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Merry Christmas! Here are 8 large (540x265) gifs of Meg Donnelly and Tom Holland for @randomestfandoms-ocs. Only she may manipulate and edit these in any way she chooses.
#crackship gifs#meg donnelly#meg donnelly crackship#tom holland#tom holland crackship#queue#op#advent2019#mine#also headcanon that in the third gif it's peter confiding in ned that he's got a crush on nikki#not knowing she has superhearing and overhears him
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"Jesus is our hope. Nothing – not even evil or death – is able to separate us from the saving power of his love." - #PopeFrancis . Today, 17 December 2019, we wish our Holy Father, Pope Francis, a Happy and Blessed 83rd Birthday - ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS PAPA FRANCISCO! . 📷 Barn with Empty Manger with Crown of Thorns / © Ginosphotos / Getty Images Pro via #CanvaPro . . #CatholicPriestMedia #Catholic_Priest #Advent2019 #SacredArtandImages #SeasonofAdvent . . . https://www.instagram.com/p/B6KoJE6lMzP/?igshid=1nztmhq7iqz6o
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Chapters: ¼ Fandom: Captain Marvel (2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Carol Danvers/Yon-Rogg Characters: Carol Danvers, Yon-Rogg (Marvel), Chewie | Goose (Marvel) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Historical, Knights - Freeform, Yonvers - Freeform, Wizards, no damsels here, Holiday Yonvers 2019 Series: Part 1 of Advent 2019 Summary:
The Kingdom has been thrown into darkness by a curse. The Knights of the Dragon King must venture out to find a wizard powerful enough to combat the evil that threatens.
Updates every sunday from now to Dec 29
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#6 Birdies and pine boughs and holiday dishes. #advent #advent2019 #adventcalendar #adventcalendar2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5wYqmmgUJp/?igshid=1vw1y4k2hn4hx
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And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.
And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?
For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy.
And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
Paulo Caliari (1528-88), aka Veronese, The Visitation (1577).
One of the treasures at Barber Institute of Fine Arts, Birmingham.
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As we begin the celebration of the Christmas season, may we transcend the rituals to find connection and relationship with Christ in a new, powerful and personal way. #purposepowerpeace #therealchristianwife #advent #advent2019 #adventweekone #adventhope #hope https://www.instagram.com/p/B5iTOnkHTQ9/?igshid=9v45fllilg9n
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Hrvatska turistička zajednica prognozirala koliko gostiju možemo očekivati za Božić i Novu godinu

Hrvatskoj se za božićne i novogodišnje blagdane odnosno u razdoblju od 23. prosinca ove do 8. siječnja 2023. godine očekuje oko 200 tisuća turista i više od 565 tisuća noćenja, što bi bilo oko 18 posto više turista i 14 posto više noćenja nego u isto vrijeme prethodne godine, doznaje se u utorak iz HTZ-a Riječ je o procjenama turističkog prometa za predstojeće blagdane na temelju ankete Hrvatske turističke zajednice (HTZ) provedene na razini županijskih turističkih zajednica. Rezultati ankete pokazali su i da se najviše turističkih dolazaka i noćenja za predstojeće blagdane očekuje u Zagrebu, na Kvarneru i u Istri. Iz HTZ-a iznose i podatke o turističkom prometu u dosadašnjem dijelu ove godine u kojemu je 18,7 milijuna turista ostvarilo 104,4 milijuna noćenja, što je 37 posto više dolazaka turista i 25 posto više noćenja nego u istom razdoblju 2021. godine. U usporedbi s 2019. godinom dolasci su na 91 posto, a noćenja na 96 posto, pri čemu ih je najviše u dosadašnjem tijeku godine ostvareno u Istri, Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji te na Kvarneru. Po destinacijama, najviše noćenja do sada je bilo u Rovinju, Dubrovniku, Poreču, Splitu i Medulinu, a među turistima najviše su noćenja ostvarili Nijemci, zatim domaći turisti te Slovenci, Austrijanci, Poljaci i Česi. U povodu dosadašnjih rezultata i očekivanja do kraja godine, direktor HTZ-a Kristjan Staničić je naglasio kako se Hrvatska nalazi među destinacijama s najbržim oporavkom turizma, posebice s ostvarenih 96 posto noćenja iz rekordne 2019. godine. "I u dosadašnjem dijelu prosinca sa 175 tisuća turista i 433 tisuće noćenja imamo rast od 38 odnosno 27 posto u odnosu na isto vrijeme 2021., a u odnosu na prosinac 2019. dostigli smo 90 posto dolazaka turista i čak 99 posto noćenja. Najviše noćenja u prosincu ostvareno je u Zagrebu, na Kvarneru i u Istri, a gledano prema destinacijama u Zagrebu, Splitu, Opatiji, Dubrovniku i Rovinju", iznosi Staničić. Zaključno poručuje kako su uvjereni u nastavak pozitivnih trendova i tijekom zimskih mjeseci, jer hrvatske destinacije nude bogate i atraktivne programe koji uspješno privlače brojne domaće i strane turiste. Tportal.hr Read the full article
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Advent SAL 2019 pattern of Carol Ridyard (iStitch Designs). Newcastle 40 count, white Linen, Needlepoint Inc. (NPI) silk thread 1/2 no. 294, no. 502, no. 406, no. 973 and no. 991B #istitchdesigns #needlepointinc #needlepointsilk #advent2019 #newcastlelinen #40countlinen https://www.instagram.com/p/B6nxgo_J-bSoGVhVUx2DA2sxVcpX9kn75MnlC00/?igshid=1q3nrd3okev8o
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“Because of Him we are no longer slaves, but sons and daughters-heirs to His throne. Remember and rejoice greatly O Daughters of Zion.” - - - - - A thrill of Hope, the weary world rejoices. #advent2019 #athrillofhope #ocomelordjesus #merrychristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/B6f3tIkJYYrGvKc1KsxcW8Tzgxs7ZWv4iqB70U0/?igshid=1wasputy8816g
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Der heilige Abend ist da. Wir wünschen allen ein frohes Fest, viel Freude und Zeit mit euren Lieben! It’s Christmas eve. We wish you all a merry christmas, lots of joy and great times with your loved ones! #advent2019 #christmaseve #merryxmas #triathlon #coaching #tricademy #running #sport #training (hier: Tricademy - School of Movement) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ciM0khI8h/?igshid=3xq5koc87ej6
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A day late ... here’s my fourth Sunday in Advent devo - all about Love. You can read it here: http://bit.ly/Advent2019-Love. Thanks for being part of this new adventure. #freelancefun #godsgotthis #advent2019 #bitsandpieces https://www.instagram.com/p/B6buyldBjFd/?igshid=1ci94g35cp7kq
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Merry Christmas! Here are 8 large (540x304) gifs of Shelley Hennig with Danielle Rose Russell and Chris Lee for @iceandwaterfairytail. Only she may manipulate and edit these in any way she chooses.
#crackship gifs#shelley hennig#shelley hennig crackship#chris lee#chris lee crackship#danielle rose russell#danielle rose russell crackship#advent2019#mine#queue#op
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"The Holy Spirit comes where he is loved, where he is invited, where he is expected." - #SaintBonaventure . 📷 The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit #Advent2019 #SeasonofAdvent #PreparetheWay #BlessedVirginMary #SacredArtandImages #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia
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Love. Always, ALWAYS LOVE. 💜✝️💜🕎 #advent2019 #adventlove #livingaGr8fullife #liveafaithfilledlife https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ajZCPHj1t/?igshid=cf3t7xdl9raz
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#24 Lighting the darkness and glowing with starlight. #advent #advent2019 #adventcalendar #adventcalendar2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6eyvdbg7Z-/?igshid=16krwry7cuf3m
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There is a certain part in our journey that is finite. “Once we go this way, we can never go back.” READ TODAY’S ADVENT REFLECTION ON OUR BLOG SITE -> SheerahMinistries.com/posts LINK IN BIO :: :: #Advent #Meditations #Peace #Week4 #DivineMercy #SaintJoseph #MeditationswithSaints #WakingEve #Sheerah724 #advent2019 #rejoice #holyfamily #holy #fatherhood #romancatholic #christian #catholics #christianity #saint #catholicfaith #maria #mary #saints #catolica #jesus #christ #church #JMJ #eucharist #totustuus 📸 credit artist inspired by The Saints Project @kristyn_brown_photo https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ZCFy6gsh9/?igshid=qpnuw6wwiy14
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