#admin marlene
refrigeratedboombursts · 10 months
Fakemon region info
Okay so my region is called Obsia.
The region is based on India because I'm Indian
There are four rivals; Samir, Arianne, Kiran, and Pédro
Pédro moved to Obsia from Paldea and started his journey alongside Akshara, the Player character.
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And Kiran, Professor Banyan's assistant.
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Arianne is a former hex maniac now but catcher with an Obsian Spinarak(Bug/Ghost) as their ace.
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And Samir is a grunt-turned-admin for the evil team, Team Revival
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The Professor is Professor Banyan, more spoilers about him will drop later
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Team Revival wants to restore Obsia to its former glory by any means necessary and want things to return to their old ways
The Admins are:
Louis: A scientist who originally joined to make ends meet and then essentially got drunk with power. His ace is an Arctovish
Samir: One of the rivals, his Ace is an Arctozolt
JJ/Jenny: An corrupt Police Officer working for the team who got high up solely by misusing her power, her Ace is a Dracozolt.
Annie: A mysterious woman and the strongest of the four admins, her Ace is a Dracovish.
The Gym Leaders are
Zoë: A burnt out gifted kid who specialises in Ghost Types
Anders: A street vendor who specialises in Dark Types
Maya: An archery prodigy who specialises in Grass Types
Mariana: A lifeguard who specialises in Water Types
Beladonna: An sweet elderly lady who specialises in Poison Types
Suraj: A biker who specialises in Fire Types
Nicky: A theme park nightguard who specialises in Fairy Types
Darius: A goldsmith who specialises in Steel types
The Elite Four are
Landon: Ground Types
Reyna: Normal Types
Marlene(Arianne's aunt): Psychic Types
And the fourth one, who's a surprise for now!
The champion is Zerith, a Flying Type expert that's as useless as he is hot.
And the Champion
Zerith: Flying Types
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ninthads · 1 year
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𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐇𝐅𝐌 ; a study in lost souls , magical realism , & a war of the mind . we are a modern day , marauders era roleplay , where each of the students are attending oxford & are being summoned to join an organization called 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 that is as secretive as it is infamous . our aim is to explore connections & develop characters beyond the written text , all while giving a big fuck you to jkr .
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𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒐𝒏𝒆 : where is daisy hookum ?
[ soft launch ... ] october 18th [ admin status ... ] idle [ current reserves ... ] none
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please check under the cut for a minimalistic list of taken characters & faceclaims if you'd like to find out if the muse you're after has already been snatched up before joining the server !
[ taken characters ... ] james potter ( kaden hammond ) , narcissa black ( earthdarlin ) , bellatrix black ( katie mcgrath ) , mary macdonald ( antonia gentry ) , regulus black ( timothee chalamet ) , marlene mckinnon ( paulina chavez ) , lily evans ( havana rose liu ) , alexandria yaxley ( dianna agron ) , sirius black ( herman tommeraas ) , pandora splitstream ( kennedy walsh ) , emma vanity ( adeline rudolph ) , alecto carrow ( ergi bardhollari ) , lucius malfoy ( vinnie hacker ) , alice fortescue ( devyn nekoda ) , rabastan lestrange ( bright vachirawit ) , frank longbottom ( kieron moore ) , remus lupin ( archie renaux ) , rita skeeter ( nicole wallace ) , evan rosier ( thomas doherty ) , peter pettigrew ( kit connor ) , bartemius crouch jr ( froy gutierrez ) , lorcan d'eath ( damiano david ) , titus avery ( lucas apple ) .
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bythehearts · 2 years
been having some thoughts lately so—
Marauders + the girls groupchat personalities:
Mary MacDonald: created the groupchat
Marlene McKinnon: was made admin of the groupchat; organizes the outings
Alice Fortescue: hypes up the outings in the groupchat
Sirius Black: is the life of the groupchat
James Potter: is the sticker dealer of the groupchat
Peter Pettigrew: sends the most random messages in the groupchat
Remus Lupin: 45729278 unopened messages from the groupchat
Lily Evans: always answers school questions in the groupchat
Frank Longbottom: did not know about the groupchat
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regulusblaxxk · 9 months
We’re urgently looking for more female marauders including Marlene , Mary , Alice longbottom, and Effie potter!!
It’s 18+ strictly (admin age wise)
Here’s who’s available!
・Phineas Black
・Horace Slughorn
・Millicent Bulstrode
・Vincent Crabble
・Gregory Goyle
・Dolores Umbridge
・Walden Macnair
・Rabastain Lastrange
・Avery jr
・Corbin Yaxley
・Marcus Flint
・Adrian Pucey
・Terence Higgs
・Tracey Davis 
・Delphini Riddle
・Sebastian Sallow
・Druella Black
・Felix Rosier
・Andromeda Tonks
・Mattheo Riddle
・Lorenzo Berkshire
・Minerva McGonagall
・Rubeus Hagrid
・Lavender Brown
・Mary McDonald
・Marlene McKinnon
・Arthur Weasley
・Hugo Weasley
・Euphemia Potter
・Dominique Weasley
・Fred Weasley Jr.
・Rose Weasley-Granger
・Alice Longbottom
・Frank Longbottom
・Lucy Weasley
・Angelica Weasley
・Lyall Lupin
・Roxanne Weasley
・Hannah Abbott
・Ernie McMillan
・Theseus Scamander
・Artemisia Lufkin
・Pomona Sprout
・Susan Bones
・Molly Weasley Jr
・Nymphadora Tonks
・Audrey Weasley
・Justin Finch-Fletchley
・Zacharias Smith
・Artemisia Lufkin
・Gilderoy Lockhart
・Padma Patil
・Rolf Scamander
・Victoire Weasley
・Rita Skeeter
・Marlene McKinnon
・Fleur Delacour
・Gabrielle Delacour
・Ted Tonks
・Vinda Rosier
・Minette Rosier
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ninthfm · 5 months
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NINTHFM is a study in the complications of young adulthood, a war of the mind, & a secret society with dark secrets waiting to be uncovered. we are a modern day, appless, marauders era roleplay with inspiration taken from various media such as if we were villains, the secret history, dead poets society, ninth house, & the maidens. the current date is september of 2024 & classes at the university of rosenthal have just commenced, with students having received their roses to join thomas riddle's infamous ninth house secret society.
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꒰ read our full plot here
꒰ frequently asked questions ( + tag )
꒰ most wanted blog ( + tag )
꒰ mobile navigation
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ADMIN STATUS : online GROUP STATUS : accepting reserves & apps CURRENT EVENT : to be announced
RESERVED : lily evans, narcissa black, rodolphus lestrange, james potter, bellatrix black, charlotte greengrass, andromeda black, lucius malfoy, edward tonks, marlene mckinnon, & alice fortescue.
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secludedsunflower · 1 year
How the marauders era would run a nonprofit
Because I am bored and tired of running my own nonprofit
James: THE GLUE. The public image of the nonprofit and does all of the face-to-face talking. Has insane connections and an odd obsession with the process of getting 501(c)(3) certified (his dad works in business so he knows how the business end works). Has a lot of parent support. Secretly changed the Instagram password because he was tired of Remus' dry captioning.
Sirius: Chaotic but gets shit done. Does half of his work through his phone to the amazement of James and the disgust of Remus. Sends emails at 2am, hacks into his mom's zoom account for unlimited zoom time, and admins the nonprofit's discord server. Secretly the reason that productivity is steady. Always active in the group chats and never shuts up. Trying to convince the group to make a tiktok (its not working).
Remus: The mother hen. Keeps the website running, manages the social media, makes the spreadsheets, watches the email, you name something and he probably does it. Is late to every board meeting but secretly loves the thrill of being in charge of something. Keeps his camera off on meetings and always calls off of his phone, despite preferring his 4 year old broken laptop for every other task. A firm believer in podcasts and youtube channels to spread their cause.
Peter: Forced to help start the nonprofit but ended up falling in love with it. Always eager to suggest new ideas for outreach events and fundraising. His biggest secret is that he gets most of those ideas from scouring subreddits about founding nonprofits. Helps Remus with the website and is actually really good at graphic design. Shows off whatever random animal or bug that is near him while on virtual planning meetings.
Lily: Was passionate about a social injustice and dragged her friends along with her. Somehow does everything all at one and refuses to accept help until she is drowning in word. Actually a really successful leader and everyone loves her. Puts a lot of emphasis on volunteer work as a way to fight this social injustice.
Marlene: Lily dragged her into this but she's lowkey glad because she likes the cause and likes having something to do. Pretty lowkey, but will happily give a detailed explanation of the issue they're fighting and their solution when asked. Has the logo as a sticker on her MacBook and infographic flyers in her bag ready to be handed out on a moments notice.
Mary: The designated PR manager of the group. Will handle social media, the coding the website, and making spreadsheets but dies when faced with face-to-face connection and usually makes Dorcas come with her. Believes in the power of tiktok and instagram as a way to attract a younger audience and is right. Likes making everything fit a theme, and is often seen at a library printer fiddling with the colors and sizing of the newest infographic flyer the group came up with.
Dorcas: A casual supporter of the nonprofit but designed all of the graphics bc why not. Likes listening to Lily, Marlene, and Mary plan in the library and uses them as a background noise of sorts to study to.
Regulus: The nepo-baby. Has connections and experience and fucking abuses that shit (as he should tbh). Already on his second nonprofit but he doesn't care that he has to do twice the work because (1) he likes one-upping Sirius and (2) he likes seeing his friends excited about planning and leading such an initiative. His family wasn't too happy about him being involved in such an activity and tried kicking him out of the nonprofit (which he literally founded lmao) but Regulus said "fuck you" and ended up just doing it behind their backs.
Barty: In it because he likes seeing Reggie and Evan happy but also because his dad said it would be good experience for a future ministry job. Not too enthusiastic about their cause but into all of the logistics. Tries to see a deeper meaning to all of their moves, even if there is none. Insists on using Slack as their primary method of communication and organization because he used it once during a ministry internship and fell in love.
Evan: Also in it to see his friends happy but also because the cause is oddly really deeply personal to him. Literally carries the group chats in all outreach related discussion. If anyone so much as compares his nonprofit to someone else's or to another school organization, he gets super defensive and basically quotes the whole website in their face. Made the website, and is trying to convince Regulus and Barty to agree to starting a podcast and a youtube channel.
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everybody wants to rule the world; --
On behalf of the mod team, it gives us great pleasure in welcoming {CIARA} to Unraveling Silence HQ.
Our Porkey Office is happy to see {JAMES POTTER} back in Wizarding Britain. We know the world is constantly changing so for your safety please do take your time reviewing the latest regulations. You are free to integrate into society but keep in mind you must send an owl to Administrative Services with your blog no later than 48 hours after you’ve stepped foot back on British soil. If you have any questions or need help getting things up and running, please do not hesitate to send us an owl.
Comments from the admins:
Brianna: you crushed it! the answers were detailed and great and gave an insight to our fun loving marauder. reading that his boggart is something that truly terrifies him and almost didn't allow him to pass auror training was fanastic, it definitely playing into the whole idea that family and friends is everything to james. and his para sample oh my god i loved it, i loved that it focused on his relationship with marlene and quidditch but then just barely touched on his thoughts on lily as at the time that's kinda how james is and i definitely got a good feeling for the fun teen he was at hogwarts
Hannah: Reading this was pure and utter fun. from their questions you really got a sense that they understand james and all the elements that come along with him. That he's a leader but that actually he never asked to be and i think that oculd be something that would be really interesting to explore especially as the war keeps going! That sample omg was so fun and funny, seeing James in his natural habitat amazing. And also absolute heart breaking while he was asking Marlene out and eyeing up lily, my inner marlene was like NOOO honestly chef kiss i'm excited to see where they take him
Kat: I really loved reading this James Potter app, I feel it really captured the character and I loved all of the little details that added up to the bigger picture of James. I loved the sample and I feel like that just further developed him, he came across as cheeky and loveable and cocky all at once and everyone knows that I am teeny bit obsessed with marlene x james interactions so that was something I really loved to see. Well done ciara you smashed it and wow obsessed.
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mxrsmordre · 1 month
Most wanted canon
Up to date taken list
Canon changes Currently accepting apps as they come, but we will be moving to a twice a week acceptance soon Admin online: Yes/No/Lurking Before submitting an app, please read over canon changes, plot and rules!!
Chris/he/him/30/gmt - Sirius Black/Ted Tonks/Dirk Creswell/Barty Crouch Jr & Amos Diggory (fcs:Matthew Daddario/Nico Mirirallegro/Grant Gustin/Max Irons/Darren Criss) L/She/her/30/gmt - Marlene McKinnon & Bellatrix Black (fcs: Danielle Campbell/Katie McGrath) Shae/she/her/34/est - Andromeda Black (fc: Alycia Debnam Carey) Tonya/30+/she/her/est - Avery Ollivander (fc: Adelaide kane) June/40/she/her/est - Amelia Bones (fc: Natalie Portman) Ali/32/she/her/est - Lily Evans (fc: Kennedy Mccmann)
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lumosfm · 2 months
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The following have not posted in character for five or more days and therefore have 48 hours to resume activity or get in touch with the admin to avoid having their roles reopened:
Alastor Moody @theaur0rman
Bellatrix Lestrange @bellatrixblacklestrxnge
Rafaella Burke @raffaellaburke
Severus Snape @potionsbrew
The following characters have come to the end of their hiatus and should resume activity to avoid being placed on an activity check:
Amos Diggory & Daphne Avery @magicmarked
Caradoc Dearborn @lumos-caradoc
Tilden Toots @lumos-tilden
Walden Macnair @lumos-walden
The following characters are currently on a hiatus:
Cressida Malfoy ~ Hiatus until 24th July
Rosmerta Abbott ~ Hiatus until 24th July
Valeria Flint ~ Hiatus until 24th July
Aemon Mulciber ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Beatrice Abbott ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Clara Ivanova ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Emmeline Vance ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Estelle Delacour ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Hestia Jones ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Leta Rosier ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Peter Pettigrew ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Rita Skeeter ~ Hiatus until 3rd August
Agatha Bulstrode ~ Hiatus until 5th August
Athena Greengrass ~ Hiatus until 5th August
Evan Rosier ~ Hiatus until 5th August
Frank Longbottom ~ Hiatus until 5th August
Marlene McKinnon ~ Hiatus until 5th August
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incendiohprp · 2 months
are there any taken characters already?
yes! the admins have taken lily evans, peter pettigrew, rabastan lestrange, and marlene mckinnon. everyone else is open, other than voldemort and dumbledore, who are NPCs !!
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riddikulushq · 6 months
Hello lovely members and tag lurkers!
I have gotten off work early today and will be around, make my Friday by filling some of our wanted connections! Complete the marauders with James or Peter. Or the last Black sister Narcissa and her beau Lucius. Give Andromeda her husband Ted! We would also love to see Mary Macdonald and Marlene Mckinnon! The Prewett twins would also add some fun! We have many open canon and wanted connections to check out. You should send an app our way and join the fun! - admin maeve
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manilafm · 1 year
most wanted characters by the members/admins, please?
Everyone who is a member/admin. of this RPG would love to see Rose Granger-Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, the rest of Ginny Weasley's brothers ( Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Bill Weasley ), Cho Chang, Cedric Diggory, Mr. Remus Lupin, Katie Bell, Neville Longbottom, Mrs. Molly Weasley, Mr. Arthur Weasley, Mr. James Potter, Mrs. Lily Evans-Potter, Emma Vanity, Romilda Vane, Penelope Clearwater, Hugo Granger-Weasley, Professor Severus Snape, Professor Minerva McGonagall, Marlene McKinnon, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, Sirius Black, and Oliver Wood from Harry Potter ; Gerald Johanssen, Arnold Shortman, Patricia ‘Big Patty’ Smith, Nadine, Sheena, Lila Sawyer, and Sid from Hey, Arnold! ; Payton Saunders, Autumn Brooks, Sakura Watanabe, Max Warren, Kara Sinclair, Ezra, Hope Castillo, Julian Castillo, Katherine, Koh Sunya, Derek, Nick, Shane, Wes Porter, Nishan Khandaar, Chelsea, Owen Harris, Brigette, Lacey, Kimi Chen, Quinn, Asher Rollins, Chase Cunningham, and Fibikemi ‘Phoebe’ Ayotunde from High School Story ; Sam Puckett, Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Spencer Shay, and Gibby Gibson from iCarly ; Elena Gilbert, Hope Mikaelson, Joesette 'Josie’ Saltzman, and everyone else from The Vampire Diaries / The Originals / Legacies ( excluding Damon Salvatore, though ) ; Youngmee Song, Mrs. Eliza Biskit, Mr. Fisher Biskit, Mrs. Lauren ‘Betty’ Smith, Sue Patterson, Joshua 'Josh’ Sharp, and Mr. Roger Biskit from Littlest Pet Shop ; Adrien Agreste, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Jessica ‘Jess’ Keynes, Alix Kubdel, Luka Couffaine, Nathalie Sancoeur, Kagami Tsurugi, Mrs. Emilie Agreste (neé Graham De Vanily), Mr. Gabriel Agreste, Lila Rossi, Mrs. Sabine Cheng, Mr. Tom Dupain, Master Wang Fu, Félix Graham De Vanily, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté, Mylène Haprèle, Ivan Bruel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Marc Anciel, Ms. Caline Bustier, Principal Damocles, Ms. Mendeleiev, Fred Haprèle, Armand D'Argencourt, Mr. André Bourgeois, Jagged Stone, Nadja Chamack, Mr. Roger Raincomprix, Mr. Alim Kubdel, Jalil Kubdel, Xavier Ramier, Mr. Otis Césaire, Mrs. Marlena Césaire, Nora Césaire, Wayhem, Ms. Anarka Couffaine, Ondine, Mrs. Amélie Graham De Vanilly, Grand Master Su-Han, Ms. Tomoe Tsurugi, Aurore Beauréal, and Mrs. Audrey Bourgeois from Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir ; and lastly, we would also absolutely love to see Peter Parker, Loki Laufeyson, America Chavez, Carol Danvers, Pepper Potts, Mary Jane Watson, Michelle ‘M.J.’ Jones, Cindy Moon, May Parker, Kamala Khan, Wade Wilson, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson, Emma Frost, Billy Kaplan, Tommy Shepherd, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, and Jean Grey from Marvel !! However, if you have any specific fandoms in mind to bring into this RPG, please send us another ask with the FULL name of the fandom !!
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regulusblaxxk · 11 months
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Have you been looking for an active marauders, Harry Potter, cursed child, or fantastic beasts acceptable rp? Look no further because this server has it all!
We accept ANY canon characters! Including the founders and Hogwarts legacy characters!
We only ask that you and your character whether oc or canon be a min of 18 years old!
You can use any faceclaim it doesn’t have to be from the movie or play!
The available lists are below! NOTE: these will not always be accurate, please refer to the admin of this account as they’re updated daily or the server itself! If you can’t work the link dm your username on discord and it’ll be handed off to the owner!!
The server is new user friendly!!
・Phineas Black
・Horace Slughorn
・Millicent Bulstrode
・Pansy Parkinson
・Vincent Crabble
・Gregory Goyle
・Dolores Umbridge
・Walden Macnair
・Fenrir Greyback
・Marcus Flint
・Adrian Pucey
・Terence Higgs
・Blaise Zabini
・Evan Rosier
・Tracey Davis
・Delphini Riddle
・Rodolphus Lestrange
・Rabastan Lestrange
・Walaburga Black
・Orion Black
・Cygnus Black
・Druella Black
・Dorcas Meadows
・Ominis Gaunt
・Sebastian Sallow
・Astoria Greengrass
・Gilderoy Lockhart
・Marlene McKinnon
・Xenophilius Lovegood
・Padma Patil
・Lorcan Scamander
・Rolf Scamander
・Victoire Weasley
・Louis Weasley
・Marlene McKinnon
・Albus Dumbledore
・Neville Longbottom
・Rubeus Hagrid
・Lavender Brown
・Mary McDonald
・Dean Thomas
・Molly Weasley
・Percy Weasley
・Arthur Weasley
・Ginny Weasley
・Rose Weasley-Granger
・Mary McDonald
・Hugo Weasley
・Fleamont Potter
・Effie Potter
・Dominique Weasley
・Fred Weasley Jr.
・Hannah Abbott
・Ernie McMillan
・Theseus Scamander
・Newt Scamander
・Artemisia Lufkin
・Pomona Sprout
・Nymphadora Tonks
・Susan Bones
・Teddy Lupin
・Molly Weasley Jr
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fractured-hq · 1 year
At the moment we have a shortage of Death Eaters, and "older" characters. I'll give you the full list below all the same as we would love anyone, even if they don't match the criteria above.
Alecto Carrow: Death Eater
Bellatrix Lestrange: We have her sisters so it would be a juicy plot.
Mrs Zabinni: We are intrigued to know what happened to all her husbands.
Dolores Umbridge: Morally corrupted characters are the best, on the older side of the rp.
Sybill Treawney: Who doesn't love a good seer in the rp?
Madame Rosmerta: Any great pub owner is adored by our characters.
Molly Weasley: Wholesome momma bear, we are here for it.
Marlene McKinnon: Highly requested by the players. Lots of hc going around.
Hope there help!
–Admin Chessi
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wavehq · 1 year
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if you'd love to make one of our wonderful members' days, i have it on great authority that they would love to see: joel milller, ellie williams, tommy miller, abby, tess, marlene, abby (the last of us), will byers, dustin henderson, mike wheeler, el hopper (stranger things), peeta mellark, haymitch abernathy, johanna mason, finnick odair (the hunger games), mal and alina (shadow and bone), sam wilson, johnny storm, shuri, natasha romanov, yelena belova, and anyone from the insomniac spiderman series (marvel), violet, silco cait, ekko (arcane), light yagami, l, and matt (death note), and clarke griffin, octavia blake, bellamy blake, roan, raven reyes, harper mcintyre, monty green, and john murphy (the 100)!
admin dream is… mobile! ——- 15-45 minute replies.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Year 1982. It has been announced the war Voldemort caused has come to an end! The dark wizard has been destroyed all thanks to the Order of the Phoenix and a few members of pureblood lineage who betrayed you know who and helped our good side. As many deaths as there have been, plenty have been saved as well. For once and for all, we are rid of the dark wizard! The Aurors and the remainder of the Order are still in the midst of taking care of the last enemies that may be walking around, so caution is yet still advised.
There have also been rumours about the famed Albus Dumbledore… The Order warned that he does not have the right intentions we all so hoped and believed before. He was on our side against Voldemort, but now.. Whatever could he be up to?
18+ rp server set in the (Harry Potter fandom) Marauder Era. This is an AU set up by three admins who value a chill and casual environment where open communication is crucial. The writing itself is all about chemistry, vibes and how you would like to further your character’s development. There will be a general plot line to ensure ALL characters get some plot relevance and have plenty to write about.
Important plot points to keep in mind whilst creating your character:
- Severus Snape, Regulus Black, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier, Peter Pettigrew and Lucius Malfoy all betrayed the Death Eaters and helped the Order defeat Voldemort instead. (it is possible to tweak this/add to the list depending on which characters you choose!)
- Dumbledore is not a good person, this au focusses on his more manipulative/evil side. He is an npc that will be written/shown in a plot continuation post by one of the admins.
- The horcruxes have been destroyed. Voldemort is officially dead/gone.
- Hogwarts years for the Marauders happened according to canon, as soon as the Marauders graduated, that is when this au comes in.
- Peter did originally join the Death Eaters, but eventually told his best friends the truth. He spied on the Death Eaters for the Order. You are free to fill in his character otherwise.
We offer:
- Your own category with your own text (1-1 chats) and thread channels.
- Groupchats for characters to chat with one another.
- Social media (posting pictures, twitter etc).
- Group rps, casual ones and game based group rps.
- 3 characters per person.
Most wanted: Peter, Snape, Lucius, Dorcas, Marlene, Mary, Rabastan, Bellatrix, Fenrir, Arthur, Molly and more.
Link: https://discord.gg/rg3yZrZQ
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