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tarotlogy-pramila · 4 years ago
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My #musiclover cat.... Whenever I practice, my cats become my silent admirers. Their unconditional love makes me going. #musician #guitar #harmonium #music #tabla #violin #catlovercommunityofinstagram #funnycats #adoptstraycats #adoptdontshop #petsofinstagram #singingcats #animalrescuer #saveanimals #careanimals https://www.instagram.com/p/CGY-MSVnCaZ/?igshid=12kk8825vk3xp
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Trying to perk up his mood with a little kitty play...🐈 #signorzenzero #zenzero #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #catlover (at Fréj & Fréj-À-Porter Workspace)
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unwritten-legacys · 5 years ago
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I miss this cat!!!! 😭😭😭 i want to go back and visit her in Chathamq!! It was love at first sight I miss you Elsa!!! I wish you could hear me! 🖤 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #kitten#cutecats#straycats#stray#cutecat#kawaiikitten#neko#straykitten#cutestkitten#petcats#adorable#petowners#adoptstraycats#siamesecats#siamese#tabbycats#whitecats#loveatfirstsight#fallinginlove#inlove#lovingcats#cuddlycats#broom#iamsolame#petlovers#animallovers#cuteanimals (at chatham,kent.ont.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5owHOnB7Rj/?igshid=mbgr76ss858q
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starkravingcat · 5 years ago
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☺️ New kitten feels safe in her own SRC cat tent 🧡⛺️🐱 Best use ever of a tent! Welcome to your new home, sweetie! 🏡 🐾🐈🐈🐈🐈⛺️ Repost @trash_alchemist ・・・ Safe and sound in the glamorous cat tent ⛺️ from @starkravingcat while she starts to socialize with her new family 😻💕#kittensofinstagram #adoptstraycats #fureverfamily #fureverhome #azhumanesociety . ⛺️🐾🐱🐾⛺️ #srccattent #srccattentclub #cattent #fridaynighttentpawty ⛺️😸⛺️ #StarkRavingCat: groovy toys, and new pawsome cat tents in blue or orange 💙🧡 Tents now available at both our webshop and our #etsyshop. See link in bio🐈 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3VaQTSleGa/?igshid=c7yp91hbam95
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indriycatlover · 8 years ago
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Daerah Permata, Kab. Bandung Barat - Cimahi Ada yang mau adopt dia? Kitten ini ngikutin orang lain yg lagi jalan menuju kantor. Dia ga diketahui di mana induknya dan saudara2nya. Dia laper banget, barusan sudah saya kasi ikan tongkol dan air minum. Tingkahnya lincah banget, kelihatannya sehat dan ngintil terus kalau ada yg jalan di dekatnya. Saya sudah punya 5 ekor yg dewasa 2 ekor dan yg bayi 3 ekor di rumah, dan 2 ekor yg masih liar tapi sudah patuh datang ke rumah tiap pagi dan sore saat jam makan kucing-kucing saya. Sudah ga memungkinkan klo nambah lagi, berhubung orang rumah juga udah ga mau nambah banyak melihara kucing. 😢 Sedangkan kondisi di sini jalanan rame kendaraan walaupun juga dekat di perumahan. #adoptdontshop #adoptstraycat #catlover #petlover #animallover #savestraycat #feedingstraycat (at Lembaga Amil Zakat Rumah Peduli Umat)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Treating his #abscess at @groovyvetcareclinic... i really don’t have the capability to do this myself at home, so I have to make the trip 2x daily (morning and early evening) to seek the help of Groovy’s vet and handlers to help apply the medication to the gaping wound that sadly reappeared at the same spot where it happened before. We thought he’d fully recovered from that, but alas that is not the case. Despite all the meowing and thrashing around, Zenzen doesn’t scratch nor bite the vet in trying to escape from the pain when the wound is being flushed and then a medicated gel applied into the gaping hole. I just hope this injury recovers quickly. 😔💥😾 #signorzenzero #zenzero #groovyvetcare #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #fivpositivecat #cutecatsofinstagram #catlover (at Groovy VetCare Clinic)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Mucking around on Christmas day... #signorzenzero #zenzero #fivcatsneedlovetoo #fivcatsofinstagram #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram (at Fréj & Fréj-À-Porter Workspace)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
“I see you Zenzero...” 👀 #signorzenzero #zenzero #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #petlover #catlover (at Fréj & Fréj-À-Porter Workspace)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Thank you @singmahadi for the kepala ayam kodok, because sharing is caring 😬🙏 #kepalaayam #shogathecat #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #catlover (at Komplek Permata Hijau)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Rainy nights, hopefully all the cats out there are all sheltered from the elements...🌧🌧🌧 #signorzenzero #zenzero #rainynights #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #catlover (at Fréj & Fréj-À-Porter Workspace)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Checking out the situation...🐈 #signorzenzeor #zenzenro #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #petlover (at Perkantoran Permata Senayan)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Playing cat and mouse. Had a chat with the vet drh. @bernadetemiracle about his behaviour and she said during the time he was in @groovyvetcareclinic, he has always been more laidback. The only time when he would react would be when food is being sent up his way... But perhaps he’s still in recovery mode, but we hope the flu would go away soon...🐈 #signorzenzero #zenzero #catinrecovery #getwellsoon #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #catlover (at Fréj & Fréj-À-Porter Workspace)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Who says cats don’t enjoy #bellyrubs? 🐈 #signorzenzero #zenzero #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #gingercatsrock #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #catlover (at Fréj & Fréj-À-Porter Workspace)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
As feral cats, we never know what happens to our lives, where we get food the next day, or where we’d find shelter without being chased away by human beings... i had my fair share of first experiences going to the vet, going to the groomers, getting cleaned and getting neutered... • Today, “No Name” was brought to @Groovyvetcareclinic for the very first time but he is less luckier than I was because he had a very serious injury near his anal underneath the tail... so the human quickly brought him to the vet and he might be staying there for more than a week. • Please read more at @mr_shoga’s last post with regards to “No Name”. I hope he recovers quickly... #feralcat #onecatatatime #helpferalcats #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens (at Groovy VetCare Clinic)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 7 years ago
Seems like “No Name” might be taking over Mr. Shoga’s Instagram account since human has missed Mr.Shoga due to long office hours and by the time human comes back, Shoga has already eaten his meal and left again. “No Name” was lounging by the porch this early evening, enjoying the cool evening breeze taking in sips of water... we have been kinda busy so haven’t had the opportunity to take him to the vet, hopefully we’ll have a bit more time next week... #mrshogaandfriends #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #petlover #catlover (at Komplek Permata Hijau)
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thatcherjackieo-blog · 8 years ago
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You sneaky little one climbing onto the kitchen top! 😍 • #shogathecat #adoptstraycats #gingercat #petoftheday #petstagram #petsofinstagram #catstagram #igcats #adopt #feralcats #kucing #のらねこ部 #ノラネコ部 #のら猫 #のらねこ #ねこ #猫 #ネコ #キジトラ #茶トラ #catsvideo #catsoftheworld #catsofinstragram #instacats #cats_of_instagram #cutecats #cutecatsofinstagram #cutekittens #petlover #catlover (at Permata Hijau Jakarta Selatan)
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