#adult swimming lessons private
swimlyau · 1 year
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eliteswimteam · 18 days
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Kuwait's Elite Swim Team offers a top-tier swimming program designed for swimmers who aspire to compete at the highest levels. With expert coaching, intensive training sessions, and a focus on skill development, the program provides a pathway for young athletes to excel in competitive swimming.
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webwareio · 5 months
Welcome to Gotham City Swim, your trusted source for top-quality swimming lessons in the heart of New York! Whether you're diving into the world of swimming for the first time or looking to refine your skills, we're here to make your aquatic journey unforgettable.
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academyalmightysports · 11 months
The Best Adult Swimming Lessons in Singapore | Almighty Sports Academy
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Learning how to swim is thrilling and exhausting at the same time. Learning to swim is a great way to tackle fear of water, however many can struggle to grasp certain concepts. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to improve your skills, enrolling in an adult swim class is a great way to do a full-body workout without missing out on fun! In this blog, we’ll explore the best adult swimming lessons in Singapore and provide you with five essential tips to prepare for your first class.
Visit Us: https://www.almightysportsacademy.com/
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It kinda sucks to be an adult and your parents didn't teach you how to swim or sign you up for lessons, so now the only options are to teach yourself or make peace with drowning lol
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swimupacademy · 1 year
Best Swim School in Malaysia
Want to learn how to swim? Our local swim school offers rapid and enjoyable adult swimming lessons in Malaysia. Embark on a journey to swiftly learn swimming and relish the advantages of enhanced well-being through our specialized program.
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felixswimschools · 2 years
Phone: (647) 705-5250
Address: 64 Baldwin St, Toronto, ON M5T 1L4 Email: [email protected]
Felix's Swim School Downtown Toronto with 40 Years of Experience! Swim School offers small class sizes/individualized approach, focus on quick progression, & clean modern facilities. Our goal is to instill a life-long relationship with the water by providing high quality, developmentally sound swimming instruction in a fun, safe environment while emphasizing outstanding customer service.
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SwimmingLessonsLondon.co.uk - swimming lessons in London
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swimhubsg · 2 years
Ways To Make Your Kid Ready For Swimming Lesson
One well-known physical benefit of swimming is its effect on cardiovascular and lung health. Swimming improves lung capacity because, as the heart rate climbs during a swimming lesson, your body requires more oxygen, which causes you to breathe harder. Want to know some more benefits of swimming, must read this blog.
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m3talmunson · 2 years
Steve Harrington is incredibly smart. It's not his fault nobody believes him. Or, well, maybe it is.
Steve used to be his parents pride and joy, everyone knew that. When he was young, doing his piano lessons, his mother would show him off at their house parties.
"Look at my Steven!" She'd say, and all the other mothers around would parrot something like "What a sweet boy!" and he would just keep playing. That night his father would commend him for keeping the ladies occupied, that he'd grow up to be a real ladies' man, and how great it was that he kept the women out of the men's hair. He'd never said "I'm proud of you," or "I love you," but that was as close as he got.
And for a while, Steve LIVED for it. He'd come downstairs, see his mother in her good pearls, her party pearls, and know that he'd be good for them that day. Be needed for something.
And then it got old. So he learned cello. That kept them entertained for a while, until it didn't. Then he learned flute. That one kept them occupied a little longer, Mr. Harrington could stand the fact that it was a "girly" instrument because it kept Steve's mouth shut. He got too good at talking while he played the other instruments.
Then he tried guitar, and well all the instruments just stopped impressing them, because they stopped having house parties. Instead, they'd started going out to them. Started going out and not coming back, for weeks upon weeks at a time. Steve was determined to give them something to show off, something to praise.
He had always been quite book smart, but he started really putting the effort in. Steve gave it a year and a half of straight A+'s, until he realized that his parents would never care. So he tried a new approach, called 'skating along right above failing'. It didn't get their attention one bit.
Even when Steve came home beaten and torn, from the upside down or a fight, they weren't even there to ever notice.
And sure, people like Joyce or Hopper would notice, check in on him until the black eye went away. But after that, they had lives to live.
So no, the adults in Steve's life didn't really give him much attention at all.
Of course he didn't mind it all that much. Some small part of Steve just figured 'I deserve it,' and he rolled with the punches.
He found solace in his instruments, still. He learned more and more. Piano was his best, but once you had learned piano you could learn just about anything else with some dedication. His guitar he could whip out at a couple of his high school parties. In private, alone in his room with a girl, he could strike a few chords and they would just obsess over it. Got him the companionship he so desperately needed for a while.
Even so, he never showed Nancy. She made it clear to him that she loved watching him swim, loved his muscles. The more masculine parts of him. So he never brought it out. When she asked about the shiny grand piano in his living room, he'd just say his mom played. He stashed away his other instruments in a spare room, so she wouldn't see them.
That's not to say he didn't want to show her one day. He wanted to, but once you get called bullshit once, you're pretty much over the vulnerability.
So he continued to hide it, hide his smarts. He skated through until graduation, nursing the wounds in his body and mind all alone. Then he met Robin.
And he was just too scared to show her that part of himself. His instruments had become his little secret, and he just wasn't keen on sharing.
Not until after the events of Vecna. He had lost enough by then. He didn't lose any friends this time, but he was close. Max regained some of her eyesight, wearing thick glasses that Steve paid for. He'd never let Max's mother do it. Eddie got his new government-supplied trailer, and walked the long road to recovery. And near the end of that road, Steve threw one damn good party.
It was early August. Steve and Robin had already celebrated a year of being best friends (and being free of Russian torture), but Max was having a harder time, so they waited a little longer, until the Byers-Hopper group had settled in, but before school started. It was pretty much a "Hey Hawkins is (Relatively) Safe!" party. Everyone had mostly recovered from the events of spring break, the Byers-Hopper clan had finally put the finishing touches on their home in Hawkins, getting a nice big house that someone left behind in the "Great Escape From Hawkins of 1986". Eddie had finished high school, a little bit with the pity of teachers who were sorry that they thought he was a murderer, combined with the pity that he was nearly killed in the "earthquake", but who's counting? It was his year.
It was all of their years, finally over with this upside-down business. So Steve threw a party.
The adults had left, calling in their bedtime at 9. The kids and the older teens were sleeping over though. Steve had more than enough space, and of course, the moment Joyce Byers closed the front door with her last "Call me if you need anything!" they had to break out the good old party games.
The kids insisted on truth or dare, and they got a couple rounds in before Dustin decided to single our Steve for once.
"You haven't been called on much, it's my turn to fix that." Dustin said. Argyle was the only person who had chosen Steve so far, since he was on vacation from California for the summer, staying at the Byers place after helping them move in.
"Yeah yeah just spit it out kid," Steve retorted, taking the last swig of his first-and-only beer for the night, always playing it safe in case he had to drive one of the kids home unexpectedly.
"Truth or Dare?"
Steve contemplated for a moment. He picked dare earlier with Argyle and it had been pretty simple. A truth might make him spill some of the secrets he was content to keep in his brain. Within the kids group half of the truths so far had been about crushes. It left Will stammering earlier, and he wasn't about to let the same thing happen to himself. He could admit he had... new feelings when it came to romance that he'd rather not let out in THIS room. What's the worst that could happen if he chose dare anyways?
"Dare. Hit me with your best shot kid."
"Damnit, I had only thought of a truth! Give me a second." Dustin fumbled, turning to Lucas and trying to think of a good dare.
"All that talk..." Eddie whispered into Steve's ear.
That was a new habit the older teens had gotten into. Whispered secrets behind flexed hands, like a little kid's game of telephone. Something that made them feel like kids again. Though if we're being honest, it was mostly Steve and Eddie.
"I know, right?" Steve whispered back. Admittedly, something about the whispering made the hair on Steve's neck stand up on end. It made him feel like he and Eddie were the only people in the world.
He always had to come back to reality though.
"I dare you-" Dustin interrupted, " -to show us something you've never shown anyone before. Like a hidden talent or something."
Steve thought about it for a second. Maybe he could finally be vulnerable with the group. He had gone to hell and back with these people, multiple times. Surely he could play some piano.
So Steve got up, passing his empty bottle to Nance who eyed it with a raised brow and set it on the side table next to her. He stepped over the boys' sleeping bags, all of them sticking around in the living room that night so the girls could have the basement. Steve chose to ignore when Mike fussed, saying that he got stepped on.
He sat down at the piano bench and cracked his knuckles, looking down at the keys before snapping his head up and asking, "Any requests?"
"Wait Steve you can-" Nancy started, before Robin blurted out a song.
"Take Me Home Tonight!" Robin shouted. It had become their collective favorite song recently, both of them singing it every day on the drive home from work.
"Yeah, I can do that one. Be my backup Robs?"
"You don't have to ask twice!" She swung up from her place next to Nance, stepping over the sleeping bags the same way Steve had.
When she made herself a comfy spot on top of the piano, swinging her legs back and forth, Steve started the intro.
Steve thought it sounded a little dinky on classical piano with no synth. He winced to himself as he played the intro, looking up to Robin for comfort. He just saw her jaw drop, and her mischievous smile go wider. He didn't have to look at anyone else, Robin's nod for him to start singing was all he needed to look back down at the keys.
Steve had never been a confident singer, always putting on a bit of a show, carrying a tune -but never doing his best- so if someone said it was bad, he could say he wasn't trying. This time though, he gave it his all.
By the first chorus he was throwing his head back and closing his eyes, putting on a show for a different reason, smiling as wide as he could whilst singing.
He took some liberties: embellishing a little on piano, changing "Ronnie" to "Robbie" because, honestly, who wouldn't have. He got to her solo and, playing the supporting chords with his left hand, held out his right hand and his fake microphone to Robin, who took his arm in her hands and let out her most dramatic "Be my little baby," straight from the heart.
Playing the intro to the next part, Steve remembered that there were people in the room besides him and Robin. He looked around at the faces of his friends. Lucas and Max were bopping along on the floor, Will, El, and Erica had been dancing haphazardly in the corner the whole time, El dragging her brother up by the arm. Erica followed; she had recently taken an admiring to the bitchin' girl with superpowers, plus both El and Max enjoyed having another girl at sleepovers. Dustin's jaw was still on the floor, although Nancy was more subtle about her shock, her mouth hanging in a little "o" . Jonathan and Argyle were nodding their heads along to the bass chords, having just the time of their lives. It was Eddie's face that made Steve's heart jump. He was marveling at Steve, and anyone could tell. It was enough to make Steve sing the next verse directly to him. It became all too real all of a sudden, and he wouldn't change it for the world.
Soon after, the game was ditched, all the kids rattling off songs for Steve to play for them, so they could sing along. After some Loverboy, Blondie, Grease, and their more-than-fair share of ABBA, the kids tired themselves out. Will and El made a point to thank Steve for his playing, Lucas, Max, and Erica whooped and hollered after every song, and the rest of them showed their thanks in other ways, in hugs goodnight or simple looks, eye contacts worth a million words. Then all the older teens headed upstairs. Jonathan and Argyle headed to their room early, but Robin and Nancy stuck around in the Steve's bedroom, where he was sharing with Eddie.
"When were you going to tell us you were a musical GENIUS?" Eddie asked.
"I'm no genius, I just- My mom wanted something to show off at parties when I was younger, I started learning when I was seven so I could be their free entertainment."
"Thirteen years, Steve?" Nancy felt pretty awful not knowing about something so personal to him.
"Yeah, this is my first time showing someone who wasn't at those parties though. Well, on the piano at least."
"What do you mean 'on the piano?' Do you play other instruments dingus?"
"Well, a couple others! Cello, flute, guitar, french horn, and drums a little. I can carry a tune on harmonica, but I mainly picked it up to learn Piano Man. Thought it'd be kinda funny."
"You are magical Stevie, did you know that?"
Those words, Eddie's words, bounced around in Steve's head for the rest of the night. Magical. Him? Magical.
"Seeing as we know a girl with superpowers, I doubt that I'm the magical one." Steve brushed it off.
The girls took their leave a while later, leaving Steve and Eddie to stew in their awkward nature around eachother.
"I guess I can give up on being the only cool guitar player in the group." Eddie said, faking a heartbroken look.
"You can still be the only cool guitar player, I'm just a guitar player."
"Oh c'mon Stevie! You know these kids think you're the coolest person on the planet."
"I think you've got that one covered, I'm just their ever-so-giving host and chauffeur." Steve tried to make a joke out of it, gave his best self-pitying chuckle and everything. Eddie saw right through it. Saw the tears cloud the edge of Steve's vision before he blinked them away.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey," Eddie stopped Steve, "You're so much more than a ride home and a place to stay to them, okay? I mean it, they think you're the coolest person on the planet. And they're not the only ones who think it."
"Ha, like you think it."
"I do, Steve. I do think it."
"I mean, come on Eds! There's really no redeeming factor," Steve let the tears fall freely, moving off of his bed where Eddie sat, and gesturing to himself,"I have a nice car, a big house, and a shit personality. I'm not good in conversation, I don't know any of their nerd games. I'm no good at keeping them safe from anything that isn't an interdimensional monster. I'm just kind of here. I'm not smart, or nice, or even funny, or magical like you said. I'm just here."
"Steve," Eddie started, this look in his eyes, trying it's hardest to tell Steve everything he means to them, means to Eddie. But Steve just closed his eyes, bowed his head, like Eddie had some power over him.
Steve just stood there, head bowed, flexing and unflexing his fists.
"Come here." Eddie commanded, patting the bed next to him. And, just like the little kid who learned piano to entertain his mom, Steve listened.
Steve sat down and Eddie immediately scooted him closer, putting Steve's chin in both of his hands. Making Steve look him in the eye.
"You are so much more to those kids. And even if I'm wrong, you're so much more to me. You are smart, you are kind, you are generous, and loving, and you care for each and every one of us more than anything or anyone in the world could reasonably ask you to." Eddie wiped Steve's tears as they fell, but he never broke eye contact. "You've saved their LIVES Steve. Many of them wouldn't be here without you. I wouldn't be here without you. You carried me out of that hell hole, and you've been here for me since. If there's anyone in this world qualified to tell you how much you mean to them, I think it's me."
"You really believe all of that?"
"Every syllable of every word."
See, Steve Harrington is incredibly smart. It's not his fault nobody believes him.
Not even himself.
But maybe, for the first time, he was about to make a smart decision.
So he learned forward, into Eddie. Pressed his lips into Eddie's and didn't doubt that Eddie would kiss back. And when Eddie did, Steve's heart soared. He put all of his gratitude, all of his feelings into kissing Eddie.
After he finally pulled away, Eddie just had to bring some light into the situation. He wiped away one of Steve's tears, and said:
"I hope I don't have to see those pretty eyes cry for that to happen again."
"You don't-" Steve leaned in again.
And if Robin found them suspiciously close in the morning, it was nobody's business but her own.
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swimlyau · 1 day
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eliteswimteam · 18 days
Master the waves with Kuwait Swimming's comprehensive water safety lessons, personalized private swim instruction, and elite swim team training. Tailored for swimmers of all ages and skill levels, our programs ensure safety, skill development, and competitive excellence.
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ebaylee422 · 1 year
Billy X GF!Reader
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Authors Note: We want a scared Dad Billy? Yeah we’re gonna get one.
AU Summary - This is if Billy didn’t ‘actually' die during Season 3. He’s been with the group for a year, even aiding them against Vecna Season 4. Everyone who fell victim to Vecna was trapped in the Upside Down, including but not limited to Barb, Billy (ofc), Bob, Chrissy, Eddie, Jason, etc You get the idea. They all still bear the weight of what happened to all of them. It’s like they were raised from the dead if you will. This fic takes place maybe five years later? So 1990-91 ish
Warnings/Tags: Smut, Unplanned pregnancy, family trauma, name-calling between friends. Fixing everything and any death post season 4, lots of Steddie and Ronance, Talk of body issues, pregnancy fears, fear of not being good enough, Physical violence in the form of threats or thrown objects.
Word Count: 7.8k
I come up from doing a few laps in the pool, stepping up the stairs. Billy walked towards me with a towel in hand.
“Looking good out there Ms. Y/L/N.” I smirk, taking the towel from his hands, dabbing at the water on my face and hairline.
“Thank you,”
“Perfect form, and that suit is marvelous.” he winks.
“Well your form is marvelous,” I say making him blush, “I mean, you are a great teacher, teaching lessons to the kids-”
“You know, I could uh. I could teach you if you like?”
“Yes, well, I know all the styles.” he looked me up and down, opening a piece of gum. Setting his free hand to follow the strap of the bikini dangerously close to cupping my breast. “Free style, um Butterfly, and Breast stroke.” I watch him breach his soft lips slipping the gum into his mouth, accidentally dropping the towel in my hands.
“Oops.” I bend over, picking up the towel slowly. So he can see the arch of my back and the space between my bathing suit and breasts. “I didn’t know you offered adult lessons.”
“Well you know, I offer advanced lessons to a select clientele. Come to think of it, there's a good pool out at uh, Motel 6 on Cornwallis. Very quiet, you know, very private. Should we say tonight, 8 o’clock.”
“Wouldn’t this be the 4th time this week Mr. Hargrove? I don’t think there’s anything left to teach me.” I brush my hands on his chest toying with the whistle around his neck.
“Oh you see that’s where you're wrong I think there are plenty of things left to do. I just don’t think I’ve pushed you hard enough.” leaning into the tease, brushing up my arm leaving goosebumps even in the damp heat of summer.
“Well I need to-”
“It will be the workout of your life.” he cut me off,
“I will need your help deciding what to wear, you have such impeccable taste.” I ran my hand down my side over the hem of the swim bottoms, knowing it drove him crazy looking at the light trail of hair disappearing into my swim bottoms along my pelvis.
“A tease you are,” he pulls my waist to him, kissing me deeply for everyone at the pool to see how taken we are with each other. My fingertips dip into his waistband, distracting him while my tongue dips into his mouth, snatching the gum and pulling back quickly. "Oh a thief too, I see your game." I blow a bubble, smacking the gum and twisting out of his arms to hold his hands.
“Gotta hit the showers, California, perhaps a rain check? I’ll find you before I leave!” winking and popping the gum one last time, skipping to cool off from the hot sun in the women's locker room. 
Grabbing a fresh towel and some soap from my locker I pull the curtain taut. Letting the water run over my suit, unsticking it with all the chlorine and sunscreen. Hanging it on the hook, tying my hair up and washing my body. Just when there’s suds' coating my eyes I hear someone pull the curtain open,
“This one’s taken!” I hide my body against the wall, trying to wash out the soap when the curtain closes again. Getting frustrated I vigorously put water in my eyes, hearing wet steps. A hand covers my mouth so I can’t scream, turning me around quickly to the haughty chuckle. Billy stands smiling wildly, “What do you think you're doing!” I smack at his chest, he shushes my protest, kissing down my throat creating a bee-line to my chest. Instinctively I hook my arms around his neck, looking down to see he’s also completely naked. “You're supposed to be working, go away.” I hum as he kisses the tops of my breasts.
“But your breasts are so amazing and all soapy. God, have they gotten bigger? My girls, all pretty and sensitive.” he whines on my neck, “and I know you didn’t just buy a suit I wanted, tease me with it. Not wanting me to fuck you, oh not my doll! What have you done with her?!” I laugh as he shakes me, hands on the middle of my spine.
“Okay well then it worked better than I thought, I guess actions speak louder-” he was hammering the spot on my neck that gives my stomach butterflies, “Billy-” I whine.
“Yes? Anything for you.” he looked up, with those gorgeous blue eyes pupils of black onyx swallowing the ocean with lust.
“B, I don’t feel too good...” I pout,
“Well then, let me make you feel so much better, huh? Let Billy take care of you. I'll make you feel better, and damn you smell so good, Indiana.” He doesn’t push my limits by forcing himself on me, just showering me with love in his way of physical contact.
"What hurts baby?"
"My back, and I'm nauseous." I hold onto him, playing with his St. Christopher’s necklace under the cool water.
"Well I could blow your back out for ya and buy you dinner afterwards. A nice corn dog and push pop from concessions?"
"You're not helping. You corn dog."
"Correction, it's horn dog." He blows a raspberry along my neck, correcting me.
“Billy! Someone will hear us!” I laugh, running my hand through his wet locks.
“Nope paid that one kid five bucks to scare anyone off, think his name is Ben. Maybe Benson?”
“There’s a teenager outside the woman’s shower room scaring people away so you can fuck me?”
“No, I locked the door and put one of the shower chairs under the handle!”
“Hmm, might take me a little more convincing.” I tease, pushing his shoulders down for him to kneel in front of me. He winks holding onto the backs of my thighs.
“God damn, doll.” He nuzzles his nose along the seam of my cunt, lifting one of my legs to hook over his shoulder. “So fucking wet f’ me, huh?”
“Yes...” I moan when he licks a trail from my entrance to my clit sucking the button into his mouth to roll it over his tongue. He looks up at me as two of his fingers split my folds curling them inside me.
“Shit Billy, ‘M close.” I pant holding the back of his head as he licks my cunt like his favorite ice cream flavor. He pulls off suddenly standing, retreating his fingers from my cunt to circle my clit.
“Want to feel you cum on my cock, doll. Get me there.” He commands, thrusting his swollen and leaky cock against my thigh. I grasp him, rolling in matching circles with my thumb along the tip.
My head thumps the tile wall and we giggle at the noise.
“You okay?” He holds me cheek in his free hand then threading his fingers into my soaked hair.
“Yeah, want you.” I whisper, kissing his lips with bruising passion. He takes himself from my hand lining up with my entrance. Holding my other leg against his hip now so I’m spread open for him. He puts my hand between our bodies above my clit,
“Rub your clit for me, not gonna last long in your pretty pussy.” I whimper at the thought, he kisses me deeply as he pushes inside. My walls have to re-stretch around his girth every time. My free hand accidentally scratches along his back as he pounds into me. He pants into my mouth as he picks up speed, I squeeze around him cumming with a soft cry of his name. That sends him over the edge. I can feel the first wave of his hot load as he pushes himself deeper inside. 
Billy drops my leg, rubbing at my hip and holding me upright as we come down from our high. He kisses along my collarbone as he reaches for my body wash. We spend a few minutes in peaceful post orgasm, treasuring each other’s bodies before he speaks.
“Feel better, doll?” Billy whispers like an unspoken confession.
“A little, thank you honey.” I turn off the water after we clean ourselves off, he dries off by shaking out his hair like a dog. Pelting me with water droplets in the process.
“What?” He acts innocent as I dry my arms and legs, “I’m going back to the pool anyway.” He hands me a towel allowing me to dress moderately dry. Giving up his water after his guided workout, I take one sip before being hauled over his shoulder.
“Billy!” I yell as he grabs my bag from the hook, moving the chair from the door.
“What? I promised my girl some dinner!” He smacks my ass when he walks down the hall to concessions.
“Billy put me down, I’m too heavy!” I groan, getting nauseous from the pressure on my abdomen. He sets me down on the counter cutting the line completely, getting one of his close friends Heather’s attention in the process. 
“Horseshit, you’re fucking light if anything and beautiful no matter what. You could turn green and I’d still do ya.” Heather and I audibly cringe at him.
“Regular for both of you?” she asks leaning over the counter
“Yeah, three corn dogs and a large coke with-”
“With mustard I know!” She goes to the single fryer, dropping them in.
“Have you tipped her today?” I ask him, pinching his waist.
“Ow, hey we both work here. I might as well give her some of my paycheck with the amount of food we trade.”
“Trade?” I raise my eyebrow in disbelief “Billy it is your responsibility as the straight white man to empower the women in your life. Be better.”
“Yeah ass-wipe, be a good civil servant and pay me.” Heather leans over handing me a paper cup of Coke with a straw.
“Stuff it dyke.” I gasp smacking him in the chest, “Ow!”
“Bite me lunkhead.” She fires back at him, they flip each other off like children.
“You two are terrible to each other.” I groan, sliding off the counter when she sets the bag down next to us.
“Hey Y/N, are you coming to the tailgate tonight with everyone?” She asks, tearing a twister with her teeth.
“Um, I don’t know yet. We’ll call you tonight if we can’t make it. Right Bills?” I look at him looking for a way out of it.
“No babe we gotta. We’re hosting the after party at our place with everyone. So I can keep an eye on Max.”
“Don’t go all psycho big brother on her, she’s in high school Billy.” They start to argue about what they were exposed to at young ages and with Max’s condition Billy argues she could be taken advantage of. I feel dizzy as they argue, leaning onto Billy’s shoulder for support.
“You can’t say shit because you are an only child, huh?” Billy pulls me closer by my waist, trying to have me side with him. “Doll, you okay?”
“Huh? Just got really sleepy, I think I should nap and pick up the apartment before we have a bunch of our friends and family over.” I kiss his cheek, “I’ll see you at home?”
“Yeah of course, you want me to walk you to the car?” Billy asks worriedly, pressing a kiss to my temple and hugging me tightly goodbye.
“No it’s okay, have a good shift guys. I’ll see you tonight!” I wave leaving the food and cola with Billy. I drive home quickly and pass out on the couch immediately blaming it on the Hawkins heatwave.
I woke up a couple hours later to dishes clanking together and whispered song lyrics. Stretching my aching muscles, I stand seeing a blanket thrown over my lap. Smiling, I walk into our kitchenette to see Billy with his Walkman on full blast, before he can see me. My stomach gurgles and I race to the bathroom, throwing up an empty stomach of Water and Cola. I sit on the floor for a moment dizzy, dry heaving a few times. Noticing I’d knocked over a box of tampons that were unopened. My heart drops as I try to piece together when I’d had my last period.
“Shit...” I scramble off the bathroom floor going into the bedroom with my purse with my planner and address book. By the book it could’ve been anywhere from 7 to 9 weeks ago. It’s not like Billy and I’s sex life isn’t consistent, and birth control wasn’t something I could feel good about. We agreed to use condoms and suffer any consequences if that happened. Last time this happened was in Highschool, Billy took me to the clinic and they gave me something called Danazol or something like that. Everything turned out okay then, but we were older now this really had consequences now if I was truly pregnant.
“Y/N? Where are you at doll?” Billy yells down the hallway, dragging his feet and hitting his hip on the hall table like always. I look at myself in my vanity mirror and quickly wipe my eyes clean. Running into the closet before he steps inside the room. 
“Picking out my outfit for tonight!” I answer back, clearing my throat.
“Oh yeah?” Billy comes around the corner, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Does that mean my girl is gonna give me a little show?” He chuckles.
“Unless you wanna be late to the tailgate? Not again, hot stuff.” I turn out of his arms, looking in our shared dresser for pants.
“Ooo you should wear those black Levi’s your butt looks good in.” He thinks, always having the more trendy style out of the two of us.
“Okay what shirt? I don't want to get too hot.” I add taking the high waisted Levi’s out, with a tired huff.
“I’d say none because you’re already smoking-” Billy teases
“Billy please, you are the one who got me into this mess. Please help me.”
“Okay, I’m sorry for finding you the best thing in my life so violently attractive.” He pleads and pouts “Forgive me, and definitely that solid red crop you wear to the bars.”
“I wear that to show off my boobs and get us free drinks.”
“Exactly, you look great in it.” I scoff, grabbing the clothes and some fresh under clothes.
“Are you ready to go?” I asked him from the bathroom, happy he didn’t look too closely at my facial expressions. Billy has a way with prying things out of people, part of the endless Casanova charm.
“Hell yeah got and eight pack and Munson and that other tall dude are bringing the dobie. We are all set.” He goes on about the plans tonight as I get ready in the bathroom. Looking under the sink after I change my clothes I look for a spare test. Always having some cheap ones lying around for myself or friends. Hitting a particular box with my hand I take it out and go to pee. Setting it on the counter while adding a hint of makeup and volume to my hair.
“Almost ready, Bills.” I call out, waiting longer than three minutes. I close my eyes and flip over the test on the counter. Taking a deep steadying breath in through my nose and out through my mouth. My neck sweats as I slowly open my eyes, looking down. I gasp, loud enough it worries Billy.
“Sorry accidentally stabbed my eye with the mascara wand!” I say the first thing that comes to mind, cringing as I hold my hand over my mouth.
“Okay we let's get going Indiana, we can’t keep my fans waiting.” He laughs, starting to open the bathroom door. I scramble throwing the test into the medicine cabinet and shutting the mirror.
“Yeah, let’s go!” Billy dips in for a kiss,
“You look beautiful.”
“I look like a sl-”
“No, do you like it?” He asks honestly, I nod my head. He’s matched with cut offs and a Def Leppard muscle tee. “Then you're perfect. Grab your purse doll. I’ll go start the car.”
I smile sighing in relief, wrapping the test in toilet paper and burying it in the trash. Locking the door behind us, Billy already has his new muscle car running. A 1985 Camaro IROC-Z in his signature blue color. The drive to the large run down lot where Star Court had burned down. Gives you shivers thinking about when I lost him for nearly a whole year. He has a hand on my thigh as he pulls up next to Steve’s burgundy BMW. Robin and Nancy immediately separate us, taking me away to get each of us a drink.
“Girls, Jesus hang on a second!” I laugh barely able to get my seat belt off before I’m dragged to Argyle’s Van. 
“Hey there pretty ladies Johnny boy has the drinkies in the front seats.” He says as him and Jonathan’s head hang off the side of the out back doors. They are already toasted.
“Got any Coke?” I ask
“Which kind?” I hear a scruffy voice behind me, turning to see Eddie. I hug him tightly,
“Eddie!” I shriek, swallowing down tears in my eyes as Steve stands awkwardly next to him. I pull him into my next hug “Stevie! When did you morons get home?”
“Couple hours ago, Eddie just sold a few songs to a up and coming band in Texas?”
“Yeah, Pantera? Plus another to Warrant again, they should release their new album sometime this fall.” Eddie confirms a little smug,
“Wow good for you, babes.” I smack Eddie’s bare shoulder, feeling someone’s hands wrap around my waist and sniff my hair obnoxiously. “Billy...” I squirm feeling cold beverages in his hands.
“Hello gentlemen, see you’ve reunited with my lover.” His breath reeks of cheap beer already making my stomach turn upside-down.
“Sure have, wanna bum me a smoke like old times?” Eddie shakes Billy’s hand, Steve and Billy share a nod, still not fully healing their relationship quite yet.
“Go hang out with the guys, the girls and I are gonna mingle with some distant friends.” I encourage him, he gives me the ice cold coke he got for me before heading off with them.
“Okay Y/N,” Robin slurs a little, holding onto Nancy’s hand “now I wouldn’t say I’m an expert on breasts more a connoisseur.”
“Because you like judging people” Nancy laughs,
“Shush, baby. We’re all friends here but babes what are you doing differently? You look so hot, right now!” Robin holds her hands out like she’s trying to convince Nancy and I.
“Just a-” I freeze watching Nancy’s eyes narrow, like she does when she is trying to solve a puzzle. Damn Nancy Drew acting Wheeler.
“Just... What?” Robin asks a little loud, we both shush her.
“I’m late.”
“Late?” Robin looks at her girlfriend quizzically,
“How late?” Nancy’s eyes nearly burst out of her skull, Robin nods along with her eyes squinted.
“The positive kind.” You try to hint to both of them, Robin now bobbing along to the music as she drinks from her solo cup.
“Shit, does Billy know?”
“I took the test before we left, I don’t know what to do.”
“Does he want kids?”
“Yes, no? Shit maybe? We’re just in a really good place right now so I’m nervous.” I shrug, and Nancy hugs me. Robin turns around randomly and then runs towards Steve as he goes to get another beer.
“Everything will be okay, we’re here for you.” She takes my arm and we walk around mingling and chasing Robin away from the trunks with beer pong set up on them after she talks to Steve. 
He walks back over to the guys, Billy is catching up with Heather when Steve whispers something into Eddie’s ear.
“Yeah right, I’m gonna school your ass when we get to my place.” Billy yells at Heather as she walks towards you and the other girls. 
Steve clears his throat, Eddie looks at him oddly. Steve nods towards Billy, Eddie’s brows furrow as he sighs.
“Hey, Billy you're okay with Y/N dressing like that?” Eddie lowly wolf whistles, at the sight of her. Steve knocks on his head with his beer bottle.
“Um hello? I’m right here.” Steve rolls his eyes, Eddie knocks his shoulder, spilling his beer a little on his shirt. Billy laughs when Steve glares back, taking a long drag of his smoke and blowing it in the opposite direction of his friends.
“I picked out her outfit, I know how to fight. Y/N can wear whatever she wants.” Billy says, simply through his exhale.
“Okay man but... Stevie over here did win in ‘84. Just saying.” Eddie says critically, through his teeth, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Hey fuck off Scarface.” Billy scoffs as Steve interjects, wrapping an arm around his very not sober boyfriend's waist.
“Look Hargrove, Eds is just saying Y/N/N has filled out a bit this summer and is getting a little unwarranted attention.” Steve points the neck of his beer bottle to the ex-basketball team, all a bunch of high school rejects still living in their parents basement as they get fatter and older.
“Oh come on, they’re too scared of me to mess with my girl. I came back from the dead remember?” Billy wiggles his spare fingers while oooing and ahhing like a ghost. Eddie laughs at that, knocking their beers together while Steve’s headaches at the idiocracy.
The sun sets and a majority of the adults who have to work in the morning leave. While a majority of the high schoolers stay together drinking the now warm beer, most of our group also sticking close together about starting college or jobs in the fall. Billy and I reunited shortly after to head over to the apartment first, Lucas and Max sat in the back seat of the car as I drove, being the only sober one.
“I totally could’ve driven, I only had a few beers.”
“And smoked a joint with the guys.” I add turning down the music,
“What can't I bond with my little sister's boyfriend?”
“I had one puff, I doubt I’ll even feel anything.”
“One puff was enough, you already drank tonight Lucas.” Max says kindly, 
“Pfft you girls worry too much, right Sinclair?” Billy holds out his fist for Lucas to bump it. He laughs a little too hard when Billy tries to yank him forward.
“Don’t gang up on the only two women that enjoy your company.” Max scoffs at her brother.
“Whatever, you're up for some ball tomorrow Sinclair?”
“He can’t-” She’s cut off my Lucas explaining their plans
“Sorry Billy, it’s Max and I’s anniversary. We’re staying in Indianapolis for the night.”
“Aw how cute, please take pictures.” You fawn over them, you know exactly what Lucas has been through. That pain of losing your first love, knowing at a young age it was your last. Taking this second chance for all it’s worth every moment no matter how insignificant it is to others, is precious.  
“Better wear protection Sinclair, or I’ll have to kick your ass for knocking up my sister.”
“Billy!” Max punches him hard in the shoulder.
“What Billy means is we want you to be smart about your choices, but we can’t tell you what to do anymore-” 
“Just want what’s best for you, you’re good kids. We don’t need more children running around right now, we’re all still kids.” Billy cuts you off, 
“Um, Y/N are you on birth control?” Lucas asks politely, We’d agreed when Lucas and Max got serious their junior year they could ask me and Billy anything. I didn’t want them to feel odd for their feelings or idiots for the things that aren’t taught.
“I didn't enjoy it, I use a diaphragm sometimes which is like a cup that prevents the sperm from going up into the cervix. Yet we mainly use condoms because the latter makes us both uncomfortable.” I put simply, shrugging. I look in the back mirror. Lucas is leaning his head on Max’s shoulder as she plays with his shirt cuff.
“It feels like your jamming your penis into plastic Tupperware surrounded by warm-”
“EW! Ew stop Billy.” Max covers her ears and starts singing to the radio. I turn it up for her, we pull up to our assigned parking. Others start filling up the parking lot shortly after making a b-line straight to Billy and I’s apartment. 
“No, we had to pull off to the side of the road because we were lost, and exhausted!” Billy exasperates, 
“If Billy didn’t finally just pull over, I probably would've strangled him over the armrest.” I add to the story of Billy’s and I’s recent across-country road trip to California.
“So what happened after you figured out where you were?” Will asks
“Not exactly we-”
“We were in the backseat when a Sheriff drove by. We couldn’t even get our pants you all the way before he knocked on the window.” Billy laughs, Eddie and Argyle join him.
“I pulled down my dress while Billy collected himself enough to ask the man, old enough to be my grandfather for directions.” I rolled my eyes, leaning against Billy. He wrapped his arm around me as he finished the story.
“He handed me a handkerchief and slapped me on the back because her lipstick was smeared on my neck.” He pointed right under his jaw,
“Yeah I’m the slut and he was the stud.” I scoff,
“It’s okay baby. He probably keeled over jerking it to the image of you in that sundress when he got home that night.”
“Ew.” I cringe, “Want another babe?” I ask taking his empty beer can away.
“No, I'm good doll.”
“Hey did you hear Carol Perkins and Tommy H. are expecting?” Steve nods, sharing to Billy and I, I stiffen in Billy’s arms thankfully his too tipsy to notice.
“Yeah no shit, I never really gave a shit about them after graduation. They were the kind of people you know in school and then end it. Figures they are one of the firsts to get knocked up.” Billy continues to blabber about how he doesn’t think anyone should have kids until they’re married or at least financially stable among other things. In front of all our friends, who Buckley has told everyone closest to Billy and I. 
My stomach turns as I make eye contact with Steve. Him and Billy did work things out, my friendship with Steve and Steve’s serious partnership with Billy’s closet friend Eddie made a huge difference.  
“I’ll be back..” I walk down the hallway past my spare bedroom where Robin is passed out as Elle and Max read a Cosmo next to her. I go into the bathroom and sit on the toilet trying to collect myself. There’s a knock and a call of my name. “Almost done.” I call out,
“It’s just me doll, are you okay?” Billy talks quietly, I open the door and he swoops me into his arms, “What’s going on? You’ve been weird all night.”
“I’m sorry.” I mumble in his shoulder
“Don’t apologize, I know you haven’t been feeling good lately. Maybe we should make an appointment or something?”
“Yeah, I’ll do that. Can I ask you something?”
“Anything.” He kisses me once, then twice.
“Do you want kids?”
“Is that why your acting strange, because of the pressure of having babies outta high school?”
“You didn’t answer my question...” I whisper looking at the ground trying to will tears out of my eyes
“No, I don’t think I do. My Dad was a shitty father to say the least, he thought having me would save his marriage but the abuse he gave to my mom only got worse afterwards. That’s too much responsibility.” He answers so assured and honest it breaks my heart. 
Maybe a dog, someday but fuck kids. We’d be great Aunt ‘n Uncle to Max’s kids and anyone else who decides to baby-make.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Why do you ask?” Billy asks nervous
“I heard about Carol at the grocery store and wasn’t sure how’d you react.”
“Oh Y/N I don’t give a crap about them. Not when I have you guys.”
“Hey, I think I’m going to say goodnight to everyone and lay down early.”
“Yeah? I can end the party if you need.”
“No, no. I can sleep through anything.”
“Okay doll, whatever you need.”
I go back out into the living room and slowly say goodnight to everyone, Steve, my best friend next to Billy, hugs me a little longer and a little tighter. 
“Good night, honey. We’re here for you.”
“Yeah, always Y/N.”
“Thanks guys, love you.” I blow Eddie and Steve a kiss, Eddie dramatically falls backwards and Steve catches it to place over his heart.
Everyone else bids me goodnight as well, I run into Nancy and she’s waking a very grumpy very sleepy Robin.
“You leaving?” I ask her, Robin is practically curled around Nancy’s small frame leaning on her for support.
“Yeah Robs doesn’t feel good obviously.” Nancy shakes her head, placing a kiss on her partner's cheek.
“I’m never drinking again...” Robin groans
“Get home safe girls, call the house when you get there?” I hug both of them,
“Mike is driving us home since he’s sober, we’ll be okay.” She assures me, small towns were definitely non-conforming but we’d heard of other violence acts committed on same-sex couples in the bigger cities. No one ever deserved that.
Call me, if you need anything. We’re here for you too.” Nancy adds, saying goodbye to everyone as her, Robin and Mike leave.
I go into my bedroom and close the door, putting on my pajamas and removing my makeup. My stomach turns but I go to sleep anyway, a couple hours later I feel the bed dip and a warm arm wrap around my waist. It disappears a few hours later as Billy gets ready for work. Like always, I slowly wake up before he leaves, giving him a goodbye kiss. When he’s out the door, I race to the bathroom and puke my guts out. It’s like that enough of the morning I call out of work. Laying sadly in bed most of the day, until just before Billy gets home around 6. I wash my face and take another test, once again it’s overwhelmingly showing positive. I took this one and the other I hid in the trash last night and put them in my pocket. I conjured a plan on how to tell him, Billy Hargrove. My Billy, he comes home as I’m finishing the only dinner that sounded and smelled appetizing.
“Hey Indiana! I’m home.”
“Hi California.” I call back from the kitchen, plating the chicken and pesto for two. Well three...
How was work?” He kisses me on the cheek, smelling of coconut sunscreen and chlorine.
“It was okay, I had lots of lessons today. The boss is having me take a course on training babies how to swim. Guess it’s in high demand, and extremely important. Almost 45% if not more babies from birth to age four.” He tells me wide eyed, helping me bring the plates to the table as I grab him and beer and the ginger ale I’d been nursing for a couple of hours.
“That’s horrible.”
“Yeah but it means they’re moving me to nearly full-time since those lessons are more important than just the summer. I start working at the Hawkins Rec Center in a few weeks.” He says with a smile hidden by pesto
“Wait, you got a promotion?!”
“Yep, don’t have to go back to the shop this year. I can just teach lessons and couch at the high school.”
“Billy, that's amazing!” I reach out and take his hand,
“I can’t wait, but I’m a little nervous about teaching kiddos so young.”
“You're great with kids Billy.”
“I wasn’t-”
“You’ve changed, you and Max had a lot of unresolved issues. Things have gotten a lot better the past couple years. For christ’s sake she is here for dinner at least once a week if not more. Not even Susan can say she sees her daughter as much.”
“Thanks, how was your day?” He kisses the top of my hand all suave and romantic,
“Haven’t been feeling to good but I think I’ll get better in a couple months...”
“You go to the doctor?”
“No, I took a test yesterday and today.” I swallow the bile rising in my stomach
“If you didn’t go to the doctors-” I cut Billy off, running to the bathroom and clutching the toilet bowl. He follows, then helps by holding my hair and rubbing my back. “We should go to the ER, you didn’t even drink yesterday.”
“It’s okay-”
“No the hell it’s not Y/N! You’re throwing you guts up and you’ve-”
“Billy...” I hold out my hand for him to help me up, flushing the toilet before washing my hands. Tears fall down my cheeks,
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell...”
“It’s not that.” I strain to find the two words, hiding my face in my hands.
“What’s going on?”
“Promise we can talk about this?” I turn to him dizzy, I take his hand in mine and go to sit down on our bed.
“We can talk about anything, Y/N.” He pushes my hair out of my face. I reach into my sweatshirt pocket and turn over the pregnancy tests. Tears continue to cascade down my cheeks as Billy freezes his expression is unreadable. He swallows hard taking the tests.
“I’m pregnant.” I tell him wetly, wiping away tears so I can see him better. He stands, throwing the tests down the hall with a clatter. Hard enough I jump at the sudden action. Hands running through his hair, irritation now bursting through the seams.
“What?” He scoffs
“I’m pregnant, Billy.”
“Fuck, Y/N.” He paces the foot of the bed, working himself up “How long? How long did you keep this shit from me?”
“I-I found out last night.” I explained standing close to him.
“Yeah? Is that why you’ve been all weird and shit around me? You were hiding this?”
“Nooo, no Billy. Please.” I try and reach for him,
“Don’t ‘No, Billy’ me. Is this why you don’t want to go on birth control? Just trying to trap me?” His voice gets elevated as the questions continue, he pushes off my hand like he’s been scolded with hot water.
“No, I love you.” I cry, holding onto myself
“Do you? You know I don’t want kids, Y/N!” He gets in my face words booming through the house and my ears and I gasp. “What the fuck?” He storms out the room, hearing him knock into the table in the hall with a groan before there’s a crash and bang. I run out, he’s thrown it across the hallway creating a dent in the drywall and breaking the legs of anything that was on top flung or stepped on.
“Please don’t push me away!” I raise my voice, trying to walk over the mess in my bare feet.
“Did you even think, to consider how I felt?”
“I am trying to understand but you're yelling and throwing things around. Are you blaming me for this?”
“You’ve got some nerve, it takes two Y/N. You won’t make me do shit, now move.” I find him in the living room collecting his wallet and keys.
“Billy, please-” I beg him standing in front of the door, he moves me aside with a strong hand.
“No, I’m leaving. I can’t do this, this is the one thing.”  He spits at me, fire exploding behind his eyes. 
“If you leave, I’ll never forgive you!” I call to him, my voice raw and overwhelmed with emotion.
My mind begging and pleading for him to shut the door and engulf me in his arms. Tell me everything will be okay, that he loves me and we’ll get through this.
“It’s too much.” He fums, the door slams shut behind him, shaking a picture off the wall. 
I hobble over to it, defeated, it’s one from the California trip. Billy had given the camera he borrowed from Jonathan to an older surfer to take a photo of us at the beach in our wetsuits. My hair is tied back, smiling at the camera with a teeth filled grin. While Billy looks at me and smiles, eyes dopey with exhaustion but something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Joy. The glass from the frame has shattered and scratched it, splitting the two of us by our hands. I hold it close as I dial the only people I can trust,
“Yello, Munsington household or Harrinuson if you like that better.” Eddie answers the phone, with his infectious bravoto.
“Hi Eds.” I sob out in relief.
“Y/N, honey. What’s-” His voice deepens immediately in concern,
“I-I told him, he left. He left me.” I weep into the receiver, trying to collect my thoughts.
“Okay, hey do me a favor unlock the door and turn on the TV? Distract yourself while Steve and I get there.” Eddie tells me calmly, ‘What’s going on?’ I hear Steve interrupts.
“Okay. I’ll try, I’m so sick Eddie.”
“Do you need to go to the hospital?” Eddie asks, ‘Is that Y/N/N?’ Steve interrogates still faint on the line.
“No, I’m just puking.”
“Is there blood or anything strange about it?”
“No...” I cry louder
“Hey-hey,” Eddie gets my attention again, “that’s good. Remember what I said, Steve and I are getting in the car right after I hang up.”
“Okay Eds.”
“We’ll be there soon, Sweet Girl.” Steve takes the phone from Eddie who barks ‘Steve where are my keys?!’ 
Hang tight, I’ll be right there. Everything's gonna be fine.” Steve assures both of us.
“We’re on our way.” Steve hangs up the phone, staring at his metal head boyfriend with a single shoe on untied and the other in his hands as he tears up the entire living room looking for his keys.
“Eds?” Steve stands by the landline hands on his hips.
“Hold on Steve, I gotta find my keys!” Eddie holds out his shoe pointing it at his boyfriend as he moves to the kitchen table.
“Eddie.” He scolds in a boisterous manner enough to make Eddie look at him
“What?!” Eddie yells, looking at his boyfriend to find him jiggling Eddie’s car keys in his hand,
“Get in the van-.” He motions him to the door,
“Why’d you let me tear up the apartment?”
“It was kinda funny, give me a reason to make you help me clean it when we get home.” Steve throws the keys to Eddie going to the passenger side.
“I haven’t even put my shoes on.”
“I doubt your shoes will have any impact on us kicking Billy’s ass.”
I hear a single knock at the door before a flurry of dark curls and onyx eyes enters the apartment, behind him a tanned honey colored pompadour with equally syrup eyes enters. I suck in a breath, watching them look around. Steve goes to where I’m crouched in the living room, cleaning up the glass from the picture frame. He immediately engulfs me in his arms, not saying a word as I squeeze him a little too tight.
“Hey, shhh. I’m here, Sweet Girl. I got you.” He holds me tight, his caress of my hair like an affirmation he’s molding to my skin with each rub.
“Shit Steve where is she, he tore up the hallway-” Eddie walks with untied shoes to Steve practically hoisting me in his lap as I cry, he holds one of the positive tests.
Hey, Y/N...” Eddie accidentally steps in the pile of glass swept together, he finishes the job with a broom and dustpan. My breathing steadies a bit more with them here, I’m not alone.
“I'm sorry, I don’t have anyone else to call.” 
“Hey now, none of that. Don’t apologize, you’d do the same thing if Eddie knocked me up.” I chuckle at Steve pinching his bicep, feeling relieved by the minute.
“You’d make a great mom.” I breathe deep trying to make the joke back,
“So are you.” Steve kisses my temple, swaying us in the living room. His words sink deep as I hide my wet cheeks and snotty-nose into his shoulder. 
“Um, I don't know if you want your pee stick but I found it in the entryway.” Eddie sits criss-crossed in front of us, setting the test down like an offering in front of me. Taking a minute to finally tie his shoes, as if he hasn't tripped a billion times since leaving the apartment.
“Gross Eddie, it’s just called a pregnancy test.” Steve chortles straightening out his leg to kick the other in the thigh.
“Ow! You’ve hurt me deeply Stevie, I twas trying to lighten the mood. Also that pasta is the freaking bomb.” He swats Steve’s foot away when he nudges him again. Noticing a change in mood again, instead of sadness it’s anger.
“It made me sick, that’s how the conversation started...” I mumble against Steve,
“Wait am I going to get sick from eating some?” Eddie asks alarmed
“No stupid she’s having morning sickness, keep up.” He squints at his boyfriend as if to say ‘read the room’.
“Are you PMS-ing babe? You’ve been awfully mean-” The metal head pouts,
“Shush this is about Y/N.” The King with no crown points his finger angry,
“No, I love it when you two bicker like you’ve been married for 50 years.” 
“One day with this one is a whole year’s worth of irritation.” Steve sticks out his tongue playfully at Eddie shaking his head.
“I wonder what 5 minutes of pleasure with me is then.” Eddie blows a kiss and wiggles his eyebrows.
“Ew stop being in love in front of my unborn child.” the silence is a pregnant as you are.
“So Robin wasn’t just drunk blabbering last night?” Steve rubs his warm hand along my back,
“Nope.” I pop the ‘p’, the silence overwhelms all of us until Eddie gets uncomfortable enough to speak.
“You don’t have to right this second but, you wanna tell us what’s going on?” He fumblingly asks with a concerned smile. I relay all of what happened tonight along with a few more tidbits.
“Billy hasn’t ever explicitly told me he didn’t want kids. So I wasn't expecting him to be excited and have everything figured out but he just left me.”
“Jesus Christ, you talk to anyone else?” Eddie wipes a hand over his forehead, I shake my head. Steve has been tense since I started talking about what Billy said.
“He say where he went?” Steve asks with deathly calm, I shake my head twirling the test in my hands.
“I know where he is, and I’m gonna kill ‘im.” Eddie stands up, taking out his car keys.
“No Eddie!” I whine,
“Munson, where the hell are you going?” Steve stands beside me,
“To talk some sense into this asshole, I love you I’ll be back-” He kisses Steve before running out of the complex.
“Don’t get arrested!” Steve yells out, turning back around to me. “How about you get cleaned up? I’ll clean up out here and we can watch a movie together on the couch like old times.” He offers, holding my arms and massaging my biceps to encourage laughter.
“What about the drywall? And the kitchen-”
“Y/N/N. I’ll call Wayne in the morning, I’m sure he’s got the tools from patching up the trailer. And I’ll clean the kitchen so you don’t get sick again because of the food aversion.”
“You’re stubborn...” I pout, moving over the broken pieces of wall and furniture in the hallway. 
“Nah just enough to not take shit from you and Henderson.” He laughs, picking up the trashed things in the hall as I enter the bathroom. 
Turning on the shower to warm up a few seconds allows the room to fill with steam. The first thing I see in the mirror is me, hazy and weak. Too weak to handle side effects a a little blue pill, to weak to stick up for myself and yell back, too weak to fix things. The mirror fills with steam as quickly as I fill with dread. I start undressing only able to see my body from a upper preview. For weeks I thought I was bloated, stressed out from my job and not working out. The normal protective pudge of my stomach has a small softball size curve that doesn’t move like the rest of me. It’s hard to suck in, and more prominent when I full relax. I don’t feel scared for myself, but scared of what I can offer. Alone, I’m barely able to remember to drink water but always remember to do the dishes before bed to make breakfast easier to have.
Lamenting through my own thoughts, I shake them away. There’s doctors to talk about this kind of thing, that’s what they’re there for. Support groups for mothers who don’t know what to do. The kids have taught me a lot but none of them except Erica were even under ten when we’d first met. When it’s your own child, it’s a whole different ball game. There will still be a team surrounding me even as the opponents team boo’s and hollers. Now it’s a waiting game to see if my pitcher is with me. 
I like to think Billy is a good man, not by any means by himself. Repaired as many relationships as he could, hate who he was before. He thinks before acting but I’d seen that look before, anger is normally a response to a much deeper and complex feeling. Fear, frustration, sadness. He’s been taught his whole life that the answer is to push those other things away, make room for hate, bigotry and self preservation. While I grew up in a different way, in a different world. Built for me to fail, built for me to resent motherhood as the only outcome for my life. The only thing a woman is good at, but doesn’t receive the credit for only the blame and the hard work it takes. To be loved by the things you can create but not the person you are. Billy is just as scared as I am, but I will not be the one to fix this. I will not be alone.
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academyalmightysports · 11 months
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Reasons to Take Private Swimming Lessons | Almighty Sports Academy
Have you ever thought about learning to swim but found communal and group learning to be counterproductive to your goals? Private swimming lessons have several advantages over group lessons, which make them a popular choice for students of all ages and skill levels. Here are five reasons why you should consider taking private swimming lessons and how they can help you improve your swimming skills.
Visit Us: https://www.almightysportsacademy.com/
Source URL: https://www.reddit.com/user/academyalmighty/comments/17lvhj1/the_top_5_reasons_to_take_private_swimming/
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butmakeitgayblog · 3 months
Starlet au first time?
It's a few weeks after their first kiss (did I mention these two moved at a glacial pace???)
But they wait and they take their time because this really isn't something either wants to just... fall into. They've spent over a year denying their feelings and pushing each other away and pretending that they're fine with just being friends, and now everything just feels so big between them. The feelings and the love that is founded in more than just attraction, and the reality of actually getting to act on it.
They go on dates, initially. And by dates I mean having dinner at Lexa's house, just the two of them. Usually Lexa cooks, because the extent of Clarke's prowess in the kitchen is reserved to slightly burnt grilled cheeses and cold salad, but Clarke finds her own ways of helping out. Making it feel more domestic. More romantic. She brings wine and flowers and kisses the chef between offers to stir things, and gets handsy during one particular pasta making lesson that leaves Lexa with palm shaped flour prints on her once-expensive slacks.
It's not that they're putting off having sex or running from it, they're just not trying to force it. They enjoy the phase of getting to be close without overthinking everything. Getting to flirt and touch and learn each other, without expectation.
It'll happen when it's supposed to happen, just like everything else between them.
Which is why when a summer heat wave storms through LA and Lexa invites Clarke over to swim in her very luxurious, very private pool, neither really thinks much of it.
Except Lexa likes the kind of bikinis that that look like too tight and too small boyshorts. The kind that ride low on her hips and show off her thighs and hug her ass like they were painted on. And the fact that it comes with this stringy little top that barely covers her small, rounded breasts just really isn't fair in Clarke's professional opinion.
Not that she has a n y room to say anything, because the halter number she chooses that barely wrangles her own cleavage, paired with bottoms that are little more than a handkerchief tied with twine leave Lexa choking on her own tongue.
But it's fine, because they're adult women who can absolutely behave themselves in the company of scantily clad leading ladies, so it's fine and also! It's fine.
And it is fine as they sun bathe and it is fine when they slip into the water and it is fine as they relax in the cool that washes over them.
It's all fine right up until Clarke gets a little too comfortable in how good it feels to just be together, laughing at some sassy remark Lexa's said that earns her a splash right to the face. A battle of splashes ensues - a war of blood must have blood in the form of water right to the eyes - which is still fine... right up until Clarke finds herself pinned to the edge of the pool.
With a very firm thigh pressed right between her legs.
And honestly Lexa doesn't quite know what she was thinking other than that she would not be ceding this battle. She hadn't started it, but she was going to finish it, and Clarke could be stubborn when it comes to admitting defeat.
But her carefully constructed battle strategy goes right out the window at the sound of Clarke's gasp. At the sight of crystal blue eyes dilating and the warm feel her center pressed tight against her thigh.
She didn't realize she'd grown so serious until she notices just how serious Clarke looks too. The way her swallow matches Lexa's swallow. The way her breathing feels heavy where she's pinned to Lexa's chest. It's not even a conscious thought when she slides her thigh forward and feels Clarke's warmth slip against her skin as Lexa rocks into her.
She'd just wanted to hear Clarke gasp like that again...
But Clarke feels so good, and her wide eyes so wonderfully blue. She bites her lip when Lexa pushes into her again, fighting a flutter of her lashes as she sways into the movement too. Lexa feels herself shaking and her heart hammering against the feeble walls of its cage, but she can't do anything other than keep pressing, keep pulling, feeling Clarke get slicker against her thigh.
She feels like she she could pass out in that moment. With Clarke so close as they share each breath and neither daring to move; to look away. They stare and shiver and work calm their shallow panting, even as Lexa feels Clarke begin to roll her hips in an answering rhythm. Her heart nearly stops when Clarke reaches for her hands and lifts them off her shoulders, only to move them to the pool's edge for better leverage and moans a breathy,
And there's not much she can do but kiss Clarke like her life depends on it, because with the way her body reacts to the command, it probably does. She nearly comes when a thigh slips in and presses firmly against the mess between her own legs because out of all the ways she'd imagined having Clarke, this surprisingly was never one of them. But it feels so right to feel this desperate, to whimper needy high pitched moans with every massage of her clit. It feels right to match Clarke's rhythm and suck her tongue in time the pounding in her core, to nearly growl when a particularly good grind lets her feel Clarke shudder and clench.
It's fast race to the finish, all clutching hands and searching lips that suck in needy, watery kisses. It's bites to collarbones and finger shaped bruises across her hips until Clarke spills over her thigh in a hot rush of pleasure, with Lexa joining shortly after.
It's amazing, and surreal for how unplanned it all was, despite Clarke's panted accusation,
"I see... You lured me here to seduce me... Well played, Alexandria. Well played."
Any guffawing Lexa does in response is quickly silenced when she's crowded out of the christened pool and stripped out of her ruined bathing suit. And when she's hoisted up to wrap her legs around Clarke's hips, she knows this was how it was supposed to be. Because while she hadn't imagined the first time getting her girlfriend(!!!) off would go anything like it had, Clarke carrying her to her room while whispering softly against her lips, "Let me take you to bed, baby"....
Now that she had definitely envisioned.
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AITA for getting angry with my mom for trying to help me with my self-esteem?
Okay so I honestly have no idea if I’m the AH or not, bc I’ve come up with mental arguments for both. It’s nothing too serious, just something I’ve been wondering about for a while. The whole situation is just so weird that I’m throwing it to the courts of Tumblr.
To make a long story short, I (2XF) dislike being perceived just like… in general. I’m fine in private contexts but whenever I’m going out in public I’ll typically wear looser clothing, long sleeves, etc. There’s no particular trauma or anything for this, it’s just the way I’ve always been since I can remember.
Recently I told my mom (5X F) about my reasoning (don’t like to be looked at) and after a brief panic where she thought I meant someone was making me uncomfortable she understood that it’s just like. A general thing. I know it’s kind of weird but I thought that was it and moved on.
After that conversation started bringing home clothes for me that were more form-fitting, low cut, sheer, etc. I liked them and wore them around the house and when visiting friends but again, not in public. I didn’t think much of it bc she’d say things like “I bought this for myself but I don’t like how it looks on me, if you like it you can keep it” or “my friend was getting rid of this, do you want it?” but apparently she was actually buying these things. I didn’t think anything of it (before I knew she was buying the clothes) bc we do that sort of thing all the time, one of the things we bond over is secondhand searching and clothing swaps.
But one day she came back with a bikini. On one hand this was very thoughtful of her, bc she knew I was looking for a new swimsuit since mine had gotten all faded. On the other hand, my previous swim suit was a tennis skirt and a tee shirt so. It was a large departure from my norm.
I told her I wasn’t going to wear it. Eventually it escalated to an actual fight, and she ended up admitting that she was encouraged I was wearing the clothes she gave me regularly and was really worried about my self esteem. Specifically she said I “shouldn’t be ashamed of my body” and that wearing a bikini was “the next step”. Our argument went in circles and both if us walked away mad.
This remains unresolved but has since blown over.
On one hand, I think it’s AH behavior to try to force someone to change how they dress just bc you don’t agree with it, and to assign meaning to what they wear - in either direction! Clothes don’t equal consent but also. On the flip side. Just bc someone is layered it doesn’t mean they have some sort of body issues. I’m an adult, I can choose what I’m comfortable with, and if I’m not comfortable with a bikini then that should be that.
On the other hand, the way she tried to “help” was subtle and respectful, and tbh I know the whole “don’t perceive me” thing is weird so I get where she’s coming from and I don’t think I should’ve gotten so upset with her over it. And part of me says I should’ve just gone with it bc what’s the harm? If I felt uncomfortable then lesson learned, if not then maybe I’m “getting better”.
Idk man. I don’t think I should’ve yelled at her, but I also think it’s weird she brought it up in those terms. So *shrug* it’s up to ya’ll now
What are these acronyms?
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