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lostoneshq · 5 months ago
Pessoal, foco aqui! Por motivos de surpresa e logĂ­stica, estou pensando em iniciar o subplot de Halloween amanhĂŁ. Calmem, nĂŁo se desesperem em relação a interaçÔes, starters, etc. Subplot nĂŁo Ă© evento e o evento de fato acontecerĂĄ apenas no fim de Outubro, subplot Ă© apenas uma iniciação no cenĂĄrio de Halloween do RP. Na verdade, aproveitem e deixem algumas interaçÔes nos rascunhos e me agradeçam depois. 🙏
Um spoiler? Em um outro RP de contos de fadas meu, houve uma dinùmica de Halloween em que os players trocavam interaçÔes por dinheiro para comprarem as suas fantasias mågicas de Halloween. Como foi algo super divertido por lå, eu vou trazer para cå, embora com diferenças...
VocĂȘs topam que o subplot comece amanhĂŁ?
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venettahq · 2 months ago
✶   𝐀𝐃𝐌 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄    â€ș    boa tarde, players! como estĂŁo por aĂ­? passando para dar alguns recados em relação a nossa abertura para interaçÔes. fui pelo voto da maioria, e a data escolhida foi ..... TANANANAA :
25/11, às 20:00   :    interaçÔes liberadas  .
''mod evie, teremos evento de abertura?'' sim e nĂŁo. tivemos votos considerĂĄveis para abrir o rp sem evento, para adaptação, entĂŁo decidi juntar 2 em 1. serĂĄ mais como uma atração, porĂ©m permitindo que interajam em outros lugares da cidade tambĂ©m. amanhĂŁ vocĂȘs vĂŁo entender melhor como vai funcionar ♡
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enquanto isso, aproveitem o domingĂŁo para se apresentarem no blog ooc, combinarem plots e postar a intro do seu personagem. estou muito animada, entĂŁo espero por vocĂȘs amanhĂŁ!
deem like nesse post para eu saber que leram o aviso*
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sosoawayrpg · 1 year ago
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Bom dia / boa tarde amorinhas. EntĂŁo, um tempo atrĂĄs, enquanto atualizava as listas, minha energia caiu. Eu achei que tinha conseguido salvar tudo, mas aparentemente fui tapeada. Com força. Tem chars que deixaram de existir???? Como estamos em +130 personagens, vou precisar da ajuda de vocĂȘs. Tenho quase certeza de que agora estĂĄ certo agora, mas...
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Tenho quase certeza de que agora estĂĄ certo agora, mas... Se cada um puder conferir se os respectivos chars estĂŁo direitinho. FC listado, todos presentes, ia ser... Eu vou chorar de felicidade. Porque eu tĂŽ olhando aqui essa monstruosidade que eu criei e tĂŽ tentando nĂŁo chorar com a possibilidade de ter que fazer TUDO de novo.
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mousemannation · 3 months ago
i mean this so genuinely but it's really amusing to me the difference between liveblogging for mouse man vs liveblogging for like. jannik or carlos
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i-am-kind-of-lost · 19 days ago
Wait we have Jannik - Holger ad the possible 4th Round?????
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adm-starblitzsteel-4305 · 9 months ago
Probably gonna post Gijinka Shimo on Wednesday (May 1 is actually Labor Day and it's a regular holiday in the Philippines).
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marketingpediaaaaaaaaaaaaaa · 3 months ago
A relação da Geração Z com o mercado de trabalho:
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A Geração Z, composta por indivĂ­duos nascidos entre meados da dĂ©cada de 1990 e inĂ­cio dos anos 2010, estĂĄ transformando o mercado de trabalho com suas caracterĂ­sticas Ășnicas e expectativas distintas. Sendo:
Pontos Positivos:
1-Habilidades Tecnológicas: A Geração Z é a primeira a crescer completamente imersa na era digital. Eles possuem habilidades tecnológicas inatas, o que os torna extremamente adaptåveis a novas ferramentas e plataformas digitais.
2-Multitarefa e Agilidade: Esses jovens sĂŁo conhecidos por sua capacidade de realizar mĂșltiplas tarefas simultaneamente e por sua agilidade mental. Eles conseguem captar e processar informaçÔes rapidamente, o que Ă© uma vantagem em ambientes de trabalho dinĂąmicos.
3-ConsciĂȘncia Social e Diversidade: A Geração Z valoriza a diversidade e a inclusĂŁo. Eles buscam ambientes de trabalho que respeitem e promovam essas questĂ”es, o que pode levar a culturas corporativas mais inclusivas e inovadoras.
4-Busca por Propósito: Essa geração não estå apenas em busca de um emprego, mas de um propósito. Eles querem trabalhar em empresas que tenham um impacto positivo na sociedade, o que pode impulsionar as organizaçÔes a adotarem pråticas mais sustentåveis e socialmente responsåveis.
Pontos Negativos:
1-Dificuldade com Rotina e Hierarquia: A Geração Z pode ter dificuldades em se adaptar a estruturas hierårquicas rígidas e rotinas tradicionais. Eles preferem ambientes de trabalho flexíveis e horizontais, o que pode ser um desafio para empresas mais tradicionais³.
2-Imediatismo e IndependĂȘncia: Acostumados com a rapidez da era digital, esses jovens podem ser imediatistas e esperar resultados rĂĄpidos. AlĂ©m disso, sua independĂȘncia pode ser interpretada como falta de comprometimento ou dificuldade em trabalhar em equipe.
3-Desafios de Comunicação: Apesar de serem proficientes em comunicação digital, a Geração Z pode enfrentar desafios em habilidades de comunicação interpessoal. Isso pode afetar a dinùmica de equipe e a colaboração no ambiente de trabalho.
4-Expectativas Altas: Eles tĂȘm expectativas altas em relação ao equilĂ­brio entre vida pessoal e profissional, benefĂ­cios e oportunidades de crescimento. Empresas que nĂŁo conseguem atender a essas expectativas podem ter dificuldades em atrair e reter talentos dessa geração.
A Geração Z traz uma nova perspectiva ao mercado de trabalho, com suas habilidades tecnolĂłgicas, agilidade e consciĂȘncia social. No entanto, tambĂ©m apresenta desafios, como a adaptação a estruturas tradicionais e a necessidade de comunicação interpessoal. As empresas que conseguirem equilibrar esses pontos positivos e negativos estarĂŁo melhor posicionadas para aproveitar o potencial dessa geração e promover um ambiente de trabalho inovador e inclusivo.
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solidwater05 · 1 year ago
I'm being so normal about my favorite song
In my dreams
And crawling from my sleep
Is a liminal dichotomy
A parasitic effigy
Liminal: A state of transition. In popular culture, might be related to the uncanny valley phenomenon
Dichotomy: Duality, contrast
Parasitic: That causes harm and feeds off of a host
Effigy: A representation of a hated figure
The uncanny overlap of or transition between two opposing things
Won't be left alone by someone whom he hates
The uncanny contrast between love and hate for someone who hurts him so much, yet he won't let him go. The point where hate turns into obsession all over again
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fallen-hq · 2 years ago
estou retirando os deuses, geras, zelo e kairos das aplicaçÔes! assim como diminuindo as vagas das criaturas. agora temos apenas 2 vagas para cada criatura!! jå atualizei a pågina de skeletons e o fixado também
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lostoneshq · 3 months ago
Bom dia, pessoal!
NĂŁo venho com notĂ­cias muito boas
 Infelizmente, eu vou ter que encerrar as atividades do Lost. Tomei a decisĂŁo essa madrugada e decidi seguir com ela. Minha rotina de estudos estĂĄ apertada e eu nĂŁo consigo me dedicar da forma que o Lost merece. Acaba que me sinto desanimada tambĂ©m com o peso da minha vida pessoal... E aĂ­ fica realmente difĂ­cil manter uma central dessa maneira 😞 Do inĂ­cio do ano pra cĂĄ, aconteceram muitas coisas e algumas bem tristes como a enchente, e eu estive com vocĂȘs em todas! EntĂŁo me parte o coração ter que tomar essa decisĂŁo agora. Mas eu sinto que Ă© melhor encerrar a memĂłria do Lost como um lugar divertido e que fez bem a todos nĂłs do que como um lugar que a mod começou a negligenciar porque o desĂąnimo acaba sendo aparente.
Preciso confessar tambĂ©m que, nos Ășltimos tempos, tenho estado desanimada para seguir com o plot do RP
 Senti um desĂąnimo vindo da comunidade e comecei a me culpar, culpar o plot, a histĂłria
 E acabou virando uma bola de neve. Tivemos uma alta repentina de muita atividade, e uma baixa extrema logo em seguida, e isso acabou atacando as minhas inseguranças/minha confiança como moderadora
 De que eu nĂŁo fiz o suficiente, ou o plot do RP nĂŁo foi bom o suficiente, ou que o que eu propunha nĂŁo atraĂ­a nem interessava os players.
VocĂȘs talvez me conheçam de outros RPs ou sĂł desse aqui. Sabem, ou eu espero que saibam!!, que meu carinho pela criação e pelos players vai muito alĂ©m do sĂł moderação. Considero vocĂȘs amigos! Partners. Pessoas com quem eu quero jogar mais vezes. Eu gosto de entregar o melhor que eu posso
 e se eu nĂŁo posso dar esse melhor, entĂŁo eu nĂŁo acho justo manter vocĂȘs de molho em algo. Espero de coração que possam me entender. Imagino que vĂĄ ser triste, mas com o tempo, as memĂłrias boas sĂŁo as que prevalecem e a gente se encontra de novo! ❀❀❀ Foi muito divertido estar aqui com vocĂȘs pelos Ășltimos meses.
Gostaria de poder voltar com o Lost um dia, ou com algum dos meus RPs da trilogia que eu moderei. Seria incrĂ­vel encontrar vocĂȘs de novo no futuro! ❀
Deixo aqui meu contato no Telegram e Discord para todos aqueles que quiserem me procurar e manter contato! Eu adoraria.
virginiawoolfs no telegram e discord (sim, meu nome Ă© duda pra quem jĂĄ nĂŁo sabe đŸ«Ł)
Obrigada por tudo! Foram meses incrĂ­veis, com pessoas e personagens incrĂ­veis! Espero ver vocĂȘs de novo. Com muito amor, mod Anna.
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venettahq · 2 months ago
✶   𝐀𝐃𝐌 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄    â€ș    pessoal, hoje o dia foi corrido por aqui, por isso nĂŁo consegui ser muito presente na central. estou respondendo todos os chats, porĂ©m deixarei as atualizaçÔes de pĂĄginas para amanhĂŁ! estou amando a interação de vocĂȘs na dash, espero que estejam se divertindo ♡
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sayruq · 10 months ago
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THE WHITE HOUSE is worried that Iran might strike a U.S. target as part of a potential retaliation for Israel’s April 1 attack on its embassy in Damascus, Syria, according to notes from a meeting involving National Security Council officials earlier this week. Tehran has vowed that “Israel will be punished” for the Syria strike and the killing of Quds Force commander Mohammad Reza Zahedi. New concern about a potential Iranian strike comes even though the Biden administration has sought to distance itself from the Israeli airstrike, stressing that it had no advance knowledge of the operation. “I don’t have anything more to say about the strike in Damascus, except that we weren’t involved in any way whatsoever,” NSC spokesperson retired Adm. John Kirby said on Monday. On Monday night, Iran conveyed to the Biden administration that if it involved itself in defending Israel were Tehran to undertake a retaliatory strike, it would consider the United States a viable target as well. The issue was discussed at a Tuesday NSC meeting, according to notes reviewed by The Intercept. (The NSC did not respond to a request for comment.)
Since then, the U.S. has quietly conducted talks with Iranian officials to seek to avoid direct confrontation between the two countries’ armed forces, according to CNN and other media reports. On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said that Biden and his team are working to prevent escalation with Iran in the Middle East. On Wednesday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that Israel “must be punished and it shall be.” That same day, Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Israel Katz said his country would respond with a direct attack. “If Iran attacks from its own territory, Israel will respond and attack in Iran,” Katz posted on X. Since April 2023, the U.S. and Israel have been in close cooperation in sharing and building common Iran contingency plans.
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sosoawayrpg · 11 months ago
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Começando do jeito que todo mundo estava se perguntando. Entre trancos e barrancos, mazelas e loucuras, conseguimos! Eu estava resolvendo a papelada do meu trabalho, tive treinamento o dia todo (trĂȘs dias seguidos), fiquei/estou doente (de atestado inclusive) e consegui agora entrar na central (deu problema com a senha de novo). Mod Sam tambĂ©m estĂĄ resolvendo uns probleminhas pessoais.
Resumindo, vou tomar um banho e comer. Jå jå eu apareço pra responder ask e chat, dar uma geral na central e colocar nossa família de volta nos trilhos.
Desculpem-nos por tudo, amorinhas. Amo vocĂȘs ❀
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heart4gyu · 7 months ago
wet dreamz pt.2 || jake x reader
[ part 1 here ]
note: it’s finally here !! i want to point out that jake is much softer (?) than i intended but i love him like this.. he’s my lover boy đŸ«‚ anyway i rly hope you guys enjoy this because i had to scrap the original and start over omg it was a mess and work got in the way too TT but i definitely have some more jake coming soon that im so excited for !! leave ur thoughts & suggestions too plsss 🙏 [i haven’t proofread im so sleepyyyy bye]
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after you sent jake that last text, inviting him over to your place, he didn’t respond. which was understandable considering jake never knew how to respond when you flirted with him, always blushing and stuttering out an awkward reply.
so as you got ready to meet up with some friends, putting on a small black dress and your favorite sparkly heels, you were surprised to hear a couple knocks at your door. even more surprised when you found jake standing there, holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
“jake, what are you doing here?” you asked, feeling yourself blush, the flowers throwing you off your game a bit. no guy had ever turned up with flowers for you, especially without occasion. it was sweet.
“you- you invited me,” he says, his pretty eyes holding eye contact better than he usually does. you’d never felt this nervousness for a guy before. but you’d guess he was doing no better considering the way he was trying so hard not to look down at your low cut dress and exposed thighs.
“oh yeah
 you just didn’t respond so i thought- um
 do you wanna come in?” you cut yourself off, stepping aside to make room for him. he nodded as he stepped inside, looking around.
“sorry i didn’t respond
 i was kinda nervous. i mean not that i’ve never- you know i just- well i don’t know why i didn’t respond actually. and you look just really pretty right now- well you always look pretty but-” he went on, stumbling cutely before you interrupted him with a laugh.
“it’s okay jakey. i was gonna go out but we could just stay here if you’d like,” you offered to which he nodded, eagerly. so you led him to your bedroom where you noticed that he didn’t look around as much. and it was cute how nervous he really did look.
“these are for you,” he said, finally handing you the bouquet. and you smiled as you thanked him, putting them on your bedside table.
“they’re beautiful... why don’t you sit on my bed so i can go change into something more comfortable,” you said, and he obeyed right away. you couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you entered your bathroom because, yes, you’ve had plenty of guys in your room but something about jake was different.
you felt shy for him and he wasn’t as easy for you to get as all the others. you’d talked with him for months. you got to know him the entire semester. as with all the other guys, you didn’t really have to put in all that much work before having them in your bed.
the moment jake heard the lock of the bathroom door, he let out a sigh he didn’t know he’d been holding in. he wasn’t completely inexperienced and he was never this nervous but he had been trying so hard to forget about his dream that it was hard to focus on anything else.
he looked around now, noting that your room was different than he’d pictured but still fit you so well. and it wasn’t just your pillows but the whole room smelled like you, he was engulfed in it and he loved it.
when you stepped back out in a small pajama set, he felt his heart skip a beat and a tightness in his stomach. and you loved the way he stared at you as you walked up to him. you stood right between his legs and looked down at him innocently.
“what are you thinking, jakey,” you said, placing your hands on his shoulders. he swallowed, dryly, as he looked up into your eyes. he felt like he couldn’t breathe and even though he desperately wanted to, he didn’t think to touch you yet.
 i really like you. but before anything happens, i wanna say that i don’t want this to be a one time thing,” he admitted, quietly, not breaking eye contact. you nodded, running a hand through his hair, making him close his eyes at your touch.
“trust me, i don’t want it to be one time either,” you said, your hand wrapping around to cup his cheek. he leaned in to your touch but shook his head after a second, looking up into your eyes more seriously this time.
“i mean, i want to take you on dates and i don’t want to see other people. i just wanna be yours
 i want you to be just mine,” he said, his eyes nervously watching for your response. you nodded at him with a smile and he felt relieved.
“are you asking to be my boyfriend, sim jaeyun?” you asked, smiling so brightly his shoulders relaxed in response.
“yes i am, what do you say?” he said, a hopeful look in his eyes. you watched his hands messing with the material of his jeans as his leg anxiously bounced.
” you started, reaching down to grab both of his hands in yours. he didn’t break eye contact even when you placed his hands on your hips. “i think it took you long enough.”
“is that a yes?” he asked, a smile on his lips as you placed a knee on either side of his thighs. you cupped his face, unable to keep the smile off of your own face.
“yes! now please kiss me already,” you said, more of a demand than a request. and he just smiled as you both leaned in.
your lips finally connecting after having waited for so long. and he was gone right away, you could tell with the way he sighed loudly as you tilted your head for a better angle.
the kiss was messy, probably from his lack of experience, but still heated and passionate from the very start. a desperate moan slipping from his lips when your tongue made its way into his mouth.
you bit at his bottom lip, making eye contact as you pulled it back. with your eyes now open you could see how his chest quickly rose and fell, and how he was begging for you with his eyes.
his hands that were frozen at your hips now moving around to squeeze at your ass. he lifted a hand up to leave a firm smack there, a satisfied smirk on his lips when you let out a small gasp.
“sit back there,” you said, standing up from his lap and pointing to your headboard with your chin. he obeyed quickly as you rummaged through your bedside table for a condom.
he watched you search for a while before, “i- i brought some,” he said, lifting his hips off the bed to take the row of condoms out of his front pocket. a blush dusting his cheeks at his words.
“oh! well i’m glad you came prepared
 i was just gonna let you hit it raw,” you said, playfully, crawling back over to him. and he didn’t know how but he just got even harder in his jeans.
you sat back on your knees as you took off your shirt and then bottoms revealing a pretty pink matching set. his mouth felt dry, he licked his lips as he stared down at you. you tilted your head, expectantly, when his eyes finally made their way back up to yours.
he let out a small ‘oh’ when he finally got the hint, taking his shirt off and reaching down to unbutton his pants. you let yourself take a moment and admire his build; his strong shoulders, defined abs, his sculpted thighs flexed as he lifted himself to get his jeans off.
you didn’t know how a shy, nerdy guy like him could be hiding such a build but all you knew was you hit the jackpot. even more so when he sat back against your pillows and his bulge became even more apparent through his underwear. your face heating up now as he watched you eating him up with your eyes.
you situated yourself back over his lap still not sitting down just yet. you leaned down taking his lips in yours and he took the chance to drag his hands along your waist and hips, playing with the lace of your panties.
you could kiss him forever, with his plush lips you really didn’t mind. he seemed to be growing a bit impatient though, pulling your hips down onto his abruptly, causing a moan to rip from your throat as you felt his bulge come into contact with your clothed heat.
he quickly took the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth, grinding up into you repeatedly. you through your head back, letting the soft moans fall from your lips wanting to encourage him more.
“please i’ll do anything you want me to, just tell me,” he said, pressing you flush down onto his cock and holding you there. you dropped your head down onto his shoulder, shaking your head.
“i just wanna ride you, right now,” you said, and he probably gulped but you couldn’t really focus on how cute that was with how huge he felt still pressed up against you.
so as you reached over to rip a condom from the strip he worked on taking both of your bottoms off. still being very gentle with you as he slid them down your legs, admiring every inch of your skin.
as for you, you were right: he was huge. you slid the condom onto his length and he hissed at the contact. once it was on and you lined yourself up, he stopped you one last time to press a kiss to your lips. a sweet kiss that you couldn’t help melt into.
he pressed a kiss on your cheek, down your neck, your shoulder, your chest, your bra, and one last one right above your belly button. he sat back and looked up to give you a satisfied smile, letting you know that you could continue.
you gave his cock a couple strokes and finally slipped his tip right past your lips, causing you both to moan out. he sat up almost immediately and you placed your hands on his shoulders for the extra support.
inch by inch, you took him in until finally you were sat on his lap again. you let out a deep breath and his eyes were squeezed shut as he tried his best to hold back. but all he could think about was how much better this felt than his dream.
“you’re so tight,” he moaned, resting his head onto your shoulder, still managing to place a gentle kiss there. he was holding back so much, he felt so desperate for you. “baby, could you please move a bit?”
the petname falling from his lips so effortlessly, you couldn’t help the moan that slipped out of your mouth as you started to rock yourself back and forth on him. his hands squeezed at the skin of your waist as you let out a breathy ‘yes’, putting his head back on the headboard.
when you finally started to bounce on his cock, he was a whining mess. you thought his moans were pretty, well the whines that left his throat were addictive. you wanted to do whatever you could to keep hearing them.
you lifted yourself all the way to the tip and dropped all the way back down as quick as your legs could take you, grinding onto him in all directions. and he was so perfectly responsive, just what you wanted to hear; the ‘don’t stop’s and ‘feels too good’s leaving him were too encouraging.
you couldn’t bring yourself to stop even as your thighs started to shake because you could feel his cock pulsing inside of you and you wanted to make him cum so badly. but it seemed he had the same idea.
suddenly he lifted your hips off of him, pulling out slowly, a groan falling from both of your lips. he gently laid you back down onto your pillows, not forgetting to place a gentle kiss right at the center of your chest. “
 i didn’t get to make you cum,” you said, a bit disappointed.
“i know, pretty,” he said, kissing your pout away, “but i said i’d take care of you.” you felt yourself blush at his words, luckily he was preoccupied with lining himself up again.
“wait,” you said, pushing him back a bit by his chest. you reached down, slowly pulling the condom off of his length and tossing it to the side.
before he could speak again you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your legs also lifting up to engulf his waist, pulling him closer. his forehead resting on yours as he eyed you curiously, “i want you to come in me,” you said, quietly.
he squeezed his eyes shut, groaning. he kissed you, rougher than all the other kisses before. “you can’t say those kind of things to me, angel, i won’t be able to hold back.”
“please don’t hold back jakey, do whatever you dream of,” you said, your eyes begging. jake swears his heart stopped for a second. he just couldn’t believe it, this was so different from his dream but also so much better.
he took a deep breath, his hand shaking as he lined himself back up at your entrance. when he pushed all the way back in at once, he swore he was in heaven. nothing could compare to how he felt so deep in you right now, so warm and tight. was he having deja vu?
he shook his head, he didn’t have to be reminded of that dream anymore cause this? nothing could beat this.
he thrusted into you hard and fast, immediately setting a brutal pace. and you loved it, not being able to do anything other than scream and moan out his name. he wasn’t much better moaning and muttering praises at your ear.
you scratched at his back helplessly as his thrust somehow got harder, his release definitely building up again. you pulled at his hair, bringing his face in front of yours and smashing your lips together once again. the kiss more intimate in this position, despite both of you being moaning messes.
he reached a hand down to rub circles at your clit, your hand following after to help guide him. he quickly found the rhythm you wanted and matched his thrust to it. you couldn’t believe how good he was already, and couldn’t imagine how this could get any better.
he kissed and sucked at your neck, searching for the spot you liked best, already wanting to familiarize himself with every part of your body. you moaned out his name as you felt the coil in your stomach come undone. finally releasing around him as he continued chasing his own high.
he came soon after as he felt your walls clench around him so tightly, filling you up so perfectly. he held himself up, not wanting to put his full weight on you and gently pulled out when both of your breathing regulated.
he laid down beside you, still in disbelief, his dazed expression making you laugh. he looked over at you with a smile, pulling your chin towards him to place a gentle kiss on your lips. he didn’t think he’d ever get enough of kissing you.
he kissed you again and again, not wanting to pull his lips off of yours. “wait! i need to clean you up,” he said abruptly, sitting up.
“oh yeah, um
 there’s a little towel in my bathroom,” you said, rising up onto your elbows. you watched as his eyebows scrunched together and he just shook his head.
“no, i don’t need a towel,” he said, and you couldn’t help but smile at his cute tone
 well cute until he was getting comfortable between your legs again, laying down right in front of your leaking core. somehow a sweet, innocent look still on his face.
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m-rshy · 8 months ago
the ways of love | azriel x reader
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pairing: azriel x reader
summary: for an illyrian warrior with a knack for vengeance, there are a number of ways in which azriel loves.
word count: 912
a/n: short but sweet <3
warnings: a bit of smut
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Azriel had always been full of love, but he simply had nowhere to put it. But when you finally waltzed into his life, with that hypnotic smile and contagious laugh, he finally knew what to do with it all.
He always woke up long before you did, and in those early hours of the morning, he would trace his fingers along the lines of your back. He'd lean forward and brush his lips against the shell of your ear, and whisper, "It's time to get up, sweetheart."
He'd laugh at your groans of protest, and he'd gently roll you over onto your back so he could dip down and capture your lips in a sweet kiss. As gorgeous as you were, and as much as he wanted to stay in with you for the remainder of the day, that wouldn't stop him from peeling the blankets off your body, and taking your hands in his to pull you up from the bed.
He sometimes left books in random areas of the house for you to find. Not because he was incapable of cleaning up after himself—of course not—but because he'd found a phrase in it that made him think of you, his mate.
Whether it was a line or passage that he thought you'd like, or something that reminded him of you, he'd dog-ear the page and leave it for you to read—something small he hoped would brighten your day, even just a little.
Occasionally, he'd find something a little spicier (courtesy of Nesta's recommendations), and he'd leave a note beside it saying, 'Something you and I could recreate tonight, perhaps,' and when he would see you that night, with a sultry look on your face, he'd know you received his message.
Azriel is typically rougher in the sheets, but whatever you ask of him, he'll give to you. If you wanted him to be gentle, he wouldn't be anything less. If you wanted him faster and harder, Mother above, he would hardly be able to contain himself.
He'd kiss his way down your body, making sure not to leave any part of you untouched—to him, you were a goddess who needed to be worshipped. He'd glance up from the space between your legs, giving you a smirk before teasingly licking up your slick folds. Your body would jolt from the sensation, and he'd push his tongue just a little deeper, savouring the way you felt on his mouth.
"You taste so good, sweetheart," he'd whisper, and he'd drink up the sound of your moans, your breathless gasps and the way you said his name.
It wouldn't take him long to make his way back up your body, where he would grasp your hips and push himself inside you, watching how your face contorted in pleasure. You'd meet him with each thrust of his hips, and he'd lean down to whisper in your ear.
"You're doing wonderful, baby," he'd murmur. "Always taking me so well..."
He'd ride you through each and every orgasm, and Gods, was it hard not to let himself come before you did. At the end of it all, he'd wrap you in his arms and kiss you deeply before muttering, "You're beautiful."
Azriel had memorised every little thing about you. The inflection of your laugh, the register of your voice, the way your smile reached your eyes, the curves of your body that fit perfectly against his, and so much more.
He'd memorised certain things you'd said in passing, so much so that perhaps he knew you more than you knew yourself. He often caught you off guard with some of the things he'd say, and when you'd ask him, "How on Prythian did you know that?", he'd only press a kiss to your hair and say, "It's my job to know things, sweetheart."
After a long day of work, when all he wanted was to be in your company, the spymaster would take you for a stroll along the Sidra—just the two of you. On the colder nights, he'd tuck his wing around your body to shield you away from the cold, and also as an excuse to have you just a little closer to him (but he wouldn't admit that).
Your existing beauty would be highlighted in the glow of the moonlight, and he would wonder to himself how he ever managed to make you fall for him—the most ethereal female he'd ever laid eyes on.
He'd wrap an arm around your shoulder and pull you even closer, because a part of him thinks that this all might be a dream. That if he doesn't hold onto you tight enough, you'll slip away from him as he slinks back into consciousness.
As if sensing his thoughts, you'd stop walking for a moment and place your hands on either side of his face, bringing him down to press a gentle kiss to his lips. He'd blink, and you'd smile and continue walking as if you'd done nothing, and he'd laugh and think to himself, She's going to be the death of me.
Azriel loved you in ways that no one else could. He loved in a way that was so tender and moving—it was hard to believe that a warrior like him could be capable of something like that. But Azriel had always had the capacity to love, and with you now in his life, that capacity would only grow.
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helplesslypurple77 · 4 months ago
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Day 3-Threesome-Chrollo/Reader/HIisoka
Notes:  i've actually never written Chrollo, i hope this doesn't turn out ooc. Something about him is so vague, he's difficult to write, lol. Also I looked up poker hands for your welcome. I play poker with my family sometimes, but we prefer blackjack for whatever reason lol. Also i've never played the strip variety lol
It was raining. Drops fell through the jagged holes in the ceiling of the abandoned building, wetting the floor in uneven patches. It was dusk, a gloomy gray light cut with the golden candlelight coming from the candles scattered across the floor. You wished your colleagues had shelled out for a nice hotel. Heck, you would take a motel, anything with four walls, a roof, and wifi. But alas, the members of the Phantom troupe who were assigned to find shelter were the most dramatic ones(Chrollo, Feitan, and Nobunaga) and not any of the ones with common sense. 
And so here you were, hunched over your laptop. Gloomily watching the battery slowly tick down the hours until you would need to charge it at a net cafe, and occasionally moving to dodge raindrops. The sound of your fingers hitting the keys fills the large cavernous room, interspersed with the turning of pages and the occasional fluttering of cards to the ground.
There wasn't much to do, in the random abandoned lot the spiders had decided to hunker down in. You could sleep, you supposed. But the only other two people occupying the room would probably sabotage that. You would wake up with clown makeup(the actual clown makeup, not the stuff Hisoka wore) and a card tower balancing precariously on your stomach. And you would know, it had happened before. Your only other option was taking the forty-minute trek into town. Through the rain, which actually sounded more unpleasant than the clown makeup. At least that stuff came off. 
The sounds of Hisoka’s cards falling to the ground punctuate the formerly peaceful silence, and you sigh, watching your battery move to ten percent. Maybe it would take pity on you and that ten percent would last the rest of the night. A card wizzes by your ear. You don't even flinch.
“I'm busy, Hisoka.” You say, not even turning. He's probably where he was when the rest of the phantom troupe members left earlier, sitting cross-legged on the rock floor, making card towers.
“You don't look busy~” Hisoka says, from behind you. Another card lands beside you, this one a foot away from your thigh. You lay stretched out on the floor, propped up uncomfortably on your arms, occasionally typing on your computer. Every couple of minutes you obsessively switched positions. You got antsy after sitting for too long. 
“I'm working.” You say in return. Hisoka hums, and you imagine him tilting his head in confusion like a cat. Actually, you're watching a show. Muted with subtitles, because you forgot your headphones and you don't want to venture into the storm to get them. But that's none of his business.
Your battery ticks down to seven percent. Chrollo, sitting dramatically up on a rock at the front of the building, turns a page of his book. Another card wizzes by you, this one hitting an inch or two away from your computer keypad. You roll your eyes.
“Stop that.” You say, annoyance leaking into your voice. Hisoka chuckles. 
“But I'm bored~” He whines, sounding closer than before. You roll your eyes.
“Build another card tower.” 
“I'd rather not,” Hisoka returns, and another card flies by, this one dangerously close to your computer screen. “Bothering you is much more entertaining.”
“Careful!” You grumble. Your computer battery blinks, five percent taunting you. “If you break my computer you have to buy me a new one.”
Hisoka's response comes in the form of another card, this one landing a centimeter from your keyboard. Fed up you turn, glaring at the clown sitting behind you.
“Fuck you Hisoka,” You grumble, “just let me waste the rest of my battery in peace.”
He doesn't respond, just smiles at you. You hate to admit you find him attractive. He’s definitely moved closer and now sits perched above you on a rock, leaning back casually, hands lazily flicking cards about the hideout. 
You wished desperately that you had just taken a normal job, maybe as a receptionist or a waitress, and not decided to join the spiders of all things. You blamed it on your terrible taste in men. And your sister's ex-boyfriend. Because maybe, after your sister had come crying to you, telling you that John had cheated, you had immediately gone to beat him up. You had ended up beating him up pretty bad and went home and that was the end of it. 
Until you woke up the next morning, saw the spiders sitting in your living room, and dropped your coffee. After you cleaned up the mess, they informed you in various volumes, that because you had defeated one of their members you had to become a member. You had initially declined, and then you saw certain handsome men in spirit Halloween costumes and you folded like wet paper. So here you are, kind of deeply regretting your rash decisions. 
Chrollo turns another page. Water drips from the ceiling and hits your nose. You jerk back, turning back to your computer. Which is dead. Or course.
Grumbling, you slam the computer closed and lay back on the ground, letting the stone cool you down, and listening to the rain as it hits the building around you. It's peaceful, the smell of fresh rain, intermixed slightly with two different types of cologne and the faint smell of mildew. The rain calms you down from your annoyance, the cold sinking into your skin and putting a damper on your annoyance.
 If only you could find it in yourself to truly hate Hisoka. He was a nuisance, constantly inconveniencing you on a daily basis, and jokingly flirting with you because he knew it annoyed you. And you would get so fed up and upset and then he would smirk and you would see his stupid handsome face and you just couldn't bring yourself to truly hate him. 
His joke flirting actually kind of hurts you, because you know he's only doing it as a joke. You know he doesn't actually think you're attractive. Neither does Chrollo, now that you think about it, but at least he didn't give you false hope. He was straightforward in his dismissiveness. 
You sigh, and turn onto your side, already antsy. A breeze gusts across your face. A warm breeze.
The smell of flowers and blood hits your nose. How odd. 
You knew there were patches of greenery outside of the building, and there were probably a few inside as well, but blood? As far as you knew no one had died here yet. You sniff harder, your brow furrowed in confusion. And then a hand lands on your side. Your eyes fly open in shock, and Hisoka grins at you from his position mirroring you on the floor, about a foot away. You shriek in shock, as Hisokas hand strokes up and down your waist and hips. 
“You're loud.” He says, his mouth curving in a smirk. It sounds suggestive, but everything he says sounds suggestive. Unfortunately, he looks even more handsome up close. 
“You scared the crap out of me,” You grumble. “The hell Hisoka.”
“Oops, sorry.” He says. He doesn't look sorry and his hand is still stroking your side as you lie side by side on the cold stone of the floor. You hate how much that hand makes your stomach flutter. Rolling over you purposely trying to ram him onto his back. Maybe his stupid hair will get crushed. 
But alas, his body is a brick wall, and of course you only succeed in crushing your front into his muscled chest. Your face flushes, hidden where it is in his pecs, and you try to pull away. But an iron arm is holding you against him. Against all reason, you can hear his heart beating evenly in his chest. Your own skips around, propped up by the butterflies in your stomach. You wiggle, trying to escape but only managing to free your arms from his iron embrace. 
“My my, how eager.” Hisoka coos, probably about to say something equal parts annoying and mortifying. “You could have just asked.”
You dig your fingernails into his shoulders, trying to unsuccessfully pry yourself away from his body. Hisoka only chuckles.
“Fuck you,” You say against his chest. 
“Mm, maybe later.” Hisoka hums. You sigh.
“Chrollo? Your subordinate is suffocating me.” You grumble. You can't see him from here, but you assume he's still sitting on his big boss rock. He chuckles, and you hear a page turn.
“Let her go, Hisoka.” He says, sounding way too amused for your liking. Hisoka obliges, but not before his hand finds its way onto your ass. You kick his leg, and hold back the urge to ask him to do it again. Chrollo has put his book down, and is now watching the two of you curiously, illuminated by the candle sitting a few inches from his weird leather coat. Why both of the men in the room with you dress like absolute weirdos, you’ll never know. 
“You just let me squirm for a while, huh.” You grumble at him. He smiles
“You seemed like you were enjoying it, I didn't want to interrupt.” He replies, the candlelight flicking on the pale skin of his abs. You always wondered why he chose a leather jacket without a shirt, but you weren't going to ask and embarrassed yourself. He's snarky tonight for some reason. 
You flush, hiding it with a glare. 
“I was not enjoying anything!” You say, at the same time Hisoka unhelpfully chimes in with, “aww, don't be jealous Chrollo.”
You shoot Hisoka a weird look, but Chrollo only laughs. The sound echoes in the like twenty feet of space between you and Hisoka, and Chrollo on his big boss rock.
“Stop looming over us like that.” You say, flopping into a cross-legged position across from Hisoka. He's pulled himself up from the ground and is shuffling his cards in his hand. “If you're gonna talk you have to come down.”
Chrollo laughs. “Sure dear.” He says, and you watch him jump gracefully down from his perch and join the two of you on the ground in a little circle. 
Hisoka hums quietly, playing some weird nonsensical card game. Chrollo has opened his book again. You're the only one with nothing to do. 
“What are you reading anyway?” You ask the man beside you. Chrollo, sitting a foot away from you, looks up. 
“The Divine Comedy.” He says, flipping the heavy cover to show you. You roll your eyes so far back into your head they just might get stuck there. 
“How dull,” Hisoka says, and for once, you find yourself in complete agreement. 
“I shouldn't have asked, huh.” You mutter, settling back against a rock with a sigh. Chrollo raises an eyebrow.
“I take it you aren't a fan?” He asks, closing Dantes' glorified fanfic and placing it beside him. You roll your eyes with a sigh.
“Too long. Boring. Would rather read Crime and Punishment, at least that has a romance plotline.” You say, picking dirt from under your nails. “Do you even read, Hisoka?”
“Of course,” Hisoka replies, gathering all of his cards from their nonsensical placements. Cautiously, but too curious for your own good, you raise an eyebrow. He smiles at your silence, shuffling the cards in his hands. “Aren't you curious?”
“No,” You lie, watching him shuffle. You are curious, but for once you decide to hold your tongue.
Hisoka starts dealing three piles of cards. You eye him suspiciously.
“What are we playing?” You ask cautiously. It's always a good idea to air on the side of caution with Hisoka. The man just oozes sketchy vibes.
“Strip poker,” Hisoka replies. Your mouth drops open.
“Hell no.” You say. Hisoka pouts, looking almost harmless. Almost.
“You scared?”
“Fuck you.” You return. “No way in hell am I betting against you.”
It seems like an extremely unwise idea to play any games that have anything at all to do with lying or gambling against Hisoka of all people. You were totally going to lose. 
Hisoka tilts his head. “I'm disappointed by your cowardness” He coos, setting his deck of cards on the ground gingerly. “You're just as dull as him.”
He's goading you. You know it, you can feel the smart voice in your brain telling you to ignore him and turn around. But he gets you.
“Fine, whatever.” You say, picking up your cards with a sigh. “This is a terrible idea.”
Out of the corner of your vision, you see Chrollo also pick up his cards. You raise your eyebrows.
“You're joining us in this tomfoolery?” You ask, genuinely pretty surprised. Chrollo smiles. 
“Seems fun,” he says, a faint light behind his eyes that you can't place. You sigh, watching as Hisoka finishes dealing.
“This kind of thing seems pretty on brand for him,” You say, gesturing at Hisoka. “But you Chrollo?”
Hisoka makes a fake offended noise, and you roll your eyes. Chrollo simply smiles.
“Maybe I have ulterior motives,” He says. Turning his attention to Hisoka, he continues, “Five card draw?”
You catch on to that sentence, but you hurriedly move along when Hisoka nods.
“Yes, the person with the lowest hand gets to strip,” he says. 
Maybe you're imagining it, but you swear he's just looking at you when he says that last bit. Perhaps a prelude of things to come. You sigh, taking a look at your cards. This is going to be a long night.
“Gimme three cards,” You say, fiddling with your necklace. Hisoka takes a large swig of beer and tosses three cards your way with a grin. So far, nothing too bad has happened. Hisoka had lost the first round, betting on nothing while you escaped with two pairs and Chrollo won with three of a kind. Hisoka had taken off one arm badly, the other one still sitting unevenly on his arm.
You had lost the next round, and taken off your earrings.
 Chrollo had followed with two losses, losing his weird earrings that looked like Christmas tree ornaments, and the useless belt hanging from his coat. You had just lost a round, taking off your white kitten heels. 
So far you were sitting pretty, although you were wearing the least of the two men, with a zip-up hoodie over a sky-blue tank top and jeans. So far Hisoka was the one with the least losses, but you doubted anyone was surprised about that anyway. If you were ever gonna go to Vegas you would take Hisoka with you, and the two of you would be walking out bathing in ritches. 
You have a good hand this round. A straight is pretty hard to beat, and even if you didn't win you would probably get at least second. Privately, you hoped Hisoka would take off his other armband. It was starting to annoy you. 
“Four cards please Hisoka,” Chrollo asks. You hide your grin behind your cards. You can taste victory on your tongue, along with cheap beer. Hisoka trades out two cards, grinning inscrutable in your direction.
“You have a good hand, right Name?” He asks, crumpling up his empty beer can and tossing into the small pile the three of you had been adding two. You roll your eyes.
“Maybe I do, maybe I don't.” You say, holding your cards reflexively against your chest. “I'm not gonna tell you.”
Hisoka carries on, smiling a little too much to be friendly. 
“Your face, although very pretty, tells me everything I need to know.” He coos, leaning towards you with a smile. “You really should work on that poker face.”
You roll your eyes. Hisoka just smiles. Chrollo ignores both of you. 
“Done?” You ask. “Let's reveal our hands already.”
Hisoka is just trying to shake you up, it's obvious. It's all the man does for god's sake. 
“Turn on three.” Chrollo says. Your eyes come to him, catching on the small drinking flush on his cheekbones. His hair is drooping from its gelled place, a few strands falling over his forehead. Hisoka, on your other side, also looks a little unhinged. More than usual anyway, with a feral light in his eyes. He never looks away from you, even as Chrollo speaks.
“One, two, three.”
The three of you flip your cards and your heart sinks. Your straight is the lowest hand on the table. Hisoka smirks, a royal flush sitting proudly in front of him. Chrollo has four of a kind. Your jaw drops in disbelief. The odds of that are absolutely insane.
“What the hell,” You say in shock. “I cant fucking believe it. I thought I was set.”
Chrollo chuckles quietly. “You must have gotten unlucky my dear.” He says, taking a small sip of beer. Hisoka smiles.
“Don't be too sad Name.” He says, gathering the cards back into his hand. “Now put on a show for us, okay?”
You roll your eyes, shrugging your sweatshirt off and onto the pile of your already discarded clothes.
“That's good enough for you, creep?” You ask, rolling your eyes again. You've been doing that a lot lately.
“I suppose it'll do for now,” Hisoka sighs, dealing the cards out again. Chrollo chuckles. 
“A rather lacking show, don't you think?” he says, picking up his cards. You shoot him a confused look.
“Your acting weird today, Chrollo.” You say, eyeing your hand. Nothing good. 
“Am i?” Chrollo says vaguely. “Whatever you say dear. Another beer, Hisoka.”
Hisoka chuckles, lobbing a beer at Chrollo, who catches it in his free hand.
Hisoka loses the next few rounds, discarding his arm band and both of his shoes. Chrollo then has to discard a few of his weird bobbles and chains, and then his shoes. You're all dangerously close to losing an important piece of clothing now. The tension in the room is rising, along with the intoxication level. 
You sigh, feeling not drunk but pleasantly buzzed. You can tell Hisoka and Chrollo feel the same. 
And then it happens. You lose the next round. 
Staring sadly at the shitty hand in front of you, you calculate your options.
You can take your shirt off, leaving you in your bra, pants and underwear. Or you could take your pants off. 
“Come on now, move along.” Hisoka coos, words somehow sounding more suggestive than normal. You roll your eyes, pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it into the pile of your discarded clothes with a frown. You hope they assume the flush of your cheeks is from alcohol.
Chrollo coughs a little, tossing Hisoka his hand and averting his eyes almost politely. Hisoka just stares shamelessly, at your boobs, cupped in your light pink lacy bra. You flush.
“Stop staring, creep.” You toss your cards his way. His smirks, dealing three hands again.
Hisoka loses the next round. You giggle, shouting payback until he takes off his shirt. You swear you're not looking at his chest or anything. Chrollo loses his jacket next, and you swear the universe is taunting you as you sit there, almost bare next too to really attractive shirtless men. 
You lose the next round, leaving you on the cold stone floor in your matching underwear and bra, trying to hide your embarrassment. 
The stone is cold, but it doesn't nothing to cool the heat you feel running through your veins, gathering in your gut as Hisokas pale hand deals out the fateful cards. 
The air is filled with an odd tension, something simmering under the surface. For once, everyone is silent, the only sound is the cards hitting the floor crisply. You find yourself mesmerized by the movement, the muscles of Hisokas arms as they ripple, as the cards hit the floor. You kinda wanna kiss his muscled arms.
“See something you like?” Hisoka coos. You flinch, looking in the opposite direction. It isn't any better, now all you can see is Chrollos bare chest. You choose to look down at your cards. The room sinks into silence again, Chrollos pants rustling as he shifts positions slightly, flicking three cards down onto the ground.
You choose to trade two, hoping for a full house. And miraculously, you actually get it. Hope fills your chest as Hisoka and Chrollo trade their cards. Maybe you're safe after all. 
Candlelight flickers, the moonlight pouring in through the large windows onto the three of you, sitting in your circle, clothes littered around you. Your body thrums with head and suppressed arousal, and your nipples stand in the cold night air. You wonder if they think you're pretty. You wish they did. A breeze blows through the building and you shiver. 
“Reveal your hands on three.” Chrollo says, his voice hushed. Hisoka nods, for once not saying anything. 
“One,” Chrollo counts. Hisoka shifts, hands rearranging his baggy pants. His eyes burn into yours, the rare yellow color clouded with something you can't place. He looks feral, his hair falling slightly from its usual style,a  few strands brushing his forehead and the tips of his ears. You feel breathless.
“Two,” Chrollo says. You jerk your eyes away from Hisoka, looking at Chrollo. It's not much better over there, but at least he isn't looking at you. Eye contact is too much for your sanity. He's just as strong as Hisoka, but his build is more lean. While Hisokas shoulders taper into his small waist, Chrollo's body is more of a straight line. You resist the urge to stroke down his visible abs. The air feels hot suddenly, as Chrolllo opens his mouth one final time.
Time seems to slow down, as each person reveals their hand. A full house, sitting in front of your bare knees. 
A straight flush, sitting in front of Chrollo.
And a royal flush, sitting in front of Hisoka. 
Time seems to still for a moment as each person takes stock of the hands, takes stock of who lost. And then they turn to you. 
“I don't have anything left.” You say, your voice pitched soft. 
“You sure?” Hisoka coos, sliding along the floor slowly. Closing in on you. You laugh nervously, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to remain nonchalant.
“Was this all a ploy to get me naked?” You joke, avoiding eye contact. Hisoka chuckles. Chrollo remains silent. You can feel their eyes on you, tracing your body, catching on the lace hiding your privates from view. 
“Wasn't it obvious?” Chrollo says, a slight tremor in his voice. Your jaw drops open. 
“What are you talking about?” You ask. The tension still lingers in the air as you look up at Chrollo, taking in his appearance. He looks slightly disheveled, an almost invisible flush sitting high on his cheekbones, a flush on his neck. You trace it down until it disappears, and then find your eyes dropping down farther and farther until they land on the bulge in his loose pants. You swallow your shock.
“What,” You start, and then jump a little as a warm clawed hand traces your shoulder. Hisoka has crept behind you, his bare chest a few inches from your back, his hands tracing your shoulders. He bends down, and pressing a light kiss to your neck.
“What's gotten into you guys,” You ask, voice shaking as Chrollo moves forward, crouching in front of your body. His hands stroke up and down your legs, stopping just shy of your thighs. Hisoka chuckles in your ear.
“You're quite naive, you know.” He coos, one hand reaching down to flick the clasp of your bra. It comes apart seamlessly, and Hisokas hands tease the straps, the only thing shielding your boobs from hungry fingers and eyes. 
“He's so obvious, too.” Chrollo remarks, fairly casual as he presses a kiss high on your thigh. You muffle a whimper, biting your lip. He was quite physical with you. But you always brushed that off as Hisoka being Hisoka, and nothing more. Maybe you were a bit too hard on yourself.
“Why didn't you just ask,” You whimper, as Hisokas teeth scrape your neck. He leaves a hickey under your ear. 
“Already tried that.” Hisoka hums. Chrollo chuckles, hands smoothing over the delicate skin of your thighs.
“You're always so eager to reject me,” Hisoka teases, pulling your bra off with a flourish. “So mean.”
His hands whined around, nails scratching your nipples as your boobs are exposed to the cold air. 
You whimper, back arching and hands scrambling to grab something, anything. You land on Chrollo’s hair, yanking it a bit as Hisoka teases your nipples. Arousal is running through your body, and you accidentally shove Chrollo’s face into your thigh as one clawed hand grips your hair, pulling your head back.
Chrollo’s hands grip your hips, studying himself as your hands lessen slightly, allowing him to pull away from your thigh. His hair is a mess, black strands knotted in your hands. He looks a bit desperate. 
“Look at you,” Hisoka coos, clawed hand tracing slowly between your boobs, tracing up the pulse point of your neck, thumb smoothing over your lips.
“So pretty and eager for us.” 
You grumble, trying to protest, but HIsoka silences that by shoving two fingers down your throat. You give in, sucking with a whimper.
“She likes that,” Chrollo says, tossing the words upwards at the clown behind you. “She's soaked through her panties.”
You whimper in mortification, as shamefully your pussy pulses with heat. Chrollo's hands work your underwear down, pulling them off your legs and bearing your wet pussy to the cold air and Chrollo's gaze. 
The cold air hits your clit and you tense up, about to protest. And then he slips two fingers inside of you.
It's embarrassing how easy they go in, the squelch that echoes in the air. Chrollo hums in appreciation.
“She's so pretty like this.” He says, fingers fucking you open gently. You whimper in response. Hisoka chuckles in agreement.
“Indeed,” He says, the words almost a moan. “Irresistible.”
His fingers fall from your mouth, a trail of spit following as he pulls away. He pinches a nipple, drawing a moan out of your throat. 
“Wait,” You murmur, reaching back to grip Hisokas vibrant red hair. “Want you to fuck me.”
They both pause, tension hanging in the air as you tremble, your pussy throbbing. Chrollo pulls his fingers from you, the sound echoing in the silence. 
And then, your world spins. You're on your hands and knees, the stone digging into you. The cold leaks into your skin, not able to dampen the fire of arousal running through your body.
“Fuck thats hot,” You groan, looking up at Hisoka, who kneels before you. He chuckles, hand caressing your blissed out face. 
“You're a little whore, aren't you.” He purrs, gripping the side of your face. You get the full view from here, able to take in his pale abs, the large bulge in his pants, and his disheveled appearance. He looks radiant.
“Mmm,” You murmur, not agreeing or disagreeing. 
“Condoms?” Chrollo asks from behind you, hands smoothing over your bare ass. You giggle. How gentlemanly, but at this moment all you want is to be fucked out of your mind. 
“Dont care,” You grunt, taking a moment to suck Hisokas thumb. His pornographic moan is a reward. “You guys clean?”
“Yes,” Chrollo says, and you hear the clink of a belt behind you. You whimper, your pussy throbbing desperately. Hisoka chuckles.
“Yes,” he coos, and you watch eagerly as he pulls himself out of his pants. “Now put that pretty mouth to use.”
You whimper, obliging him and wrapping your lips around the tip of his cock. He's big, thick, stretching your throat out as you do your best to take him in as deep as you can. He winds a clawed hand in your hair, gripping your head and pushing you farther onto him. Your so distracted you forget about Chrollo, until he abruptly shoves his cock into you pussy.
Your back arches in response, a gargled moan muffled by Hisokas cock shoved down your throat. Hisoka yanks your hair and you moan. 
“She liked that,” Chrollo grunts, his voice as controlled as ever. If you pay close attention you can hear a roughness in his voice, a sign that hes trying to disguise how affected he really is. But your too busy moaning like a whore to pay close attention.
“Did she?” Hisoka grunts, his breath coming in ragged pants as he grips your head, fucking your throat like a toy. “You like being fucked like a whore Name?”
“Oh god yes!” you moan, back arching. You can feel an orgasm on the horizon, looming as you get controlled from both ends. 
Chrollo winds a hand around, rubbing your clit with his thumb.
“Gonna cum,” You moan shakily, hands scrabbling at the stone ground. Hisoka chuckles dangerously, hips stuttering into your mouth.
“Already?” He almost laughs, sweat wetting his hairline. Chrollo speeds up, timing his thrusts with Hisoka. They drive you insane. 
“Can i cum?” You beg. Chrollo lands a slap on your ass and you clench around him.
“Hmm, I don't know.” Hisoka teases. “Should we?”
Chrollo chuckles roughly, hips stuttering slightly in between steady thrusts. 
“I think she deserves it.” He says. “She’s been so good.”
You whimper, holding back your orgasm as they speak over you. It's arousing, and you hate that. Hisoka chuckles, gripping the back of your head and abruptly shoving you deep onto his cock.
“Fine then,” He teases, “go ahead. Cum.”
You obey, your orgasm overwhelming you. Stars bounce in your vision, your body trembling as you cry their names and nonsensical words onto Hisoka’s cock. 
Faintly, you hear groans, and Hisioka cums down your throat, the salty liquid flowing down your throat in spurts. You do your best to swallow it all, orgasm still hitting you as Chrollo cums into your poor pussy. 
When your orgasm finally subsides, you find yourself laying on your back between them, cum dripping from your abused pussy. You sigh.
“Where am i supposed to clean up?” You ask, voice still raspy from moaning. Hisoka chuckles, running a hand through your messy hair.
“Oh dear,” He purrs. “Did you think we were done with you?”
You look at them, watching as arousal floods their bodies, as that light comes back into their eyes, and sigh.
Its going to be a long, long night. 
Endnotes: hope you enjoyed it, it's like three am and i'm gonna put this up and go to beddddd. Oh also you might have noticed that the Kinktober list changes. If you have anything you're particularly excited about feel free to dm me and i'll make sure to keep it in!! Feel free to leave a comment <3
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