#adults r phil n wil
blissfali · 1 year
back on my sims bullshit. here we go again
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vneuns · 3 years
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author’s note(s): I absolutely adore family dynamics and having such a traumatizing childhood but being able to write something so special to me really really makes me all mushy inside hehe i hope you all love this piece my loves <3
cw warnings: fem!reader , phil and r are in a relationship but it’s not talked about , crack family basically, my first pg fic. wowza
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“Tommy. Tubbo.” You sighed as both toddlers continued to try their hardest to run after Technoblade and Wilbur. As the sun had set and the weather began to become cooler you and Phil decided it would be best to get the boys out of the house for a breath of fresh air.
But of course no one said taking five children out under the age ten would be easy. So you had a system.
Phil walked ahead with Wil and Tech so they wouldn’t bother the littles, whilst you walked with Tommy and Tubbo who both had backpack leashes on and Ranboo who opted for holding your unoccupied hand and looked around at the outside scenery.
“But we wanna go with the older boys N/n.” Tom whined as he and Tub let up on the pulling when you had pulled back slightly almost causing them to fall.
“We are trying to have a peaceful outing and the four of you together are nothing but trouble.” The boy next to you giggled at the mention of his chaotic brothers. “They’re so silly right?” You whispered to him with a grin. He smiled nodding, fixing the crown that sat on his head.
“Hey I heard that!” Tubbo declared looking back at the two of you over his shoulder with a glare. “Good maybe it’d get you to stop being so wild.” His shoulders rose and fell in a shrug as he became roped in a conversation with Tom about taking over the slides when you reached the park.
All of the kids stood in a line side by side as they waited for you to give them their directions. “No hitting, slapping, insulting, or peeing on random objects.”
You told them seriously as you gave each and everyone ( except ranboo ) a pointed glared while you walked back and forth in front of them Phil watching amusingly from the bench behind you.
“If I hear one yell that isn’t from having fun, a single tear falls from anyone’s eye unless it’s from getting hurt, or hear even one small peep of a tattle tale we’ll go home and never come to the park again, understand?”
They all nodded before running off onto the playground equipment when you gave them a nod of approval to be free.
“You’re so great at this.” Phil beamed at you as you plopped down on the uncomfortable bench next to him resting your head on his shoulder. “I know, I should've been given a raise a long time ago.” Mid yawn you waved at Tommy who was waving frantically at you for no reason in particular.
“Yeah you really should’ve.” The blonde chuckled, rubbing your scalp calmly.
After a moment of silence a pair of very chapped lips kissed the top of your head, your eyes following after Wil and Boo who were screaming at the top of their lungs as their pink haired older brother tried to tag them.
“Ya know what tomorrow is?”
“Laundry day?”
He chuckled, shaking his head, placing his chin atop your head. “No, tomorrow’s mother’s day.”
“S’Nice but i’m not their mum so..” You trailed off eyes flickering between each little light of your life as their big smiles held a special place in your heart. You weren’t their birth mother of course but you were just like it.
The person who was there cheering them on at their games, who was there when they fell and needed someone to clean up their scrapes, and the person who constantly reminded them they were loved.
“But you could be.” He whispered. The statement caught you off guard. You immediately picked your head up looking at him confused. “Wha- what do you mean by could be?”
Just as he went to say something all five of your little army where surrounding you and Phil’s bench Techno holding Tommy who was clutching his knee in pain.
“Oh tommy what’s wrong?” You cradled the boy who had very little tears falling down his cheek as he tried to keep them in.
Wilbur spoke first as he squeezed Tommy’s hand. “We found him under the slide trying not to cry, and then when i asked him what’s wrong he said he didn’t want to go home.”
Phil scrunched his nose as he rubbed the boys leg soothingly. “Tommy, if you got hurt why would you think we’d go home.” You knew he was strong, ( and hard headed ) but he was a great kid with an amazing heart and it always made you feel a little tearful when you thought about how much he was going to grow.
When you got no answer you cradled him to you kissing his head and rocking slightly. “Go play guys.” You whispered when your little stubborn boy began to let it all out.
They each nodded before running off to leave their brother alone in the comfort of the adults.
“It’s alright Tom, you’re a big boy right?” Phil smiled, rubbing the underside of his son's chin with the side of his index finger wiping up some of the tears.
It was as if he had some sort of magic in his words or maybe that callused finger of his, but whatever it was made the little one in your arms wipe his tears.
“Want a lightning mcqueen band-aid for that nasty cut?”
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