#advent : (what a shadowing xmas )
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JUNKO:She Fucking Arrives It’s Despairing persona user Junko fucking enoshima I am a wildcard 😁 thank you so much Shadow Makoto kun I never thought summoning a persona this way so despairful 😍🤪 Junko enoshima introduces her self for 78th time but as a persona user. She took a deep breath and said
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“although your normal self is such a buzz kill I always wanted him to go on board with us or Joker.”
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Makoto yuki :oh great this isn't good.
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S.e.e.s is gonna get rid of them.
Specialized Extracurricular exocution squard
Makoto yuki :'persona !!!
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Come fourth Orpheus
A figure appeared right behind makoto yuki.
Orpheus: "what shall we do makoto yuki "
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Makoto yuki "oh right my name is makoto yuki the ultimate wild card user nice to meet you ."
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Makoto yuki "Orpheus make sure they doesn't kill here ?"
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Orpheus sigh "very well my summoner"
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Ren/Joker "what's this going on?"
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Makoto yuki "Don't know joker but you might wanna introduce your self"
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Ren/Joker  "oh yeah my name is Ren anmamiya  ultimate thief but or surpreme leader but everyone calls me joker nice to meet you. "
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Makoto yuki "besides from that you can also see yu narukami the ultimate truth seeker and tatsuya suou the ultimate paradox and naoya toudou the ultimate speed demon and velvet attendant Shuichi saihara and many more "
All masterminds promos (tags)
Any other mastermind's fill free to interact.
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mod-makoto-yuki · 3 years ago
Mod Announcement
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Mod Makoto yuki:” The current Advent that is on @ask-ultimate-personas is ending Tomorrow so hopefully I can finish this advent in Time for my Birthday 🎂 but If you wanna continue it then Go on to @ask-phantom-foundation And it will be come a Rp starter.”
Akira :” Let’s hope Ren’s ok “
Mod Makoto yuki:” Yeah me too Akira me too”
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ask-phantom-foundation · 3 years ago
bumping into Shuichi made her pissed off so she got up and then shot a deadly glare at him before going into her seat
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Shuichi felt sorry for bumping into her all though he only came in a visitor to speak with the class while waiting for his detective friend. Shuichi:” I am so sorry for bumping into you are you ok ?” Shuichi asked concerned.
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minuete-blog · 6 years ago
Philes’ Xmas Advent Calendar Prompt Day 10: ice skating. Tagging @today-in-fic @txf-prompt-box @only-txf-fanart
I had every intention of having this be fluff, but it just didn’t play out. Post-Demons. Mulder and Scully visit his mother in Greenwich.
Once the bloodwork confirmed the ketamine was out of his system, and MRI scans revealed normal brain activity, Mulder asked Scully if she would like to accompany him to his mother’s house over the weekend. Scully slightly hesitated before mentioning offhandedly that she had a CT scan appointment on Sunday.
“Perhaps this trip will better take your mind off it, Scully,” Mulder bit his tongue. How do you take your mind off of a tumor lodged in your nasal cavity? 
He swung by Scully’s apartment to pick her up en route to Greenwich early Saturday morning. She kept her trench coat on when she seated herself in the passenger seat, despite the mild spring weather. Mulder glanced over at Scully noticing the dark shadows around her eyes her foundation didn’t entirely cover. He didn’t say anything as she rested her head against the headrest; he was grateful she decided to join. The 4.5-hour trek passed by rather quickly, with a mixture of companionable silence and light-hearted bantering. Neither of them wanted to address her health status; when Mulder cranked up the heater in his car when he saw her shiver, whenever Scully constantly dabbed her nose with a tissue to reveal...nothing.  
His mother greeted the two of them at the door, placing a quick peck on Mulder’s cheek, and asking for Scully’s coat to hang. Scully revealed her casual dress attire the first time that day, wearing a simple dark blue, V-cut button-down cardigan that loosely draped over her slender form and a pair of Calvin Klein Jeans. He must have been gaping because she gave him an amused look. His mother ushered them to the dining room for the lunch she prepared. It felt awkward having the two most important women in his life seated across each other at the dining room table having lunch altogether. He didn’t realize how stilted the conversations with his mother usually went until he saw Scully’s discomfort at the whole exchange. She said nothing as she politely listened to his mother update him on the latest news of the community while playing with the tomato salad in front of her.  
“Fox, why don’t you help me bring out the main course?” His mother cued him to accompany her into the kitchen taking the salad plates leaving Scully sitting alone. He glanced over at Scully and shot her an appreciative smile before heading for the kitchen.  
“Miss Scully seems nice,” she said after a beat of silence passed while she scooped a hearty serving of ham and corn risotto onto pasta bowls she set on a countertop nearby the stove.  
“Of course, she is. She’s a saint for having to put up with me,” he muttered as they traded pasta bowls. “Why don’t you take her to the ice rink after lunch?” Mulder chuckled shaking his head in disbelief. “Mom, I haven’t gone ice skating since high school.”  
“You ice skated a few times during the winter with that one girl, Robin. She’s settled down and married with three kids now.”  
“Good for her,” he mumbled, vaguely recalling the handful of dates he had at the ice-skating rink. “We plan to head back to DC after lunch, Mom. She…” he trailed off not wanting to mention Scully’s follow-up appointment scheduled, “she has plans tomorrow.”  
“And she agreed to join you to visit me on her one free day? Oh, Fox…” she sighed ruefully.  
“Look—Mom— I came here to apologize for my actions that last time. I shouldn’t have thrown accusations at you.” Without waiting for a response, Mulder grabbed two of the three pasta bowls and returned to the dining room to see it completely deserted. His breath hitched, quickly surveying the living room, until he saw Scully reappear from the hallway. He relaxed and placed the pasta bowls down on the table.  
“Hey, bon appetit, Scully.”  
“Thank you. I thought it was a good time to use the restroom.” They sat in unison in their respective chairs. Before Mulder could ask if she was okay, his mother returned from the kitchen with her pasta bowl. The second half of lunch went more smoothly as his mother geared questions towards Scully. He forgot how good a conversationalist his mother could be, just not with him. Lunch over, kitchen tidied Mulder bid farewell to his mother hugging her again in the foyer while Scully put on her coat. “Remember what I suggested,” his mother whispered against his ear before waving goodbye.  
“Mulder, where are we going?” Scully asked when he passed the onramp to the highway. 
“Somewhere that reminds me of my childhood,” he answered. Minutes later, he pulled into the Dorothy Hamill Ice Rink parking lot. He glanced over at Scully who had a slight smile play on her lips. “How are you on skates, Scully?”  
It turned out Scully was a fairly decent skater, despite having not skated since middle school. There was the occasional elbow reaches on his part to steady her balance, but they kept a respectable distance as they glided in the middle of the ice rink, careful to dodge the ice-skating children and a couple of groups taking lessons. “This is nice, Mulder. Thanks for sharing with me a childhood haunt of yours,” Scully said facing him, skating backward in the process. She grabbed his left hand with her right and had him twirl her around, her trench coat flare in the process. “Ta-da, my pirouetting skills.” He chuckled.  
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. My mom suggested I take you here since I took up your free day today.” Scully let go of his hand, frowning. He realized he’d said the wrong thing.  
“Oh, so you’re saying this is a reward for me choosing to spend time with you?” She stopped skating, eyes downcast. “Mulder, I’m not a charity case. Did it occur to you that I chose to join you on this trip to witness the resolution of that horrible incident in the mental state you were in? That this trip was a means to end?”  
“Scully--” Their conversation was interrupted by two bright red drops of blood splattered on the ice.
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ask-phantom-foundation · 3 years ago
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Shuichi :”It’s about Ren amamiya our temporary member he infused and his other half Joker is trying to Destroy him and other people to ruin his reputation” (I will find Robin’s soon)
@ask-phantom-foundation + @ask-ultimate-personas
Robin (Shuichi saihara):” Hey Fae (Kirumi) we need to help with something in important ?”
(You can use Ren’s daughter Kira as well because it’s about Ren .)
((Got it! 👍))
She perked up. "Hmm? What is it?"
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chao-chachaslide · 3 years ago
Low effort christmas headcanons
Christmas is considered a very romantic holiday in Japan. Espio sticks very closely to that and buys chocolate for whoever his crush is that year. He probably sends it through amazon or something bc he's a wuss idk. Sonic (i hc him as japanese) is aware of that fact but doesn’t take it half as seriously.
Sonic is like that one guy who keeps all the shitty christmas cracker jokes and makes sure everyone in the room has heard them at least once.
Amy is the kind of person to give handmade stuff, liked baked goods and accessories. She sometimes does baking with Cream and Vanilla.
Tails probably gives everyone some weird invention he made 3 days prior. Also he has nearly spoiled Father Christmas for the other kids several times.
Rouge steals everything 100%. She can't buy jewellery for people because she'll end up keeping it for herself.
Sonic can run anywhere in the world to buy stuff but also he leaves all the gift buying until last minute lol. He often wins on best present though.
Charmy is that one kid who opens like all the doors on his advent calendar on day 1 and then complains that he wants haribo for the rest of the month.
..Maki Knuckles....fr
I'm not sure what Shadow's approach to Christmas would be. Like did he ever have xmas on the ark? If he did would the holiday be something that would trigger his ptsd or would it be more more of a bittersweet memory? In any case he's pretty introverted so probably isn't that fussed about holidays, in particular parts that involve social interaction (eg parties).
Amy's fave christmas song is unironically "All I Want For Christmas Is You"
Vanilla makes christmas dinner for everyone and I mean everyone. This should be canon actually. It is mentioned in twt takeover 5 that she cooks dinners for the cast.
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jc · 5 years ago
Das Beste aus Twitter, Januar-Edition
Schon wie­der einen Monat alt, das neue Jahr. Gut, dass uns die Tweets noch ein­mal in die Weihnachts- und Jah­res­wech­sel­zeit ent­füh­ren.
-So, mei­ne Süße, wir müs­sen nicht mehr weit fah­ren, dann sind wir zu Hau­se und kön­nen spie­len, okay? -Okay. Aber sag mal, wie heißt du? Wie mich mei­ne Vier­jäh­ri­ge soeben in der vol­len S-Bahn echt in die Bre­douil­le gebracht hat.
— Ste­fan Hein­richs (@stefnhs) Decem­ber 16, 2019
every morning, gor­don waits for his girls to get on the school bus safe­ly (Becky Lynn FB) pic​.twit​ter​.com/​w​9​6​4​B​I​k​gDD
— Humor And Ani­mals (@humorandanimals) Decem­ber 15, 2019
This just won the inter­net pic​.twit​ter​.com/​v​W​7​M​N​c​v​Y1Y
— Giles Paley-Phillips (@eliistender10) Decem­ber 15, 2019
-Papa, was ist eine Natio­nal­hym­ne? -Das ist ein Lied, das alle ken­nen. Und wenn die Men­schen es gemein­sam sin­gen, haben sie das Gefühl, dass sie zusam­men­ge­hö­ren. -So wie Aram­sam­sam?
— Ste­fan Hein­richs (@stefnhs) Decem­ber 16, 2019
Lobby-Regel der Buch­bran­che: Kul­tur­gut Buch gilt immer dann, wenn es um die wirt­schaft­li­chen Inter­es­sen ande­rer geht. Wirt­schafts­gut Buch gilt immer dann, wenn es um die wirt­schaft­li­chen Inter­es­sen von einem selbst geht.
— Lean­der Wat­tig (@leanderwattig) Decem­ber 17, 2019
Tier­han­del beim Hams­ter­kauf: Hat­ten Sie schon­mal Hams­ter? Haben Sie sich mit dem The­ma beschäf­tigt? Wis­sen Sie was die essen? Haben Sie genug Platz? Aus­stat­tung? Kau­fen Sie noch die­ses Fach­buch! Kran­ken­haus 10 min nach Geburt des Kin­des. Hier Ihr Baby.Vielleicht bis spä­ter
— Deko­fee (@toschcrs) Decem­ber 18, 2019
Ihr nehmt doch auch immer euren kaf­fee­voll­au­to­mat mit in den Urlaub oder? ODER?????
— Königin👸🏻von B💋nn und Pär­chenk­ack­scheiss­queen (@EffzehEngel) Decem­ber 19, 2019
Dam­mit! pic​.twit​ter​.com/​1​e​3​U​x​Y​o​AVW
— Fun Signs & Graf­fi­ti (@SignsFun) Decem­ber 18, 2019
Immer die Hoff­nung, dass Stoff­tie­re, die nicht so schön sind, an Kin­der ver­schenkt wer­den, die sie trotz­dem lieb haben. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​O​g​e​9​q​K​Q​3DV
— Peter Breu­er (@peterbreuer) Decem­ber 20, 2019
Every time pic​.twit​ter​.com/​R​e​d​S​v​v​H​IYs
— Kate Bea­ton (@beatonna) Decem­ber 20, 2019
The first time in histo­ry it is caught on came­ra. Mer­ce­des giving birth. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​K​O​Y​H​r​0​w​9WQ
— Only in Ame­ri­ca (@Crazzyintheusa) Novem­ber 29, 2019
Kin­der loh­nen sich allein des­halb, weil man für sehr sehr lan­ge Zeit immer Weih­nachts­ge­schen­ke für die Ver­wandt­schaft hat: Foto­bü­cher, Foto­ka­len­der, Fami­li­en­ka­len­der (mit Fotos), gerahm­te Bil­der, Gut­schein für Foto­shoo­ting (und nächs­te Weih­nach­ten dann s.o.),...
— Nata­scha Stro­bl (@Natascha_Strobl) Decem­ber 23, 2019
I Tried Giving My Daugh­ter The Worst Xmas Gift Ever & I Didn’t Expect This Reac­tion 😢 pic​.twit​ter​.com/​4​4​c​J​y​t​I​83m
— LGND (@iamlgndfrvr) Decem­ber 20, 2019
Der Notar liest den Ange­hö­ri­gen den letz­ten Wil­len des rei­chen Erb­las­sers vor: „Zunächst möch­te ich mich Onkel Bernd zuwen­den, der mir wie­der­holt das Ver­spre­chen abnahm, ihn in mei­nem Tes­ta­ment zu erwäh­nen: - Hal­lo, Bernd, altes Haus! Nun aber zur Auf­tei­lung des Erbes:“ #Notar
— Domi­nik Schül­ler (RA & Notar) (@ra_schueller) Decem­ber 27, 2019
Wenn man deut­schen vor­wirft dass sie die Umwelt ver­sau­en schaf­fen sie es irgend­wie dsss am Ende der Debat­te raus­kommt dass kein deut­scher je nazi war außer hit­ler und zwei drei ande­re
— Lars Weis­brod (@larsweisbrod) Decem­ber 29, 2019
Auch glück­lich, den dies­jäh­ri­gen Advents­ka­len­der­wahn­sinn über­stan­den zu haben? Pri­ma, dann geht’s jetzt bald wei­ter mit dem Oster­ka­len­der! 🐣 #its­at­hingnow pic​.twit​ter​.com/​F​e​q​y​s​K​8​atQ
— Astrid Dirk­sen (@tweetingastrid) Decem­ber 31, 2019
Immer lus­tig, wenn man über Essen redet, ich erwäh­ne, dass ich Vege­ta­ri­er bin und die ers­te Reak­ti­on fast immer ist:“ Ja, also ich esse ja total wenig Fleisch und wenn, dann nur bio und echt sel­ten, ich pro­bier eh weni­ger zu essen...“ Like clock­work.
— Wur­zel­mann (@Wurzelmann) Decem­ber 31, 2019
#Sil­ves­ter zu Zei­ten des Kli­ma­wan­dels. Man wirft sich in #Lich­ter­fel­de unan­ge­zün­de­te (!) Böl­ler zu. Wir prü­fen, ob wenigs­tens „Peng“ geru­fen wur­de.#welcome110
— Poli­zei Ber­lin (@polizeiberlin) Decem­ber 31, 2019
break­down of my deca­de (2010-2019): ✨🌈💕 - 77.76% in jail - 11.05% in soli­ta­ry con­fi­ne­ment - 51.23% figh­t­ing for gen­der affir­ming care - 100.00% being true to mys­elf no mat­ter what - 0.00% backing down#Hap­py­Ne­wYe­ar
— Chel­sea E. Man­ning (@xychelsea) Decem­ber 31, 2019
Doof, wenn man für IFTTT das Pass­wort ver­lo­ren hat.... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Trotz­dem: Ein tol­les neu­es Jahr euch allen!!! https://t.co/EtCqF8DGm8
— Hei­di Schönenberg-H. (@minus78) Decem­ber 31, 2019
2050 ist so weit weg wie 1990.
— Sham Jaff (@sham_jaff) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
Heu­te kam die Rech­nung des Kran­ken­hau­ses über den 2-monatigen Auf­ent­halt mei­ner Mut­ter wäh­rend ihrer Krebs­be­hand­lung. 24,74€ für hoch­qua­li­fi­zier­te Betreu­ung. Ich zah­le sooo sooo so ger­ne Steu­ern und bin dank­bar, dass wir uns um Men­schen in Not küm­mern 🙏🙏🙏
— Ali Mahl­od­ji 😎 (@mahlo) Novem­ber 20, 2019
— schno­er­p­sel (@schnoerpsel) Janu­a­ry 1, 2020
Was hat denn die Umwelt jemals für uns getan?
— leon­ce­und­le­na (@leonceundlena) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
Ich weiß, ich bin da für vie­le zu sehr Hip­pie im Kopf, aber ich fin­de es ein Stück weit ver­rückt, dass die Reak­ti­on ist: „Es braucht Spen­den, um neue Affen zur Belus­ti­gung ihr Leben lang ein­zu­sper­ren.“ Statt zu sagen: „Das ist so furcht­bar, lasst uns nie wie­der Affen ein­sper­ren.“
— Herm (@hermsfarm) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
A good les­son for the New Year: never give up on your goals. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​x​j​Y​R​R​q​a​dvm
— Bri­an Klaas (@brianklaas) Janu­a­ry 1, 2020
Mein Vor­satz für 2020 „fit hal­ten“ ist bereits erle­digt - das war leicht. Ich weiß gar nicht, war­um da ande­re immer so’n gro­ßes Ding draus machen. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​2​m​n​3​i​1​X​vAH
— Rico Apitz (@10Apitz) Janu­a­ry 1, 2020
im stan­des­amt ist bestimmt die höl­le los weil so vie­le paa­re am 20.20.2020 hei­ra­ten wol­len
— Ilo­na Hart­mann (@zirkuspony) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
Die Men­schen, die mut­maß­lich den Brand im Kre­fel­der Zoo ver­ur­sacht haben, haben ihr Fehl­ver­hal­ten erkannt und sich der Poli­zei gestellt. Wenn alle Men­schen soviel Rück­grat bewei­sen wür­den, wäre die­se Welt eine ande­re.
— Gur­ken­sand­wich (@Gurkensandwich1) Janu­a­ry 2, 2020
This BBC adver­ti­sing for Dra­cu­la is geni­us. A series of bloo­dy sta­kes protru­ding from a bill­board. See­min­gly ran­dom, until darkness falls and they begin to cast a shadow. Fabu­lous. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​8​4​a​I​l​7​o​97r
— Alex Andre­ou (@sturdyAlex) Janu­a­ry 3, 2020
Das Blö­de an dem gan­zen Lego, das die Kin­der geschenkt bekom­men haben, ist ja, dass sie unbe­dingt beim Auf­bau­en hel­fen wol­len.
— Juliet Gibb (@mamigration) Decem­ber 28, 2019
„Mama, war­um essen wir im Kin­der­gar­ten nie Fon­due?“ Ich wer­de die Fra­ge mal an die Kita Whats­App Grup­pe wei­ter­ge­ben und es mir mit einer Tüte Chips gemüt­lich machen.
— Lil­li Mar­le­ne (@MarleneHellene) Janu­a­ry 3, 2020
„Die Mama hat kei­ne Arbeit, außer an der Stra­ße zu ste­hen.“ [Wie der #gKH dem #kKH erklärt, dass ich jetzt selb­stän­dig bin und mich ein­mal in der Woche als Schul­weg­hel­fe­rin nütz­lich mache.]
— Mela­nie Wyssen-Voß (@Mellcolm) Janu­a­ry 5, 2020
Beleh­rung via DM: ich darf nicht mehr „jemand“ schrei­ben, das hie­ße nun jemensch. Kanns­te Dir nicht aus­den­ken. 🙄
— Quee­nie (@Bergsommerliebe) Janu­a­ry 6, 2020
Guten Mor­gen. War­um wer­den Auto­fah­rer ver­rückt, wenn sie zwei Minu­ten hin­ter einem Müll­las­ter oder einem ent­la­den­wer­den­den LKW war­ten müs­sen - akzep­tie­ren aber 20 Minu­ten vor einer Park­haus­ein­fahrt? #Gelas­sen­heit im #Stra­ßen­ver­kehr
— Sebas­ti­an Eckert (@SebastianEckert) Janu­a­ry 7, 2020
Ich will mich ja nicht zu weit aus dem Fens­ter leh­nen... aber Schnee in LKWs rum­fah­ren ist even­tu­ell ein Grund für kei­nen Schnee. https://t.co/yChfJbtATe
— Frank (@frank_opitz) Janu­a­ry 8, 2020
Eltern Whats­App Grup­pe orga­ni­siert das Geburts­tags­ständ­chen für den Klas­sen­leh­rer. Gewünscht wird dass die musi­ka­li­sche Dar­bie­tung in ver­schie­de­nen Spra­chen von den Kin­dern vor­ge­führt wird. Bis­her Rumä­nisch, Chi­ne­sisch, Spa­nisch, Ita­lie­nisch ... Ich bat Hoch­deutsch an.
— Quat­tro­milf 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈 (@ebonyplusirony) Janu­a­ry 8, 2020
Der aus­tra­li­sche Pre­mier ist nach eige­nen Anga­ben „ent­täuscht“, dass die Feu­er­ka­ta­stro­phe mit der Debat­te zu den natio­na­len Kli­ma­zie­len ver­mischt wer­de. Ver­steh ich. War frü­her auch oft ent­täuscht, dass mein Schla­fen im Unter­richt mit dem Noten­ver­ga­be­pro­zess ver­mischt wur­de.
— Nico Sems­rott (@nicosemsrott) Janu­a­ry 10, 2020
Ich bin rich­tig sau­er!!! 😡 Wer­de nie mehr beim #Sie­mens Schuh cen­ter ein­kau­fen!!! Schä­men sie sich @JoeKaeser 😤 pic​.twit​ter​.com/​0​s​P​n​8​P​H​0O0
— Ger­rit Mül­ler (@gerritmueller) Janu­a­ry 13, 2020
* * *
Ende des Tex­tes. Bit­te wer­fen Sie eine Mün­ze ein!
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2020/01/das-beste-aus-twitter-januar-2020/)
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ask-ultimate-personas · 3 years ago
Naoya :”Umm?” Naoya was a bit confused then said “No we just wanted you to help us save our friend because um he got something wrong with him and we trying to save him “
a Winter seasonal Promo!
The Recorder is already on with the wrong background
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"Hey! I wasn't ready for the video and this is not the background!"
"geez I'll have to change it myself and recorded again"
"There that's better now let's get started"
The recording video was on. there was a 14 years old dark pale blue haired boy with his dark green eyes and his very cool clothes. he was standing in front of the camera with the light blue background
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"Hello My name is ren, one of the member of trio team called RCL Strayscaper and I'm the Ultimate Breakdancer. Actually I just came here to do something else because I'm bored"
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"so why don't you hang out with me in the winter, we'll have a snowy fun adventure together! hehehe"
Tags (sorry I only tag plenty of it but not much):
and more
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ask-ultimate-personas · 3 years ago
Quite abruptly, Chiaki would bump into ( a muse of your choice ) while she was walking somewhere. She quickly had looked up from her handheld gaming device she had in hand. [ @so-sleepy-chiaki ]
Akira was walking down to the subway the same one that his Twin brother Ren Amamiya was feeling strange after
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Akira looked up and said, “ah I am so sorry I didn't notice you while walking down the stairs any way my name is Akira kurusu and you are ?” Akira asked nicely and embarrassed at the same time.
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ask-ultimate-personas · 3 years ago
Advent Finished
Joker (Akira) :” Ren your back!!
Joker (Ren): “Was there any other Dought brother”
Robin (Shuichi) and Oracle (Futaba) and the Rest are Relived.
Exit The metaverse (Momento’s)
Ren was passed out on bed 🛌 while Futaba and Others look at him while Makoto yuki and Yu narukami and Naoya and Tatsuya and staria visit him there at the Hospital.
Also Happy birthday me
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Mod Makoto yuki:” Advent finished on this Blog but If you wanna continue then Go to @ask-phantom-foundation to see more”
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ask-ultimate-personas · 3 years ago
An 14 year old late bloomer brunette teen girl with a black baseball cap is pushed off the station and onto the railings of an oncoming train but before she could get up, an train slices her in half causing a murderous scream to come from her as blood splatter everywhere and then a commotion started as police officers arrived to the scene beginning to evacuate everyone and a very Dear friend managed to stay by her side before she passed away from blood loss. (Akira and ren)
A day before the Fusion happened
(trigger warning⚠️ blood gory - I suggest not looking at this one)
Ren was with his twin brother Akira was about to head back to café Leblanc because it's late at night and has a cat giving them scratches along the way. Akira ran ahead of Ren and Morgana until he stopped covering his mouth with his hands after he looked at the crime scene. Akira said, "Bro you need to see this I don't think the train may be in our service." Ren went to his brother and also looked at the crime scene "What a harsh way to go it kinda reminds me when we first came here I suggest someone is trying to mess with our heads"
Akira: "Yeah your right bro Let's discuss it with the rest of the group Tomorrow that way we can have their say in this matter " Ren smiled and said, "Yes we shall any way let's go brother sojiro probably worried about us and this Cat is tired." Ren and Akira went away from the crime scene.
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(I hope this satisfies you ANON I tried my best to figure out how I can approach this while advent that includes them in are going on. - mod makoto yuki.)
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Shadow Makoto yuki:” your Welcome love 💕 Or Shall I say Queen Junko enoshima I have finally convinced Joker here but I couldn’t convince my own self”
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Makoto yuki :oh great this isn't good.
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S.e.e.s is gonna get rid of them.
Specialized Extracurricular exocution squard
Makoto yuki :'persona !!!
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Come fourth Orpheus
A figure appeared right behind makoto yuki.
Orpheus: "what shall we do makoto yuki "
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Makoto yuki "oh right my name is makoto yuki the ultimate wild card user nice to meet you ."
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Makoto yuki "Orpheus make sure they doesn't kill here ?"
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Orpheus sigh "very well my summoner"
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Ren/Joker "what's this going on?"
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Makoto yuki "Don't know joker but you might wanna introduce your self"
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Ren/Joker  "oh yeah my name is Ren anmamiya  ultimate thief but or surpreme leader but everyone calls me joker nice to meet you. "
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Makoto yuki "besides from that you can also see yu narukami the ultimate truth seeker and tatsuya suou the ultimate paradox and naoya toudou the ultimate speed demon and velvet attendant Shuichi saihara and many more "
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ask-ultimate-personas · 2 years ago
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Makoto stayed slient after hearing this he wondered if there’s someone that can help him and Joker.
Meanwhile Joker is having time of his life when he realises the despair 😩 is come to him and his shadow self is now in control.
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Makoto yuki :oh great this isn't good.
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S.e.e.s is gonna get rid of them.
Specialized Extracurricular exocution squard
Makoto yuki :'persona !!!
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Come fourth Orpheus
A figure appeared right behind makoto yuki.
Orpheus: "what shall we do makoto yuki "
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Makoto yuki "oh right my name is makoto yuki the ultimate wild card user nice to meet you ."
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Makoto yuki "Orpheus make sure they doesn't kill here ?"
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Orpheus sigh "very well my summoner"
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Ren/Joker "what's this going on?"
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Makoto yuki "Don't know joker but you might wanna introduce your self"
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Ren/Joker  "oh yeah my name is Ren anmamiya  ultimate thief but or surpreme leader but everyone calls me joker nice to meet you. "
Tumblr media
Makoto yuki "besides from that you can also see yu narukami the ultimate truth seeker and tatsuya suou the ultimate paradox and naoya toudou the ultimate speed demon and velvet attendant Shuichi saihara and many more "
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Shadow Makoto yuki:”It’s the most obvious one F####king Junko Queen Enoshima of Despair the Reason Why Us shadows are still around or you not playing attention” shadow took a something from his pocket and stabbed it into Joker which is the same thing the police did to make Joker asleep at the beginning of persona 5.
Shadow Makoto:”Also you will experience this soon Joker”
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Makoto yuki :oh great this isn't good.
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S.e.e.s is gonna get rid of them.
Specialized Extracurricular exocution squard
Makoto yuki :'persona !!!
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Come fourth Orpheus
A figure appeared right behind makoto yuki.
Orpheus: "what shall we do makoto yuki "
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Makoto yuki "oh right my name is makoto yuki the ultimate wild card user nice to meet you ."
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Makoto yuki "Orpheus make sure they doesn't kill here ?"
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Orpheus sigh "very well my summoner"
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Ren/Joker "what's this going on?"
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Makoto yuki "Don't know joker but you might wanna introduce your self"
Tumblr media
Ren/Joker  "oh yeah my name is Ren anmamiya  ultimate thief but or surpreme leader but everyone calls me joker nice to meet you. "
Tumblr media
Makoto yuki "besides from that you can also see yu narukami the ultimate truth seeker and tatsuya suou the ultimate paradox and naoya toudou the ultimate speed demon and velvet attendant Shuichi saihara and many more "
All masterminds promos (tags)
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Shadow Makoto yuki:”Oh be quiet 🤫 me and I will tell you the reason when she comes to play “
((I know this is uncomfortable 😣 it’s also to me as well but the advent needs to have something like this or be out of character in order to make it interesting so hopefully I get to the heroine part soon which will have staria be doing so yeah let’s carry on 😓.- mod Makoto yuki))
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Makoto yuki :oh great this isn't good.
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S.e.e.s is gonna get rid of them.
Specialized Extracurricular exocution squard
Makoto yuki :'persona !!!
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Come fourth Orpheus
A figure appeared right behind makoto yuki.
Orpheus: "what shall we do makoto yuki "
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Makoto yuki "oh right my name is makoto yuki the ultimate wild card user nice to meet you ."
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Makoto yuki "Orpheus make sure they doesn't kill here ?"
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Orpheus sigh "very well my summoner"
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Ren/Joker "what's this going on?"
Tumblr media
Makoto yuki "Don't know joker but you might wanna introduce your self"
Tumblr media
Ren/Joker  "oh yeah my name is Ren anmamiya  ultimate thief but or surpreme leader but everyone calls me joker nice to meet you. "
Tumblr media
Makoto yuki "besides from that you can also see yu narukami the ultimate truth seeker and tatsuya suou the ultimate paradox and naoya toudou the ultimate speed demon and velvet attendant Shuichi saihara and many more "
All masterminds promos (tags)
Any other mastermind's fill free to interact.
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ask-ultimate-personas · 2 years ago
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Joker felt a bit of pain and fell down to Sleep 💤.
Meanwhile In Makoto’s mind
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Normal Makoto:”Argh don’t do this shadow me haven’t you realised what Junko is doing to you or using you In the matter ?”
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Makoto yuki :oh great this isn't good.
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S.e.e.s is gonna get rid of them.
Specialized Extracurricular exocution squard
Makoto yuki :'persona !!!
Tumblr media
Come fourth Orpheus
A figure appeared right behind makoto yuki.
Orpheus: "what shall we do makoto yuki "
Tumblr media
Makoto yuki "oh right my name is makoto yuki the ultimate wild card user nice to meet you ."
Tumblr media
Makoto yuki "Orpheus make sure they doesn't kill here ?"
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Orpheus sigh "very well my summoner"
Tumblr media
Ren/Joker "what's this going on?"
Tumblr media
Makoto yuki "Don't know joker but you might wanna introduce your self"
Tumblr media
Ren/Joker  "oh yeah my name is Ren anmamiya  ultimate thief but or surpreme leader but everyone calls me joker nice to meet you. "
Tumblr media
Makoto yuki "besides from that you can also see yu narukami the ultimate truth seeker and tatsuya suou the ultimate paradox and naoya toudou the ultimate speed demon and velvet attendant Shuichi saihara and many more "
All masterminds promos (tags)
Any other mastermind's fill free to interact.
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