#advanced thanatology/romeo and juliet
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fallenangelblade · 6 months ago
visiting my bestie this weekend (who has never seen supernatural) so i made a powerpoint presentation to teach them about the widower arc
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thevioletcaptain · 4 months ago
once again i am thinking about the visual callback to baz luhrmann’s romeo + juliet (1996) in advanced thanatology, the episode in which the audience is already aware that cas has been resurrected, but dean who doesn't yet know is so grief-stricken and bereft of hope that he kills himself on a run of the mill ghost hunt.
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eastofedean · 7 months ago
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Every devotion is a twisted rope with two ends. Think of a burial.
[despair, supernatural || eurydice, sarah ruhl || eurydice hurried back to the infernal regions, henry thomsom || unkown || orpheus mourning the death of eurydice, ary scheffer || euridice recedes into the underworld, enrico scuri || slaughterhouse-five, kurt vonnegut || all along the watchtower, supernatural || planet of love, richard siken || letters from medea, salma deera || romeo and juliet, william shakespeare || advanced thanatology, supernatural || the oresteia, aeschylus || orpheus and eurydice, carl goos || unkown || metamorphoses, ovid || carry on, supernatural || the death of orpheus, henry leopold levy || do not bring him water, caitlin scarano]
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kellyscabin · 2 years ago
see… the thing is. the thing is with the romeo and juliet big blue advanced thanatology cross is that when dean killed himself cas was ALIVE.. he was alive and crawling his way home and dean almost missed it..
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bloodydeanwinchester · 2 years ago
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he's thinking about the fact that he gets to see dean again here
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casgirldykery4ever · 2 years ago
pregaming advanced thanatology by watching the entirety of romeo + juliet
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donnasweett · 3 years ago
i know we be saying this literally all the time but has anyone ever thought about how advanced thanatology is romeo + juliet
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the-angel-of-destiel-blog · 7 years ago
The fact that Romeo and Juliet is considered an “older movie” makes me feel damn near ancient. It’s a feeling I get often on tumblr.
That being said, that scene in SPN immediately reminded me of R&J (and Baz’s version is by far the best, and I will brook no argument to the contrary!). It always was one of my favourite movies. I remember seeing it in theatre and loved it.
I figured something out y'all.
So I was just watching some older movies, one of them being Romeo and Juliet.
And the last scene starts.
The one where Romeo sees the love of his life. And he thinks she’s dead, but it turns out she’s not (why am I explaining this everyone knows how the story goes)
Anyways guys, DO YOU SEE THIS?!
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I’m not a meta person, so I don’t know what to conclude. Can someone help please?
@mittensmorgul @tinkdw @elizabethrobertajones
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m1zumono · 2 years ago
first, what the hell is this??
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first pic is dean looking at cas in 13x06 ‘tombstone’, finding out he is alive. before this point, we know that cas has been brought back but dean doesn’t, so we’re watching him grieve while knowing it’s essentially for nothing. at the end of the previous ep, 13x05 ‘advanced thanatology’, dean killed himself to save others, and while it isn’t explicitly said, we know that he would have been more hesitant to do this if he had known that cas was alive.
second pic is romeo looking at juliet’s ‘dead’ body at the end of the baz luhrmann romeo and juliet. we know that juliet is not truly dead and will be brought back, and romeo does not know this, and he then kills himself to be with her (with poison, may i add, which is similar to how dean kills himself).
about the pics themselves, what the fuck? blue light-up crosses and orange lighting, even the lighting itself and the shapes being pretty similar - in what world is that not intentional?
also adding that when romeo and juliet first meet in the baz luhrmann film, juliet is dressed as an angel and romeo as a soldier. juliet is also linked to angels constantly, and it isn’t subtle - she has angels all around her room. i could go into the imagery behind this and the parallels other than the obvious, but to keep it relatively brief - angels are usually regarded as symbols of peace, but juliet’s angel brings conflict as she falls in love with romeo, and we see especially in 4x01 ‘lazarus rising’ that castiel also does not bring peace (also in 4x02 ‘are you there god? it’s me, dean winchester’ - ‘i thought angels were supposed to be guardians. fluffy wings, halos, y’know, michael landon. not dicks.’ ‘read the bible. angels are warriors of god. i’m a soldier.’)
to repeat, in what world is that not intentional?
what’s with the destiel romeo and juliet imagery??
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bloodydeanwinchester · 2 years ago
#spn 13x04#the big empty#oh widower arc we're really in it now#i just realized that the entirety of advanced thanatology takes place after cas woke up which means#dean killed himself after cas had already woken up#which HELLO romeo and juliet parallels????#also the beginning of the next episode???? it literally has thee r+j visual scene??? did they do that shit on purpose or...?
just gonna put my tags here because i am really curious if anyone else has any opinions on this??
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he's thinking about the fact that he gets to see dean again here
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