uzurakis · 4 months
okay but like... smoking cigs with suguru.... lighting his cig for him, watching the light flicker in his eyes and then he tells you to open up... blows the smoke into your pretty lil open mouth and calls you pretty....... YUMMMMMMM
UGHHH DONT SATISFY ME INTO THIS UGHHH GIRLL U GOTTA SEE THIS FANART FIRST THEN TALK TO ME FUCKKK the anime missed ONE THING in season 2 . . NO GETO SMOKING SCENE WHEN HIS LIFE WAS LITERALLY CRUMBLING APART? NOT REALISTIC! (I just want to see him smoking) Man i would’ve rush a whole pack in one go if i were him, he’s a strong soldier at times like that ngl
AND SMOKING CIGS WITH SUGURU UGHHHHH pls don pls dont plss donttt THe way he inhales and exhales; the type to puff some of the smoke mid-hit on the first drag because “it makes the other pulls smoother” and how he holds the blunt . . I can see him casually talking and slipping the cigarette inwards but not outwards? how do i explain this lmagsygsy like the tobacco is facing his palm I HOPE U GET ME .
i’ve said this b4 but if u don smoke then he’ll blow it out far from your face, its his way of taking care of u ig. but if u do smoke OOHH BET BET BET BET Look . suguru just chuckles softly, taking another drag, the smoke swirling in the air. then, with a sudden movement, he leans in close, his lips brushing against yours. the taste of tobacco mingles with the softness of his kiss, and as he exhales, the smoke flows between you, creating a hazy intimacy . . . rip user uzurakis after writingbthis
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year
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me and @petrichoraline in a nutshell
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dockaspbrak · 1 month
i think i have a migraine. UGH
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daethelflaed · 6 months
pleeeaaase don’t tell anyone this about me but i’m actually caller number 5 in the queue.
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cosmocup1d · 6 months
Note : The reader is a child between 6-7 years old, blood, dead bodies, OOC Characters, Change the canon plot
Part 2
Whoo! 🥳my first one piece fanfic
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It was loud
It was so so loud
[Name] cough as she ran around didn't know where to go but she needs to find her dad, She felt tears in her eyes but quickly wipe them away with the back of her hand after all she's going to be marine to make her daddy proud. She smiled as she wipes her tears she can't wait to tell her daddy that she went to marine Ford all by herself! She then turn and the sight making her instantly sick
Blood was everywhere
But the thing that made her sick there was dead bodies everywhere; to many to count
[Name]cover her mouth so that she wouldn't puke, she's going to be a marine anyway she has to get use to dead bodies. She took a deep breath before running making sure to not step over the dead bodies out of respect
She then trip making me cry out in surprise as she fell down. She cough some more and sat up as she looks down seeing a dead making her scream and crawl away "I-im so sorry mr!" She cried out as she stood up and grabbing the dead Marines coat and putting it over his head as she bowede respectfully
She then turn around and started running trying to see or hear her dad. The said dad was busy fighting of the other pirates and trying to kill Portgas D. ace "ADMIRAL SAKAZUKI!!" A marine cried out "Do they really think they could escape!? There're fools" The said admiral scoff as he activate his devil fruit
"LOOK OUT! IT'S AKAINU!" A pirate cried out "You free ace then turn tail and run eh? The Whitebeard pirates are a pack of cowards" Akainu said as he continues "But considering who your leader isis, that's no surprise Whitebeard is a loser from a bygone area" He finish making ace stop "ACE!" Luffy cried out "A loser huh?" Ace mutter making akainu look at him. The two then begins to bicker making ace more and more furious as the other shouted at ace to stop and come back
"Ace!" Luffy gasp out as he fell down to his knees "luffy! You've reach your limit!" Jinbe said walking over to the boy "Hey... Ace's vivre card..." Luffy reach down at the vivre card unknowingly that akainu was ready to kill him with his magma fist. Luffy looks up seeing akainu magma covered fist heading his way
It happen so fast ace covered Luffy but then someone covered ace
Akainu eyes widen seeing poppy as his fist goes thru her stomach making every look at them with shock and horror "I-i found you daddy!" The little girl gasp out as akainu pulls out his magma arm and reverting it to normal. The other pirates grabs luffy and ace who were stand in shock then dragging them to the ship
Akainu felt his throat close up as he catches poppy who was about to fell down tot he ground "A-are you proud of me d-daddy?... I.. I made it here all by myself..." The girl cough out makibg akainu cradle her and standing up "DOCTOR! ANYONE! CALL A GODDAMN DOCTOR" Akainu order out as Marines scramble to find a doctor "Please don't yell daddy...." [Name] whined out making akainu shut his mouth
Akainu looks down seeing his daughter bleeding in his arms with a hole thru her stomach that he made 'I'm sorry I'm so sorry sorry!' He wanted to say but he couldn't form any words as poppy smiled weekly "D-don't be angry dadddy... It's was my fault.. I-" Poppy was cut off by her fought out blood making akainu panic as he wipes the blood off "I-i was in the way" She finish
"Where is the patient!" A voice said as akainu rush to the voice seeing adoctor, he then lower his arms making the doctor gasp out of shock "I... I'm... I'm so sorry admiral" The doctor bowed his head "The hell you mean 'I'm so sorry'!? Help my daughter!" Akainu snaps at the doctor "I can't help her! Even if I did she would die! All of her organs burnt!" The doctor felt tears in his eyes the girl was so young so innocent
Akainu shuts his mouth as he breath heavily before running "Don't worry we'll get you a doctor" He mutter to his daughter which made her smile "Daddy?..." [Name]mutter "Yes?" Akainu hummed "w-why is it getting dark?" She ask making akainu run faster he didn't know where was he going but he'll run around until he see a doctor or medic
"Daddy please I'm scared.." [Name] cried as she grips his red jacket "it's gonna be alright baby you're going to be alright" Akainu gave a kiss on her forehead while patting her head "Daddy why do I feel cold?" [Name] ask again "Daddy... Please help... I-i don't wanna go!" She cried making akainu grip her tiny body in his arms
She continues to let out sobs and cries making akainu fought hard against his tears as he tries to assure his daughter that she'll be safe and healthy but he knew what's gonna happen but just ignore it "Daddy... I'm sorry... I-i shouldn't have come here... I wanna make you feel proud because I was brave... I'm sorry for all the times that I distracted you from work"
Please don't
"I'm sorry if I accidentally drawn on your document"
I like your drawings
"I'm sorry that I broke your vase"
I never like the vase
"I'm sorry for being loud"
I love hearing your voice
"I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough"
You were perfect
[Name] smiled "Thank you for everything... Daddy" She close her eyes as her hand goes limp her body getting cold
It was quiet
It was so so quiet
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pjackk · 2 years
pjackk does you have metal intentstines to digest all the lovel yfood you eaT? what are you imrternal organs?? i am adoctor so dont worry you csn give me the real answer it is confindental
My tubes are metal. hard core metal
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sethdomain · 10 months
Why they make college so fucking expensive, like whatever i aint paying that much for an art degree JEESUS I’D RATHER JUST BE ADOCTOR 😭
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cocoadraws · 1 year
Story Post
Dawn's stories in Welcome Home Actor AU chapter 2.
Dawn's Baby
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
Child loss, Abuse, General Angst
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Photo Caption: Dawn holding her child while she could.
When she's found out back behind the building where she has her waitressing job it's by the owner. He's a kind older man named Jon. And he is absolutely shocked to find Dawn in a crumpled pile of herself and very bloody clothes, she's sobbing in pain and fear, clutching her very pregnant belly like she's trying to protect the child inside of her.
By the time she is in a hospital it's clear that she didn't manage to do that. At 3:45am the tiny boy was welcomed into the world, but he never takes a breath. Dawn still holds and rocks him until the nurses have to take him away. Even after he's gone she clutched the blanket he had been in, singing the same lullaby over and over brokenly between fits of heartbroken sobbing.
Two months later her now ex-boyfriend Richard is arrested for the assault on Dawn and the manslaughter of his child. By the time everything is said and done a year and a half later he is sentenced to life in prison.
At age twenty adoctor has told her she will never be able to have children. That breaks her heart once again, but after what happened to her she's not sure she will ever find a partner that she can trust, let alone think about having a child with someone again. Besides, there's always fostering and adoption right?
By twenty-four Dawn is used to the facts of life. She is lonely, and thinks she will be forever. But she is no longer broken. She takes each day as it comes, and manages to roll with the punches, because some things can never hurt as bad as the things she's been through.
Today she walks into work and smiles at her boss.
"Hello Mr Darling. I've got your usual coffee right here… I figured Janet would accidentally mix up the orders again, bless her heart." The poor PA just got too frazzled sometimes and Dawn felt bad when she got yelled at over nothing. Besides, this definitely earned her some points, she thought as she handed over the drink.
Welcome Home Actor AU belongs to @frillsand and this story is not indicative of how their characters actually act. Thank you.
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You kinda of got me into resident evil through moreau as a human
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Introducing wendolin gwyrth(yes his hair is tied back) a resident evil village oc adoctor who lives near the outskirts of the reservoir
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your-local-lovebug · 1 year
an apple can keep adoctor away any day ify ou throw it hard enoug☺️h
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adoctorx · 1 month
Flo is the most downloaded women’s health app. Here is an in-depth review of how Flo works and how it compares to other period tracking apps. Plus, a tester gives us an insider look. Using a period tracker or fertility app can make charting your period, ovulation, or pregnancy pretty simple. These apps help you track your symptoms, make predictions about your cycle, and show your cycle history and sexual activity, to name a few standard features.  Flo does all of this and more. It’s currently the most popular period tracking app available, though it’s not without flaws and controversies. Quick facts about Flo can be used to track periods, ovulation, pregnancy, symptoms, or more there’s a free version and a paid version you can do a free trial for the paid version you don’t have to answer all the onboarding questions As with any app that asks for your personal health information, you should be informed about how it works before testing it out. We do a full dive into Flo, including weaving some of our tester’s insight, to help you decide whether this period tracker app could help you better manage your reproductive health. What is Flo period tracking app? Flo is the most popular women’s health app. The London-based company was founded in 2015. According to Flo, the app boasts 380 million downloads and 68 million monthly active users.  The app has both a free and paid version, offers a mode for pregnancy, the option to join and use anonymously, and a mode to share information with partners, plus many other features. About our tester Marie* tested Flo for 1 month, using the free version and then trying Flo’s free premium trial. Marie took birth control pills for several years but made the switch to an IUD recently. “I knew that this would probably throw off my cycle, change my symptoms, and more. I have always been very regular, but I knew during this transition I wanted to pay closer attention to the changes that came with switching my birth control method, so that I could better understand my new normal.” Marie had used Flo before for about 2 years, but she stopped using it for some time before testing it for adoctor now. *Name has been changed to respect our tester’s anonymity. How does Flo period tracking work? After downloading, most period tracking apps start the same way: asking you to enter some basic information. From there, you’re asked more reproduction-related questions, like when your last period was and how long your cycle usually is. For any period tracking app to give you accurate information, like predicting your next period, you need to provide some details, though you usually have the option to skip certain questions. Flo asks a significant number of questions after downloading, including your age or birth year (U.S. users must be at least 13 years old); your goals for using Flo; what type of birth control you use, if any (option to skip); and more. Marie said setting up an account was “super simple” and that you could “really put as much or as little information in as you want.” She created a “simple profile” and noted that this app was really a “get out what you put in situation,” which makes this platform versatile for any kind of user. Along with tracking periods, Marie said you can track your PMS symptoms (as many or as little as you have), and go back and add data, which Marie did often. “All you have to do is click the day and click the button for a symptom or to check a box that you bled that day,” she said. Flo also offers ovulation and fertility tracking, a feature Marie did not explore, as she was “not seeking to get pregnant at this time.” She did say, though, that this feature seemed pretty unbiased, “in the sense that … it wasn’t geared specifically towards one goal, but rather adaptable to what I wanted.” Overall, using Flo is simple: You enter the data you’re willing to share by logging your period start date
on its calendar, adding any applicable symptoms, sexual and physical activity, mood, diet, information about your discharge, pregnancy tests and ovulation test results, and more if you’d like. You can see your cycle information on the calendar whenever you open it, and can receive cycle reminders if you want them. “After Flo has that data, it starts to calculate when you ovulate, and the more cycles you track, the more accurate it gets,” Marie said. If you opt to receive push notifications from the app, you’ll see occasional messages from Flo related to your cycle, like “You may be experiencing breast tenderness today.” Marie noted that the notifications were the only downside she found while using the app. Notifications are sent by default, so “if you want it to be more discreet, you would have to turn those off.” Flo features Flo is free to download. You can choose to either keep the free version or upgrade to its premium subscription, which offers more resources and ways to use the app. Flo Free This basic version gets you period and ovulation predictions, symptom tracking, cycle history, and anonymous mode. In addition to these resources, Flo has a desktop site where you can access a Health Library that discusses topics from pregnancy, general health, LGBTQ+ sexual and reproductive health, and more. A unique feature that Flo has is a “secret” community chat center, which is an anonymous discussion forum. Marie said the anonymous forum was “really unique because there aren’t a lot of organic safe spaces for menstruating folks to ask questions and share experiences in today’s day and age. I found this helpful for normalizing and validating some thoughts I had.” Aside from these features, our tester shared that there are “soooo many educational resources in tons of different formats. There are articles, quick tips, FAQs, discussion forums, playlists, music … the list goes on and on.” Marie liked that there was a variety of resources Flo offered, from super casual to super scientific. There are also some insights from medical experts, sex therapists, and discussions with other users that give the app a sense of community. The feature Marie used most was the “Today” tab. “There is a section on the ‘Today’ tab that gives quick resources based on where you are at in your cycle, and I used this section the most, as it was always the most relevant to me. I also really loved reading through some of the forums, especially around sex topics. It felt like a really safe space to learn and get advice,” she said. Flo Premium Paying for the app unlocks access to everything the free version has plus much more. One example is Flo’s virtual health assistant. The company describes this chatbot as an “interactive dialog tool” that provides an extensive cycle report, among other information like signs of disorders, including polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and endometriosis. Flo says the feedback from this feature is based on the latest medical evidence and checked by at least two medical specialists. Premium also offers more detailed pregnancy tracking, symptom tracking and predictions, daily health insight stories, video courses, and more. Pregnancy mode Flo is just one single app, so if you want to use it for pregnancy, you need to select that option upon downloading it or change your goal from period tracking to pregnancy, which switches you over to pregnancy mode. If you pay for Premium, you’ll get more detailed pregnancy tracking than the free version. If you’re trying to conceive, you can select that as your goal as well. Note that you can chart the end of a pregnancy via delivery. Flo’s website says you can also log a miscarriage or abortion starting on day 29 of pregnancy. Flo for Partners Paying for the app unlocks the option to link your information over to your partner. This gives them access to view information like which day of your cycle you’re on, your possible period symptoms, chance of pregnancy, and more.
Your partner can also choose to receive notifications from the app and get access to Flo’s articles and videos. How much does Flo cost? Flo is free to use and download. However, there is a paid subscription option Flo Premium. Flo Premium generally costs $39.99 per year or $11.49 per month. You can usually find promotional pricing available for discounts. For example, you can enable a free trial of Flo Premium in the app by clicking on any of its locked features, like its educational articles and videos. You’ll also see promotional offers in the app, like $7.99 for 1 month. You may also catch discounts via push notifications and emails. Who can use it? Flo can be beneficial for many different types of users, from anyone who wants to track menstrual and PMS symptoms to people who want help to make sure they don’t get pregnant. Marie could see anyone who menstruates benefitting from this app. “It is good for the simple user who just wants to know when they are ovulating and when to expect their next period. It is also good for the user who might want to get really granular about understanding PMS symptom patterns, learn about reproductive and sexual health, chat with others anonymously about casual or serious health topics, and more. “This app is really a get out what you put in situation, so I think that versatility lends itself well to any kind of user,” Marie said. Limitations of Flo and other period tracking apps Period tracking apps like Flo are not a form of birth control. While these apps can provide helpful information about your cycle, including your fertility window, they do not offer protection from pregnancy, nor do they protect you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Instead, period tracking apps are best used as a digital tool for keeping track of your sexual activity and symptoms. Additionally, for period tracking apps like Flo to deliver accurate information, you have to use them consistently. Forgetting to enter certain data, like when your period came or when you had unprotected sex, may result in misguided information from the app. How Flo compares to its competitors Flo may be the most popular period tracking app, but it’s far from the only one. A 2023 study analyzed 34 period tracking apps, including Flo. Researchers found that 31 of the apps could be used to predict the menstrual cycle. Results also showed that Flo ranked in the top five apps in the study, which was based on consumer scoring. Other apps offer many similar features to Flo at no cost. For example, an app called Ovia tracks fertility, pregnancy, and periods, and offers completely free health tips and articles. It seems Flo allows free access to its health library on its website — not its app — without needing to pay for its premium subscription, however. The website also offers calculators for ovulation, pregnancy, IVF, and more. Keep in mind each company has its own privacy policies. It’s best to review them carefully before downloading.  CostiPhone and Android ratingPregnancy trackingData deletion availableLearning resourcesFlo Period & Pregnancy Tracker• $39.99 per year • $11.49 per month • discounts and free trials available• iPhone rating: 4.8 stars • Android rating: 4.7 starsyesyeswith paid subscription onlyClue Period & Cycle Tracker• $39.99 per year • $9.99 for 1 month• iPhone rating: 4.8 stars • Android rating: 4.3 starsyesyeswith paid subscription onlyOvia: Fertility, Cycle, Healthfree• iPhone rating: 4.8 stars • Android rating: 4.5 starsseparate Ovia app for pregnancy trackingyesyes, freeSpot On Period Trackerfree• iPhone rating: 4.3 stars • Android rating: 3.9 starsnoyesavailable for free via Planned Parenthood websites Pros and cons of Flo Period Tracker Pros most popular women’s health app many users find it reliable and easy to use free version available for basic period, ovulation, and pregnancy tracking can be used to help conceive or avoid pregnancy
premium version offers many extra features, like extensive cycle reports, detailed pregnancy tracking, partner sharing feature, educational resources, and more can set reminders for taking birth control discount offers and free trial for the premium version are generally easy to find Cons the free version gives frequent reminders about the paid subscription option, making clicking around on the free version a bit tedious like other period apps, Flo has a recent history of controversy around privacy Flo asks many questions upon downloading it, though you can skip almost all of them if you prefer users must be at least 13 years old to use in the United States, and at least 16 years old to use in the European Union, United Kingdom, and Canada Period tracking apps and privacy Data storage and privacy concerns are common roadblocks for many people considering period tracking apps. The overturn of Roe v. Wade in 2022 led many people to delete their data and uninstall their period tracking apps for fear of their information being sold. While data sharing is not uncommon for apps of all kinds, the fear around data sharing and period apps specifically is the potential for that information to be subpoenaed for suspected abortions in states where it’s illegal or highly restricted. In response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Flo rolled out a feature for both the free and paid versions of the app called Anonymous Mode. This mode allows users to enter their data without identifying details like their name, email address, and more. How does Flo handle privacy? In 2021, Flo reached a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) that it discloses briefly on its website. According to the statement, between June 30, 2016, and February 23, 2019, Flo sent an identifying number related to its users and information about their periods and pregnancies to companies that assist Flo with measuring and analyzing trends, usage, and activities on the app, including the analytics divisions of Facebook, Flurry, Fabric, and Google. It goes on to say that no information was shared with the social media divisions of these companies. “We did not share your name, address, or birthday with anyone at any time,” Flo stated. In a statement to Healthline, the company emphasizes that its agreement with the FTC was in no way an admission of any wrongdoing, adding it has a strict set of policies and procedures to safeguard user data. For example, the company also partnered with Cloudfare in an effort to protect user data with its Anonymous Mode accounts. Flo lists its ISO certifications and privacy policies and technologies on its website. Remember: You don’t NEED a period tracking app You don’t have to use an app for period tracking. You can simply log your cycle information in a physical period tracking journal, many of which you can find at budget-friendly prices via Amazon. Flo reputation and reviews Aside from the FTC settlement in 2021, which stirred up controversy, Flo has an overall strong reputation among its millions of users. iPhone users currently rate it 4.8 out of 5 stars, and Android users give it 4.7 stars. Many users love the app, saying it helps them keep track of periods and pregnancy, but many complain that it doesn’t include as many free features as it used to. Notably, many reviewers say the app displays several pop-up prompts asking you to subscribe to the premium version, which many find frustrating to work around. The company is not currently accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB), and its BBB rating is an F. Our tester’s takeaway Marie decided she will keep using the app after her free trial of Flo Premium ends. “I liked having the reminder of when to expect my next period, and when my chances of getting pregnant were higher,” she said. But more than that, Marie found the app has really helped her see “how connected my emotions and moods are with the different phases of my cycle.”
She also shared that she lives with “anxiety and OCD, and found that I was better able to attribute what would previously be confusing emotions to now a more clear hormonal shift. It really helped me to understand myself better and put less blame on myself to find root causes for sometimes confusing waves of emotions.” “Flo has also taught me a lot about my ovulation. Since I am on birth control for preventing pregnancy, and the IUD is extremely effective, I haven’t been too concerned with my days of highest fertility, but I could see how someone using other birth control methods would find this super helpful,” she said. Frequently asked questions about Flo Is the Flo app accurate for periods? Yes, Flo is praised by many users for its period tracking accuracy. Is Flo not free anymore? Flo is still available for free. The paid subscription offers more extensive features, such as personalized cycle reports, partner sharing, detailed pregnancy tracking, and more. How much is the Flo app a month? The app is free, but its premium version costs $39.99 per year or $11.49 per month. You can usually find a promotional offer via push notifications, emails, or directly in the app. The app also allows users to enable a free trial of the premium version. Is Flo a good pregnancy app? Flo is the most popular period tracking app, as it is the most downloaded. Many users set their mode to pregnancy for simple tracking or upgrade to the premium version for access to detailed pregnancy tracking. Takeaway Flo is a free period tracking app that allows you to keep track of your cycle and much more. It’s one of the most popular apps of its kind. Many rely on it for accurate predictions and help managing their reproductive health. The premium version has a slew of extra resources and more ways to use the app, but it does cost around $40 per year or $11.49 per month, though you may find a promotional offer for a lower monthly rate. Period tracking apps like Flo ask for your personal information, which you may or may not feel comfortable sharing. Staying informed about how your data is used and stored can offer peace of mind. If you’d rather keep your information totally secure, you can always opt for a physical period tracking journal instead. **What is Flo​ and what does it do?** Flo is a period tracking app that helps users monitor their menstrual cycles, predict ovulation, and ⁢understand their fertility patterns. By inputting personal cycle data, ​users can receive insights about their health and ‌reproductive system. ⁣Flo also offers educational resources about women’s health, empowering users with‍ knowledge about their bodies. **How‍ accurate is Flo in predicting menstrual cycles and ovulation?** Flo utilizes advanced algorithms to predict ‍menstrual‌ cycles and ovulation with a high degree of accuracy. While predictions improve over time as ​the app learns ⁣a user’s individual cycle patterns, it's important to remember that no app can‍ guarantee 100% accuracy due to natural variations in menstrual cycles. Regular data‌ input enhances ⁣the⁤ app’s predictive capabilities. **Is the Flo app free to use?** Flo offers a basic free⁣ version with essential features for tracking periods and symptoms. However, for users seeking ​a more ‌comprehensive experience, Flo⁣ provides a premium subscription option. This premium version includes advanced features like ‌personalized health insights, expert articles, and interactive quizzes. **What new ⁤features were introduced in the 2024‌ update of the Flo⁣ app?** The 2024 update of Flo introduced several new features ⁢designed to ‍enhance user experience and improve health insights. Key updates include‌ an improved user interface for easier⁣ navigation, new educational content tailored to different life stages, and ⁤enhanced privacy controls to provide ⁣users with ⁤more control over their‌ data. **How does Flo protect user data and ensure privacy?**
Flo‍ prioritizes user ⁣privacy with stringent data protection measures. The app employs encryption ⁣and other security practices to ⁢safeguard personal information. The 2024 update⁣ introduced enhanced privacy settings, allowing users more control over what data⁢ is shared. Flo also complies with⁤ relevant data protection regulations to ensure user confidentiality. **Does Flo offer‍ any community support or resources?** Yes, Flo includes a built-in online community where users can connect to share experiences and seek advice anonymously. This supportive environment is supplemented by resources⁣ like articles and expert Q&As covering a wide range of health topics, offering additional support ⁣and‌ information to users. **How user-friendly is the Flo app for new users?** Flo is designed with user-friendliness in mind,⁤ featuring⁢ an intuitive interface⁣ that is easy to navigate. New users can quickly learn how to ⁤input​ data and utilize the app’s various features. The 2024 update further simplified ⁤the user experience by streamlining the⁤ app’s design and enhancing the clarity⁢ of information presented. **Can Flo help with ‌understanding and ⁢managing symptoms beyond menstrual tracking?** Beyond tracking periods, Flo enables users to ‍log various⁢ symptoms ​related to menstrual health,⁣ such as mood swings, cramps, and sleep patterns. By analyzing this data, the app provides personalized health insights, ⁢helping users better understand their⁢ symptoms and manage their overall well-being. **What sets Flo apart from other period⁣ tracker apps available?** Flo distinguishes itself⁤ from other period tracker apps through ⁤its‍ comprehensive features, advanced predictive algorithms, and commitment to‍ user education. Its focus on providing personalized health insights, along with community support and extensive resources, makes⁤ Flo a ​leader in ⁣the category of menstrual health apps. **Is the ‌Flo app suitable for users​ at different stages⁢ of life?** Flo is suitable for individuals at various life stages, from those who have just begun⁤ menstruating ​to those approaching​ menopause. The app offers ⁤tailored content and tools for different users, including those trying‌ to conceive, ⁢those undergoing hormonal​ changes, and those simply seeking better ‌cycle management.
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bryn · 10 months
A walk along the south bank
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And a visit to aDoctor Who themed sculpture made of regenerated tech. The sculpture celebrates the Time Lord's iconic regeneration process as David Tennant leaves the show and Ncuti Gatwa's fifteenth Doctor is ushered in.
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najaxnews · 1 year
FIRST AID: is the procedure used In emergency to help wound or eli petiant before arrival adoctor or admition hospital. 
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bizzlanesblog · 1 year
BIZZLANE, a largest B2B Platform in India,ladies doctor near me MUMBAI. Contact:[email protected].
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J.Blake Smith Little Rock Arkansas | The Importance And Role Of Doctors In Society
Adoctor’s life is not easy. Patients and their families expect a lot from their doctors. And then there is the inner feeling of the doctor, wanting to relieve the patient’s pain and sometimes even save his life, which puts a heavy burden on the patient. There seems to be no way out of the pressure of this job. Also, the Indian healthcare industry is mainly unstructured, and nothing seems to ease the situation. Common problems faced by doctors:
Technology is the solution, but there are hurdles here too. Millennials are quick to embrace the latest technology, but the older generation needs to be tech-savvy in healthcare. Here is the challenge. This generation is resistant to digitalization when it comes to addressing healthcare issues. Blake Smith Little Rock Arkansas explains That it Creates a lot of work-related confusion in doctors’ minds. 
1. Receptionist Fraud:
About 50% of doctors feel that receptionists overcharge unsuspecting patients and put extra money in their pockets. Patients think that the doctor’s fees are very high, which hurts the doctor’s reputation. Also, the patient may not have paid the total amount they would like to repay later. And even if you do pay, in many cases, the money never reaches the doctor. Therefore it creates a sense of mistrust between doctors and patients.
2. Seller Fraud:
Up to 90% of doctors complained that their providers overcharged them. They suddenly raise the price of even a regular product, and the doctor cannot afford to check previous bills for the same product. 
3. Invoice And Collection Management Issues:
He said 50% of the doctors we spoke to waste a lot of time at the front desk daily. The amount is often incorrect, and there is a small human error. Also, when a patient pays in installments, doctors don’t understand it. That leads to financial loss for doctors and wastes precious time.
4. Inventory Management Of Daily Necessities:
He said 90% of doctors find it challenging to track consumption patterns for small items such as Neophron, syringes, and sterile water. It is a product that is always “sold out” for everyday use, and it is a product with many orders. Vaccine stocks present similar challenges. Doctors believe paramedics are playing a dirty game here.............
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fat-ugly-bus-driver · 2 years
No that's embarrassing
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