glynmostyn · 7 years
@adventureatlas: I got sum blue
What about yellow?
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daddycryptid-blog · 7 years
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the second of five colored sketches to mark my 400 follower count, this time for @adventureatlas of his dadsona, Atlas! two down, four to go!
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I'm afraid to go to sleep (adventureatlas)
“Why are you afraid to go to sleep?” he asked in a curious tone of voice. “Nightmares? Insomnia? ‘Fraid of the dark? Just can’t sleep? Other worries keep you up? I’d like to help if I can.”
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amandaxann-blog1 · 7 years
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didn’t get through all my replies tonight but i made pretty good progress
as of right now i owe replies to @ofministryandsails, @papcr-airplanc, @taliamxrganster, @adventureatlas, and @kiantrev
i probably won’t get any replies done tomorrow because i need to catch up on sleep and just generally give my body and mind a break
but i’ll be back wednesday evening! <3
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bigspccn · 7 years
@adventureatlas liked for a starter
“Hey there, you're new to the cul-de-sac, right?” Brian said with a grin before he held his hand out to him. “Is that your daughter? My Daisy seems pretty fond of her!”
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everkillaman-blog · 7 years
I have a hilarious/really fucked up interaction between Atlas and Robert on that one date Robert: so, you ever kill a man? Atlas: yes Robert: yknow, see the life drai- wait! What!? Atlas: I was stuck on an island full of people who went crazy and natives who really didn't want me there. Atlas: so yeah I've killed a man Robert: *shaking in fear on the inside* Robert: Ok then, next topic
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glynmostyn · 7 years
I remember when you said rack the first time. Deer weren’t common where I lived, so I thought that Rack meant…boobs
That being said, your antlers and eyes are very nice to look at.
A little inside joke for me honestly, but now you know ;)
I like the way they look but they can be a Nuisance
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daddycryptid-blog · 7 years
Music meme thing-adventureatlas(I don't have the emojis ;~;)
Send me a “♪♫♬” and I’ll post song lyrics that remind me of your character
Noah Gunderson - David @adventureatlas
I keep kicking at the curb with my worn out shoesand I keep running into stranger's that say “I know you“
I don't wanna be a proud man just wanna be a man.A little less like my father and more like my dad.
I wanna hunt like David,I wanna kill me a giant man,I wanna slay my demons,But I got lots of them, I got lots of them.I try to keep my conscience clean.I try to keep myself out of your bad dreams.
I try to wash my hands for you every night,oh, lest you find my strangling fingerswrapped around tight.
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numberxnedad-blog · 7 years
@adventureatlas continued from ask Carter listened to his story. "Well. You are still alive and have a loving daughter and it's good that you have a friend to rely on." He offered a kind smile. "It's okay to be upset about the past. You have a lot on your plate."
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the-rogues-nest · 7 years
I think that guy is giving you a weird lool《adventureatlas》
Desmond picks his head up from his phone, Austin in one arm and looks around. "Weird look? Someone wanna square up?" He mumbles, looking around the park from his seat on the bench. @adventureatlas
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akillerqveen-blog · 7 years
I can’t believe Desmond Welsh outted me. Guess he gets to die extra slow today ladies and gentlemen
@adventureatlas Are you going to help or do I get to do this alone?
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amandaxann-blog1 · 7 years
Is it socially acceptable to go out in public with only a wet towel (adventureatlas)
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“Depends. Are you heading out to one of those nude beaches in Europe? Also, if the answer is yes– please don’t take me with you. That is one international journey I am not down for.”
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spartiatis-foinix · 7 years
Still on Hiatus
I'm really sorry. Damon has been really far off, and I'll never ever abandon him. Considering that over half my RP partners have gone on hiatus, stopped, or shifted to a differant fandom, Its been slightly discouraging. Cause I sorta feel like it's me and my annoying as personality that causes it...plus like I'm not that creative so I feel like I rp the same scenarios alot because it's all I have. On top of that, I'm a god damn mess and have too much anxiety to reach out and do with new people.
To those who care or ever need me for anything you can find me at: @everkillaman @adventureatlas or @mafiadetective
Again, sorry for the inconvenience, normal activities will resume when I find the muse
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Starter for @adventureatlas
It had been a long time since Joseph was last at a bar. He’d made a bad choice back then. Granted he was in a similar situation again, he was hoping that this time...well, he wasn’t sure to be honest. He was just glad he didn’t see Robert around anywhere, or Mary. Hopefully they would both stay at Jim and Kim’s, if that’s where they were. It usually was.
Right now the youth minister just wanted to drown his sorrows in the pint glass in front of him. He wasn’t very aware of his surroundings at the moment.
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glynmostyn · 7 years
Text from Atlas
[taking a break on the beach when he gets a video text]
[presses play]
Oh that's not fair
[texts back]
[txt:Atlas] This better not be the only video I get, you can't just leave me hanging
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daddycryptid-blog · 7 years
Robert did you steal my sword?-adventureatlas
“No, this is my sword. You probably just have one that looks like it.”
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