fictionkinfessions · 3 months
i do not get how other adoras can dislike or even hate catra, i adore her [no pun intended] she was the most important person in my life. she was always there for me when we were younger and it was awful being without her, catra if you're out there i want you to know i still love you -adora
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(please post 1/19 if possible!!!!) happy birthday adora u dumb jock ily and i miss u!!! -sorry if u dont wanna hear it from me, ur not so fave cat, catra
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fashionablekintypes · 6 years
Feminine fashion for Adora from the She-Ra reboot please and thank you?
Cardigan - $19.99
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Skirt - $12.99
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Leggings - $18.20
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Flats - $12.99
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- Mod Bri.
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kin-poke-teams · 6 years
Could I please have a team for Adora/She-Ra from the Netflix reboot? The more fairy types the better! Thanks very much!
Absolutely! You’d probably like
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hollow-haven · 4 years
Catra because you're a bastard but you're also very cute.
Fuck yeah Catra kin rights. 
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tell me which spop character(s) i remind you of and provide at least one reason
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canoncalled · 6 years
hey! I’m Adora from she-ra. my canon is still iffy to have full mems of, but it took me a long time to deal with my powers and get close to anyone. I’m looking for just about anyone tbh even if they’re not my canonmates, and I’m especially looking for catra. there’s a lot I need to say. anyways just reply to/like this post or send a message to adhdsithlord if you are she-ra kin and wanna talk!
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wormparties · 6 years
depression meal: boiled rice eaten over the sink with hands. your mother boiled this but you don’t want to eat the dinner. as you eat you see your reflection in the window, it’s late.
main: salmon kedgeree
dessert: warm caramel and chocolate cookies
snack: pine nuts
depression meal: you look in the fridge, there’s nothing but sandwich meat. the bread is stale. you look in the fridge, there’s no more sandwich meat. the pastrami is in your mouth and the honey roasted ham is in your hand. you feel the chill of the fridge hit your face. you eat the ham.
main: steak, probably. With tempura battered veggies 
dessert: pineapple upside down cake
snack: sushi
depression meal: staring blankly at your plate, you pour sprinkles on until it stares back. you eat the sprinkles.
main: big mushrooms with avocado 
dessert: a surprise cake! the kind where there are m&ms inside or something!
snack: jam tarts
depression meal: they did surgery on a grape. you did surgery on a grape. oh god.
main: mini pizzas (you can put any toppings you like!)
dessert: no bake cheesecake in a jar
snack: mini cupcakes (they can be anything too uvu)
(You could do multiple small foods together too, for ex, a tiny pizza, a tiny meatloaf, etc)
depression meal: somehow you remembered to buy hummus. From your veggie drawer, you hear a crack. Those fresh carrots are now perfectly portioned rectangular sticks. you shrug.
main: vegan coconut curry
dessert: raw hazelnut brownies 
snack: home made falafels with mango chutney, hummus and some salad leaves in a soft wrap.
depression meal: you hold a banana in your hand. you’ve been staring at it for hours, days, years. you finally peel it. it turns to liquid. you make a smoothie.
main: crab linguine 
dessert: peach crumble
snack: chipotle fried fish and clementine bites
depression meal: all hope is lost, you decide to look in the freezer. you fall in the freezer. but at least you found... something.
main: spring rolls, rice, dipping sauce and tempura veggies or meat. or both.
dessert: grasshopper pie
snack: frozen yogurt pops!
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fictionkinfessions · 13 days
Canon treats: All the food types outside of the Horde kind of blew me all away, and they never stopped blowing me away either. Brightmoon had this kind of tart thing with a slightly fruity kind of whipped cream with a hard outer shell. It’d start off with a strong vanilla crunch-taste before melting into a sugary tang. I think it’s a tie between that and some kind of roast bird? I can’t remember what the bird proper was called but the way the fat would gleam in the light, the soft brown of the outer skin, and the way it’d just fall off of the bone with how moist it was. Honestly I could probably make like, 10 more posts about food throughout Eternia, but that seems like it’d end up being spam so I’ll leave it there. -Signing off, Adora
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
Shoutout to spop kins who were transmasc y'all are so cool -a transmasc adora
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fictionkinfessions · 7 months
Uh, hey. This feels weird but I was thinking about The Horde again, growing up and stuff. I was never really close to any of the other Cadets, kind of by design, so it’s not like I knew you guys all that well. I do wish I’d have given you guys a chance to get out faster, for a lot of reasons. Anyway if you’re out there, I hope any Kyle’s, Lonnie’s, Rogelio’s or any other former Horde members are doing well! Get yourselves a little treat maybe. Signing off, Adora.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Ok so I kinfirmed adora a long time ago and now I'm questioning catra??? I need to rewatch she-ra Goddamnit -adora (spop) #💙🔥
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
ugh!! catra i miss ur stupid face. i’d say something like “i love you” but you’d never let me live that down <33 -adora (#🪶💫🌘)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
honestly? i feel like i should miss catra more; but i’ve just grieved her and moved on so many times — there’s nothing left! it was always her and will always be her but i just can’t make myself feel pain for her anymore. -adora (💫🪶)
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
(please post Jan 19) I have three kin birthdays today, which is super weird? like what are the chances three times over I’d know my birthday and it would be on January 19. anyways happy birthday to me I guess. —Blake Belladonna/Adora/Buffy Summers (#🌿🏹🐺)
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
Heck I miss Glimmer. You stubborn delight, you walked me through some of worst parts of recovery after leaving the Horde! You had such a pretty laugh and I love how you could go from fire spitting anger to gentle and soft. I loved holding you in my arms. I hope you’re doing alright wherever you are. -Adora
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
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