#adoption on sight
Also, I've had MCU Riri Williams for exactly half an hour, and it's on FUCKING SIGHT if anyone even thinks about looking at her wrong
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starphanton · 4 months
writing crossovers - esp reincarnation fics - is wild bc theres like. the character archetypes, right?
sleep deprived coffee idiot
puns & sarcasm as a coping mechanism
so fucking done with everyone and everything smartass
genius smart one who can and *will* kick your ass
and then you put two characters together as one, start melding the worlds, and then boom! adoption!
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umbramira · 2 months
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it takes a village to raise a child
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Clockwork sees how stressed Danny is from trying to be the goodest boy and never do anything remotely bad that could turn him evil and thinks he may have overdone it. At this rate his panic over never doing anything evil is going to force him to emotionally burn out and stop caring. Then he'll turn evil anyway.
So Clocky does something that sounds completely ridiculous in theory. He scoops Danny up and drops him into a universe full of superheros and villains and tells him to "Do whatever you want. There will be no consequences for you." Then he leaves.
And just like that, Danny goes apeshit. He decides to do the one thing he always wanted to do but was too afraid to because he didn't want to be judged, or worse, forced to join his parents.
He becomes a supervillian. Not as Phantom, no. But as Fenton! He goes full super genius mad scientist and terrorizes whatever city he's in. The local superhero is being driven insane as Danny builds death rays, shrink rays, his own modified version of the GAV, ect.
The best part if that the local heros can never catch him for long and when he is caught he always escapes before he is transported to whatever facility they wanted him in. He always ends up back in his home dimension where he goes back to acting normal and no one from either human dimension or the Infinite Realms knows what he's up to (except the stop watch of course)
After a particularly fun day in which Danny highjacks all broadcasting services to teach everyone in the world how to make insulin at home so you didn't have to pay a ridiculous amount for necessary medication, the Justice League was now on his tail.
Danny just laughs, thinking there's no way they'd ever be able to arrest him. Little does he know some guy calling himself Batman is leading the mission and he has no intention of arresting him. Danny, much to his horror, becomes far to familiar with adoption papers. As in he keeps having to set them on fire.
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Fright Knight adopts Danny
Lets say that Danny had his Accident way earlier than in Canon, let's say when he was 6.
He becomes a Halfa instantly and is transported to the Realms. He wanders around aimlessly as he tries to find a way back to his home.
He is scared and alone, and can't find a safe place to rest without the random monsters of the Realms attacking him, so when he finds a scary looking Castle he decides that it's better than nothing and sneaks in.
Unfortunately, he is followed by a Monster and has to defend himself. He quickly grabs the nearest weapon he can find, a cool looking green sword, and tries to defend himself.
He nearly manages to beat the Monster, but the sword is knocked out of his hands and he is pinned to the ground. Suddenly, the Monster cries out in pain, and Space itself warps and contorts as the Monster is sucked away to some other location (sucked into the nightmare dimension)
Where the Monster used to be standing was now a 7 Ft Tall, extremely intimidating, Knight holding the green sword from earlier.
Danny, injured and out of energy, just collapses and hopes that the knight won't kill him.
Fright Knight didn't know what to expect when he felt his sword be pulled from it's resting place.
Maybe Plasmius had tried stealing it again? Or some random Magician had stolen it for Power? Or maybe some Blob Ghost had knocked it over while wandering about?
Whatever the case, he wasn't expecting a Baby to he the one using his Sword. And not just a Ghost who had formed recently, it was a Literal Baby who had just become a Ghost.
He didn't expect to become a Dad like this, but he wouldn't complain either
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ebisul · 2 months
It really rebalances my brain chemistry when fanfic writers make Cody the most feral child in the cloning facility like yes ofc the serious professionalism is a facade! that mans insane!
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nelkcats · 2 years
Jazz found billboards all over the city, although according to Tucker they were all over the country, it was an invitation for "The beast bat-tle", the winner will be crowned "Pun King" for a guy called the Rid- or something.
Danny was decided, he will be the Pun King, no one can stop him from getting the title, he is already the Ghost king but this is the kingdom he really wants.
On the other hand Dick Grayson was excited cause for the first time ¡undercover work was exciting!
The Riddler organized a pun battle, it was an open invitation for all the villains (and pun enjoyers), although Batman was sure no one "good" will show up, ¿what idiot will come to a competition organized by the Riddler?
it was impossible that you didn't know about him, you had to live in a town in the middle of nowhere.
Jason was regretting offering help, he wanted to punch (or shoot) villains no the knowledge that THERE ARE TWO OF THEM (although the Twink was cute, Dick agreed)
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ghost-bxrd · 20 days
Calvin Rose finds a catatonic teenager roaming the streets and… well, the poor kid looks dead on his feet, and it’s raining cats and dogs, he can’t just leave him there.
And, it’s fine. He’s just passing through (can’t risk more with the Court still at large) and will be back on the road come morning. And he’ll sleep easier knowing he kept the kid from certain death.
So, really, how the hell did he end up with the very same kid riding shotgun and nagging him to turn up the radio to Phoebe Bridgers?
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nightmarerodent · 2 months
With Yakuza Takeda no longer being a part of the Shirai Ryu, where does he stay? Is he homeless? Just forever on the move? Does he have safe houses he crashes in? Maybe one near an unassuming Chinese village with a certain tea house and where a certain archer farm boy lives?
Is he the stray cat that all the champions just take care of by leaving food out for him and letting him inside because, hey, if you’re cold, they’re cold. Does he just couch surf? Is it the same in Outworld? Did the Umgadi just see him trying to hunt down Red Dragon in the palace courts and go “Well, he’s determined and crafty but also kinda pathetic. Someone get him a blanket and some snacks”? Did Ashra’s kriss take one look at him and go “he’s not evil, just undiagnosed. We should probably do something about that,”?
Is he just a pathetic little meow meow? 🐈‍⬛
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carmisse · 4 months
Of Fëanorians and their colors.
When Maedhros ceded the crown to Fingolfin, the Noldor organized a celebration in the name of the new king, with this Maitamo established/ordered that they would not wear the red color of the house of Fëanor and instead they would wear other tones.
Maedhros wore both blue and silver belonging to the house of Fingolfin.
Maglor on the other hand wore a soft lavender accompanied by a luminous light blue.
Celegorm wore greens and browns from the hunt of Oromë, the only other lord he answered to after his father.
Caranthir surprisingly wore white with gold embroidery, using the colors of Miriel.
Amrod and Amras wore grays and olive, as they saw them in Nerdanel, deciding to adopt them as their colors.
However, in the middle of the king's speech, Curufin entered the hall wearing his father's red and black, with a golden crown decorated by the eight-pointed star in his hair, accompanied by a cloak of the same color as his tunic. The Fëanorian factions stood up to receive Curufin as well as Celegorm who supported his younger brother.
Meanwhile on the other side of the hall Daeron approached Mablung and asked if he knew what color the Fëanorians wore when they called their standard bearers to war to which the captain smilingly replied "red".
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llondonfog · 5 months
OK so Baul and Lilias friendship lives in my mind rent free, so I think that a few days after silver gets sick for the first time and mama and papa zigvolt manage to teach lilia the proper way to care for a sick infant after he comes over to their house tembling with poorly restrained panic, Baul goes over with v little persuasion from his daughter to check up on them.
What he sees is a happy and healthy Silver just quietly smiling up at him from Lilias arms while Lilia is passed out in his rocking chair fevered and red from catching baby's first cold.
Baul immediately assigns himself caretaker duties, doesn't even bother trying to move Silver from Lilias arms and instead just picks them both up to deposit them both in Lilias bed for a proper nap before checking the fridge for tomato soup ingredients.
When he first heard from his daughter that Lilia— Lilia Vanrouge, the once General of the Right, feared commander of the fae armies and scourge of humankind— had adopted a human child and had been caring for it for several months now, Baul had roared with laughter so hard that he split a scale wide open on his cheek.
It was certainly a poor excuse for a joke, the very kind of rumor that the castle fae still bitter over Lilia's persistent existence four hundred years later might spread. The very idea that Lilia, Lilia Vanrouge, would debase himself to care for a human child not of his blood, to stoop so low as to toil over its screeching and wailing demands when he had bathed in the screams of its own kind with a mad vengeance after the tragedy of Lady Meleanor . . . not even four hundred years of honeyed peace was enough to sweeten that wound.
Time, it seemed, had forgotten what was so cruelly emblazoned in the very depths of Baul's mind, in Lilia's own memories, and the nightmares of all those surviving fae who stalked the forests during those blood-soaked nights. Those born in kinder years had never known the horror of human avarice, and even his own daughter had taken up residence with one of their kind despite her father's immense displeasure, simpering, soft-hearted fool that her husband was.
At least, to Baul's proud credit, their lineage rippled strong and true through his grandchildren— and with his daughter due any day under the weight of a third, he's only too certain for another healthy, bouncing, scaled Zigvolt.
So when she had simply stared back at him with crossed arms and an arched brow while he had laughed and laughed and laughed, a sinking kind of horror began to creep into his heart— surely . . . she wasn't serious?
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Months— hardly the blink of an eye for faekind, but everything to humans. Months, Lilia had kept a child for several months, and not once had tried to rid himself of it? Not once tried to deposit it upon the stoop of a human village and wipe his hands clean of the responsibility of child-rearing? He had been taking advice from Baul's daughter and her wisp of a husband on how to pacify and coddle it? He had barged into their home, fretful beyond measure with a colicky babe clutched in his arms, and all but demanded them to cure the child?
("Or what?" Baul found himself asking, utterly bewildered and needing to find some kernel of normalcy in the fact that surely Lilia had menaced his daughter's husband some into obeying his whims.
"Or nothing, Father," she said, the taunting ghost of a knowing smile playing about her lips. "In all the years that I've known him, I've never seen him quite so distraught. He stayed by the crib all night, frozen— we had to tell him it was alright to breathe and to hold Silver's hand if he wanted, it was as if he was afraid to hurt him.")
Silver? Lilia, afraid? Holding the hand of some human child?
It simply couldn't be true.
It couldn't be, this had to be some elaborate, poorly executed prank.
He clung to that belief even as his daughter shoved a bundle of medicine, food, and knitted blankets into his arms with the stern instruction to deliver them to Lilia's home (Home! He had never heard the forest cottage to be described in such terms! The place was a hovel, a storage shed for Lilia to dump his treasures before venturing off to the next location, how could it be considered a home?).
He clung to it even as he emerged from the woods to the path that led up to the cottage's door, casting unnerved glances to the strange and new abundance of woodland creatures skulking about the thatched roof and scampering along the thick tree trunk supporting the cottage like a lean-to, soft little animals that would have darted away in fright from Lilia's presence before Baul's own.
He clung to it until he could no more, when he threw open the cottage door with an odd tightness in his chest to see his oldest friend collapsed on a worn and lumpy armchair with a honest-to-goodness human baby snuggled safely within his arms and sucking happily on a stray piece of ruby-stained hair. Beyond them, a soothing glow flickered in the fireplace where a kettle of milk quietly steamed, and the scattered presence of cloth toys littered the living room floor along with (Baul shuddered) well-thumbed pamphlets, their covers illustrated with the cheerful faces of frolicking human children.
What had this child done to Lilia Vanrouge?
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soulless-bex · 6 months
“mlb/dp x batman crossovers don’t make sense”
im sorry, in what world does bruce wanting to help the overworked adoption-bait teen hero with the weight of the world on their shoulders not make sense?
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skylarksilver · 12 days
The Sledathon- A Growing Family
Meemaw Felmier takes one look at the prefect of Ramshackle, gazing around with wide, excited eyes with wonder for the world and eagerly talking to Epel, and feels a current of fondness for the respectful youngster. Then she watches Epel's behavior with the team he assembled, and the two stragglers, and her brows climb up her forehead as she notes the interactions.
He's speaking clearly and politely, making an effort to be understandable. But it holds none of the resentment that he had expressed towards needing to speak 'all proper' as he had complained to her over the last months. In fact, he seems perfectly happy to play tour guide for the three members of his team and the duo that he had initially invited. And while he's civil with the taller trio he has wrangled into the race, how he talks to the prefect resonates as special. Epel normally had no patience for fools, but even the most uninformed of questions from that student in particular never seemed to trigger her grandson's temper.
It goes beyond questions too, he's eager to share anything that comes to mind about himself and his home with the Ramshackle visitor. He speaks happily about the beauty of their home in the winter. He vividly describes the joys of summer, as well as the work that it takes year round to earn a living. And he takes the time to prepare a personal apple jam tart for them, her own recipe, around all the sledding practice he pushes his team into…
Well Meemaw isn't sure if Epel has grown up enough to get a crush. But all signs show that this is only the first time that the prefect will be their guest. And she supposed it didn't really matter in what capacity they returned, whether as a close friend of her grandson or something more. If it made Epel this happy to have them around, then Meemaw would lay another plate at the table and make sure there was another bed ready to hold them when the came back.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Honestly I think it'd be funny if each time Bruce returns from time or interdimensional adventures he just keeps coming back with more kids. Like DC, you're telling me he wouldn't see sad child or child on a dying world and not take them home to be bundled up and given Alfred's cookies?
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captorations · 2 months
i don't actually know what would happen if you put bar(h)u and paul in the same room. but i do think it would be really funny
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undertheredhood · 10 months
dc x dp au but it’s just jason throwing hands at vlad and completely destroying him while team phantom is in the background cheering him on
(also before anyone gets the wrong idea, i do not ship anyone in dp (especially danny and jazz) with jason or anyone in the batfamily because that is weird and also gross because the majority of the characters in dp are underage (which so many people who are in the dc x dp fandom seem to ignore, btw) and the majority of the batfam (except for damian (and tim for some reason since dc has kept him 17 for a while)) have been adults for quite a while (and also if people going to ship danny with anyone in the batfamily it should be damian because they’re the same age))
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