#advance seats
immult · 1 month
sorry to say but that was hot.
welcome back, early-mid campaign imogen temult. you are missed.
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cattons · 9 months
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this has to be some sort of diagnosable condition
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adrift-in-thyme · 11 months
Whumptober Day 14: “Feed me poison, fill me til I drown”
Read it on Ao3
- Time & the Chain
- Summary: Time grows ill by no ordinary sickness
CW for poisoning and all the horrifying symptoms that come with it (including vomiting and severe shortness of breath) and kidnapping
The inn has become outrageously loud.
Time isn’t certain when it went from the usual hubbub of gathered humanity to an overwhelming cacophony of noise. All he knows is that he needs to get away from it. Now. Before he gives in to the urge to curl up on the floor in fetal position.
Strange. He can’t recall the last time he yearned to do that.
It has been years, to be certain. Years since a small child hid in a Castle Town alleyway because it had all, very suddenly, grown to be too much.
Time drags in a breath that doesn’t fully fill his lungs and pushes himself to his feet. If he steels himself, perhaps, he can look purposeful rather than panicked.
“What’s up, old man?”
Legend is staring at him from where he sits on a bench, wedged between Wild and Hyrule. He raises an eyebrow.
“You heading to bed already?”
Time tries to smile. It comes out feeling more like a grimace.
When had it grown so cold in here?
It feels as though the winds of Snowhead have swept in through the swinging double doors. He shivers slightly and the small movement makes the pounding in his head a hundred times worse.
“I’m actually headed outside,” he says, his own voice sounding strangely far away. “I just need a bit of air.”
They’re all watching him now, varying levels of concern on their faces.
“Are you alright?” Sky asks.
Time nods. “Don’t worry about me. It’s just a bit stifling in here is all. I’ll be back in soon.”
Most of them still look worried, but he can hardly afford to stand here, assuring them of his good health. The room is closing in now and blurring slightly at the edges. If he doesn’t get out soon…
With a desperate sort of abruptness, Time turns on his heel and heads for the door.
The main streets of Castle Town are still busy. The inn is relatively out of the way, though, situated snuggly in the back of the town. Few people come down here and Time is glad of it. With a sigh of relief he leans back against the wall.
…only for his legs to give way seconds later.
The ground tips beneath his feet, his stomach lurches, and suddenly he finds himself on his hands and knees. He stares down at the cold cobblestone, trying vainly to comprehend what has just happened. He had been fine a half an hour ago — he had been fine mere seconds ago, save of course, for the sudden onset of a migraine and the dizziness and cold and the way the room had surged and shrieked like a monster let loose…but those had been…
Time’s eye widens slightly. A series of shives rage through him, sudden and unbidden and terrible. They make his teeth chatter so hard he has to grit them together to keep from biting his tongue.
Something is wrong, he realizes, somewhat dazedly. Very wrong. He has suffered enough illnesses, enough injuries to know this one is not normal.
But his head has begun to feel heavy, his thoughts as sluggish and thick as the fog of the Lost Woods. And though he grasps for it, the answer he seeks hovers just out of reach.
Then, it flees entirely, replaced instead by sheer panic.
He can’t breathe.
He tries, fighting to draw precious air through airways that suddenly feel too tight. But he only manages a half-breath that leaves him feeling dizzy. Desperately, he inhales once more.
But his lungs don’t expand to welcome the air he craves. Instead, the pounding in his head intensifies. And in the next moment, his stomach rebels violently. He pitches forward and vomits.
There’s blood in it, he notes, blearily. That’s more than a little worrying.
Or it would be if he could think past the immediate conglomeration of dizziness and pain and a hazy sort of directionless fear.
A shudder rages through him. His body decides it no longer has the strength to hold itself up. He collapses sideways and his surroundings tip with him, streetlights smearing golden light across a navy sky, buildings elongating unnaturally.
For a terrible moment, he is certain that he’s falling. And maybe he’ll keep falling, down, down, down into endless darkness and he’ll be trapped again, imprisoned in a world that won’t remember him, a world destined to be destroyed.
But then his shoulder connects painfully with something hard and he realizes he is lying on the cobblestones.
Still fighting to breathe. And now to swallow. It feels as though his entire throat is closing itself off. Soon he won’t have any air at all.
This has all escalated rather quickly, he thinks with an absurd, giddy sort of mirth. And to think all he had wanted was fresh air. Unfortunately, for him there is none to be had.
Another round of shivers come, tearing his aching body apart, stealing what little breath he still has. It drives away the odd hilarity, brings back the panic of before.
He needs to get up. He needs to find help. But even speaking seems an insurmountable challenge.
Time squeezes his eye shut. His fingernails are sharp against his palm, but the pain grounds him, keeps him awake. And somehow, he knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that he has to stay awake.
Nausea roils in him again. He gags, tasting blood and the remnants of dinner. Dimly, he wonders how long ago it was when he sat with the other heroes, listening to them laugh and tell stories over bowls of warm stew. It feels like an eternity has passed since then. But he doubts that that is true.
Either way, the thought of food makes his stomach protest. There is nothing left in it now to expel. Yet his body tries anyway, violently. Clearly, it wants whatever is inside of him, out.
The realization finally breaks through. But it’s too late to entertain the fresh wave of panic. He is fading now, the taste of blood pungent on his tongue, stones cold against his skin. Even if he had the strength to do more than lie here and attempt to breathe, it wouldn't do him any good. He doesn’t know how to deal with poison. He’s never had to learn.
Footsteps sound now. He registers them, distantly, through a fog he can’t find his way out of. Then, voices reach him, muffled by the whirring in his ears.
“Is he dead?”
“No, he’s still breathing. I can hear his wheezing from here. Pathetic.”
“Besides, we never wanted him completely dead, remember? Just very, very close. Now, come on. You know what to do.”
Hands grasp his arms and roughly haul him up. Ropes snake around his wrists and pull tight. A cloth finds its way into his mouth. And all the while his every instinct screams at him to run, to struggle, to fight. But his limbs are leaden, unable to even keep him upright. He slumps heavily in his captor’s grasp.
“He won’t last much longer without the antidote.”
“Well, we don’t have much longer before the others worry and come to check on him. We go now. He’ll last until we get where we need to be.”
They begin to drag him. His feet are uncooperative, unable to even catch on the stones as they move forward. Darkness dances tantalizingly before him. He tries and fails to take another breath.
“It’s better this way,” he hears them say faintly, in the moments before he plunges into oblivion, “to keep him in this state. The Hero of Termina…he isn’t one you should underestimate.”
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marcusagrippa · 4 months
oohhh.... feeling evil might mess with some roman genders.......
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dorfette · 11 months
Got episode 2'd by Burrow's End and the fucked up bear! My jaw was on the fucking ground at that map, holy shit
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narafeedee · 4 months
i’ve had my current vape since sometime in January, and i absolutely love it. keeping in mind that i worked from home for three months and have been back onsite three weeks now, the only time that vape isn’t glued to my hand is when i’m in the office.
tell me why i’ve thought i cracked the little screen since early March but nope. today i learned that there WAS a plastic protective cover on it when i purchased it. i’m just used to those covers being blue, and it blended in so well i really didn’t notice it 😃
glued. to. my. hand.
anyway idk what happened to the person that could read a 400pg book in five hours but fuck me i’m a dumbass sometimes 😂
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active-mind-15 · 7 months
Accidental Siblings AU Headcanon #11
[Ramblings related to my fic, Accidental Siblings.]
I remembered that someone had a thought from ages ago about baby Bokushi having to use a booster seat because he's a kid now. I even drew a visual for it at the time, but I wanted to bring it back to further expand on this person's idea because I'm obsessed with it.
After becoming a kid, the driver employed by the Akashi household realizes that Bokushi definitely needs a car seat because he's too small to sit in the back seat as he is. So, the first thing he does is inform Bokushi after their first outing that they would have to get him a car seat before he is driven anywhere else for the sake of his safety.
Naturally, Bokushi is immediately embarrassed by the suggestion. Already, he's had to deal with so much being reborn as a 5 y/o and was trying his best not to look childish, but a car seat? That would make him look ridiculous. He tried his hardest to get out of using one, but when the driver had gone and brought this issue up to Masaomi and Masaomi gave his approval to go and buy one, it was too late. Desperately trying to salvage the last of his dignity, he begged the driver to, at the minimum, at the absolute minimum, get him a car seat that looked the least babyish because dammit he had a reputation to uphold.
In the visual that I drew, I was pretty indulgent with the car seat design, but realistically, Bokushi would have probably preferred something like this car seat instead.
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(He would be vaguely impressed by the cup holders and nothing else.)
The first couple of times he uses it, he feels absolutely humiliated because he has to be lifted into it and then assisted with buckling himself in. Eventually, he learns to tolerate it. Not completely accept it, though. Just tolerate it. The driver never makes fun of him for it, but the first time Seijuro gets into the car and sees it, there is a glint of...something...in his eyes. It reminds Bokushi of the face he makes when he's trying to resist annoying Midorima on purpose, and that makes him even angrier.
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bestial4ngel · 10 months
Izzy, Ed, and Stede’s dynamic in season one is just Barry, Vanessa, and Ken from the bee movie send post
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juicedbeetle · 2 years
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when the note doesn't light up (fav moments 6/?)
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raddestrose · 25 days
I started reading orv a few months ago,
and let me just say the first few chapters had me HYPE
I was so excited
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anotherfanaccount · 9 months
Everything that drops about this movie is so so gorgeous. I'm hooked. So hooked.
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shirleyjacksonesque · 5 months
ive been thinking about my experiences at the 2 high schools ive gone to and it really was sooo different forming friendships with my classmates. at my high school in arizona i had like casual friendships with multiple people in every class vs in arkansas, i formed maybe like 2, maybe 3 friendships and that was it. like even tho id lived in arizona longer, most of the people id become friends with were people i had never met before. i made more friends and got more phone numbers/instagrams on my first day in arizona than in the 5 months i went to school in arkansas
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frumpytaco · 5 months
Yesterday in a conversation with an undergrad, my PI mentioned that he was planning to go to the university’s marine station today to sample seagrasses. This was my first time hearing about this and I (naively I guess?) assumed that he had been planning this all beforehand. I asked if I could go if it wasn’t too much trouble (I sit in front of a computer all day and I miss the grass) and he said yes so I was like cool great. THEN at 4:30 in the afternoon, aka 30 minutes before I have to run to catch my train he was like “hey can you find a rental car for tomorrow?” and I was so fucking speechless all I could say was “yeah sure” and frantically tried to find a place, none of which were both located nearby and had pickup times that we needed. But I found one. And I couldn’t send him a link to it because the stupid rental website was storing all the work I did in the cache or whatever (idk I’m not a scientist) so I literally had to hand. him. my. computer. so he could pay for the car. AND THEN I realized wait this is an all day trip should I bring lunch because idk what the culture is in this lab (as if there’s any lab culture whatsoever but that’s a broader issue) /university and I asked him as I was leaving if we were stopping somewhere and he was like “oh food that’s a good point haha” (!!!!!!) and then I thought oh wait what about gear, like does the marine station have boots or waders we could rent? what’s the tide supposed to be like tomorrow? what sites are we going for? are we targeting Phyllospadix or Zostera because they live in super different habitats and require different sampling gear? And he had no answers to these questions. Also the low low tide today is -0.1’. Also he told me that Phyllospadix is not a seagrass, which, it literally fucking is and he had to pull up Wikipedia to check. So then he sent an email to everyone asking me to provide logistical information for tomorrow and I replied with as little snark as I could saying things about what to expect from the habitats and where to find the grasses. I realized I forgot to mention that nearest location of Zostera is in a national estuarine research reserve and I would be very surprised at this point if he’s considered permitting.
But you know what the best part about being tasked with planning a trip I didn’t know about the day before? Since I wasn’t planning on coming until less than 24 hours before, I can back out just as easily. You’re welcome for my help. What were you going to do if I hadn’t expressed interest in coming?

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pokemonruby · 7 months
if they honest to god pull that same shit they did with bdsp for unova i will eat my n figma
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b-rainlet · 1 year
It's the bi-weekly horror sneak Saturday and the cinema is so fucking packed already
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