#adult jinmay
theblacksunking · 11 months
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Adult Jinmay
Character Select:
Entering Battle:
Mirror Match:
Mirror Match 2:  
Vs Kid!Jinmay: Yeah, it’s amazing what a good roboticist can do.
Ultimate Attack:
Perfect Victory:
Victory With Some Health Lost:
Victory With Low Health:
Beat Kid!Jinmay: Not just augmentations, but further training, too!
Game Over:
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jellysnail-draws · 9 months
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I can’t let go of the idea of Skeleton King actually coming back into touch with his human side and being somewhat of an ally. Redemption arcs have always been my thing. Anti hero Skeleton King, anyone?
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Young adult! Chiro and Jinmay🤍
[also please pretend I didn’t forget to make the monkeys’ tails robotic 👉👈]
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dilirebas · 3 months
zhao jinmai needs to figure out how to come across as an adult, otherwise these roles won't work for her
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hyperforcereignition · 6 months
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Later that evening, Jinmay arrived back at the base, exhausted. While her body was enhanced it still screamed at her for rest with every single step she took.
She had decided to take care of several things today since, as far as she knew, Ren was still unconscious and for the sake of her mental health she needed to get out of the base for a while.
The base's door slid open for her as she stepped inside.
School, lacrosse practice and going back to the Ryokan to fill in the staff had all been difficult to get through. Her mind wandered all day and she wasn't even sure what to say…
How do you explain, "My brother turned into a 55 foot skeleton and almost squashed the city but the Hyper Force defeated him." to a teacher or the staff?
She had said he was ill and in the hospital to her teachers and coach. That wasn't entirely wrong or a lie she figured since he was recovering from the injuries he had before.
To the Ryokan staff though, she had been honest.
That had been scary, admittedly. Putting on her yukata, doing her makeup all while exhausted from lacrosse practice and calling a staff meeting.
Standing before all the adults, trying to carry herself like one.
Her heart wouldn't stop racing in her chest. Everyone was looking at her for answers of why they had both been absent.
Jinmay wrung her hands together, before taking a deep breath, narrowing her eyes into a stern look.
"My brother was a victim of a Skeleton King attack and he was possessed. Ren was under this control for months and he is now recovering with the Hyper Force at their base."
"Is he alright?"
"He will be but right now he's unconscious and I'll be returning there until I can bring him home. Until then, all problems will be brought to Ginji. He's in charge while the masters of the Ryokan are gone. Understood?"
"Yes, Lady Jinmay!"
She let out a sigh as the orange transport tube dropped her off at the main floor, for once not trying to jettison her out of it. She noted the redone paint and nodded to herself.
Otto must have been busy today.
As she walked out, she jumped when Chiro's voice called out to her.
Jinmay yelped in surprise when Chiro bolted right to her and nearly knocked her over as he hugged her.
"Missed you!"
"UWAH!" She yelped, hugging him. "Missed you too! What'd I do for this?"
"Oh… A lot." _________________
Happy Birthday Reignition! Today, last year, Hyper force: ReIgnition was posted... and man, I'm honestly touched and shocked at the reception it's gotten... Not gonna lie, it still feels surreal to be writing this fict.
This chapter marks the end of the Reaper arc! WE'RE GETTIN OUTTA THE CITADEL OF BONE WITH THIS ONE BOYS!
And to go with it, I've prepared a fun bonus: A MilaXRen playlist!
Including the theme songs of our respective characters
IDOL by Yoasobi - for Mila
Mephisto by Queen Bee - for Ren
Thank you and let's keep going!
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hezuart · 6 years
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Drinks all around! 
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edorazzi · 3 years
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More Hyperforce-posting because I can’t be stopped! 
I never reached the I, Chiro/Savage Lands arc when I was a kid (Season 1 is all I remember seeing on TV!) so it sucker punched me as an unsuspecting adult. You’re telling me they just DO all that then move on with the rest of the series?!
Anyway, Chiro’s had a rough day, the monkeys (and Jinmay) have started making some easy cash by betting which anime tropes will manifest in Chiro next, and Antauri’s looking after his kid. (⌣_⌣”)
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ladytauria · 4 years
cycle starts again: writer’s cut
so, thanks to @candra-hearts​ lovely writing my interest in the cycle starts again (my OC-centric post-canon srmthfg fic) has been re-kindled, & i’ve opened the document for the first time in, uh. a while.
chapter seven (or what little i have of it) was originally written in sprx’s pov, but i think it would be a better move story-wise to change it to charlie’s! however... i do kind of like what i had originally so... i thought i’d share :D
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They couldn’t arrive on Arda right away, of course. The supplies they picked up outside of Shuggazoom had to run out eventually, which meant they had to stop at the Galatron station first.
From space, the station looked a bit like a spring stuck inside a bubble, or maybe a giant, twisting slide. It connected to a large column, which was a hive of activity. Many stores and shops were stored inside of it, though most restaurants had locales on the platforms themselves. A few fast food places were built on the edges, serving hovercars and ships that passed through.
The top and bottom platforms were refueling station. Sprx chose the top platform to land on, since it was the one closest to an exit. After all the crap they’d gone through with Chiro, he knew it was best to have a quick getaway handy. Kids could cause the worst trouble. Particularly kids with access to the Power Primate.
Like Charlie had said, a quick glance around told Sprx that this base was full of kids and young adults. Most of them old enough to have their piloting licenses—at least, he’s pretty sure they are. He’s confident in his ability to peg human ages, after so much time spent on Shuggazoom, but the vast amount of species and ethnicities here are throwing him off. He doesn’t even recognize most of the races—but then, the hyper force didn’t make a habit of hanging out on space stations.
Watching Charlie unconsciously bounce to the music pouring out of the loudspeakers makes him wonder if maybe that was a mistake. She looks excited, fidgeting with the hem of her jacket and watching the world around them with wide eyes. Chiro would have darted off by now, some excuse on the tip of his tongue. He’d drag Jinmay with him too, if she came along.
It would have been good for him, Sprx thinks with a smile. Having some fun with his own age group. Maybe it would have made their parting easier.
And just like that, he’s frowning again.
Chiro’s long gone now, kidnapped by the Dark Ones’ newest plaything—and Jinmay… She’s not the same sweet kid he knew either. None of their allies were. Sprx understood sacrificing others to save Chiro. They’d done it. But it still turned his stomach to think about—and not one of those faces had even flinched at the thought. For the monkey team, it was always a last resort. Always one they put last, because Chiro didn’t deserve that guilt.
The resistance didn’t seem to care.
It made him angry… but not as angry as it had made Charlie. She’d spent the whole trip here in a brooding silence that didn’t seem to suit her. She’d laughed and joked any time they talked to her—but Sprx wasn’t the best pilot this side of the cosmos because he was unobservant. He saw the way she looked, the way she brooded when she thought no one was looking.
It made his chest ache.
Another kid, made to take on a responsibility that never should have been theirs. He wishes the Power Primate had a physical form, just so he could punch it in the face.
He shoves that thought aside and approaches Charlie. Otto doesn’t need his help to refuel the Robot. Gibson, Nova, and Antauri have supplies covered. He can check in with Charlie, since it doesn’t seem like anyone else is going to do it. (Well, Nova might, but she’s busy right now, and Sprx isn’t, so.)
“Feelin’ impatient?” Sprx asks. He almost calls her ‘kid,’ but that’s Chiro’s name. Charlie will just have to have another one. He doesn’t know what, yet, but he’ll come up with somethin’.
Charlie glances at him, eyes widening as if she hadn’t realized he was there. “Not really,” she says. She’s lying through her teeth. “It’s just been a while since I’ve been to Galatron.” She smiles. “I spent almost the whole summer here, since Dad was so busy with war stuff, and I wasn’t allowed to help.”
“Think you might run into anyone you know?”
She shakes her head. “No.”
“You sure?” Sprx raises an eyebrow at her. She can’t be sure that her friends won’t be here, can she?
Charlie shrugs. “My friends are all with the resistance. Either working in the communications hub or going out on their first missions.”
“What about in school?”
She shakes her head again.
Sprx furrows his brows. Charlie was easily the most talkative person that he had ever met, and when she wasn’t worried about something, the bubbliest person he’d met. Well, with the exception of Otto. But Otto tends to spend more time in his workshop these days than anywhere else.
Sprx suppresses a scowl. One of these days he really needs to sit down and actually talk with Antauri. They can’t abandon another one.
Anyway. Charlie is one of the bubbliest people he has ever met. She ought to be able to make friends easily, right? “No friends here? No people that’ll remember you?”
Charlie shrugs. “Galatron’s a busy place. People are always coming and going. No one’s gonna remember me, or recognize me. And n0ne of my friends will be coming through. Trust me.” She flashes him a charming smile and Sprx doesn’t believe it for a second.
After all, he’s got more than a few of his own.
“If you’re sure.” He shrugs. He can let it go, for now. Charlie barely knows them. It will take time for her to trust them—especially after what they did to Chiro. He wonders what she was told about them. She had seemed excited to meet them in the beginning, so it couldn’t have been all bad.
“I’m sure,” Charlie says decisively.
Otto emerges from where he had been fueling the Robot. “All set!” He gives them a cheery thumbs up.
Charlie grins. “So we just need supplies now, right?”
“Yeah.” Sprx nodded once.
The rest of the team filtered out of the robot, and Charlie led the way off of the top platform and down to the supply area. Just like the docking area, from what Sprx could tell, the whole place catered to teens and young adults. Music blared from the speakers, just a touch too loud for background noise, and neon signs glittered every which way you looked.
Charlie weaved through the crowd like a woman on a mission. Her head held high, her shoulders back. That confidence kept her from blending into the crowd, but that was it. Sprx couldn’t help but think that Chiro would have stuck out like a sore thumb here, in his hyper mode or in his normal clothes.
Sprx didn’t know much about human fashion, but he knew that Chiro’s sweater and jeans combo was definitely not going to fit in with crowd here. Not when all of them dressed to be seen. Bright, flashy clothes; outfits that probably made their parents go bug eyed; shoes with heels to kill.
Charlie, however, fit in easily. A leather jacket, decorated with bits of metal over tight pants and a top with some symbol on it. Probably symbolizing a band, or maybe some show. Sprx was a bit behind on popular culture. Her ponytail, high on her head and bobbing with every step, provided an easy thing to watch, to keep her from blending into the crowd.
She ducked into a resupply store—which was a totally different beast than the outside. It was obviously made with the visiting adults in mind, or maybe there was just a formula for these kinds of places. She strode to the counter with the kind of confidence and swagger Chiro had never really had, though he had tried, and sent the clerk a beaming smile.
The clerk, some kind of alien, didn’t look impressed, and Sprx got the idea it wasn’t the first time someone had tried to charm her.
Wouldn’t be the last, either. Not on a place like this.
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flyingbaby12 · 5 years
Adult Jinmay's Date
Jinmay (once again, from SRMTHFG) goes on a date with her human boyfriend, Chiro, while the Robot Monkey Team, (Antauri, Sparx, Nova, Otto, and Gibson) keep an eye on the Super Robot. The human/robot couple go to many places on their date. (Dinner, dancing, etc.) Until one beautiful night, Chiro proposed to Jinmay to marry him, which she accepted, and in the future, they would have a baby robot girl, whose name would be Joyce.
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dreamstormdragon · 6 years
Top 10 Female Characters!
Tagged by the awesome @nightwonder7 to do this. So let’s get started! 10 cool gals from 10 fandoms!
1. Red Blood Cell  AE-3803
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The newest cause I just started watching Hataraku Saibou/Cells at Work but so far quickly becoming a favorite. She’s a bit ditzy but she’s a brand new blood cell learning about the body she lives in and figuring out where she’s supposed to go. She’s really funny.
2. Princess Serenity / Sailor Moon 
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Nostalgia’s coming into play here (and with more on the list to come I assure ya) I loved Sailor Moon when I was a kid, I really looked up to Serena and her friends as characters and their stories stuck with me for years. The transformations, the way they always stuck together. Serena was always my favorite scout though. Moon Prism Power!!!!
3. Honey Lemon!
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This gal! Honey Lemon is such a sweet girl, she’s a bit naive about the rougher parts of town but she’s always got her heart in the right place. She has her down moments but she’s always up for a pep talk or worrying about her friends. (Especially Hiro.) She’s just a big sweetie and I love her. 
4. Misty Waterflower!
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I grew up with Pokemon. It’s still one of my main fandoms as an adult still, I even play the game competitively. It’s something that’s always been there and I’ve always loved it. Misty was the first Pokegirl I got to know and one of my favorites. (Not my favorite, favorite (sorry Mist you’ll always be the nostalgic one though) She was always dedicated to her water Pokemon and her bond with Gyarados is amazing. Even if she was a brat she out grew it.
5. Kari Kamiya/ Hikari Yagami
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Honestly I loved all the gals from Digimon from Sora all the way to Yoshino in Savers/Data Squad. There’s not a Digimon Girl I don’t like to some extent but I’ll give it to Kari. Her arc in season one is my FAVORITE of that season. Especially her bond with Gatomon and how committed her brother is to her. I love this gal and she gets some good growth in season 2. Also Angewomon is awesome. 
Feels like there’s a lot of anime here... I watched a lot of anime as a kid okay?
6. Kim Possible! 
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I watched a lot of anime growing up. But I also had gals like Kim to watch too. She was one of those characters you just couldn’t dislike. She had her moments where she was in the wrong and owned up to it. She was always helpful sometimes to her detriment... And the popular girls only had one who disliked her cause of jealousy. KP’s biggest issues was defeating her villain gallery before school or before lunch was up. Overall just a cool character, Kim was great. (and the Kim Possible soundtrack is waaaay too catchy for it’s own good.)
7. Nova (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyper Force Go)
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Jinmay should probably be here instead of Nova, but Jinny only had about three episodes of real character development. Nova... Ho boy Nova. This show was cheesy as heck but Nova was so much fun. Antauri was my favorite but Nova was second. She had a lot of things going for her, from actually having legit fears (being seen as weak, she actually had anxiety in the cold due to abuse her former leader dealt out (basically locked her in a cold room until she was about to freeze to death and then she got royally pissed off) she’s got some fire power to her too and she is definitely the team mom. Seriously, you touched a hair on Chiro’s head and you were dead. Her weapon? GIANT FISTS. Yeah I’m still salty about the way the show went in the final season but in those first few seasons? Pretty fun stuff. And I’ll always have a soft spot in my heart for this one.
8. Carmen Cortez
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I swear I probably drove my mom crazy trying to find a shirt just like that one in the kids section when I was little. Carmen is unapologetically kick butt. Even though she was a brat sometimes with how she and Juni fought... She was a kid. She also wasn’t phased at the obstacle course she and Juni had to do every morning before school, even expertly jumping a THOUSAND FEET and not being phased. She was the big sis and she did her job well at keeping Juni safe and also fighting with him. They were equals. Spy Kids overall was just a great movie series for me as a kid and I still like it as an adult (Except Spy Kids 3. We don’t talk about it) 
Plus I still use that phrase up there every now and then. It’s funny.
9. Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi
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I’m cheating, I know. But these two are so intertwined you can’t separate them. Best friends to the very end, Homura did everything in her power to protect Madoka and Madoka realized in the end Homura WAS her best friend. Still watched out for her and refused to let her become corrupted in despair. I can’t talk more about these two amazing girls without spoiling the entirety of Puella Magi Madoka Magica (if you haven’t watched it, do it. Even if “Mahou Shoujo” anime isn’t normally your thing. You will not regret it) sooo yeah.
10. Naomi Kimishima
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NAOMI!!!!! I am a huge Trauma Center fan so it wouldn’t be right to end this list without one of my favorite ladies from this medical series. (Honorable mention to second favorite TC gal Tomoe) It’s been awhile since I played the games but Naomi was always a favorite of mine. She reminded me of Temperance Brennan from Bones, a show I was really obsessed with at the time too. But she was also her own character. Her interactions with Gabe, her relationship with Little Guy/Agent Navel (I STILL SHIP IT DARN IT) and especially how things effected her. One of the most heart wrenching scenes for me was (And major spoiler seriously) was when she was saying it was her fault that Alyssa got hurt and Little Guy was holding her back from the blast zone. And then in the end... She chose to raise Alyssa as her own. That child became her little girl and she clearly loves her dearly. Even if Chloe that darn cat keeps getting her into trouble. (And Naomi was one of the first characters I ever created a next gen for, my character Lucas was created after I played the game for the first time back in 2010) 
Soooo yeah.  10 11 gals. All cool characters.XD Thanks for tagging me, was fun. 
I will not tag anyone this time. Do it if ya wanna.
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theblacksunking · 1 year
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Love drawing Adult Jinmay so I drew her again as I been feeling kind of down this past week.
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Character Select:
Entering Battle: *takes a deep breath* All right.
Mirror Match: Did someone get a hold of my blueprints…?  
Mirror Match 2:
Vs Chiro: So, you want to test me then?
Vs Johnny: I was just thinking the same thing.
Vs Sakko:
Vs Adult!Jinmay: Huh? I wasn’t supposed to age...
Ultimate Attack: Ready for evaluation! *works her own wiring and assumes giant mech form*
Perfect Victory: Wow, am I really that good?
Victory With Some Health Lost: Looks like I am getting better at this.
Victory With Low Health: I know I need improvement, but I’m not the only one.
Defeat: I guess I’d better see Nova about further training.
Beat Chiro: Oh… my… gosh…
Beat Sakko:
Beat Adult!Jinmay:
Continue: It’s okay to be knocked down, as long as you get back up!
Game Over: *sniff* Chiro will be so disappointed in me…
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origcmibird-aa · 5 years
"You're so cute!" - Jinmay
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      HE WAS ALWAYS CLOSED-OFF TO STRANGERS. Aloof and mysterious, but never unfriendly. Cute was also a common way to describe him; if he appealed to kind adults who were willing to lend their aid, it always had to do with his young age, diminutive height ( compared to SHUGGAZOOMIANS … ) he’s adorable and he knows it … he’s learned to tolerate it, too.
       “ Th - thank you … I take it you’re a companion of GIBSON’S … ” She was a young girl, not much taller than him so maybe she was closer to his species of human, and not much older either. At least she seemed friendly?
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shanaanime · 8 years
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Name: Chango Age: 8 Sex: Male Parents: Chiro and Jinmay Hobbies: reading, sketching, learning anything and everything about science, technology, and nature, being with loved ones, and Building gadgets out of spare parts.
Dislikes: Being weak and helpless(not able to protect those he loves), failing, being small.
Chango is a very timid and quite boy; he is often picked on and bullied by other children (as well as adults) for being so weak and cowardly; not measuring up to the greatness of his noble and brave father Chiro.
Chango would do just about anything to become more stronger and braver like his father; and after Chango learns that he inherits the Power Primate, he is put through constant physical and mental training to control his powers.
Before a battle Chango usually tries to reason/negotiate with said opponet to find some middle ground; because Chango is a Pacifit type of person, he tries to avoid brutal conflict anyway he can.
Chango is usually a rational thinker and tries to use a much safer and logical approach to get him and the other team out of danger; but when confronting with a powerful and dangerous enemy, Chango can and will stand and fight to protect those he loves.
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hyperforcereignition · 10 months
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The robot flew swiftly back to the base after that.
As soon as it was docked, everyone disengaged from it as now they had other things to be concerned over.
Ren wasn't waking up. Jinmay had realized it when on the flight back, as he laid on the floor of the torso tank cockpit, he hadn't moved at all. He would groan in pain but that was about it.
"Is he… gonna be okay?" Jinmay asked as she and Chiro helped him out of the robot.
Her brother had always been a constant in her life… and apparently, from what she realized tonight, even after her life.
The memories that flowed into her mind replayed like a reel of film. When she looked at her brother's unconscious face, she saw many things.
She saw the strong jawline their father had, she saw the dark purple hair that her mother had been known for. They always used to joke that Jinmay was more of a carbon copy of her mother, looks wise, while Ren was his father's son through and through…
She also saw the fear he had when she used herself to shield him.
Her heart raced but it didn't have time to worry. She tried to shake her head free of those thoughts.
"He's gonna live. I promise." Chiro told her, trying to give her a reassuring smile.
He was exhausted, his body screaming for rest but that could wait.
The monkeys were hurrying out already as well.
Ren being as tall as he was, was difficult for the teens to hold up as they dragged him out of the mecha.
Antauri frowned, hurrying over.
"Here, allow me please. Otto, Gibson! Get a stretcher!"
"We're already on it!" Otto called over his shoulder.
Antauri lifted a hand up, levitating Ren off of the two teens and onto the awaiting hovering stretcher that Gibson and Otto had pulled over.
As soon as he was laid on it, they hurried off with him to an elevator nearby designed to fit it.
"W-Where are they taking him?" Jinmay asked, her heart skipping a beat. "L-Let me go with-"
"They're going to make sure he's alright." Antauri assured her, giving her a reassuring look. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of this tonight, Jinmay."
Her eyes welled up a little.
If you asked her, that was the understatement of the year.
"Yeah… me too…" She wrapped her arms around herself, closing her eyes tightly. "Why are you still helping him? He screwed up so badly… Why are you helping us?" Her voice cracked. "For all you guys knew, I could've been helping him…"
Antauri tilted her chin up, looking into her eyes as he floated to her level.
"We're here to help. Not to judge… Even if someone wronged us, if that person needs help, we will still help them. That is our way." He gave her a gentle look. "You're only thirteen. It's hardly fair to judge you for the mistakes of an adult… especially after all you've endured. You're only a child."
"I… but I…"
Jinmay's eyes trembled as the hot tears stung her eyes.
It had been too much. Too much to bear in one evening for her.
Chiro brought his arms around her, bringing her in close to him.
Jinmay cried out as she sobbed, hugging the boy tightly. Her hands dug into his uniform, gripping the fabric as she buried her face into his shoulder.
Chiro tightened his embrace, resting his head against hers.
"It's okay to cry." He told her softly. "It's okay… Let it out."
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theblacksunking · 1 year
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Jinmay vs Chara A commission of both my version of Chara and my adult Jinmay fighting in their respective swimsuits.
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