#admin kaeya
viatrixtravels-a · 11 months
// Hoyo is making it really hard on me to skip Albedo in 4.3 so I have as much wishes as possible for Xiao in 4.4 by giving me all these def% main or sub stat Noblesse and Golden Troupe pieces. >((
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poohwhin · 2 years
goddamnit i promised myself i would NEVA give hype to hoyoverse but now my ass is considering downloading genshin 😕
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Haven't posted at all Genshin in a while but MAN THAT LAST CUTSCENE FOR THIS EVENT
Hoyo really knows how to make me cry happy tears huh
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starsimpact · 2 years
ooc. tales of dominica + thinkin abt kaeya really is a time !
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ransprang · 2 years
Which genshin boys do you think would have a thing for big boobs
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big tiddies gang
childe for obvious reasons
venti for reasons we don't want to explain
thoma as he likes big dom mommies
smol tiddies gang
zhongli since he's asian and used to it
diluc hates big tiddies bc it's too cumbersome
no preference
kaeya he'd fuck anything with tiddies so no preference probs
your tiddies,
admins san & sar
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pinkjoy-cons · 2 years
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𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝙷𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝙼𝚎
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈: 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅𝒆/𝑨𝒋𝒂𝒙 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Word Count: 2425
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort (i think?) it's fluffy at the end, talking about someone breaking into your house, panicing, screaming, crying, talk/use of weapons, you have a fear of lighting/thunder, unedited. I think that's it.
Note: I am working on making my fics gender neutral but with female body in mind. I have a Diluc fic that will be female and a Kaeya fic that I will rework to make it gen neutral. Just letting y'all know :)
For my darling
You loved Liyue, you truly did. It’s a beautiful city with an even more colorful history and people who make it the way it is today. There are so many sights and sounds and so many unexplored locations around the valleys and plains that it constantly kept you busy. Even when you couldn’t leave to adventure on your own, the city had enough for you to do day in and day out. Zhongli and Hu Tao certainly gave you enough work at the Wanghsheng Funeral Parlor. Being their personal and sometimes only admin worker, you were able to balance the peaceful life of leisure and commission work. You couldn’t have asked for a better city to call your home. There was one thing however you did not anticipate: The rain. More specifically how loud it could get.
You didn’t mind the rain; on the contrary, you loved it. As long as it was calm and light. Nothing like the storms that Liyue sees during their seasons. The rain and thunder would get so boisterous at times it would take everything in your power to not jump in your skin and take shelter under the nearest cover. Even when indoors, you found the comfort of being hidden subsided your disliking of the torrential weather. You weren’t afraid of the rain. That was something you would deny to your dying breath. Your boyfriend, however, would love to playfully poke your side whenever you startle and find comfort in his arms. 
“I should really find the Archon who’s causing this storm and thank them. You’re not normally this cuddly when the weather is sunny.” As much as you wanted to smack to stupid smirk that was absolutley on his face, you couldn’t find it in yourself to pry away from Childe’s warm chest where your face was currently buried in. You gripped the front of his shirt as the wind seemed to pick up and cause the rain to hit the window of your small shared home with more force.
“Why must you make fun of me like this?” You grumbled into his soft shirt. “Can’t you see that I’m–” 
“Scared?” That interruption did force you to look up at him with a slight pout. Jutting out your bottom lip in protest of the accusation. “Are you finally gonna admit it darling?”
“NO! I’m not scared. I do not have a fear of stormy weather. I just…I can do without it sometimes.” Your head rested once again on Childe’s chest as he lovingly rubbed your back. He couldn’t help but chuckle at your stubbornness. It was one of your flaws yes, but it was something that could be very endearing at times. Times like now for instance. He let the conversation die with a Whatever you say lovely as you both enjoyed the rest of the evening together.
About two weeks later, Childe told you that he was going to be on assignment for a week, no more than two, and would be gone for a while. He hated to leave your side, not just because he missed you but because he was concerned for your well-being at times as well. He knew Zhongli, Hu Tao and even the little cook from the Wanmin Restaurant would keep an eye on you for him. They loved you almost as much as he did so he knew that you were in good hands while you were gone. So, you gave him a kiss goodbye the early morning he left. 
The daily routine you had proceeded without a hitch while Childe was away. A few new things happened here and there like Xiangling asking you to help her with a new dish or Yun Jin asking for your opinion on a new piece she has but other than that, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. About a week and a half into Childe’s departure you were stopped by Lan near the Guild. You finished up a commission with Zhongli (he had graciously accompanied you on this job because it involved some fighting that you were subpar at and you wanted the Mora) and went to claim your pay when she pulled you aside for a moment.
“You live up near the pass, correct? In that small housing area?”
“Yes, why? Is something wrong, is someone looking for a place to stay?”
“No it’s not that, it’s just I heard a few things about the area.” 
“What kind of things?” Zhongli inquired.
“People were saying that Treasure Hoarders were seen setting up camps. Apparently, some hotshot bragged about the area being a good place for loot and they just seemed to flock there. Now normally it’s not that big a deal, but with the weather recently and with how big this rumor is, the Hoarders sometimes get…aggressive with people.”
At that you furrowed your brow, “Aggressive how?”
“They seem to think that because we’re locals we must know about this fabulous treasure, yet no matter how many times people explain that it doesn’t exist, they don’t believe us. Sometimes they get violent and a few people have gotten hurt. One person even reported that when the weather got bad, a group tried to break into their home for shelter. Luckily their dog was able to scare them off.”
“That’s awful, are the Millelith aware of the situation.” Zhongli asked, growing more concerned by the minute.
“They are, however, the housing area is a bit ways away, so they only send a few guards at a time. I have spoken to one who would report back to Liyue Qixing about sending more but that was only recent so I can’t give a date as to when they will be posted. Even the Traveler said she would sweep the area when she could to get rid of them but despite her great feats, she still is just one person.” The clouds overhead began to darken and you could feel the faintest drops begin to fall. It was about time you got home.
Lan noticed your distraught expression, “I promise I didn’t bring this up to scare you. I just thought you should be made aware of the situation.”
“Huh?” Was all you could manage.
“Your face, you look frightened to death.” Your head looked up at the clouds again as the sprinkle began.
“I’m not scared.” Was what you mustered as you thanked Lan and made your way home.
Zhongli, ever the gentleman and protector, walked you the entire way and even offered to stay the night just to keep watch. You politely declined the offer. The couch was not very big and you only had one bed in your cozy home so you wouldn’t want him to be uncomfortable all night. Not sure if you were aware of it but the look in your eyes seemed to only grow more fearful as the rain got louder. As much as he wanted to stay, he knew to respect yours (and he’s sure Childe’s) wishes and left you with a good night for the evening.
Alone with your thoughts, you did your best to just go to bed. Not even bothering to eat, you thought that maybe you could sleep through the coming storm. As fast as you could you changed into one of Childe’s shirts, got under the covers and held his pillow to your chest for comfort. 
Your plan seemed to almost work, key word almost. In the middle of the night a loud crash startled you awake with a scream. Catching your breath, you begrudgingly got out of bed to check what happened but then you remembered. 
The Treasure Hoarders.
Suddenly the bedroom didn't seem like a bad place to be. Maybe if you just laid down in bed you could pretend that you were asleep and didn't hear anything. When you turned from the door a boom of thunder broke through and you jumped nearly screaming. There was no way you would be able to stay quiet. It was stupid but you wanted to do something. 
It wasn't much but you knew that Childe kept a small dagger in his nightstand. You grabbed it and with a shaking hand slowly opened your bedroom door. The rain was pounding against your little house as you walked down the hall to the living area. Every floorboard creak and noise of the house settling made you want to scream. Every now and then, a flash of lightning would illuminate the hall and you swore it never felt this long before. 
Finally, you made it to a point where you could tilt your head to look into the living room. You held the dagger close as you continued in, keeping low just in case. That's when you saw the broken window and blowing curtains. And even worse you could hear men talking outside. That's when the panic truly set in and you had no idea what to do. Not being a fighter you thought your best bet would be to run and hide. Or you could take a chance to escape and find Zhongli, Hu Tao, anyone to help you. But the idea of going outside in the rain frightened you just as much.
Damn it you were scared, so scared that you didn't have time to make a decision, for you could hear the turning of a locked doorknob and a frustrated groan. With a gasp you fell to the floor careful not to cut yourself on the dagger. You hid to the side of the couch trying to control your heavy breathing.
"Wha'do I do? Wha'do I do? Wha'do I do?" And the door opened. It closed and heavy footsteps made their way into your house. You held a hand over your nout knowing you had fight off whoever just entered your home. The thunder grew louder and louder in your ears, tears streamed down your face, as you tried to steel your nerves. You waited until a faint, moonlit shadow was near your position and with a spark of lightning rose with a petrified scream and brought your dagger down on the intruder. 
Only this person caught your wrist with ease and grabbed your other wrist easily. You flailed and screamed.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Darling it's me!"
A pause. You took a moment to catch your breath and in the flash again you saw that Childe had returned home. Your breath released and you dropped the dagger while also falling into his familiar warmth and scent. He didn't ask any questions, just held you as you cried. 
"Treasure Hoarders a-a-and thunder. They broke into people's…and the window." You picked up your head to point at the broken window. Childe let you go just to turn on the light and check. Near the broken glass was a large branch. The wind must have been strong enough to toss it into the window. Childe held up the branch to show you but quickly placed it down when you shook your head.
"But I heard voices outside." 
Knowing that he returned alone, he quickly rushed out the front door to see if anyone was out. You remained on the floor with knees held against your chest and gripping Childe's shirt.
"There's no one outside." 
"I could have sworn- gods am I going insane!" 
"No darling no, you're not." Childe went to you and held you where you sat, he lifted you up just a bit to have a better hold on you. Your body was shaking from the torment you put yourself through. He spoke soft words to you as you calmed down he held you in his lap, rocking you both back and forth to calm you down. Despite being in the rain, he was so warm. It was a warmth that you took so much comfort in.
"Ajax," you whispered, "I was so scared. There's been sightings of Hoarders and they've been getting violent. And this damn thunder. I heard the window break." You spoke in-between shaken breaths. "When I heard the door open I thought someone-" That's when it hit you, had someone truly broken into your home, what would have happened? 
He saw your mind spinning, so Childe made you face him and held your face in his hands. "Okay my love, just a second okay. I want you to take a deep breath. Can you do that for me beautiful?" You nodded and did as you were told, "Alright, now whistle." You whistled as you released. "Good girl. A few more times." You repeated the process for about a minute, this allowed your crying to stop for the most part and calmed your breathing. 
"Feel better?" He asked in a soft voice he only used around you. 
"Yes. Ajax. I was so scared." You repeated it. You had to, you didn't know what else to say.
"I know love and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you. I'm right here baby, nothing is going to happen to you I promise. And here I thought coming home early would make you cry tears of joy." He kissed your forehead when you finally let out a small scoof and a smile. "I promise nothing will happen to you. I'll put better windows and a good lock on the door. You can even have Hu Tao and  Xiangling over if you want to, I know they love you." He kissed your lips as you nodded. His kiss told you that this would not happen again if he could help it. "I don't ever want to see you like this again." It was a promise he spoke into your neck and his breath danced in your skin and made you shiver. 
A clap of thunder had you jump in his arms and he held you close. "Next time I'm in Inazuma I'm going to beat up that Shogun." He picked you up bridal style and went to the bedroom. As he laid you down, he gave you another kiss. He left the room and patched up the window. Upon return, he got comfortable in some lounge pants and no shirt and got under the covers. Bringing you into his chest, he placed his hand on your lower back to rub small, comforting circles on your skin. You held him close and relished the way he felt against you. 
"She would kick your ass." 
"The Shogun. If you tried to fight her, she'd kick your ass."
All Childe could do was chuckle as you both fell asleep.
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daily-rare-pairs · 7 months
Post explaining minor rules, there's no obligation to read.
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Welcome to Daily Rarepairs! There are two admins for this account, who both use he/him. Admin 2 is more infrequent, but still very appreciated. Remember your daily clicks for Palestine We will post most ships; excluding proships and darkships. Ex; we will not post minor x adult, but will post Fatui ships. Keep in mind none of our posts about such ships are intended to romanticize them. If you'd like to submit a platonic ship, please clarify that it is platonic within the submission. We will not post romantic ships with Dori, Nahida, and Sayu, due to their unclear ages. Diona, Yaoyao, Qiqi, and Klee are children. Bennett, Fischl, Freminet, Collei, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Barbara, Noelle, Chongyun, Kirara, Mika, and Razor are teenagers. Please keep this in mind when submitting ships. Do not send us asks asking why we interpret a character as being a minor. On the same breath as this, Genshin Impact has many queer-coded characters. We ask that you respect these, We'll even provide a list of them below Implied lesbians: Yae Miko, Raiden Ei, Ningguang, Beidou, Keqing, the Tsaritsa Implied sapphic characters: Dehya, Candace, Navia Implied achillean characters: Alhaitham, Kaveh, Cyno, Tighnari Implied bisexual characters: Clorinde, Albedo, Heizou, Venti, Lyney, Ayaka, Kaeya, Childe, Kokomi, Yanfei, Xinyun Implied genderqueer characters: Furina, Raiden Ei, Makoto, Focalors, Zhongli, Nahida, Rukkhadevata, Venti, Murata, the Tsaritsa As well as this, please be aware of stereotypes that you imply while discussing characters. The sexualization of Kaeya, in particular, is a racial stereotype. Always be mindful of the way you speak about all characters within the game. Each ship posted is tagged with the character's names; if you're worried about your ship having been posted, type #name into the search bar on our profile to check.
Thank you for reading, enjoy the ships!
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cryocrystals · 2 months
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Ohoho, is that a new face I see?
Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Kaeya, Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius. I look forward to receiving all of your various questions and comments—Don't dissapoint me, now~.
// Hello, admin here! I use any pronouns. Admin is AuDHD, socially anxious, and occasionally a busy person, so your patience is appreciated in my running of this blog. Use of tone tags is greatly appreciated.
Keep asks non-explicit. Some leeway is available as far as suggestivity; if something makes me uncomfortable, I simply won't reply.
I'm fine with many Kaeya ships! My personal favorite is chaeya (childe/kaeya), but I understand that it's quite unpopular.
That said, k/luc makes me extremely uncomfortable, and if you ship it, I prefer that you stay off my blog.
Other than that, anyone is allowed to ask/interact! If it's an oc, I ask that you provide info so that I can play along.
Do be aware that I heavily hc Kaeya as adhd and autistic.
Main: @fishi3
◇ Formatting:
In-character dialogue looks like this!
[Descriptions of scenes, actions, and settings look like this!]
// ooc commentary looks like this!
#tags are always ooc as well!
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glacial-blood · 2 months
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❄️ the snow falls ; kaeya is talking
❄️ the ice melts ; kaeya answering asks etc
❄️ headcanons ; hcs surrounding kaeya
♚ admin sign off is a crown. what i say irp doesn't correlate to what i say oorp.
♚ no nsfw asks! mod is an adult but would like to keep nsfw off this page. dirty jokes are fine BUT i will not hesitate to block if you overstep this boundary.
♚ anyone is welcome to interact with kaeya, ocs and the like!! do not be afraid to do so.
♚ i do not own the character, this is simply my interpretation of him and is intended to be light-hearted and fun. graphics are made by me.
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viatrixtravels-a · 1 year
// Being both a Gensin and Diabolik Lovers fan messes with your head I swear--
Every time Zhongli opens his mouth, this guy comes to mind:
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What makes it extra funny is that this guy is obsessed with mobile games so I could see him playing Genshin lol.
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berriblues-playground · 3 months
ɢᴀʙʀɪᴇʟ/ʙʟᴜᴇ | 𝟶𝟺.𝟶𝟼.𝟸𝟶𝟶𝟹 | sʜᴇ/ʜᴇʀ
ʟᴏᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ᴜsᴀ
>>Hii I decided to cave into my impulses and make a selfship blog for my characters♡♡♡ If I ever share art it will be on my main page @berribluart and I will reblog them here! (Also may use tags I use from that blog as well)
>> if you support inc-est, ped-philia, or b-stiality (fictional or real) gtfo (yes lolicon/shotacon counts.)
(Will state if romantic or platonic)
>Mephisto Pheles | Blue Exorcist (Romantic Main!!)
-You guys have to understand he is my HUSBAND we are married ask God its true we're so in love and gay and married and gay and gay and-- (I will talk about him the most)
-Tag: # 🩷Bubblegum Blues💙
>Bumblebee | TFA (Platonic)
-Big comfort from when I was little and actually my first cc ever even if I didn't know the term at the time💕
-Tag: # 🐝Sweet Little Bumblebee🐝
>Amaimon | Blue Exorcist (Platonic, kinda Kin-related)
-Tag: # 🥦Sugar Crush🍬🥦
>Thrax | Osmisis Jones (Mainly romantic)
-Tag: # 🔥Hot stuff🖤🔥
>Alt!Gabriel | TMC (Main kin and also a romantic comfort)
-Tag: # 🪽Fallen Angel🪽
(May not have special tags for them but yeah have fun bestieee)
>Sebastian Michaelis | Black Butler
>Jack Frost | Rise of the Guardians
>Shiemi Moriyama | Blue Exorcist (Kin)
>Nene Yashiro | TBHK (Kin)
>Mogens | Klaus
>Kaeya | Genshin Impact
>Dan Heng | HSR
>Mistral | MGR:Revengance
>Zach Varmitech | Wild Kratts
>Cedric | Sofia the First
>Shadow the Hedgehog | Sonic
>Knuckles the Echinda | Sonic
And uhhh maybe more I'll add later yayyyy (Also my OCs are comforts as well♡♡♡)
Also other tags I'll be using will be in the tags as well! Most will be the same as my main lmao
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aetheve · 1 year
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𝟏 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 ─ ꒷₊˚ ›
▸ there's this 1 thing you did. welcome to eugene's 800 milestone event! i am still surprised and incredibly grateful for all of your support, but i won't bore you with a thank you. let's get to the actual event.
request format (minimum): 'woodwind + percussion + brass + strings'
DEADLINE: open! june14 - unspecified.
GUIDELINES: click 'keep reading' for event guidelines and prompts.
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one character per ask. you can submit more than one request but please only request one character at a time.
no nsfw or dc. i don't feel comfortable writing this kind of content and i want this event to be more feel good/slice of life vibes. i do write angst, though.
feel free to give me a plot if you want. in this event you're pretty much giving me an au and a trope and creativity is left to me so if you want something specific pls lmk.
only for genshin and twst.
if a certain request doesn't interest me, i won't do it. sorry, but like i said, this event is pretty much just character + au + trope + genre and i come up with a concept based on that (unless you specify) so i cant promise i'll do every request.
all works will be tagged under: '_1thing'
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─ ꒷₊˚ › 𝓦. 𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐒 :
viator / aether
princeps cretaceus / albedo
vultur volans / al haitham
taurus iracundus / arataki itto
lagenaria / baizhu
lupus aureus / cyno
notua / diluc ragnvindr
acer palmatum / kaedehara kazuha
pavo ocellus / kaeya alberich
cypressus custos / kamisato ayato
paradisaea / kaveh
cervus minor / shikanoin heizou
monoceros caeli / tartaglia
rubeum scutum / thoma
vulpes zerda / tighnari
carmen dei / venti
peregrinus / wanderer (be specific if you want scara or kuni)
lapis dei / zhongli
constellation / name (if you want to add someone not listed, i do write for dain and the harbingers but they don't have constellations :( )
if you are here for twst, pls just put the characters name. i write for all of them (platonic grim and ortho.)
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─ ꒷₊˚ › 𝓟. 𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 :
highschool au
college au
office au
acting au
fantasy au
royalty au
apocalypse au
medieval au
idol au
band au
teacher au (11a. parent x teacher - 11b. teacher x teacher - 11c. admin x teacher)
small shop owners au
street racer au
coffee shop au
roommates au
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─ ꒷₊˚ › 𝓑. 𝐑𝐀𝐒𝐒 :
rival x rival
childhood best friends
arranged marriage
forbidden love
long distance relationship
language barrier
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─ ꒷₊˚ › 𝓢. 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 :
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©️ aetheve, june14. do not copy, translate, or claim as your own.
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castallurspells · 1 year
new spite chapter is hilarious. spoilers under the cut
highlights include: ajax ogling kaeya. hu tao finally getting zhongli out of his cave by annoying the shit out of him (you go girl!) zhongli finally knows that ajax's alive! yay! no more diplomatic incidents! (and so does lumine. poor lumine. she's had enough of everyone's shit.)
aaaand we also get to find out why AR is a system. tbh pretty interesting that he negotiated the contract himself rather than the previous assumption the admins put him under contract. I wonder how his story will end after he completes his last two goals. maybe ajax will bid a tearful goodbye and keep living his life in Teyvat as AR reincarnates? I also think it's interesting that there are parallel lives, in the sense that AR and ajax aren't the same soul, but share many similarities within their lives.
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iiaammllaayy · 1 year
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Male Characters
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……… Genshin Impact ………
Tartaglia x Reader ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Beautiful Flower ⭑ Fluff
Chongyun x Reader ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Frozen ⭑ Fluff
Kaeya x Reader ……
Kazuha x Reader ……
Albedo x Reader ……
Itto x Reader ……
Xiao x Reader ……
Diluc x Reader ……
Venti x Reader ……
Alhaitham x Reader ……
Baizhu x Reader ……
Kaveh x Reader ……
Ayato x Reader ……
Bennett x Reader ……
Cyno x Reader ……
Heizou x Reader ……
Razor x Reader ……
Thoma x Reader ……
Tighnrai x Reader ……
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……… Attack on Titan ………
Levi x Reader .……
Even x Reader ……
Admin x Reader ……
Erwin x Reader ……
Reiner x Reader ……
Connie x Reader ……
Jean x Reader ……
Zeke x Reader ……
Bertolt x Reader ……
Marco x Reader ……
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……… My Hero Academia ………
Izuku x Reader ……
Shoto x Reader ……
Katsuki x Reader ……
Dabi x Reader ……
Eijiro x Reader ……
Tenya x Reader ……
Shota x Reader ……
Shinsou x Reader ……
Denki x Reader ……
Kai x Reader ……
Tamaki x Reader ……
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Feel Free to add some requests, also if you would like to be tagged please message me.
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vortexhq · 14 days
anonymous asked: who are your mw characters from hoyoverse games?
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from genshin, i'd love to see: wriothesley, kaeya alberich, ningguang, diluc ragnvindr, ajax tartaglia, amber, kaedehara kazuha, albedo, and scaramouche! for honkai star rail, some mw are: yingxing (blade), sampo koski, dan heng, jing yuan, natasha, bronya rand, welt yang, tingyun, gepard landau and serval landau, and fu xuan!
ADMIN ARDEN is… online! — replies within 5 - 25 mins.
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dailykaerosa · 5 months
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welcome to .. DAILYKAEROSA !!
1 admin — { @kavehgirl } .*•
ABOUT ME : madison! she/it prns, minor (17)
this blog is dedicated to daily posting/reblogs for the ship kaeya x rosaria from genshin impact! although i as the admin will happily reblog kaerosa posts that don't follow my own personal hcs, all my original posts will ♡ you can learn more abt my kaeya & rosaria hcs below!
also listed below is this blog's dni. please be mindful to follow it, & i will block if you break it!
{ any non kaerosa posts will be tagged #not kaerosa ! }
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kaeya : he/she/they prns, genderfluid, bisexual. 33 years old, 6'0
rosaria : she/it/he prns, transfem nonbinary, bisexual. 31 years old, 5'11
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DNI . basic dni criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc.), proship / anti-anti, believe 'blackwashing' exists, anti-xenogenders / anti-neoprns, bash healthy m/f ships for no reason
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