#adira's wolf moon
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maga-magallanes · 4 years ago
Adira’s Wolf Moon Review - Eng.
Adira's Wolf Moon is a postmodern fantasy saga written by Melina Lema (mel-mellow.tumblr) between 2012 and 2015 (Well, as far as I know). It took concepts and references from a work team of which I was part at a time called La Tríada, founded in 2011 under the name Escritoras Jr. and with an unknown dissolution. In other words, I quitted from my position in La Tríada after having reached Chapter 4 of my personal work called Libro 19, a remastering of the Silver Warriors saga. But that is the subject for another article.
I had the unique opportunity to have a closer look (and my own experience) of the EXHAUSTIVE work to which a person is exposed when saying "I want to write a book". It is a chaotic universe full of corrections, details, worldviews and argumentative debates.
This work begins fully by embarking us on the Germany of 2010 with a grumpy lycanthrope named Adira, the protagonist of our story and first-person narrator of the events. Just a couple of lines below we are presented with her literal and immediate Antithesis: Gloomerly. From the very first moment this story makes an excellent and clever nod to general culture, creating a bizarre friendship between the most estranged characters in the history of fantasy literature. A werewolf and a vampire looking for adventure? It's an arc that cannot fail!
The diversity of characters began in sort of a shaky way, pointing towards the least expected regarding to the typical argumentative plot in a juvenile genre. Alexander and Marcus, with their appearance and prominence in the first chapters give freshness and credibility to the first book. Personally I liked that resource of breaking with the typical group of stereotyped teenagers. The tall, the short, the cute, the ugly, the funny, the dark. By the time this work was written (2011), juvenile novels were having a hard time being involved in so many empty stereotypes to attract teenagers and make them spend money on books. In fact, The Simpsons knew how to explain very well the anti-creative and marketing process of a standardized book in Chapter 492 of its Season 23, The Book Job. Highly recommended.
The personality profiles have so many tones, such depth of parallel stories that really play a lot with the plausibility of the characters. Did Lily exist in real life? Has Christian been inspired by someone the author actually knew?
And this is when the plot begins to tremble a lil' bit about its root concept: The chapters pass and we continue to be introduced to more and more characters, one more beautiful than the other. The Fifth Problem with their rock band Heir, Los Leyendas, all the cast from La Universidad. From here, there, from one country, another ... And Adira is somehow overshadowed by being surrounded with such strong personalities. Her character as a main is not exactly "nice" for the reader, but the author makes up for it very well with a solid origin story that positions us entering Phase # 3 on the path of a hero: The Rectification. (If you want to know the phases of the Path of a Hero according to the composition of La Tríada, comment and I will make a separate article). Adira is popularly known by her enemies as The Girl of a Thousand Lives, I give the plot extra points for the epic name of legend that I love. That popular nickname is due to her ability to preserve her memories and acquired knowledge despite dying over and over again in tragic wars or conflicts.
The rectification in Adira's back story is precisely this odd turn in her way of behaving and the construction of her person outside the war machine that she has forced herself to be one life after another. Meeting Gloomerly, then starting a herd -or family?- along with the rest of the Toledo's, having real friends at the University and the return of David (her only relevant romantic interest), etc.; All these are isolated events that force this rude protagonist to expose herself, to become human, to leave her comfort zone and socialize, to get closer in some way to her condition as a human being and that is precisely what brings us chapter after chapter to see what else there will be. How immersive this universe is and how far Adira is willing to go around this modern world in which she doesn't fit at all. Along with her humanity comes the climax of unraveling the mysterious and important cause for which she and many other werewolf herds fight.
Regarding the great revelation of Azrethar: The matter of the magical portals to explain the passage from one world to the other seemed to me a somewhat hasty decision that left loose a plot arc in the story that is key: Where do all these fantastic beings come from?
This also leads me to a conceptual crack that as an author (and ex former counselor?) I noticed: That is Magic in the Adira universe. Compared to the rest of the great concepts that the novel itself had been working on, this matter of "magic for magic's sake" could have been worked from a slightly more Rowlingnian perspective: Give magic a method and it will come to life by itself, all along. Humans love the feeling of being able to achieve everything if they somehow "automate" it, "methodize" it. It gives it truthfulness. Adira's universe presents us with plenty of tools to exploit this matter of magic in an inexhaustible way and unfortunately it always leaves us wanting a little more. Marcus's powers, Lesthia Academy, Samuel's relationship with dragons, Alexander's mere existence ... And even once inside Azrethar, we walk through the portal and expect to see magic around every corner when ACTUALLY  the plot is exploited through racial species. This is a colorful and very useful resource especially because all The University Cast came from there. And yet there they leave us wanting more.
Once in Azrethar, the languages, the continents, the peoples, the kingdoms are presented to us in an overwhelming and -in my opinion- not very organic way. When we turn to Adira's Crescent Moon or Adira: Luna Menguante we hope that those questions so magnetically attractive that one asks as a reader will be answered. Who are the Vulcas? If there's a kingdom of fireproof and sexually active millionaire vampires there should be water vampires somewhere on the continent, or earth-type vampires. And if there is a vampire kingdom, will the kingdom of Tumma be the werewolf kingdom?
Finally, Adira's universe and sex. Maybe it's because we were very young when we wrote about such adult characters and in plots that involved contexts that we never lived in until by that time, but the lack of sex takes away the depth of the characters a little bit. One of the main problems (I include myself very hard) when writing during puberty -or teenage writing- is the lack of approach towards sex. Victim of the time, in the novel the hues lack diversity. I mean, it was 2011 and that demi-feminist sexual revolution had not yet arrived and we only have Ryan and Darren as the only representatives of the LGBTQ community. Simply put, Azrethar is way too big to be that heterosexual. The lack of sexuality in a fantasy world that is governed by cultural diversity is an almost Tolkian mistake but completely admissible and real.
In conclusion, the triggers are exceptional and they are all very well worked. The key to giving the story a proper cliff hanger by a "next generation" we are introduced to is the creation of Thamer. Thamer is perhaps the only one in the entire Adira universe who will be able to tell the story as it's being handed down to us and, as the eldest of a herd of little children whose parents will be legends. I mean, Melissa's twins, then Styx, the exaggerated but valid litter of twelve heirs to the Vulcan kingdom of Atsil ... They all give us hope that the story will continue along with its growth and expansion. And honestly, I look forward to it.
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subject-2-change · 3 years ago
For the song ask:
"Protector" by City Wolf
It's the themesong for Hector and Adira's relationship arc in a fic I'm currently writing. Only spoiler I'll give is that the story heavily features Moon!Hector.
Okay dude! What a vibe! Is any of the fic posted yet? I have questions! I need to dm you immediately.
Sending one back, I'll go with a fic related one as well. "Unstable" by Chaotica fits Varian perfectly for an Epithet Erased au I'm working on
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avatarvyakara · 3 years ago
Drops of Gold and Silver
A Tangled Fanfic
Prompts 136-150
“In the Moonlight”
136. Expected
It would be nice to say that Eugene felt a pull towards the Moon, growing up. That he recognized some of the power, or that it stirred up memories he couldn't quite recall. That it was a secret connection with his parents that he couldn't really explain to anyone, even Arnwaldo.
But the boy was raised in sunlight, as much as he pretended to prefer the dark. Warmth was something he could never get enough of. Warmth was everything that he depended on. And what Eugene couldn't get from people, Flynn would buy with stolen cash.
Rapunzel is the warmest person he knows. Cassandra is one of the coldest. Gothel was like freezing ice. His father…well, let's just say things thawed between them, after a while. But the Moon gives no heat, nor does it freeze. It had no real influence on him for most of his life.
(Every curse ends at some point.)
137. Picnic
It's quiet in the Pit of Despair.
Or at least, it was.
"You'll suffer for that, Ryland!"
"Oh, yes?" comes the laughing reply. "You and what army?"
"Astyanax, sic 'im!"
A grunt.
"No, it is not childish!"
"Lighten up, Hector. Even the rhino thinks it's funny."
"He said childish, not funny."
A sigh, frustrated but fond. "I can't go anywhere with you, can I."
"Ah, you know you love us, Adira."
"Eat your lunch and stop bothering Hector, Ryland."
"Yes, Mom."
“Hey, sleepyhead, are you coming to eat or what?”
A teenage Quirin, snoozing gently on the grass under the cliffs with puffy white clouds overhead and happily ignoring his Siblings, can't remember feeling more at peace.
138. Choice
“Does it hurt?” he asks. “When...you know.”
Wolf. Change. Worry.
In the light of the campfire his face shows nothing but honest concern. Not fear.
Catalina smiles.
“It’s like stretching, that’s all,” she says.
She takes a deep breath. Her friend doesn’t like magic much, she knows, just like her sister doesn't. But this is important.
(Because they are friends, and a part of her needs him to be comfortable with this. That's Catalina's decision. She'll respect Varian's.)
"Just…don't freak out?"
Varian nods.
Figuring-out. Observation. Important.
The Change is slower this time than it is mostly, less harsh. That's deliberate. The Beast feeds on anger, but there are different ways to be angry. You can explode, letting everything out at once. (And then you lose control and can’t remember.) You can turn fear or grief to anger and let it power you through. (And then, often, you wish you didn’t remember.) Or you can let it simmer, slowly, reflecting on injustices in the world (and there are so, so many) and resolving to do something about them. (And that one's the hardest but it feels the best.)
It's different, this time, in the open night air. Like she's simultaneously two creatures at once, the human shrinking and the Beast growing in the same space. It's quieter, too, somehow.
Soon enough, it's done. She sees in black and white again, smell colours the air around her—
The alchemist is staring (up) at her with wide eyes.
She stares back at him, defiant without (trying to be) threatening.
He grins.
139. Inflate
The world is so wide, so varied and intricate—and through the freezing fire of the Opal, Cassandra can see it all. Her sense of self has expanded into the darkness, now that she's gone beyond the burning light of the Sundrop.
“I’m better than I ever was,” she tells herself.
(Owl doesn't believe her.)
140. Pierce
What do the Rocks want with her? Why are they coming for her, tearing apart her new home (her new world) as they do? Why are they demolishing houses and ripping up fields, forcing families apart with dark secrets and terrible solutions?
And why does it hurt so much, thinks Rapunzel, that once again the world itself values her for her hair more than who she is?
141. Outlook
Four Rocks, sliced through in quick succession—
—she is confused. She has been brought forth by the Moonstone, but why? What is happening?—
—she is angry. The Moonstone knows the Sundrop now, knows it to be false and treacherous and greedy as she'd always suspected—
—she is full of hate. Conjured into being to serve as a shield against the Sundrop to stop it from stealing her Moonstone—
—she is vengeful. Too long in the dark, unformed and empty, thrust into this new world of pain—
Adira leaps.
Another two Rocks—
—she is defeated. She is cut down by herself, another Rock, she can see this in her future. The humans call that piece a Shadow Blade. There is consolation in the truth that the one who slices her apart will soon be dead—
—she is concerned, somehow. The berserker human is trying to reach the Moonstone, to take the Moonstone, to destroy the Moonstone. Life is pain. Pain will end when the Moonstone and the Sundrop are united. But not yet. It's not time yet—
She summons all the cold, all the hate she can from years among the Rocks—
"Release the Moonstone, Short Hair. You don't know what you're dealing with."
—and is matched. She can feel it.
Energy like this destroyed the King's arm and killed off a quarter of their kingdom—
Adira's lucky to get out alive.
But her sword—
She is confused. She is angry. She is full of hate, and vengeful, and concerned. She is defeated.
And for the first time in twenty-five years, she is well and truly alone in her head.
142. Shrink
As the Rocks grow bigger and bigger, thinks Edmund, so he becomes smaller and smaller in turn. A mouse among giants. Stretched thin by the years, even if he functions normally. Hiding away in his castle...the Moonstone will keep him stable, but it cannot stop him from fading.
143. Green
Varian’s occasionally wondered about his hair-stripe. Whether or not it’s magical in some way. And he is the son of a Dark Kingdom knight, after all. Maybe there’s something left over in him.
And then he’s taken by Cassandra, and there’s only the truth, only the truth, coursing through his veins like molten lead and spewing out of his mouth as his hair seems to dim and shift colour in the light from the Black Rocks—
“No connection. It’s not from the Moonstone.”
A small part of him envies her for the connection she forged.
(But then...what?
He should have died from broken ribs and internal bleeding—he felt it. He knew his velocity as he fell was reaching critical speed—from that height, he should have gone splat, whether Lance caught him or not. What's keeping him alive? And for what?
The thought makes him feel ill.)
144. Smudge
"As thanks for keeping Catalina safe," she mumbles, then glares. "Laugh and you’ll regret it."
"I'm beginning to see why they call you Angry," quips Varian. "But, hey, why would I laugh? It's just a ritual. It's not half as bad as some of the stuff Dad still does. And it’s neat that you care enough about your sister to do it."
She turns her face away, the crescent moon painted on her forehead crinkling slightly.
But she's smiling.
145. Orb
It promises light, and night, and flight. Flying insects drawn to the surface, tasty bats going after the insects. The whole world bathed in glimmering white light.
Owl loves the Full Moon.
146. Exceed
The Moonstone aids its protectors, even when they don’t wish it. For Adira and Hector, this is a blessing of sorts—they can keep to their duties and not worry about faltering or fading.
But Quirin feels old, always feels old, and yet his body remains that of a relatively young knight. He has watched people his age grow older and older, and he is frozen in time. Over sixty years of age, and he moves and speaks like it, but with the form and strength of a man in his thirties. He's looked like a man in his thirties before since his son was born.
He was scared of outliving Ulla.
Now he’s terrified of outliving Varian.
147. Parallel
Light from the half moon slid and slithered across the shifting, rippling black surface.
He saw no evil there, in the glowing eyes and twisted horns, only chaos. And chaos is order in a mask.
"Amazing," breathed Demanitus. "This…this is really you?"
Zhan Tiri, her hulking form bent over slightly to watch his reaction, smiled.
"My dear Demanitus, change is my essence, as it is your passion. This is only one version of me."
The young engineer chuckled. "I wonder what else you can become, my friend."
"I hope we will have many years to find out."
The scrolls had been wrong about her nature, wrong to suggest ways to try to kill her. Whether or not Zhan Tiri was a demon, Demanitus knew that she was no monster.
148. Hollow
Despite his training and his isolation, Hector’s mind is as good as ever at picking up the thoughts of others. Animals who are awake, more conscious than their brethren somehow, provide him comfort and company, but the rare human who passes by is subject to a terrible scrutiny (he has to be sure—he will not kill those who are merely lost). It’s not sanity, but in a good light he can pass it off as such. And it keeps him safe from the whispers of the Great Tree. (Mostly.)
He sees his sister coming back, leading a group of pirates, and confronts her—
And hears only Black Rocks in her mind.
The King, consumed and dying, ordered them to protect the Moonstone from those who might misuse it. She left instead, and now she returns with her foolish fantasy—emptied out and driven to madness by the Rocks that sing their Word in her head every time she's cut one down for over twenty years. She is corrupted.
And she has brought that corruption into his domain, alongside a walking abomination—the Sundrop (if it even is the Sundrop) polluted by the flesh of a girl.
How dare she?
149. Creed
Protect the Dark Kingdom.
Keep the Moonstone secret.
Make sure the Twilight People, the Vagabonds, are safe.
Honour King Edmund's legacy.
The ways in which the four of them took to those orders said a lot about who they chose to be.
150. Decision
They both follow the Moon. Quietly, subtly, because few people in the Seven Kingdoms even really know of that faith. But Angry will paint a crescent on her forehead every once in a while, and Red does her best to observe moonrise and moonset. And they understand the cycles—and always hope that the wheel will turn and put them on top for once.
"I don't…I don't know if I want things to change."
"What? Why not?"
The Moon is cyclical in nature—it promises a constant flux. Waxing and waning, light and dark, good and bad, creation and destruction. Change is eternal, eternity is fleeting.
"It's just…it's always been just us. We can manage on our own. We weren't safe, but we're safe now, and we're free. Why give that up?"
"That's just it—we weren't safe. We were on the run, always scared, being pulled along by any grown-up stupid enough to get in our way. That has to change. And now it can change. Rapunzel said so. We can settle down in Old Corona and finally stop being thieves. We can learn to be ourselves."
It commands the tides, pulling the oceans themselves in its wake. Energy from the sun that would dissipate into the void is given new purpose, and new life.
"Trust me, Red. This is what's best for us. I know it."
I do trust you. But why lock ourselves away in a tower when we have the whole world to live our lives in? Why can't I ever put my thoughts into words properly, so you can trust me as well?
And it rewards its followers not with constance or consistency, but with permanent cycles of their own.
Red takes a walk to clear her head, and Catalina meets a spirit.
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morally-gray-prospector · 3 years ago
*smiling into her blankets and humming a light complaint, she rolls over toward the wall*
Best for you if you don’t. I’ve been told that I kick and squeeze in my sleep and you’re bruised up enough as it is.
*cracking open an eye, she glances out over her shoulder at the dome wall*
It’s up to you. Light doesn’t bother me too much; I could sleep in a solar flash storm.
*snuggling back down she starts to sink heavily into the cot. it takes a few breaths to realize what he said and she feels her face flush hard under the blanket. the muted light, the quiet tones, the shared space…it’s causing all her soft parts to snag on his words this morning, begging her to stop and examine and detangle before moving on*
*she decides to let it go. she knows what he meant, no need to tease him about it. but it doesn’t mean it wasn’t nice to hear, that she doesn’t now have an image of him curling up beside her all big and warm and kissing her cheek to wake her. her ear buzzes with it, like she can truly feel it, and her stomach drops.*
*it’s been some time since having that feeling of snuggling up against another warm body and the last few times had been just that, someone who was there to be warm in bed for a night and nothing more. she’s gotten comfortable being alone, almost enjoyed the emotional breathing space, but that was still within the context of a buzzing port city around her. on this empty rock she recognizes it’s going to be easy to project this tenderness onto the hardened prospector in her vicinity. one big breath out, forgiving herself for this and future occurrences, she lets herself fall into sleep.*
*but perhaps she hugs her extra pillow a little tighter*
*when she doesn't seem to object to the idea, Ezra decides to leave the walls as they are - his own words having prompted mental images that perhaps he should not be having but that are harmless enough that he allows himself to indulge. Plus, he knows how stunning the sunrises on this moon can be, and if he's still awake when the sun lights up the silvery ridges of the mountains on the horizon, he doesn't want to miss it*
*he goes to the fresher and when he comes back, he silently prepares the water boiler and two mugs so they can make coffee once Adira wakes up again. He picks up a Bits bar, glances over to the occupied bed, and picks up another one. When he returns to the sleeping area, he places the bar on her side of the nightstand. Maybe she'll be hungry once she wakes up*
*Ezra wolfs down his own bar and pulls his sweater back on before returning to his bed. He can already feel the painkillers loosening the tension and pain in his body, and so he lies on his side, facing her back. If he concentrates, he can see it move as she breathes in and out, slowly*
*By this point, the sun has - as he suspected it would - crept across the floor and up the side of her bed. Ezra watches the way the light hugs her calves - inching upwards at a pace too slow to register in real-time - and finds that he envies the ease with which it gets to touch. His fingers flex involuntarily against the mattress, before he curls them into a fist and squeezes his eyes shut*
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crystal-moon-101 · 4 years ago
~Tangled Jurassic Park - Dark Kingdom Pen~
Here we have the Dark Kingdom pen, which is in the shape of the Moon symbol from the show (I was gonna do the brother symbol, but that proved to be difficult.) It’s as big as the Corona pen, but only has four of these lovely dinosaurs in it.  
Dark Kingdom Pen:
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Adira is a Ceratosaurus with null skin. She just kind of portals the lake, going around it in circles and not stopping unless she needs to drink, eat or sleep. She doesn’t even stop to interact with the others, but does watch them from a distant. 
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Hector is a Dilophosaurus with vivid skin. This dude zooms around the place, but mostly sticks to the forest area and darts out whenever he’s hungry. He doesn’t like going near any of the others, and is clearly a lone wolf who just hisses a lot. Very much like his real self, lol.
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Edmund is a Tyrannosaurus with the coastal skin. This guy just like...stalks the Moonstone, everywhere it goes, and won’t leave it along, even after they’ve hissed and nipped at him. He also roars, at lot, I can hear him from across the park.
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The Moonstone is a Indominus Rex (Hybrid Dinosaur) with rain forest skin. They just slowly wanders around the pen, being trailed by Edmund, much to their annoyance. It’s clear they wanna be alone, but sadly someone won’t give them space <_<. 
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ilovevarian22 · 4 years ago
Making Them Forget Is The Only Way chapter 7
“And then adira told us that the rocks were leading us to the dark kingdom!” RAPUNZEL said to VARIAN. It had been a week since VARIAN talk to Edmond and she thought it was a great time to tell VARIAN how they met Edmond and the amazing Journey that got them there. “The dark kingdom? Well I hoped you guys packed your torches!” VARIAN said with a smug grin. Then RAPUNZEL resounded saying “that’s what I said.” Smiling back at him. Before she could continue EUGENE walked in with two little girls that VARIAN didn’t know “Hey blondie, look who I found!” EUGENE said as the three of them walk over to where RAPUNZEL and VARIAN where talking, RAPUNZEL jumped out of her Seat running and hug the girls “Oh it’s so nice to see you again.” RAPUNZEL said then pulled out of the hug and turned to VARIAN and said “VARIAN this is red and angry, angry and red this is VARIAN!” “It’s a pleasure to meet you!” VARIAN said to the younger girls. One of them (angry) rolled her eyes! Then RAPUNZEL asked“what are you guys doing in corona?” “Well me and red have decided to move to corona!” Angry said. “That’s awesome girls! Here let’s go get you two settled in.” RAPUNZEL said while they exited the room, VARIAN not that far behind! While they were walking down the halls one of the guards that was assigned to watch over the construction of old corona run towards them yelling out for RAPUNZEL! “Robin? What’s wrong?” RAPUNZEL asked worried about the Answer. “Your highness some animal attacked old corona last night, and there’s a woman who wants to see you about it, she calms to be a werewolf hunter!” VARIAN laughs at that “ there’s no such thing as werewolves!” VARIAN said. But RAPUNZEL just resounded “thank you Robin, EUGENE hell red and angry get settled in, VARIAN and I will go talk to this werewolf hunter!” EUGENE nodded and lead the girls to there room, little did he notice Red’s face was full of fear! But VARIAN did! Before he could say anything though RAPUNZEL grabbed his arm, forcing him to follow Robin ———————————————— As they were following Robin, VARIAN notice that people were glaring at him he didn’t understand why but he decided that it would be better if he waited intel later to ask RAPUNZEL about it! They walk into the dining hall where a weird woman was sitting, the strange woman stood as soon as RAPUNZEL walked in. “Greetings your highness, I’m Captain Creighton world class big tractor, at your service!” The woman said. “It’s nice to meet you Captain this is VARIAN, and what brings you to Corona?” RAPUNZEL said and VARIAN waved. “I’m tracking Du!” Creighton said. “Tracking what?” RAPUNZEL asked. Creighton answered, “that thing that’s been terrorizing your sheep, a werewolf!” VARIAN laugh “there’s no such thing as a werewolf!” VARIAN repeated himself. “Yeah they do, and everything you need to know about them is right here!” Creighton said pulling a book out with a face on the cover that was half human, half wolf and the word “Lycanthrope” on it “What were dealing with is maledictealupus, the wolf’s curse!” Creighton said. “Do you really expect the princess t-“ VARIAN was interrupted by Rapunzel who said “how does the curse work?” “The wolf curse travel s the globe, in search of host’s bodies, it feeds on untapped rage, so it’s ideal host is someone who harbors a deep-seated anger, it inhabits his body, then causes him to turn into a raging werewolf every full moon for the rest of his life! And here’s were it gets interesting, the wolf has found a new home in Corona!” “If there is such a thing as werewolves who is it?” VARIAN asked slightly afraid that they might be real “ ‘who is it?’ If I knew that you think I would be wasting my time on you milk sobs! The wolf could be anybody! But the good news is that I’m not only tracking this thing, I’m not leaving Corona intel I’ve destroyed it!” Creighton said with a weapon in her hand! RAPUNZEL cleared her throat and got closer to Creighton “let me be clear Captain, you will not be destroying anything in my kingdom!” RAPUNZEL said with a glare,
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shanastoryteller · 6 years ago
Saw your post mentioning reading your favorite poems and I was wondering what they were? I've never really liked poems but I really liked that one by Emily Dickson you put in the front of that teen wolf fic so you probably have really good taste in poems, and I've been trying to find some to like.
Good Bones by Maggie Smith
Life is short, though I keep this from my children.Life is short, and I’ve shortened minein a thousand delicious, ill-advised ways,a thousand deliciously ill-advised waysI’ll keep from my children. The world is at leastfifty percent terrible, and that’s a conservativeestimate, though I keep this from my children.For every bird there is a stone thrown at a bird.For every loved child, a child broken, bagged,sunk in a lake. Life is short and the worldis at least half terrible, and for every kindstranger, there is one who would break you,though I keep this from my children. I am tryingto sell them the world. Any decent realtor,walking you through a real shithole, chirps onabout good bones: This place could be beautiful,right? You could make this place beautiful.
Because I could not stop for Death (479)
Emily Dickinson
Because I could not stop for Death – He kindly stopped for me – The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality.
We slowly drove – He knew no hasteAnd I had put awayMy labor and my leisure too,For His Civility –
We passed the School, where Children stroveAt Recess – in the Ring – We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain – We passed the Setting Sun –
Or rather – He passed us – The Dews drew quivering and chill – For only Gossamer, my Gown – My Tippet – only Tulle –
We paused before a House that seemedA Swelling of the Ground – The Roof was scarcely visible – The Cornice – in the Ground –
Since then – ‘tis Centuries – and yetFeels shorter than the DayI first surmised the Horses’ HeadsWere toward Eternity –
this one is an old nursery rhyme:
One bright day in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight. They turned their backs and faced each other, Drew their swords and shot the other. One was blind and the other couldn’t see, So they chose a fool for their referee. A mute eyewitness screamed with fright.A cripple danced to see the sight. A deaf policeman heard the noise.He came and shot the two dead boys.A paralyzed donkey passing by,Kicked the copper in the eye, And knocked him through a rubber wall, Into a ditch and drowned them all.If you don’t believe this lie is true,Ask the blind man. He saw it too.
She swearsshe will nevergive birthto a daughter.Won’t evenplant a garden.— Adira Bennett
Do not go gentle into that good night
Dylan Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night,Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning theyDo not go gentle into that good night.Good men, the last wave by, crying how brightTheir frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,Do not go gentle into that good night.Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sightBlind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,Rage, rage against the dying of the light.And you, my father, there on the sad height,Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.Do not go gentle into that good night.Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
My mouth is a fire escape.The words coming outdon’t care that they are naked.There is something burning in here.
— Andrea Gibson
Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
By Mary Elizabeth Frye
Do not stand at my grave and weepI am not there; I do not sleep.I am a thousand winds that blow,I am the diamond glints on snow,I am the sun on ripened grain,I am the gentle autumn rain.When you awaken in the morning’s hushI am the swift uplifting rushOf quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry, I am not there; I did not die.
Never regret thy fall,O Icarus of the fearless flightFor the greatest tragedy of them allIs never to feel the burning light
— Oscar Wilde
Annabel Lee BY EDGAR ALLAN POEIt was many and many a year ago,   In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know   By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought   Than to love and be loved by me. I was a child and she was a child,   In this kingdom by the sea, But we loved with a love that was more than love—   I and my Annabel Lee— With a love that the wingèd seraphs of Heaven   Coveted her and me. And this was the reason that, long ago,   In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling   My beautiful Annabel Lee; So that her highborn kinsmen came   And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre   In this kingdom by the sea. The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,   Went envying her and me— Yes!—that was the reason (as all men know,   In this kingdom by the sea) That the wind came out of the cloud by night,   Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee. But our love it was stronger by far than the love   Of those who were older than we—   Of many far wiser than we— And neither the angels in Heaven above   Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; For the moon never beams, without bringing me dreams   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes   Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side   Of my darling—my darling—my life and my bride,   In her sepulchre there by the sea—   In her tomb by the sounding sea.
self-parodies & psalms for shit-scared twenty-somethings by gyzm
is perhaps my favorite poem and just gut punches me whenever i read it but they are a tumblr person who’s poem deserves more attention so please reblog/comment on their poem directly :)
most of what i’ve learned in the first half of my twenties is to embrace statistics i’m not smart enough to verify; theones about black holes and how much of the universe is justempty space: between atoms and from one planet to another.it makes it easier, to stare at my overcrowded sink and thinkthat to get from the floor of this filthy kitchen to the neareststar would take more lifetimes than i could borrow or steal.maybe there is a single withered raspberry molding beneath every single plate i own but in the scheme of things that’s insignificant, a non-event in the life of a non-event, and so canwait until tomorrow, when this hangover is gone.
please, god, don’t let me die before i turn thirty. i’ve heardthat that’s when it all comes together, and i know those’re allfish stories, probably, the lies of those who need to pretend justlike me, but hell, i choose to believe. because the thing is, god, if idie tomorrow, a few years from now, i can pretty much guarantee it’ll be in torn underpants, on a bad hair day, in a bra that doesn’t fitthe way i’d like it to; please, god, don’t let me die before i work outhow to drag myself out of bed in time to dry my hair every morning. i’vebeen promising myself for years i’d learn to get off the couch on monday nights and do laundry, god, okay, i don’t mind living in dirty jeans but i don’t want to die in them, i’m begging, i thank you, i’m sorry, amen.
there should be a page at the back of every baby book thatsays “baby’s first moment of cold realization that they are an gigantic shitheaded asshole.” it’s important, as milestones go. iknow it’s not as glamorous as a first word or a graduation but i’dargue that developmentally, it means at least as much — god knows i put more thought into the bleak portrait of myself at two a.m., staring haggard out from the filmy surface of my mirror, than i did in my ham-fisted infant attempts to say my father’s name. it would benice, is all, to have a warning, to flip through pages of childhood accomplishments and see that placeholder, at the end; to know that the future was coming, inevitably, to make dipshits of us all.
don’t put liquid soap in the dishwasher. don’t put your vibrator in the dishwasher. don’t forget that your mother is coming over until fifteen minutes before she shows up and put every scrap ofevidence that you are a disaster zone living underneath a veneerof overdone eye makeup and slapdash dreams of better tomorrowsin the dishwasher. don’t put your grandmother’s china, that vase you bought at the flea market, a bowl half-full of aged guacamole,in the dishwasher. on the mornings that will keep coming — when the shower does not seem like enough, when you can feel your long history of mistakes pockmarking your face and oozing out from beneath your armpits — don’t put yourself in the dishwasher.
the human body replaces skin cells so quickly that two weeks from now, every part of me will be brand new, and i will still feel as though i have spent my first quarter-century on this planet touching both too much and not enough. that feels profound atthis moment but the human body replaces humiliations fastereven than skin; two weeks from now i will remember saying this,stare at the ceiling above my bed and think: no one has ever been as big of an asshole as you are. there are billions of stars in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in our universe and my ceiling is the only clean part of my apartment. i know it’s a fish story, but c’mon, god, okay — i’m just asking to believe i’ll make it to thirty better dressed; less selfish.
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everythingloveandanimated · 4 years ago
Varian/Quirin/Brotherhood Content- Fic recs. These ones are my favorite.
We’re enough by royalsciencenerd. Lots more family moments set in between the episodes Season 3.
Migraine by iammyownqueen. Quirin has headache, Varian makes it worse before he makes it better. Lovely Domestic Fluff. Varian is such a loving son. Quirin appreciates his boy.
Constant Companion by toons_rule. Told through Ruddiger's eyes, but some nice family moments.
Cleaved by Aquaquadrant. Varian gets caught in the amber instead of Quirin. Quirin has to regretfully amputate his son's arm to free him. TW Graphic amputation, injury, blood, couple surgical scenes, treating an injury, injury induced trauma. Hurtful words are said but things get mended in the end.
Let's Hang Out Sometime by Widowfics. Varian has a horrible nightmare. His father comes in to comfort him.
Ride Along by vaguenotion. Modern Cop AU. Quirin, along with Adira, is a cop for the town he and Varian live in. Hector is the bad guy.
Innocent by Max76
In the aftermath of being free from Mind Trap, the Brotherhood Knights grapple with the fact that they have killed innocents. To make up for their acts, they turn themselves in, but the verdict is not what they expect.
Rocks, Wolves, and the Moon by Cate_9xBlue. Varian Wolf AU. During the Black Rock crisis, Varian becomes the host of the Wolf's Curse. (Each part is a separate work)
Parts 1, 4, and 5 have Varian interacting with a Brotherhood member. His dad, Adira, and Hector in that order. (Hector's is my favorite.)
TW: Injury, blood, amputation off screen, after effects of amputation.
S3 spoilers for Tangled the Series just in case!
Like? These two are wholesome.
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A dad, his boy, and the pet raccoon
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(ignore the poor quality please) just?? Look how happy they are! Good!! This is an anti-bad dad Quirin zone.
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After being freed from the amber, there is no way he didn't find out about the past year.
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And yet?? It's off screen but at least in this screenshot and the first one it's clear there is no tension. They are both relaxed and happy in each other's company. AS THEY SHOULD BE.
And yet, as sweet as the moments we got, there was missed opportunites *cough cough* Cassandra's Revenge *cough cough*
Where was he?! There is no way Quirin wouldn't have stormed that castle with the others.
And the Be Afraid episode! There could have been more interaction between those two!
But then again, it is Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure.
But Quirin and Varian deserved more together. The stuff we got is wonderful but I need more. So if anyone has any content of those two dorks that would be great!
Brotherhood is a bonus.
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maga-magallanes · 4 years ago
Adira’s Wolf Moon Review - Esp.
Adira's Wolf Moon es una saga fantástica postmoderna escrita por Melina Lema (mel-mellow.tumblr) entre los años 2012 y 2015 (hasta donde sé). Tomó conceptos y referencias de un equipo de trabajo del cual yo formé parte en una época que se llamaba La Tríada, fundada en el 2011 bajo el nombre de Escritoras Jr. y con una disolución desconocida. Es decir, yo renuncié a mi puesto en la La Tríada luego de haber llegado al capítulo 4 de mi obra personal llamada Libro 19, una remasterización de la saga de Silver Warriors. Pero eso es tema para otro artículo.
Tuve la oportunidad única de apreciar desde cerca (y desde la experiencia propia) el trabajo EXHAUSTIVO al que una persona se expone al momento de decir "quiero escribir un libro". Es un universo caótico lleno de correcciones, detalles, cosmovisiones y debates argumentativos.
Esta obra comienza de lleno embarcándonos en la Alemania del 2010 con una licántropa gruñona llamada Adira, protagonista de nuestra historia y narradora en primera persona de los hechos. Tan sólo un par de renglones más abajo se nos presenta su literal antitesis inmediata: Gloomerly. Desde el primer momento esta historia hace un excelente y muy hábil guiño a la cultura general, creando una amistad bizarra entre los personajes más enemistados en la historia de la literatura fantástica. ¿Una mujer lobo y una vampira en busca de aventuras? ¡Es una premisa que no puede fallar!
La diversidad de personajes comenzó de manera tambaleante, apuntando hacia lo menos esperado respecto al típico arco argumentativo en una novela juvenil. Alexander y Marcus, con su aparición y protagonismo en los primeros capítulos le dan frescura y credibilidad al primer libro. Personalmente me gustó aquel recurso de romper con el típico grupo de adolescentes estereotipados. El alto, el bajo, el lindo, el feo, el gracioso, el oscuro. Para la época en la que esta obra fue escrita (2011) las novelas juveniles pasaban un mal momento al verse envueltas en tantos estereotipos vacíos para atraer a los adolescentes y hacerles gastar dinero en libros. De hecho, Los Simpsons supieron explicar muy bien el proceso anti creativo y marketinero de un libro estandarizado en el capitulo 492 de su Temporada 23, The Book Job. Muy recomendado.
Los perfiles de personalidad llevan muchos matices, profundidad de historias paralelas que de verdad juegan mucho con la verosimilitud de los personajes. ¿Habrá existido Lily en la vida real? ¿Christian habrá sido inspirado en alguien que la autora de hecho conoció?
Y aquí es cuando la trama comienza a tastabillar un poco respecto de su concepto raíz: Pasan los capítulos y se nos siguen introduciendo más y más personajes, uno más bello que el otro. El Quinto Problema con su banda de Rock, Los Leyendas, todo el reparto de La Universidad. De aquí, de allá, de un país, de otro... Y Adira de alguna manera queda eclipsada por estar rodeada de personalidades tan fuertes. Su carácter como protagonista no es precisamente "agradable" para el lector, pero la autora lo compensa muy bien con una sólida historia de origen que nos posiciona entrando a la Fase #3 en el camino de un héroe: La Rectificación. (Si quieren conocer las fases del Camino de un Héroe según la composición de La Tríada comenten y hago un artículo aparte). Adira es popularmente conocida por sus enemigos como La Chica de las Mil Vidas, doy puntos extra al argumento por el nombre épico de leyenda que me encanta. Ese apodo popular es debido a su capacidad de conservar sus recuerdos y conocimientos adquiridos a pesar de morir una y otra vez en trágicas guerras o conflictos.
La rectificación en la historia de Adira es justamente este giro en su forma de comportarse y en la construcción de su persona fuera de la máquina de guerra que ella misma se ha forzado a ser una vida tras otra. El conocer a Gloomerly, luego formar una manada -o familia- junto con el resto de los Toledo, tener amigos de verdad en la Universidad y el regreso de David (su único interés romántico relevante), etc.; Todos estos son acontecimientos aislados que fuerzan a esta ruda protagonista a exponerse, a humanizarse, a salir de su zona de comfort y sociabilizar, a acercarse de alguna manera a su condición de ser humano y justamente ESO es lo que nos arrastra capítulo tras capítulo para ver qué mas habrá. Qué tan inmersivo es este universo y qué tan lejos está dispuesta a llegar Adira alrededor de este mundo moderno en el cual ella no encaja. Junto con su humanidad llega el clímax de desentrañar la causa tan misteriosa y tan importante por la cual ella y muchas otras manadas licántropas luchan.
Respecto de la gran revelación de Azrethar: El asunto de los portales mágicos para explicar el pasaje de un mundo al otro me pareció una decisión un poco apresurada que dejó flojo un arco argumental en la historia que es clave. ¿De dónde vienen todos estos seres fantásticos?
Esto me lleva también a una fisura conceptual que como autora (y ex-consejera?) noté. La magia en el universo de Adira. En comparación con el resto de los grandes conceptos que venía trabajando la novela en sí, este asunto de "la magia por la magia" pudo haber sido trabajado desde una perspectiva un poco más Rowlingniana: Dale un método a la magia y ésta cobrará vida por sí sola. Los humanos adoramos la sensación de poder lograr todo si de alguna manera lo "automatizamos", lo... "metodizamos". Le da veracidad. El universo de Adira nos presenta herramientas de sobra para explotar de una manera inagotable este asunto de la magia y lamentablemente nos deja siempre con ganas de un poco más. Los poderes de Marcus, la Academia Lesthia, la relación de Samuel con los dragones, la mera existencia de Alexander... E incluso una vez dentro de Azrethar, cruzamos el portal y esperamos ver magia en cada esquina cuando en realidad se explota el argumento racial de las especies. Esto es un recurso colorido y muy útil sobre todo porque todos los universitarios provenían de aquí. Y sin embargo, ahí nos dejan con ganas de más.
Una vez en Azrethar se nos presentan los idiomas, los continentes, los pueblos, los reinos de una forma avasallante y -en mi opinión- poco orgánica. Cuando pasamos a Adira's Crescent Moon o Adira: Luna Menguante esperamos que se nos respondan aquellas preguntas tan magnéticamente atractivas que como lector uno hace. ¿Quiénes son los Vulcas? Si hay un reino de vampiros millonarios ignífugos y sexualmente activos debería haber en alguna parte del continente vampiros de agua, o vampiros de tierra. Y si hay un reino vampiro, ¿El reino de Tumma será el reino licántropo?
Por último, el universo de Adira y el sexo. Tal vez sea porque éramos muy jóvenes al momento de escribir sobre personajes tan adultos y en tramas que involucraban contextos que jamás vivimos hasta aquel entonces, pero la falta de sexo nos quita un poco la profundidad a los personajes. Uno de principales problemas (me incluyo muy fuerte) al escribir durante la pubertad es la falta de acercamiento hacia el sexo. Víctima de la época, en la novela los matices carecen de diversidad. Es decir, era 2011 y no había llegado aún esa revolución sexual cuasi feminista y sólo tenemos a Ryan y Darren como los únicos representantes de la comunidad LGBTQ. En pocas palabras, Azrethar es muy grande como para ser tan heterosexual. La falta de sexualidad en un mundo fantástico que es regido por la diversidad cultural es un error casi Tolkiano pero completamente admisible y real.
En conclusión, los disparadores son excepcionales y están todos muy bien trabajados. La clave para darle un cierre apropiado a la historia mediante una "generación siguiente" a la que se nos presenta es la creación de Thamer. Thamer es tal vez el único en todo el universo de Adira que podrá contar la historia como se nos está transmitiendo a nosotros y, como el mayor de una manada de pequeños hijos cuyos padres serán leyenda. Los gemelos de Melissa, luego Estigio, la exagerada pero válida camada de doce herederos del reino Vulca de Atsil... Todos ellos nos dan la esperanza de que la historia va a continuar junto con su crecimiento y expansión. Y honestamente, espero con ansias que así sea.
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maga-magallanes · 4 years ago
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And it's done! I started to review old files in the external memory of my PC and I found (img 8 in Instagram Feed) the Fifth Problem of the fantastic and postmodern saga that @melmellow97 wrote when we were in high school. I saw it and said DUDE YEAH, I LOVED THIS BOOK. As an offering of respect and affection from one author to another I could not resist falling into the Redraw again 🤷💜 I will post the full images tomorrow on my DeviantArt (QueenArba) and I will write quite a long article about the characters and my personal opinion about Adira's Wolf Moon right here, on Tumblr. __________________________
Terminado! Me puse a revisar archivos viejos en la memoria externa de mi PC y encontré (img 8) al Quinto Problema de la saga fantástica y postmoderna que escribió @melmellow97 cuando estábamos en secundaria. Lo vi y dije EU SI, ESTE LIBRO ME ENCANTABA. Como ofrenda de respeto y cariño de una autora a otra no pude resistirme a caer en el Redraw otra vez 🤷💜 Las imágenes full las cuelgo mañana en mi DeviantArt (QueenArba) y voy a escribir un artículo bastante extenso sobre los personajes y mi opinión personal sobre Adira's Wolf Moon en mi Tumblr que es elisse-the-storyteller 😘❤ . #redraw #ocs #maincharacters #canon #books #highschool #mainsaga #adira (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH1sCNFnpr6/?igshid=1f6tqmjtt4rlr
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