#admin umami
namfine · 4 years
◕ | 𝕬𝖈𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖆 : 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕩 | ◕
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 Sloth is a state of dejection that leads to spiritual apathy. 
                                        - - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
Δ pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Δ word count: 6.5k
Δ  summary:  His company is magmatic, languid and persistent. He is a viscous fire that keeps you on your toes, suspended over the edge. Its static, bubbling up slowly and encompassing all the memories that now felt so far away. Will you stay where its warm and the pleasures are many, or will you cross the threshold he’ll tell you isn’t there?
Δ Tags: 18+, Yoongi x reader, established relationship, smut, unprotected sex, bathtub sex, fingering(f receiving), daemon au, mind fuck, angst? kinda? -ish, mad quarantine vibes.
Δ part: 4 of 7 of our Seven Deadly Sins Milestone Challenge.
⋫ Link to Master List here
Δ  a/n: Hey guys! welcome to chapter  4 of our Seven Deadly Sins series! I hope yall are prepared cuz this one gets.. surreal. Only 3 more sins to go, stay tuned because it only goes deeper from here ;P
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You loved your apartment you had together, you really did. It was cute and cozy, decorated in cool sky blues and pretty white accents. Your couch was lush and cushioned, as well as your bed and all your little bar stools that lined your kitchen nook. Four stools -because there was a time where you were expecting guests. 
But that didn’t matter anymore, you weren’t concerned with other people anyway. You could barely remember a time when you could connect with anyone outside of Yoongi. The memories you did have were hazy and dark, you had a feeling that they weren’t things you needed to shine a light on. They seemed so out of place with how things felt now.  
Similarly, there was one thing in your shared apartment that felt out of place. It was something of Yoongi’s from his past. He insisted on keeping it out in the open, right on the coffee table so it’s allure could distract you from your shows. It was an old hourglass. The glass was cloudy, and oxidized copper turned the spokes a textured sea green. It was large, and full of black sand that he told you was volcanic. The strangest part about it was that it was so old that it didn’t work anymore. He told you the sand must have sat too long and hardened. That didn’t sound possible to you, but you couldn’t argue with the results. It stood smack dab in the center of your white coffee table, the portions of black sand evenly distributed inside of each glass bubble. You knew it was important to him, some huge part of his history that he wouldn’t elaborate on. But most days to you -it was just an eye sore. 
Some nights when it was really quiet, you swore you could hear it humming before a single drop of sand would fall. 
It was rare that anything new would happen in your shared apartment, most days kept the same mindless routine. But tonight you felt particularly hungry for something different. You were out of ideas and inspiration; as usual, but you had a few tricks in finding it again. On nights like these you liked to hang over your balcony ledge and wait for something to strike you. 
You watched the city lights and the busy cars rushing by. They looked like little toy cars in the distance, all lit up and full of so much urgency that they made your head spin. You figured your own car must have collected dust by now. Maybe the gas had expired and corroded some tricky little fuel lines, or maybe it had been so long that your seat cushions were sprouting daisies. You wished you could check, but the notion was silly. Yoongi would say something like “Why check on something you never need to use?” Or “We can’t go look even if we wanted to, you know that.” And he would be right. Ever since the front door disappeared there was no way to leave.. -Not that you even wanted to, you had everything you needed here in your cozy sky blue apartment. A fridge that stocked itself, a warm bed, hot water, and your carefree boyfriend to spend all this time with. It was surreal that this was how your life had been for as long as you could grasp, or maybe it was surreal that there was ever a time before this. 
 But something about the noise from up there was mesmerizing to you. It made you feel less… trapped. 
You felt trapped; somewhere deep down, but you also had this overwhelming feeling of never wanting to leave. Of just wanting to live out the rest of your days in Yoongi’s arms, all cooped up in your cozy little apartment that had two too many stools and a broken hourglass.
 Thinking about it, you remembered that the clock’s never worked right either. You had one that sat above the stove in your kitchen; nothing special, but it was big enough that you could see it from most places in the open apartment. Sometimes you would sit and count the seconds as you watched them tick; because you had more than enough time to be counting seconds, but they never ticked on time. Sometimes they were four seconds off, sometimes seven, other times they ticked backwards or sometimes not at all. You just wanted one clock that could work properly, but Yoongi always said they were useless when you had no schedules to stick to. He was right, but you still wanted a way to keep track of the days, the months, the years. You had no idea how long it had been. It was long enough that anything that happened before felt detached, but not long enough for you to have aged. Or to have gone mad..
You sighed as you watched the little people off in the distance and how they lived their lives so far away from you. You wondered how exciting their lives were out there, and what kinds of places that must be traveling to. Shopping malls, and coffee shops, office buildings and movie theaters. Those things all felt almost imaginary to you know.  
You started to hear a rustling behind you. You smiled to yourself, you were wondering where he had been. There were only three rooms in your world after all, it was hard not to always bump into each other. 
He walked up behind you like he often had on nights likes these, and he wrapped his warm arms around you. You relaxed into his embrace, any tenseness and worries you were feeling before melting away like butter in his arms. He kept you close to his chest, his lips starting to leave light kisses and goosebumps along the gentle curve of  your neck. 
You felt enveloped by him, his scent of lavender and cedarwood filling the air around you. You pressed yourself back further into him, pushing yourself off of the ledge. He grasped his hands around your hips, leaning up to kiss at the spot behind your ear. 
"Do you want to go back inside?" He questioned, and you turned to nuzzle your nose into his neck. You hummed there, thinking about it a little longer. You hadn’t been struck with your new idea yet..
“Hmm.. Not yet.” You focused on the way his chest rose and fell behind you. Slow and gradual, and you could feel his steady pulse against your lips.  
“Do you want me to stay? Or am I distracting.” He pulled you in a little tighter when he said that, and he caught the lob of your ear lightly between his teeth before he pulled. You hummed again, very much enjoying the feeling of having him wrapped around you like this. His lips turning soft against your skin. You pressed your hips back into him; just to check something. You chuckled before you replied.
“You are distracting -But I don’t want you to leave. Maybe you can help me?” He was no fool to what you were doing, or to the light playfulness in your voice. He gripped his hands around your hips and pulled your closer, digging his own hips into your back side. 
“Help with what? Baby.” His voice was gruff against your ear now, it made you shiver in his clutches. You hummed once more, fighting to keep your mind on track and to not think about how nice his member felt stiffening against your ass. 
“I’m not sure what we should eat tonight.”
“I can think of a few things.”  You giggled at the suggestiveness in his voice, turning around to peck him on the cheek and to scurry your way back inside. The surprised look in his eyes was heartwarming, there was just that little twinge of disappointment that you’d gotten away from him so soon. He shook his head a little, moving his soft black hair out of his eyes. 
“I’m serious! I’m tired of eating the same old things, I wanna try something new!” You skipped up into your kitchen as you yelled back to him, knowing full well that he would follow you. 
“Like what?” He asked, stopping half way into the living room, between the couch, and the hourglass. 
“I’m not sure.. That's what I need your help for.” You gleamed, stepping across the tiles to spin your stools out of restlessness. 
“Well.. Lets see.” He thought aloud as he sat himself down, staring into the murky glass as he searched for an idea. “What do we have to work with?”
“It seems like I eventually find everything I ever need.. So.. I guess the options are endless!” You chimed, moving to rummage through your cabinets. 
“I’m not sure if I remember any dishes you don’t already make..” You frowned at that. That's what you were afraid of, it was an excuse he had for a lot of things. But you understood because you were beginning to feel the same way.
“Really?? Didn’t you use to travel a lot? You must know so many more things I could try than I do." He scrunched his brows, his eyes falling back on that old hourglass again.
“Yeah but.. That was a long time ago, I don’t remember." He paused, turning back to you with a sparkle in his eyes. "Why don’t you make that fancy pasta of yours and we’ll add something new?” you lent him a weak smile, not wanting to dampen his excitement even though his idea wasn't exactly what you were looking for.. And you knew where this was going. 
“New like what?” He paused again, his eyes going wide as he tried to recall something from the back of his mind.
“I'm not sure, calamari?” You hummed and nodded at his idea as you watched him slowly racking his brain.
“I’ve done that.” It hurt a little to give him the bad news, but it was true. You'd made pasta with calamari within the last few weeks. 
“What about shrimp?” You nodded along again this time before u sent the blow.
“I’ve done that too.” His eyebrows furrowed, and you knew he was trying so hard to think of something fresh and new. It wasn't his fault he couldn't remember, you knew that. You turned away, walking up to dig through your fridge. Sometimes inspiration came to you in there, especially if you opened and closed it enough times.. 
“Broccoli?” You sighed, spotting the broccoli tucked away in the vegetable crisper just as he said it. “That too..” You were thinking about giving up and just making something you always make when he popped up beside you suddenly and slammed his hands on the counter like he'd just thought of the best thing.
“What about… all together? Have you tried that yet?” You stopped, turning back to him with the chill of the refrigerator still cooling the room.
“I haven't, do you think that would be good?” His smile was warm and confident as he looked at you. It was calming, just as his presence always was. 
“I think anything you ever cook is good baby, but let me know if you want an assistant. You know I’m always here for you.”
The pasta turned out alright, just like he said. It was ready, but he had gone missing again like he sometimes did. It was strangely endearing that he could always find a quiet place to himself in such a small space. You called for him with little luck, so you started to look for him. There were only two other rooms so there weren’t many places for him to be hiding, but somehow he stumped you every time.
You started your way down the narrow hallway, your old hall light flickering above you. You were headed towards your bedroom door on the right when you noticed something strange you didn’t remember being there. Another door? This one on the left side just adjacent to your bedroom. You swore that wasn’t there.. You had no broom closets, and the bathroom’s only entrance was through the bedroom. This was.. New. Even though it looked very old. Cracked and missing paint setting it in high contrast against the rest of your apartment. There was no way it was something you could have just overlooked. It was.. strange, and you felt your heart beginning to race as you came closer to it. Had your memory really gotten so bad that you’d forgotten a whole other room..? You were beginning to not trust yourself.. To not trust your reality. Something had always seemed unusual here but Yoongi could always calm those thoughts away from you.. But Yoongi wasn’t here. 
You pressed your ear to the misplaced door; timidly, seeing if you could hear anything on the other side. Maybe it held a water heater? Or the electrical system? You thought, pulling strings to just make sense of it. You heard a clicking inside, and some very faint humming. Neither of which calmed your nerves.
“Yoongi..!?” You called again, hoping that he could hear you from wherever he was and that he could come calm your racing heart, and maybe inform you on what you had forgotten. 
“I’m in here! -The door is open!” He answered finally, but his answer didn’t help you any. His voice sounded from inside the room and it only made you feel more out of your wits. 
You fought with your anxieties as you slowly placed your hand around the rusty door knob. It was hot to the touch.. You turned it; slowly, peering inside the room to look for traces of him. 
It was dark inside, that hum growing louder now that the door couldn’t keep it contained. Your eyes grew wide as you tried to adjust them to the darkness. 
“Yoongi?..” You could see piles of books littered around the room, and old computer parts. Dusty equipment and piles of old trinkets you could barely identify. Everything seemed to be painted in a thick layer of dust, dirty cobwebs connecting each pile to another. The smell was.. Old, stale. Like the room hadn't seen fresh air in millennia. But despite all you could see in the room, you hadn’t seen him yet. 
“Over here!” You heard him, his warm voice slowing your heart rate; if even just a little, as you darted your eyes along the darkness in search of him. There was something large and black at the end of the room, textured and bumpy. You traced your eyes up from the bottom of it, following along with how the light hit it from behind. On your way up you saw big black feathers, hundreds of them, old but beautiful. And then they moved.. Flexing straight out to the sides like something worrisome preparing for flight. You began to tremble but you couldn’t pull your eyes away, you kept them on their slow path up reaching features that startled you. It’s face.. You knew that face; you loved that face. But it was corrupted here, scaled and frightening with gleaming diamond blue eyes. It smiled at you and you recognized that look and the love in those icy eyes. 
You screamed. You didn’t understand, you couldn’t. You needed things to halt, to stop. You remembered you had seen him like that before.. Maybe often.. Maybe he always looked like that. 
You turned away from the room, slamming the door and pressing your back against it. 
What were you doing? 
“Looking for Yoongi.” You thought. You saw your bedroom door in front of you and you walked up and opened it not even questioning why your heart was racing so hard. You flipped the light switch on and peered around in search of him, to no avail. A moment later he startled you, coming up and hugging you from behind.
“Hey, is dinner done already? I could have helped.” You shivered, spinning around with a sudden urge to see his face. His kind brown eyes greeted you, his sweet smile proving contagious. 
“It was just pasta, and it's not like I was making it from scratch.” You hugged him, resting your cheek on his shoulder and feeling your heart calm to its usual speed. 
“Have you tried that yet? Maybe that could be something fun we could try together next time.” You blinked, looking up at him in surprise. 
“..I haven’t. I love that idea though, but I’m not sure I know how-”
“I’m sure I have a cookbook that will tell us somewhere. Wanna try it tomorrow? We could make lasagna.” You giggled, basking in his enthusiasm. 
“It’s a date.” A date, you had forgotten about those until you said it. Was anything in this apartment ever really a date when you could never leave..? You reached something deep in your mind then, the taste of rich aged wine, the taste of cream and sugar, laughter..  Images of unspeakable things. Things that excited you. He noticed the change in your demeanor; you could tell when something moved behind his eyes, but he hid it well. 
“A date. -Hey.. I know you’ve seemed a little restless lately, why don’t we try something different?” You stepped back from him to get a good read on his face, your head tilting to the side.
“What do you mean?” He smirked at you.
“I have an idea, I’ll show you after dinner.” 
He didn’t want you to know what he had planned yet. He kissed you sweetly after dinner, spinning in his stool and scurrying over to your small wine case. He grabbed a bottle; one he had been saving, along with two glasses before he dashed down the hall into your shared bedroom. A quick shout of “Don’t peek till it's ready!! And don’t worry about the dishes!” before he was out of sight. 
You felt a little lost now, impatient with nothing to hold your focus. You spun around to look over at your balcony again, the white curtains fluttering in the wind. It was picking up, the doors starting to flex and sway back and forth. You stared at them a good while before you decided it might be time to shut them for the night. You made it over to close them softly, giving a quiet “goodnight” to the outside world before you shut your curtains. 
He startled you again, this time you didn’t even hear him before his hand was pulling yours to follow him through the apartment and back down the hall. He was in such a hurry and it was unusual for him, but this kind of spontaneity was what you felt like you were missing. He dragged you through the bedroom, a giddiness in his stature. He rounded you past the bed and led you to face the closed door of your bathroom. You giggled.
“What did you do?” 
“Hush, you’ll see. One things first though.” 
He grazed his hands against your waist, pulling your shirt up enough for you to get the hint. You reached to lift the flimsy fabric up and over your head, and he  gently fisted your hair in his hand to help you get it out of the way. He released his fist, letting your hair fall messely over your bare shoulders. You heard him fiddling to throw his own shirt over his head from behind you, he was fast and it was no time before his hands were back around your waist, lowering their way down to your hips where he tucked his thumbs under the waistband. He released a hand from the task, bringing the free one up to rub along your stomach and up over your ribs. He glided it up until the tips of his fingers were teasing under your bra. He leaned down to kiss your neck again like he did before, only this time there was no escaping the heat he made you feel.
 “I think you’ll like the surprise, It’s nothing special but.-”
“-I’m assuming there’s warm water and us both naked involved, I’m pretty sure I’ll love it.” You teased, hastily working to pull the rest of your clothes off faster than he was going. Despite your wiggling to get your pants all the way off of your ankles, he still had his hands all over you. And once you were up right again he was already pulling you back into his bare chest. You wrapped your arms loosely over his shoulder as his hands coyly wandered down to rest on your ass. You smirked at his behavior, pushing away from him to finally work his pants down since he was stalling. He grinned, taken a little off guard, but he complied when you needed him too. 
He kicked them over, finally, and then for the second time that night he did something you weren’t expecting. He spun you around, pressing you tits first against the closed door. You gasped at the sudden cold against your nipples, and then groaned when you felt him grind his hips hard against your ass. He kept a hand on your hip, pulling them back so your ass remained up in the air where he wanted it. You braced your hands on the door, shivering when you felt his nails lightly tracing the curve of your spine. You could feel his length hard between your thighs as he dug his hips into you, and then he curled over to kiss at your shoulders, brushing your hair out of the way as he did so. 
“-I want you wet before I dip you in the water.” He whispered, his voice sinful against your spine.  He traced his other hand back around your waist and down your abdomen, he twisted his wrist and curled his fingers against your heat. He spread your lower lips with his pointer and middle fingers, sliding them back and slowly dipping the tips shallowly into your entrance.
“I’m there-” You gasped.
“Yeah you are..” He pushed both fingers all the way in as he spoke, pressing the heel of his hand against your heat as your mouth opened wide in a sigh. The hand around your hip reached around to squeeze the tender flesh of your ass and you could feel yourself clenching hard around his fingers. He chuckled before he pulled them out and stepped back to give you room to breath. 
“You can peek now.” You paused a moment to collect yourself before slowly opening the door. 
It was warm and welcoming inside the bathroom, golden candlelight flickering and casting a subtle glow around the whole room and the white tile from every corner. You smiled at the two glasses of wine he had placed on the porcelain edge of the tub, one glass already half empty. 
The tub was full, a thick layer of sudds coating the surface with steam you could see coming up from where you were standing. He passed you, patting your shoulder before he walked up to place himself in the water. You watch him as he lowered himself, there was a shadow larger than him that followed. Two great fluttering masses that shifted and flickered in the candle light. He locked eyes with you, tilting his head in a question.
“Are you coming?” 
“Um -Of course.” You shook it off, bounding over to test the water. He watched you curiously with his back against the porcelain, you dipping your fingers in to make sure it wasn't too hot. -And it wasn’t, just somewhere in between warm and scalding. You stepped in slowly, turning your back to him. He reached his hands up to grasp your hips out of instinct, helping you lower in and rest yourself against his steaming chest. Your hips nestled between his legs. You sighed, allowing all of your inhibitions to wash away in the water. He brushed your hair aside, hot water sliding off his arms and against your skin as he handed you a glass of wine. You took the glass from him, watching his hands as they moved in front of you. He took his own glass and brought his other arm hot across your shoulders. 
“We should make a toast.” 
“To what?” You questioned.
“.. To longer days, and new ideas.” You smiled and scrunched your nose up at his toast, clinking your glass with his. “And lots of wine.” You added, taking a sip from your glass. It tasted rich and full, but there was something very familiar about it. You glanced over the side of the tub in search of the bottle. You picked it up to read the label after setting your glass back down on the edge. Laveyan vineyards.
“This is the stuff you’ve been saving, right?” He hummed, the vibrations penetrating through you and making you shiver. 
“Yeah, it's from an old friend. I thought it was finally time..” You gleamed, feeling honored he would crack something open from so long ago just because you had been feeling stuck. “Do you like it?" You took another sip, slower and more this time. “Yeah, something about it is really unique.” Or maybe it was just such a contrast to the same old brand you had usually been drinking from, you weren’t sure. 
You continued taking slow slips of wine, letting the subtle haze fill your senses while his hands slowly roamed your body. He liked to take his time in everything, making sure to graze his fingertips along every inch of your body. Down your arms, and between your fingers, and then back up and along your collar bones. His hands stayed so hot in contrast to the cold air as it battled to suck away the warmth on your skin. You shivered when he dipped his fingers between your breasts and along your sternum. You watched him graze his knuckles against your ribs, making little thumps and waves in the water with every pass. And then he was gliding them back up to tickle along the underside of your breasts. You sighed, leaning up into his touch just hoping he would speed up a little. He chuckled at your desperation, kissing the side of your head before his hand dipped below the surface. You flinched when he suddenly grabbed your thigh, and flinched again when you heard him slamming his glass down on the edge of the tub. He grabbed you around the shoulders firmly this time, his arm like hot steel. You could feel his breath on your neck as you stretched it back for him, and your eyes started to roll back when you felt his sharp teeth grave against your skin. You shivered under the weight of him, the shadows in the room growing along with your anticipation. The shadows felt like eyes on you, and you were thrumming under them. You skin alight, your legs trembling. He had distracted you fully with his teeth and then his lips, you’d forgotten the hand he left idly around your thigh. His hand moved, and then his fingers curled back against your heat just as his breathy lips reached your ear. 
“Should I make you wait?” He teased, his hand reaching up to grip hot digits around your jaw. He tilted your head to the side more, and sucked sloppy kisses into your pulse point. You melted into him, moaning as you felt his fingers dip easily inside of you. He dipped them in slowly, letting you really enjoy the stretch as the feeling melded with the sensation he was giving you on your neck. He sucked hard, grazing his tongue against the skin before he would dig his sharp teeth in. He had your head spinning already, and the steam and wine were only helping your dazed state. You’d forgotten he asked you something entirely when he curled his fingers up inside of you, the pads of them grazing that spongy spot inside of you that made you see stars. He barely moved them, lightly rubbing his fingertips back and forth and holding you as you started to sigh and tremble. 
“How long do you think you’ll last?” His lips vibrated against your skin as he spoke, but you didn’t have an answer. He added more pressure on that spot inside of you, angling his fingers away to the point where you could feel the hot water starting to mix with your slick as it entered you. He released your jaw to grope at your breasts again, and you head fell back to dribble against his shoulder. You wanted him to do more, to move more, to fuck you with his fingers like it was a competition. But this slow languid pace was something he was an expert at, speeding to the finish line would be so much less fun. Besides, you loved it when he toyed with you like this, when he touched and teased you for hours until all of your senses were screaming, and every touch was fire. The orgasms he could give you.. They would rip right through you, and they lasted so long. You could feel them start, could feel time slowing as every muscle in your body tensed up and sent shock waves against your skin. One by one, you could almost count the muscles clenching if you weren’t too dazed in ecstasy to think. 
He uncurled his fingers, sinking them back inside you to the knuckles where he rested them. You huffed, rolling your head over to hide your face in his neck. He chuckles again, the soft sound bouncing against the walls before he pulled his fingers from you entirely. He tipped your face up to press his lips against your own. You could taste the wine on him, the scent of lavender still heavy on his skin. You reached up to cup his face as he kissed you, moving it shortly to thread into his hair. He licked your lips, testing his teeth against them before slipping his tongue into your mouth. You hummed into him, sliding your silken muscle against his own. You felt him sigh into you, a gasp leaving his lips as your tongue tickled his inner cheek. He grew hungrier as he continued, gradually leaning into you and kissing you as deeply as he could at such a tight angle. 
You could feel his cock twitching against your back now, it pulsed thickly behind you. You were trying not to think so much about it being so close because thinking about it only ever made it harder for you to be patient. 
Thankfully tonight he had other plans -mid kiss he gripped both hands around your hips and lifted you up. You gasped into his mouth, flailing your hands out to catch the sides of the tub. You felt your hand tipping your glass over before you could stop yourself, you heard it shatter on the floor but neither of you let that stop you, his lips now locked against your shoulders. You felt him letting one of your hips go to reach down up under you now that you could help with your balance. He started to line himself up with your entrance, letting himself go and helping you to ease down onto him. You sunk down slowly, the water making waves that kissed against your thighs from all the movement. You could sink down fast, but he had you trained so well, you knew he would stop you. His strong hands would be holding you back; hell, he might have even pulled himself out and made you wait longer. You only lowered yourself down as quickly as he would allow, his strong arms still keeping you steady.
The stretch was almost painful, the blunt head of his cock pushing stiffly into you. The water helped, it eased the slight burn that every new inch deeper he entered you would bring. You hissed, angling your hips when you felt the head of his cock slide past that spot inside of you. He started to groan, a low sound that shook the air. You parted your lips and let your head fall back, just enjoying the moment.
He pulled you down harder once you were reaching closer to his base, and then he thrust into you hard. You were so unbelievable full of him, his cock wholey nestled and pressing against every soft spot inside of you, his head pressed flush against your cervix. Your walls were fluttering and squelching, struggling to hold his full girth. 
“Lean back baby.” His voice was strained as he spoke, but he kept the pitch steady. You leaned back, trying to relax your shoulders against his chest and the cold rim of the tub. You were already gasping in rhythm with the waves, and your clenching cunt. 
He lifted your hips back up, keeping your weight tilted back at your shoulders. You groaned at the way he slipped half way out of you, your feet catching on the edges of the tub to help keep you from falling. He slapped his hips back into yours a moment later when you weren’t expecting it. You moaned and gripped the tub so hard your knuckles were turning white. Before you could catch a breath he was slamming in and out of you again, the water splashing up around you and onto the floor with the force of his thrusts. He kept his pace steady, slamming his cock against that spot inside of you that made you shudder. You moaned and whined, his name on your lips. Sweet like the wine. You weren’t use to this from him, this force, this speed. You shivered thinking about how sweet and fresh he was being for you tonight. 
You hung a leg over the ledge to giving him more leverage and an easier angle. He groaned, his pace gradually rising. You whimpered.
“Shit -s-shit.”  
He grunted, his face falling forward as the feelings consumed him. 
You felt the air growing warmer, smelt something like sulfur sneaking its way into the sweetened aroma. You focused on keeping your eyes open, watching the water as it splashed, watching Yoongi’s hips moving up from beneath you. You noticed those shadows again, the twin black masses from before.  They started to span out around you, the one against the wall stretching forward. For a moment it grew crisper, jagged and smooth around its many edges. The one that crept around your left side fluttered before you, stretching and curling above you as the other strained itself against the wall, pushing the now unlit candles that sat against the edge into the water. It beat itself against the wall, like it was struggling in rhythm with Yoongi’s thrusts. 
You weren’t scared.. A part of you knew that they had always been there. The shadows at Yoongi’s back.
His pace started to waver as he was losing himself. He was close, and so were you. You closed your eyes again, feeling smooth feathers as they tickled your skin, his sharp nails as they dug deep into your thighs. And finally that cord inside of you snapped. You moaned out, your voice pitching higher and cracking at its peak. Each wave of pleasure hit with a lead weight, threatening to consume you fully with every pass. You felt him Struggling to fuck up into you, struggling to keep you at the right angle. You used what little leverage you had to bounce yourself against him, feeling his cum starting to coat your plush walls. Every sound that escaped his lips was something beautiful, something you would treasure as long as you could.
He slowed, finally, near dropping you as he felt exhaustion taking over. You sighed, basking in the afterglow. You could still see his wings, and you were happy this time. They were beautiful and intricate, shinny from the water. You reached out to touch one of them hoping for once that this was real. The feathers quivered against your fingertips.
“Y/n?” He sounded startled, his voice still raspy and low. “Can you see them?..” His arms wrapped around you again as you ran a finger against the edge of one of the feathers. 
“Yeah.. “ It swayed then, bending and flexing inward before fluttering in around you. You felt his head drop against your shoulder just as you felt his wings tighten around the both of you. You felt so safe in his embrace, loved. But you remembered something else, something that jolted you back up. The wings parted way for you quickly, disappearing back into the shadows as smoothly as they came.
You had to check before you forgot again. 
You rushed out of the tub, paying little attention to the glass on the floor. You felt sharp cuts blooming on your soles but they only made you move faster. You snatched your robe off the door and ran as quick as you could down the hall. That strange door on the left was there.. But what about the front door?
You heard him shouting after you, heard the water as he rushed out of the bath to follow you. But he wasn’t quick enough, you made it. Just in front of the front door you thought for so long wasn’t there. It was just a lie, a glamour. This whole time you could have walked right out and you never knew.
“Y/n! Wait!” Your hand was already on the knob, your other holding your robe closed. You looked back at him with shock in your eyes. Before you stood the creature from before, the one with the diamond eyes and the face you loved. 
“Y/n.. if you leave I’ll never see you again.” You felt the pain in his voice and the weight of his words. But the exit you had been longing for was right there. 
“Come with me?” You pleaded, you wanted so badly for him to come. You weren’t sure what he was; you were barely sure who he was, but you knew his heart and you wanted him to escape this place just as much as you wanted to leave it. 
“I can’t” He sounded so defeated as he stepped forward, the dark image of him fading and revealing the man you were use to. 
“What- why? The door is right here Yoongi! Let's leave this place! We can go anywhere we want!” You fought him, your hand still firmly gripped around the door handle because you were scared if it wasn’t it would disappear again. You reached your other hand to him, but he wouldn’t take it. 
“I can’t y/n. The door isn’t there for me, I can’t see it.. It’s just a wall, it's always only been a wall.” 
“If it's just a wall then how did I get here? How did we meet?” He shook his head, shivering and then glancing back to his hourglass.
“I can’t remember.” He turned back. “And I can’t make you stay-”
“I’ll come back for you.” You stated, and a timid smile greeted you. “I’ll bring the whole building down if I have to.” He only nodded, turning his gaze to the floor. 
“Yeah.. I’ll be here.” You huffed, grabbing him by the hand and pulling him closer so that you could peck him on the lips. You weren’t going to make this a goodbye, because it wasn’t.   
You opened the door quickly and stepped out, letting it close quietly behind you.
What were you doing?
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dracjoonie · 4 years
Lol, so anyway
This might be a little confusing to any old followers seeing this on their dash, but we are airing out the dirty laundry tonight! 
in retrospect, I think I was a little too nice in my departure from Namfine; so I will be correcting that gullible mistake here~ For those of you who are not aware, Namfine is a collaborative blog that I started and put together, wrote for, and also created the majority of the graphics for. Two days ago I deleted all of my works and took my leave from a blog I created, stating that my reasoning was for a need to step away to work on my mental health. A classic social media break, which is something I’m sure most if not all of you reading this have partaken in at some point in your life. 
And I’m sure all of you would never see someone taking a break for their mental health and think “hmm, lets make this about me instead.” 
And I hate that I have to indulge their ego for a second by saying this but, yes it was because of you. Being around you and your toxic, judgmental, hypocritical,volatile, selfish mentality was effecting my already deteriorating mental health and I decided I needed to step away for my own good lol
Idk why thats such a difficult concept to grasp. You know you both could have just asked me, I left the sever but its not like I blocked or deleted anyone. Coulda asked anythything on insta, snap, tumblr(I literally dropped the link), you have my email. But nahh, its easier to speculate and wallow in self pity, or to be mad at me for wanting to work on my mental health and not explicitly telling you first. Lol, tart. 
~future me in editing here to say, a dm has been received lol. Really doesn’t excuse the fact that your first reaction was to just be mad at me. Even when you were faking being nice you still couldn’t ask how I was, but your actual motives were still very clear. Your paranoia is valid. Just as valid as the paranoia I felt just being your “friend” for all these months. ~
I was trying to be nice and cordial in my exit, how foolish of me. 
 And you wonder why I “didn’t come to you first”?
I tried. First in september, then in november, then again in october. Each time I tried to speak up about how I was doing I was either brushed off, or the conversation turned into a “ohH I’ve been there, but for mee it was much worse.” Before I even got a word out. If you two could pull your heads out of your own asses for 15 seconds you would know the struggles I’d gone through in the last several months. I thought we were friends, yet at my lowest point all you did was make me feel like my feelings were invalid because you “allegedly” have had it worse, despite not knowing a god damn thing lol. Why does it always need to be a competition, and why do you always think you need to win? 
I’m doing better now though, not that you care; clearly. 
And I’m gonna touch on this just briefly because Zesty mentioned it cuz I just… I can’t even lol. Listen to black voices they said… as they then proceeded to talk over black voices, the clowneryy!! xD 
Booboo, I do not give one good god damn about how educated you think you are on racial issues, if a POC is talking and maybe they disagree with you it is not YOUR place to talk over them. I don’t care what you think, you are white. Sit tf down. 
And don’t give me the “my best friend is black” excuse either lol 
Never in my life has a white person made me feel so scared to speak up on topics that I am effected by, nOT them. 
So anyway, yall two have fun talking shit about me now lol. I don’t give two fucks anymore, you two will never learn and I’m not about to waste my breath any more than I already have. 
And yes this is public, and yeah thats petty but I’m beyond the ability to care, you know why? Because they wanted to talk shit about me in private instead of just asking when I literally stated I was leaving for my mental health lol. I feel like a broke record here. 
The insensitivity and lack of awareness is astounding.
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formulatrash · 4 years
I threw an attention shitfit until @vecchiasignoras tagged me for this and then err, didn’t notice because I never look at my notifications. Sorry Avi! I love you.
🐳 name: Hazel
🐳 nickname: it’s not really a nickname per se but Nino
🐳 zodiac sign: Aquarius af *opens trenchcoat to reveal an array of hairbrushes* hey kids who wants to shave their head after lockdown?
🐳 height: 5′11″
🐳 nationality: I have a British passport 
🐳 languages spoken: English, French, German, Georgian, Russian, Spanish, Albanian, Arabic, a little bit of some other things
🐳 what time is it: 23:40
🐳 celebrity crush: Rihanna, Charlize Theron, Kristen Stewart, Osric Chau
🐳 favourite fictional character: Princess Leia :))))))))
🐳 favourite musician: Blood Orange
🐳 favourite sports team: Williams
🐳 favourite season: time has lost all meaning, innit
🐳 favourite flower: honeysuckle
🐳 favourite scent: the herb carts at markets in Marrakech at night
🐳 favourite animal: I probably have to say cats or Poppy will kill me in my sleep
🐳 favourite food: khachapuri or laksa noodles
🐳 dream car: mate I would go absolutely fucking feral for l’oeuf electrique, can you believe this was made in 1942? madness
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🐳 dream trip: can I say like, doing a season without having to end up sleeping in an airport? 
🐳 instruments: eh, I learned violin but haven’t played for years
🐳 coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee, instant and black and long
🐳 dog or cat person: both, I guess leaning cats cus it’s hard to have a dog and work
🐳 following:  282
🐳 followers: about 2.5k but a lot of them are dormant so I’d guess about half that are, like “real”
🐳 other blogs: lmao well if you count @pleasantsamjevjpegsforbadfeels then I guess that?
🐳 blog established: 2017
🐳 do you have a tumblr crush: we’re all in lockdown so it would be immoral of me not to be mildly horny for almost everyone (ie: yes)
🐳 do you get asks: yes and I’m horrific at answering them, sorry. I will get round to most of them eventually!
🐳 what is your lucky number: 8
🐳 what are you wearing right now: knitted tracksuit all-in-one thing tied round my waist, sports bra
🐳 drink of choice: wine or there’s this one really deliciously umami Volvic fruit drink they’ve discontinued but heck, it was great
🐳 number of blankets you sleep with: one duvet 
🐳 average sleep hours: I am very bad at sleeping so like 3-4
🐳 random fact: I literally cannot think of anything even though I have easily lived a bizarre enough existence to have loads. I used to be the Twitter admin for many brands but I think I am allowed to say I was for Radio 1. I once sent Nigel Farage apoplectic by tweeting a photo of Jeremy Corbyn at Glastonbury.
Tagging @lost-decade​ @seb-in-red​ @whitechocveloute​ @drivindrivin​ if you haven’t done it already :)
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goldenchild · 5 years
190910 Hi_Goldenness: Umami😋 Retweet: When it rains, be sure to bring your umbrella ~~~☀️
Translation by: Admin L @ gncd11 Please take out with full credit
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anitafitriani-shop · 3 years
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Beli sekarang https://tokopedia.link/pYaShxttKnb Kulot Polos berbahan Rayon Super yang Lembut dan adem,, Cocok digunakan Sehari-hari untuk Beraktivitas maupun bersantai 💕Dengan warna-warna yang cantik dan Up-to-date Membuat nya Cocok juga Dipakai bepergian 💕Ukurannya pun besar,, jadi jangan takut kekecilan,, muat sampai BB 85 kg (atau lebih tergantung fostur tubuh) karet pinggangny All size,, jadi tidak kedodoran untuk berat badan 45 kg 💕Ada banyak Variasi yang bisa dipilih Suka-suka😊🤗 Material: Rayon Super Detail Ukuran: XXL Panjang: +- 96cm Lingkar Pinggang: +-58 Full Karet melar sampai 120 cm Lingkar Paha: +-72cm XXXL Panjang :+-96cm lingkar pinggang : +-58 full karet melar sampai 130cm lingkar paha +-80cm Harga yang tertera sudah harga grosir Tidak ada minimum pembelian Bisa di klik berarti ready saat di upload Boleh bertanya kepada admin untuk memastikan ketersediaan stok yang dipilih Saat Chek Out,, ada baiknya mencantumkan 1-2 variasi warna cadangan untuk memudahkan pengiriman jika sewaktu-waktu produk yang dipilih ternyata kosong Sebelum pengiriman,, akan kami infokan bila stok yang dipilih ternyata kosong dan jika tidak ada respon maka akan kami kirim random Barang sudah melewati 2x proses pengecekan sebelum dikirim,,namun tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadi kesalahan jangan lupa vidio kan saat membuka paket untuk memudahkan komplain bila ada kesalahan atau kekurangan pada produk yang dikirim Membeli berarti Setuju TERIMAKASIH TELAH BERKUNJUNG KE TOKO ONLINE KAMI "UMAMIE STORE" https://www.instagram.com/p/CaHsHempl8u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wazafam · 3 years
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By Unknown Author from Admin in the New York Times-https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/03/admin/your-new-favorite-weeknight-pasta.html?partner=IFTTT A not-so-secret ingredient packs Eric Kim’s new creamy pasta with umami. Your New Favorite Weeknight Pasta New York Times
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theechosas · 6 years
Shaking it Up in Shanghai: A Review of Shake Shack
Fast food aficionados of SAS, this review is for you.
I arrived at Xintiandi on a Monday at 12 PM without any expectations for taste, service, or environment. My friend and I made our way down the old-Shanghainese road until we saw a long line forming around one of the restaurants located within the Shikumen buildings. On the opposite side, an outdoor patio with small round tables was set up with the majority of its seats occupied. This was Shake Shack. A nearby worker handing out laminated menus (in both English and Chinese) said that the wait would be around 15 minutes. Not bad, considering how just a few days ago, people waited in line for over two hours for a bite of a burger. Shoutout to Admin for a perfectly timed Chinese New Year holiday!
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Photo courtesy of Annie Xie
As an occasional burger consumer and fast food plebeian, I must admit that all of my burger standards had been set by Burger King and McDonald's. About two bites into my double Shackburger, said standards had all been shattered. At 68 RMB for a double and 47 RMB for a single, the Shackburger is undoubtedly pricy. But for non-GMO, Australian-sourced Angus beef, this burger is totally worth it. Sandwiched between two fluffy burger buns are two juicy umami patties with tomatoes, lettuce, and melted cheese glazed on top. And of course, topped off with some secret ShackSauce, this burger is simply delicious.
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Photo courtesy of Annie Xie
My friend ordered a single Smokeshack (58 RMB for a single and 79 RMB for a double). Described as a "cheeseburger with Applewood smoked bacon, chopped cherry pepper, [and] ShackSauce" on the menu, I felt as though it was a little too greasy for my taste. My friend, however, loved the bacon and thought it added a nice crunch to the overall texture of the burger. Just a tip: the cherry pepper may be a slight problem for those who aren't fans of spice! In the end, she said the burger was amazing for a fast food restaurant, especially since she frequents burger hotspots like Beef and Liberty, Fat Cow, and Charlie's on the regular.
The chocolate shake, in my friend's opinion, was a bit of a let-down. At a high price of 41 RMB, she had been expecting a little more. Taste-wise, the milkshake was chocolate-y enough, but you could definitely save that 41 RMB for something more worth your money.
We both ordered crinkle fries (25 RMB). They're just like the fries at most decent fast food restaurants, but we both thought the salt to fry ratio was significantly better than some other places.
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Photo courtesy of Annie Xie
Although we didn't order anything else, there's so much to try at Shake Shack–– especially if you don't eat fast food often. They sell the 'Shroom Burger for vegetarians at 63 RMB (the patty is made from a cheese-filled portobello mushroom), the Shack-ago Dog at 39 RMB (a classic Chicago-styled hotdog), and desserts provided by a partnership with one of Shanghai's favourite patisseries, Al's Baking Co. There's even a Shanghai-exclusive milkshake named the Strawberry Yu(zu) Garden (45 RMB). The menu's description of it says it all: "vanilla frozen custard blended with strawberry sauce and yuzu juice, topped with whipped matcha cream cheese, whipped cream and matcha powder". Perfect for an adventurous eater.
Shake Shack first began as a hot dog cart in Madison Square Park eighteen years ago and now exists in more than 249 locations. With burgers like theirs, it's no wonder why.
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smuttyfairy · 7 years
For the mini drabble game, are flavors like basic tastes (salty, sour, sweet, bitter, umami) or can they be more specific, like chocolaty or lemony?? (Sorry if this seems like a weird question)
They can be both! We’re just using them for insipration! :) - Admin Jae
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namfine · 4 years
Hi I may have already asked but I'm not sure... Could you do one with jungkook and jimin with the numbers 39,50,69? Ty🥺 (sorry if I already asked)
Hi! I had an ask that was very similar but I’m not sure if it was you? It had 54 instead of 50 so I just put everything in one. Anyway, I hope you like it! 
39.“Cum in me” 
50.Ya’ll do it in front of __
54.“Say it out loud.”
69.Threesome between _____ and ______.
➦ from our ask prompt list, check it out on our page!
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Jungkook had you feeling like a princess tonight, your legs spread open against the leather couch and him knelt between them. He was currently slipping his tounge between all your little crevices that he knew so well, your hands fisted in his soft dark hair. And the company added an extra flavor. Jimin wa seated next to you, his lustful eye’s hanging on your every move. Your every moan, every gasp. You had discussed it before; how much it might be fun to put your lewd acts on display and to maybe even share you a little. There was something powerful about having so much attention on you. Both men wound up around your trembling fingers. Jimin already watched you pleasure Jungkook, so you knew how much he was already wound up
You started to moan out and grip Jungkook’s hair tighter to grind yourself against his gaping mouth. You heard Jimin shifting beside you and you turned your attention back to watch him unzipping his pants and shoving a hand down around his hard length. 
“Can I touch her?” His voice came out soft and desperate, the light sounds of him pumping himself adding ample ambience. Jungkook hummed out a yes against your slick, gripping his hands around your hips to keep your legs from wondering so much. 
Jimin moved himself even closer to you and reached in to grasp at your breasts; finally, them fitting perfectly in his hands. You sighed at the touch, feeling that familiar cusp coming closer with every slip of Jungkook’s tongue. Jimin’s touch remained timid and you wanted him to go farther but weren’t sure how to ask. Thankfully you didn’t have to.
“Jimin..-touch her nipples -see what happens.” Jungkook spoke against you; barely letting up, his eyes glued on the way Jimin was handling you. 
“Like this?”
“ShiiiT-” You moaned out, that coil in you winding up even tighter. Jungkook only hummed again and turned all of his attention back to you. He released a hand from around your hip and slowly tested one of his slender fingers inside of you.
“She’s so tight. -Baby, cum for me, let Jimin see you fall apart.” You moaned and clenched harder as Jungkook introduced a second finger into your opening; and then a third, pumping them in and out of you with a speed and force you loved. You came fast and hard, arching your chest into Jimin’s greedy touch. When you calmed down and Jungkook started to kiss your inner thighs, Jimin gripped your jaw pulling you into a kiss. His lips were hungry and consuming, fuller than what you were used to but but you kissed him back anyway trying to match his pace in your woozy state. He spoke between kisses.
“You’re right kook, she is beautiful when she cums.”
“I told you~”
The mental image of Jungkook talking about you while you weren’t around had you even more excited. You were his and he was proud of you, and now he wanted to show you off. You felt Jungkook rising up to sit beside you, and then he was pulling your lips away from Jimin’s to claim you in a kiss of his own. Your slick still heady on his lips. His kiss didn’t last long before he was pulling away from you to speak up again.
“Your turn.” He smirked back at jimin while whipping the rest of your slick from his chin.
“Wait- Really? What happened to “what’s mine is mine”?” 
“Sometimes its fun to share. And she’s still mine, right?” He slapped your thigh while he asked you and you smiled and nodded back at him. 
“Lay back in my lap babe, make it easy for him.”  You obliged, scooting yourself back and laying between Jungkook’s strong legs, your head nestled at his hip. Jimin didn’t take long to react; even though the look of shock on his face at seeing you spread open for him made you a little worried at first. He fiddled with his trousers to pull them down in a haste, pulling his length free and stroking himself before you. He wasn’t as long as Jungkook was, but how thick and heavy he looked made your mouth water. His precum beading at his pretty pink tip. He adjusted his position closely over you, his plushy lips dragging against your cheek.
“You don’t mind me kissing your Girlfriend, do you?”
“Not if you don’t mind tasting me on her tongue.”
He grinned up at you, an excited sigh bubbling in his throat before he captured your lips again. This time he was dipping his tongue into your mouth and sweeping it around, grazing his tongue softly against your own. His lips were intoxicating; and distracting, you were barely aware when he started pressing the tip of his cock into you. You moaned against him from the stretch, him easing in as slow as he could manage. 
“You don’t need to be so gentile, she can take it.”
Jimin started to kiss you harder after what Jungkook said, pushing himself fully into you. You both groaned once he bottomed out, him being quick to pull back out and slam into you starting a brutal pace. His hips moved so fluidly, he angled up at the hight of every thrust and it made your eyes start to tear up at the corners. Jungkook started to wrap his hands around your frame, grazing them over your breasts up under Jimin’s onslaught and rubbing at your nipples in quick circles. You could feel that tightness start to build up in you again, and the way you started to clench around Jimin only made him fuck you harder; faster. Still keeping that precise fluidity with every stroke. You were losing yourself between them, moaning open mouthed against Jimin’s gasping lips now. You could feel him starting to stutter, but he was fighting through it, his voice rising higher. 
“S-should I -c-cum inside h-her?” You felt Jungkook hum behind you, him grasping your breasts tighter between his fingers. 
“What do you want princess?  -say it out loud.”
“Fuckk -cum in me!” And that was all it took before Jimin was releasing himself inside of your fluttering walls. You writhed against Jungkook while he told you how beautiful you were; how well you were doing. You came longer this time, all caught up in the thrill and the unfamiliarity of having someone knew inside of you. Jungkook pulled you up against his chest after Jimin had calmed down enough to sit back up, just panting on the couch beside you now. He turned your cheek to kiss you and used his other hand to dip his fingers into your still sensitive cunt. He sunk them in deep, and you moaned against him; shivering at the intensity. He scooped up some of what he found there onto his fingers and coolly lifted them to your lips. You opened your mouth and let him slide the mixed fluids on his fingers against your tongue where you sucked them clean. You released them with a pop, Jimins misty eyes watching every second of it. 
“Wanna do this again some time?”
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lullaandby · 4 years
 Story- old people stories
7.        STORY. Something my parents did on me
8.        As a “lesson that I do back”
9.        -stealing the balloons//
10.     -the special dolls// it’s my affection
12.     Story. When you parents get nuts
13.     Dad always
14.     Mom working
18.     *
20.     SECTION C.
  GOOD TO KNOW the Bible
Old sunshine thought of revenge
Just settle for the good parents visit
START OF Repression
*build out
Maybe what you thought you’d do as a kid
  Business ventures
Work// office rips
Work parties
Work  gifts
Work birthday cards
 Admin assistants.// mid level managers
 Some are like bold coyotes you have to stand them down
 Others are like waiting for dial up
 spouses Having people over from work
 STORY- work
Competitive sports at work
 Emotional baggae
Tauma report
Popcorn and maraschino cherries
 FREINDS (material)
- Dave Mathew band concert
 STORY- affirmative action
 DATING (material)
-pimple guy
-scat Guy
SECTION I. (Insert wherever in show)
2.        NERDS
Discussing gay rights and homophobia with a solid idiot
Low budget music video. Comparisson
 Story- old people stories
  THANKS NANA 37 seconds
Guidance around reproduction changes tremendously as your age increases
In your 20s it's-
 {voice second grade teacher}”hey. you literally have your whole life ahead of you,  dream big.
 Really Think about what type of family you'd like to have."
 In your 30's it's-
 {voice. Delores} " hey. Listen. If you're lucky enough to find a gentleman
  who will put up with your particular brand of nonsense-  
 You better be pragmatic.
 Just let a few slide in there."
 Thanks Nana. Good looking out. Always got my back.
   TELEMARKETING. 40 seconds
My favorite moments are when family members,
 The variety only seen at sporadic events like funerals-
 approach the topic of child bearing  with such force as if there was a commission based payout for their efforts.
 {cousin Linda} Hi Ms. Galvin, it's cousin Linda.
 (Sniffle. Throat clear )now- I just wanted to circle back on your womb intentions.
 The last time we spoke you were undecided -
 NOW Because you're a special member of our  family I'd like to interest you in a brand new offer that would be perfect for you-
 embryo harvesting.
 No thanks.
There was a woman who made a post about wanting to borrow a cat from someone
So that her children could live out the fantasy of having Garfield over for a lasagna dinner.
 If I ever asked my mother that she would give me the newspaper strip of the cartoon
and let me know that’s what I’d be eating.
 She would however throw in a umami packet for flavor
 Story- madonna
 No body is afraid of my mom now.
  2.        BEST LIFE
3.        My mother recently retired and decided that this year she was going to live her very best life.
5.        So far her efforts exist of the life changing choice between sand dune and waffle cone two
6.        Thrilling shades of beige for the downstairs bathroom.
10.     Growing up  I asked to see a therapist as my idea of a fun playdate was-
11.     Opening up a cabinet, chucking the entire contents
12.     And gently settling them back in an organized fashion.
14.     Which if you’ve ever spent anytime around kids classified me with a disorder just known as
15.     weirdo girl who rearranges shit.
17.     My mother informed me that she was my therapist.
18.     With a real level of confidence, like I should just know
19.     That our entire family is going to make up my team of health care professionals.
20.     Who is my dentist? Grandma?
21.     Seem sketchy as she..
24.     To her credit, no one told my mother that daily episodes of Steve Harvey does not
25.     A mental health professional make.
29.     Teri does have a new job.
30.     She buys furniture so often I recommended her to be in the 1930s industrial revolution
31.     As it utilizes her skills and is alignment with some beliefs.
33.     Just kidding she’s settled in on a cake baker
34.     Where she insists on baking cakes for your celebration
35.     Then setting them up and pretending to not suck all
36.     The attention out of the room
38.     Just kissing she’s a full time narcissist.
45.     Using things against them.
46.     That they taught you were rules.
48.     Story-stole something and she made me go back (something about flipping it back)
4.        Winner gets all expense paid trip with mom.
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cynthiamwashington · 5 years
19 Keto Soups
Thanks to the good folks at Paleohacks for today’s recipe.
There’s nothing quite like cozying up on the couch with a warm bowl of rich and hearty soup. Unfortunately, hearty soup recipes often rely on high-carb ingredients like potatoes, rice, and noodles to achieve comfort food status.
Luckily, we know tons of Paleo-friendly soup recipes that fuel your body and nourish your belly – all while keeping you in ketosis. Think fat bomb hamburger soup loaded with veggies and beef, or a velvety, dairy-free celeriac soup with chorizo, sage crisps and walnuts. If you’re craving takeout, there’s keto-friendly hot and sour soup, or if you need something that takes hardly any effort, we have a go-to chipotle chicken soup you can make right in a slow cooker. Whatever you crave, there’s a healthy soup to enjoy this fall. Check out these 23 keto-friendly snacks to keep you going between meals.
Healthful Pursuit | Fat Bomb Hamburger Soup
This low-carb hamburger soup is loaded with healthy fats to keep your body in ketosis, thanks to the addition of buttery organic red palm oil.
Modern Food Stories | Celeriac Soup with Chorizo, Sage Crisps, and Walnuts
Celeriac, also known as celery root, is a hearty root vegetable ideal for a smooth, creamy soup. In fact, it’s the perfect replacement for high-carb potatoes!
KetoDiet | Keto Beef Stroganoff Soup
Craving creamy beef stroganoff without the carbs? Try this soup! It’s chock-full of umami steak and mushrooms, made velvety smooth with silky coconut cream.
I Heart Umami | Paleo Hot and Sour Soup
Skip the takeout and make this Chinese mainstay soup at home. This healthy version is made with thin slices of pork tenderloin and gets its characteristic tang from gut-healthy apple cider vinegar.
Wholesome Yum | Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk
This simple and satisfying butternut squash soup is spiced with fall flavors like cinnamon, nutmeg and thyme. Try blending in some cauliflower to make it even thicker.
PaleoHacks | Slow Cooker Chipotle Chicken Soup Recipe
Who doesn’t love those super simple recipes where all you have to do is dump everything in the slow cooker? Let your crockpot do all the work in this flavorful chipotle chicken soup recipe.
  Meatified | Creamy Leek and Salmon Soup
You might not typically think of salmon as soup-worthy, but this recipe will convert you. Use seafood broth to boost that savory, comforting factor.
Cook Eat Paleo | Spicy Shrimp and Chorizo Soup
Garnish this smoky, Spanish-inspired soup with diced avocado, and get ready to warm up quick.
Savory Lotus | 30-Minute Turmeric Chicken Soup
This gorgeously-colored soup is loaded with anti-inflammatory turmeric, juicy chicken thighs, and tons of veggies. It’s good for you all-around.
PaleoHacks | Roasted Asparagus Soup with Tahini Drizzle
A drizzle of nutty tahini and a scattering of crispy bacon on this asparagus soup makes for a work of art.
Cook Eat Paleo | Crock Pot Chicken Soup
Feeling under the weather? Get the classic fix with this herb-filled chicken soup, made right in the crockpot.
The Castaway Kitchen | Feel Good Soup
What is it about this spinach and mushroom soup that makes it feel like “a hug in a bowl”? It’s loaded with health-boosting ingredients, like bone broth, collagen peptides, coconut vinegar, nutritional yeast and ghee.
Tasteaholics | Paleo Seafood Soup
Do you have a freezer full of frozen seafood like fish and shrimp? This is the soup you need to cook up tonight. Enjoy succulent seafood in a rich, creamy tomato broth.
Cassidy’s Craveable Creations | Meatball Soup
Spinach-packed beef meatballs are surrounded by veggies like zucchini, tomatoes and carrots in a rich broth of tomatoes, stock and balsamic vinegar.
Unbound Wellness | Paleo Greek Lemon Chicken Soup
Go Greek with this tangy lemon chicken soup with hearty kale and cauliflower rice.
Peace, Love and Low Carb | Paleo Keto Cabbage Roll Soup
Why slave over finicky cabbage rolls when you can get the same flavor and texture in soup form?
Grass Fed Girl | Savory Pumpkin Soup
This autumnal pumpkin soup is loaded with warming spices like cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.
Empowered Sustenance | Paleo Bacon Cauliflower Soup
Bacon and cauliflower are the perfect couple in this creamy, chowder-like soup.
Real Simple Good | Paleo Tomato Basil Soup with Sausage
Boost your go-to tomato basil soup with thick slices of Italian sausage for a meal you can enjoy on its own. If you’re feeling particularly indulgent, serve with this cauliflower grilled cheese for dunking!
Thanks again to Paleohacks for today’s recipe. Have a great Sunday, everyone.
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The post 19 Keto Soups appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Article source here:Marks’s Daily Apple
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Best Bloody Mary In Seattle WA
You don't necessarily have to be a vegan to enjoy a great veggie burger recipe. They can be enjoyed by vegans, vegetarians and just about anyone that loves a healthy lunch or dinner. You can buy the expensive ones you find in the frozen food section at your local health food store that cost about a dollar each, or you can easily make them yourself in your own kitchen. The Admin of myrecipes.com has said about Next Level Burger Recipes.
Kick off your summer party grilling with Parmesan Buffalo Burgers with Balsamic Ketchup. Ground buffalo has fewer calories and half the fat of lean beef but boasts big meaty flavor. And slow-roasted tomatoes in the Balsamic Ketchup intensifies their sweetness. My Recipes
Talk about a Recipe that is American through and through! Here is an all-American burger recipe I put together recently. I use beer in many of the recipes I develop because it enhances the flavors of a recipe and adds layers of flavor. Be extra patriotic and use an American brew for this recipe! On the above article, The admin of myrecipes.com has said about Next Level Burger Recipes. For more information on best bloody mary in Seattle , visit this site... Are you looking for a good vegetarian burger recipe? You will find plenty on the internet. But what makes some burgers more sumptuous than the rest. Of course, the cooking style and the way ingredients are handled. Outbrain told us about 33 Best Burger Recipes.
These incredible burger recipes offer a unique twist to the classic hamburger, incorporating ingredients like pimento cheese, sesame oil and serrano chiles. The flavors don't stop there, though. Try a few of our favorite Umami burgers, chicken burgers and buffalo burgers. Other recipes include superstar chef Bobby Flay's nacho burgers and juicy cheddar-and-onion burgers. Food And Wine
If you walk into McDonald's, you will be amazed by the different burgers they have available. In each, you have the bun and the burger but what makes each one unique are the toppings. You too can do the same thing at home and here are a few quick and easy burger recipes. The first is called the sweet pepper burger and for that, you will need at least a pound of extra lean ground beef, some sweet red pepper relish, mustard, salt, ground black pepper and grated red onion. Once you have all the ingredients, cook the burger for about 5 to 6 minutes on each side or the desired doneness. The admin of myrecipes.com has said about Our Favorite Stuffed Burger Recipes.
This recipe for blue cheese-stuffed burgers is sure to be the hit at your dinner table. Bursting at the seams with melted cheese, these patties are one-of-a-kind. Breadcrumbs and eggs hold together the concoction and add a rich depth of flavor. Serve with a side salad, grilled veggies, or potato salad. My Recipes
Watch this video for more information about Five Guys Burger Recipe:
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Best Bars And Pubs In North Seattle
Today's market has no shortage of equipment for grinding meat. Most meat grinders are attached to some food processors. Such also includes instructions on how to use them. Thus, grinding meat has also become a more personal and domestic chore for those aspiring chefs in your kitchen. The Admin of foodandwine.com has said about 33 Best Burger Recipes.
These incredible burger recipes offer a unique twist to the classic hamburger, incorporating ingredients like pimento cheese, sesame oil and serrano chiles. The flavors don't stop there, though. Try a few of our favorite Umami burgers, chicken burgers and buffalo burgers. Other recipes include superstar chef Bobby Flay's nacho burgers and juicy cheddar-and-onion burgers. Food And Wine
The best burgers are flavorful, juicy and have the right amount of fat. Thus, when grinding meat for your great hamburger recipes, you have the control in adding spices or other flavor enhancing ingredients suited to your taste. You also have control over how coarse or how fine the meat is ground. This is also perfect for your meat loaf or meatball recipes that would just melt in your mouth. Learn more about bars in North Seattle . What's better than a tasty burger? A burger with cheese melted on top. If you're a cheeseburger lover then you know how good it feels to bite into a juicy hamburger with a slice of your favorite cheese added on for extra flavor. Now imagine a burger that features a whole different kind of cheese flavor that's a little different from the normal cheeseburger, but just as delicious. The two recipes here show just how interesting a plain burger becomes when blue cheese or Swiss cheese is hidden inside. DERRICK RICHES has said about Best Burgers.
They look like a classic hamburger, but these are made with a combination of ground beef and pork, packed full of flavor before getting topped with cheese. One bite of this burger and you will know it is something special. The Spruce
Ground beef is truly one of the most economical ingredients in the world. This burger recipe makes the best use of the economical ingredient. They are fantastic grilled but are amazing barbecued. Delicious served with salad or chips. This is a family recipe but also great for parties. Many people like burgers and everyone has their own special way of making them. However many people are still left wondering how to make the best burgers. The ingredients you need to make a delicious burger are ordinary things you can buy in the grocery store so you just have to follow the simple steps on how to make the best burgers. The Admin of health.com has said about The Best Healthy Burger Recipes.
Using a chicken patty, instead of lean beef, can save you 5 grams of fat. Plus you’ll never miss the added fat with this spicy peanut sauce, made with peanut butter, soy sauce, and dark sesame oil. Ingredients: Peanut butter, soy sauce, dark sesame oil, rice vinegar, garlic, green onions, ginger, salt, chicken breast, cooking spray, sandwich rolls, alfalfa sprouts. Health
Watch this video for more information about Perfect Burger Recipe:
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anisaruslani-blog · 8 years
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Assalamualaikum.... Selamat Pagi Bumin......😊😊😃😃😊😊 Sedang masak apa hari ini???? yuuuu bunsay,momsay, kaksay, de'say.....masak-masak mulai dengan yg berbumbu sehat...cobain dechhh bumbu masak pake "kaldu jamur merang" kaldu ini tanpa MSG (NON MSG) sehingga buat masakan jd lebih sehat, bergizi dan tidak menimbulkan rasa umami yg berlebihan... Dan jika yg masakNya suka di panggang2 atau istilah kerenNya di Grill, perlu coba jg dari sekarang pake "pemanggang batu granito" tidak perlu pake areng,tidak mengotori produk yg dipanggangNya,alat mudah dibersihkan dan menyehatkan....😃😃😃 Hari ini admin lg cb masak : "mie goreng pake kaldu sehat dan ayam bakar di bakar diatas pemanggang batu granito" yummmyyy😋😋😋😋... More info follow admin yoooo: WA : 081219820739 BB : 29DF6B6F IG : @smarty_shop TG : @Anisa_Ruslani Blog : www.smartyshop89.blogspot.com #smartyshop #smarty_shop #smarty-shop #kaldusehat #kaldualami #kaldunonmsg #kaldujamur #pangganganbatu #pemanggangbatu #pemanggangsehat
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namfine · 4 years
“ can i get 45 and 61 with joon please, p.s. i love all your work. “
Ok so first I just wanna say -your ask was apparently too fancy to post like I normally would? lol I’m not sure why that was, I’ve never seen that format before. But anyway! I’ve got your request done, and my inner dom fully popped off so I hope that’s what you wanted ^^”. I did scratch the “for everyone to hear” bit though just because I couldn’t fit it all in.
And then I also decided to conceal your blog name just in case, but that can change if you would prefer~ And thank you for reading!! <3~
45.“Do you wanna say what you did wrong out loud, for everyone to hear?” 
61.The strap
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You were running late, rushing to get back to your “dear boyfriend” as quick as work would allow. What greeted you when you finally came through the front door made things.. Interesting. He knew he wasn’t aloud to touch himself when you weren’t around, he also knew he wasn’t aloud to touch the box you had carefully placed up under your shared bed. But here he was, his low groans and yelps so loud you could hear him from down the hall. He was usually so good, or so you thought. But internally you couldn’t be that mad now that he had finally given you a solid reason to punish him. You were a little excited. 
You walked down the hall; quietly, like a cat burglar in your own home. The door was cracked open -he wasn’t even trying to hide it. Maybe he wanted to be found, lucky him. You stayed watching him silently through the door; just wanting to see how far he would really go. The poor guy was in absolute shambles, legs spread and trembling, ass up, and face down as he stuffing the tip of your cute pink strap into his tight hole. It looked like had been at it for a while, judging by how well he was taking it, and how swollen his cock stood between his long legs. So he must have been edging himself.. Without you. 
“Very interesting..” You smirked as you made your presence known, he almost fell of the bed he was so shocked. Tipping and scrambling over to face you. He was still speared nicely, and you were quick to stop him when he tried to pull your strap out to “hide” it.
“Leave it. -What was my one rule Joon, hm?” You spoke sternly, placing a hand strategically on your hip as you regarded him.
“I-I-I’m sorry! I d-didn’t m-mean to!” He stammered out, twitching a little when he moved too much and it only made you lick your lips at all the things you had planned for him now. 
“Didn’t mean to? What, did you slip?” You said, voice thick with sarcasm. 
“N-no I just..couldn’t wait.” You hummed, walking farther into the room and setting your things down. 
“On your back, hands at your side. Now.” He jumped up without question, doing exactly what you asked, and moaning beautifully when the position forced the strap deeper into him. 
“Ah-h! -W-what are you gonna d-do?” You smirked again, posing yourself at the edge of the bed and removing your blouse and skirt; his eyes locked on your every move. 
“That’s a secret, baby. Since you’re out here keeping secrets from me.”
“W-will it hurt?” You chuckled now, climbing over to kiss his cheek before you would begin.
“Remember your safe word?” 
“Mhhm.” He smiled weakly and you kissed his nose, and then his lips, and then you were gripping your hands around his throbbing cock, your thumb and pointer finger locked tightly around the base. He squirmed against you, clearly too pent up and sensitive to handle your touch, but between your hands and the strap still buried in him there was no escape. You had him right where you wanted him.  He started to beg you when you wouldn’t move your hands enough for him.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you liked doing the work yourself.” 
You started to pump your fist around him lightly while he whimpered, and after a moment he was bringing his hands up to hide his face.”
“Ah’ah, hands down baby.” He whined with big pleading eyes, but he listened to you regardless and you hummed contently, pumping him a little quicker now. He was getting close again already, you could tell in the way he was twitching and struggling to keep his hips from thrusting into your hands. You let him, your pace unrelenting as you forced him into a dry orgasm. He screamed out when it hit him, his hips jumping up off the bed and his ass bouncing when he realized that squirming back wouldn’t bring any relief. The strap pressing harder against that spot deep inside of him the more he moved. It was cute; watching him struggling in the mess he caused, all sensitive and and helpless and no where near done.
You released the fist that was stroking him once he really couldn’t take it any more, patting his trembling thighs with a knowing smile. 
“Turn over, on your belly.” He nodded, stifling another whimper as he flipped himself. You took a moment to drag your fingers over his pretty tan skin, squeezing his ass a little once you got there. He was still full and gaping, the strap almost slipping itself out from how utterly ready he was. He started to lift his hips into your touch impatiently, wiggling a little in your grasp. You laid a firm slap against him, earning you a surprised gasp. You couldn’t stifle a giggle at his reaction. 
“How long have you been at it Joon?” He hummed at you, but he should have know that wasn’t good enough. You awarded another firm slap to his ass that made him moan, his hips still twitching up off the mattress. 
“Come one Joonie, you wanna say what you did wrong out loud?” More silence, so you gave him another slap.
“Ohh an hour, yah?”
“So you were pregaming.” You quipped sarcastically.  “I see. So how many hours do you think I should edge you to make up for it, hmm?” You were already starting, pulling the strap from out of him and securing it around your hips. He whimpered the whole way when you pulled it out, and the whole way when you pressed it back in. Your hips pressing hard against his ass. You threaded a hand in his hair, pulling his head up roughly to kiss him before you would fuck him for as long as you could hold up. You were going to make sure he never forgot your rules again, though..maybe you secretly hoping he would, because he was just such a pretty little mess like this.
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namfine · 4 years
For the angst prompts 21, 28 and 31 with Yoongi pls. Just fuck me up chief I wanna cry 😭
I hope this is angst enough for you xD
21.They work too much.
28.You flinch in a verbal fight.
31.Other members making fun of your Korean
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You had no reason to be ashamed over how upset you were, but the way Yoongi was treating this made things seem otherwise. Like your feelings weren’t justified. You knew he was tired; he had been for a while now. You’d barely seen him in the past weeks, and finally the day you both had planned to spend time together things came up and you fought. Maybe he was right, maybe it was silly. And you weren’t really that hurt to this to begin with, but his reaction.. 
“They were just surprised is all.” His tone was flippant and uninterested, like what his members were saying about you really shouldn’t mean anything when it did. They knew him better that you, they saw him more often and that just made you more insecure than maybe you needed to be. 
“Surprised about what? That I’m still struggling and I’m not some language scholar ??” Your tone came out a little too sharp but there was no backing down now. You were so annoyed and so frustrated with how distant he seemed lately, and it was all coming out now. 
“It’s not that deep. Y/n, they were just surprised I could have so much patience with our language barrier.” You felt yourself tensing at his words. You didn’t know they saw it like that; and there had to be a reason, right? Something about him you didn't know, that he wasn’t telling you.
“And do you? Or am I a bother. Just because I don’t always understand..” You turned away from him, your eyes gluing back on the TV screen that was still playing in the background from before all this started. But you weren’t really watching, as if you could focus on anything else right now. 
“Dammit. You really think I would be with you if it was a problem?” He spoke so coldly, like your feelings really didn’t matter. It made you snap, a little unwillingly but the feelings were just too much.
“Well, I don’t know! I barely hear from you! Maybe this is why!” Your voice was raised. You'd never spoken to him like that before and there was a twinge of fear in how he would react. You got up from where you were seated, moving to go into the other room. Anywhere where he wasn’t.
“You’re being ridiculous. I’m going to bed.” He was already up and storming past you down the hall, bumping you slightly in his haste. That was what he always did. Coming home and going straight to bed with barely a greeting to you while you’d been waiting all day to see him. You missed him, but he never seemed to feel the same way.  
“Fine, yeah! Ignore me like you always do! You know, we really do suck at communicating!” You yelled at his back, but he flipped around so quick with a dead look in his eyes as he rushed closer to you.
“Well maybe if you weren’t so fucking dramatic!” The way he yelled, the anger in his features, the close proximity, it was all too much and he scared you. You never felt that way around him, you’d never seen him so mad and unleashed. You flinched, cowering back away from him in his heated state. He just continued to eye you closely, his nostrils still flaring. You stepped back from him timidly, a trembling in your movements. You turned to leave, ducking into the hall bathroom and locking the door behind you. It was a while before you heard any movement from outside the door. You could hear him shifting; coming closer, until you heard him leaning himself on the other side of the door. 
“Y/n..” You didn’t answer, too busy fighting back the tears that were starting to bubble up in your chest. 
“Please let me in.. I didn’t mean it.” He sounded so calm now compared to how he just was a minuet ago and it made your heart hurt. You knew he didn’t mean it, right? But you ran out that “patience” he had for you, maybe the others were right..
“..could you unlock the door?” You started to huff, feeling everything crashing down around you, and the tears finally started to fall. You heard him check the nob gently, sliding his hands against the door.
“Please...y/n..” You panicked a little, unlocking the door and stepping back quickly. He heard it click, and you watched the handle jiggle before he slowly opened it. I was stood there in the doorway, such a sorry look on his face. His eyes downcast and so helpless looking. He stepped towards you; slowly, reaching his arms out to you to test the waters. You fell into his chest in a rush, needing that comfort that only he could give you. Because even after all this he was still your biggest source of comfort. Even if you weren’t sure how much of that was mutual. You cried into him as he held you, just stroking your hair softly before he would speak again.
“I’m sorry.. I think we’re both just frustrated.” His voice sounded so regretful, even breaking at the end. “-I never meant to scare you like that. And I could never never hit you. God- I couldn’t.. I’m sorry -I’m so sorry.”  You held him tighter, crying into his collar and bringing yourself as close to him as you could be in that little doorway. His tone was so sincere, and you knew then that there was never anything to worry about with him.
“I know.. I’m sorry too.” He shushed you, pulling your face up to wipe your tears away and to kiss your cheeks.
“Hushh..-And screw the language barrier. -I love you. And I even love it when you mess up sometimes, we teach each other. And you mean more to me than words ever could anyway.”
“I love you too.”
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