#adrien blushing over evil ladybug sounds like the perfect special to me
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 2 years ago
Can we talk about the fact that every Miraculous World special has had insane levels of Ladynoir
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and this special doesn’t appear to be the exception
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crazyrandomfucker · 6 years ago
Adrien Augreste: Coffee shop
"Ugghhhhh...." groaned Ladybug. "I'm thirsty and tired".
"How about we go to a coffee shop, my treat" said Chat politely.
"It's too late Chat, there's nothing open at this kind of hours" said Ladybug.
"Oh, but I know the perfect place and they are open until 3 am. Come on bugaboo, you really look like you could use a good, warm and tasty cup of coffee in such a chilly night" insisted Chat.
"It sounds really tempting... But we need to patrol" said Ladybug, not really convinced by what she had said.
"It's been a calm night so far and yesterday we had that Lion King akuma, so we probably won't get any today. Not to mention that sometimes, taking a brief break improves the efficience of anyone" pointed Chat.
"Fine, let's go wherever you say. Surprise me Chat" said Ladybug giving in.
"Oh I'm sure it will surprise you, I was astonished when I found it once when I.... When I was patrolling solo" said  Chat sheepishly.
 "Now that's interesting. I was waiting until you brought up that you do solo patrols. Perhaps we can talk it over a coffee" said Ladybug with a wink.
Chat smiled and showed the path to Ladybug, making a few eyes to cheer her up and recieving those eye rollsâ„¢ she always did for him. He jumped over the rooftops, trying to do some tricks to show off and make a little competition with his Lady, which worked and she performed some mid air flips using her yoyo to rise in the right angle. Ladybug was clearly the winner, but that didn't stop her to recognise and praise some of Chat's tricks.
Later, Chat stopped on a rooftop, in front of a gigantic Adrien Agreste's billboard, confusing Ladybug for a moment. Then he explained that behind that embarrasing publicity show off was the coffee shop, but that he had stopped before arriving because he wanted to see her face of surprise when she sees the name of the bar. Curious, Ladybug jumped and climbed to the top of the billboard, her eyes opened like plates and her jaw fell completely.
"I told you it would surprise you" said Chat smugly as he landed next to her. "And wait until you see the owner, you'll be mind-blown for sure".
The door of the bar opened and an old chinese man with a stripped blue shirt appeared. "I see you are back Chat Noir, you've brought Ladybug with you this time. Please, come inside the Miraculous Cave and have a cup of coffee, I'm sure you two must be exhausted" said the old man with a gentle smile.
" Master Fu? Is that you?" asked Ladybug reluctant.
"I'm afraid not, the one you know by master Fu is my brother, I'll explain more inside if you follow me" said the old man as he entered to the coffee shop.
"Don't worry M'Lady, he's trustworthy and the barwoman is too" said Chat as he descended to enter the bar.
"Okay kitty, I trust you" said Ladybug and entered to the coffe shop.
"Welcome dears to the Miraculous Cave" said an old chinese woman behind the bar. "I'm Xia Fu, the sister of Wang and Ming, we're triplets".
"Wait dear sister, this young Ladybug isn't understanding any of that right now. My name is Ming and the one you know as master Fu is Wang. As my sister said, we're triplets. Now, ask your questions, I can see them floating around those eyes" said Ming.
"Mister Fu... Why is here this coffee shop? Isn't it dangerous to have it on a rooftop?" asked Ladybug.
"I see brother chose well" said Xia with a smile.
"I agree. As for your question, worry not young Ladybug, this place is protected from anybody with evil intentions. Just like our brother, there was a time when we held the turtle miraculous and gained a few kwimens. My sister is using one of them to hide us" explained Ming.
"I thought Master Fu was the last guardian of the miraculous, that everybody else died on that fatidic accident. How are you here?" asked Ladybug.
"He doesn't know we also survived" said Ming.
"When the temple crumbled down, I used my kwimen to protect us and once we were free from the ruins of the temple, we searched around the world for the miraculous box, hopingthat noone evil had put their hands on the miraculous" explained Xia. "Then, we heard about four superheroes in Paris, two bugs and two cats, fighting against a butterfly user. We came here and created the Miraculous Cave to provide you help".
"Does Master Fu know about that?" asked Ladybug.
"No, eventually, we'll get in contact with him, but for now it's better if we don't. He'd only blame himself for that accident" said Ming.
"I see... He already blames himself enough, seeing you two suddenly would only worsen things" agreed Ladybug.
"Precisely. I'm beginning to see why my brother chose you two, you're gentle and clever while Chat is selfless and loyal. I'm curious thought,how did he choose you?" asked Ming.
"I'm not sure. The first time I saw him I helped him cross the road before a car hit him" said Ladybug.
"In my case, the first time I met him, I helped him when he fell and lost his walking stick" said Chat.
"My, my. He's doing those tests? That's weird" said Xia.
"He tested your selflessness and kindness, which are great test to choose a miraculous holders, but fail the most important thing, your compatibility with the miraculous. There's people not destined to hold a miraculous and those will never unlock kwimens and greater powers" explained Ming.
"I have a kwimen! Does that means I was destined to be a holder?" asks Chat eagerly.
"You do? In such a short time? That's incredible! Which kwimen is? The destruction of reality? Shapeshifting? Enhanced senses?" asked Xia surprised.
"My sister has the destruction of reality one, I have the bad luck charm..." said Chat.
"You what?!" exclaimed Xia surprised. "That's an extremely unlikely to happen! That kwimen is something more usual of the monkey holders!"
"I know, my kwami told me. He also warned me about the consequences of a bad use of the kwimen and I'm honestly scared of them. I won't use it unless is necessary and I'll stop before things go wrong" said Chat without his usual cheerful tone.
"I see, that's very responsible of you" said Xia. "There has been lots of incidents due to that kwimen".
"Setting that apart, I guess you'd like to have a coffee. We also have food for your kwamis if you want to change back" said Ming diligently.
"Oh, thanks but we'll stay transformed. We haven't shared our identities yet" said Ladybug.
"I see. Worry not then, we won't ask for it then" said Ming.
"For now, what would you like to have?" asked Xia.
"I would like a vanilla latte please" asked Ladybug.
"I want a peppermint tea" said Chat.
"You'll have it in a flash" said Xia with a wink.
"Meanwhile, if you have any kind of questions regarding the miraculous our brother hasn't told you yet, I'll be glad to answer them" offered Ming. "And don't be afraid to come whenever you need something from us, even if you're about to detransform. We have some closets to guarantee your privacy".
"I'll mark the ubication on my yoyo in case I need it, thanks a lot. By the way, only miraculous holders can enter here?" asked Ladybug.
"No, we have other clients in a lower floor, but this floor is exclusively for holders use" answered Ming.
"And if we are not here and you need our help, there's a little bell connected to our phones so feel free to ring it in those cases" said Xia, bringing the drinks to the heroes.
"I'm sure I'll do!" said Chat happily taking his cup.
"Thanks" said Ladybug and took a sip of her cup. "Mmmmmh~ This is delicious!"
"I'm glad you like it. I know that you ladybug holders take a sudden interest on flowers due to the miraculous use, which proves your compatibility with your miraculous. You'll develope some behaviours from the animal which they represent" explained Xia.
"That explains a lot" said Ladybug.
"Yeah, I thought it was just only me and my sister" said Chat.
"But you look cute chasing laser pointers Chat" teased Ladybug.
"H-How do you know that?" asked Chat blushing a lot.
"Well, a little bird told me about a certain video and I exchanged an interview for the video with a very pretty reporter" said Ladybug..
"I can't believe it, my princess has betrayed me?" said Chat dramatically.
"Princess? I see I'm not the only lady that has catched your attention~" continued her teasing Ladybug.
"Y-You're the only o-one for me! She's really nice and lovely, b-but I'm only loyal to you, no matter how much it takes to win your love" said Chat blushing.
"Don't worry, I get it. She's trully great" said Ladybug.
"She is, she is also the best civilian I know. She's brave, she stands up if anyone dares to mess with her loved ones and she is really talented" said Chat, not noticing Ladybug's blush.
"Chat, that's really nice from you. I'm shure she'd be flattered" said Ladybug.
"That must be someone very special. Bring her along whenever you want and we'llmake an exception for her and let her stay on this floor" said Xia.
"Will do, she'd probably like this vanilla latte, it's incredible" said Ladybug. "Thought, probably it'd be better if Chat brought her, she's afraid to go with me and that someone recognises me because of that".
"I'll gladly do it, she deserves to put off her work sometimes, she works really hard" said Chat.
"We'll be glad to have someone so special in here then, she sounds just like a great girl" said Ming.
Then, they kept chatting and drinking until they realized what time it was, quickly saying goodbye and paying (Chat insisted it was on him) before jumping away tocontinue their patrol. The two elders watched them go away with a certain nostalgia but hoping for the best.
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