#advantages of OTT
So I want to talk about how attentive of a sexual partner Blitz is to Stolas.
How much of Stolas’ situation Blitz knows is anyone’s guess. Stolas is extremely private, but I imagine they at least had a conversation about why he has a kid and a wife despite being a gay man. Also, given the fact that Blitz had pity sex with Stolas, someone who was clearly new to this whole scene, I think Blitz knows he’s not dealing with a sexually aware person. Which might explain why he’s so forgiving of Stolas’ OTT flirting in Season 1 when most would have peaced tf out eons ago. He knows he’s not dealing with most people here.
And I think Blitz takes this very seriously. He knows he could seriously fuck up Stolas for the rest of his life if Blitz takes advantage of this experience imbalance. He most likely knows that Stolas would do pretty much anything he’s asked and so long as the safe word isn’t said, Blitz is in the clear.
I acknowledge that this is a lot of speculation and we don’t see any of this on screen. But there’s a little word that sticks out to me in Full Moon when Blitz is talking with Fizz. Seemed. “He never really seemed into the beads.”
Blitz had to pick up on that through clues in Stolas’ body language and/or tone of voice. Stolas never actually said ‘no.’
Now, unfortunately, there are some really awful people out there that would go, ‘Well he didn’t say ‘no’ so it’s not like this is rape’ and then continue with something that their partner clearly isn’t enjoying. Fortunately, Blitz is not one of those people. He could tell Stolas was either saying ‘yes’ to something he didn’t want to do or was trying to find a way out that gave him plausible deniability. Whether Blitz called him on that or made a mental note and let it pass, we’ll never know. And it would not surprise me in the slightest if Stolas agreed to things that he didn’t want to do because he has such low self-worth and how he wanted to seem more experienced than he actually was.
This may also explain why Blitz is so frustrated about Stolas’ blind spots to the power imbalance. Blitz is taking great pains to make sure Stolas walks away from every encounter self-assured and not feeling taken advantage of and he feels like he’s not getting that effort back.
Regardless of whether I’m reaching or not, I think “seemed” was chosen deliberately by the writers. They’re telling us that Blitz is paying very close attention to non-verbal cues and he cares about consent. That everything he and Stolas do, he’s checking in to make sure Stolas is enjoying himself and if he’s not, the activity ceases. Blitz takes this seriously. He may act otherwise, but he knows the kind of power he wields and he doesn’t want to abuse it.
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writerswho · 2 years
“What do you desire?” Wednesday asks disinterestedly, without lifting her eyes from her chemistry project.
“Uh... Ah...” the intro says tentatively.
“Say what you came for or leave,” the scientist huffs.
The other swallows dryly, “my name is Enid--”
“I didn't ask your name, I asked what do you desire,” she cuts in, rude.
“I need help passing maths,” the person, Enid, spews the words.
“And what does it have to do with me?”
“Well, it's just that they said you help people...”
“Who said that?” she stares at Enid with her sharp eyes, searching her soul, looking for weaknesses, for tactical advantages. Enid gulps, suddenly uncomfortable in her own skin.
“Ott-... Ottinger! Eugene Ottinger.”
Wednesday sighs, and if Enid knew her, she might recognise it as a sigh of compromise, “Eugene has a mouth too big for someone so small.” Wednesday makes a mental note of talking to Eugene about the things he's been saying about her.
“But is he right? Do you help people?” Enid steps forward, hopeful.
“I don't help people,” Wednesday says dryly, Enid's shoulders slumping in defeat. “I make an equivalent exchange.”
Enid stares at Wednesday confused, unsure if this is good or bad. She did, however, know the term, which made part of her hope come back, “you mean like in alchemy?”
“You know alchemy?” Wednesday can't hide her surprise.
“Not much,” Enid has a dull smile, “everything I know I learned from Fullmetal Alchemist, being honest,” she scratches the back of her neck embarrassed. “But anyway, if the question is money, I don't have much, but I can get...”
“I don't need money,” Wednesday turns her attention back to her chemicals. “I want a favour.”
“A favour?”
She mixes things that Enid doesn't cognize, but is sure shouldn't be mixed by the reaction she's witnessing, “One day, I'm going to need you to do something for me. Throw a suitcase in the river, put a car in a compactor, buy twelve litres of disinfectant. Simple stuff, you know?” she stares at Enid again, her crazy mixture bubbling dangerously. “And you're going to have to do whatever I ask, without asking, without a second thought.” Wednesday's project explodes and Enid lets out a yelp. The girl in black slowly walks over through Enid, smirking. “I do you a favour, and you do me a favour. Simple as that.”
Again, Enid swallows dryly, she tries a smile to hide her fear of the other girl, but feels she is making a face. “What are you, Lucifer?” her tone is not as light and relaxed as she had hoped.
“No, that would be my mum. I'm just the antichrist,” her demonic smile proves her words. “So, do you agree with my terms?” the goth holds out a hand. Enid stares at Wednesday's outstretched hand as if it emanates radiation, she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and shakes the lower one's hand, being sure she has made a pact with the devil.
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bearterritory · 15 days
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Bears 3-0 With Win Over San Diego State
Jaivian Thomas Rushes For Career-Best 169 Yards
BERKELEY –Jaivian Thomas rushed for a career-high 169 yards and the Golden Bears held San Diego State without a touchdown until "garbage time" late in the fourth quarter (with nearly all starters resting on the bench) in a 31-10 whitewashing of San Diego State on Saturday night at California Memorial Stadium. The score would've been even more lopsided if two more Cal touchdowns had not been negated by (what turned out to be upon review) "phantom" holding penalties.
With the win, Cal is off to its first 3-0 start since 2019 and has won six regular season games in a row for the first time since capturing the final regular season game of the 2006 season and the first five in 2007.
Four different Golden Bears scored touchdowns, including two who reached the end zone for their first time at Cal – running back Kadarius Calloway and tight end Corey Dyches. Wide receiver Nyziah Hunter continued his eye-opening freshman season with his fourth scoring catch of the year.
Calloway finished with 87 yards rushing as the Bears amassed 275 yards on the ground as a team. Jaydn Ott missed the game due to injury.
Cornerback Nohl Williams, who entered the game leading the nation in interceptions, added his fourth of the season in the second quarter. Xavier Carlton had a career-high 2.5 sacks for Cal.
The Aztecs scored first on a 29-yard field goal from Nick Lopez with 5:42 left in the first quarter but the Bears answered immediately with a seven-play, 69-yard drive that culminated in an 8-yard scoring run by Mendoza. The score remained 7-3 at halftime as the teams combined to commit 19 penalties in the first half – including 13 by the Aztecs. One of the penalties against Cal (for holding) negated a touchdown run. Upon review it proved to be incorrect, but holding calls cannot be challenged.
In addition, for the second game in a row the Bears lost a defensive player for "targeting" - safety Craig Woodson was ejected for unsportsmanlike conduct when San Diego State's RB ran into him, causing "helmet to helmet" contact. Woodson did not initiate it and simply wrapped the player with his arms as he fell to the ground. The bogus penalty was on a 3rd down play that would have kept the Aztecs out of field goal range. Unfortunately the extra 15 yards they gained and first down allowed them to eventually get all the way down to the Cal 12 yard line where they were able to kick a field goal.
The Bears established some breathing room with two long scoring drives in the third quarter – an 8-play, 85-yard possession that ended with Calloway's 7-yard scoring run, and a 13-play, 90-yard drive that culminated in a 20-yard touchdown pass from Mendoza to Dyches.
A 48-yard field goal by Ryan Coe pushed Cal's advantage to 24-3, and San Diego State finally reached the end zone to make it 24-10 early in the fourth quarter. Hunter capped off the scoring with a 15-yard touchdown catch with 9:48 to play.
The Bears resume play next Saturday when they play their first ACC football game ever at Florida State. Kickoff is set for 4 p.m. PT and the game will air on ESPN2.
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sronti · 1 year
Ez egy Mariupol x Bakhmut x Moszul nagyságrendű ostrom lehet, ahol nincs esély sikerre, ha csak nem kiéheztetés útján. A bombázások is elég veszélyesek, de ha ide bemegy az izraeli hadsereg, az a modern történelem legsúlyosabb mészárlása lehet.
Mariupol: az ottani acélművekhez hasonló bonyolultságú részben földalatti védelmi rendszer miatt.
Bakhmut: a nagyon hosszan fejlesztett és sok csatát megélt védművek emlékeztetnek erre.
Moszul: kb. hasonló méret, a sok ott maradt civil és az ostromlott ISIS teljes közömbössége a felhasznált, vagy csak magára hagyott civil lakosság iránt. Meg ott vannak az öngyilkos merénylők és a sok IED is.
A hagyományos civil búvóhely egy ilyen esetben a pince, de mivel van egy katonai alagútrendszer is, ezért ezek is kiemelt célpontok lehetnek.
Mindehhez ott van az elzárt víz és az élelem bejutásának akadályozása.
Gáza lakosságának fele 18 év alatti és nekik sincs kiút ebből.
Nem látom, hogy lesz itt kisebb a civil halottak nagyságrendje tízezresnél.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Hey! 👋 how did Ari, Andy and Curtis meet?
Forming the Trifecta - A Trio Introduction
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Andy Barber and Ari Levinson have been good friends since childhood. However, they lost touch after high school when Ari opted to go into the military while Andy pursued a degree in political science.
They ended up reconnecting with the help of Ari's mother, who made a point of following Andy's career while her son was serving overseas. She reached out to the other man when he was going through a particularly difficult time in his life and they began having Sunday dinner together pretty regularly.
When Ari finally comes home after his second tour, she invites both boys over for dinner. And while they are initially surprised to see each other, they find themselves able to pick up right where they left off. And just like that, the two men are back to being thick as thieves.
About a year after Ari's return, he signs up at a local gym to take advantage of some promotional event they had going on. He likes it so much that, not only does he decide to keep the membership, but he also convinces his buddy, Andy, to join as well.
A couple of weeks later, the two men are in the middle of a workout when they notice one of the regulars by the name of Ethan giving a young woman a hard time.
Now, in addition to thinking he's God's gift to women, Ethan has a reputation for being kind of a douchebag. And on this particular day, the man is in rare form. He keeps invading the smaller woman's space, asking if she needs a spotter or wants help working the equipment.
Despite doing her best to ignore him, he just will not take "no" for an answer, which irritates the hell out of both men. But the shit really hits the fan when Ethan actually has the audacity to put his hand on the smaller woman's bicep and physically pull her towards him.
By then, both Andy and Ari have seen more than enough. Dropping their weights with a thunk, they intervene, placing themselves directly between her and the asshole.
Not wanting to seem like a punk, Ethan initially tries to stand his ground, puffing out his chest and talking all kinds of reckless. Sure, they let him run his mouth for a minute. But the moment Andy raises that one imposing brow and Ari casually cracks his knuckles, the other man is out of there.
And oddly enough, so was the woman they'd been defending.
Confused, they briefly scan the area for her, only to see her on the opposite end of the gym speaking to Curtis, one of the personal trainers who works at the gym part-time. Since she seems alright, they decide to return to their workout.
But before they can, they're interrupted by the woman once again. And this time she's brought along Curtis, who is quick to thank them for protecting his girl, Ruby. As a show of appreciation, he invites them both out for a beer, which they readily accept. After that day, the three become fast friends.
And, funny enough, it was Curtis who actually introduced his new buddies to the "Daddy lifestyle". But that, my friends, is a story for a different time.
P.S. If you love Dominant Daddies and OTT Alphaholes, then please check out my Trio Series Masterlist!
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ryansjane · 1 year
Hi ! As someone who likes Off, I often wonder what his offscreen personality is like. I noticed he doesn't go out often, all of his current best friends (both showbiz and non-showbiz) are people who he met at least a decade ago, he comes across as a very simple and sweet guy. So, I think he is an introvert without social anxiety, very private, and is slightly afraid of people / fans leaving him (hence the one sided OTT fanservice sometimes) but is also afraid of ... being taken advantage of by people he love, almost as if he has trouble being vulnerable? Idk. I often try to analyse him haha. All of this is to ask - have you ever tried observing and made assumptions about his character and personality? If yes, what do you think about him? Please feel free to ignore this ask if you don't want to answer, thank you!
hi! I think most of your analysis of off is spot on, except for the fact that he is an introvert. as confirmed by tay in this video a year ago, off is an ESTJ on the mbti scale, which was also a big surprise for me bc I assumed that he was an introvert but nope! actually though if you read info about ESTJ's you'll see it fits him very well, he's a "director" which is so accurate for him since he takes on the role of leader & phi in pretty much every situation! but yes, off is a homebody & a very private person. one of the reasons I love off so much is bc he is so interesting & layered, on the one hand he is the class clown who doesn't discuss a lot of deep things openly, but on the other he is someone who enjoys his solitude, plans for the future & thinks about things with philosophy. his interview with GQ he did last year is still one of my favorites bc we see a more grown & thoughtful aspect of off. but yes, off is also a deeply insecure person in my eyes. the way he's always almost begged fans to stay with him for 30 more years, and he also always makes self-deprecating jokes about his body, his nostrils & nose, etc. show us that. the fact that he admitted being self-conscious about doing shirtless scenes (despite the fact that he's had so many, even before not me lmao) also tells us that. and he also 100% has trouble being vulnerable, he said before that his only way of showing love to his family is giving them money, and even tay said that despite being his best friend, they don't talk about anything deep together. despite all that, I think off is secure in himself bc he knows himself & his worth, and grows more confident by the day! he is a walking paradox bc he has so many contradicting traits, but my opinion is that he is 100% the person he portrays himself to be. the reason off occupies a good 80% of my heart & only leaves 20% for the rest of my fave thai actors is bc I believe him to be the most honest & the most himself thai actor. and having seen him irl, seen the way he's nice to everyone, makes sure to come meet his fans, be polite & kind to everyone who meets him, literally walk with a bounce in his step like a cartoon character, become besties with the security guards & photographers at each event, crack up jokes, make his signature weird faces, I can only say... while I don't know exactly who off is off-camera, I love every second of what I've seen so far <3
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Empowering Digital Innovation: Microlent Systems' Comprehensive Web Development Services
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Microlent Systems
In an era dominated by digital transformation, businesses are relentlessly pursuing innovation to stay ahead in their respective markets. Amid this digital race, Microlent Systems emerges as a beacon of technological advancement and a pioneer in web development services. With a robust portfolio that spans web application development, TV application development, wearable technology solutions, enterprise solution development, AI/ML-based solutions, and IoT/hardware integrated solutions, Microlent stands at the forefront of enabling businesses to unlock their full potential in the digital landscape.
Web Application Development: A Cornerstone for Digital Success At the heart of Microlent's services lies its web application development expertise. In understanding the critical role that web applications play in today's business ecosystems, Microlent delivers bespoke solutions that are not just about coding and deployment but about creating a digital experience that resonates with end-users. From e-commerce sites that handle millions of transactions to SaaS platforms that automate business processes, Microlent's approach is to build scalable, secure, and dynamic web applications that drive user engagement and business growth.
Revolutionizing Television with TV Application Development The television industry is undergoing a transformation, with digital platforms and OTT services changing the way content is consumed. Microlent's TV application development service is tailored to meet this new wave of demand. By focusing on user experience, Microlent helps content providers, telecoms, and OTT platforms deliver applications that are intuitive, engaging, and accessible across devices, ensuring content reaches viewers worldwide in the most effective manner possible.
Pioneering in Wearable Technology with Android and Apple Watch Application Development As wearable technologies become an integral part of our daily lives, Microlent is at the helm of developing innovative applications for Android and Apple Watch devices. These applications are not just about extending smartphone functionalities to one's wrist but are designed with a focus on health, fitness, productivity, and lifestyle, ensuring users have a seamless and enriched wearable experience.
Enterprise Solution Development: Catalyzing Business Transformation Microlent recognizes the challenges businesses face in adapting to rapidly changing market conditions. Its enterprise solution development services are focused on building robust, cutting-edge solutions that enable businesses to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and maintain competitive advantage. Whether it's through CRM systems, ERP solutions, or custom software tailored to specific business needs, Microlent's solutions are a catalyst for digital transformation.
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Bridging the Physical and Digital with IoT/Hardware Integrated Solutions Microlent's expertise extends into the burgeoning field of IoT and hardware-integrated solutions, where the physical and digital worlds converge. By enabling smart interactions between devices, systems, and services, Microlent's solutions facilitate enhanced data collection, real-time monitoring, and automated control, driving efficiency, sustainability, and innovation across sectors.
Conclusion In the constantly evolving digital landscape, Microlent Systems stands out as a partner of choice for businesses looking to harness the power of technology for growth, innovation, and digital transformation. With a commitment to excellence, a passion for innovation, and a comprehensive suite of web development services, Microlent is dedicated to empowering businesses to achieve their digital aspirations.
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stormoflina · 7 months
I cannot deal with the secondhand embarrassment from these questions. Let me interview him
(“Do you ever feel alone? ((This has been asked so many times…)) Do you often take advantage of being “the” Szoboszlai Dominik? Who would you call from the team if you got into trouble? What would it take for you to take a penalty instead of Salah? Would you have signed to Liverpool if you knew Klopp left at the end of the season?”)
Don't even mention it... I'm so over what we call 'journalism' over here. There are so many talented, well-prepared journalists in our country, but unless you are close to the golden pot or a butt licker, you are not going anywhere. Embarrassing that this is all what they can come up with really.
I get that apparently these were questions from fans, but really? Just like you say, second hand embarrassment. Also, lol at the fact that when they answer the lonely question (the same one he already talked about in big length!!) he just looks at the camera as if he's in the office lol. You can tell he's over it as well.
Nem tudom olvastad-e azt a pár hónappal ezelőtti cikket az nso-n ahol valamelyik nagy főszerkesztő úr csinált egy olyan nevetségesen amatőr interjút vele, hogy mar-mar kinyílt az ember kezében a bicska, hogy ilyenek embereknek tollat és papírt engednek ragadni. Ráadásul olyan kellemetlen alákérdezések voltak néhány csapattársról... Dominik jól reagálta le, de nem hiszem el, hogy ilyen kellemetlen helyzetbe kell hozni őt. Tök ciki az egész magyar (sport)sajtó ahogy van. Inkább szenvedek minden sketchy streammel is a laptoponom, de nem vagyok hajlandó spílert tvt nézni, mert ott is csak megy az állandó felszopás, már bocsànat.
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9w1ft · 1 year
Why do you think all of a sudden some of the fans are turning on Joe? Like do you think something happened so Taylor or her team released statements which would in turn make people hate him? Because on Twitter someone said that he definitely did something and that's why Taylor threw him under the bus. And they also said that he never once said a nice thing about T.
well i think the practical short term answer to your question is that a coworker of joe’s posted that photo of him to her instagram and suddenly some people assumed that this meant he had been cheating on taylor (???).
but yea there is also the business of many of taylor’s famous friends unfollowing him one after the other. this is in addition to the string of articles that painted a picture of joe not being able to handle taylor’s level of success and fame.
swifties, desperate for an answer because truly this upends so much of what they believed to be true, have filled in the blanks from there in a way i would argue is pretty OTT.. not that taylor couldn’t have predicted this
which brings me to your question. and, i’m not so sure these things are in reaction to anything joe actually did. i think from a gaylor perspective that it’s easy to see this situation and say something like “he mustve pissed someone off” in a joking way.
but you can also look at it the other way around: did taylor set this up from the beginning to work to her advantage? because from taylor’s perspective, in setting up a narrative that she needs someone able to handle her level of success, it tees her up nicely to next be with someone publicly of a similar caliber to her, if that’s what she wants to do. why joe would agree to it, i do not know, but maybe he wasn’t in a position to refuse.
plus, most of the analysis of their relationship references ‘sources close to the couple’ whereas taylor’s team only stated that taylor hopes to remain friendly. so this bad press is not directly from taylor—he could be having it worse, i think.
i think we will have a more clear picture of how calamity joe was as months and years go on. it’ll be interesting if he ever gives a written interview 😆
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OTT Advertising vs. CTV Advertising: Which One Is Best for Your Brand?
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Image Source: FreeImages
Let's dive into every section to gain a complete know-how of OTT marketing vs. CTV marketing.
1. Understanding OTT Advertising
OTT, which stands for Over-the-Top, refers back to the shipping of video content over the net, bypassing conventional distribution channels including cable or satellite TV for PC carriers. OTT services allow viewers to circulate their favorite TV shows, films, and other video content material on diverse gadgets, including smartphones, capsules, computers, and clever TVs. Examples of popular OTT systems encompass Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+.
2. Exploring CTV Advertising
Connected TV, or CTV, refers back to the gadgets on which visitors get admission to and eat OTT content. These gadgets consist of smart TVs, streaming sticks (which include Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire TV), gaming consoles (like Xbox or PlayStation), and set-top containers with net connectivity. CTV devices enable viewers to circulate OTT content without delay on their TV monitors, providing a more immersive and traditional TV-like reveal.
3. The Evolution of OTT and CTV
The upward thrust of OTT and CTV can be attributed to several factors. With the growing availability of excessive-pace net and the proliferation of net-linked gadgets, viewers have more options and versatility in how they devour video content material. The comfort of on-call for streaming and the potential to customize viewing stories have driven the recognition of OTT and CTV.
4. The Growing Popularity of OTT and CTV
The growth of OTT and CTV has been extremely good in recent years. According to Nielsen, streaming accounted for 34.8% of general TV consumption, surpassing cable and broadcast TV for the first time. This shift in viewership behavior has caught the eye of advertisers, who are now trying to leverage OTT and CTV systems to reach their target audiences.
5. Advantages of OTT Advertising
OTT advertising offers several blessings for entrepreneurs. Firstly, it affords the right of entry to a huge and numerous target market, as OTT systems have a worldwide reach and cater to various demographics. Secondly, OTT lets in for superior targeting abilities, allowing advertisers to supply customized and relevant advertisements to unique audiences. Additionally, OTT advertising and marketing provides a brand-safe environment for ad placements, making sure that commercials are displayed in a top-rate and trustworthy context.
6. Advantages of CTV Advertising
CTV advertising and marketing, however, give unique blessings to entrepreneurs. One of the important blessings of CTV is the capability to reach viewers at the large display, offering an extra immersive and attractive viewing experience. CTV advertisements are normally non-skippable, ensuring excessive completion fees and expanded logo exposure. CTV additionally lets in for more innovative advert formats, inclusive of interactive and dynamic commercials, that may decorate logo messaging and pressure higher engagement.
7. Challenges in OTT and CTV Advertising
While OTT and CTV advertising presents several possibilities, there are also demanding situations that entrepreneurs need to navigate. One of the principal challenges is the fragmented nature of the OTT and CTV ecosystem, with more than one structure, devices, and content material vendors. This fragmentation makes it crucial for advertisers to have a strategic approach to reach their audience successfully. Additionally, measuring the impact and return on funding (ROI) of OTT and CTV advertising and marketing may be hard because of the shortage of standardized measurement metrics.
8. Targeting Capabilities in OTT and CTV
Both OTT and CTV marketing offer superior targeting talents, allowing advertisers to supply greater customized and applicable ads to their audiences. OTT marketing permits concentrate primarily on different factors, which include demographics, pastimes, and viewing conduct. CTV advertising, in particular, offers the opportunity to target audiences on a massive screen, handing over ads directly to viewers' living rooms. This unique concentration guarantees that advertisements are proven to the proper humans at the right time.
9. Effective Ad Formats in OTT and CTV
When it comes to ad formats, both OTT and CTV marketing offer flexibility and creativity. OTT platforms typically aid various ad formats, along with pre-roll, mid-roll, and submit-roll commercials, similar to conventional TV classified ads. CTV, however, provides additional possibilities for interactive and dynamic ad formats, allowing for more engaging and interactive studies. These ad codecs can encompass overlays, interactive factors, and clickable calls to action, improving the viewer's engagement with the content.
10. Measuring Success in OTT and CTV Advertising
Measuring the fulfillment of OTT and CTV advertising campaigns requires a combination of conventional and digital dimension approaches. Advertisers can track metrics along with reach, frequency, completion quotes, click-thru rates, and conversions to evaluate the effectiveness of their campaigns. Additionally, leveraging superior size technologies, together with attribution fashions and pass-tool tracking, can provide deeper insights into the impact of OTT and CTV advertising on client conduct and conversions.
11. Choosing Between OTT and CTV Advertising
When deciding between OTT and CTV advertising and marketing, it's essential to recollect your marketing campaign goals, target audience, and available sources. OTT advertising gives a broader reach and the capability to target visitors across more than one device, making it appropriate for achieving a diverse audience. CTV advertising and marketing, alternatively, presents a greater immersive and engaging enjoyment on the large screen, making it perfect for logo cognizance and effect-driven campaigns. Ultimately, the selection between OTT and CTV will depend upon your unique dreams and target market.
12. Integrating OTT and CTV Advertising into Your Strategy
To efficaciously integrate OTT and CTV advertising into your marketing approach, it is crucial to not forget the subsequent steps:
Identify your target market: Understand your audience's demographics, hobbies, and viewing conduct to create powerful strategies.
Craft compelling advert creatives: Develop enticing and relevant ad creatives that resonate with your audience and align with the precise context of OTT and CTV structures.
Leverage advanced targeting competencies: Use the superior focus on capabilities supplied by OTT and CTV systems to deliver personalized and applicable commercials to your target audience.
Measure and optimize: Continuously display the performance of your OTT and CTV campaigns, examine the facts, and make data-driven optimizations to enhance your campaign effectiveness.
Consider go-channel integration: Integrate OTT and CTV advertising with different digital marketing channels, along with social media and search advertising, to create a cohesive and complete advertising method.
In the end, both OTT and CTV advertising present precise opportunities for entrepreneurs to attain their goal audiences in a greater personalized and engaging way. By knowing the differences between the 2 and leveraging their respective advantages, advertisers can create impactful campaigns that drive brand attention, engagement, and conversions. With the evolving digital landscape, incorporating OTT and CTV marketing into your advertising method is vital to stay ahead of the opposition and connect to your audience in a significant way.
[Additional Information: 9Media Online is one of the best Programmatic Advertising where you will get the best OTT and CTV advertising services]
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charlesandmartine · 1 year
Thursday 29th June 2023
The Riesling was not good but you did get a little bottle of rum with it. ??
The flat tyre indicator is on again so a visit to Mr Enterprise Rental's favourite tyre fixer is planned for first thing tomorrow in Penticton on route to the Heritage Railway further along Lake Okanagan. Today was earmarked for a return visit to the museum in Naramata and then a visit to the Naramata Waterfalls. Museum being inexplicably closed we bought something to eat tonight and a bottle of Chilean SB, 12 dollars.
Nobody mentioned at any time that a trip to the Waterfalls ought by rights contain a health warning. Nor did any notice state how far up the vertical perpendicular we might encounter a trickle of water. There was to be fair a notice regarding a lost cat, and a 1000$ reward. Answers to the name of Isla. We did call out but our solicitations returned void. Well we climbed and we climbed; the sound of running water ever present. Underfoot was a very unsuitable surface for a septagenarian. The pathway was a fine mix of gravel and scree which can become very unstable for someone at the far end of 'in their prime', albeit in suitable footwear, to maintain their balance at all times. There were moments on a severe downward slope when flailing arms and legs became somewhat uncoordinated and resembled Torvill and Dean on a very bad practice session. I found a fine stout staff to weald, the sort Moses might have been most happy to carry into the promised land, and that was very reassuring.
It was worth the effort to reach a point where the Falls could be inspected to their full advantage. Many a juvenile mountain goat would have passed into manhood by reaching as high as us I feel. The reverse journey was even more taxing and it was with some relief that we reappeared back in the car park all in one piece.
Since arriving in this area we have been intrigued by the local vineyards and have felt a growing kinship with the SB on offer, so on the way back from town we called in at the Serendipity Vineyard for a taste of the stuff. We magnanimously said whatever the cost we shall have a glass of the best SB of recent pressings. And very nice it was too. Full bodied NZ lookalike, bouquet of apples and honey. Beautiful it was sitting on the veranda looking out across the vines. 13$ a glass was a bit tough on the exchequer; the Chilean wine was less for an entire bottle!!! We thought about the option to buy a bottle to have with our evening repast. This SB would go down well with fresh fish, oysters, asparagus and Caesar salad, so the literature boasted. What have we got tonight? Pork sausages and crisps. Perhaps 50$ is a bit OTT for that.
Off to Salmon Arm tomorrow for two nights via the Heritage KVR and tyre emporium. We shall be really sorry to leave this place. It's a beautiful location, lovely town, great people and we have enjoyed every minute of it. I could live here.
ps. The Northern Pacific Rattlesnake is endemic to Canada BC; one of three deadly venomous snakes. We didn't encounter one today although I did see tracks. Today though was the turn of the Poison Ivy. Plenty of that.
pps. 28° today.
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wellthatwasaletdown · 2 years
That article was funny and it brought back memories of that night on Twitter when everyone was laughing at him for spitting in Chris. He is a joke in the public eyes and no amount of OTT PR is going to help. He is over exposed and even his fans are talking about how everything with him is a cash grab. They are at the joking stage of being taken advantage of but that is most likely hiding the embarrassment of allowing yourself to be taken advantage of.
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
Imli Web Series Ullu Cast, Release Date, Real Names
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Imli Web Series Ullu Cast: Imli is the latest web series by Ullu. The web series was released on 17 January 2023. It is available to watch online on the official website and the Ullu app. Nehal Vadoliya, Basant Kumar, Vivek Tripathi, and Rajesh Jaiswar play the lead in the series. The web series is loved by the audience. The series received well responses from the audience.
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Imli Web Series Ullu Cast/ Image Credit: Ullu Imli Web Series Ullu CastImli Web Series Ullu Story Imli Web Series Ullu Imli Part 2 Web Series Ullu All Details
Imli Web Series Ullu Cast
- Nehal Vadoliya - Basant Kumar - Vivek Tripathi - Rajesh Jaiswar Imli Web Series Ullu Story The story tells Raju and Imli arrive in the city together with aspirations of becoming well-known dancers, but the police quickly apprehend Raju and take him away. Alone, Imli tries to stay in a big city all by herself when a few people try to take advantage of her. The local vendor, Gulaab Chacha, offers her shelter in his house. Imli Web Series Ullu GenreDrama, RomanceCastNehal Vadoliya, Basant Kumar, Vivek Tripathi, Rajesh JaiswarOTTUlluRelease Date 17 January 2023CategoryWeb Series Imli Part 2 Web Series Ullu All Details - Genre: Drama, Romance - Release Date: 17 January 2023 - Director: Punit - Language: Hindi - OTT Platform: Ullu Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of any information on the Site. Read the full article
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bearterritory · 28 days
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Golden Bears Pull Away For Win
Defense Has Three Interceptions In 31-13 Victory
BERKELEY – The California football team pitched a second-half shutout to pull away from UC Davis in a 31-13 victory in its 2024 season opener at California Memorial Stadium.
The Golden Bears recorded three interceptions, including one by senior Nohl Williams, who also returned a kickoff 80 yards for a touchdown.
"Nohl was awesome," Cal Head Coach Justin Wilcox said. "The kick return was huge. It was a momentum changer. I really like his competitiveness."
Redshirt freshman Nyziah Hunter had four catches for 47 yards and his first career touchdown in his collegiate debut while Jaydn Ott added two scoring runs for Cal, which has won all 12 meetings all-time against the Aggies.
Linebacker Cade Uluave and transfer cornerback Marcus Harris also picked off UC Davis quarterback Miles Hastings while Ott and junior Mavin Anderson each also added four receptions. Sophomore Fernando Mendoza started for Cal and went 15-for-22 for 158 yards and a touchdown. Transfer Chandler Rogers also saw time for the Bears, completing 3 of 6 passes for 21 yards and also gaining 17 yards on the ground.
"I didn't really expect to play this game. I just came in ready," Hunter said. "I kind of blacked out when I scored that touchdown. There was so much emotion going through my body."
The Aggies took a brief 13-7 lead late in the second quarter before Williams ran back the ensuing kickoff for a touchdown. The Bears would not relinquish the advantage again, as Ott and Hunter found the end zone in the second half and new placekicker Ryan Coe booted a 25-yard field goal.
"In the first half, we had good effort but our execution was lacking," Wilcox said. "We weren't in any type of rhythm as a team. I'm really proud of the way the guys persevered through that. Once you get out there and you trust your training. … all of the sudden things start going your way. It was really a tale of two halves."
Cal travels to Auburn next Saturday for its first road game of the season. Kickoff is set for 12:30 p.m. PT and the game will air on ESPN2.
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sahani55rishav · 2 years
Cloud Computing and its Systems
Online Organizations Electronic organizations grant your business to pick different web abilities instead of an endlessly out application. Using XML, UDDI open standards and various lingos over a show spine, electronic applications coordinate with various bits of your business.
For instance, you can include online organizations for straightforward money and record taking care of. These organizations license you to pick the mix of web applications for your business. You can pick individual organizations through various providers and use them close by your ongoing course of action.
SaaS Programming as an Assistance (SaaS) is the most by and large used area of disseminated processing that gives various cloud tenants permission to a particular application.
Office 365 is a kind of SaaS where anyone can open a month to month enrollment to Microsoft’s set-up of Office things. SaaS gives a complete plan guaranteed and managed by an IT organizations provider. These plans are great for end-client applications for everyday exercises.
What actuated interest for cloud well-informed authorities?
As people contributed an enormous part of their energy inside, working from a good ways, virtual joint exertion enhancements saw a rising interest. As a quick result, OTT stages like Netflix and Amazon Prime saw an inconceivable piece of endorsers during the time with the flight of people moving from inclining in the direction of the ordinary television interface model. Online Foodservice aggregators like Swiggy and Zomato too elaborate dispersed enlisting for their possible advantage in giving end-clients steady data right from ideal cleansing of their food-improvement accomplice to ensuring a sans contact food transport experience following the uncommon pandemic. This brought into the picture the adaptability of spread figuring to generally all undertakings and that it doesn’t restrict just to upgrading standard IT urging firms’ exercises. Second satisfaction and incessant association thusly different into the norm for relationship to sack committed clients and it became possible through down to earth attempts — appropriated figuring.
Cloud Sending Approaches
While considering which circled enrolling blueprint is fitting for your business, you really want to think concerning worked with, crossbreed or on-premises game-plans. IaaS, SaaS and PaaS combine the stuff programming and applications that work on the cloud. Worked with, crossbreed and on-premises are the common affiliation models of appropriated figuring. We should skip into these choices somewhat more. A worked with cloud continuum is a finished cloud sending with the applications as a whole and associations you really care about. In a worked with cloud, applications are at present open, and new applications can be made on low-or certain level foundation. Worked with cloud plans are completely made due, ensured and remained mindful of by a managed associations supplier and anticipate that month should month enlistment costs.
Cloud Computing Solutions is creating and it is basic to keep yourself invigorated with the latest examples. However, the a great deal of information on the web could leave you more overwhelmed! Simply unwind, we are here to help you out with different circulated processing resource that you should follow.
cloud continuum wraps the developments, controls, cycles, and techniques which solidify to shield your cloud-based systems, secure conveyed registering data, and establishment. It is a sub-space of PC security and all the to a greater extent, information security.
It is a typical commitment among you and your cloud expert association. You do a cloud security strategy to shield your data, stick to managerial compliance,business cloud advantages and defend your clients’ insurance. Which consequently safeguards you from the reputational, money related, and legal outcomes of data breaks and data setback.
Cloud arrangements is an essential for all affiliations. Especially with the latest investigation from (ISC)2 uncovering 93% of affiliations are modestly or exceptionally stressed over cloud security, and one of each and every four affiliations confirming a cloud security episode in the past a year. In this article, we will make an exhaustive manual for cloud security. You’ll research the security risks of moving to the cloud, grasp the justification for why cloud security is required, and find cloud solutions best practices. We’ll moreover cover subjects like how to assess a cloud expert center’s security and recognize the endorsements and getting ready to additionally foster your cloud security.
Most cloud plans fall into three classes:
Foundation collectively (IaaS), Stage-collectively (PaaS), and Programming-collectively (SaaS). Fundamentally, IaaS allows an association to lease his IT base of the association from a cloud provider. PaaS gives an on-demand environment to pushing programming.
SaaS passes applications on over the web. Relationship of all sizes are using cloud answers to aws managed services, programming and IT support costs. As cloud plans foster past IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS responsibilities, tries rely upon cloud programming headway. Server farm assets (counting cycles, stock, and progressive assets) can be virtualized and checked in transit while programming depicted pools. Cloud providers as of now offer pre-packaged cloud courses of action with the flexibility to assign risk in regards to various program assets reliant upon the circumstance. A cloud contract gives productive, on-demand induction to a typical pool of IT resources, helping relationship with achieving more conspicuous efficiencies, diminish costs, and harmony capital and working costs. Various affiliations rely upon a blend of public, private, and mixture cloud associations. OpenStack is a thing decided framework for growing new business occupations, driving DevOps, or moving customary server farms to arranged fogs.
What is Cloud Continuum and how should an alliance use Cloud Continuum?
Change is consistent. This gets a handle on why various associations are rethinking their methodologies by moving to the cloud. Again, there are people endeavoring to additionally foster data work and organizing. Basically, a couple of associations by and large need to diminish costs and augmentation efficiency. Regardless of what the goals, every accessory moves as business needs certainly create. Furthermore, Juice legitimizes the press. Numerous people are seeing the results of the advancement of the cloud plans. Despite the way that fogs expected a central part starting now and into the foreseeable future, the pandemic has given an indispensable lift to interminably cloud administrations organization. It doesn’t just figure your on-demand limit.
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smartersprowebtv · 2 years
5 Best Free IPTV apps to watch Live tv
IPTV is a new technology that allows you to watch live TV on your computer, tablet or smartphone. IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. This term is used to describe a way of delivering television over the internet. IPTV is also known as online TV or web TV.
The first thing to know about IPTV is that it does not replace cable, satellite or terrestrial TV. IPTV simply provides an alternative way of watching live TV content on a computer, tablet or smartphone.
IPTV player is a media player which allows you to watch live TV channels on your device.
IPTV players are used to streaming live TV channels and they offer a variety of content. They have an interface that is similar to that of traditional television and some features are also similar. There are many different IPTV players available in the market today, but each one has its own advantages and disadvantages.
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Lists of top Free 5 IPTV apps
A list of the top five free IPTV apps that are available on the market.
It is one of the most popular IPTV apps for android tv and android mobile devices. This app runs live streams from  HTTP, HSL, M3U8, MMS, RTSP, and RTMP sources.
IPTV Smarters Pro:
IPTV Smarters Pro is a complete IPTV app. IPTV Smarters Pro has been developed for everyone who wants to watch TV on their smartphone, tablet or PC. It is an app that can be installed on any device and it is compatible with all operating systems.
Tivimate :
Tivimate is an IPTV player / app that allows you to watch and record your favorite TV channels.
The app is available on the App Store and on Google Play.
OTT Navigator
OTT Navigator is an IPTV app for mobile devices. It is available on iOS and Android devices. The OTT navigator app is a great way for people to watch their favorite television shows on the go without having to pay for cable or satellite TV.
Perfect Player IPTV:
The Perfect Player IPTV app is a video streaming player that allows users to watch live TV channels and on-demand content. The application is available for Android, iOS, Amazon Fire TV, and Android TV.
We have covered 5 of the best free IPTV apps that can be used to watch live tv on your favorite device. There are a variety of different apps available and some are even free.
In conclusion, there are many free IPTV apps to watch live tv on your device. However, for the best and lag-free experience, you should use one of the five apps listed above.
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