#adrinette and lukagami double date
queenjoy20 · 2 years
Things in Miraculous I called happening way before they happened but like... I have no proof, just trust me bro!
This is a self-indulgent post going over all the miraculous ideas and concepts I theorized were going to happen before they did. Most of these came from head canons or storylines that I never wrote down, so I’m not implying I’m some genius for figuring things out, this is more like a collection of head canons that ended up coming true. :)
Order of the Guardians/Marinette becoming the next guardian
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Okay so this is honestly a pretty old theory from S1, but I thought I should still include it. It was established that the miraculous have been used since the time of the Pharos and that Master Fu was only 200 years old, so it wasn’t difficult for 10 year old me to do the math and discover that there had to have been people before Fu wielding and protecting the miracle box. I also thought it would be cool if Marinette became a future guardian. (I didn’t really look into the story reasons I just thought it would be cool). At the time there had only been one season and I didn’t know that all the guardians had been functionally dead, I thought they were still active in a different part of the world and Fu had just separated. My original theory also included that Marinette (and Adrien) would have to actually travel to the Guardian temple and go through a bunch of training to become official guardians, but that didn’t happen in the show. (Still would be cool though.) I also thought that the guardians had their own unique powers they could wield outside of the miraculouses (which is sort of true). This was a pretty common head canon and I think we all saw this coming the more the show went on.
Marinette mixing up Adrien and Cat Noir post reveal
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Ok, so this ones a lot more specific. It’s been pretty common in the fandom to theorize how Marinette and Adrien would react during the reveal or a one sided reveal. Because Adrien has always gone the extra step to create the very distinct persona of Cat Noir, it was pretty commonly believed that Marinette would have a much harder time coping with the reveal. I think it was after the episode Cat Blanc when I really started to consider how Marinette would react during a one-sided reveal. So this was kind of my head canon for how I thought it was going to go:
Marinette discovers that Adrien is Cat Noir somehow. She is shocked because the two boys seemed so different in her head. She was also panicking because of all the implications this would have for their safety and whether or not she should tell Master Fu (set before the guardianship transfer). She would stay up all night fretting about this and suddenly her Mom is calling her to come down and eat breakfast. Breakfast? How long has she been up? She looks in the mirror and sees bags under her eyes and realizes how tired she is. But she can’t she needs to go to school. She gets ready, visible bags still under her eyes and heads to school. She arrives at class before Adrien and throughout the class she stares holes into the back of his head. Trying to put together the two in her head. Due to her sleep deprivation she starts hallucinating Cat Noir in Adrien’s place. Every ad, every time he talks to her, every time he helps her up, she sees Cat Noir in his place. She needs to keep blinking and catching her self to remember which Adrien she is talking to. 
*Akuma battle begins*
Ladybug and Cat Noir are in battle and Marinette keeps seeing Adrien instead of Cat Noir. She keeps messing up and Cat Noir helps her steady herself and she is finally able to see them as the same person. 
*Akuma battle ends*
The episode ends with Adrien talking to Marinette about how she has been avoiding him. One last time she sees Cat Noir in his place but the boys merge again and she is able to see them both in each other. She apologizes about avoiding him and taking her problems with her other friend (Cat Noir) out on him and how she wants to be a better friend to him. The episode would end with Marinette keeping Adrien’s identity to herself and not telling anyone.
I wanted to bring this head canon up because I distinctly remember using the visual of Marinette seeing one boy in the others place as a way to show her inner struggle. And imagine how gobsmacked I was to see that exact visual be used in Ephemeral. It was so cool. Depending on how the series go I can still imagine that Marinette would still need a bit of an adjustment moment getting used to it, whilst Adrien is just head over heels excepting it.
Time travel episode where they visit past moments in the series
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Ok, so honestly I imagined this sort of episode happening way farther down the line. Like second hawkmoth era, post-reveal, post time-jump, the characters are a bit older and more experienced. I imagined this episode being near the end of the shows lifetime as an homage to previous episodes. The villain would be some type of time travelling villain and our heroes would have to travel through their past fights and have to constantly hide from their past selves as not to change the course of time. Would also include cringing at their past selves obliviousness. I guess this episode is coming at us a lot sooner then I imagined but I’m not complaining.
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trainsinanime · 4 years
I think in retrospect, my post bitching about Ladrien was a mistake. It was written out of frustration, in response to a post that I perceived as trying to push Ladrien as morally superior to Marichat. That was probably not the right way to read this post. And even if it had been, the correct response would certainly not have been to vague-tumble (sub-tumble?) about it. I should just delete it.
…or I can double down and post more controversial Miraculous Ladybug shipping hot takes. Which one of these would be more fun? Difficult, difficult…
Adrigami vs Lukanette
I have seen more than one post argue that people prefer Lukanette over Adrigami because of racism, or because Kagami is too pushy, or similar. Now, for the record, I prefer anything above Lukanette and I personally love to ship Adrigaminette (specifically the version where everyone involved is really stupid about it). But I don’t think the moralistic argument can explain all of why Lukanette is so popular.
The problem is that we all love our point of view character Marinette and want good things to happen to her. Yes, there are exceptions in the fandom, but those are a small minority, no matter how loud they are. Adrigami is fun, interesting, engaging, they have both common points and interesting conflicts, and I’d absolutely love to watch a show about it… but Adrigami has one key drawback: It makes Marinette sad. And nobody wants that.
Lukanette, on the other hand, doesn’t make anyone (in universe) sad. Adrien and Kagami are okay with it, and it doesn't seem to affect Marinette's emotional state at all. (Yeah, sorry, not a fan of Luka, but I'll try not to dwell on it because my reasons for not liking him are not interesting, much like he is.)
Lukanette also works really well if you want to be salty about stuff but aren’t willing to go full Batman. The main salt objection to Adrien is that Chat Noir can be too pushy with his romantic feelings, which is arguably true, and that this means he is a horrible person, which I don’t exactly agree with. That cannot be said about Luka, who has no flaws, wishes, character motivation or similar nasty things that could get in the way.
All of these factors have nothing to do with Kagami whatsoever. Now, if you’re wondering why Lukanette is more popular than Kagaminette, then we’re getting somewhere.
Next up, more controversial opinions about other pairings:
Horrible, awful. Adrinette is king.
Just to reiterate: I love Marichat moments. I don’t think regular Marichat dates, whether that is romantic dates or friend dates, works at all. Marichat lives from the fact that they’re both friends, yes, but also from the low-key spy vs spy antics where they try to convince each other that they’re not actually best friends yet. (Ladrien could do the same but they’re too busy awkwardly blushing at each other to get any sustained antics going)
These two do not go on patrols in canon. I know every fan claims so, but there’s no canon evidence, except for Dark Owl/Hibou Noir, where the regular patrols are clearly established as something unusual that both of them want to end soon. Yes, I know there’s one instagram post, and supposedly one tweet (not that I’ve ever seen it), but it’s not in the show. And let’s be real, why would they go on patrols? Hawkmoth canonically creates Akumas whenever, including frequently during school hours. Patrols can’t help against that. That’s why our heroes canonically use alerting apps.
The reason why people love patrols is because it gets Ladynoir together without having to invent an Akuma. I can see the appeal behind that… but honestly, isn’t that just lazy? The show generally makes sure to show us the tail end of the adventure that brought them together this time, and I think that is more fun. Alternatively, sometimes, the show just doesn’t bother to explain why they’re together in costume at all (e.g. the end of Chat Blanc), and it turns out that this is also a thing you can do and nobody will hate you for it.
This may be my most controversial opinion yet, but I want these two crazy kids to kiss and hold hands and grow old together.
Yes, I know it'll never be canon. But I refuse to believe that they didn't realise people would ship it when they wrote the beginning of Heart Hunter. That whole sequence seems like it was designed to get me to ship it, and you know what? It succeeded.
Maribat aka Daminette
Kill it with fire.
We don’t have enough of this.
People, including Zag, are sleeping on what a great platonic friendship pairing this could be. Just those two geeking out about how great Ladybug, Marinette, Nino and Carapace are.
I have nothing but love for this pairing; I'm just including it here for completeness.
The problem with that ship is that I don’t want good things to happen to either of these people. Which means I'm perfectly okay with the canon version of this ship, where it's clear that both of them are emotionally stunted, callous and immoral and are never going to find happiness. The fact that it’s technically cheating only adds to that. I am not fond of fan versions where these two and Adrien are one happy family, though.
The pairing is perfect, but I have to say: Lady WiFi is cooler and fits better for Alya than Rena Rouge. Who ever thought to give the journalist the Miraculous that is all about lying and deception?
I’m very okay with Nino not being the Bubbler, though.
Come on Zag, they deserve to be unambiguously canon.
See JuleRose. Actually, I think when directly compared to JuleRose, they could really do with some more development, some more scenes of them together. I do ship it, but they seemed to have gotten the “official unacknowledged gay boys couple” almost out of nowhere.
MarcNath where Nath means Nathalie
I don’t think it would be a good idea at all, but the troll part in me (which is responsible for this post existing in the first place) thinks it might be worth exploring.
We need more of this ultimate crack ship.
Get rid of Luka and then we’re talking.
I used to think it was a stupid idea but I’ve read a number of very well written slow-burn stories about them, so now I ship it.
I don’t get it at all. I feel like I should write more about it in a post like this, but I'm mostly just baffled by its existence.
Kagami deserves better.
I just saw that this tag exists, on a "here are my drabbles" fic that was last updated in 2018, before it got to the Juleka/Lila part, and now I’m both intrigued and frustrated.
Hah, you had almost forgotten about that, hadn’t you?
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janaikam · 4 years
Janai’s Fic Master List
List of all my works that I have posted since October 2019. All of these are posted on my AO3 j_majka. Works towards the bottom of each category are my earlier works and are probably not of the best quality. All stories can be found by searching the tags on my tumblr page! Some have the full thing while others don’t, which is why I didn’t put the tumblr links here.
* - complete
italics - one-shot
bold - Multi chapter
Miraculous Ladybug:
*Hamster Time - 979, Adrien, Ladybug, In which, Ladybug decides to cheer Adrien up by helping him adopt a hamster.
*Adventures in Paris - 2238, Kagami, Luka, Juleka, Kagami's trip with her mother took an unexpected turn when she decided to ditch her tutor and have fun with an interesting pair of siblings.
*Team Bonding - 852, Marinette, Alya, Nino, Adrien, After a night out, Marinette and Alya try to sneak back home quietly, but things don't go quite as planned.
Soulmate Update - 828, Marinette, Adrien, After almost a year of thinking that Adrien was her soulmate, Marinette is presented with proof that maybe she got it wrong. What if her feline partner is actually her soulmate?
Chat’s Playpen - 1401, Luka, XY, Adrien, Marinette, A series of continuous chat conversations on the discord server, Chat's Playpen. Follow along with the miraculous friends!
*Double Date Fiasco - 3027, Nino, Alya, Marinette, Chat Noir, Walking back home one night, Alya spots Marinette letting Chat Noir into her room. Alya and Nino accidentally uncover a bit more than expected when confronting their friend about the situation.
*3 Superheroes and An XY - 3110, XY, Luka, Nino, Alya,  About two months into dating, XY decides that it's time for him to meet some of Luka's friends. Now all Luka has to do is find someone who won't instantly kill XY on sight.
*The Chalya Escapades - 3294, Chat Noir, Alya, Ladybug, Ladybug catches Alya and Chat sneaking around one night. What on earth are her kitty and best friend up to? (Note: This is a one-shot with a bonus scene added as a chapter)
*Melody? Too Cliche! - 909, Luka, XY, Harper Couffaine-Roth absolutely loves the story of how she came into her parent's lives.
*Adrien Protection Squad - 1089, Adrien, Alya, Nino, Marinette, Alya discovers a fun little website and decides that she wants to share it with her friends.
*I Can’t Help Falling in Love With You- 12406, Luka, XY, All XY wanted was a little revenge. That’s all. Why couldn’t things just go as planned?
*Roommates -  2601, Ladynoir, When the new mayor of Paris offers an apartment to Paris' heroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir couldn't pass up on the chance.
*Enemies to Lover Trope - 1338, DJWifi, Ladrien, Alya has some suspicions about Paris' heroes and Nino's just hoping that everything doesn't blow up in his face.
*They’re Not Dolls - 1498, Ladrien, Marichat, Who knew a couple of dolls could cause so much trouble?
*Jarring Journey To Jubilation -  1360, Adrinette, Adrichat, Somehow an innocent comment spiraled into something Adrien couldn't control.
Excerpts From the Paris Needs a Hero Memoir - 14513, Adrinette, Passages from Marinette and Adrien’s diary of memories, also known as Paris Needs a Hero. Made in the off chance Marinette loses her memories at some point in life.  
*Wonderwall - 671, Luxy, XY feels like he hasn't made his feelings clear to Luka. He needs to remedy that and quickly.
*See You Again - 2577, Lukagami, After a little encouragement, Kagami decides to go to speed dating. There she meets someone who piques her interest, but her blunt nature may have ruined everything.
*Attempted Chat Burglar - 1697, Marichat, Chat makes a bet with Marinette on whether he can be a thief like her.
*Midnight Date -  981, Ladynoir, Adrien plans a surprise date for Marinette on the rooftops of Paris.
*A Trail of Rose Petals -  1947, Ladynoir, Adrien plans a little scavenger hunt for Marinette around Paris.
*Before I Fall - 1431, Marichat, After a rough day at school, Chat Noir pays Marinette a visit and they have some fun doing trust exercises.
*The Next Right Thing - 1677,  Hawkmoth has defeated Ladybug and Chat Noir. Now what?
*Oxes, Kwamis, and Universes. Oh My! - 3204, An akuma attack leaves Adrien feeling a little different. More cranky and mean. But he's not exactly sure what is wrong.
*What Happened? - 2596, AU of an AU where Marinette believes that Adrien is really her enemy. (Side piece to It’s Just the Start)
I Know What You Did Last Year -  2798, Adrientte, When a new girl from Lila's past starts attending Dupont, secrets get revealed that could change the class dynamic.
*A Bun - 851, Adrinette, Marinette finds out that she and Adrien are going to have a baby, so what better way to tell him.
*It’s Just the Start - 4103, Adrinette, DJWifi, Tattoo Soulmate AU where people are born with soulmate tattoos that dictate who their romantic, platonic, and enemy soulmate are. Most people have at most three, but Marinette and Adrien are a little different.
No Good Nick:
*Just Us -  670, Nick/Will, Maybe in another universe we could be something. No Harbaughs. No Thompsons. Just Us. AU where Nick's dad and Will's mom were never arrested.
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arlakos · 4 years
What your Favorite Miraculous Ladybug Ship says about you
Title is simple, im just gonna get started. No ships shall be spared and my mouth shall not be stopped, so yeah warning for those who are under 18 or otherwise don’t want their innocent minds peirced.
Also, considering there are many different reasons for shipping, im just gonna put them all in dot points as subtypes
Adrinette (Adrien X Marinette)
You are a Miraculous Ladybug fan 
You like keeping things canon and/or endgame
You are a Marinette stan
You hate the season 3 finale.
LadyNoir (Ladybug X Chat Noir)
Your ideal love dynamic is bantering with occasional puns. 
You probably think that Ladybug should treat Chat Noir better than she did in Reflekdoll.
You liked Oblivio.
You are an Adrien stan.
You hate the season 3 finale
MariChat (Marinette X Chat Noir)
You are a fan of the ‘Friends to Lovers’ trope
You want to be wooed by Cat Noir and his many puns.
Evilustrator is your favorite season 1 episode
You have an addiction for the dramatic irony of two people talking about the people they love, not realising that their love is right in front of them.
You hate the season 3 finale.
Ladrien (Ladybug X Adrien)
You have an addiction for two lovestruck dorks not being able to talk with eachother or make any proper sentences.
On the other end of the spectrum, you think Ladybug would be the domme in the relationship once they are older, and probably have discovered a fantasy of being tied up by Ladybugs yoyo.
You hate the season 3 finale
The Lovesquare(tm) (You know which one im talking about)
You like getting teased nonstop for 3 seasons straight by a garden gnome who can’t write relationships, so he hides behind 5 seasons worth of akumas so he doesn’t have to.
Any time that either of the ships are in the same frame doing something cute, your brain is screaming at the screen for the two of them to kiss.
You are a fan of Oblivio
You are also a fan of that sleeping pic in Startrain.
Oh yeah, you also hate the season 3 finale.
DJWifi (Alya x Nino)
You like the idea of two nerds hanging out together.
Your favorite season 1 episode is Animan.
If you like them more as heroes, you probably like the idea of the two fawning over eachother like they did in that Heroes Day special.
Even if you don’t particularly ship them, you ship them anyways because it makes for great fanfic ideas about post-reveal double dates with Adrinette.
AdriNino (Adrien X Nino)
You probably saw those memes about the two bros being all homoerotic with eachother and thought it would make a good writing prompt. For those who don’t know what I mean, here it is:
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Alyanette (Alya X Marinette)
Your a fan of two girlfriends hanging out together.
You may or may not ship Adrinino.
Based on the above point, you also think that an older Alya would make sexual innuendos when discussions ever turn to relationships, and Marinette would the innocent one who tells Alya to stop in embarrasment.
Ninette (Nino x Marinette)
On the light side of the salt spectrum (aka nonexistent) You think Nino’s crush on Marinette was cute AF in animan.
On the other side of the salt spectrum, you probably dislike Alya, or at least how much Alya has made Nino her side-dude and took away his main character rights (but i don’t blame you)
Alyadrien (Alya X Adrien)
You love Adrien, but  Marinette’s inability to speak to him drive’s you so frustrated that you pair Adrien with Alya because you think Adrien should have a relationship with someone he can Actually talk to. 
If its Rena Rouge and Chat Noir, you could also be interested in Chat Noir finding a new incredibly amazing person to crush on. Or just a superhero rebound. Who knows?
If you age up the characters, There’s a good chance you are incredibly horny. No seriously. I searched up the ship on AO3 and found that most to all of the fics I found on Alyadrien led to some smut story. If you like this ship and go on AO3, you can only be horny. Only exception applies to the next ship
If you ship the two of them as civilians, you have either have an interest in Cheating, or the idea of Alya stealing Adrien from Marinette ‘just because’. If you ship the two of them as heroes, you like the idea of them have a ‘friends with benefits’ style relationship where after a night of partrol they sneak off to romp.
Alya X Marinette X Adrien X Nino
You are bisexual
You love the Entire Miraculous Nerd gang.
You have a love for non canon gay ships, but also a strong love for canon straight ships, and it tears your heart to have to choose, so you just decided to ship them all together, so everyone is happy.
You could also be horny for this ship as well if you age them up, but you could also have a desire for fluff between four people
Lukanette (Luka X Marinette)
You have an intrest for men who play guitars.
You are a fan of Luka
You are a fan of people with blue hair.
You think Marinette should move on from Adrien if she can’t even talk to him.
Inversely, you ship Adrien with someone else and just decided to ship Mari with Luka as to not be called a Marinette hater.
If you are one of the people who are still salty over Chameleon, theres a good to honest chance you ship these two because you think Luka is the ‘better Adrien’. Also you probably think Adrien is an asshole for Loving Ladybug but not loving Marinette.
Lukadrien (Luka x Adrien)
TWO OPTIONS. Either A, you have a crippling addiction to Yaoi and like the ending of Captain Hardrock, or B, you are someone like me who has a liking for the Idea of Luka swooning Adrien right in front of Marinette while she stands there gobsmacked.
If your B, this can be either for humorous reasons, romanctic reasons, or both.
Also this commercial (Watch the end and you’ll know what I mean)
Adrigami (Adrien X Kagami)
You cannot stand Marinette’s inability to talk to Adrien, or her stalkerish tendencies. PERIOD.
You think Adrien should move on from Ladybug and be happy, but you definetely think it should NOT be Marinette for reasons above.
You have an addiction for two people that fight eachother in combat, but also love eachother. (And also want to screw each other)
You like bluenettes, but you also like Dommes.
You are a fan of the season 3 finale
Kagaminette (Kagami X Marinette)
You REALLY love bluenettes, so you say to yourself ‘I want more!’
There’s a good to honest Chance that you also ship Lukadrien, regardless of whether its romantic or not.
If its not for romantic reasons, you probably like the same idea as Lukadrien, but from the other side of the gender spectrum.
You really like those anime stories where one person is up against the wall and their prime rival/future significant other just aims their sword at their neck and using the flat end of the blade to lift the others head up.
You are probably a fan of the Ikari Gozen episode.
You probably thought that Kagami should have gotten the icecream with Marinette in heart Hunter
Lukagami (Luka x Kagami)
You gotten attached to both Luka and Kagami, but you are REALLY attached to the Adrienette ship, so you pair these two together so that they don’t feel lonely.
Actually, you dont really have to care about them personally, but you still ship them because you hate the idea of someone losing in a relationship triangle.
Adrigaminette (Adrien X Kagami X Marinette)
The reason for shipping this three is the same as Alya x Nino X Adrien X Marinette, but you either thing Nino and Alya are fine on their own, and think that all three of the aformentioned characters are too sweet to think that any of them deserved to lose in the relationship. And that is perfectly fine :)
Alternatively, you could be a Chameleon salter who is still mad at the class, but considering you ship these 3, you probably aren’t as salty as other people in the fandom, and just want some actually fluffy romance.
AdriLukaMari (Adrien X Luka X Marinette)
Love triangles. Just love triangles. And one that actually has more than 2 people so its actually more angsty.
Alternatively, if you ship all 3 of them aged up, you probably think Adrien is a bottom in the bed  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Also alternatively, your fantasy is probably being swooned by two boys after your heart, but you are also a part BL fangirl.
Lukagaminette (Luka X Kagami X Marinette)
You are a Chameleon Salter, but you also probably hate Adrien, and by extension Chat Noir, and are probably one of the biggest salters that give the fandom its salty rep.
You absolutely go one AO3 to ONLY read salt fics where Lila gets exposed and defeated.
You probably read fics about Chat Noir being a stalker because you think flirting = SEXUAL HARRASMENT! You give Kudos for fics that either ‘make Chat Noir pay’ or take Adriens ring from him.
On that last note, guess who becomes the better Chat Noir?! (I am being sarcastic as hell, and of course its probably Luka)
You also hate the class and want them to either suffer, or apologise for hurting the ‘amazing, wonderful godess that is Marinette’ and kiss her feet like the dogs they are.
You probably have tunnel vision on Chameleon, and have failed to notice that aside from a that one episode, Lila hasnt impacted the show as much as you think she has in your fanfic.
You probably dont even ship Lukagaminette, because to be fair nobody ship this particular 3-pair, unless its one of the subships
You may also realized I tricked you, but I couldn’t exactly create a Salter X Salt ship, OC ships don’t count.
...Actually, there is one actual reason for liking this ship...BLUENETTES GALORE!!!
Lukadrigaminette (Luka X Adrien x Kagami X Marinette)
This is one of two things, either its the same reason as Alya X Marinette X Adrien X Nino where you just want all of them to be happy, or you are an ABSOLUTE SALTER who hates pretty much everything in the show (except Adrien) and so resorts to MAXIMUM FLUFF. You are tired of the Chameleon episode and Marinette not being treated right, tired of Adrien being treated wrong by his Father and possibly the show writers, tired of people fighting over the lovesquare (tm) and the alternate Kagmi/Luka ships, so you just ship these 4 lovable bastards and keep everyone else away from them. Fuck the class, Fuck Gabriel, Fuck Lila, fuck everyone else in the show, you want some damn happy fluff so you take these 4 and put them in the happy bubble away from the troubles of the fandom. You are the biggest salter out there, but are also the best kind of salter who wants fluff and does not give a damn.
Chloedrien (Chloe x Adrien)
Lol no XD. Nobody ships this.
But if you do like the characters, you probably think they are close as siblings.
Chloenette (Chloe X Marinette)
You used to be a Drarry fanboy/fangirl if you were a book lover, or a Sasunaru fanboy/fangirl if you are a weeb.
You are a fan of the enemies to Lovers trope
You probably want Chloe to have a proper character development.
This clip:
Nathanette (Nathaniel x Marinette)
You believe the show has gone down since season 1.
Evilustrator is your special ep.
You keep away from the fandom because you do not want to be involved with the war between the Chloethaniel shippers and the Marcaniel shippers.
Chloethaniel (Chloe X Nathaniel)
You also think Chloe should have a proper character development, but you are also heterosexual.
You think the show has been going down since season 1.
You are probably in a secret guerrilla war with the perople who ship Marc X Nathaniel.
Chloebrina (Chloe X Sabrina)
You have an addiction for alpha bitch girls.
If you age them up, you have a secret interest in BDSM that you haven’t told anyone about.
You think that whoever is the domme is depending on how drunk an aged up Chloe is before the start of your fic.
There is a good to honest chance that you probably ship them with actual fluff and that Sabrina has a secret crush on Chloe, which is the reason you believe that Sabrina sticks by her side.
But in most fanfics where there are multiple pairings, chances are you don’t pay all that much attention to it unless its the main focus of the story.
Sabrina X anyone else
You think Sabrina deserves better.
You also hate Chloe, or you don’t, but think that Chloe and Sabrina’s relationship is unhealthy and that they should see other people.
Lukloe (Luka x Chloe)
That one comment from Chloe in Miracle Queen has been the basis of your entire ship, actual character interactions be damned.
Also, you probably think Chloe needs calming guitar guy to counteract her alpha-bitch attitude.
Your name is DEFINETELY NOT @zoe-oneesama​, if your tumblr posts are anything to go by.
Julerose (Juleka X Rose)
You like keeping things canon - but not really because nothing has ACTUALLY been declared yet, just teases. But still.
You hate Princess Fragrance because of Prince Ali, and your favorite episode is likely Zombizou because kissou~
If you are part of the salt-dom. you regularly go and find people who dont ship Juleka and Rose together and send them rude messages because apparently ‘their sexist’.
AliRose (Prince Ali x Rose)
You haven’t watched Miraculous past season 1, or believe the show has been going down since then. Though really I don’t blame you.
There’s a good to honest chance that you don’t REALLY ship the two, and moreso just have them be the biggest BFF’s who are inspired by eachothers kindness and are probably pen pals with one another, because shipping people as best friends has been a thing. Good luck explaining that to the Julerose fans who keep sending death threats when they are not reblogging Julerose fanart!
Kimix (Kim x Alix)
You are a sucker for atheletes.
You are a fan of the Rivals to Lovers trope.
You believe in the inherent eroticism of daredevils who dont back down from dares.
Kimmax (Kim x Max)
You believe the school tropes about jocks bullying nerds is highly overrated, and seeing these two for the first time made you smile and ship them immediately.
You believe in the inherent eroticsm of opposites attract
Alix x Kim x Max
You like both ships a lot, and considering they don’t cause fandom wars like other CERTAIN ships in the fanom, you just quietly 3 pair this trio while other shippers throw salt and insults at eachother.
Ivan x Mylene
Everyone ships these two, but if you are one of the people who consideres them the OTP, you are probably just here for somewholesome side characters.
Marcaniel (Nathaniel x Marc)
You believe that Season 2 was the greatest thing to happen to the show in terms of the new characters it introduced.
Reverser is your favorite episode.
You are probably in a secret guerrilla war with the perople who ship Chloe X Nathaniel.
You believe in the inherent eroticism of two boys in love, and both of them are bottoms.
Kimette (Kim x Marinette)
Your name is @lunian​, your ship came out of nowhere, I am confused on what reason you shipped the two together, but I love it anyways. Keep up the good work.
GabeNath (Gabriel x Nathalie)
Either you think Nathalie’s love for Gabriel is beautiful in a tragic sort of way, or you think most of the show’s problems could have been avoided if Gabriel moved on.
Like Nathalie, you are probably attracted of Gabriels best quality... his extensive prebattle and post battle monologues.
Chlogami (Chloe X Kagami)
You believe in the inherent eroticism of deep hatred.
You ship Chlonette, but you want people who are actually at eachothers throats instead of snarky banter.
You believe the minute Kagami told Chloe to essentially piss off, Chloe should have kissed her right then and there.
Also the same video from Chlonette could be applied here.
Marinette x Entire Class
You are a diehard Marinette stan, and you have an addiction for harem fics.
There’s a good to honest chance you ship this because your one of those rare few people who try to ship every possible ship (without delving into the WTF-ships). 
Alternatively, you have a thing for psychopathic lesbians.
Liladrien (Lila x Adrien)
You may be one of those people who ship Volpina X Chat Noir back in season 1. I mean, its nearly nonexistent, but I’ve seen some comics.
However, you are most likely someone like me, waiting for the day that a bunch of us are able to find eachother and group up together to form the ulimate group of evil, and when the time is right, we post so much Lila x Adrien stuff on the Miraculous Ladybug tag that it will cause the fandom to burst into flames as all the Marinette stans foam at the mouth and collapse in sheer anger, shock and fear of our combined terrifying might.
If you don’t know what I mean yet...er...I mean if you ship Lila x Adrien, you are a massive troll. Or you really hate Marinette’s stalker behaviour and want to see her suffer. Probably both.
Adrichat (Adrien X Chat Noir)
Your name is @buggachat​, and you are the Destroyer of Logic and Bringer of Fandom Chaos.
EDIT: Forgot a ship
Kimdine (Kim x Ondine)
You just wanted good things for Ondine.
You also wanted good things for Kim, and probably hated the way Chloe treated him in Dark Cupid.
Syren is YOUR episode.
You’re probably waiting for someone to create a fanfic of Roi Singe saving Ondine from an akuma.
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