#adrian annoys their father sometimes
suugarbabe · 1 year
Saving Grace VI
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[Chapter 6]
pairing: mattheo riddle x reader
word count: ~3.3k
warning: angst, fluff, mentions of blood, smut, slight male overstimulation, 18+ content MDNI
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Your heart had never felt so full. Laying on the couch in the common room with Mattheo on top of you, his back to your front as he laid between your legs. His head was resting on your stomach, his arms draped over your thighs as your legs intertwined with his. Soft snores are coming from Mattheo as you continue to trace your fingers through his curls, scratching lightly at his scalp. 
You looked over his face, noting the different scars. The one along his right side, that went through his eyebrow and over his cheek, had been there before you met him. He told you he got it the summer before he came to Hogwarts, something about a ‘task his father had challenged him with’ went not quite as planned. You lightly traced it with your thumb and he seemed to unconsciously lean into your touch. 
He had a couple other small scars from nicks and such in fights, but your favorite one was on the bridge of his nose. It really wasn’t quite a scar yet, but you knew it would turn into one eventually. The scab across it was nearly healed, leaving a thick line of pink skin. The week after you two had made it officially official, Adrian had come to bother you again, this time trying to grab you away from Mattheo in the middle of the hall, yanking on your elbow. 
You had seen Mattheo fight plenty of times, but this time it was like all he could see was red and all he wanted was Adrian dead. It took Theo, Draco and Blaise to finally pull them apart. Mattheo came out with just one deep gash on the bridge of his nose, while Adrain was in the hospital wing for a week. Mattheo got a month’s worth of detention, the last of which he served today. 
McGonagall made him reorganize the quidditch locker rooms and their respective closets. It took him nearly all day, hence his exhausted and sleeping figure on top of you. But you didn’t mind, you loved when he was able to be more vulnerable and loved that he felt safe enough to be that way with you. He was always displaying himself as so tough and unbreakable, you often had to remind him that he, too, was merely human and would break if he didn’t allow himself time to relax and recover. 
You were so engrossed with how pretty your boyfriend looked sleeping that you had zoned out, completely forgetting the other people around you. Pansy’s snapping is what finally broke your trance as you looked over to the couch across from you, giving her an apologetic smile. 
“Merlin, you two are so lovesick on each other,” she teased, causing the others to smile along with her. 
“Thank Salazar you finally admitted your feelings for him, I swear we were all going mental just waiting on you two to make it actually official,” Theo stated, lighting a spliff and taking a drag. 
Your face turned into one of confusion, “What do you mean ‘finally admitted my feelings for him’, what are you on about?” 
Draco rolled his eyes, “Cousin told us you guys were faking it.” You went to sit up a little straighter, however Mattheo’s grip on your legs prevented you from moving all together. 
“You mean you all knew it was fake? I mean, it’s not anymore, it hasn’t been for a while, but you all knew in the beginning?” You looked at each one of their faces. Enzo looked guilty, Theo and Draco both wore annoying smirks while Blaise and Pansy just had huge smiles. 
“To be fair, we didn’t know until after your little show at that first party,” Theo wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Still think about it sometim-” he was cut short thankfully by Blaise throwing a pillow at his head. 
Blaise turned to you then, “At first we thought he was just bringing you to the party as his date for the night, you know, like he was known to do. We played games and had a lot of fun. But during your little performance I noticed someone watching the two of you, specifically you, very closely.” 
You rolled your eyes, his name coming out like a grumble from your mouth, “You mean Adrian.” 
Blaise couldn’t help the slight smirk on his face, “Precisely. So, the next morning, when we were all a little more sober, I decided to ask Mattheo what was going on.” 
“At first he tried to deny everything, saying it was just for the night or whatever, but I could see right through it,” Draco pipped in. “Eventually, he told us how Adrian was being a proper creep and you asked for his help -”
Enzo interrupted him, “And Matty boy was talking about you for months before that.” The rest of the group seemed to nod in agreement. 
You couldn’t help the look of shock on your face, “W-what are you guys talking about? Months before?”
Blaise smiled at you, “That’s right sweetheart.” You looked back down at Mattheo’s sleeping form, admiration clear on your face. You traced your thumb over the apple of his cheek and he stirred slightly. His long eyelashes fluttered open, his voice thick with sleep as he spoke, “You lot talking ‘bout me?” 
A few members of the group laughed softly as you ran your fingers through his hair, “All good things, love.” He grumbled slightly, turning over so he was now laying on his stomach, burying his face into your jumper covered chest. 
“You still sitting with me at the match tomorrow?” Pansy asked excitedly, finally able to have another girl with her to watch the boys play. 
Eyes still closed, Mattheo answered for you, “Course she is, gonna be wearing my spare jersey.” You smiled at Pansy, nodding your head in agreement. 
“And here I thought she’d be wearing mine,” Theo, ever the sass-master, felt the need to interject and quickly regretted it as Mattheo fully opened his eyes. You ran your hand through Mattheo’s curls, essentially soothing him back to a calm state before giving Theo the finger for riling him up.
You wanted to curse whatever founder decided that deep into Scotland was the best location for Hogwarts as you pulled your stocking cap down over your ears. You also wanted to curse whoever decided that quidditch season needed to be in the bloody winter. 
“How the bloody hell do you look so cute but I look like a bundled troll?” Pansy poked the stuffing of her jacket near her stomach. You huffed out a laugh, “Oh please, Pans, we both look like stuffed olives. Green is normally so flattering to me, but right now I feel like a pickle.” 
You and Pansy continued to make comparisons to different green foods back and forth, not being able to contain your laughter as you found your seats in the stands on the Slytherin side. You weren’t sure if it was your relationship status, or if you and Pansy just got lucky, but you managed two front row spots in your house section, giving you the perfect view of the pitch. 
As both teams came out from the locker room tents you joined your fellow students in cheering loudly for green and silver. As members of both teams started doing warm up laps around the pitch, a particularly curly haired captain was hovering right in front of you and you couldn’t contain the grin that spread over your face. 
“Well don’t you look adorable this brisk afternoon, princess,” Mattheo was balancing on his Firebolt, leaning over the banister at the front of the stands. You stood from your seat, leaning closer to him, “I know you love pickles so I figured I’d copy the look to keep you motivated.” 
Mattheo let out a hearty chuckle, “S’that what you think you look like?” You nodded, biting your bottom lip to suppress the grin threatening to spread across your face. “Well you’re correct as always love,” Mattheo closed the gap between you two, placing a gentle kiss to your lips that ended far sooner than you wanted, “I love pickles and you look delicious.” 
You giggled slightly as you pushed his shoulder, effectively pushing him farther from you. With a wink he was soaring back down to the ground, meeting Madam Hooch and the other team's captain. As Madam Hooch released the bludgers and the snitch your adrenaline began to rise. When she tossed the quaffle in the air you were off your seat, keeping a close eye on Mattheo as he maneuvered around the pitch. 
Quidditch games were not foreign to you, you’ve even played it a little on holidays with your friends and such, but there was something about watching Mattheo, watching your boyfriend that made it all the more exciting. 
It definitely helped that Mattheo was a wiz at the game, gliding through the air, catching the quaffle like he’d been playing the game since he came out of the womb. He was especially cheeky this game, though, throwing a wink or a point your way every time he scored. 
The game was so exciting and Mattheo managed to pay you so much attention that you nearly forgot that Adrian was also on the team. That is, you forgot until you saw a bludger head straight for Mattheo. Thankfully he saw it and ducked out of the way. 
You followed the path that the bludger came from expecting to see the colors of the opposing team. Your eyes narrowed to slits as you saw Adrian Pucey hovering on his broom, bat in hand and a smirk plastered on his face. 
Adrian had arrogance, that was evident when he made eye contact with you and sent you a wink. You're sure your face was displaying a scowl but you held up both hands with middle fingers for good measure. 
You weren’t sure the game Adrian was playing at, but you knew Mattheo could finish it. After two more goals you saw Adrian smack another bludger, again heading straight towards your boyfriend, whose back was turned. 
You thanked Merlin for Theo as he came bolting towards Mattheo, using his own bat to beat the bludger in a different direction. Mattheo turned around, confused at the commotion as Theo very obviously shouted something at him. 
Mattheo then flew over where Draco had been, who was very obviously on the hunt for the snitch. Draco’s eyes were darting around the sky, searching for any glimpse of gold as he took in whatever words Mattheo was speaking. 
In an instant Draco was off, the Slytherin section erupting into cheers as he presumably found what he was looking for. Mattheo flew over to Theo, exchanging words. Theo nodded his head in understanding. 
The heat of the game was happening but your eyes stayed glued to Mattheo as he flew to the other side of the pitch towards Adrian. Cheers and shouts erupted around you, leading to an understanding that Draco likely caught the snitch and Slytherin had won. 
You watched as Mattheo all but dragged Adrian off his broom and to the tunnel leading from the pitch to the locker rooms. You watch as Mattheo’s fist connects with Adrian’s nose. Everyone else is seemingly distracted by the victory but you can't tear your eyes away from watching Mattheo beat the living shit out of Adrian not ten meters from everyone else. 
When you see Mattheo walk away from a crouching Adrian on the floor and head to the locker rooms you immediately follow, ignoring Pansy’s calls about where you were going. You rushed down the steps of the stands, taking as large of steps as your legs would allow as you reached the opening of the Slytherin locker room tent. 
The locker room was empty as everyone was still on the pitch celebrating. You walk further into the room, hearing a shower running. You shed some of your layers, taking off your hat, scarf, Mattheo’s extra jersey and your thick jumper. You toed off your shoes, pulling your socks along with them. 
The steam from the showers curled around your legs as you entered the shower stalls. When you finally reached him you saw the water at his feet run pink against the tile. You were sure the majority, if not all, was Adrians. You step into the stall, not caring that your clothes were essentially going to get soaked. You placed a tentative hand on his back.
He flinched at first, relaxing quickly into your touch. “What did he say, Teo?” He kept his back to you, doing his best to have a jovial tone, “If you wanted to see me naked again, love, you could’ve just asked. No need to storm the showers.” 
You rubbed your hands up and down his back, massaging his obviously sore muscles, “Mattheo…”
He let out a long sigh as he placed his hands on the wall in front of him. You saw a few cuts on his knuckles that you made note to heal later. “He deserved it,” his voice strained slightly, like just talking about it was making him angry all over again. 
You nodded, though you knew he couldn’t see it, “I’m sure he did, love, but what did he do this time?” 
His muscles tensed again, “It was about you. Had your name in his filthy fucking mouth. He..” Mattheo took another deep breath, you rubbed up and down his back, encouraging him to continue, “Well first he tried to knock me out with two fucking bludgers.” 
“I saw, right coward move if you ask me,” your rested your hands on Mattheo’s shoulders. He placed one of his on top on yours as he continued, “Then when I dragged him down, asking him what his problem was, he started talking about you. Starting saying foul things about you, saying he could have his way with you if he tried hard enough, that you being with me was all a lie and if he asked he could ‘have you up against a wall and calling his name’ and I just lost it.”
He turned to face you, hands gripping at the wet fabric on your waist, “I’m sorry princess, I just…I couldn’t stop myself.” His head fell to the crook of your neck as your arms wrapped around his shoulders, neither caring about the vulnerable state Mattheo was in in the shower stall. 
His posture indicated he felt bad for his actions, or at least feared that you might be mad at him. In reality you were anything but angry. You know it shouldn’t, but seeing Mattheo fight just…spurred you on. 
You tugged lightly at his curls and he lifted his head up, soft brown eyes meeting yours. “I love when you fight for me, Teo,” you twirled a curl around your finger at the base of his neck. Mattheo’s mouth upturned ever so slightly, “Yeah?”
You could feel his fingers dip under the hem of your shirt as you nodded your head, “Yeah, I know it’s kind of bad, but when I saw you hitting him earlier,” you pushed Mattheo back slightly, gripping the bottom of your soaked shirt and peeling it up and off your body, Mattheo’s eyes shot straight to your green lace bra, “I just wanted to get you alone and show you how much I really,” you popped the button of your jeans, “truly,” you dragged them down your legs and stepped out, “appreciate it.” 
He knows he’s seen you bare before, but there was something about you standing in soaking green lace that had his body responding before his mind could control it. Mattheo, for once, was at a loss for words, but you didn’t mind taking control for a moment. 
You placed a hand on his strong chest, pushing him back with the slightest pressure as your trailed your hand down his abdomen, feeling the dips and curves of his muscles that quidditch helped sculpt. His eyes held contact with yours as his back hit the tile wall.
Your hands continued to explore his body, thumbs dipping into the v-cut of his hips before grabbing him fully in your hand. You stroked him with light pressure, Mattheo’s eyes rolling as his head leaned back against the wall, “Your teasing me, Princess.” The statement came out in a breathy moan. 
“Just trying to show my boyfriend how thankful I am that he’s always there to defend me,” you slowly fell to your knees, dragging your nails down his thighs as you did so, eliciting a soft groan from Mattheo. 
You hold your mouth open, sticking out your tongue. You hold him in your mouth for a moment, just feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue. 
You’ve only been any type of intimate a few times since officially being called ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ but you had made a mental note to take your time and enjoy it all in the beginning. 
“P-please, Princess. I n-need you to do something,” Mattheo’s begging went straight to your core. You pulled him from your mouth slowly, trailing your tongue along the underside of his cock. 
You wrap your hand around him, small strokes up and down as you kitten lick his tip. His hand finds home in your hair, lacing his fingers through the wet strands. 
You flatten your hand at the base of his cock, fingers spread across his pubic bone. You do your best to open your throat as you take as much of him as you can in your mouth. Your thumb applying light pressure where his balls meet his base, massaging the soft spot there. 
“F-fuck, holy shit, love, do that again,” Mattheo pleads. You hum in acknowledgment, repeating the action. Mattheo’s eyes roll in the back of his head and he knows he’s not going to last long. 
When you cup his balls, rolling them lightly in one hand as you deep throat him and hollow out your cheeks, Mattheo can’t even stop himself before he’s shooting hot ropes down your throat. 
You continue to bob your head, hollowing your cheeks out again and milking him for all has. Your hand is back at what won’t fit in your mouth. 
“Fuck, Princess, no more, I can’t,” he hissed through his teeth, grip tightening in your hair. You feel his thighs twitch under your palm but you don’t stop, wanting to push him just a little bit farther. 
His eyes roll to the back of his head and his upper lip quivers, you hum along his shaft, tapping his thigh to silently tell him to look at you. 
He stares down at you, eyes glazed over with lustful stupidity and that’s when you slowly drag him from your mouth with an obscene pop. You give one last long lick from base to tip before kissing his hip, grasping on to his forearm to help you stand up. 
Mattheo is still spent, leaning against the tile wall with shaky legs, one hand on your hip while the other cups your cheeks. 
“You tryna kill me, Princess? Where the fuck did that come from?” He’s breathless as he strokes your cheek lovingly. 
You shrug your shoulder slightly as your wrap your arms around his waist, “Just saying thank you.” You batted your eyelashes, doing your best to look innocent. 
Mattheo used his thumb to tilt your head up slightly, slotting his lips with yours. It was slow and sweet, his lips wet and heavy against yours. When he pulled away you found yourself lifting to your tip toes trying to chase after him. 
He chuckled slightly at your response, thumb tapping playfully at your bottom lip, “Cmon, love. Let’s get dressed before the rest of the lads get in and then we can go back to my dorm and I can,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, “return the favor.” 
You slapped his chest playfully, “Cheeky offer, but you don’t have to do that. I’m more than happy with what transpired just now.”
Mattheo smiled your favorite dimpled smile as he grabbed a handful of your ass, “Oh, love, but I want to.”
taglist: @v1olentdelights ; @cherry-hoe ; @itsamusical4life ; @chaosartic ; @b3ean ; @l4venderia ; @mypolicemanharryyy ; @ma-las ; @usmell4 ; @carav4l ; @thereeallink ; @jinxxangel13 ; @stvrlightt ; @taylors--version ; @classicfandomavenue ; @lucyispan ; @moonlightreader649 ; @badasseddy ; @icecube1912 ; @kezibear ; @julerry ; @little-miss-naill ; @kaitlyn2907 ; @laurajmcmanus ; @onlyangel-444 ; @unstablereader ; @aunicornmademedoit ; @im-unwellbabe ; @football1921 ; @kalulakunundrum ; @ayla-1605 ;
if you're not underlined i did try to tag you and it didn't pop up, sozz loves :(
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kayesfanfics · 11 months
The Forgemasters x Dracula’s Daughter
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A/N: So this is like if Dracula had a vampire daughter that was twins with Adrian, but she was on her fathers side about humans
Tries so hard to stop simping, he doesn’t want to piss his master off and have him think he took advantage of your or something. He’s a bit more secretive and isolated, wanting to not socialize as much as he could avoid it and spend time with the undead, rather. But you wanted to get to know these humans your father trusted so much, so after visiting Isaac, you came to find Hector working in his quarters, a pile of dead humans in one corner while undead animals scurried about the room. A cat with half its muscles showing rubbed up against your leg and meowed up at you, earning Hectors attention. He was shy and tried not to look you in the eye, but he answered your questions and allowed you to watch him work
NO YOU SMILING AT HIM AND DRACULA GETS SUSPICIOUS IMMEDIATELY. He raises an eyebrow at you and you’re all “What? You picked a cute human general” “Y/N, don’t even think about it.” And you just laugh at him as he groans like the grumpy old man he is. You definitely like to flirt with Hector in front of him to make him blush 10x harder, and also annoy your father at the same time, which was always a bonus for you (you’re the only one who can get away with it-)
You liked to help Hector with all his pets, playing with Cezar and petting the cat, and letting the bird land on your arm to chirp and squawk at you. He always asks if they’re bothering you, and they never do, you enjoy keeping them all company while their owner works. Sometimes you’ll wander outside of the castle at night and find a dead or half dead animal on the ground, and you rush it to Hector asking if he could save it. You liked animals better than humans just like he did, animals would let you pet them and love them, human would point swords to your throat and calls you vile names
Isaac is arguably Dracula’s favorite of his court, so you probably got curious as to what was so special about this human in particular. So one day you wandered down to his quarters, hearing the screeches of night creatures behind recently brought to life by him. You stood in the door way to watch him, and when he noticed you, asked if he could help you with anything. You asked if you could just watch him do his work, curious about it, and he nodded before getting back to work
HE CALLS YOU MISTRESS Y/N, and gives you the same respect he gives Dracula. You ask him to just simply call you Y/N, and he bows his head before saying just your name as you requested
He doesn’t smile often in the show at all, but he can’t help but smile for you. Sometimes you ask to see his smile and he grants you that wish, sometimes your presence just brings a small smile on your face while he works. Even in front of the rest of the court, he’ll smile if you yell at Godbrand or sass back at Carmilla, and Hector just raises an eyebrow at him cause since when does Isaac know how to smile?
If you ever get into a fight with your father about what direction to go with this war and he overhears or witnessed it, he will talk down his master before following you to wherever you were storming off to. He allows you to rant to him, and you only stop when you hear a quiet chuckle
“Oh, you think this is funny?”
“It is amusing.” He smiles, before setting a hand on your shoulder. “I like seeing you passionate about things, is all.”
He has a hard time saying he loves you, the last time he said it he was beat harshly for it. You say it often, enough for the both of you, and you understand why he doesn’t repeat it. But when he does for the first time, neither of you realize it at first, but you stare at each other when you do. He doesn’t know how you will react, but when you smile and hug him, he relaxes into your gentle touch and reciprocates it
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mr-stottlemonk · 2 months
Leland being Randall’s father that he never had 😭
Mr monk and his wife (I think that’s the name?) “cause Yknow…I’m the man”
Although he was talking to monk!
Oh and the hospital scene
“It’s not two and one, pull up your pant leg.”
Just how he was smiling then immediately stared him down.
Please they’re just a big family..not a happy one tho!
Natalie and randy in the fashion show episode: “this is how I stand” “this is how I dress” just like bickering siblings.
Oh and Adrian and Leland I could on for hours..and probably days.
I like Julie but I love benjy a bit more.
Benjy although would use monk as a toy was glad he was around. Not that Julie isn’t but she seems uncomfortable and annoyed. Benjy invited his friend over and showed him that monk could put a puzzle together!
I know Julie showed him the internet but in the episode Mr Monk goes to Mexico, benjy wanted to talk to Adrian.
Also i don’t know where I saw this but I swear there was a list for tv detectives and it went Sherlock Holmes then Adrian monk!! I was very impressed lol!
Still pretty sad that Kevin Dorfman died :(
Anyways how has your week been? It’s very hot where I am so reminding you to stay hydrated!!
I AM SO SOFT FOR STOTTLEMEYER BEING RANDY'S FATHER FIGURE. GAHHHHHHHHHHH. though, this makes me think, would he be Randy's best man at the disherona/flemsher (>.> i can never settle on one lol) wedding?
Mr. monk and Mrs. monk! yeah, that 'i'm the man' scene was so cute. it's so heartwarming seeing Leland being so soft even though it was meant for Adrian XD.
THEY ARE SUCH A FAMILY. found family trope is written all over the main cast i swear. it makes me so happy - a few Benjy and Sharona cameos would have gone a long way, sighhh. lolol, Natalie and Randy are definitely like siblings. Randy himself called them "children of divorce" in Mr. Monk and The Bad Girlfriend.
i like both Julie and Benjy. Maybe i like Julie a bit more cause i see her and her besties going "Stottlemeyer and Monk are definitely together" and trying to set them up lol. but that's just me.
Was that a poll? For the Sherlock and Adrian mention? Cause i think i saw a similar poll a while, whileee back? but Columbo and Sherlock were hitting higher numbers lolol.
KEVIN SHOULD HAVE STAYED AROUND I SWEAR? but then, he was used as a plot device. F for respects...
anyway, haha, thank you for this lovely ask!!! they make my day hehe. my week has been terribly busy!!! hopefully it winds down in the end of July i just want to dive back into Monk T.T. it's pretty damn windy and rainy here then sometimes it's SUNNY AS HELL. weather :). remember to hydrate as well, dear!!! stay safe!!! <3
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ruiniel · 2 years
To be free - II
Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Pairing: Alucard x fem!reader
Rating: T
Count: 1.6k
Tags & Warnings: Mutual pining, Angst, Adrian has 0 idea what to do with this, Context of battle, Mention of death, resolved emotional tension, arguing, Alucard POV
The murder of Lisa never happened. Instead, sometime in the future there is strife in the vampire world with an alliance of rebelling war chiefs over territory and Dracula is forced to respond. Reader character is an apprentice learning the doctor trade under Lisa, and a friend of her son.
Here's the last part of this ask. All characters depicted are 18+
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He removes his vambraces, the last piece, after trying an armor crafted from a surprisingly light and resistant alloy. It was commissioned some time ago, but as efforts were mainly poured into the forging of weapons for the larger host, it was only finished today. His eyes skim over the simple, practical design. He’ll weather it during the fight, but he tried movement, both armed and unarmed, and all flows unhindered. The blade slides in its gilded scabbard and is set on an empty stand.
His gaze sweeps beyond the tall windows towards the valley. Sleepy forests and restless life melt into dark blue as evening falls in layers. The scene depicts the darkening of the light in thin strips of yellow across the sky, grazing the peaks of mountains.
Adrian closes his eyes to the remnants of the day and lets his mind wander; the silence is eerie, even to his hearing. Outside, a strong wind threatens to lash and rainfall soon pelts the castle, creating a murmur of white noise against his mind, disentangling it like ribbons. A great stream hastens and time plies in on itself, rebounding in endless circles; the face that refuses to leave his mind’s eye is yours, and with regret clenched between his teeth he wills it away (if only it were that easy).
A few broken knocks on the door derail his streaming thoughts. A human heartbeat—such a rare thing here.
You look weary as you stare up at him when Adrian opens the door, appearing startled only for a moment. Your eyes soften at the sight of him, and he’s too stunned to prevent you from stepping past him. Adrian closes the door behind his unsought visitor and crosses his arms. “Why are you here?”
But inside? The pulsing thrill he feels makes him sick.
He cannot read the reason on your face, finding nothing in the beat of your heart; you’d learned to control that around him better than he thought. His hands curl and uncurl at his sides as Adrian waits for you to answer. “Well?”
You send him a furtive glance, wringing your hands as you pace back and forth through the room. You stop before a window, out of place with the peaceful valley crowning your tension. “You could have supported me, earlier,” you seethe, shoulders tensed and hunched together, your head bowed between them.
Ah, here is your reason. Adrian seeks your gaze. “That was your fight, not mine.”
Your eyes hastily lock on his. Your request to join on the front to offer medical aid had been, understandably, denied. “I’ve walked these lands with you. I came here to be useful, to be of aid,” you insist.
“… with the understanding that you'd profess your trade after you finish your apprenticeship; not before.”
This is achingly difficult, more than he thought it would ever be; fighting you, truly fighting you when he wants to… he craves to…
“I’m ready and you know there is demand for it! We have human allies protecting their own villages out there. You need more hands, Adrian.”
Your determination should annoy him, it’s late, and he hasn’t the time for this. The way you’re looking at him does not help; neither does the rush of your blood or the fact that he’s leaving and you’re staying, and there’s not a thing he can or would do about it if that means you’re safe. “You still haven’t revealed why you’re here.”
“Stop it! You could have spoken up to your father and vouched for me, but you didn’t. How am I to learn, Adrian, if you stand in my way?”
Adrian breathes once, deeply. His frustration sinks, but something more perilous takes its place. “Because I know it was a rushed decision on your part. You never mentioned joining the defense effort to me before.” He's right, it's the truth and you know it. Stubborn, precious creature.
Your gaze snaps his way, lit with fuming resent, but you say nothing though your mouth coils like a snake. You lower your head again as if in shame and loathing, fingers clutching and worrying at the folds of your dress. “I worry something might happen to you.”
The sharp cry of a great eagle tears through the twilight, floods the chamber from afar. Adrian wallows in the guilty pleasure taking him at your words, at the way your heart speeds as you say them, drowning his mind in its hot toil. He’s tried to keep away, did a terrible job of it so far because look at him, falling apart like a poorly knit doll. And now, you give him this. “Do you not see how ridiculous that is? I do have advantages.”
“So do they.”
Adrian glances at you. He says nothing as you bring a palm to his chest, run it down his torso; your fingers burn through his tunic.
“I don’t want you to leave.” Anguish coats your words and your forehead falls against him, a hand clutching his arm.
“Neither do I. But you… I…” Adrian draws back, wanting and weary. There is something desperate and hollow in your stare, and in sudden realization he regrets having allowed you so close. Your gaze roams across his features, settling on his mouth.
Eyes widening, Adrian aims to stand down but a damnable need holds him prisoner, unable to move even if his life depended on it. He feels a gentle pull on his hair and sees your dress drawn tight around your hips as you rise to him, and the tension in him snaps into myriads of flickers when your warm mouth finds his.
At first, he can neither push you away nor respond. His heartbeat says the war has already begun, nearly collapsing at your needy sigh against his lips. He’s caught in the strongest stir, feels himself hardening, and his head spins with a constant churn. Heat. You ask for so little, but it’s not his place, not you—heavens, most surely not you, anyone but you. He’s never felt so deep an urge to seize and crush you to him, to see all of you and feel the pressure of your skin everywhere, your fingers playing in his hair and not the hollow wind. But the stab of guilt as his desire melds with emotion and consequences is sharp and so his hand, already reaching to cradle your head and deepen the kiss, instead settles on your arm.
“You’re in my chambers,” Adrian says, prying your hands from around his neck even as you suck on his lip, “… you can’t be in my—”
“Don’t overthink this,” you murmur, teasing his mouth one last time even as Adrian holds you back by your shoulders, thankfully met with little resistance.
“It is you,” you say, words rushed, your expression lost. Your hair is ruffled and loose and falling into your face, and stray strands caught on your lips. “It has always been you.”
Adrian looks down between you, keeping you at a distance by your arms. He knows. He’s known for so long, and you're a constant reminder, but it still floors him to hear it. “I cannot give you what you seek,” he says. “Anything else. Ask for anything else.”
You look away and your face twists, in anguish or ire he can barely tell, your lip curling. “We may not see each other again for a long, long time.”
“That is a slight probability.” Poorly done as words of comfort go.
“But a real one.” You struggle out of his hold. “Why do you always push me away?”
At first, he doesn’t know how to react, how to face your longing. His mind fires warnings in a torrent. He can still taste you on his tongue. His voice grows all the more serious and brittle, all tenderness wrung from it. “Will you make me repeat the same, for you to understand, you speak as if you do, but—”
“No, I don’t understand,” you reach around his neck. Adrian does nothing to stop you, the mild disapproval frozen on his face. “And you know what? It doesn’t matter. It’s something for nothing.”
“What of your goal to become a doctor?”
“What of it?”
Adrian groans. “You need to be alive for that.”
“And you worry too much,” you say, raising your head until your nose is pressed to his jaw.
A shudder—his. The tension drains from him at the tenderness of your palm, gliding along his back. Without ceremony Adrian brings you to him; panting, slow, he meets your eyes, the languid, needy stare that melts his knees, and tilts your chin up.
This time, he closes his eyes when you kiss him, sighs in relief at the softness and cannot push you away, close to losing himself as your hips come slotted against his; he turns with you, hands grasping your rear and walking you to his bed where he brings you down into his lap.
You both still, settling against each other. Adrian stares at you, drunk on your life before you lick along his hard jaw as his hands glide in a slow, insistent path along your thighs, up and down; he can't stop touching you, feeling you, kneading into you. “It is you,” he repeats your words from earlier, smiling bitterly. “... my greatest weakness,” his hold turns vice-like.
You press into him, setting him to flame with a slow, shivering kiss, tugging at his bottom lip and moaning so softly it kills him.
“I’ll take it.”
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zitakapitany · 9 months
Random (or not) facts about Jestro, his brothers and Adrian + new OC
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The elder brother
He likes to help orphans
Unlike his brothers, he was adopted by Adrian
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The second brother
A "famous" bard
„Jestro is a psychopath, you are an idiot!“ - Symon
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The third brother
He is a hunter
He is betrothed to Greta
It's easy to annoy him
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Not canon facts:
The younger brother
"retired" jester and bad guy
Writes poems as a hobby
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(sorry not sorry for the second picture 😅)
Monstrox and him are just step-brothers
He was cursed by Monstrox for betraying him
He is the father of Noah (not biological to him), Taylor, Symon and Jestro
New OC: Odett Springglam
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She and Adrian a married couple
She is the mother of Noah (not biological to him), Taylor, Symon and Jestro
She also loves Noah as her own sons
Sometimes very clumsy
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coulrology · 2 years
Juniper’s relationships with the other Coven Heads
Hettie - Juniper has been head over heels for her since their school days, they weren’t in the same social circle back then and Hettie thought June was kiiinda annoying, but the two of them are definitely closer now! Hettie is the one person who can’t be tricked by their charms + thinks he’s kinda pathetic (AFFECTIONATE) which makes him a good doll to experiment on 😇 Also they gossip a LOT
Darius - EXES….not bitter but it’s complicated. They don’t hold anything against each other, but they ended on a bad note. Could easily reconnect if they just talk things through but the two of them were never great at communicating, so they keep growing more distant
Eber - June does not like him at all and sees them as some rabid beast that needs to be tamed. Would say nasty things about him if they weren’t so good at concealing their emotions. Doesn’t like or understand how close Eber is to Darius. Eber couldn’t care less about Juniper, but does think they’re a little nosy and gets a bit uncomfortable with that
Terra - She thinks he’s incompetent and weak. Juniper is lowkey scared of her (but hides it of course) and thinks she’s over the top BUT when it comes to impersonating any of the other coven heads, she’s their favorite for that reason
Osran - June thinks he’s chill! Likes to talk his ear off because he doesn’t seem to really care or complain. Jokes around and calls him Bestie <333 and would totally get their nails done together if he’d be down. To Osran though, Juniper is just Another Guy
Mason - They weren’t coven heads at the same time so they haven’t really interacted much BUT whoever his kids are, they are totally Juniper fans 😋
Scooter - OF ALL THE COVEN HEADS THESE TWO ARE THE CLOSEST!!!! Scooter is like a father figure to them, teaching them back at St Epiderm and even mentoring them before they joined Illusions NOT TO MENTION June being besties with his daughter back as kids, and even working besides his son when they were in the Drama Coven. Scooter knows Juniper best, and vice versa ❤️
Raine - They never met so 🤷
Adrian - CHILDHOOD RIVALS they were sooo petty it was ridiculous BUT IT DID NOT GET ANY BETTER OVER THE YEARS. Juniper definitely hates Adrian more than Adrian hates them because MAN even though June’s really skilled in illusion magic, it is embarrassing for them to have chosen it over bard because of course Adrian sees it as them copying him and admitting that it’s the “superior” coven. Also the moment they found out who was replacing them as head witch they were Not Happy 😀
Lilith - He always thought she was stuck-up and a total know-it-all. Between all the coven heads at the time, Lilith thought Juniper was the most annoying. Neither would go out of their way to interact unless necessary
Vitimir - Juniper and Vitimir met ONCE as kids and while June doesn’t remember, Vit does because it was a dear memory to him. But since illusions and potions don’t mix as well as other magics do, he never had the chance to bring it up because they never interacted much in the beginning. The reason they did start to interact more is because June is a performer!! As an illusionist, what they’re strongest in is impersonating people SO they’re really big on studying other people and doing a whole character analysis on them, and sometimes to do that they have to get all close and personal with them! Gotta get all buddy-buddy. And since Vit is a very reserved person, he was very hard to pin down so June had to break the ice between them. They offered to help gather ingredients and taste test potions and Vit agreed to it. During all that time though Juniper had a ”Damn bitch you really live like this?” kinda moment and for ONCE in their life they were concerned for someone else’s wellbeing over their own. SO June helped him with ✨self care✨ (which basically lasted only til June was booted as head witch, then Vit fell apart again 💀). In return Vit started to teach them a bit of potion magic. Juniper helped Vitimir open up more and take better care of himself, while Vit managed to get June to put someone else before themself for once, and both were able to inspire one another. They are total opposites but they bring out the best in each other, which is what brings them so close
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echthr0s · 6 months
Sometimes Adrian's fate feels like a failure to me, because all I can think of is what he's lost -- the heady immediacy of mortality, the warming touch of friends and lovers, and for what? To be ensconced at the center of the Milky Way, kept entity of the galaxy's chief engineer of chaos, roaming his echoing halls, surrounded by his shrines to loved ones, by their ghosts (even when they are still alive, they are unreachable -- only in the form of his strange gifts and his Song can he touch them)?
He says "inevitability" is the word for "I have fallen in love with my fate and I surrender to it with open eyes", that while it seemed like he had no choice but to become what he now is, he could have rejected ascension, turn the Catalyst's song inside out so it unmakes the Reapers entirely, and let his father-lover unmake him in return in annoyed disappointment. To the denizens of the Milky Way, the result would have been the same. He would have still saved them. But he also wanted to live. He wanted to see what was next. He was ready to experience what, exactly, he was created for.
But… it is lonely at the center of the Milky Way. Left alone for interminable stretches of time, he dreams his dreams of being Adrian Shepard, and sings a secret mournful song to himself even as his galvanising Song resonates through the galaxy and strengthens all the bonds between peoples he'd worked so hard to forge whilst he was still one of them. And I think, is this the end, then? Is that what all this was for? This is his reward, with only the capricious Ny'arlat and his ghosts for company?
There must be more for the Black Sun, for he-who-was-Shepard. There must be. A great and abiding love is waiting to be found at the center of the Milky Way, for any who can reach it. I hope someone can reach it.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 10 months
Year 1628
TW/CW: Death Mention
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The start of the year began as Adrian left to travel though his travels were mainly leaving to spend time with the Robles family to start with. After he left it was as if a switch had been flipped within Vincente and Tala and they began to get more intimate with each other. They had been married for nearly a year and a half and with the girls getting older they decided it was time to try for a child.
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Their efforts were quickly rewarded as Tala learned she was expecting nearly immediately after their attempts begun. Vincente was excited to be a father again and more so was that he knew that his brother was also expecting though he dared not say anything in fear of ruining their luck.
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Though the fears were unfounded as on March 21st, Francesco Carlisle entered the world safely and in good health. The entire family was glad to hear of the safe delivery. Karmine couldn't believe how small her son was and when Francisco wanted to name him after himself she didn't object especially when the guilt of not knowing the boy's paternity weighed on her. She hoped for a sign to let her know when he was born but his features were still rather unspecific, either way she felt such relief at her child's health.
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The family in Tartosa tried to enjoy the celebration of their newest nephew/cousin but when Agustin arrived from beyond the grave to warn the family of drought and famine on the horizon, the excitement dried up fast.
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The ghosts of the family had never lied to them before and so while the weather was still nice, Tala and Vincente worked hard to harvest as much as they could and maintain their garden until they couldn't. With a new arrival on the way they lamented that they had chosen to have a child right before a famine hit.
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Giulia was still young and the adults didn't want her to hear them talk about their worries for the future but she knew that something bad was happening, what was unclear to her but rain was annoying so why was it bad that it wasn't going to come?
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When it rained that May, Vincente knew. There would be no more for sometime. They had stores in preparation for the summer heat as with each year but who knew how long the drought would go on for. Distracting themselves as they hoped that their fears would pass soon was vital for the adults who made more of an effort to spend time with the girls as a family especially as they prepared for their new arrival.
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Age did not help Karmine's situation as Francesco grew up looking more like her than his father, whoever it was. In a way it was a relief, if she couldn't tell it was easy to assume that he was her husband's.
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Francisco adored his namesake. He showered the child in affection as much as he could. Some of the families around town remarked that most men would hardly look at their child that young but to the people who knew their history with pregnancies it made sense to them that he'd dote on the child, especially a son.
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Tala picked up flower arranging while she was pregnant. With there not being much to do with the garden and the girls were at an age where they wanted to try being independent, well Giulia was and Osana followed after her sister. Tala was surprised at how large she got during her pregnancy and wondered if it could be multiples. She hoped it wasn't since there was no signs of rain and less people meant their stores would last longer. The lack of water had already claimed Soren's son in August. Tala felt terrible to think of it but the fact that there was only one loss throughout the summer was good, the heat had been rather mild though it wasn't much good without water.
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October brought with it unfamiliar pains. Though unfamiliar to Tala, Vincente knew them all to well after being present for the labors of his other children and late nephew.
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Hours dragged on and on October 12th, Giacomo Carlisle was born. He was a rather large baby to the delight of his parents that despite a rough pregnancy he was largely unfazed. Tala couldn't help but think it a miracle when news that Liona had passed away the very next day reached their ears.
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While Giulia wanted nothing to do with the baby as she didn't really want another sibling, Osana was entranced by her little brother. She didn't really remember having an older brother before he died but she was determined to be a good big sister to the little crying thing in the nursery.
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Giulia decided to pick up the violin instead of gushing over the baby like the rest of the family. The baby didn't even do anything but sleep and eat, she didn't see the point of it. At least that's what she said. In truth she still had faint memories of Piero and it almost felt like they had replaced the brother she already had now that he was gone. Her father got a new wife and new son. Giacomo was not Piero. Giulia didn't want a new brother... if she could she wanted her brother back. But she couldn't and the new brother was here to stay so she decided to spend her time with music instead.
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doevademe · 2 years
I just finished reading Beastly by Alex Flinn and my percico brain rot is so bad I just can’t stop thinking about it. A Nico who post Bianca never really interacted with Percy or the camp again. Nico sticking to the shadows, doing the things he needs to canonically then dipping. To everyone at camp he’s just a blur they sometimes see in the corner of their eye. He shows up to battles or to save Percy but he’s gone before anyone can talk to him. And Percy’s been watching him mature from the corner of his eye, always a second too late to just get him to stay, and his heart aches.
Then there’s Nico who’s spiteful and hurt still because he never really got closure and still woefully in love with Percy. But he’s mean and thinks he’s unlovable and pushes people away. The closest person he has to him is maybe Hazel but he has so many walls up that there relationship just isn’t what it’s like in canon. And then Nico is still hung up over the way Hades treated him at the start. So even their relationship is strained even though Nico is the hero Hades has always wanted in a son.
But then maybe after the Athena Parthenon Nico is done with social interaction, Will had forced him to stay at camp to recover but he’d left as soon as he was able. A minor god or goddess sends him on a quest and maybe he fails or maybe he just annoys them with how pissy he’s being but they put a curse on him.
“Now you are as ugly on the outside as you believe yourself to be on the inside. Prove yourself lovable and my curse will be lifted.”
The only person he can go to is hades who is furious. His son, whose helped save the world twice has been turned into a beast like the creatures he slays. So he sets up Nico in a nice little brownstone where Nico becomes even more of a recluse.
There’s a scene in the book in which Adrian talks about giving up the name Kyle because it means handsome one, and it’s very funny to me. But i think in the same vein Nico would give up the name Victory ya know? Especially a Nico who’s had such little interaction with other people. This Nico wouldn’t think he was a winner, but I have no clue what he’d name himself.
Anyways Hades sends along a maid, so Nico won’t be entirely alone, Nico doesn’t know it but it’s the god who cursed him, having been forced to attend to his needs by an irate Hades. Maybe we see another familiar face to go in and tutor him or maybe it’s an oc, just someone who takes the role and makes Nico finally open his heart.
And he’s okay with them. He starts to care about them the only people he’s had consistent contact with since Bianca but then Percy Jackson tumbles into his life. Needing a place to lay low or something and Nico(who’s totally pretending to not be Nico) takes him in. Cares about him the way he’s cared for the god and his tutor. And then we get a sweet ending in which Nico saves him from a monster, they kiss and admit their love and Nico returns to how he used to look.
I don’t know, all the logistics are tumbling around in my head and I think itd be such a convoluted story but then I think of all the implications and I wanna cry. Can you imagine the scenes with bob?? Percy learning that Nico a boy he hasn’t spoken to in years is singing his praise to the titan he’d forgotten 😭😭😭 or even Percy being chained up by hades before the river styx. I just imagine Nico who had no clue about his fathers plans coming and saving him, and Percy feels so betrayed and Nico let’s him and then shoves him in the Styx because might as well if Percy’s already down here.
Anyways this isn’t really a prompt but more me needing to get rid of all these thoughts before I start another wip I’ll never finish 😅 maybe I still will but I was very excited by all the possibilities. Any thoughts if I do end up writing it? I love your writing and characterization, got any ideas on who would be his tutor or what he’d change his name to?
Okay, the story idea is quite fascinating. My first thought is that Nico has always been an extrovert who is misunderstood as an introvert due to his own traumas and holdbacks, so being transformed would just play further into that. He would be very low energy and socially starved, which may cause his lashing out at the god who curses him.
As for the tutor, I offer either Aceso or Zelus. The former due to being the goddess of the healing process, and her curse would be a way for Nico to "heal himself", so to speak, and the latter is the god of jealousy and fervor, so him being petty enough to curse Nico but also growing to care for him makes sense (he would also be a good foil to Nico's own negative feelings).
As for the name, I honestly have no idea. From this page on bad name meanings, Damian or Huxley sound appropriate, but renaming is not something I have experience with.
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oseathepebble · 2 years
Damien Marwood's Profile
"You are not worth even a second of my time."
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"Twin brother to Adrian. A student popular for the wrong reasons that's frequently seen dragging his brother around places. He's extremely greedy and manipulative and will do whatever it takes to get his way."
Introducing my Twisted Wonderland OC, Damien Marwood! He's twisted from Drizella, one of the evil stepsisters from Cinderella
Close Up + More Info Below
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Technical Information
Name: Damien Marwood
Japanese: ダミアン・マーウッド
Other Names: Monsieur Emerald (Rook) Omnivore (Leona) Cunner Fish (Floyd)
Meaning: His first name, Damien means "to tame" or "subdue" His family name, Marwood means "evil eye"
Voice Claim: Makoto Furukawa
Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual & Demiromantic
He does not feel any sexual or romantic attraction towards anyone unless he has formed a strong emotional bond with them. He has no preference between men and women
Age: 18
Birthday: November 24
Starsign: Scorpio
Height: 180 cm (5'11)
Eye Color: Evergreen
Hair Color: Cedar Brown
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene (Shaftlands)
Family: Father (Deceased), Mother, Stepfather, Eden Glazier (Stepbrother), Adrian Marwood (Twin Brother)
Professional Status
Dorm: Scarabia Dorm
School Year: Third
Class: 3-B, Student No. 27
Occupation: Student
Club: Film Research Club
Due to his love for acting and want to be closer to Vil, Damien auditioned to be part of the Film Research Club and was able to get in as an actor
Best Subject: Ancient Curses
Damien is very smart and excels in nearly every subject but is best in Ancient Curses due to it being the most interesting class to him
Fun Facts
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Galette
Galettes were his father's favorite food and so he ate many throughout his childhood. He's never gotten tired of it after all these years
Least Favorite Food: Trey's Homemade Pastries
Damien's twin brother will sometimes receive pastries from Trey and share them with him. Damien refuses to eat them, though it is unclear if the reason to that is because he doesn't like the taste, or because he doesn't like Trey
Dislikes: Clingy People
He finds when people are clingy to be annoying and a nuisance. Though deep down he knows the reason why he hates clingy people is because no matter how clingy someone is to him, he'll eventually drive them away and wishes they would stop getting attached to him before that happens so neither one of the gets hurt
Hobby: Acting
Though Damien is a very talented actor, he prefers to do smaller acting jobs or community/school theater productions. He treats it more as a hobby as he doesn't feel like he has enough passion to pursue it on a larger scale
Talent: Manipulation
Damien is able to manipulate situations and people with ease. He uses his talent in order to ensure situations are in his favor and so he can get what he wants out of people
Damien is a tall, handsome man. He has green eyes and short brown hair that's parted on the right with bangs that partially cover his left eye. His nails are painted a dark red color that matches the shade of his eye shadow. Under his right eye is a beauty mark
He wears his school uniform with the first button on his blazer buttoned up in order to hide the color of his blazer. He pairs his uniform with black loafers that match the ones his twin brother wears
Though he has a beautiful face, Damien is anything but beautiful on the inside. Growing up in a rich family has caused him to become spoiled and expect only the best. This upbringing also paved the way for him to become greedy and manipulative. He's unafraid to manipulate people and situations so he can get his way nearly every time. He takes what he thinks should be his, no matter who it harms in the process
He's also money hungry. Even though he's rich, he wants to be richer and is will do nearly anything for money. He's willing to go out with someone even though he feels no romantic attraction to them if it benefits him financially
He is rude to anyone he deems "unworthy" or "below him" Though he changes personas to slightly nicer one if he believes someone is worth his time. He's very willing to socialize with those he thinks are worthy of his time and is good a forming "connections" (this is the term he uses instead of "friend")
His toxic personality was built as a defense in order to keep himself from forming meaningful relationships, even though deep down, that is what he wants more than anything. But because his toxic personality and manipulative ways are so ingrained in his mind, he's unable to get fully rid of them
Skills and Magic
Lying: Damien is a skilled liar. He's able to come up with believable lies and can produce one on the spot
Lie Detecting: With being a skilled liar, comes the ability to also sense when another person is lying. Damien is able to recognize signs a person is lying
Fire Magic: Damien is very adept at fire magic. Most of the spells he's mastered are fire spells
Unique Magic
Damien's Unique Magic is "Greedy Desire" After saying an incantation, he's able to forcibly take items from a person and have them appear in his hand or next to him. But to do this he needs to be able to envision the item(s) he wants in his min. The incantation for his Unique Magic is:
No matter the distance No matter the cost Bring me what I crave And fulfill my "Greedy Desire"
The amount of magic used depends on the size or number of items. So if he used it on a shirt, it wouldn't consume much magic, but if he used it on a whole wardrobe of clothes it'd consume a lot of magic
Damien was raised in a wealthy household where all of his needs were met and nothing was too expensive. Though because of this, he became spoiled and wouldn't accept anything but the best. His life seemed to be perfect. He was popular, had a good relationship with his mom and twin brother, and was really close to his dad. But that perfect life crumbled when he was 9 the day his dad died. He was devastated and would refuse to leave his room for anything besides school
His father's death affected his school life. His heart had grown bitter and he began to snap at others. Though he apologized, people grew wary around him. Things only got worse when his mother remarried. He had gained a stepfather and a stepbrother which he hated. He would refuse to become close to his stepfather and would be rude to his stepbrother. All the bitterness grew and it once again affected his school life. His resentment towards his stepfather and stepbrother made him toxic and manipulative. This new personality made people stay away from him and stop being his friend
After realizing he had no one else besides his twin brother, Damien felt the same sadness that came with the loss of his father. He accepted himself as a bad person. He was afraid to change because if he did, what would happen if he became toxic again? He didn't want to relieve losing all his friends so he decided it was best to keep being toxic
Upon coming to NRC, he hoped to be placed in Pomefiore as his father was the dorm leader of that dorm when he attended NRC. But he was placed in Scarabia instead. Though he kept his calm at the ceremony, he threw a fit once getting to his room in the Scarabia dorm
He continued his ways as a bully for his first two years and had no intention to change until the summer after his second year. He got into a fight with his twin brother. His twin used his Unique Magic on him and he was once reminded of how he truly wanted friends. His twin offered to help him become a better person and so in his third year, Damien stopped being a big bully. Though he is still rude and greedy and sometimes bullies people, he is doing better
Notable Relationships
Adrian Marwood: Damien's relationship with his twin brother is very strained. They know they care about each other and are there for each other when they need it. Damien is jealous of Adrian for having what he doesn't. He's in Pomefiore, can make friends, and can become a better person. Damien feels a small bit of resentment towards Adrian for that. But Damien will still do anything to keep Adrian safe
Eden Glazier: Damien also has a strained relationship with his stepbrother. He constantly reminds Eden that he doesn't like him despite his attempts at bettering their relationship. But although he doesn't express it, Damien's hate for Eden has lessened over the years, it's still not completely gone, but he doesn't hate him as much as he did before. Damien watches out for Eden, as he feels like it's his duty as (technically) the oldest brother. He once got a kid expelled for harassing Eden
Kalim Al-Asim: In his second year when Kalim came to NRC, Damien heard about how rich his family was and so he attempted to romance him for his money. But none of his flirting and romancing had any true feeling behind it. This resulted in Kalim developing a crush on Damien, but after finding out Damien's true intentions, Kalim was left heartbroken. But even after the incident, Kalim never stopped treating Damien with kindness which confused Damien. His kindness caused Damien to spare Kalim from his bullying
Jamil Viper: Jamil didn't like Damien at first, he was able to see through him when he attempted to date Kalim. Because of his little scheme, Jamil had a strong dislike towards Damien. But he still recognized him as a possible strong ally with how manipulative he is. Damien can tell Jamil is smarter than his grades show. In Jamil's second year and Damien's third year, they started having a "Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you" dynamic
Vil Shoenheit: Damien idolizes Vil as he is the reason why he started acting. He watched every single piece of media Vil starred in and joined the Film Research Club because of Vil. Though Vil doesn't approve of Damien's treatment of other students he thinks are below him, he does recognize him as a very talented actor
Trey Clover: Damien does not like Trey. A part of the reason why is because of how close he is to Adrian. He sees him as someone not worthy of his brother. He finds Trey's presence annoying though he's unavoidable due to how much he's around Adrian. Trey doesn't understand why Damien dislikes him so much and every time he asks he has not received a straight answer
Mozus Trein: Trein is Damien's uncle. Damien views Trein as a father figure as he's one of the only male figures in his life that he doesn't hate. During class, Trein treats Damien as he does any other student and makes sure not to place any favoritism toward him or his brother. Not many students know Trein and Damien are related and they like to keep it that way. And whenever Damien needs help, academic or personal, he turns to Trein
Damien wears a ring adorned with a rectangle cut emerald. It was his father's that was passed down to him when he died
Damien pretends to have crushes even though he doesn't feel any sort of romantic feelings to them just so he can feel what he perceives as "normal"
In his third year, Damien was in the top 50 students who got the highest scores on final exams
He first discovered his UM when the ring his father gave him was stolen by a student. He went 5 days without it before seeing it on a student's finger around campus. When he demanded the student give it back to him, it disappeared from the student's finger and appeared in his hand
His middle name is "Jasper"
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Forks [A. C.]
Adrian Chase x fem!reader
Word count: 3.3k
A/N: it's kind of short and it just came out of the idea that Adrian would look fucking hot fighting bad guys. When you get to that part you'll understand, anyway if you want a second part you can tell me, I'm the number one lover of enemies to lovers (or that's what I tried to do lol) And also the title has no relevance because it is only one of the words that appear because I suck tremendously at putting titles
One small step (part 2)
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You looked around you, smiling slightly. You were on your way to catch a gang of criminals (or something) and you were feeling pretty excited. You've been looking after the quaint little town of Evergreen for a few years now, and you've always been lucky. I mean, there were rarely things that exciting, but every once in a while, you could put into practice all the training your father had forced you to do for as long as you could remember. Your father, an ex-military man, hoped to have a firstborn son and when he didn't get it, he raised you as he would have raised a man, teaching you everything he had learned in the war and even a little more. You weren't complaining, but while the other girls were dating boys you were learning how to shoot guns in the woods.
So when you grew up, it was inevitable that you would not look for danger even in the farthest corners, always waiting to be able to put your knowledge to daily use. At first everything had been excellent, until he showed up.
He started patrolling a few months after you and, to be honest you were upset having to deal with a classless guy who killed every citizen he got in front of. He had very particular criteria of who was 'good' and who was 'bad', so it didn't take more than a couple of meetings for you to start a particularly tense relationship. As well as being a sloppy jerk (he left blood stains and you hated him) he was also completely annoying, making you roll your eyes every time you heard his shrill voice. Another difference between you and him was the wardrobe, as the boy started out wearing extravagant black and teal armor and you had simply been limited to wearing black outfits of resistant fabric and boots that your father had given you when you were younger. Sure, your pants contained all sorts of tactical pockets and gun and knife pouches, but it was easier to recognize you than it would be to recognize him. It didn't bother you that he knew your identity, but you hated to admit that from the beginning you were intrigued by him knowing the face behind that red visor and that mocking voice you saw and heard more times than you liked.
He didn't like you either, initially, because although it wasn't a sexist thing at all, he considered working with you, but quickly concluded that this would only get him into trouble. He worked with Peacemaker, sure, but he was a huge man and he had seen him in action. You, on the other hand, were just an inexperienced girl in his eyes.
You took different paths, for different reasons. But as time passed, your apparent enmity only increased and escalated to the point where you had tried to kill each other on more than one occasion. Even when you were chasing the same target (almost every time) you were distracted by yelling at each other and making threats, which had caused the criminal to run off on more than one occasion to leave you two fighting. And yet, you could never think of the idea of ​​killing him as anything more than that. An idea.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) you had ended up getting used to his constant presence and although you could safely say that you hated him, in reality you didn't want something as drastic as death for him. And despite this, you thought that he could kill you without thinking twice.
However, things were not always so bad. Sometimes he would crack a good joke or make a flirtatious comment that would make you smile. Sometimes you could even swear that you had seen him watch your back, although you convinced yourself that it was all your speculation.
"Can't you stay the fuck out of my business?" you heard behind you. You didn't need to turn around to know who he was.
“In fact, you are meddling in my business. I got here first” you argued. He didn't say anything, probably because he knew you were right, and he flopped down next to you as he snorted.
Every once in a while, you had these kinds of moments. You just sat next to each other, without fighting and without talking, while you saw some point or played with your weapons. That was the case, as Vigilante began to play one of his knives between his fingers.
It was implicit that you were after the same person, now it only remained to see who would take the credit for capturing him (or in his case, killing them). Just as you had expected, it didn’t take long for the criminal to arrive to exchange a considerable amount of drugs for a more considerable amount of bills. You didn’t ask the man anything, nor did you tell him what you were going to do, you simply walked away from him to execute your own plan.
Fights usually weren't something that lasted for hours, it was enough to hit them while they were off guard and then call the police, so you were planning to end up there to get home to eat the leftover food you still had in the fridge and maybe watch a movie.
You took a vantage point, ready to pounce on the robust body of one of the companions, but your plans were interrupted by your fellow's impatience. Vigilante was climbing on the back of one of them while trying to stab him with a knife, but they were faster and threw him to the ground, ready to shoot him with their weapons. You snorted and drew your own pistol to try to attack, but in the dark, it was even more difficult to have a clear target. Suddenly you were already involved in a fight that oscillated between the use of knives, guns, and your clenched fists. You weren't the biggest fan of killing criminals, but right now you were being left no choice.
Between the two of you, you managed to take down most of them, and although you didn't want to admit it, it was invigorating to fight alongside him. He was good and precise, always hitting the target. You didn't have his accuracy, but you were efficient. You made a good team when you weren't too busy cursing each other.
At a certain moment, when you thought that there was no one else there, you turned to look for it and noticed that something was missing.
Oh, for the fucking Jesus Christ.
Somehow they had managed to remove his mask and revealed a gorgeous boy with black hair, curving into slight curls at the end, with clean white skin, except for the drops of blood that stained his cheek.
Why had you never contemplated the fact that your almost enemy could look like this?
He was grappling with a man much bigger than him and he looked completely sexy. His movements were so graceful as if they were calculated, and his heavy breathing was making you nervous. He ended up hitting him with his bulletless pistol, knocking him out, and when he turned to you, he was grinning. His lip was smeared with blood and you watched him wipe it with his thumb, a move that would ordinarily be unattractive but for him made your legs shake.
You were about to say something when he widened his eyes in surprise, looking behind you. You assumed it was an attacker, probably someone who had returned to consciousness, and although you turned around you weren't quick enough, managing to get a nice, more or less deep scratch on the side of your abdomen before Vigilante took care of it throw a knife at him that hit you right in the forehead.
You fell backward abruptly because the cut had taken you by surprise and the blood had already begun to come out.
"Shit," you yelled, putting your hand over the wound. You were surprised to see the man carelessly drop his weapon and then drop to his knees beside you.
“Did they hurt you?” he asked. A dim light illuminated the place and without his mask, you could notice his frown. He saw him reach into a compartment on his belt and he pulled out a pair of glasses. You thought he couldn't look prettier, but you instantly regretted it when he had them on. "Let me see," he ordered, removing your hand and putting his gloved hand up to feel how bad it was. "You're bleeding."
"Really? I hadn't noticed!" you made fun. He rolled his eyes and you were surprised to see that the damn thing still looked cute.
How could he go from wiping blood off his face in the hottest way you've ever seen in your fucking life to looking like a little kid throwing a tantrum? You didn't know it, but it was already driving you crazy.
“Up,” he said, ignoring you and offering you a hand. You frowned.
"I'll take you to my car"
“Wow, wow, stop. First: what the fuck? And second: what the fuck? Why would you take me to your car?”
“You need to go to a hospital,” he clarified as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Will you help me?" you asked, incredulous at his sudden kindness, "Are you the same person who tried to electrocute me last week?"
“I didn't try, I did it,” he clarified, obviously offended “And your options are to get your fat ass into my car or stay here and freeze to death or bleed to death. It's up to you"
As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. You thought it was probably some trap or that he wasn't really going to take you anywhere and would just watch you die, but right now his help was much more promising than anything you could do on your own.
You ended up accepting his hand from him and felt how he gently held your shoulders, helping you walk. That kindness definitely unsettled you
His car wasn't that far away and when he started driving you panicked, realizing where he was taking you.
"We can't go to the hospital" you blurted out, nothing to you. The wound, added to the exhaustion, hurt horribly, but still, you were not willing to go.
"Why not?"
“I don't have health insurance” you lied.
"Oh, that doesn't matter. The sutures are not expensive, I have gone a couple of times and the nurses are very kind, they have never called the police if that worries you. Because I'm more wanted than you, you know, so I don't think they think of you as much of a feat, if you know what I mean…”
“Do you want to shut up for five seconds? Or I will open the door and jump” you exclaimed. Your head hurt a lot “We can't go to the hospital. Period” you sentenced. He frowned and stopped at a red light, watching you.
“So what do you want us to do? That I only left you hoping it was a minor injury?”
"Just take me home," you asked. There was no mockery in your voice this time, just weariness. "Please," you added, so softly and pleadingly that he felt his chest ache just a little.
He asked you where you lived and after you answered he didn't say anything else. He just drove through the empty streets, humming a little.
"Turn around here," you told him when you were about to reach the street of your apartment. But as he got closer, he didn't look like he meant to “I said turn around here."
"I heard you the first time," he clarified. When you reached the street he didn't turn but went straight ahead, and you dreaded for a second, wondering where the hell he was taking you. You didn't stop until a couple of blocks later, in a pretty run-down spot. At least it wasn't a hospital.
"What is this?" you asked worriedly. He got out of the car and then opened your door, waiting for you to do the same. "Where the hell did you bring me?"
“At home I have what I need so that at least your wound doesn't get infected. Come on,” he explained. It sounded more like an order than a request and you were just so exhausted that you listened to it. You accepted the hand he offered you and let him carry you to the rustic place. The entire room was a mess that seemed to have perfect order. Some objects were grouped, he had vinyl, the dirty dishes were organized by color or shape, and the clothes were separated by color, but they were still piling on the floor. He was fucking weird and enigmatic at the same time.
You walked a bit and then you came to his room, where he had a goldfish. You figured that with all of Vigilante's chores, there was hardly any time in the schedule to devote attention to another pet.
"I'll go get things, I'll be right back," he said. You dropped your head against the pillow and felt like you were going to fall asleep at any moment, but the noise he made as he entered the room snapped you out of your reverie.
He had a couple of boxes in his hands and you could see gauze and something that he said 'Butterfly Closures'.
"This is no substitute for a suture at all," he warned you. "But at least it will help you," he continued. You didn't say anything and he carefully lifted your blouse. Fortunately, it was just a scratch, but that didn't stop him from looking worrisome.
First, he took cotton wet with hydrogen peroxide and cleaned all the blood that was there, taking care not to hurt you even more. He used gauze, antiseptic solution, and those clips to close wounds, then carefully covered everything with another gauze.
"What are you doing this for?" you asked him. He was placing the last piece of tape on your skin, careful not to be disrespectful as he looked up past your abdomen.
“Oh, it's that if you don't suture the wound, it can get infected. Those things are for minor cuts, but I hope that with that and the pressure of the gauze the bleeding stops, because otherwise then I will have to take you to the fucking hospital, even if you don't want to. Why do you have to be so stubborn? I really don't understand…”
“Vigilante” you interrupted him. You were still amazed at his ability to talk so fast “I know what you do it for. But I mean why do you do it?" you explained, but noticing his silence you decided to be more specific "Why are you helping me?"
"Oh, that…" he muttered. Somehow he was embarrassed and you appreciated the fact that he didn't have his mask on so you could see him "I don't know, I guess… if someone is going to kill you, I want to be me and not one of those fools" he added with a smile, To try to smooth over the fact that he really cared about you. Deep down, but he cared about you.
For the first time, you smiled sincerely at him and craned your neck a little to look at your side. He didn't look too bad and it would be enough to get him through the night.
“Good job, you didn't know you were so good with your hands” you laughed.
"And you haven't seen anything yet," he said innocently. Why did he suddenly seem so attractive? Oh right, he was attractive.
"Thanks for the hospitality, but I have to go," you informed him. You tried to get up but felt a tug on your side and felt one of the clips weaken a bit.
"You can't leave like this, the only thing you're going to do is hurt yourself more, silly," he said, rolling his eyes and laying back with one of his hands, without making any effort "Stay here"
"Are you going to try to kill me?"
“If I had wanted to kill you, I would have done so long ago and I wouldn't have wasted my healing material, don't you think so?” he argued, looking at you with slightly pursed lips in mistrust. But I couldn't blame you, if he was that vulnerable in your house, he would have also tried to discover the trap "We just have to pretend that we like each other today, I'm not in the mood to fight and I'm exhausted as shit"
Neither of you said anything else, you just saw him get into something you assumed was the bathroom until he came out of there dressed in much more comfortable clothes and a clean face. He looked so huggable… huggable is even a word?
“Your house is interesting” you added, seeing him leaning in next to you. You were sharing a bed with him and it was strange "You have many strange things"
"Yes, it's almost a mania," he told you. Silence again and then you heard him slide down a bit on the mattress to rest against his side and look at you, "Hey, about my identity… you won't tell anyone, will you?"
“I don't know who you are” you exclaimed, shrugging your shoulders.
“But you know where I live”
“Relax, we're on the same side” you murmured, in an attempt to reassure him “I would never tell the bad guys anything about you. Or to the police, although sometimes they are almost the same shit” you added. He smiled and nodded at that, knowing that in the worst case he could also give you away since you had accidentally told him your address.
"I'll have to trust you," he finished, a bit of resignation in his voice, as he returned to his original position. In the silence, you could hear his calm breathing and felt the urge to turn your head a little to look at him. You noticed a mole on his cheek, under the frame of his glasses, and you also admired the figure of his profile. You were still shocked by his appearance "What are you looking at?" he asked, almost as if he read your mind.
“You are less ugly than he expected” you confessed. He turned in your direction with amusement painted on his face.
"Did you just say I'm hot?"
“I never said that”
"But that's what you tried to say"
"No. What I said is that you exceeded my completely low expectation about your appearance. It's like I said you're more handsome than an ogre."
"So you think I'm handsome," he insisted, with that charming smile you'd have a hard time getting out of your head.
"If you don't shut up, I'm going to stab you with a fork" you snorted.
"Where are you going to get a fork?"
“Don’t doubt my abilities” you answered. You were having fun with that little conversation and it felt good to share this kind of moment with him. You had been together for so many years, but this was the first time you had seen each other this way. There was no armor, no cruelty, it was just you, injured, and him with his loose clothes and messy hair.
"As much as I'd love to get stabbed by you, we need to sleep, birdie," he informed you. He disposed of his glasses until he left them on the small table next to the bed, and then he rearranged himself on the mattress.
"Rest, dickhead"
"Huh?" you asked, looking at him with a frown. He, on the other hand, didn’t look at you.
"My name is Adrian. Just in case you wanted to know."
"Adrian" you repeated, after a short silence, tasting his name in your mouth. It was nice, it went well with him "In that case: rest, Adrian"
"Goodnight" he whispered and both of you fell into a deep sleep.
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ribbonsfallaway · 2 years
For some reason I had a sick curiousity to binge/rewatch SLOTAT. I know it's bad. as is the acting, but I was still curious since it's been years since I've seen the show, and I really just wanted to get to that epic "God killed my dad because I had great sex" story arc. Amazing. Anyways...
When watching, I had this feeling from what fans have said that Ricky would develop into this amazing character/boyfriend/father that Amy should be so grateful to have, and Amy was so selfish unbearable shrew.
Now season 2 Amy sucks. Season 1 Amy was nice albiet bratty at times, but she was a pregnant 15 year old so I was willing to give her some slack. But season 2 Amy really was unbearable, and selfish as hell. I will agree I hated her then.
Come season 3 there's a shift, and I think there was this really nice progression with her. When she went to New York she really matured a lot. She wasn't dangling custody issues in front of Ricky anymore, and now trusting him more, she reached out to Adrian. Adrian whom slept with Ben to get back at her and Ricky when she found out she was pregnant with Ben's baby, because Amy's done the whole teenage pregnancy thing, and gets it. I was usually Team Adrian but I shifted when Adrian kept constanty being catty to her despite Amy extending a very undeserved olive branch.
For about a season and a half Amy was very likeable, and mature, and the character progression dropped again come season 4B-5. Mainly her reaction to Anne being a lesbian. That was bad. She was even annoying me with Ricky sometimes.
But come season 5... I was confused on how people were deeming Ricky this great guy who deserved better. When the biggest crime Amy committed prior to the finale was dare to maybe want to go to school in New York.
Ricky was an ass in season 5. Wanting to/at least thinking of cheating on Amy especially with Clementine, talking down to her, and always opening her mail, etc. He was always so... Aggressive?
I think they were trying to tell it from a perspective where he just wanted her to say waht she wanted because Amy was very meek about her wants in season 5, but they did a terrible job at showing it. Cause when she did say maybe, yeah she wanted to go... He demanded the wedding ring back, etc.
Amy could be annoying and bratty, but she wasn't this evil shrew fans and the show tried to push her as, and Ricky certainly wasn't the saint fans and the show tried to push him to be.
I he to wonder if Brenda Hampton hated Shailene the last coupe of seasons, because the way they wrote her, and had others speak about her is...Gross.
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readingonpluto · 3 years
“Family” Renegade Headacanons (Leroy, Winston, and Nova)
*Just to note, Winston isn't dead in my mind.
Winston calls Nova "Noreen" just to annoy her. 
Like, he made up that name to protect her, but once everything is settled, he called her is once as a joke, and it just kind of stuck...
She says she hates it, but always smiles when he calls her that. 
On top of this, Leroy starts calling her things like “kido”.
He took her in after the battle, and he became like a father to her for her final teen years.
After Winston got out of the hospital, he came to stay with them to, acting as a sort of brother. 
All of them became close with the Everharts. Sometimes having family dinners at each other’s houses, and treating each other like family.
Leroy really likes Adrian, knowing he will protect Nova. 
And he teaches Max everything he knows... (Don’t tell Hugh)
Both Winston and Leroy try their hardest to give Nova a normal life, reminding her that she is still a teenager. 
They let her do things like... 
Pick her own room out of their first legal house. 
Give her movie money/food money. 
Let her stay out, but make sure they know where she is if alone. 
Support her passions, etc. 
Nova is happy to have them still, keeping them close even after she has moved out. 
They tried their best, and she is forever grateful for them. 
Add on if you’d like!
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tibby · 2 years
sorry this is soooo random but no one of my friends even know i play choices: how often do you get tempted to choose the male route for better storylines? i’m a lesbian but i’ve done it more often than i’m proud of… and sometimes i make myself pick the wlw option to show pixelberry wlw are playing and good wlw lis are in demand, then regret it because the f love interest is stale af or has annoying tropes compared to the ‘main’/‘true end’ m love interest. like i picked kamilah but adrian >>>
omg hey <3 no need to apologise i am always willing to talk about choices (unfortunately that stupid app DID rewire my brain), especially when it's shittalking pb.
anyway! even though i've only actively gone down a male LI route once from memory (as in made him my endgame LI, as opposed to recklessly flirting with everyone in trr or doing the poly route in PM), i have been tempted several times. the female LIs usually win out my heart even if i know the story will be worse, but sometimes it's like. is it worth it. and my only dedicated male LI is bryce, who is still wonderful and endearing to me and ranks very highly on my overall ranking of LIs, but i DID end up picking him over jackie early on because the way that jackie was written half the time...lol. pb didn't even TRY. you mentioned ethan in your other ask and even though i think every other open heart LI got screwed over for ethan time, jackie absolutely got the worst of it. and they had so much potential with her character and it just. sucks that her story got so sidelined for the sake of another white male LI.
i think regardless of how much pb tries to like. have this narrative about equal opportunities for players regardless of sexuality/gender, it's simply not true lol. in most stories there's more male LIs than female ones, and even the gender of choice LIs are. i hate to use the term ~male coded~ unironically but they absolutely are. and pb often refuses to do the bare minimum of changing the dialogue/story just SLIGHTLY to make the gender/sexuality dynamics in these make more sense. ik that nobody took the nanny affair seriously and we all just used it as a diamond mine but we're meant to believe the story is EXACTLY the same if sam is a woman??? that sofia's father, known conservative and misogynist, would be pushing for his daughter to marry another woman??? good lord. i think one of the worst examples of this is in my dearly beloved trr/trh when mc is assumed to be pregnant on her honeymoon even if they're married to HANA. and then for the sake of plot hana isn't able to have children and it's just completely brushed over and never brought up again, as if that wouldn't be a deeply upsetting and traumatic thing for hana to discover. but her own wife barely cares because what's pb gonna do, add extra dialogue for their female LI? unlikey.
not to mention the fact that the male LIs are often more developed and better written characters and we usually find out more about them than we do the female ones. ik i'm using another diamond mine as an example here but big sky country really made you learn everything about sawyer's entire life and then awkwardly shoehorned juliette and asha in every few chapters.
and it's gross and homophobic and frustrating but also. weird. because it wasn't always a problem and they can clearly give each LI equal attention when they want to. the freshman series had a LOT of issues but i really do think it gave every LI equal time/development/characterisation. chris is absolutely forced in the first book but it's dropped after that and james & kaitlyn still get plenty of attention in book one. like i find the series to be pretty boring a majority of the time but i've still gone back and replayed it simply because i think becca is one of the best written female LIs on the app and her relationship with mc is...*chef's kiss.* i never finished desire & decorum (no particular reason, i think i just went to diamond mine other books for it and got distracted) but i LOVED how the story was changed depending on which LI you pursued. having to lavender marry if your LI was annabelle was such a good touch and i LIKED that they were willing to put that extra effort in just so the story made more sense.
also it's not surprising that it lives in the woods did well when it came to LIs because, let's face it, arguably the best book on the app, but god. each and every LI (besides conner who idc about) was so good and well written and given equal attention and nobody was ever forced. at no point was your enjoyment of the story impacted by who you decided to pursue romantically. same with it lives beneath, although once again idc about parker. but besides him and conner? i would have romanced EVERYONE in the it lives books because EVERYONE was well done. tragic that they can't put that same effort in now.
i was hoping that queen b would be a step in the right direction because it's two female LIs, one goc LI, and a range of hook ups that are primarily women, but...zoey was still sidelined all the time and kingsley was still very forced. and kingsley being goc doesn't change much when they're still forced upon you and they're very ~male coded.~
anyway lol sorry this got long and idt i even answered your question properly but. yeah. pb has a huge issue when it comes to female LIs and i hope that it's something they're going to fix in the future. but we'll see.
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 2
To summarise: I will have the love square one way or another!
First >Next 
As far as homes go it’s pretty good” Adrien stretches out, Plagg curls up next to him.
“Don't get too comfortable we’re going to be on the move,” Marinette types furiously at her computer.
“I will try my hardest,” Adrien stares blankly at her, sat atop a pile of grubby blankets next to a broken window. Marinette loses connection to her computer and slams it shut with a huff.
“Get some sleep I’m going to find an internet cafe,” Marinette stuffs the cheap laptop into her bag, amazing how something she bought at a hole in the wall place for thirty bucks didn’t work well.
“Who needs sleep when you can have coffee,” Adrian stands up, ready to follow her.
“Sleep Chat,” She pushes him down by the shoulders, “I need my partner fully operational,”
“Yeah kid, take a break, we worked hard,” Plagg yawns, turning over.
“You also worked hard Bug,” Adrien lets himself be pushed back onto the blankets.
“I won't be able to sleep until I know how everything is in Paris,”
“Neither can I,” Adrien protests, already half asleep.
“Sure you can, night Chat,”
“Night M’lady,”
Marinette leaves the same way they came in, though the window. She has to slide down the gutter to get on the street, Tikki hiding away in her bag. She has to go pretty far in town to find a suitable cafe, too far from Adrien to be comfortable. Marinette pops in her earbuds before opening her computer to let her talk to Tikki freely.
She doesn't immediately search up missing person cases. Looking instead at Paris tourist destinations and guides. Switching to the dangers of traveling to Paris; the only mention of Akuma being on obscure question and answer sites. She looks at kidnapping potential and then moves onto missing person cases. Adrien's is the first to come up, obviously. 
There was lots of outcry among his fans. Many were throwing around accusations of foul play on Gabriel's part from abuse to locking Adrien away from the world. However, Gabriel was also fiercely looking for his son. Adrien hadn’t left behind any sort of note. Well only to Nino, which Adrien had told Marinette was asked not to mention to anyone.
Marinette then feels safe enough to look up her own case. It was smaller, although was gaining attention as Jagged proclaimed it to high heavens; more so asking what they did wrong and how they could fix it and asking for any sightings of her. That could be a problem if her picture was already around. Marinette pulls her hood up higher. They might have to get haircuts and wear disguises… on second thought wearing suspicious disguises in Gotham might cause more problems.
“Tikki they seem really worried,” Marinette watches the videos Jagged posted, her parents in the background running around talking with police.
“Of course they are Mari,” Marinette feels a light tap on her side, “But you're doing the right thing,”
“No I’m not,” not when she’s watching a video of her parents crying,  “I’m doing what needs to be done, this is my responsibility, no matter what a certain someone thinks,”
She spits with venom. Maybe Adriens rant last night rubbed off on her.
“He’s the hero here,” Tiki says non accusingly, “Imagine if another hero came to Paris without asking you… remember Volpina?”
“Ah now that was an actual villain,” Marinette hadn’t trusted her from the start,  “Plus she was akumatized,”
“Marinette,” Marinette can’t bring herself to feel guilty, even under tikis scolding.
“Right but that still doesn't give him the right,” Marinette huffs, “After all would he attack Marinette? No!”
“Are you implying you would attack Lila?”
“......... no,”
Marinetti smirks to herself instinctively looking around for Adrien to share her joke. Then Marinette froze. The cafe was empty, not even a barista. How had she not noticed!?
“Wait,” Marinetti says out loud before Tiki could talk, “I’m going to have to call you back, something just came up,”
Something was watching her from the kitchen door as if she couldn’t see them. Marinette tries to act normal going for the pepper on the table and putting it on her food. They move at the same time. The attacker runs towards her, Marinette throws the shaker at- Robin?! It hits him square in the forehead, with a curse he touches his bleeding forehead.
“I am so sorry!” Marinette panics, “That was meant to explode in your face!”
“How is that better?!” Robin runs forward, sword drawn. Marinette ducks behind the table grabbing her plate and frisbeeing it towards him, he manages to dodge this one, “Draw your weapon coward!"
“I don’t have a weapon!” She grabs the table cloth ready to take the vigilante down, “What is wrong with you?!”
He doesn't answer lunging at her again with the sword. Marinette kicks up the table then kicks it towards him in one swift movement. With the impact of the table he drops the sword, Marinette jumps up landing on the table which pins Robin down to the ground with its weight and hers, with the legs sticking up.
“I knew it,” Robin spits and she presses her weight into the table to keep him pinned.
“Excuse you,” Marinette catches his wrist as he tries to pull a dagger on her using the table cloth to tie it to the legs of the table, then does the same with the other, “You attacked me,”
“-Robin!” she hears a faint call, no one is around so it must be from his communicator, “-Robin report back to the cave!”
“I’ll take that~” Marinette sings songs ignoring how he growls at her. She rolls her eyes stepping off the table she needed to get out of here now.
She steps out of the cafe throwing the communicator and likely a tracking device too on the roof of a passing car then sprints in the opposite direction. She heads for the alleys looking for an area with no cameras as she runs. When she finds a spot Marinette transforms running back to their base with record timing.
“Adrien wake up!” Ladybug jumps through the window, barely avoiding landing on him, “Batman’s after us,”
“What?!” He sits bolt upright, Ladybug pulls him onto his feet.
“Move! Now!” She grabs their bags, Adrien transforms and they take off over the rooftops.
“What happened?!” Chat shouts as the runaway, “Is Batman chasing us?”
“Yes, well kinda-- Robin tried to kill me,”
“He what?!”
“As Marinette,” She adds, slowing down as they should have put enough distance between them.
“Did they figure us out already?” Chat Noir slows down into a walk then collapses on the rooftop,
“This is the worst wake up call ever!”
“Well, it's about to get worse,” Ladybug cringes feeling the distinct trace of magic she was all too familiar with.
“Great, perfect,” Chat complains standing back up.
“At least we’re not at school,” Ladybug shrugs, launching herself over a roof.
“No you’re right being chased by a masked vigilante is a massive improvement,”
“Robin! Get your head out of the clouds and get over here!”
Damian breaks out of his trance, regrettably tearing his gaze away from Ladybug to the much less awe inspiring sight of Batman trapped under a car. They shouldn’t be wasting their time worrying about these established amazing hero’s and worry about that assassin on the loose. Who knows who she was after. She could be planning Batman’s demise at this very moment; if she was close with his mother then surely she knew their identities which was far far more dangerous.
Ladybug could handle herself as evidence by her going toe to toe with the newest villain. In a matter of minutes, the villain was down for the count with no help on their part. 
“Ladybug!” He calls before she leaves again, maybe she could help him convince his father that he was being an absolute buffoon.
“Oh it’s you,” She says surprisingly coldly, “What do you want now?”
“Are, you here to attack me again?”
“... I didn’t attack you?” He had spent all morning tracking down a dangerous assassin.
“... Oh! Of course, you did- haha I just ummmm-- there must have been an… Akuma! Yes! There must have been an Akuma earlier that looked like you,”
“An Akuma was impersonating me?” Robin growls.
“Yeah, they do that sometimes,” Chat Noir pipes up, “It’s annoying,”
“Yes and if you’re here, that uh… that means the Akuma is still out there so we gotta go deal with that so-bye!” Ladybug swings off closely followed by Chat Nor; off to go save his name and reputation.
“So you really think that was an Akuma?” Adrien asks as they transform back.
“Maybe- I don’t know it was just an excuse so he wouldn't figure out my identity,”
“Well at least he doesn't know it,” Adrien shrugs as they walk through the alleys in search of a new place to rest that night.
“If he doesn't know then why would he attack Marinette?” She asks, “And if it was an Akuma that means Hawkmoth knows my identity which is so much worse!”
“Is it tho?”
“I mean back in Paris it would have been bad,” They both cringe, “But here we have no home, no family, no friends! He cant use any of that against us now!”
Adrien beams his contagious smile.
“You always manage to find a bright side,” Marinette smirks punching him in the shoulder.
“So that's why,” They both turn around, staring in shock.
“Batman?!” Turning back their way out is already blocked by mister boy wonder. Who, by the way he is glaring at her, was not an Akuma this morning.
“I can't believe Talia called me because some teenagers were eloping,”
I know that name- WAIT!
“Eloping?!” Marinette chokes, “We are not eloping!”
“As in not at all,” Adrien blanches, “And I mean no offense Marinette you are literally the sweetest person but I can’t imagine anything more horrific!”
“Oh god, same!” At least now, “I mean once when we were younger…-- it was a silly crush!”
“Wait you had a crush on me?!”
“Yeah, well, you had a crush on me!”
“... oh god… I did, didn’t I?!”
While Adrien is dealing with that little revelation Marinette looks around for an escape. There isn’t much opportunity since both have their eyes on them, partly out of morbid curiosity at their little freakout. Well if you don't have a distraction homemade is fine.
“AKUMA!” They both look, predictably. 
Marinette grabs Adrien and runs. She goes for the side Robins guarding, sweeping his legs sending him crashing to the ground.
“I’m not sorry!” Marinette calls as they sprint down the alley.
Marinette heads for the main street, enough of a crowd to camouflage. As they are walking through as casually as possible Marinette sweeps them both for bugs putting any she finds on random passerbys. They walk sometimes ducking into busy shops in hopes of losing their trail. They come across the mall which works perfectly for them. They stay until it starts to approach closing time, it’s easy enough to avoid security and so they get locked in for the night.
“So what do you want to do?!” They walk through the empty halls Adrien skipping along and looking at each display. Marinette stops outside an electronics store, the tv’s still on and displaying the news.
“Make a plan for a way to deal with that,” On-screen are the two of them, a video of Ladybug throwing a car at Batman, “This is taken completely out of context!”
“What’s the context?” 
“Batman was being a little bitch!”
“I’m sure that will hold up in court,” Adrien laughs taking a seat in one of those massage chairs, “Besides what's the problem?”
“The problem?!” Marinette yells, “The problem is that now all of Gotham is going to hate us!”
“So? Do we really need them to like us?” Adrien gets up to stand by her, rubbing her shoulder.
“They did in Paris,”
“We’re not in Paris anymore,” Adrien says quietly, leading her towards the seats, “We have a chance to start new again, everyday something we haven't done before, a couple of pals living day to day on the edge, isn’t that exciting?”
“I just--” want to go home, “I’m tired,”
“Take a break,” Adrien sits her down in the massage chair with a kind smile, “I’ll keep watch,”
“.. ok,” Marinette curls up in the chair Tikki coming to lie beside her. With not much strength to fight it, Marinette falls asleep while she can.
Taglist? nope don’t have one, horrible at keeping track of them sorry~
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iammyownqueen · 3 years
The friend of my friend (is an annoying acquaintance)
"Nino, why the fuck do you have a credit card with Chloe’s face on it?”
Nino and Chloe are not friends. They both, however, love Adrien. Maybe that's enough.
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Link to AO3 here
“Hey Nino, why the fuck do you have a credit card with Chloe’s face on it?” Alya asked. She held up the card with a curious expression on her face.
“Um?” Nino rubbed the back of his neck. “Wait, why were you even in my wallet?”
 “I...was gonna put a photo of me in your wallet, to surprise you,” she said, pulling out the photo from her pocket. Her shoulders slumped at being caught.
Nino suppressed a smile. His girlfriend was awesome.
“Well?” she asked, holding the card up again.
“I can explain!” He winced. “I can’t explain.”
“Why not?”
“Because I promised Chloe I wouldn’t!”
“Chloe?! You’re keeping secrets with Chloe? Now this I gotta hear.”
She sat down next to him on the couch. “Spill.”
“I already told you Ayla I can’t.”
“Oh come on, you really expect Chloe to keep her word? Why shouldn’t you tell?”
“I trust her to keep her word with this. Besides, she’s the one who swore me to secrecy.”
“Come on, please?” Alya flashed her best puppy dog eyes.
Nino bit his lip. “Fine.”
“Yes!” she said, pumping her fists in the air.
“But-” Nino pointed a finger at her, poking her sternum with every word. “You. Cannot. Tell. Anyone. Not Chloe, not your sisters, and especially not Marinette or Adrien. Okay?”
“Geez Nino, relax. I know how to keep a secret.”
He gave her one last uncertain look. “Okay. This is what happened…”
“Well? Aren’t you going to let me in?”
Nino stood in the doorway with his mouth agape.
“Chloe? What are you doing here?”
“Does it matter? Come on!” She blustered. She took Nino’s arm and all but dragged him into the house.
“Is anyone else home?” She asked, depositing Nino and herself on the couch.
“I-Um.” His face suddenly felt very hot. “Chloe I don’t-”
“Oh, as if,” She said, reading his face instantly. She gave a face that clearly said ew.
“Then why are you here, dude- I mean Chloe.”
She pursed her lips and for a second, she even looked uncertain. Then a second later, she snapped right back to her bossy self.
“This conversation never happened, understand? I forbid you to tell anyone, not Adrien, not any of your geeky friends, not even your own mother.”
“Swear it!” she demanded.
“Okay, okay, I swear!” Nino held up his arms in defeat.
She sat back down on the couch and wrung her hands. She definitely looked uncertain now.
“Have you noticed anything strange about what Adrien eats for lunch every day?”
“Well, yeah. His dad always has him on some diet or another.”
“It's ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Adrikins has never needed a diet to look fabulous.”
“Hey, I agree with you there. His dad’s a total bummer. There’s no way Adrien ever needs to lose weight. He’s stick thin as is.”
She pursed her lips again, as if she was already regretting what she was about to say.
“A few years ago, his dad crossed a line. The diet had him eating next to nothing as is, and Adrien…” She looked down at her lap and sighed. “Adrien wanted to impress his dad, so he started eating even less than he was supposed to. His dad took him off the diet eventually, but it was too late. Adrian had stopped eating, and when he did eat, it wasn’t nearly enough. It got so bad that he had to go to the hospital for over a month for his anorexia.”
Nino stared at her, shell shocked. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because Adrien is my friend, and even though I don’t approve of his friendship with-” she looked at him as if he was the most disgusting dead rat she had ever seen, “-you, I know you care about him too.”
“Thanks?” said Nino, honestly not sure if it was a compliment or not.
Her voice softened. “I watch you guys having lunch sometimes. He’ll never admit it, but I know it’s getting bad again.”
Nino set his jaw. “What are we gonna do about it?”
Chloe’s smirk could only be described as mischievous.
“We do this.” She slapped down a small plastic rectangle with her picture on it. A credit card, Nino realized.
“Um, what?”
“It’s a credit card, dumbass.”
“I know what a credit card is, Chloe. What does that have to do with Adrien?”
She rolled her eyes. “Adrikins would never openly defy his father, but if you ‘accidentally’ bring an extra lunch to school-”
“And it would be a shame for all this food to go to waste.”
“Ew, don’t interrupt me. ‘It would be a shame for all this food to go to waste, would you pretty, pretty please finish it off for me?’” She batted her eyelashes in a pleading expression.
Nino nodded contentedly. “I think I’m smelling what you’re stepping in.”
“What!?!” Chloe immediately started inspecting her shoes.
“It’s just an expression,” Nino shrugged.
Chloe growled.
“Alright, so we just start tricking him into eating food while he’s away from home?” Nino said, anxious to change the subject.
“We don’t do anything. You are going to do it.”
"Why not you?"
“Ugh, are you stupid? If it's coming from me, he’ll know right away what we’re doing. No, it has to be you.”
"Fair enough, I guess." He wasn't sure how accurate that statement was, but he decided he wasn't going to push it.
"Here," Chloe said, handing him a piece of paper. "It's a list of Adrikins favorite foods and flavors, plus a bunch of things his father never lets him eat, with or without a diet."
Nino wished he could be surprised at the amount of foods on the Do Not Eat list, but Gabrial Agreste was such a grade A dickwad that it almost didn’t phase him anymore.
A horn beeped from outside.
“I’m leaving,” Chloe said, getting up from the couch. Nino was following her out when she suddenly whipped around and grabbed him by the shirt. “If you use that card for anything besides food, and for anyone besides Adrien, I will punch you in the dick with a cactus. Understand?”
Nino nodded frantically.
“Good,” she said, letting him go.
She gave him one last glance before walking out the door. Nino could’ve sworn she actually smiled at him.
Then she was gone.
“His son has a history of anorexia and he’s still forcing him to go on diets?” Alya said in disbelief.
Nino nodded.
“I’m gonna punch him in the dick with a cactus.”
“Get in line dude.”
“Wait, is that why Marinette’s been bringing baked goods to lunch for the past two months?”
Nino shrugged. “I have a running tab at the bakery. Well, technically Chloe has a running tab.”
“I still can’t believe Chloe gave you a credit card.”
“She cares about Adrien too, in her own way.”
“I guess it is nice to know that she has a heart somewhere, beneath all that ice.”
“Adrien, Nino,” Alya called from behind them when they both sat down on Monday morning. “My mom got me and my sisters croissants for breakfast. Can you believe none of them wanted any?”
She offered them the container with the last two croissants, she and Marinette having already finished theirs.
“Really? No way!” Nino said, already taking one.
Adrien reached for one, but hesitated at the last second.
“Come on,” she urged lightly. “While they’re still warm.”
Adrien looked up at her and smiled before finally taking one. “Thanks Alya!”
Alya caught Nino’s eye and gave him a wink. Even from across the room, there could be no mistaking Chloe’s smile.
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