaned into Helaena’s shoulder, her voice a whisper, “...Are you bringing me to…?”
The princess’s smile was small, but knowing, “I am.”
Val ran a hand over her middle, suddenly feeling very nervous. The butterflies had not left her stomach; they flapped wildly at the memory of her first kiss. Her lips still tingled with the memory, desperate to feel the same euphoria again.
She had no intention of kissing Aemond so quickly, so soon. There was a weak moment the night of the Ball, when they were near the act. Had Daemon not interrupted, she wasn’t entirely sure where that night would have led to. However, when her mind was more sober, Valeana decided that she would take things slow with Aemond, since after all, her heart was still pained with his scorn; the monster that Aemond made himself out to be was firmly present in her mind. Even though her anger for him has become a softer presence, it was still there, stirring her paranoia over his true intentions.
But when she looked into his eye, when she saw his smile, when she felt the warmth of his touch, it was so easy to ignore her anxiety. What was left, however, was her guilt, which she did not entirely understand. Aemond was not her husband, they had only reconciled nearly two days ago, so why did she feel like she committed adultery? Mayhaps it was because she had always believed her first everything would be with him. Her first kiss, which she grew up believing was the ultimate act of intimacy, always had to be with Aemond. There was that moment when they picnicked underneath the mulberry tree when she thought he was going to kiss her, but it ultimately never happened. She blamed it on her frazzled and sweaty appearance that had scared him off.
The decision to kiss Aemond was incredibly impulsive. She was driven by the need to give him something that she had never given anyone else. Valeana’s first kiss will always belong to Aemond.
But her first sexual encounter was with Aegon, a fact that she somehow knew would break Aemond. Actually, thinking back on it, Valeana remembered the comments about Aegon he had spat in her direction. Comments that implied that Aemond already believed that something was going on between her and his elder brother.
“If you want pity, Celtigar, go run back into the arms and pillows of my brother. You shall not find it with me.” “Though mayhaps that is what you desire. To be felt up like a common tart.”
And yet he came to her on hands and knees. Did he still believe those assumptions? They were false then, but now, they were not, even if it had only happened once, and it was more one sided, messy and foolishly impulsive. Maybe she should stop drinking, because so far the times she has drunk herself silly, a Targaryen Prince’s mouth ends up on her tit somehow.
… On second thought.
When they began walking up the stairs and entered the iron gates that separated the Royal Wing, Valeana craned her neck around in confusion. This is where the King and Queen resided, not where Helaena and her brothers’ apartments were.
“Where are we going?”
The princess gave her a secretive smile, “To where the sun and moon meet.”
Valeana peered at Helaena, expression full of confusion, “... Helaena, you are dear to me, but can you please speak plainly.”
Her grin widened, but she stopped walking when they got to a door, ornate with polished oak and shiny brass fixtures. Valeana had only been in this part of the castle possibly twice in her lifetime, and one of those times was the other day. When they stopped at this large arched doorway, there wasn’t a single thing about it that she recognized, but it still felt…familiar, somehow.
“We’re here,” Helaena announces with her hands clasped in front of her. She looked between the door and Valeana, and Valeana looked between her, the door, and Ser Arryk.
“Where is ‘here’?” Val raised her eyebrows.
“Queen Aemma’s private quarters,” the princess looked up at the door before running a hand over the brass bars, “It hasn’t been used since she died. Except by my father… and your mother, once upon a time.”
Valeana’s eyebrows dropped, “My…My mother spent time here?”
Helaena nodded, and then moved over to the kingsguard’s side, “It was her favourite place to be… You should head on in. He’s waiting for you.”
Ser Arryk did not meet Val’s eye when she looked at him, almost like he was trying to pretend that he hadn’t heard Helaena. Trying to conserve as much deniability as possible, should anyone come asking questions. What an honourable man, Ser Arryk was, always escorting her and dropping her off in Aemond’s arms.
Valeana bowed her head, “Thank you, Princess.”
With a kind smile and a tilt of her head, she wished her friend a good eve, and then left her alone at the door. Valeana casted an eye up to it, and then down to the handle, only giving a moment’s hesitation before she pulled and turned the loop to yank it open. She entered the vestibule, with tall arched vaulted ceilings and blue tapestries hanging on either side. It was dimly lit with only wall sconces lighting her way, but she could make out the white sheets that covered the furniture in the solar. Her feet softly padded along the carpeted floor, eyes roaming east where she saw a set of stairs leading up to another grand door, likely to Aemma’s bedchamber. Then she looked west, where a small antechamber led way to even larger arched oak doors. They were slightly ajar, with a warm light emitting from beyond.
“Aemond?” Valeana tilted her head as she followed the light. The butterflies were still actively fluttering about in her stomach, even more so now that she approached the threshold. Beyond the doors was a marvellous library, not near as big as the Royal Library, but its decorated and intimate splendor was unparalleled. Curved shelves reached the ceiling, domed with a fresco of a night blue sky and constellations. On the west end of the room was a large arched window, looking out towards the cliff sides of the Keep, where she could clearly see beaches free of commoners. A telescope sat before it, along with a writing desk hidden under a white sheet.
“Queen Aemma loved mapping out the stars,” the sudden appearance of Aemond’s voice startled her. Her body jolted, and when she spun to face him, he was trying to contain his mirth at her reaction. He was seated at a table full of food, a half eaten peach in his hand. “At least, that is what my father told me.”
“Just as much as you love to startle me?” Valeana’s hand was on her chest to control her startled heart, but that was a fruitless attempt. It was beating erratically regardless at the mere sight of him. The light of the hearth beside him lit up his every contour in an amber glow. His jerkin was discarded, as well as his belt and sword that sat next to the fireplace. The buttons of his black tunic undone down to the valley of his pectorals, the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and his hair was loose and untethered, one side brushed over his ear where the strap of his eyepatch went over.
Val suddenly felt very wobbly on her knees. Her mouth watered, and it was not because she didn’t eat supper yet. Perhaps the butterflies in her stomach were actually moths, because they desperately fluttered around inside her, trying to reach Aemond’s flame.
Fucking hells, she thought, openly staring at the way his long legs stretched out before him, taking up as much space as possible. What a terrible week to be bleeding.
“Probably less,” he smirked, as if he knew exactly the effect he was having on her. “Are you hungry?”
She sucked in her bottom lip and nodded, “Ravish–I mean, famished.”
When she made no move to reach for a seat, he raised an eyebrow at her, then pulled out the chair next to him. Blushing heavily, Valeana scrambled to sit down, immediately facing the food. She hadn’t a single thought in that empty little head of hers. Not anything profound, really.
“Are you alright, Valeana?” There was a hint of amusement in his voice, confirming her suspicion that he knew exactly what he was doing.
She slowly turned her head in his direction while he made her plate – soft shell crab, deviled eggs, peeled shrimp drenched in herbed butter. Oysters. There were figs, mulberries, peaches, and pomegranates on the table.
Somehow, by the power of sass, she found her voice, “Are you trying to seduce me, Prince Aemond?”
He chuckled lowly, moving onto his plate, “Woo you, more like. Is it working?”
Tentatively, she picked up her fork and stabbed into a shrimp, “You bring me into a secluded secret library of a late Queen, have almost all my favourite food accounted for, and you–” she briefly gave him a once over, “Shedded layers. It may be working, yes.”
The Prince’s smile widened, enough for her to see his teeth, and she noticed that he had that same lopsided smile she always loved so dearly. Then, Aemond reached for an oyster (already shucked) and tilted the shell back into his mouth, slurping up the contents. The shrimp she was chewing was slowly being forgotten until she was forced to swallow.
“No pearl?” She picked up her goblet to bring to her lips.
He hummed, looking at the empty shell, and then back at her. His eye traveled southward, “Not in this one.”
Swallowing her wine felt like she was swallowing gristle, “Seven, Aemond. When did you get so amorous?”
“I am a man, Valeana.”
She eyed him up and down, humming, “And here I thought you were a cat.”
He pursed his lips in amusement, dropping the shell onto his plate with a clank. Then suddenly, Valeana felt herself being jerked towards him. He had grabbed the chair legs and yanked her closer until her side was cradled between his knees. She stared at him wide eyed and smooth brained.
He took her left hand, the pads of his calloused fingers running along her knuckles, “Would you like to check for yourself?” Val’s mouth popped open at the question, but before she could vocalize a word – or produce a thought, really – he moved her hand into the opening of his tunic, splaying her fingers over the bare skin of his pec, right above his heart.
Smooth, firm, warm. Definitely not a cat.
“Hol–ee, hmmm…” She cleared her throat, eyes glued to the exposed pale skin of his chest. Even if he removed his hand from hers, Valeana was fairly certain at this point her palm was sweaty enough to create a suction. “Def-definitely a man.”
“Are you sure you’re not wholly convinced?” He leaned in until his nose nudged against her cheek. “There’s more to explore.”
Valeana’s eyes fluttered closed, fingers curling over the firm expanse of his chest. She could feel his heartbeat, just as frantic as her own. Suddenly she had no appetite, at least not for food. Her core ached, so much so she rubbed her thighs together, and clenched around the cotton plug. A painful reminder that she could not seek out her pleasure, not in the ways she wanted to. Though, perhaps that was for the best. When her mind found clarity, she would be reminded that Aemond was not entirely forgiven. Though, he was quickly climbing up to that finish line.
“You do not need to make this more difficult than it needs to be.”
No, he was making it so, so fucking easy, and it shouldn’t be. After all he’s done, after all he’s said. No, perhaps the Mother knew what she was doing when she chose this week for her bleed. Aemond needed more time.
“Aemond,” Valeana spoke with a stronger tone. When she tried to pull her hand away from his chest, she found she simply could not. Not because he had anchored her to him, but because the feel of his heart beneath her fingers was the only thing that reminded her that this was real. And it stuttered when she pulled her face away, “It’s… it’s not the right moment.”
She felt her heart shatter at the way he was looking at her. That one lilac eye struggled to keep composure, but she could see the letdown, the sadness, the defeat. He offered her a small understanding smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“I understand. We can finish our meal, and I’ll have a kingsguard bring you back,” his words were monotonous, carefully controlled to conceal his crippling disappointment.
Valeana immediately shook her head, fingers grasping at his heart, “No, no, I don’t want that– I want to remain here with you, Aemond. I just–I’m not ready to go that far. It’s too early.”
Aemond’s face visibly softened, the smile appearing more genuine. His fingers curled around her hand at his chest before he moved his other to glide along the roundness of her cheek, “Hm, I see now. I will behave myself, I promise. Your virtue is in safe hands.”
She smiled back at him, leaning against his touch, “You may covet my lips, though.”
The ends of his coiled smile deepened. With a hum, he leaned in closer, this time his nose bumping against hers, “Good. They were all I hungered for these last few hours.”
Without another word, his mouth was upon hers. The taste of the sea upon his lips, the nectar of peach on his tongue. It was a bizarre combination, but Aemond’s lips were the gates of the heavens, and his tongue might as well have been the fruit of the gods. With grasping hands and greedy fingers, Aemond had maneuvered Valeana onto his knee without breaking their heated kiss.
Her hand was still atop his breast, addicted to the rhythm of his heart and the firmness of his muscle. Her other draped around his shoulder, fingers tangled in the perfect strands of his moonlight tresses. When Valeana felt his hands upon her waist, where his thumbs gently grazed the curve of her breasts, she let out a little whimper. A whimper that forced him to pull away from her, if only a fraction.
“If you make noises like that, I will not be able to keep my promise.”
She softly laughed through her nose, then finally released her hand from his chest, just to move it up the length of his neck and over his cheek. “Then mayhaps we should save the kisses for dessert.”
Aemond made a grunt of disapproval, but ultimately caved, “Hmmm, Fine.”
With a smile she lifted her chin so she could plant a kiss upon his brow, his eye closing for the moment in contentment. They resumed their dinner, though she remained where she was on his knee, and they picked at each other’s plate in idle conversation.
“You used to abhor seafood,” she remarked as he slurped down yet another oyster. “Now look at you. Eat any more oysters, and you really won’t be able to hold onto your promise.”
With a smirk, he tossed another shell onto the pile he had created. No pearls in this batch. Aemond turned to her, still perched on his leg, now licking her butter-coated fingers, the sight of which was absolute torture. His top teeth sunk into his bottom lip, eye glued onto her mouth.
“I never believed they were an aphrodisiac,” he turned away, trying to distract himself with a sip of wine. “At least not for me. Mayhaps I simply have a refiner pallet. Many things that fuel a man’s lust do not have the same effect on me.”
Valeana eyed him skeptically, as she had a sudden growing urge to prove him wrong. Aemond still felt he was better than any man, that his will was mightier in all ways. And yet the yellowed remnants of his love marks still lingered on her breasts, a visual proof that wasn’t the case.
“And what does fuel your lust, my darling friend?”
When Aemond turned to her, he leaned back against the chair to assess her carefully. His hand was on her waist still, securing her back as she stayed perched on him. Long fingers traced along the velvet fabric of her dress, reaching up to the laces on her back.
“You want the truth of it?”
Valeana nodded.
Aemond sucked on his bottom lip as if contemplating if he should give her the truth of it. After a beat of him battling his thoughts, he moved his second hand to her waist, weaving his fingers together so she was caged in his arms.
He dipped his head next to her ear and said softly, “The hardest I have ever been was when I heard you speak Valyrian. I sat there, next to you, a quiet fool, itching to stroke myself.”
A shudder ran down her spine, and she involuntarily clenched her thighs. Valeana raised her hooded gaze to meet his eye, and despite the overwhelming sense of shyness she felt over the confession, she felt bold enough to speak.
“Iksis bona sīr, ñuha raqiros?” (Is that so, my friend?)
Aemond’s eye closed as he grumbled low in his throat. His hands gripped at her dress as he pulled her closer, until her side was fully flushed against his chest, “Gaomagon ao jorarghugon naejot amīvindigon nyke, Valeana?” (Do you seek to torture me, Valeana?)
His voice was a low base in his chest, making the back of her neck tingle, and her face heat up. “You deserve nothing less.”
Aemond’s touch softened at that, but still kept her close. Instead his head dipped so he was in the cradle between her neck and shoulder, resting his forehead there while his fingers gently massaged the curve of her hip.
“You are right,” he sighs. “Mayhaps that is how we should spend the rest of the evening. Torture me with your silver tongue, and make me beg for a taste of it.”
Her breath hitched in her throat. Between the timber of his voice, the words he spoke with it, and the intimate way she was seated on him, Valeana was having a very hard time keeping her convictions. There was just something about him being so pathetic and needy that sent a whirlpool of arousal in her stomach. She could feel herself cave, with every caress of his hands, how they firmly yet softly roamed over the hills of her sides, her back, the tops of her thighs. Aemond’s fingers ghosted just under her breast, never quite touching, but never that far away from them either.
It was getting too much, too over stimulating, that she had to pull away. Valeana pulled herself from his lap with a flushed face, and actively avoided his penetrating stare, which was likely offended that she had removed herself from his orbit.
“It is getting late,” She announced, mind racing, heart pounding, trying to find a way to calm the evening before she did something stupid. She glided around his chair, and started to walk the length of the library, to the east side where she noticed a reading nook nestled amongst the bookshelves, an arched window tucked inside. It was more of a bed than a sofa, with a plush mattress, a collection of pillows and a wool blanket folded up in the corner.
Aemond stood up almost as soon as she did, moving around his chair to reach her. “Do you wish to leave?” There was a slight urgency in his tone, one which she quickly settled by turning around and smiling.
“No. I told you I don’t… But it is late, and the morrow brings us a long day,” she turned around, moving over to the reading nook. “Do you remember how we used to sneak into the library and you would read to me until we fell asleep?”
The sharp edges of his face softened, his eye watching her with such a deep fondness, that had she looked up at him she would have been rendered speechless at the sight. Instead she walked along the bookshelves that surrounded the plush nook, hands moving along the spines, noting how they were all Valyrian.
“Of course I do,” Aemond moved closer until he was at her back. His hands draped over her shoulders, then moved down until they were lacing her fingers and his chin was resting on her shoulder. He folded their arms across her chest, pulling her flushed against him. “How could I forget that snoring?”
Valeana huffed in annoyance, and when he chuckled lowly at the reaction, she spoke a smidge bitterly: “Well, in that case, I can go sleep in Helaena’s room–”
“No, no,” he nuzzled her neck, planting greedy little kisses along it, giving her a field of goosebumps. “You’re staying here, with me. But tonight… It’ll be you who reads.”
Valeana leaned her head back, which only encouraged him more to leave a trail of fire along the exposed flesh in the junction between her shoulder and neck. “You’re a masochist now, Aemond?”
“Mērī lēda ao, ñuha gevie.” (Only with you, my beautiful)
Reluctantly he pulled away from her, unraveling his hands before he could pull her rear against his pelvis to show her just how tortured he actually was. “Queen Aemma has quite the collection. You will have quite a selection to choose from.”
Valeana sighed, her shoulders caving in the absence of his body. She could feel the damp spots he left along the ridge of her neck and shoulder, burning and yearning for more. Wasn’t it she that was supposed to be torturing him?
She couldn’t concentrate as she perused the books, but she tried. Tilting her head, she forced herself to read the titles, quickly translating them in her mind. There were a lot of histories, a lot about astronomy, one book was even about the mating rituals of dragons. Val’s finger lingered on that one, simply because of the absurdity of it.
“Do you have a preference?” She decided to ask, moving closer to the nook, where the books got smaller, more frayed. More personal.
“I would have you read me every single book in this library, if we had the time,” He answered from the other side of the nook, where he also browsed the titles.
“I feel like that would kill you,” she joked, glancing over and taking in his regal profile and the outlines of his chest through the thin material of his tunic.
“What a lovely way to die,” he smiled, tilting his head back at her. “Mayhaps that is when I’ll finally be forgiven. It would be well worth it.”
Valeana’s features grew soft at that. She had no words for him, because she had no words for herself. It was like she was on a battlefield, and the soldiers were versions of her. Those who fought for peace, those that fought for vengeance, all in pursuit of claiming and protecting her heart. Whenever she felt she was close to giving in and forgiving Aemond, and succumbing to her weakness for him, intrusive reminders of what he had said to her would invade the plains of her consciousness.
“If you want pity, Celtigar, go run back into the arms and pillows of my brother. You shall not find it with me.” “I do not give a shit about her. I never have, and the Seven knows I never will.” “What makes you think I’d ever marry you?!” “Get away from me, you pig!”
“But I will spend the rest of my life in dedication to the pursuit of being worthy of your forgiveness. Worthy of your touch. Worthy of your lips. Worthy of the air you breathe. I need you to know that I am yours, should you still want me. If you ever did.”
Valeana blinked rapidly when she felt her eyes start to sting, then directed her attention back to the books. However, she couldn’t even focus on the titles, so instead she reached out and snatched the first one within her grasp. A small, frayed blue book, with an embossed rose on the leather cover, and two simple words gilded underneath, “Prūmia Udrir.” Heart Language.
“I found a book of poems,” she softly declared, gently opening up the cover and seeing the stained, dog-eared parchment. Val smiled fondly at it, “It looks well loved.”
Aemond returned to his side, bringing his scent and heat with him, instantly flooding her mind with longing. Her morose musings were completely forgotten, now that she was in his orbit. Leaning over her shoulder to read the title of the book, his breath tickled her cheeks as he hummed his approval, “Appropriate.”
“Time to get settled in, then,” clutching the book in her hand, Valeana walked over to the nook and sat on the edge to toe off her shoes. Glancing up,she saw that Aemond was doing the same, while also unbuttoning his tunic.
She immediately froze, “Wh-what are you doing?”
He smirked, “Getting comfortable. Generally I sleep in the nude, but… I am supposed to be behaving tonight.”
Valeana’s face turned into a tomato as his hands unfastened the last button of his tunic before he pulled the rest off his head, “R-right…” Words continue to fail her this evening.
Her mouth fell open at the sight of him: remarkably pale skin, chiseled out of marble, every curve and sharp edge of his body was utter perfection. There wasn’t a part on his torso she wasn’t drinking in; Valeana was desperate to memorize every centimeter of skin, right down to the V at his hips, which is where her eyes found rest.
Aemond slowly padded towards the mattress where she sat, then hooked his finger under her chin to force her to look at him. “My face is up here, sweetheart.”
Valeana swallowed, “I thought I was the one doing the torturing tonight?”
He chuckled, then leaned in to capture her lips in a sweet kiss, “You are already doing a marvelous job without trying. Though, as much as I love to see that hunger-panged look you have, if my body makes you uncomfortable, I can redress–”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
He grinned broadly, “As my lady wishes.” Aemond then took a moment to assess her state, before tilting his head, “Don’t you wish to undress?”
Valeana flushed vividly, “What?”
“I only meant– wouldn’t you like to be more comfortable? Isn’t that dress incredibly tight?”
It was, like most of her gowns. Even if it was more modest and had less layers, it was still designed to conceal as much of her stomach as she possibly could. Sleeping in it would be uncomfortable. She did have a shift underneath though, and it was burgundy, like the dress, so it would not be sheer. Still, the thought of having such a thin piece of clothing separating her from Aemond was… nerve wracking.
And exciting.
Clearing her throat, Valeana shifted so her back was slightly turned, “Can you loosen these?”
Aemond sat down on the mattress behind her, then gently moved her braid over her shoulder. His fingers grazed along the expanse of her shoulder blades, causing a shiver to run down her spine. Reaching the laces, he untied the knot and began to pull the corset loose, all the while keeping his pointer finger under the hem so he could trail it along her spine. Valeana shut her eyes and sighed, at both being freed from the confines of her bodice, and from the intimate touch.
“Why do you wear so many layers?” His question came softly and curiously.
“To hide my body,” her answer came just as softly.
His movements paused, “Why would you do that?”
Valeana turned her head, her throat bobbing as she swallowed, “Aemond–”
“You have a gorgeous body,” he resumed, finishing off the laces before having his hands crawl around her middle and folding over her belly. Then he tugged her onto his lap, leant in and kissed the back of her neck and along the length of her right shoulder. “You always have.”
Valeana sighed, her head falling back against him. With his hands on her belly, she felt far more self conscious than she did the day his hands and mouth were on her breasts, all exposed and sweaty. But his touch sent tingles of desire and warmth in its wake, and as much as her nature wishes to recoil, she didn’t.
“Aemond–” She pleads his name a second time, whether it is for him to stop or continue, she isn’t entirely sure.
“If you don’t believe me, let me show you,” he reaches down and bunches up the burgundy skirt in his fist, pulling it over her thighs.
“Aemond,” She pleaded a third time, this time with a little more force. She was aroused beyond sense, but the reminder of her moon’s blood was enough to shake her back to reality. Valeana pulled herself off his lap, but didn’t step away from him, just stayed a few inches away as she stood up. “I told you it’s not the right moment.”
Aemond sighed through his nose, his frustration evident, but he swallowed it down. “Apologies,” He ran his hand through his hair. “I promised I would behave, and I am failing.”
“Trust me, Aemond, if it were any other week, I would not want you to,” if she were in any other state of mind, she would have more sense to say no without needing an excuse. But Valeana wanted him, convictions be damned.
He peered at her curiously, “What do you–”
“I’m bleeding,” she smiled awkwardly with a roll of her eye. “An incredible inconvenience, I assure you.”
Aemond blinked at her before his features softened to a slightly amused one, “Ah.” He looked down at the burgundy gown, and realized it all made sense now. With a soft chuckle, he moved his body further into the nook, and beckoned her, “Then we shall be inconvenienced together.”
Valeana rolled her eyes again, shaking her head with an embarrassed grin. “Seven help me… One moment.”
Aemond watched with complete enraptured silence as she pulled off the dress over her head, and then shimmied out of the petticoat underneath. All that was left was the shift she wore, too dark to see through the fabric, but thin enough that he could see the curve of her rear. Especially prominent when she sat down on the edge of the mattress.
Clearing her throat, she bunched up her chemise on her left side, “This will only take a minute.”
Aemond felt a wave of gooseflesh ripple throughout his body at the sight of her wooden prosthetic. It was almost too easy to forget its existence, with how she carries herself as if it were her actual flesh appendage. Though its appearance simply reminded him of his life’s mistakes, and that instantly humbled him. Suddenly he felt so incredibly foolish, trying to seduce her and being greedy for her body, when he already robbed a part of her.
With practiced ease, the type that comes from doing such an act multiple times a day, every day for a decade, Valeana unbuckled her prosthetic from her thigh and slowly slotted it off. She could feel his eye on her, which made her all the more self conscious about it, but sleeping with her wooden leg always made her thighs sore from chaffing, her knee stiff, and her stump itchy from sweat. With a contented sigh, she laid it against the bookcase that framed their alcove, and then slowly unbound the linens around her severed appendage.
Valeana could feel Aemond’s breath on her shoulder, and when she turned to look, he was hovering over her, looking at her leg with an almost unreadable expression. Perhaps it was sorrow and guilt, but there was an underlying anger as well, likely at himself.
Saving him from his self loathing, Valeana pushed the curtain of her shift back over her knee, “Are we settled?”
He shifted behind her, “Not quite.”
Twisting around, she watched as he hooked the strap of the leather patch with a finger and pulled it off his head. His hair fell like a curtain of moonlight around his slender face, shadowing the deep blue sapphire gem embedded in his scared eye. Valeana felt her nose tingle at the sight, as she felt remnants of mourning of the young boy he used to be, his face complete, unshattered, and untouched by violence. After he reached over to place the piece of leather on the bookshelf, Valeana captured the sides of his face with her hands and brought his lips onto hers. Aemond made no movement of protest or hesitation; he fell into the dance of lips, tongue, and teeth with equal longing and need.
Valeana let out a sigh as her back settled in the pillows, lips still locked with Aemond’s. He hovered over her, hands holding himself up on either side of her head. In the end, it was he who ended their kiss, as much as he loathed it. If they continued in this position, he would have his hips rutting in between hers, bleeding be damned.
Valeana gave a little sound of disappointment, which earned her a little smile from the man who hovered over her body. Her hands moved from his face, over his shoulders and clavicle, until they found a home along his chest and abs. That smile broadened.
“Still inspecting?”
“Not entirely convinced you’re not a cat,” she replied, lips pulled into a sheepish pout.
Biting his lip to contain his chuckle, Aemond quickly grabbed the book and placed it in her hand, “Now you’re the one who must behave.” He moved off of her, settling in the space between her and the window, arm reaching out to snag the wool blanket and pulled it over their bodies.
Meanwhile, Valeana moved back so she was in more of a sitting position, and as she was about to open the book, Aemond slotted to her side. His chin rested on her shoulder, and his arm draped over her middle to keep her close. She took a moment to breathe in the moment, allowing a familiar warmth and comfort to fill her bones and relax her shoulders. This felt right. This felt perfect. This felt like something she could do for the rest of her life.
She rested her cheek upon his head and opened the cover, then flipped a few pages before she found the words and began to read. Aemond sighed deeply under her, his eye falling shut at the sound of her timbre reverberating through him, releasing all the tension in his bones and muscles.
And so they remained like that, for a little while, as Valeana read every delicate page she could. Each line more beautiful than the next, made for a tongue such as hers. When she felt the full weight of Aemond’s head on her shoulder, and heard his heavy breathing, she slowly stopped reading. Gently placing the book to her side, she lifted her head and peered to check if he had actually fallen asleep. The loose grip he had on her waist and his closed eye confirmed it. Valeana couldn’t help but smile fondly down at him, looking so peaceful in the dim light. The hearth had dwindled down to red embers, the sconces had lost oil, and the candles were being darkened by their self-snuffers. It was time for her to call it a night as well.
Valeana ran her free hand over the crown of his head, threading her fingers through the silky strands, and ghosting her fingers over the shape of his jaw. He was so unbelievably handsome, it felt like a sin to look at him in this peaceful state. Even his sapphire eye, always open, glaring at her like the midnight sky. Sapphires had always been her favourite, and she wondered if he chose it specifically for that reason, subconsciously or with intention.
Careful not to disturb his slumber, she slid down to a lying position, softly moving his head from her shoulder and onto the pillows behind them. She then positioned her body so it was facing his, making sure to keep his arm draped around her middle, keeping him as close as possible. The book was wedged between them, so she plucked it by the back cover and went to move it to the floor, but the sight of a handwritten note on the back made her pause.
Squinting in the dark, Valeana tried to read the crude attempt at Valyrian script.
“Se vēzos naejot ñuha hūra Nyke jehikagon kesrio syt hen aōha ōños Dōrī isse mēre jēdar Kessa mirre sagon isse sȳndor Ēva īlon ékleipsis arlī”
“The sun to my moon
I shine because of your light
Never in one sky
Will ever be in shadow
Until we eclipse again. - L.”
“Engagement?! What makes you think I’d ever marry you?!”
“Aemond, I– my father—”
“Get away from me, you pig!”
With peridot eyes rolling into the back of her head, Valeana slipped into the void with a cry for help, a cry for him. Then a loud snap, like a clap of thunder overhead, followed by an ear-bleeding scream that would forever echo in Aemond’s skull.
He woke up with a violent jerk, muscles tense, chest heaving. He thought he saw blood on his hands, but he was just fisting the fabric of Valeana’s burgundy chemise. Valeana. She was here, she was with him. They were in Queen Aemma’s library still. She had her back turned to him and he was still holding onto her from behind, moulding his sharp corners with her soft round ones. Something had fallen, he had suspected, which forced him to wake up in a startle. Glancing at the window, he could see rain softly hitting the glass that served as a background for their little nook, but there was no thunder to be heard.
Blinking rapidly, Aemond tried to rid his eyes of sleep so he could peer into the darkness. Tentatively, he sat up on his elbow to cast a look around the library, but found no one. He waited, trying to listen for any sounds that may betray the presence of a hidden figure, but he heard nothing. He shifted further, peering over Valeana’s body so he could crane his neck to see their flanked sides, and that is when he spotted her prosthetic lying on the floor. That is what fell.
The sight of it was agony.
A sharp snap, and a scream. A bone peaking out through torn white flesh, blood on the floor, blood on his hands.
Aemond pulled his eye away from the offending piece of wood, then rested it on her form next to him: curled up on her side, hand tucked beneath the pillow, and softly snoring. Then he trailed his gaze down the length of her body, along the knolls of her curves, down the slope of her hip and thigh. Her legs disappeared underneath the woolen blanket, where he stared the longest.
Aemond was a masochist… But only for her.
He reached out and gently moved the blanket, and then slowly lifted her shift until he could see the rounded end of her calf. A few inches below the knee, soft muscle smoothed around what was left of her calf bone. To drive the knife in, her left leg tangled with her perfect right one. A single foot, a single calf.
Aemond’s fingers trembled when he reached out to touch her knee. He caressed it, as if it were a newborn’s head, fearful that he might damage it further. The tips of his fingers moved lower, trembling more now that he reached the end point of her leg. It was calloused at the stump, likely due to the prosthetic, likely due to years of having to relearn how to walk in ways very few humans would understand.
Was it still painful? Could she feel sharp pain in her knee whenever she walked, but hid it behind a sarcastic smile? His empty eye used to get sharp pains every once in a while, as if a knife had pierced through it again, though that had subsided with age, now it was only a dull sting. More often it was the headaches, like icepicks to his temples, mainly behind his right eye now that it had to compensate for the missing left.
Did she experience the same with her right leg?
“Save your breath, Valeana. You’re almost out of it.”
He made her run alongside his horse.
At the intruding reminder his chest constricted, and he squeezed his eye tightly shut, grimacing at the memory. The sting of his greatest regrets and sins burned behind his lid, tingled his nose, and shook his bones like an earthquake. Aemond grit his teeth so tightly, he could feel it at his temples throbbing as he tried to literally bite back his tears. He was holding his breath, a fact he hadn’t realized until his lungs couldn’t take it anymore, forcing him to inhale sharply and effectively breaking the dam. The trembling that started from his hands now reached every corner of his body, making him shake as if he was caught nude beyond the protection of the Wall.
Aemond gasped as his grief overtook his body. The tears clouded his only eye, spilling down the creases of his cheeks, and dripped down to the point of his chin. He then bowed his head onto her hip, shaking hands grabbing onto her sides to remind himself that she was here, and she was alive. Though perhaps he did not deserve what remained of her. Perhaps he should let her go, into the arms of Aegon, or Jacaerys, or whomever that would make her happy.
His body curled into her side, arms latching around her left leg as he violently sobbed into her hip. The words “I’m sorry” tumbled out of his quivering lips over and over again, a broken prayer, a shuddered plea.
“I’m so sorry, my friend. My beautiful Valeana… What have I done… What have I done…”
Aemond’s unworthy lips kissed her knee and what remained of her lower leg. His tears stained her chemise, head still bowed upon her, a sinner at the feet of the Maiden.
In the sanctuary of the darkness, Aemond freed the beast that he had been afraid of all these years. With green eyes and claws of vengeance, her name was grief, her name was guilt, her name was shame. He could do nothing but present his neck to her, offering up his life and hope it will be enough.
Valeana stirred in her sleep. Her legs moved as she gave a gentle stretch, along with a contented moan. Aemond was forced to pull away as she adjusted herself on the small bed, moving from her right side, onto her left, now facing him.
“Mm, Aemond,” his name tumbled from her pouty lips, while her hand blindly reached out for him.
Mutely, he moved back to her. Lifting her arm so it was draped over his waist, and then placed his own on hers. Aemond then wove his leg around hers, bringing her closer until she was tucked under her chin and secured to his chest.
“Ñuha vēzos,” he whispered into the crown of her head. “Iksan indignus hen aōha ōños.”
(My sun. I am unworthy of your light.)
“Did we not already have this conversation?” He peered at her in confusion. “You told me to stop pursuing her, threatened to chain me to my rooms, and I completely ignored you?” “Aegon,” her tone was a force in its steadiness. Alicent strode over to him, and despite being shorter, it still felt like he was under her. Like he was still a child. “Tell me the truth, for once in your bloody life. What. Are. Your. Intentions?” Aegon’s mouth fell into a pout, his red rimmed eyes stared back at her like a reprimanded puppy. Alicent never swore, he would remember if she did. His mother had a knack of making polite words sound as lethal as a Valyrian steel blade. “To cour–” She did not allow him to finish. Alicent’s hand grabbed his face firmly under his jaw.
Notes: What a couple of sad, sad horny yougens. Anyway, I loved this chapter, and I hope you guys did too. It's a meaty one, with a lot of conflicting feelings, which I hope gives the vibe I wanted to, which is emotional confusion. Also, I just love when strong men get super pathetic. Oh, and one more thing: The Valyrian Moan found in the book is a haiku written by me. It's the only poem thingy that I did not have AI help me write. Haikus are the only thing I can do. It also 👀hints a little bit at the prequel mini series.
Tag: @queen-of-elves, @keylin1730, @anakilusmos, @weepingfashionwritingplaid, @sugutoad, @desireangel, @t0biasparabatai
( if you wish to be tagged for this story, just give me a reply! )
Please do not re post, redistribute or plagiarize my work. The only other place this story is posted on is ao3 under the same username.
#celtfics#celtfics: pink dread#aemond fic#aemond fanfiction#aemond x oc#aemond x ofc#aemond x original female character#aemond x original character#aemond targaryen#aemond x reader#aemond x celtigar#plus size oc#plus size original character#aemond x plus size ofc#aegon x ofc#aegon targaryen#aegon x oc#18+ mdni#house of the dragon#house of the dragon fic#hotd fic#hotd fanfiction#ewan mitchell#ewan mitchell fic#aemond targaryen x oc#aemond targaryen x ofc#aemond one eye
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Hello! I gotta request. I love Aemond as many of the girlies do. But I never find fics for the plus size girls. I’m a firm believer that Aemond would like a plus size woman. When you have a moment of time I’d love to see a plus size reader x Aemond type fic. Of course I’d be here for some spice too. I’d just really like to see more representation ☺️ thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day!
A/N: I'm terribly sorry for the delay. I had a draft ready that didn't save so my inspiration took a big hit. I haven't thought about it before, but now that you say it I do think Aemond would lean more toward plus sized women. I can't explain why i just feel like it falls inline with his character. Thank you for your request!!
summary: Aemond gifts Y/n new clothes that inspire her to take the lead tonight
warnings: smut p n v, slight degrading (not of the reader), body shaming (it's not very much don't worry), sub Aemond
Word count 1.4k
Y/n was entranced by the stranger staring back at her in the mirror. The woman standing in her mirror resembled the fair ladies from books she had read as a girl. Ones where brave knights fight to the death and love-struck monarchs conquer kingdoms for the chance to embrace their true love.
The emerald green dress she wore had no sleeves and hung off her shoulders. Y/n was not used to dressing in such a manner she had become accustomed to frumpy, loose fitted clothing that hid her figure. Y/n’s mother had insisted that despite the high ranking of their house, it was imperative to hide the plump figure she had inherited from her to guarantee proposals from the lords of the court. However, her dear Aemond had thought otherwise. He began to court Y/n and questioned why a lady of her rank wore such ill-fitting clothing. After Y/n had confided in Aemond about her mother's advice, he disposed of her dresses and commissioned a new wardrobe of custom-made dresses with matching jewelry for his love. Y/n admired her newfound figure and how her bodice hugged her thick waist instead of hanging loosely. Layers of skirt gracefully laid against her wide hips complimented with embroidery. The mousy-looking girl had disappeared under hair tied in intricate braids decorated with rare jewels and a beauteous dress accentuating her curved figure. Y/n always felt as though she was meant to be invisible, to blend into the background unnoticed and unmentioned unless she was needed. But now, with her full body glittering in the open free to be seen, she felt confident.
“You are enchanting, my love,” Aemond said. He had briefly left for Y/n to dress and retrieve the final piece to her ensemble. Aemond stood behind her, unable to break his gaze from her captivating, newfound appearance.
Aemond delicately clasped a sapphire necklace cut from the same gem in his eye.
“What do you think, dear heart?” he asked as his hands drifted from Y/n’s neck to her shoulders
“I think it’s... perfect,” she said, gliding her hands under her plump chest. “I look perfect.” Y/n smiled brightly at her reflection. The rush of finally recognizing the glowing beauty in her mirror was the same modestly dressed woman that she saw a few hours ago. Y/n felt invincible at this moment she could do anything, say anything and the surefooted woman in her mirror would protect her from fear and persecution with a glance. She turned to Aemond with a new vigor. It was an unfamiliar feeling that bubbled in her core and climbed up to her chest. Aemond had always taken the lead. He led when they held hands when they kissed, and he led when they were intimate. But tonight, she would take command. Y/n grabbed the back of Aemond’s head greedily, pulling him flush against her body for a languid kiss. Aemond grinned into the kiss, stroking her rounded hips, causing the sensation in her core to swell. Y/n slowly pulled from him. Her whole body felt as though someone had set aflame her from the inside.
“You promised me once that you would do anything for me. I need only ask. Is that still true? Y/n asked, meeting his eyes.
“Of course, my dear,” the fingers on his neck glided into his hair to stroke his scalp.
“Then get on your knees for me,” Y/n’s light stroking turned into a tight grip as she yanked Aemond’s head back by his hair. Aemond breath hitched from the sudden tension on his scalp. Y/n had never done this before yet as he prostrated himself before her the hand in his hair leading him to kneel, he felt the blood rushing to his cock.
“What do you wish of me Y/n?”
“Hmm I don’t think using my name suits you very well my dear,” she said smirking.
“No, you are a proper gentleman are you not? Then you should refer to me like one. I think ‘My lady’ will do for now, don’t you?” Aemond felt his breeches tighten as she leaned in and paused just before their lips met.
“Answer me Aemond.”
“Yes, my lady,” Y/n closed the gap between them, devouring his lips. Aemond could hear his heart pounding as his member began to throb. He was used to being in control. There was safety in control letting that part of him slip for even a second led to disaster. Aemond craved rest for someone to ease that unmoving tension in his mind and giving his power to Y/n would do just that.
“Good boy, strip and lay on the bed for me,” she said releasing his hair. Aemond stood from his spot on the floor in favor of removing his doublet and breeches before laying on the bed desperate to obey. Aemond felt his length harden as Y/n waltzed up to the bed and slowly skipped out of her sleeves pulling her bodice down, exposing her full breast and removed her small clothes, leaving her the remainder of her dress on. His red tip now peaked out from the protection of its fleshy folds at the sight. His shy elegant lady turned dominating temptress. Aemond reached down to stroke himself but was met with a quick slap.
“Proper gentlemen don’t touch themselves, Aemond. It is quite unseemly,” she said, climbing onto the bed to straddle him.
“Y-Yes my lady.”
“You know improper gentlemen believe they are owed the pleasure they crave-” Y/n pulled her skirt up, revealing thick plush thighs coated in slick from her dripping mound, causing Aemond’s breath to quicken and his cock to throb. “But a proper gentleman asks for his desires, doesn’t he, Aemond? Why don’t you ask me for what it is you desire my dear?” Y/n lowered herself a bit allowing Aemond’s tip to just barely graze her entrance. Aemond gasped, trying to hold himself together. Whenever he had coupled with Y/n, Aemond would take her hips and impale her with his length whenever he felt the urge, yet at this moment doing such a thing without her explicit permission felt as though he would be committing an unforgivable sin of the highest caliber.
“Please my lady, use my cock.” Aemond said, bringing his hands up and sinking his fingers into her soft hips.
“Hmm I don’t know. You don’t seem to want me enough. Perhaps I should stop,” she said slowly lowering her skirt. The gentle throbbing of Aemonds cock developed into torturous ache.
“No, my lady, please I need you. Please let me fill your cunny. I need it. I’m throbbing for you. I need to fill you around me my lady,” Y/n grinned and lifted her skirt once more.
“There you go sweet boy begging for me like a proper gentleman,” Y/n dropped onto his cock taking him all at once. Normally Y/n would ask Aemond to be slow and gentle with her, but here and now, consumed by her newfound vigor, she didn’t want to be gentle. She didn’t want to be delicate. She wanted to take everything for herself. Y/n sank, allowing Aemond to bottom out. He could feel her cunt constrict around his cock as if she wanted to meld him into her insides. Her folds would only briefly release him from their tight grip before clenching around him once again. Y/n could feel Aemond’s cock pulsating inside her. The tip of his cock pressed against the spongy back of her cunt. Y/n rocked her hips, enthralled by how the sensation of absolute control enhanced her pleasure. Aemond felt as though he was unraveling every time Y/n’ hips dropped to meet his. Aemond was consumed with an unrelenting craving that devoured his entire being. He needed her. He needed more.
“Faster my lady! Please, I need more of you!”
“Good boy asking so nicely for his lady,” Y/n sped up, bouncing on Aemond’s cock quicker, the heat in her core building to a peak ready to snap at any moment. Y/n reached for Aemond’s hands. She pressed his left hand against her pearl and held onto his right one. Aemond rolled small circles on Y/n’s pearl already covered in her slick and tangled his fingers with hers. Adding pressure to the sensitive bud when their hips met each other.
“I’m going to cum. Are you ready, Aemond?” she said leaning down, losing herself in his violet eye.
“Yes please, I need to feel you cum around me my lady!” she couldn’t hold on any longer. Squeezing Aemonds hand Y/n fell apart as her orgasm flooded across her body, causing her legs to shake and her body to fall limp against Aemond. The pleasure of taking Aemond as she pleased pushed Y/n’s high to another plane of existence. One where she was everything and nothing all at once. Unburdened. Unshackled. Untouched. Aemond felt himself burst inside of Y/n his back arching. He had never reached a peak like this before. He could feel tingling all throughout his body that turned into blissful burning reaching to the tips of his toes. They laid together for a moment, their heavy breathing filling the heady air. Y/n sat up a bit and placed a gentle kiss on Aemond’s temple still damp from the excitement.
“Did I do well for you, my lady?”
“You were the perfect gentleman.”
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#aemond targaryen x plus sized! reader#aemond targaryen#aemond x reader#aemond targaryen x reader#plus sized reader#chubby reader#fanfiction requests#request answered#requested#dom reader#submisive aemond#sub aemond targaryen
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loving all of you
aemond targaryen x plus size!reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
- Aemond had first encountered your presence at a council event for the Wardens of Westeros. With your father being a Lord with a notable name, he had brought you along in hopes that you may learn from other ladies of the courts. Your Lord Father would also be scouting for suitors who presented any interest in you.
- While the court discussed more confidential matters, many people had been dismissed until the feast that would occur that evening.
- Though many ladies and maidens collected in the garden for tea, you had dismissed yourself to peruse the library. The maesters back home had mentioned to you the extensive collection of books housed within the Red Keep and you would not deny yourself the power of discovery.
- That’s how Aemond found you. Perched on one of the love seats with a stack of books near you. You would be quickly scanning through the texts, looking for something to peak your interests during your free time here.
- “I believe that most of the ladies have collected themselves in the gardens, my lady.”
- Quickly, you snapped your head around to see the Prince as he stood stoic with an underlying air of confidence. There were many stories about the Prince you had heard in your region. How he was disfigured after his sister’s son cut out his eye, how he was equally cruel with tongue and sword, and how he should be considered a fierce warrior, compared to the King’s Brother, Daemon Targaryen.
- “Apologies, my prince. The gossip of the ladies had grown stale. I did not mean to intrude on the space, just merely see the glory of the Royal Library.”
- That had peaked his interest, which was rarely as common for the ladies of the court to seem so… intellectual. It was a trait he saw in his sisters, and one he could see in you.
- “Well, my lady, you are welcome to explore our collections. But I will have to remain with you for… integrity’s sake.”
- Quickly, your time in the library had developed into a friendship. Moons would pass between when your family would occupy the Keep and return home. For some reason, your Lord father had been continually invited back with the expectation that he bring his daughter family.
- One evening, you sat with Aemond during a feast. Both of you had chuckled at the gossip you had overheard, and filled your chalices of wine many times. Many of the other young people present were currently dancing upon the open are of the floor, while you and the prince remained still.
- “Do you see any young lady who catches your fancy?” You asked your friend with a giggle, “I’m sure that any of them are more than willing to take a prince for a husband, if not just bed them this very night.”
- As you laughed at your tipsy sentiment, Aemond rolled his eyes in disbelief, “None of these girls draw my attention...”
- Aemond went silent for a moment before continuing his idea, “I want a woman for a wife...”
- This statement caused you to laugh more, lightly swatting his arm, “You are nine and ten years and yet you speak of a wife like an elder northman.”
- “You are eight and ten,” Aemond replied back, “Are you not a woman?”
- Your laughter had paused as you glanced at the prince with a strange curiosity, “I suppose I am a woman, but I’m not like any of them,” You replied, eyeing the fine young ladies of the crowd as they danced with the noblemen.
- “I’m afraid I do not understand your sentiment, my lady,” Aemond looked upon you, his expression far more serious, “It is true that you are not like those dull ladies dancing with any lord who approaches them, and yet you seem solemn about that fact.”
- “I do not attend the dance floor as often as they do,” You explained to him.
- “Well, of course you don’t, for you are to busy here at my side unless we choose to partake in the festivities,” Aemond’s demeanor had fallen back to being observant and inquisitive.
- “My prince, I do not get to attend the floor because no Lord or nobleman asks for my hand,” You stated plainly, your jaw clenched from your embarrassment, “Nor should I expect them to when there are finer ladies to ask and to court.”
- Aemond went silent for quite a few moment. One hand clutching the arm rest of his seat, the other firmly grasping his chalice. He stared straight ahead. When the silence had turned too tense for you, you grabbed your own cup, raising it to your lips.
- “I do not know why you belittle yourself with such words and thoughts when you are the very image of the Maiden,” Aemond began.
- At his words, you recalled one of your evenings in the royal library with the prince. Together, you had poured over a book about the Seven and the art created to depict them. Aemond had opened the Maiden section, both of you flipping through the pages until he found one that caught his attention. Your eyes scanned over the depictions of the sweet and good Maiden during the silence. That was until he spoke, his words taking you by surprise that night, “You have the face and the body of the Maiden... Beautiful and divine...”
- You swallowed the lump in your throat as your turned to meet his gaze, “Aemond...”
- “My lady, you must understand that to me, you are more beautiful in body and soul than any other woman here. To me, you are who I see in the Maiden, from the curve of your lips, to the kindess in your heart, and the curve of your hip. There is no one I’ve wanted by my side more than at these terrible feats — why do you think that is?”
- “Because we are friends?” You stuttered.
- Aemond shook his head softly, “Because I care for you so deeply, that for three summers now, I have begged my mother to continue inviting your father and your family to anything that would suffice a stay at the keep. It is also important that you know that I have been planning to extend an offer of courtship to your father before you can leave my side again...”
- At the admission, you took a sharp gasp, nearly speechless, “my prince...”
- “I know you feel the same for me,” Aemond stated quite matter-of-factly, “but tell me, sweet lady, do you feel for me as I do for you?”
- At his question, you glanced from his eye to the floor, “There is no sense in denying what you already know to be true.”
- His hand quickly captured your chin between his fingers, brings your gaze back up to meet his, “Then one day, I plan to have you as my wife, and love all of you... properly...”
#mattie writes#aemond targaryen#house of the dragon#prince aemond targaryen#hotd#aemond targaryen x reader#hotd x reader#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen headcanons#aemond targaryen x plus size!reader#house targaryen#plus size reader#afab!reader#ewan mitchell#house of the dragon x reader#game of thrones#fire and blood#dance of the dragons#asoiaf#game of thrones x reader
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Aemond Targaryen Masterlist
House of the Dragon: Aemond Targaryen
An Old Flame (fin) Wattpad version
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI a Part VI b The Letter
Beautiful Creature (fin)
Part I Part II Part III
Unexpected (fin)
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI
#aemond x reader#aemond targaryen#aemond x y/n#house of the dragon#aemond one eye#aemond x you#aemond x plus size reader#aemond targaryen smut#team green#aemond fanfiction#hotd aemond#aemond x oc
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Keep Me Near Your Heart VII

It didn't take long for me and aemond to get to our shared chamber, the air was filled with a sense of melancholia and anticipation. As we made our way into our solar passing Ser Krey, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. My heart felt too heavy and my chest felt like someone was squeezing it, I put my hand on my belly rubbing it trying to calm myself down, and return my baby kicked making my heart feel less heavy.
Once we were in our chamber, Aemond wasted no time in taking me to bed. I tried to push the uneasiness from my mind as we lay together, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. However, before long, the exhaustion of the day caught up with me, and the unsettling feeling slowly started to drift into the back of my mind as I drifted off to sleep.
Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up to find myself alone in the bed. It took a moment for me to realize that Aemond was gone, and another moment for my worries to turn into anger. Feeling stupid for letting myself be fooled by Aemond's outward displays of affection, I toss the sheets and covers aside, sliding out of bed, to find and confront my husband. I pushed open the door, turning my head to look around the solar, a small hope that he would be there reading or sleeping on a settee, but nope, he was not there either.
I shook my head angrily and stalked towards the door, I slammed my fist into the door knocking trying to get the knights on the other side's attention, I paused waiting before going back to banging on the doors.
"Open this fucking door, right now. Or I swear to The Mother, you will have hell to pay--" Before I could finish my threat the door opened revealing Ser Krey, I glared at him, "Where is he?" I asked making the other man look hesitant before answering.
"Don't." I grit making Krey press his lips together, "Where is my husband." I asked again.
Krey opened and closed his mouth as no one came out, the longer he stood there rambling like a fool, the longer my anger mounted. When no one words that could dwindle my feelings, I grab the neck of his chest plate making Krey's words fade away as he is brought to my eye level.
"Take me to my husband or I'll call my dragon to do." My threat hung in the air, and Krey's eyes flickered between mine as he thought, I let go of him when he finally nodded his head making him stand straight.
"I take you to him, my lady."
「 ⊹₊♚₊⊹ 」
Krey was ahead of me as he led me through the halls, I rubbed my fingers together nervously.
What was I going to say? Was this a good idea, maybe I should go back.
I stopped at the thought before the uneasiness from earlier came back, a flutter in my tummy making me put my hand on my stomach feeling my baby move around. A warm feeling spread in my chest when I felt the baby kick, I looked down to the floor as tears welled in my eyes.
Something in me is telling me to turn back to go back to my chamber and forget about Aemind and whatever he is doing. But, how could I when he lied to me and used me, after he promised me she didn't mean anything, why was I so stupid to trust that he meant what he said, I shook my head angrily as the warm feeling turned cold in my heart, he lied he doesn't care about me or our baby? He never cared. I hate him.
"My lady?" I glance up at Krey as he stands at the end of the hall watching me with an unreadable look.
"...coming," I say softly, before continuing as he turns a corner.
A ping of fear plucked at my heart before a wave of anger and bitterness washed it. I was going to give him a piece of my mind, and after that, I will never speak to him again and I will make my sole mission that doesn't come near me or my baby.
I look around not knowing where we are, we are close to the queen's chamber you know that for sure, but what would Aemond be doing here?
"His chamber, m'lady." I look over at Ser Krey as he stands in front of me, he steps aside, revealing a black door with a dragon as a handle.
So, this is where he takes her, what an obvious place. He didn't even try to find a secure location to hide his infidelity, that bastard, that horrible cheating manipulative bastard.
A growl rambles through my chest, as I glare at the door where my supposed 'loving' husband is supposed to be. I move past Ser Krey with such haste that it takes him a moment to go after me and stop me from banging on Aemond's door, I turn my glare to Krey as he looks down at me with an unsure look.
"Are you sure about this, m'lady?" He asks low, making me furrow my brows.
"Of course, I am, why wouldn't I be?" I questioned angrily, Krey gave me a worried look.
"I just...think you should think about what you about to do," I frown a bit at the concern in her voice, "I just fear that whatever is behind that door, you might get hurt or worse your baby." I quirk a brow at him, why does he care if I get hurt or not, I knock his hand from my elbow and stare at him remembering what he did.
"Don't pretend to care about me." He frowns down at me.
"I do care about you, princess--" He starts.
"Shut up! Your loyalty lies with my husband, and that bastard, Ser Cole." He looks at me taken back, "Yes, I know that you took his side over mine, and lied to my husband for him." Ser Krey looks away from me with guilt and shame written on his face.
"I had no choice, Ser Ashford--"
"I don't care." I said making him look at me, "Because you weren't where you were supposed to be, I lost my baby and I had to live with that every day, " I croaked, Ser Krey looked at me with pleading eyes, he looked like he wanted to say something but choose again it.
"I...I'm sorry, m'lady."
I snarl keeping my bottom lip from trembling, "Too late, now get out of my way." I said elbowing past him, I stalked towards Aemond's door.
I stopped, putting my ear close to the door to see if I could hear anything, it was quiet, so I stepped closer pressing my ear to the door hoping to hear better. When I didn't hear anything I pulled back with a frown, maybe I was wrong, maybe was reckless and went for a walk, he was probably back in our chamber--
"Aemond," A sultry voice of a female thrill, loud enough to be heard through the door.
My heart clenched when I heard deep laughter that you never heard from Aemond fill the air before a familiar deep groan replaced it, my stomach churned feeling like I was going to throw up, I swallowed down the lump in my throat and started banging on the door.
I heard a hushed whisper, when the door didn't open I banged again with both fists, clenching my jaw to keep from yelling not wanting to give away that it was me. It took a minute before the door opened, I watched Aemond peek out but before he could register it was me. I shoved the door open causing him to stumble back as I made my way into his chamber, I looked around it was very aemond, everything was black or grey and there were books along with scrolls scattered on his desk.
"Jaenara." I ignored Aemond's shock and whipped around to face his bed to find the person I was looking for.
The darker-haired woman looked at me with wide and fearful eyes, she was holding the covers against her chest but you could see her naked shoulder, I glanced at aemond to see he was not wearing a shirt. I look back at the woman, observing her features, she was pretty I give her that.
"Jaenara, what--" I turn on my heels and stalk towards the door.
Aemond moved to touch me but dodged his hand and walked out of the room, Ser Krey was standing in the hall still with a downcast look.
"Jaenara, where--wait." Aemond was behind me.
I felt his hand on my shoulder, I turned quickly without thinking and slapped my palm across his cheek causing him to snap his head to the right. I step back taking his hand off my shoulder, he looks at me with a mixture of shock and anger, making my anger build.
"Your dead to me." Aemond looked taken back by my words before he had appeared.
"We talk about this later." I shook my head turning away from him, walking away when spoke again, "Ser Krey, make sure my sweet wife gets escorted back to our chamber--" I whipped around as I got near Ser Krey
"The hell with you!" I seethe, and he just sneers at me, Ser Krey grabbed my shoulder before I could stalk back to my bastard I called my husband.
"M'lady, please. Do as he says." I shrugged his hand off me and turned from him to walk down the hall with my hand on my belly.
I took deep breaths as I walked, my body felt like it was about to shut down, and I bit my lip to prevent myself from exploding. The nerve of him, to have the guts to laugh in my face after I caught him, I should have listened to jacerys, I should have never allowed myself to trust him. I should never have allowed myself to love him, bastard.
I groan stopping feeling a stir in my belly, I leaned against the wall as pain shot through me.
"M'lady, are you alright?" Ser Krey asked behind me, I grit my teeth and nodded before pushing myself off the wall, a sudden wave of nausea hit making me stumble causing Ser Krey to latch his hands onto my waist to steady me, "M'lady, if you are not feeling well you must tell, and I'll go get the masters." I shook my head biting down on my tongue.
"I'm fine..." I grunt, "...just get me back to my chamber," I ordered.
Ser Krey uttered something under his breath, and before I knew it u were getting lifted off my feet. My arm shot up to wrap around Ser Krey's shoulder, shooting him a look as he carried me in his arms.
"I'm not crippled, you fool. Put me down I can walk--"
"Not risky it, m'lady." He says, as I hold onto his chest plate for dear life, he is quiet for a minute as he walks before finally speaking,"...I know you think I don't care about you but I do..." he starts, I sigh resting my head on his shoulder keeping my eyes on the wall, "...more than you think, don't ask me why, I just do, ever since I first meet you I have only wanted to protect you." I stayed quiet not entertaining this charade, "Just want you to know that from henceforth on, I will protect you and my loyalty will only lie with you, princess. Always." I could feel his nose brushing against my forehead as he looked at me, I closed my eyes ignoring him.
He can say whatever he wants, he will not trick me into believing he truly cares.
「 ⊹₊♚₊⊹ 」
Ser Krey set me down once we were in the solar, Enith came out of my chamber with a worried look.
"Princess, you worried me to death, where were you." She asked coming to my side, before grabbing my hand, I glanced at her before looking away and taking my hand from her grasp.
"I'm going to bed." Enith frowned before I walked passed her, I heard whispering behind me but shut it out as I walked into my room.
I put my hand on the side of my belly and climbed onto the bed, I moved the pillow belonging to Aemond behind me as I lay perched there. I patterned my fingers on my belly waiting for Enith knowing she was going to have a lot of questions, I looked to my half-open door when I heard the main door closed and a pad of feet coming my way.
Enith walks in coming over to stand at the end of the bed with her hands clasped together.
"You scared me half to death, you know." She started low," Where did you go, jaenara." She asked, I glanced away from her, I didn't want to talk about it or even think about it, but how could I keep this to myself?
I want to tell her everything but can't, I thought finding out the truth would have made it easy for me not to love aemond. Even though I hated him with every fiber of my being, I still loved him even if he didn't care that I found out about his infidelity.
A storm of emotions swirling inside me, and before I knew it tears welled up in my eyes as my mind played the deep rambling of his laugh through the door. He never laughed around me, he barely even smiled my way, gods why did he marry me, I never did anything to him. It was nice. I was kind to him, was that not enough? What did I have to do to get him to look at me like that or to love me like he did her?
I was given a chance to be with her but he chose to give me more pain, I felt the weight of betrayal and heartbreak crushing me, and I broke down in sobs.
"Oh, my lady." Enith rushed over to me, I covered my face with my hands as I sobbed harder, in an instant I felt Enith wrap me in her embrace, "Please, my lady, tell me what happened. Was it the prince? Did he do something to you?" She accused holding me to her chest.
"He...He..." I couldn't get the words out, it was too painful to say out loud. I felt a rumble in Enith's chest as she growled.
"Curse him. Did he put his hands on you? I swear to gods, I'll kill him if he did, jaenara." I sniff, moving my hand to wipe at my cheek, I shifted so I could look up at Enith with a teary smile.
"I wish I was like you, You are so brave and so fearless." I sniff downcasting, "Maybe, if I was a little bit like you I wouldn't be in this mess." Enith sighs from above before caressing my hair.
"You shouldn't be in this mess in the first place, you deserve better than Aemond. You deserve someone who will love you back unconditionally, not someone who only thinks about themselves." She said softly as her hand moved between my hair and my back, I swallowed moving close to her.
"That's the nicest thing anyone has said to me in a while." Enith chuckles making me join her.
"That's not funny," Enith says.
"I know but it's better to laugh than to cry, right?" Enith hummed.
Enith laid her cheek on the top of my head as she started humming, a sweet song that I heard her hum around the solar as she cleaned up. The song was smoothing, and rocked us gently, swaying as I slowly calmed down.
"Are you ready to tell me, what happened, m'lady?" Enith finally asked, I sniff rubbing my eyes before nodding.
Enith pulled back to look at me, her hands were on my forearm, gently massaging them.
"...I woke up alone after aemond put me to bed, I had an inkling at the celebration of why aemond was being distant..." I pressed my lips together feeling them them begin to tremble, "So, I had Ser Krey take me to him and..." I shook my head, thinking couldn't finish the sentence, I heard Enith sigh sadly as she moved her hands to squeeze minds.
"Oh, princess, I'm so sorry you had to find out this way. I truly thought he would have some heart to break it off before the baby came. " Enith says sympathetic.
I nod my head before stopping after realizing what she just said, I look at Enith as she stares at our hands.
"Wait..." Enith looks at me as I take my hands back, "...you knew about her?" I asked, Enith gave me a guilty look, and my heart felt heavy again, "Oh my gods." I whispered, moving away from her and causing Enith to frown.
"How long?" I asked looking down at my covers.
"My lady--" Enith reached her hand out to touch me but I moved further away from her and snapped my eyes at her.
"I said how long," I hissed making Enith look at me with sadness before looking away.
"Since her arrival." My eyes widen, thinking if she was telling the truth that would mean..." You knew for three weeks and didn't tell me." I accused getting off the bed to look at her, Enith looked ashamed.
"It didn't want to overwhelm you with such news--" I let out a bitter laugh.
"Overwhelmed me? Rather than telling me my husband has been fucking some...some harlot this whole time, you thought to keep it a secret." I saw, that everything in my body was shaky I was so mad that she kept this for me.
"I was trying to protect you." Enith defends.
"Protect me! Here I thought it was me. That I did something wrong, that I said something to drive him away. Oh, gods." My hands went into my hair clenching it as I started to pace, "I blamed myself for weeks on end, cried myself to sleep, and you knew the whole time that he has been lying with that woman." I shouted looking back at her, causing her to flinch.
"I'm sorry--" I grabbed the candle holder next to me and threw it across the room making it smash against the mirror in the corner.
"I am sick of hearing that. You are not. None of you are." I cried putting my hands on my chest as everything began to feel too much, "I thought you care about me. Trusted you." I weep.
"I do, m'lady. I do care about you, please you have to understand why I did it." Enith had tears falling down her cheeks, as she got up and made her way around she tried to get me to listen, and I glared at her angrily moving away.
"No! I don't have to listen to you. You don't care about me, you never did you were just another person to keep me under his thumb." Enith shakes her head as she denies my claims, "I don't want to hear it! I want you out of my sight." I screamed.
"Jaenara, please--" Enith begged, I shook my head and covered my ears.
"Get out! Get out! Get out! Get out!" I repeated, "I hate you. I hate you all now. GET OUT." Enith duck as I threw one of my shoes at her.
I march over to her and start pushing her towards the door, as zenith tries to reason with me, I feel a pain in my lower stomach but ignore it.
"I don't ever want to see you again." I gave her one last shove before shutting my door and slamming the lock in place to keep her out.
"Jaenara, please. Don't do this." Enith says, her voice muffled.
I put my back against the door, why was everybody against me, what did I do to deserve this life?
The pain from earlier returns but worse, I moan in pain as I bend over clenching my stomach. When the pain stopped I slowly made my way across the room, but before I could reach my bed another pain shot through me causing me to collapse. I tried to grab onto the settee but my hand slipped against it making me bump my side into the small table, knocking over a vase, causing a glass to break.
"Jaenara? What--What was that?" Enith called through the door, enith pulled at the handle frantically as she called my name again.
I was on my knees when I saw, the spots of blood on my nightgown. I whimper as I realize what is happening, I start to cry out as my body wreck in agony.
"Jaenara, please. Answer me." I only cried out harder in response as my baby tried to come into this world, "Guards! Ser Krey!" I took in deep breath, remembering what my mother did when she went into labor with Joffrey.
I used the little strength I had to crawl onto the settee to sit on the edge, I moaned clenching the cushions before parting my legs. I heard hurried footsteps before I heard Enith yelling, before being calmed down by Ser Krey. I flinch when the door banged as if someone ran into it, I look over at the door weakly as they do it again making the door shake.
I turn away as I suck in deep breaths, the baby was early and it was coming, rather I liked it or not. I lick my dry lips before biting down on my bottom lip, I push as I clench the cushions. I stopped taking a breather for a moment before pushing again, I couldn't help but let out a sharp yell as it felt like my body was being torn apart.
"Hold on, princess!" Ser Krey shouted through the door.
"Ahhh..." I yelled again as I pushed once again.
My legs shook when I felt pressure between them, I moved to drag my gown up over my knees as I got ready to hold my baby. I took in quick breath before pushing again, my painful groans soon turned into screams as I pushed as hard as I could.
My screams mixed with another's as I felt my baby slide out into my hands, I gasped before leaning back on the settee, and I chortled at my baby wailing. He was alive! I brought him closer and used my nightgown to wipe off the blood and grim before gazing at him. I mean her. It was a girl. Aemond wasn't going to be happy about this.
Fuck him.
I don't care if his happy or not, I birth to a girl, my baby girl. My Visenya. I gazed down at her with wonder, she was small but not too small to worry, I brushed my hand over her head caressing it sweetly. I smiled widely when she opened her eyes, I could sense she was wondering where she was as she pulled the cutest face.
"Hello, beautiful." Visenya blinked slowly at me before her little arm reached up.
The door finally barged open making me look over it with frantic eyes, visenya started to cry again at the sudden loud noise. I looked down at her and held her to my chest, rocking her, trying to hush her cries.
"Gods be good." Ser Ashford said by the door.
"Oh, my lady." Enith's voice made me look over at her as she collapsed by my side.
"I'm calling her, Visenya," I said making Enith look from the baby to me, she gave a teary smile.
"A perfect name for the perfect baby." I smiled at that before looking down at my baby, "...jaenara, I am sorry for not telling you, I just...I just didn't want to stress you or baby, you have to understand that." I sigh moving my thumb to caress Visenya's cheek.
Before I was angry, mostly at aemond, and I took it out on Enith. I understand. If she had told me weeks ago, I'd probably have done what she said, stress myself out by putting me and my baby in harm's way. She was right to keep it from me, even though deep down I wish I knew, so I didn't have to waste time worrying about aemond and focus on getting him back.
"Thank you..." I look at her, "...I'm sorry too." Enith smiles at me before maester orwyle comes around.
"We must check the babe, princess." I looked at him warily, keeping a secure hand on my baby's back, "I promise you will get her back once you all rested up." I frown as he nears with wetnurses and servants, he takes a vial out of his robe with a milky substance in it, "...for the pain." He says handing it over to Enith, there was a stir in my gut that was telling me not to give him my baby,
"It's okay." I look at Enith, and she smiles at me making me feel less worried, "I'll be with her the whole time, and once you wake we will be the first you see." Enith held out the vial for me, I was hesitant for a minute before taking the vial out of her hand.
Enith gently grabbed the baby from me, and my heart clenched as Visenya let out a whimper. I watched as Enith stood up and followed maester Oswyle, soon Ser Krey came to stand by my side.
"Do you need help getting up, my lady?" I look at him before turning to watch Enith and the maester walk out of the room.
"No...I-I got it." I used the arm of the settee to get up, and Ser Krey's hand shot up to catch my arm before I stumbled. He removed his hand once I was steady, he put one arm around my waist as the other held my left hand, and he helped me to my bed.
I wince as I climb up on the bed with little assistance from Ser Krey, I settle against the headboard as Krey puts the covers over my middle.
"Don't forget your medicine, my lady." Krey says finally stepping back to look at me, I nod my head looking down at the vial in my hand, "You were so brave, princess." He says making me look at him, "I'm happy you okay." I hummed before looking at the vial.
"Thank you," I mumbled, I twisted the vial in my hand as I made Krey step away from my bed.
I sigh before uncorking the vial, I look over at the open door before turning my attention back to the vial. I took a deep breath before taking a sip of the poppy's milk, the taste was odd, I corked in the vial and set it on the side table. I sigh again, looking up at the ceiling, my body hurts but not as much as it did when I was pushing Visenya out. I squeeze my eyes shut before opening them, feeling them grow heavy, I blink up at the ceiling of my bed, focusing on the pattern of the fabric.
Slowly I could feel myself drifting off, the sounds around growing muffled, as I shut my eyes just to rest them for a few. The last thing I heard before I fell into a deep slumber, was a feminine voice that sounded gentle but slight edge.
#aemond imagine#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen imagine#aemond targaryen x reader#aemond targaryen smut#aemond targaryen x ofc#aemond targaryen x fem!oc#aemond targaryen x female reader#aemond targaryen x black!reader#black!reader#black oc#x black reader#black reader#blackoc#xblack!reader#x black fem reader#x black!reader#x black plus size reader#hotd x reader#hotd imagine#hotd oc#hotd fanfic
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To feel the rare before and after.

photo by @kyloremus
Paring: modern Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader Word Count: 1.1k+ Warnings: Reader AFAB, just some smutty smut, overstimulation, p in v unprotected, some spit play? pwp if you squint Author's Note: This is a repost! I read over the original and wanted to clean it up for Valentine's Day. This was a birthday gift for the wonderful and talented @annikin-im-panicin, I love you so much. I wish I could give you the world, but all I have is 1k+ words of smut with modern!Aemond, your other silver haired boy with trauma. 💜
You loved the feeling of his arms as they wrapped around your waist, pulling you to straddle his lap. “One more for me, pretty girl,” and your skin raised with his breathless command that was whispered into the curve of your neck, his lips feathering your pulse.
His large hands roamed your curves before settling on the softness of your hips with a firm hold that dimpled into your skin. Aemond shifted beneath you, careful as he lined himself with your entrance once again. You sighed as he lifted his hips, simultaneously lowering you as he slowly sheathed his length into your velvet walls with a delicious stretch still.
You could only whine in response, your mind too clouded to create a coherent thought. Your hold around his neck tightened, pulling your body flushed against his chest as he continued his slow pace that bruised your sweet spot deep within. Each thrust caused stars to burst in front of your eyes, your body already blossomed from your prior releases: the sheen of sweat mixing with the slick between your thighs, a rose bloom that spilled from your face down to your neck and chest, your nipples pebbled with pleasure from his relentless rhythm.
“Aemond,” you almost cried. “I can’t…”
“You can,” he hummed, his pace unfaltering, his teeth now grazing the junction of your neck to your shoulder.
You shuddered in response; in truth, it was already curling again at the base of your spine, his thrusts rekindling that delicious coil knotting in your lower abdomen, bringing that fluttering pleasure that came in sync with his hips. You were breathless, relaxing your grasp around his neck and falling back to place your hands on his knees to keep yourself upright.
He was seated at the edge of the bed, pinned by your plush thighs, and his feet firmly planted on the floor. Aemond moved to wrap one arm around your waist to hold you while his other hand pressed inside your thigh, his thumb following the patch of curls and finding your pearl with his familiar touch.
You were already raw, tender, and coming to the precipice of over-stimulation when his deliberate touch pulled your euphoria from you. It was a sobbed release, his added ministrations elongating it in a way that was painful but delicious.
Aemond then pulled you closer, groaning into your neck as your cunt clenched with your climax, his husky tone whispering praises against your skin—good girl. You melted against him, the sticky sweet touch of skin-to-skin, and you sighed sweetly when his hold around your waist tightened, pulling you closer still.
You squeaked your surprise when he then pushed to stand, your legs crossing around his slender waist and his large palms cupping where your thighs and ass met. He turned to face the bed and laid you back, allowing you to fall back against the sex soaked sheets.
You were quick to prop yourself onto your elbows, grinning, watching his silver brows knit above his bi-colored gaze that drank in your every flushed curve. You felt your blood simmering from his steady stare, and a shyness that trilled throughout.
Aemond always possessed an ethereal beauty. He towered over you, his body lithe and tone, the jut of his hips from his languid stance and the lines of his Adonis belt cutting in his trimmed hips. The hair on his chest clung from his perspiration, his silver hair hanging on his sharp features, and you could see the rose coloring that stained all of him so intimately.
He moved closer to the bed, each hand reaching to wrap around your ankles, pulling you closer towards the edge. You gasped, you giggled from the sudden pull, your ass now pressing against his thighs, and you see the hint of his own smile as he moved the soles of your feet to press against his chest.
You shivered with your anticipation as he leaned over you, a curtain of his silver hair, the soft tickle as it touched your skin; Aemond planted his arms on each side of you, caging you against the mattress. You mewled pitifully as he moved his hips, his hand wrapping around the base of his cock, the touch of his tip gliding against your silken folds before sinking into your warmth once again.
“Aemond,” you begged, you moaned, as he bottomed out, stretching you from within.
He hummed again, his way to show his satisfaction of how well you fit around his cock—something he would mention often and always. His hands now dimpled into the plush of your thighs, a bracing hold for the snap of his hips against you.
Your mouth parted with a wordless cry, your back arched against the bed. You saw through the fog the determination that lined his features, his lips pursed with his concentration.
“Touch yourself,” he rasped, his voice is low, demanding.
Your fingertips reached from his chest to his jaw, and Aemond dipped his head to take them into his mouth—the tickle of his tongue that curled around each digit before you pulled back. The spit breaks away onto his chin and your fingers then fall to touch the tendered nub of nerves above his rhythmic in-and-out, above the suction of your swollen lips and where the ring of white wrapped around his cock.
His eye was black as he watched you, enjoying the ripple of your supple curves with his each rut, the way your breasts bounce as his pace quickened. Your soft cry accompanied your soft touch, your fingers circling yourself intimately.
It came with the flash of color, your strangled cry, a release with your muscles contracting and tears spilling your cheeks. Aemond pulled back, his hand pumping himself to completion, his pearly ropes of his release decorating your chest and your stomach.
There was a pause, a deep exhale and he moved to get up, disappearing into the bathroom. You laid there, boneless, breathless, listening to the facet turn on for a moment, and then he returned with a damp washcloth that was pleasantly warm to the touch.
Aemond was thorough and he was gentle, careful to wipe you clean, admiring how the blood rose to the surface of your skin, the rise and fall of your breasts as you steadied your breath. He then tossed it into the hamper, crawling beneath the covers and pulling you to follow, until your backside was tucked against his chest, his arm curled around the softness of your stomach.
He nuzzled into your neck with a soft kiss behind your ear as his whispered, “Happy birthday, pretty girl.”
Tags [Tumblr kindred spirits]: @aaaaaamond @watercolorskyy @fan-goddess @httpsdoll @theromanticegoist @assortedseaglass @theoneeyedprince @babyblue711 @itbmojojoejo @girlwith-thepearlearring @theobjectofyourire @troublesomesnitch @multyfangirl @officerbrowneyes @qyburnsghost @hb8301 @darylandbethfanforever9 @namelesslosers
arcie's masterlist
#modern aemond#modern aemond targaryen#modern hotd au#modern!aemond targaryen#modern!aemond x reader#modern!aemond x you#plus size reader
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❝You don't think I can please you?❞
part 05 | we're really in it now, darling
chapter summary:
[ Everything comes ahead at a hedge maze because. . . hedge maze. ]
[ +18 MDNI ] [ 4,517 ] [ series masterlist ] | best friend's brother!aemond targaryen x f!reader, ft. cregan stark x f!reader, aemond x alys rivers
contains— angst, a lil smutty but no full whorishness, ya'll good - i should really put idiots in love as a tag shouldn't i - nsfw: grinding + some sexy, sexy second base lmao - no kingslayers, no rogues, no betas.
a/n— i hope ya'll forgive me. comment, reblog & like at will, mi luvs, mwa!
You don't really know what you were expecting come Sunday. Once you started to 'ehh' 'hmmm' and 'maybe's your way through random moments with Helaena after the radio silence from Aemond— your best friend put her foot down.
"Fuck him," Helaena grumbled. "You've been going to Sunday dinners before he was even born, you are not backing down now."
You snorted. "That's wildly inaccurate."
"Point still stands. Fuck. Him. You deserve my mother's tiramisu cake. He doesn't get to take that from you." Her eyes widen as if trying to instil her determination into your system via eye contact. "You are not going to let him take that from you."
You nodded. That's at least a point to pro you can stand by. Though she can't cook to save her life— Alicent's words, not yours — the woman sure can bake. It became therapeutic for her, she once said. How measuring ingredients and kneading dough to patiently folding cream after another kept her mind quiet and her hands busy.
"My faith strongly does not advise rage shooting, you know?" Alicent once hummed.
"Did you mean 'range' shooting?"
"Oh?" she nodded absentmindedly, smiling. "Yes, that too."
"That's true," you mused. Tiramisu cake was her mother's specialty. Every Sunday, she has all attendees pack up at least one cake per person and you and Hel usually stave off bites throughout the week until the next Sunday comes. "I deserve some tiramisu cake, gods be damned it."
"Plus, if you come with me, we'll get two cakes to take home instead of one." She wagged her finger. "We count as two separate entities with one fridge, it's our greatest privilege."
"Daeron calls it preferential treatment."
"I am her only daughter, of course I get preferential treatment."
"As you should, bestie."
Even when you've stopped struggling with choosing if you were going or not, your mind is never faraway from thinking about Aemond. You wonder if he's finally gotten back with Alys was a bad train of thought, while an even worse train of thought is how soft his lips were and how he holds your hair to pull you close when his tongue glides across your bottom lip.
You blink, shaken from the thought. Bad. Bad brain. Stop it.
And repeat. At this point, it was safer to think about Alys and Aemond.
According to previous cycles, by this point they'd be at the height of their newly blossomed relationship— all sweet kisses and heated looks, unable to stop touching each other much less act a little bit better when they're trying to leave a group function to fuck their brains out — so you wouldn't be surprised to see come Sunday that he arrives with Alys— both of them tall, gorgeous with just enough undertone of smirky, smarmy tension that would make you want to stab your own eye out — pointedly ignoring you or whatever happened between you and him.
It hurt to think about sure, but what else did you think was going to happen?
That call made a space the size of a puddle that turned into a lake, welled deep with unresolved feelings and untouched topics. More questions than answers, drawing lines both of you were too scared to tug and see.
It's big enough to notice, and both stubborn enough not to anything about it.
You tried. Well, you almost did. In the weird hours of the day when your brain and body are more physically disjointed so rationality gives way to adrenaline. Most of the time, this is during working hours. You, checking your phone, running around his profile with your thumb a few times, biting your lip as your mind blanks and your body fights to call him. Or leave a message.
Before your mind and body reconnects and you fling your phone as far away from you as possible.
It's weird. You've never fought with Aemond before. If this was considered fighting. You've been disappointed in him, gotten angry and annoyed with him, but someone always, always offers an olive branch.
Every time you think about that call, you close up, your annoyance flares, and you shove your phone away.
In your amicable defense, this was primarily his problem. You weren't truly dating. He made it clear every choice he was making was en toward the agreed conditions were of making his ex jealous enough to take him back, yada yada yada.
Even if, possibly, you wanted more, he made no actual steps to make it known that he was considering it too.
Funny stares on your lips don't count. The only sabbatical from sexual adventures Aemond got were the breakup round with Alys, and as established before, they got it on pretty frequently.
Another thought bubble about Aemond's lips pops in your head, the mint from his toothpaste and the coffee from his black with no sugar, no milk, the way he seemed to suckle on your sighs—
Gods. Damn. It.
That last call?
You're a grown ass woman. You're allowed to do whatever you want with whomever you want, and you're not going to make Aemond Targaryen's steely silence of what— disappointment? Of your choices? Of your choice in Cregan Stark and Cregan Stark Jr? Of what you were doing? Sure he was faithful to the Seven, a good old religious boy raised by his momma, but it doesn't make him a saint. Just because he's clinging to the vestiges of first love thinking it could very well be his last doesn't make him holy, or warrant enough to judge you for getting your little you some good dick.
Life is hard. Good dick is hard to come by!
So. Yeah. Days leading up to Sunday was radio silence and way too many thoughts circling your head like vultures, eating away at logic and rationality, and stubbornly still, you refused to make contact. If it's not out of pride, it's out of hurt.
Because he could apologise, but Aemond wasn't known for his apologies.
But then you remembered the flowers, the tulips, and now you just felt sad. Moping, getting annoyed, and trying to get through work without breaking your phone speeds the week in a blur.
Come Sunday afternoon, Helaena was coming to pick you up from her shift at the vet— the beauty of having a vet bff is the Russian roulette of pictures; you never know if you're about to get cuddly new patients with big, sad eyes and pouty snouts or her newest c-section win without any attempts of a blur — so you could get to her mother's house together, you decided to go for the nines with your outfit.
A sweet summer dress later, some gold gladiator sandals half off from your favourite but largely can't afford shoe boutique that you swear you were always going to wear to make up for the insane price (thank the gods Alicent didn't have a no shoe policy because it takes fifteen minutes to get them on and you cannot be on the floor, on her house, with Aemond around, rolling around like a hot potato on the entry way trying to get a fucking shoe on), dusted and prepped in you're fancier version of makeup, and was just finishing off your hair— using the good mousse whilst blaring Disney epics — when knocking came.
You freeze.
On one hand, it could just be Helaena, forgetting her keys again somewhere as she had done so numerous times before, but there hadn't been a slew of expletives or her impression of a cool, clinical voice saying, ''Tis I, the Stranger, have come for thee soul! Open up I gotta pee, woman!' so you got a pretty good guess on the alternative, sending your heart into a stutter and get smacked with a well deep of yearning.
You miss Aemond. You miss hanging out with him, even just having him on video call whilst you prepped a late dinner and he's working out his thesis defense, too late for either of you, but catching another's eye in the tiny phone and sharing a comforted grin. You miss being called my lady in a language that means so much to him, miss bumping shoulders and smelling his crisp scent of cologne and laundry.
Miss his lips, his very soft, very delicious lips—
"Gods damnit, woman, keep it together," you murmur to yourself. Another series of knocks, ever patient, and you're moved by body not mind as breathless giddiness yanks the door open—
Only to fall flat.
"Oh." You can't hide your disappointment at the curly blond with the smirk for centuries. "Aegon. I didn't know it was you."
"Yes, the expressive disappointment in your eyes could bring a man on the edge to his downfall, I must say," he jokes hoarsely, a little hurt. "Not even a hi Aeg. I've missed you Aeg, or— hey Aeg! You look good enough to eat!"
It's Aegon. Not Aemond. Or Helaena. Helaena and Aemond's older brother, Aegon. Party rocking, cocaine hiding, sweat and someone's lipstick smelling Aegon. You like him despite his whorishness because he's funny, because he's sweet when he wants to be, and he always, always gets you a funny mug when he comes back from wherever he came from.
You blink a couple of times, laughing awkwardly as you give him a quick hug. He still smells the same, with the lightest tint of sun in him from his days at the beach not so long ago no doubt.
"Sorry, sorry. Hi Aeg, I've missed you Aeg, and yes, you do look good enough to eat, Aeg."
He hugs back tighter, smothering you in the denim jacket he's wearing and the curly edge of his white blond hair. He's got a new piercing and smells of new perfume.
"So do you, princess," he says as you step back and he appraises you appreciatively. "Those shoes can step on me any time."
"I will never."
"You will never," he says chirpily, moving back with a teasing grin. "Let me guess, you were waiting for my uglier version to come by and got too overwhelmed by the majesticness of me."
'"Majesticness isn't even a word." You snort. "And Aemond is not your uglier version, you don't look that alike."
He raises an eyebrow as you blink. Fuck. "Dear me oh my, I meant Helaena, babe. When did Aemond get into the mix?"
You shove his shoulder, huffing as you pick up your keys and bag, forcing him to step back as you lock the apartment, trying to give yourself grace from his burning, teasing stare. "As if Helaena didn't tell you." You finally turn to him, lips pursed at his faux innocent pout. "Helaena tells you everything."
"She might have mentioned a thing or two about a thing or two." He bumps your hip as you both get into the elevator. "Imagine my surprise when Lae-lae tells me of a wondrous development between her two favourite people that involved a breakup, some gift-giving shenanigans, and kissing." He gasps dramatically as you groaned. "I leave for what— a month or two and suddenly you and Aemond are making out? Babe, I must say, you're doing the tongue tango with the wrong brother."
"He's not the wrong brother, also the tongue tango? Really?" you snap suddenly. The wrong brother comments always irk you because you understand that it's a sensitive issue to Aemond, as well as Aegon himself.
But it's a bait you realise too late because Aegon Targaryen enjoys hauling truths from people in steps and tricks, uncaring if he takes a stab or two to get there as you meet his gaze against the reflective wall, positively smirking.
"Really now?"
"Why are you even picking me up? I thought you were in Oldtown."
"Already sorted. Hel wanted to make sure you get there in time, she's going to be late... After all your earlier ride backed out didn't he?"
Your mouth pursed, annoyance prickling at your edges as the elevator pulled into the lobby. "I don't want to talk about it, where's your car?"
He whistles, languid and all the time in the world on his shoulders with just the hint of smug. "It's a thirty minute ride, babe, you're going to spill."
You shoot him a withering glare. "Not if I have say in it." For emphasis, you yank his door and slam it. Fuck his new Maserati.
Thirty minutes is more than ample time for Aegon Targaryen to weed his way into your brain like the worst case of earworm (like a stupid ass commercial jingle that just. Won't. Stop) that by the time you reach his mother's, you were ranting.
"—like I get it, saying I'm going out with another guy to get some good dick after confirming that we're going to your mother's for Sunday as a date is bad, but we're not really dating! He said so himself! He pressed the issue of it not being a real thing! And he didn't attempt any—"
"— any communication at all," Aegon echoes, stretching his legs as he stood. "Not a sorry or anything."
"Anything!" you bolster, slamming his door again that is less about him and more about the aggressiveness. "I know that he's bad at apologising, or facing things that are hard, choosing to stew in it and act all shitty to people, I just... I thought he'd at least tell me. Doesn't that warrant our friendship?"
"Hm. Ever think that's precisely why he struggles with you?"
"What does that even mean?"
"That he cares about you, so he struggles more with expressing himself."
You turn to him, cocking your head. "When did you get so wise, oh Gandalf?"
"A Seven focused rehab facility can do that to you," he muses wistfully. "There was this nun that says verses when she orgasms."
You make a face. "Love the fun fact."
"You're welcome. But back to point, isn't the issue also the fact that you never tried to make contact with him either?"
"Well. Yeah. Because..."
Aegon squints at you sympathetically. "Because you're scared of rocking the boat because of how much you like him?"
"Not, well," you hesitate. "Not like that precisely..."
"How much you're capable of liking him?" Aegon smiles wryly. "You had a crush on him, I remembered that at least. When Hel first introduced you to him, you couldn't stop teasing him until he lit up like a Christmas tree. I knew you liked him since then. You called him pretty half the time, and I started to realise it was less about his reaction but how you actually see him, and speaking as the naturally cherub, pretty boy of the family, I find this highly, highly offensive."
You pinch his cheeks, wounding your arm over his shoulder. Aegon was built like a linebacker with less muscles that aren't postern, with wide shoulders and a strong body that's too easy to lean against.
"You're pretty too, Aeg," you coo. "But he's just..."
"If you say ethereal, I will vomit right in my mother's petunias." He makes a face. "How about this. The problem is that you think Aemond doesn't like you back."
You frown at him. "I know Aemond doesn't like me back."
"Oh, sweetie," Aegon coos, sympathy and pity swirling in his smug, smug smile. "I'm so glad you're pretty."
You pinch his sides until he squirms. "Fuck you, what the hell?"
"What I'm saying is, let's test that, you know? Because that's the only variable you aren't sure with?"
You sigh. "Aeg, even if he does, I'm not going to pounce—"
The door swings open, and there he is, of pretty boy face and good boy posture because his mother raised herself a good, devout boy who doesn't know what a slouch is because he's not an ape— and is he wearing his leather jacket? Of course he's wearing the leather jacket and you know that smell, that spiced cologne with the leather and his natural scent and fuck, Aemond is looking at you, looking at his brother, and the open expression, the shock, that smidge of relief— shutters to an icy politeness.
Aegon because he's Aegon, pulls you closer, his mouth curling into a grin that only says trouble, forcing Aemond to straighten up his already perfect posture in preparation for whatever his brother has in mind and his stare is white-hot on the conjoined appendages between you and his brother— and Aegon lands a wet, smacking kiss on your cheekbone.
"Had to pick up your girl, baby bro, I mean what kind of—" his blue gaze finds his mother descending the stairs, peering out to see on who it was, and you're frozen, waiting for the bomb to drop and simultaneously unprepared for it, "— boyfriend has his brother pick up his girl? Good thing you got a good excuse, huh? Oh, hey mother dearest! Your favourite son has come back!"
As Aegon leaves your side with a cheeky little wink, you bit your lip at the frosty look on his face that makes you feel like an absolute idiot and fills you with rage all in one go. Because Aemond has never looked at you like that, like you were at fault and acting like a child, but that you also want to jut a finger against his chest.
"Did you have a nice talk with him on the drive over?" he says, jaw hard.
"I didn't tell him," you hiss, taking the hem of his leather jacket instead of his hands enough so you can pretend to kiss his cheeks because his mother is right there, eyes wide at that two of you as Aegon gave you a discreet thumbs up.
"Helaena did. Get over yourself, your mother's—"
As he freezes and Alicent calls your name, you plaster the best smile you can make as you twine your fingertips with his.
When you leave his side to greet Alicent, you make sure to stomp on his stupid shoes.
As soon as you've finished your mandatory greetings— even with Otto Hightower, Aemond's grandfather, who merely raised his eyebrows at the apparent new status of you and his grandson, Alicent having to blink multiple times, wrangling positives as she kept shooting her son looks while he stood like a block of ice behind you — Aemond takes your hand by his own volition, tangles your fingers too tight, and starts tugging you along like a bouy.
"Are you a child?" you hiss, trying to pry your hand as insistently without outright yanking, Alicent already sending you both concerned looks at a news that she called 'oh, that is wonderful!'
"I am younger than you," he murmurs back, holding you tight.
"Oh, fuck you."
With a defeated huff, you take longer, heavier strides and stomps so you're the one dragging him.
It's all illusion of control built on pettiness because you're still being navigated, it's more just pride at this point, but you don't care, and when he scoffs right back, you felt at least a pinch of a win.
And then he, of course, matches your strides so fucking easily.
"Freaking horse-legged motherfucker," you mumble. You don't know if he catches it, or you're imaging the soft, surprised noise that's both a snort and a laugh.
He winds you around the hallway, an unbreakable trajectory to the backyard, dragging you past an easy eye view from the dramatic, floor to ceiling windows and trespassing straight into the hedge maze because of course they had one of those.
"Really? Here?"
"Do you want to be ogled up by my mother?" he says in a nauseatingly chipper voice. "Is that what you and Aegon are planning with all this, hm?"
You twist out of his grip, walking deeper on your own until your eyes are swallowed by the darkness. When you turn to him, your eyes adjust, only seeing the silver of his hair, so different from his black leather jacket and dark green jumper. You don't see his expression or his sharp gaze.
"Planned this? Seriously? Nothing since coming here had been planned, Aemond," your voice has bite and if your eyes had adjusted faster, or if you could see better, you would see the flinch he makes, "if it had been, this certainly would be the last of my fucking choices. Or do I have to remind you of the fact that we were supposed to go together? Oh right, things change when you drop a call out of fucking nowhere!"
"I—fuck." He moves around, a hand through his hair as exhales in frustration. "I didn't... think you'd want to go with me. That Sunday plans had been cancelled."
"And you didn't think to message? I mean it's not like we're friends in literally every social media." You try not to sound hurt before taking a deep breath, offering your palms up. "I didn't—don't even know what the issue is, Aemond. Were you so offended that I was sexually active that you just had to rudely drop the call and not talk—"
It's maybe the darkness, or intuition but you can bet half yours savings that Aemond Targaryen is blushing.
"It... gods, no it's not... I wasn't offended that you were sexually active," he says softly, evenly. He clears his throat. "I don't... mind that you're... sexually active. I actively... support it. Even." He coughs. Swallows. Curses.
If you don't feel like your heart is pounding in your throat you would have laughed. You had never seen the boy this flustered before that it's affecting his words, because Aemond has always been the most well spoken person you know.
"Is it about Cregan? Do you have something against Cregan?"
His eye flutter close. "No... and yes."
"I don't understand, Aemy," you whisper, defeated.
He sighs. In the dark, you notice a movement. His hands flex. It's a habit he's had since you've known him. It's instinct. The way you reach out, finding a piece of his leather jacket until you find your way to his hands, running your fingers over the bones and ridges, his sinew and skin. There are callouses from his fencing, running your thumb over his knuckles.
He's frozen first before he sighs, melting through the warmth you share with him.
"I have nothing against Stark," he finally says. "It's the fact that you were still having sex with him that I found unfair." He steps closer until you can see his face better, the struggle in him can be told through the furrow in his brows and the press of his pillowy lips, red and wet as if he had bitten through it. "I... understand that we're not really together, but I couldn't... not feel as if it wasn't right. As if I wanted it to be me."
His hands finds your arms, eye closing and gently placing his forehead against your own. At first you panic, your body trying to make your brain decide do you like this or not but it's Aemond, and he's warm, gentle, sweet almost. It's familiar and new at the same time. It's warmth you recognise, skin you will know anywhere, but in a way that you've never felt him before.
You close your eyes and breathe with him.
You know that this is rare. That this Aemond is reserved for people he loves and cares about, but with his forehead against yours, with his hands holding you steady, rubbing a comforting thumb over your skin that felt just as for him as it was for you, breathing you in and exhaling you out. A single breath between two bodies.
"I don't know if I can agree to that, Aemy."
"What?" He pulls back, hurt pulling taunt your favourite pair of lips. "Do you like Cregan more? You don't think I can please you?"
"That's not—"
His hands closes on your face, cupping it in his palms as you stare, wide-eyed at the blue fire lit up in his eye. His breath brushes your lips, making them tingle.
"Push me away if you don't want it," he says before his eye closes and he takes your mouth against his own, swallowing your gasp then pulling you away again, eye glinting.
"Push me away, ñuha riña." His voice is so soft, words crisp while your body thrummed in a single, frantic heartbeat. When you don't move, too shock, thoughts tangled, he smirks.
With his teeth, he captures your bottom lip, grazing it. When he feels you shudder, eyes fluttering, he chuckles meanly.
"Push me away as if you don't want me." He tilts your chin up as he looks down on you, eye confident in its lust. His thumb brushes your bottom lip. "As if you don't feel everything I do."
"Fuck you," you manage to exhale as you grab the back of his head and devour him just as you did at the restaurant. He groans, using his other hand to feel your side, pass your one breast, giving it a firm squeeze that makes you gasp, tongue clashing, legs tangling as you push and push and he pulls you to him, his back hitting the prickly hedge. It's teeth and tongue, breaths twisted in one air as you used each other like lifelines, like enemies in a swords match.
It's feverish and passion, infuriating want that gives. Because when you dominate the kiss, tangling his tongue with your own, yanking him down and down as if you want him to reach every part of you inside, he bends and follows. And when he pulls you, tangles your hair and takes every gasp and breath, you surrender.
He groans when you suck on his bottom lip, pulling away just enough to spit out, "You taste so much better than my dreams." His mouth moves down and down, leaving a path of heat as he suckles at your neck, practically ripping the buttons of the top of your dress as he slides down and grunts in pain.
"A-Aemy?" Your eyes flutter. "Your back, shit—"
"Fuck that." He tugs you down until you land with an oomph! on his lap, your chest at his eye level before he drags them back to your gaze. "Tell me to stop."
You shake your head, tangling your fingers in his hair. "No."
Your back arches, supported in his hold, as he starts sucking the skin lower and lower, another hand massaging your tit that pools hot down your core until his hand, warm and solid, sinew and bone, and Aemond Aemond Aemond, slides between your bra and cups your breast and his hand is so big, and it feels so good that you start grinding on the hard length you feel right at your—
An ear-splitting shriek freezes the both of you. You and Aemond pull back, hand still on your tit.
TAGGED: @snowprincesa1 @gemini-mama @fan-goddess @snh96 @valeskafics @opheliaas-stuff @tempo-rary-fix @fantasticpeaceharmony @diannnnsss @iamavailablesstuff @spinachtz @at-a-rax-ia @bespinnn @tsujifreya @moonlightfoxx @kemillyfreitas @joyouart @bananzaa @honey-on-mars @alexa4040 @cinnamonbambii @wintrr13 @wxb-slingrr @astroswift @queenofshinigamis @helaenaluvr @kaetastic @jxdegodfrey @laniii-on-your-left @watercolorskyy @microwaveallthedemons @kazuyatokue @herfantastyworldd @averyyreads @urmomsgirlfriend1 @bellstwd @jiminie-08 @ttkttt @nockerin @backyardfolklore @random-ocity @hc-geralt-23 @vendettasblog @cicaspair418 @malynn @anehkael @schadenfreude-and-sarcasm
#aemond targaryen#aemond targaryen x reader#ewan mitchell#aemond fanfiction#aemond targaryen x you#aemond targaryen fanfiction#aemond angst#aemond x reader#hotd angst#aemond x you#hotd fanfiction#elle writes !! ꒱ ↷˗ˏˋ🍒#tshbft ༊*·˚ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ
411 notes
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In plain sight
Aemond x niece!reader
Warnings: AOB, swearing, HOTD things, targcest, incest uncle/niece, tension, angst, smut, sexual things, reader is Rhaenyra’s daughter (specified brown hair), plus size reader, fat shaming
Can I fix him? Probably not. I fucking love his actor Ewan omg he is a precious baby boy😭 Aemond can fucking die by dragon fire 👌🏻😂 but I will still write about him because I’m delulu
Your dragon: Another Daughter of Silver wing roughly the same size as Caraxes, looks like Syrax just different colour and size with a different shape head closer to Silverwing mix of grey body and white wings Name - Elea
Set around after Rhaenys’s death

Being sent back to the red keep was daunting, your mothers story’s of her life in the keep didn’t seem this daunting with her fathers rule and her mother when she was alive. Nobody knows you here, if they did it’d be a shock nobody regards you as a Targaryen, they see you and think of a lowlife piglet as some have said. Despite your mothers proudness of you, despite her always wanting to say this is my first born show some damn respect or suffer dragon fire, you always dressed down, made handmaid dresses, common folk dresses and stood on the crowd or to the side line. When your mother would spot you she would try to beckon you over, you always told her you were too sick to go to the meetings, party’s, gatherings whatever was happening, but instead you’d been there as a servant hidden. When your mother would address it you’d shrug her off, more than once have you snapped at her accidentally before apologising and just saying it’s for the best. You’ve never ridden your dragon, to scared too even when she came out of the dragon pit and claimed you. It scared you that day when your mother was heading to go out on Syrax and another dragon appeared, much bigger than Syrax and the colours of the moon with silver eyes staring at you. She bent her neck to you while your mother beamed proudly urging you to go on. You didn’t, you apologised to the dragon in high Valyria, ordered it to go back to its den and bid your mother farewell. Your dragon Elea did not take kind to being told to go back to bed, you were out taking a walk when she swooped you, landed heavily in front of you and snorted angrily. How you ever explained to dragon that you cannot ride her was beyond you, it took three weeks before she gave in to your demands to reside where she lived and be merry on her own before she chose you. Now with everything that’s happened, your mother has been more persistent about you riding Elea, this war turning to the dragons to take down the Queen of them all, Vhagar and her prince rider. You couldn’t though, so you snuck off.
You weren’t here to reminisce though, or think about how you left your mother without telling her or Elea. You went to the red keep, managed to get past the guarded gate with the help of Mysaria and her whisperers and got a job as a maid in the castle right under their noses. You thought all was going well till you met eyes with the prince regent and his one good eye glinted. You were pouring drinks at the council, standing off to the side with a jug of wine in hand pretending not to listen. This is what you were good for, listening, gathering information, not riding dragons into war. You see the flick of fingers and walk to pour more wine into the princes cup. You hold your breath, too many times have you caught his scent and frozen from it. You glanced briefly to his face, first mistake, his nose flared, jaw clenching his one good eye staring at you. Another gift from your father no true light purple Targaryen eye colour. You quickly looked away and resumed your post. Nothing of importance in these meetings so far apart from the prince regent taking his mother off the council.
You were roaming the halls hoping to steal some secrets or whispered when someone called your name, your true name and not the servant name you made up. You pretended not listen knowing that voice too well till you were snatched into a thankful empty room, an angry alpha prince staring down at you.
“My prince!” You say surprised and bow your head.
“Drop the act little niece” his words are venom but you keep your eyes on the ground and shake your head.
“I am of no relation to the prince, apologies if I have deceived you in that way” you bend your knees in a curtsey keeping your eyes on the floor and your breath still. He says your name and you try not to flinch at the smoothness of it. Instead you take a small breath regretting it when his scent hits your nose. Two fingers go under your chin and you’re forced to look at him, you don’t know how he could recognise you, how anyone could, nobody knew you.
“My prince I am late for my duties” you say in hopes of deterring him. He holds your chin and tilts your head to the side slightly making you frown before he leans down. Hot breath fans against your neck and your body shudders.
“I could always sense you in the shadows” he mutters.
“Smell you close by but always hiding” he adds and you try to relax your body.
“Are you embarrassed of being a Targaryen?” He asks and your hand moves without warning. You grip his wrist and tug it from your chin his head lifting up. Your hand holds his wrist tightly like you want to snap it off and you struggle to breathe.
“I am the embarrassment” it slips from your lips. You stare harshly at his top buttons on his jacket, eyes narrow.
“So you admit you are who I say you are?” You can hear his smirk and realise you hadn’t let go of his wrist. Holding it between you both.
“Excuse me my prince” is all you manage before you’re holding your dress just above your feet and rushing down the halls to the servants quarters a burning in your chest.
Next part ->
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THE PINK DREAD - CH. 22 (Masterlist)
Chapter Summary: It's Maiden's Day. The Royal Conclave has officially begun with guests from all four corners of the Realm gathering into the Grand Hall for the first Ball of the season, where all the Maidens will be presented. Word Count: 5651 CHAPTER WARNINGS: Misogyny. Religious themes.
Series tags: Aemond x Plus size!OfC, Aegon x Plus size!OfC, Celtigar!ofc, Plot with Smut, mdni 18+, Aemond End Game, Angst, Comedy, The Dragons Don't Dance, slow burn, friends to enemies to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers.
Credits: Lace Banner by Aquazero, pearl divider by Pommecita
Maiden’s Day had begun shortly after the arrival of the King and Queen. The last three days were a flurry of last minute preparations. All the unwed ladies of the Realm were being prepared to don their white gowns, displaying their virtue on their sleeve, so they may all crowd inside the Great Sept atop of Visenya’s Hill and pay tribute to the Maiden.
In the Celtigar apartments, bodies milled in and out of the room with tailors and seamstresses alike. Valeana already had a dress made for herself, which she had done moons ago for Maiden’s Day. Though, at the time, she believed it would have been celebrated at Claw Isle, like it was every year for the past decade. Her sisters were a different story; their dresses were commissioned prior to the funeral, and they were now rushed to adjust days before the event. In comparison, they were plainer than Valeana’s, who had the time to stitch out every detail, but they were still lovely and extravagant, as all Celtigar women were known for.
Floris��� was a shockingly pearl white gown with a modest boatneck neckline, and tight wrist length sleeves. The neck, arms, and hemline adorned with the same damask embroidery stitched into it, with small quartz crystals polished into teardrops dangling along her neckline. Her hair was pulled away from her face, parted down the middle, flowing down her back with only a single braid woven down the middle. Any stray hair would have been held back by her crescent white hood that had a white veil hiding her brown tresses.
Shyla’s was an alabaster white, with a scoop neckline to accentuate her beautiful neck, and capped sleeves. She had more of an empire waistline, allowing the skirt to flow freely with its light tulle curtains. There was less detail in hers, but there were pearls woven into the skirt sporadically, like white stars on a canvas of clouds. Lastly, she wore lace gloves, a matching pearl choker with a ruby at the center, and unlike Floris, all her hair was piled up, topped with an albino peacock feather.
With her extra free time, Valeana was able to put her full attention on the dress she had promised Queen Alicent she would make. She had already presented the queen days prior to her departure with sketches of her designs, and Alicent had only responded with requests for minor changes. She did not wish to be scandalous, but she did want to make a statement. The design she chose would be tedious, but Val enjoyed the challenge. Rosy, her ever loyal handmaiden, was always there to assist with her mistress’ work. She had helped many times in the past, which has aided Valeana greatly when it came to multiple gowns for multiple occasions… Which she would likely need these next couple of moons.
She had a lot of work ahead of her, particularly her own gown for the Creature’s Ball. She had no ideas for herself, and that made it all the more difficult to start. Her hands moved along the soft fabrics that her mother had brought over from Claw Isle and bought in King’s Landing market places. All colours of the rainbow were presented before her, in various shades and saturations. From brilliant cobalt blues, to muted lavenders, to rose blush reds, to even unflattering palettes such as mustard yellow, mourning black, burlap sack brown, and salmon pink.
Maiden’s Day started painstakingly early as everyone got ready, aside from the men who did not need to don their formal attire until later, just before the ball. Valeana strapped in her more formal prosthetic, the one she affectionately called “Ser An-toe-knee Woodsby”, who had a wedged heel to accommodate the height of her wedged shoe. She always preferred this prosthetic over “Lady Footlyn”, it was more elegant, and walking in it felt more natural, but the caveat was that it wasn’t as worn in as she would have liked, and it would always have to be worn with a wedge shoe on her other foot. The increased height made it more difficult for her to stand for hours now that her right foot was made to bear the brunt of her weight on the balls of her feet. Still, she loved the way it made her hips sway side to side.
Her large ivory gown was pulled over her head, and pooled at her feet with its scalloped hemline. Out of the three dresses, Valeana’s was the only one with colour. Maroon embroidered roses were designed in the grand width of the gown, standing tall on their stems like an award winning rose garden. The same pattern was centered on her bodice, the bud of the rose centered between the width of her breast, and the bottom of the stem ending at the ‘V’ shape at her waistline. Her biceps had the same design as well, although more subtle, taking the snug shape of her arm until it got to her elbow where it flared out in delicate lace. Then, as always in Celtigar fashion, pearls decorated the dress all over, accentuating lines to give it more texture.
Valeana’s hair took the most amount of time. As long and thick as it was, it took two handmaids to tend to it. They pulled and pinned until it became a single large braid, the knots loosened elegantly, and decorated with sprigs of baby’s breath. Mother wanted it to be put up, but Valeana argued that the weight of her hair would cramp her neck.
Wheelhouse after wheelhouse left the Red Keep that morning. When they reached Visenya’s Hill, it was crowded with carriages, horses, and women in white. Hundreds of maidens gathered into the Great Sept, leaving behind their mothers, their aunts, their fathers, and other guardians behind.
Only maidens were allowed to fill the halls of the Great Sept that day.
In silence, Valeana and her sisters entered the massive structure. It had been a decade since she last saw it and it never ceased to amaze her. The domed ceilings were so high that you could hear a whisper of a prayer from the other side of the Sept. Her eyes roamed around, looking at unfamiliar faces of women and girls alike. From girls as young as three, to spinster women as old as 60. If you were never married, and never laid with a man, you were here to worship and honour at the feet of the Maiden.
She did not see Ellyn and Wylla in the crowd of white, and she ended up losing her sisters in the shuffle of the crowd. Not wanting to waste time on finding her people, she decided to take place in the first empty space she could. She immediately spotted one on a pew next to a young woman in a frost white gown, hair a beautiful red orange that was laid in waves down her back and plaited into a crown adorning her head. She was on the robust side, with rounded cheeks, a wide waistline, and soft arms. She reminded Valeana a lot of her former younger self, but admittedly this young girl was far more prettier, more vibrant.
“Do you mind…?” Valeana asks the girl in a whisper. No one dared to raise their voices while the Septas filtered through the crowd with vulture-like awareness. Every once in a while, they would ring a bell when someone was being too loud.
The girl looked up with surprised sapphire blue eyes, then she relaxed with a kind smile, “No, not at all.”
Valeana settled in beside her, and took a look around to see if she could spot her sisters, or her two only friends, Wylla and Ellyn.
“Looking for someone?” The girl next to her asks.
“Lost my sisters in the crowd,” she admitted. “Trying to spot my friends, but… with everyone wearing white, they all blend in together.”
The girl softly chuckled, then quickly covered her mouth, “Same thing happened to me, but with my cousins. I have no sisters, just too many brothers.”
Valeana smiled in response, “Who are your cousins?”
“They are Lord Tyrell’s daughters,” she answered simply, then extended her hand. “My name is Lady Catelyn by the way. Catelyn Redwyne. But you can call me Cat, everyone does.”
Valeana took it and they both shook gently, “Lady Valeana Celtigar.”
The mention of her name caused the young girl’s brows to raise and her mouth to gape a bit, “You’re Valeana Celtigar?”
The octave of her voice was loud enough for a Septa to sharply bring a bell in their direction. The two girls looked over before hunching down and continuing their whispers.
“Erm, yes. How do you know me?”
“Your name is spoken all over the pavilions,” Cat whispered in haste as she took a glance around to make sure no one was listening. “They say King Viserys’ two eldest sons are fighting over your hand.”
A deep blush stained her cheeks, “That isn’t… That’s not what is happening at all. Are people really talking about me? I haven’t even left the Keep since I arrived.”
Cat nodded eagerly, “It is all the ladies are talking about. That and your… uhm, many drunken exploits with men.”
The bell rang next to her ear, jostling her in her seat. When she turned around, a Septa was glaring at her with a twisted puckered face. Slowly Valeana turned back around.
“It was one time,” she immediately corrected. “And I was in the company of women.”
“Well, whatever the truth of it is,” Cat started, a little smile at the corner of her lip, “You are creating quite a stir in the Realm. It has caused a divide between the ladies.”
“What do you mean?”
“Half the women wish to end you, and the other half wish to be you. Either way, all here are green with envy.”
“And which half are you, Lady Cat?”
She smiled sweetly, folding her arms on her lap demurely, “I am a fan of great romances, and therefore, a fan of you. It reminds me much of this novel I read whilst living in Highgarden. It is about a woman from the North forced to marry a Dornish prince, but fell in love with his brother. But she ended up falling for her betrothed too, after some time. It was quite riveting.”
Valeana’s face was fully pink at this point, from outrage over this news, to flattery over Cat’s praise. At this odd book that sounded far too familiar for her liking. She cleared her throat, “And–and what happened… in the end?”
Catelyn sucked in her lips sheepishly, “Oh, I dare not say. Not here, not on Maiden’s Day.”
Valeana shot a look at the giant statue of the Maiden, whose feet they all circled. Then she looked back at the Redwyne girl, “Whisper it into my ear.”
Tentatively, Cat leaned over and cupped her hand over Valeana’s ear, “They both became her lovers. Often at the same time.”
If it was possible, Valeana’s face went pinker. Her eyes glanced back at the Maiden, green eyes filled with religious guilt.
Maiden, forgive me for my thoughts. She thought, swallowing thickly.
The Great Hall was near its capacity with the collection of noble families that crowded it. Hundreds if not a full thousand people mulled around, mostly men as half the population of their guests were making their way towards the Red Keep from the Great Sept. Aemond lurked in the fringes of the hall, eye moving along to each faceless body, trying to identify who belonged to which family. He spotted Lord Borros immediately; he was an easy character to pick out from the crowd, and it was not because of his size. He was loud and tended to take up as much space as possible. Along with him, he found Jason Lannister, their Lord Treasurer’s twin brother. Lord Tyrell and his Dornish wife, the Redwyne brothers, the Starks, the Freys, and even the Greyjoys were in attendance.
Aemond knew that most would not stay longer than the length of the Tourney; it was not just wives that these bachelors looked for, but titles and knighthoods, of which the King promised. But there were many bachelors indeed, easily identifiable by their attire.
The maidens wore white, and so did the un-affixed men, save for the widowers. The young men and boys that had not married once wore various shades of white doublets and jerkins. Their breeches are generally a darker colour, and a formal cloak of their house colours framed their bodies.
Aemond abhorred the colour white on him, but at the very least the dark forest green of his cloak gave him the depth of darkness that he preferred. The lapels and stitching of his satin jerkin carried the same green, and in the same shade of white, dragons were embroidered onto his shoulders and the bottom near his hips. His cloak hung on a gold chain clutched in the jaws of two dragons at his shoulders. His eyepatch was the only black piece of clothing on him; it was his most formal one, with swirly switching in the leather. The strap this time was tucked under his hair and under the shell of his ear on one side, giving room for the golden circlet above his brow, showing his status as a prince of the realm. Lastly, part of his hair was intricately woven into a series of plaits that collected into a fishtail braid that went down the center of his head, the length of the rest of his hair fanned over his back like a sheet of silk. The process of which was irksome, as Aemond absolutely loathed anyone but himself and his mother to touch his hair.
His eye fell onto Aegon, who wore similar garb, but held more gold than green on his doublet. His hair was only half pulled back into a small twisted plait on the back of his head, and the circlet that rested on his brow had emeralds encrusted around the gold rim. He kept himself busy with socializing, as that was what Aegon was known for. He surrounded himself with the team of Redwyne brothers, laughing loudly over goblets of wine, likely made from their wineries.
Aemond moved his attention away from him, landing onto his uncle who was on the other side of the hall, keeping to the fringes just like him. Daemon wore black, whether by a personal preference or to convey the fact that he was still in mourning. It was likely the former of the two, knowing his uncle’s reputation. Daemon’s cloak was black as well, though the inside was blood red, making the Rogue Prince look like the Black Dread in human form.
And of course, Daemon was looking directly at him.
Aemond kept his eye on him, refusing to move it an inch.
It was always so strange to him that he and his uncle had not formally met at Leana's funeral, and even after the incident, no regard was spared. Daemon lurked in the shadows while his mother screamed for justice over Aemond’s eye, and not once did the Lord of Flea Bottom say a word about him claiming his late wife’s dragon. It wasn’t until only a couple days ago that they had even locked eyes with each other, after Valeana and Jacaerys greeted each other.
It was bizarre. Like looking into a mirror that showed him his future.
The staring contest broke when Daemon was joined by his step sons, oblivious to Aemond’s spectre on the other side of the Great Hall. Both men wore identical garb, save for their colouring. As heir to the heir, Jace wore a red cloak, draped over one shoulder, being held on by a silver dragon’s claw. His brother wore a muted aquamarine one, and his doublet had the image of the seahorse woven into patterns at his breast. With Lord Corlys still abed with no indication of survival, Luke’s choice of colours was a clear statement that he was the heir to Driftmark… But anyone with eyes knew the title belonged to Lord Vaemond Velayron.
The doors to the main entrance opened with the blaring of trumpets announcing the arrival of the maidens. A hush went through the crowd as all men, and married and widowed women flanked the sides in order to make room for the ladies that would be presented. The first, of course, was Princess Helaena, who was dressed resplendently in a true white gown with a train that followed behind her. Her hair unbound, with a crown of white flowers upon her head. Her dress had little crystals woven into the hems and linings, and the shape of butterflies could be seen in the fine embroidery. Her sleeves were long and billowy, flowing into her skirts and covering her arms and hands completely.
It was painfully obvious how nervous and fretful she was. She slowly descended down the wide staircase, eyes flickering around the crowd as her eyes shone with a glossiness of unease. Helaena was not good with crowds, and here she was on display for the entire Kingdom. Aemond made a step towards her, intent on collecting her from her personal hell, but his mother beat him to it. She swiftly cut through the crowd that parted and bowed for her. Upon reaching Helaena, she took her hand and silently pulled her through the crowd towards the head table where the royal family would be seated.
After that was settled, the gently bred ladies were introduced to the room three to four at a time. There were the Four Storms, the Baratheon sisters, then Jason Lannister’s girls, and so forth. After a lady Redwyne and her Tyrell cousins were introduced, the names of Floris, Valeana and Shyla were announced, and Aemond snapped to attention.
“Lady Floris Grafton, Lady Valeana Celtigar, and Lady Shyla Celtigar,” the announcer’s voice echoed in the hall. Aemond’s eye swept around for a moment, noticing some of the women whispering to each other as they craned their necks to watch the three girls descend down the stairs.
Aemond tried to appear impartial, but his body moved without his consent. He stepped in between bodies, forcing them to part with his shoulder. When people craned to see who had been cutting through them, they jumped aside. Had Aemond been paying attention to his surroundings, he would have noticed he was not the only one that filtered through the bodies to get closer. Apart from him, there were three others.
Valeana had her hands clutched in her gown, chin down on her clavicle as she watched her steps down the stairs. Her hair practically glowed in the midday sun that shone through the skylight and stained glass windows, giving her a halo of dust particles dancing around in the air about her head. Aemond has never seen her in white before, at least not from head to toe. She was radiant, like a star on earth.
A divine creature descended from the Seventh Heaven.
The Maiden in flesh and bone.
His eye trained on her every movement, his vision a tunnel and she was the light at the end of it. She was the only thing that existed in that room, in that world. Once she reached the ground, her eyes lifted and like a magnetic force they immediately found him.
There was a ringing in his ear as he became deaf to everything and everyone around him. They were suspended in time the moment their eyes locked onto each other. Aemond’s lips parted as the breath was quite literally stolen from his lungs, and his life flashed before his eyes. All moments in time that he shared with her, as far back as babes.
Squeals of laughter and delight as they played in the rain and mud, and then ran through the corridor tracking dirt on the flagstone, being chased by two irate Septas. Sitting back to back in a copper tub as the same two women scrubbed them down to their bones.
Wrestling over the last lemon tart on their shared platter underneath the Heart Tree, getting tangled in the roots as they tugged at each other’s hair and pinched each other’s arms. They always ended up splitting it in the end when Valeana tapped out, huffing in disappointment and ignition.
Their “discreet and secretive” sleep overs they would have under a large desk in the royal library. Sharing a large pillow and blanket as he practiced his Valyrian to her until she fell asleep on his shoulder. Maester Artos would always find them, barking loud enough to wake them in a startle, causing their heads to bump into each other.
Her face lighting up whenever he presented her with menial gifts, such as shiny rocks, seashells, flowers, or rusted jewelry found on the beaches of Blackwater Rush. She would always make something out of them; pendants, earrings, or unconventionally sewn in an embroidery loop, woven in her art for eternity.
She running to him in tears after the Greyjoy boy kept on pinching and slapping her behind whenever she had her back turned. He had taken his handkerchief and dried her tears and smoothed down her hair, vowing that he will never let him touch her again.
And then lastly when his father told him he would be marrying her, his best friend. And his one and only weakness. His pride and fear consumed him then, but now…
Now, as he watched her turn away, her hand poised out to grasp the hand of her elder brother, he was consumed by a new type of fear. The fear of losing her completely, of which his pride now would not allow.
Valeana Celtigar belonged to him.
As time took motion once more, the chorus of music and chatter filled his eardrums. Aemond was returned to reality, left to stare at her back as Clement brought his Valeana over to the side, where the rest of her family waited. Aemond forced himself to turn away before he could do anything rash in front of quite literally all of the Realm.
The first dance of the ball was to begin shortly after the mingling of guests, and it would be followed by the feast, and a parade of fools and entertainers. Aemond intended to reach Valeana before the dance could begin, before Aegon or Jacaerys could reach her. He cut through the crowd in long strides, hyper aware of the eyes of his father, mother, sister, and rogue uncle upon him as he narrowed the space between himself and the Celtigars. However, before he could even get within yards of them, his path was intercepted by Lord Borros and the eager brown eyes of Maris Baratheon.
“Prince Aemond,” The Stormlord greeted, his smile calculated and false. It didn’t reach his dark eyes, which assessed him with keen suspicion. “I thought you might have lost my beautiful daughter in the crowd, and so I personally escorted her to you.”
Maris looked up at her father in gratitude before back at Aemond, “I told my father it was my wish to take my first dance with you, Prince Aemond. If it pleases you.”
The reality of his decisions of the past few weeks weighed heavily on his shoulders in that instant. Since that moment in the corridor with Valeana the other day, he had forgotten he had shown personal interest in Maris Baratheon. By now Borros surely was already fixated on the idea of betrothal, else he would not be here carting his daughter to him like a sacrificial lamb. More likely than not, the Stormlord surely had talked to the King about it already, which presented more problems. Had this been a week ago, Aemond would have only hesitated for a moment before bending to duty, should it have been the will of his father and mother. Both of which he knew were against it for some vague reason, given the lecture that was given to both him and Aegon the night of their return.
His eyes flickered above their heads where he could just about make out Valeana, standing partially behind the body of a girl with red hair and a round, plush face. Aegon and Jace crowded them, effectively snuffing out his chance at claiming Val’s first dance.
Aemond’s jaw was tense when he looked back down at Maris, but he forced himself to smile, just enough to make him look convincing.
“It would please me greatly, Lady Maris,” he extended his hand to her, which she took with a bright smile and casted a look to her father over her shoulder.
Lord Borros hummed satisfyingly, “Wise choice, my Prince. Next to my little Floris, she is the best dancer at Storm’s End. Beauty, brains, and grace!”
“Father! Please!” Maris chided, taking her place at Aemond’s side. Too close for comfort. Too close for him to look detached.
Separating himself from Maris now was going to be a challenge. The last thing he needed was contention with Borros Baratheon, when in the future his mother and grandsire may need his loyalty.
Aegon was well into his cups before the maidens arrived for the ball, and that was simply due to his nature. A man who quickly found friends among strangers, Aegon was by all accounts a social butterfly, and an avid social drinker. When the maidens started to enter the Great Hall, he leaned against a large pillar casually next to Redwyne brothers, as the four of them each judged every girl that walked in.
“Ah, Cassandra Baratheon,” Aegon turned to the three men, “Beautiful, but a bore. She complains about every bloody thing.”
“That is unfortunate,” Cleyton, the eldest, tutted. “I like tall women.”
Aegon scrunched up his nose at that, “Do you really? Not for me. I like them short… easier to align their nose with my cock.”
The men laughed and turned back to the parade of women. Jason Lannister’s daughters came in after, hair like spun wheat and looking like clones of each other.
“I’d take them all, one at a time, or all together, really,” Ser Cedric, the second son, giggled into his cup while his younger brother slapped him in his arm.
“Such a pig, Cedric. A greedy pig,” Colin chided, earning him an incredulous look from Cedric.
“You’re one to talk, baby brother. You were ogling the widows like a hunger panged hound.”
Cleyton leaned into Aegon’s shoulder, “He likes older women.”
Aegon’s shoulders shook with a soft laugh, “I do not blame him. Older women often make the most eager sluts.”
“Lady Wylla Stark, Lady Barba Bolton, and Lysara Karstark.”
“Oh, now she is a work of art,” Cedric stepped forward, his hand gesturing to the raven haired woman descending the stairs. “I always thought Northern women were large, hairy and had beards. Thank the Seven I’m wrong.”
“I’d be careful with that one,” Aegon said thoughtfully. “She will emasculate you with her eyes alone.”
Cedric smirked widely, “Sounds like my kind of woman, then. I enjoy a good hunt every once in a while, you know?”
Cleyton snorted, shaking his head, “You forget she’s a Stark; a direwolf. She’s the hunter… And you are a pretty boy with a long stick and shiny hair that you spend too much time on.”
The boys laughed, even Aegon, as Cedric shook his vibrant mane away from his face haughtily, “Thank you for calling me pretty, brother. You know how it gets me hard.”
“Good gods,” Colin sighed embarrassingly into his palm.
Then the doors opened to three women, two tall and willowy with dark brown to black hair in coiled curls and thin braids, and the third a shorter girl in an empire waistline dress and bright orange hair tumbling about her shoulders. Clearly a chubby one, even with the cut of her dress that tried to shield her unwanted curves.
“Oh, that is simply not fair,” Aegon tutted, “You don’t pair up the thoroughbreds with the mule.”
“Oi, careful now,” Cleyton rebuked while Cedric made a sharp hissing sound through his teeth before covering his grin with his fist.
“That’s our sister, my Prince,” Colin quickly added.
Aegon grimaced, sucking at his teeth as he casted a look over to his new mates, “Sorry. What I mean to say is: Your sister is very lovely.”
The girls were introduced as Lady Sharis and Malora Tyrell, and Lady Catelyn Redwyne, first cousins likely from their mother’s side of the family.
“Lovely, sure,” Cedric snorted in his cup, earning him a quick whack from his elder brother upside the head.
It was not long after that the Celtigar sisters were introduced to the crowd. The mere appearance of Valeana was enough to sober Aegon, but only to then get drunk at her visage after.
“Oh, ho, ho,” Cedric dog whistles and nudges Aegon’s arm, “That’s her then? The Celtigar girl that’s gotten the Princes of the Realm all in a tizzy. Now I can see what the fuss is all about. It’s the only bloody thing Cat, Shar and Mal can ever bleedin’ talk about.”
Aegon grinned, eyes still glued onto Valeana as she descended down the stairs slowly, her sisters trailing ahead of her at a faster pace.
“The whispers have reached the pavilions then?” Aegon’s eyebrow raised, not paying them a minute of his attention. His teeth grazed his bottom lip as his eyes drank in every inch of her. Her neck, her hair, her bosoms and her cinched waistline. He felt a stir in his loins and the overwhelming desire to taint her white dress by deflowering her took over his senses.
Her maidenhead will be his.
He stopped listening to the Redwyne brothers; their prattle was background noise to him as he swallowed the remains of his goblet and quickly shoved it into one of the boys’ empty palms.
“Excuse me,” he pushed himself from the column, eyes trained on Valeana as she parted from her family to go converse with none other than Catelyn Redwyne, of all people.
As he made his way through the milling bodies, in the corner of his eye he could see another filtering through towards the same destination. His eyes caught his nephew’s, and with a dual glance back at Valeana, the race was on. The two princes cut through the crowd, causing curious looks and shocked whispers at the sight.
“Seven Hells,” Valeana startled when she turned around just in time to see the brown and silver haired princes all but collide with each other. Overwhelmed by the sudden attention, she put Catelyn in front of her to shield her. The redheaded girl did not seem to complain.
“Good Maiden’s Day, Lady Valeana,” Aegon greeted first, a knowing smile upon his face. “You look resplendent today.”
“Thank you, my Prince,” Val curtsied stiffly.
“I dare say she always looks resplendent,” Jace smiled, his hands folded neatly in front of him, “But, you do look exceptionally more today, Lady Valeana. White suits you.”
Aegon sent him a withering look.
Catelyn turned to Valeana, all wide eyed and gleaming with barely concealed excitement. Aegon didn’t see, but she mouthed: “Three princes?!”
Valeana’s eyes widened slightly at her before returning her attention to the men in front of her, “Prince Aegon, Prince Jacaerys, this is my new friend, Lady Catelyn Redwyne.”
“But, please call me Cat. Everyone does.”
“Ah, yes, I was just acquainting myself with your brothers,” Aegon bobbed on his feet and smiled politely at her. “Lively lads, them. It is true what they say about the Redwynes; they can drink anyone under the table and still walk in a straight line. A talent I someday wish to have.”
Cat giggled, then gave a soft snort, which caused her to blush heavily and cover her mouth, “Oh! Oh, dear, that was embarrassing.”
Aegon hummed amusingly, smile still donned, “Aren’t you a darling. If I can make a lady laugh to the point of snorting, then I have succeeded in life.”
The four of their heads perked up at the sound of lutes and drums, signalling that the first dance was about to begin. Aegon turned back around, eyes finding Valeana’s His mouth opened, ready to ask her for a dance, but Jace was quicker and his request left no room for refusal.
“I promised Lady Ursula that you would be the first I asked to dance, Lady Valeana,” Jace stepped forward with an extended hand, his smile charming, “I hope you do not do me a disservice by forcing me to break that promise.”
Valeana swallowed, looking at Aegon briefly with pained eyes, and then back at Jace. The corners of her lips tugged upward, twitching as she tried to keep a polite face.
“Well, I would never wish to disappoint my mother,” she placed her hand in his, and he gently pulled her into his orbit.
Aegon glowered silently, nostrils flared as his finger curled into fists. Jace gave him a smug look of triumph, the end of his lips turning into an insufferable smirk before returning his baseborn brown eyes onto Valeana. She gave Aegon one last look before she disappeared onto the dance floor.
“Strong bastard,” Aegon hissed, forgetting he was not alone.
Catelyn laugh-snorted again, then promptly covered her mouth, eyes wide with realization. “Oh no, I should not have laughed at that.”
Aegon’s mood significantly shifted; his smile broadened as he turned to her. “Oh, but I am glad you did,” he tilted his head and offered her his hand. “May I have your first dance, Lady Cat?”
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE SNEAK PEAK He hummed, his eyes glancing down to the floor where her feet were hidden behind the hem of her dress, and then back up. “I didn’t see you dancing.” She couldn’t help her eyes from narrowing, “You were watching me?” There was a faint smile there, one that she could not decide if she liked or not. Though what he said after did make her toes tingle and her face feel hot. “Always.”
Notes: Oh, where do I begin. You finally get to meet my other babies. If it wasn't obvious already, the heroine for Aegon's Spin Off story has been introduce, along with her brothers and cousins. They party hard at the Arbor, what can I say. I havent decided yet if I'll wait until the end of TPD to post his story yet, but I will warn you guys, that there will be a mia moment of no updates for probably two weeks as I try to work on both of them simultaneously. I've only written the prologue, and I need to make sure I get the timeline right. But that will probably not happen until sometime in November.
Tag: @queen-of-elves, @keylin1730, @anakilusmos, @weepingfashionwritingplaid, @sugutoad, @desireangel
( if you wish to be tagged for this story, just give me a reply! )
Please do not re post, redistribute or plagiarize my work. The only other place this story is posted on is ao3 under the same username.
#celtfics#celtfics: pink dread#aemond fic#aemond fanfiction#aemond x oc#aemond x ofc#aemond x original female character#aemond x original character#aemond targaryen#aemond x reader#aemond x celtigar#plus size oc#plus size original character#aemond x plus size ofc#aegon x ofc#aegon targaryen#aegon x oc#18+ mdni#house of the dragon#house of the dragon fic#hotd fic#hotd fanfiction#ewan mitchell#ewan mitchell fic#aemond targaryen x oc#aemond targaryen x ofc#aemond one eye
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Kinktober day 3 : Daddy kink
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem reader
Summary: Aemond doesn’t seem to like this new dress... or does he like it?
Warning: Daddy’s kink, teasing
Note from the author: this is in modern AU, hopefully you will like it. About the dress wearing, by the reader, everyone is allowed to wear it, no matter if you are slim or chubby/plus size/fat. As long as you think you’re beautiful, that’s the most important thing. Love yourself.
It was to be a peacefull night, at the opening of a new art gallery sponsored by the Targaryen family. Aemond was choiced as part of the family who were to attend, at least Aegon had not been invited, and Rhaenyra and her children were on another continent on a diplomatic trip.
Aemond sat in one of the lounge chairs. He had been waiting for 30 minutes for his fiancé to be prepared to leave. If at first he thought it was normal, the more he waited, the more annoyed he became. He was tapping the edge of the armrest with his long fingers, his back against the back of the chair.
When he heard the sound of the heels in contact with the wood of the staircase, Aemond turned his head towards the said staircase.
His pupil are dilated when he saw her. Y/n was dressed in a dress that highlighted and valued her forms, The color chosen, was perfect. The eye of Aemond, going up and down along her body, linger on her feet, slowly climbing up along her legs, trying to find the bottom of her robe. Dress that became smaller and smaller to his taste. It was a mini dress she wore, one that stopped just after the buttocks. Leaving visible the thighs that Aemond loved to grab. Continuing to look along her body, he lingered at the level of the edge of the dress, at her breast, which was found to be dipping, too dipping for his taste. In contradiction the makeup of Y/n was that of all days, just a touch of more pronounced khôl.
"Where do you think you’re going dressed like that?"
"What? Don’t you like it?"
"Yes... no!." Aemond was frustrated.
"Would you rather I be on your arm dressing in a garbage bag?"
"No, of course not, but I don’t want you to dress like..."
"Like what?"
"You know it very well."
"Aemond." The tone of your voice left no option for Aemond.
"A whore"
"So for you I’m a prostitute, if I’m dressed like that?"
"No, of course not, but you’re my good girl."
"Oh... so... Daddy think that I’m a bad girl?..."
Aemond let out a rumble from the back of his throat. This rumble made Y/n, clenching her thighs against each other.
"A very, very bad girl." Aemond moved one hand in his direction before moving his index finger. "
Y/n walked towards Aemond, her heels clanging against the rough wooden floor. The edge of her dress rose slightly after a few steps, leaving Aemond with the vision of the lace undergarment. Another rumble escaped him.
"On your knees."
Y/n knelt between her fiancé’s legs. Like the good girl she was. She did not move, raising her head to look at Aemond. He placed one of his hands against her cheek, stroking it gently before moving his thumb against her lips, she opened her mouth slightly, allowing it to run around with his thumb going in the inside of her lower lip and the top of her teeth.
"Your a bad girl. And you know what’s happening to the bad girl."
Y/n shudder at his words, oh she knew what he was talking about, the bad girls were not allowed to cum until daddy said so. When he pushed his thumb more into her mouth, she licked and sucked him, while looking at his eye.
"Stand up" He patted one of his thighs. "Sit down."
Y/n did as he said, her legs becoming weak, her underwear becoming soaked by her anticipation. When she sat down, her dress rose above her buttocks; Aemond did not touch her.
"Look at all the mess you made."
"I’m sorry daddy..." Aemond smirked softly.
"You’re gonna do daddy's order."
"Yes, daddy..."
She did not move, itching to be again being called a good girl.
"Move, slowly." His words were slow. Measured.
Y/n began to move her hips, rubbing against Aemond’s thigh. Slowly a thin wet layer settled against the fabric of the pants. She began to moan softly. While placing her hands against Aemond’s shoulders. After a few minutes, her slow comes and goes movements became not enough for her and Aemond knew that.
"You can do it, good girls are obedient."
"D... daddy..."
"Are you a good girl?"
"Yes... yes I’m a good girl... y... your good girl..."
"Hm... I’m not sure about that."
Y/n Groans of frustration and pleasure. This evening was going to be long. Very long. It was confirmed when Aemond stood up and prevented him from reaching her orgasm. He walked towards their room.
"We better get changed. We’re already way late."
"B... but..."
"You’re going to be a good girl, right. And if you’re good enough, I’ll see if you deserve daddy’s cock."
There was this glow in his violet eye, this glow that made it clear that the night would be very long.
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