#admin augustus
skenisasleb · 4 months
full doodle image i did today ‼️
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southparkthenewkids · 3 months
More Admin Augustus cause he is my art drug apparently—
(I’m trying so hard to get back to drawing my South Park OCs and I think it’s working :>)
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hextrio · 1 year
Hello! This is a blog dedicated to the OG trio, Luz, Willow, and Gus. This blog will be focusing on the platonic friendship and bond between these three, as well as their individual character arcs and growth! Expect this blog to be reblog heavy, but don't be afraid to ask questions and send submissions :)
Rules + Etiquette
Friendship is our main focus, so all posts will be kept with this in mind. This does not necessarily mean no romance at all, but friendship should be the heart of it! For example, if I were to reblog a lumity post, lumity shouldn't be the driving point but rather it should be used to highlight Luz's bond with her friends! Something like this is completely fine!
Remember, I am a human. I am not going to be available 24/7, it might take me awhile to get to your message but rest assured, I am not ignoring you.
TOH is a good show but it is not perfect. Criticisms will be tagged if you'd like to filter. Do not get angry at me for discussing criticism about a show I love.
I think that about wraps it up here! Hope you enjoy your stay! <3
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merrock · 9 months
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Augustus (he/him, cis man) was born on October 5, 1980 in Bend, Oregon and is local, but returned to Merrock in 2012. They prefer to be called Gus, work as a firefighter at the fire station at Town Hall, and their stomping grounds are the rural countryside. | written by: Nessa (she/her, est), portrayed by: Luke Macfarlane. FILLING CONNECTION: firefighter (for Jason Browning).
Hello, Nessa, welcome to Merrock! We are so excited to see Augustus here in town. Please check out our WELCOME BROCHURE, and be sure to submit your account within 48 hours, and your finished bio within one week. Thank you! xx
face claim: Luke Macfarlane.
full name: Augustus Elliot Caldwell.
nickname(s) / goes by: Gus, Gussy, Auggie.
pronouns & gender: he/him, cis man.
sexuality: gay.
birth date: October 5, 1980.
birth place: Bend, OR.
arrival to merrock: local; returned in 2012.
housing: rural countryside.
occupation: firefighter (driver engineer).
work place: Town Hall.
family: Timothy (father), Alice (mother), Beau (brother), little brother. He has two children, Molly Grace and Leo Alexander (born in 2022).
relationship status: single.
filling connection: Jason Browning's co-worker as a firefighter.
ADMIN NOTE: this application is for a drop/switch from Libby Stewart, Chloe Nwokobia and Isabela Romero to a new character.
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lumosfm · 29 days
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The following have not posted in character for five or more days and therefore have 48 hours to resume activity or get in touch with the admin to avoid having their roles reopened:
Augustus Rookwood @rookwcod
Bellatrix Lestrange @bxllatrix
Daisy Hookum @hookum
Demira Macmillan @macmillcn
Fabian Prewett @prcwctt
Georgette Ollivander @xgeorgetteollivanderx
James Potter @jamesffleamont
Molly Weasley @xmollyweasleyx
Pandora Rosier @pandoraxrosier
The following characters have now come to the end of their hiatus and should therefore resume activity:
Arthur Weasley @weaslcypctriarch
Edward Tonks @tcdtcnksx
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commanderhorncleaver · 6 months
3, 6, and 22 for the warband ask game!
Ask Game
3. Why did they pick that particular name?
The Horns took their name largely because Gaius came with it--both parts are holdovers from each of his previous warbands. Likewise, many of the original band members simply latched 'horn' onto the band name of their previous surname (Silverhorn from Silvertongue for Augustus). Oberon, coincidentally, didn't have to change his bandname, and chose not to for the sake of pissing folk off--his old band, and perhaps his new one as well.
6. What are their usual assignments?
The Horns are traditionally an administrative warband because of Gaius' lack of engineering skill. Though he's a more than effective tactician, his role prior to being given the warband simply had him in charge of, primarily, engineering R&D or repairman warbands. Thus, this stayed their role when he was granted his Centurion rank again.
Nowadays, though they're still admin in name, they manage the Horn Gladium Outreach program and so far more of their energy goes into managing that. Theoretically, this is still just admin, but Sigmund and Oberon both get to do more with their fields of expertise involving the development of supplemental and maneuverability-based prosthetics to help allow gladium return to action (or more comfortably find other work).
They do of course still run drills and the like, and Gaius is still prone to taking on mentoring positions with others.
22. What do they like about themselves as a warband?
The first and foremost thing they pride themselves in as a warband of the Iron Legion, and something I'm certain they lacked during the early years, is feeling like what they do matters and makes a difference. HGO is an opportunity to help charr, and they're all proud to do it, even if the day-to-day action is far less than what many of them would prefer.
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ascendio-rp · 8 months
Death Eaters and neutrals wanted!
We currently have a cap on Order members and would ADORE a few more neutral and evil characters in the group. We accept original characters as long as they have a canon surname. Maybe you and a friend want to explore Crabbe or Goyle Sr.'s family dynamics. Death Eater in the war, the spouse is a socialite who maintains a "neutral" approach toward things while supporting their spouse or sibling. There are countless ways to do it and we would love to see a player or two pick one of them up! Bellatrix Lestrange, Igor Karkaroff, Corban Yaxley, Walden Macnair, and Augustus Rookwood are among our open Death Eaters, with our being happy to welcome a few OC's. We have Arthur Weasley, Gwenog Jones, Edgar Bones, Arabella Figg, Benjy Fenwick, Hestia Jones, Caradoc Dearborn, Amelia Bones, Otto Bagman, Daisy Hookum, Ludovic Bagman, and more available as neutrals with the potential to join either side once numbers even out a little. There's also a chance of having neutrals take on the Dark Mark as long as it is discussed with an admin when applying.
Currently set in January of 1983, our DISCORD group has a war looming over its head. We are an established roleplay that can be found HERE. A brief overview of what has happened in the group so far can be found HERE. Our most recent plot drop is HERE.
We are a FULLY ESTABLISHED group and have a welcoming crew of writers and admins who are more than happy to assist with getting your feet wet.
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allaboutmyths · 5 years
Update on things: I’m currently taking Ancient Rome at my college, and I plan to write a paper on the similarities between Turnus and Mark Antony (and going further, how they were both destined to loose their respective wars), so since I’ll be doing a lot of research, doing a comparison between Roman vs Greek gods shouldn’t be that much more work, right????
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Agustus Gloop (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
Chocoyic: a xenogender related to chocolate, subset of candyic
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I'm glad the CatCF musical brought some CatCF blogs to Tumblr. It used to be so lonely on here.
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skenisasleb · 4 months
making it official yall im making high admin augustus my pfp on my main tumblr cause its funny B)
(and you cant stop me.)
(…..but you can blame @gayballfart for this. /J)
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southparkthenewkids · 4 months
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….shit hes really fun to draw 😨
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77marvelimagines · 6 years
augustus-did-not-get-stabbed replied to your post “Hi is there a link to your rules and thing ?? Bc I can’t get it”
Links are broken @77marvelimagines
I tried them on both my phone and my computer, and they worked? If you’re still having trouble, though, let me know and I’ll find a way to let you see them! 
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ethersierra · 2 years
Welcome to my big log.
About me:
URL used to be taakosleftshoe
My main blog is @moreclaypigeons
my art blog is @sierraveree-art
I run @tazsapphicweek
I have listened to all of the TAZ campaigns, I love Ethersea and Steeplechase especially.
I am an admin and editor of the wiki, which you can find that at adventurezonewiki.miraheze.org, and our blog is @adventurezonewiki, where you can send any and all questions!
I love to draw and sometimes write.
AO3: lessclaypigeons
If you want me to tag anything just lmk!
Proudest posts:
Convincing Justin to GM
A look at my umbrastaff ft taako cosplay
Being a catalyst of the infamous pants post
beary bluejeans
nanofather essay
WIP Proudest posts, art edition:
[I’m still working on getting all of these applied to posts I made before having this kind of system. also this is like 100% for me lol but feel free to sort as you please]
#barry queuejeans - my queue tag! if i've queued a post, or more likely, a reblog, i will add that tag and u will know i was not online just then. it helps keep the ecosystem going.
#srb or #self reblog
#favs - my favs
#sierra speaks - me talking
#a sierra original - a post that’s mine!
#my art
#ask game - did an ask game :D
#fic ref - I’m saving for reference for a fic
#writing tag - my writing
#to id: I still need to add image ID's
#tbr to be read/come back to later
#ref - reference, use for later
#taz playlists - when i talk about playlists!!! i love them!
#other people's fics - i have on occasion mistagged these without the apostrophe. my bad
#friends art
#thank you for the ask! - if i've answered an ask, it should show up here!
#not taz - if im talking about something thats not taz, it ends up here. and you may think oh sierra this is a taz blog why would you-- i do what i want. jk it is probably smth about fandom or my time creating art for fandom or smth
#headcanons - dont use this tag enough so sorry guys
#discord??? i forget my tag tbh
#ttazz spoilers - im unhinged. if u didnt want the the adventure zone zone spoiled LMAO
Campaign specific tags (i don't often do character tags. but sometimes)
#taz steeplechase
#taz steeplechase spoilers - SPOILER TAG block if u are not prepared
#steeplechase bingo - there is a steeplechase bingo card i am filling out as i listen. it SHOULD??? be tagged this?
#ethersea ref - see above
#ethersea environment ref
#the adventure zone ethersea - usually only on original posts. not consistent
#taz ethersea spoilers - I try to always mark ethersea spoilers with this. so filter it if you’re not caught up!
otherwise, spoilers in: #taz e spoilers
#taz ethersea - originals and reblogs will typically contain this one
#taz e - less common but will use if i’m rushing?
#amber gris
#devo la main
#oksamber (aka bubbanana) amber and kodira (oksana)
#the adventure zone balance
#taz balance spoilers
#taz balance
#it's taako! you know! from tv! - my taako tag
#magnus burnsides
#merle highchurch - ok so i dont use it that much
#blupjeans - barry and lup
#taakitz - taako and kravitz
#magnulia - magnus and julia
#a taag if you will - taagnus tag (get it)
#lucretia and taako - they make me emotional. what can i say
i also have a tag for every arc, pretty much. theyre not consistently added cause i decided to do them later: #### #eleventh hour # #stolen century # #post story and song
Design reference (aka when I see a design I like for a character) (WHY DO I HAVE SO MANY TAGS HERE) 
#design ref
#montrose design
#emerich design
#beef design
#amber gris design
#amber design
#devo design
#zoox design
#oksana design
#urchin design
#blinkshark design
#taako design
#kravitz design
#merle design
#magnus design
#lucretia design
#lup design
#barry design
#voidfish design
#davenport design
#julia design
#aubrey design
#indrid design
#indrid design
#augustus parsons design
#callan design
#lulu design
#argo design
#firbolg design
#fitz design
#rainer design
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dulcepericulum-rp · 5 years
what fcs would you suggest for augustus?
Here’s some face claims for Augustus!
Lucien Laviscount
Mena Massoud
Taylor Zakhar Perez
Tyler Posey
Cody Christian
Jeremy Allen White
We have loads more suggestions if you need, love! We’re really trying to give Augustus a muse with a lot of gore / violence, and any fighting in their resources would be beneficial for his character!
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augustus-scaevola · 2 years
//I was gonna try to digitalize these first but admin is struggling. So have Augustus and Remus with long hair lmao. It was just a concept I wanted to play around with.
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