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stereoserenades · 4 months ago
when you know, you know.
happiest birthday to my other half, my twin flame, my beautiful adriana. i hope today is the best day ever and that you get everything you wish for. going to keep this short because you already know how much you mean to me but simply put, i cannot imagine my life without you. you inspire me every day, with your creativity, compassion, endurance, artistry, selflessness, and humility. i believe soulmates exist because of you and i hope we find each other in every lifetime. here's to you, your existence, us, and all the exquisite magic we've created together. @dogslosing ♡
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jackals-ships · 10 months ago
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@one-winged-dreams platonically blowing u a kiss bc i didn't think about that thank you !!!
i have not yet tho just bc. unfortunately googling it turned up a bunch of "yeah if you delete ur shit then well. sucks to be you bestie" b u t. i am curious if there's some like idk archive? backup data that lingers? <- does not know how technology works but ive always been told that even if you delete stuff most of the time it's not gone gone
i do need to at least ask tho about the replies issue because ??? even on a whole new blog under a Whole New Email it's giving me the error "yeah we can't do that rn"
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boba-skz · 2 years ago
Pass the happy! 💌 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 more people! Get sending 🧸💗💭
hi adri!!! thank u for sending <3 i'm behind on passing mine along adjkhg
my job (most days)
learning korean!
the flowers starting to bloom where i live
playing animal crossing new horizons
learning new things - documentaries, software, random facts, etc
hope you have a good week love!! <333
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teradrama · 1 month ago
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They're always eating everything
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valentinesparda · 9 months ago
24, and 180!
@one-winged-dreams OFC MY FRIEND
omg 24 is cain from binary domain, one of my only robot boys
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this game is. not good. its quite fun and has like worlds worst attempt at writing a game about robots and transhumanism and cain is treated like trash by the main cast because he's a robot but he's FUN!! he's silly and cool and my only hangup on him is that he is french. my self insert indigo is from a different rust crew - rust crews are essentially hired military-adjacent forces who are tasked with taking out enemies - but they come across charlie's crew and join him. when they become introduced to cain, they are the only person to treat him as if he were another person on the team, because they have no problems with robots and they're quite charmed by him and his dashing personality. while they would definitely be looked at sideways for doing so, indigo is his friend....and perhaps they have a crush on the funny robot
180 is nina williams!!
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MISS NINA....my longest standing tekken crush and one of my longest standing crushes in general, nina and my insert ashe have had a....tumultuous relationship to say the least. because of the fact that they are both experimented on and utilized as weapons against their will, and pitted against eachother, but ashe has a horrible love for her, one that is QUITE obvious with their flirtations. i havent figured out where in their story that they have time to get to know eachother so i skip right past that and go "yeah they meet up in secret and make out every so often". it isn't a legitimate relationship by any means, but one that's kind of tinged by a feeling of "we shouldn't be doing this" desperation, especially coming from the awkward perspective of the ice cold queen feeling like she's far too old for ashe (not that they care) (this is another universe where there are different realities / timelines for different ships :3)
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cosmicvaca · 7 months ago
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Star Platinum’s arms closed around her, tight without being crushing, and the stand rested her cheek against the top of Jotaro’s hat. Her initial instinct was to squirm away. Pressed that close, she could feel Star Platinum’s breasts against her back. Why did her stand have the proper body when Jotaro didn’t? It was bullshit. When squishing the disappointment out of her didn’t work, Star Platinum flitted over to the other side of the room, one huge hand digging through Jotaro’s luggage, unzipping its inner pockets until she found something and darted back. When she uncurled her fingers, Jotaro’s dark blue lipstick lay in her broad palm. It hadn’t burned up with her original coat, since she had started keeping it in her luggage after the close call of Polnareff trying to jam his hand into her coat pocket looking to bum a cigarette, the other week. She still hadn’t gotten the opportunity to try it on, and it was still pristine. Her hands were shaking, as she raised the tube to her mouth. After a lifetime of watching her mother do this, Jotaro knew how—hell, if she was putting it on someone else (Kakyoin, her brain insisted, Kakyoin with his wide mouth pursed for her to paint soft pink...) it would have been easy. At this rate, she’d probably smear it down her chin. Star Platinum gently took it from her, her fingers dwarfing the lipstick as she held it between her thumb and index finger. Her other hand came up, very lightly holding Jotaro’s chin still. Her first stroke was tentative and barely left any pigment, like she was afraid to break it in half, but at Jotaro’s direction, soon she had lined her lips in dark blue. It looked good. It didn’t give her a chest, or round out her hips, or fix the trainwreck between her legs, but... Despite the harsh color, her face looked a little softer, more feminine. She could be the kind of girl to leave little lipstick marks on the ends of a cigarette, or on a coffee cup, like her Nonna Lisa Lisa. Strong but elegant. If there were vampires and stands in the world, then there could be girls with boyish bodies, right?
Have not been able to get this from chapter 3 of "Watching for the Tide" by glasscamellias on Ao3.
Save me trans girl Jotaro save me
Commissions and alts under the cut
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elfdyke · 5 months ago
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I want this like a cigarette
Can we drag it out and never quit?
And oh my god, you are heaven sent
With your dirty mind, yeah, you're perverted
You give me guilty, guilty pleasure!
(me + @wiisnorkeling2006 's ocs x)
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teradrama · 2 days ago
who said she's lying?
im so sorry you got cancelled bappa <3
pls andi cannot cancel me she sucks at lying
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stereoserenades · 6 months ago
oh hey….. 🫦
are we about to kiss (with tongue) rn...
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jackals-ships · 9 months ago
🌈 hand over the hcs for the new guy 🔫 (and also denathrius lmaooo)
[gender/sexuality hc game]
i hold out a mic to mariposa (marazhai) asking how he identifies and he just says A Pain In Your Ass <3
HFJ okay but fr im watching more rogue trader playthrus and absorbing more of His Whole Vibe. but ik in my heart and balls that mf saw an untapped Evil Transmasc Market and went "is anyone gonna fill that?" then didn't wait for an answer <3 so diversity win! the drukhari torturing you for shits and giggles is trans!
also half projecting hours half Actual Canon with me figuring out how to phrase it HF i think he's aroallo But he doesn't think on it too much bc his kink/sadomasochist identity is more important? like if you asked him who he's attracted to he'd just "?? people. i can hurt?? obviously???" also views relationships through the lense of mutual Obsession which like. Hm. Neat <- drukhari do just kinda be. Like That (affectionate)
AS FOR THE DICK CURSING PUPPET MASTER i feel like he's a dude but like. dude+ he played around with it a lil before settling and just kinda Vibing but like with that extra flavor of y'know. Not Technically Was Born so he's got some fun like. Old As Fuck Spirit Gender Thing tm going on there <3
that is also like. the most bisexual man ive laid eyes on i Cannot elaborate past it being something in his General Vibes And Mannerisms im like. insert that homophobic dog ik what you are- HFJ another diversity win! something something the brotherhood of Evil Queers! good for them <3
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sunset-bridge · 2 years ago
i thought jonathan enjoyer was abt smt4 for a moment i forgot that other series exist
average smt enjoyer
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wowa-bublord · 1 month ago
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the difference between drawing during an off day vs drawing when motivated LOL (I drew these 1 day apart)
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spearxwind · 5 months ago
Idk if this counts as spoilers but if Adri is essentially like a computer virus where did he get a physical body from?? Did he steal it from someone or was it provided for him to he put into??? So much to think about........
GREAT QUESTION! He stole it :)
He stole the body and the body's name for himself, and then fabricated an appearance and personality and mannerisms.
His body is one of the previously many nanomachine systems set in place in the Old World to safeguard and maintain both people and machinery. They were known as Guardian Arrays, but now they are referred to as Angels. Only two are currently known to still be fully operational, Adri being one of them.
The Fall (Otherwise known as the literal end of the world) was an apocalypse event where a system bug caused every advanced enough AI to go rogue and turn on mankind. It started small, but spread far and wide exponentially and it irreparably changed whatever it infected. The Arrays, being as important as they were, had more safeguards in place against this stuff but it still didn't stop them from becoming infected. Especially ADRIEL. The corruption inside it became severe enough that it first became a virus, and then grew into a full fledged self compiled AI that was notorious enough to be given its own name "Usurper", though you know it as "The Hydra".
The only way to avoid being completely wiped out during this event was to mass purge absolutely EVERYTHING (so humanity lost basically 99% of their tech and their knowledge). Did this work? kiiiind of.
Because of it's self compiled nature, ADRIEL was never able to be properly purged, so instead it was (after a monumental, worldwide effort) put to sleep beneath the earth, never to be disturbed again.
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lelelego · 2 years ago
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"So, what, you just let this Dex guy order you around?" "...somethin' like that, I guess."
i like thinking about adrià's giant one-sided crush on dex that definitely will not have any problems and be completely fine :o)
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jackals-ships · 5 months ago
asking 2 be vibe checked and then getting the vibes checked like /lh
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sliding in w 💀 like vibe check me- hjfk
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Now I'm going to go with an actual character, here's Shukuro
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therealkaidertrash21 · 7 months ago
Adri and Pearl are seriously so lucky that Cinder is a person who appreciates her privacy and honestly, too good for her own good. Because there's SO MANY THINGS Cinder could say about them, so many things that would ruin them. So many stories about all of those years of verbal, psychological and emotional abuse (and probably physical too).
And they're also very lucky that her friends will probably (at least most of the time) respect her wishes of not revealing this information. Because we know the whole Rampion Crew hates them.
I do think they would make some comments, at some point if there's a lot of hate towards Cinder because of all of the things Adri says about her, they would defend her by revealing some of the things Adri did. But I think they would stay silent most of the time.
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