#adenn darksaber
jessicas-pi · 1 year
medieval au incorrect quotes: the threequel
Barriss, tending to Ahsoka's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Ahsoka: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Sabine (age 7): I wish I had more enemies. Ursa: I’m sure you will someday, honey.
Makheta: My lady, why are you on the floor?! Ahsoka: I'm depressed. Ahsoka: Also I was stabbed, can you get Rex, please.
Caleb: Where's Ezra, Sabine, and Jacen? Hera: They're playing hide and seek. Caleb: Where? Hera: I don't think you get how this game works, love.
Ahsoka: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Sabine: There there, Ezra. Ezra, upset: Thanks, but how did you get into my room? Sabine: Great question—
Barriss: Ahsoka, remember when you said you weren’t going to interfere with my love life? Ahsoka: No, that doesn’t sound like me at all.
Caleb: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me? Hera: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to? *later* Zeb: And you just ran away?! Caleb: I didn't expect her to flirt back!
Ai-kel: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Ahsoka: You know, it's at times like this that I really wish I had listened to what Rex told me. Korkie: Why? What did he tell you? Ahsoka: I don't know. I didn't listen.
Ahsoka: What's it like, having a kid? Caleb: He's the reason Hera and I wake up every morning. Ahsoka: Aww. You're gonna be great parents. Ezra, earlier that morning, barging into Caleb and Hera′s room and jumping up and down on the bed: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Sabine: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder? Ketsu: Stop romanticizing the past.
Merrin: This is bothering me. Cal: Well, we are digging up a corpse. Merrin: No, not that. That is... fairly par for the course, actually.
Rex: I'm going to remind you to be respectful. Ahsoka: I will politely decline.
Ursa: What do you have there, Sabine? Sabine: THE DARKSABER! Ursa: the wHAT—
Ai-kel: People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person. Ai-kel: And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'
Cal, lifting up an ancient tome written in Old Sith: Oh, gods. Do you know what this is? Omega: It’s a book. There’s a lot of those in here, this is the archives.
Adenn: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Lady Offee a little bit. Skira, holding Adenn's sketchbook: You doodled your wedding invitation, vod. Adenn: No, that's our joint tombstone. Skira: My mistake.
Sabine, age 7: I'm only civil because I don't know any swear words.
Caleb: We might have gotten into a bar room brawl back in the city. Depa: Well, that was entirely predictable. Caleb: One of us punched a gang member. Depa: Garazeb? Caleb: Hera, actually. Depa: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
Makheta: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? Ahsoka: No. Ai-Kel: No. Makheta: Didn't think so.
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
nvm mobile ask actually Works 🙄🙄ofc
· Adenn isn't the Ka'ra, Adenn is the overlapping traits of the Ka'ra, the void between stars that ties them together, that hold them all. (the commonalities amongst all Mandalorians)
· Adenn is adoption, adaptation, katini, unity, strength, unyielding, defense and fight to the last breath
· they're an eldritch abomination amalgamation of mandos to stubborn to die properly who swirled around amorphously for millennia until tarre said "hey, come babysit these dickheads" and tied them to the darksaber and any mando to gain sufficient reputation as mandokarla ori'ramikade
· but adenn prefers paz bc he's so much more poke-able and volatile
· I love this though like. Adenn mostly possesses Paz unless it would be cooler and/or sexier to hang out partially in Din for a bit
· it/they are like. the proverbial dark cloud hanging over every mando. it/they usually occupy a place between the physical and metaphysical realm, playing as sort of a collective conscience or "little voice" in the back of every mando's head, but sometimes....they find Hosts, Partners, folks who are, by general consensus of either the living or dead mandos, the Epitome of mandos. so ofc adenn has to say hello and poke and prod and try to break them 🙃
· and adenn does this to ensure that mandalore survives to The End, and that mandos never stray too far from their core.
· how am I gonna reconcile this with the civil wars n nonsense? idk yet! I also don't care bc I like this
· it is also worth noting: adenn and the armorer Do Not Get Along. they agree on the absolute base fundamentals, but adenn is. so frustrated by how couched in ancient traditions the armorer is. like the whole "living waters of mandalore" thing? adenn is like 🤨🙄 (there might be something to it but its not for "redeeming" an unmasked mando or whatever)
· Oh I like that a lot. And like... All the possibilities for Din and Paz to rebuild their own beliefs, to take what they like from the armourer's teachings and what they like from adenn's rants about what mandalorians used to be and I'm just always very emo about Din and Paz forging a new Way
· Adenn doesn’t fare about physics, it will reshape beskar if it wants
· paz's goo...adenn....sneaking past and thru the piercings....making din's belly bulge without straining his vulva....dichotomous sensations
o Maybe it's a treat for Paz or maybe it's a challenge, a test on how well he's bonded with adenn -- din's cunt is off limits to the rest of them but Paz can still enjoy it if he's bonding well enough to be able to feel through the goo tendrils
o Okay fennec sucking cock and blood is a very good concept. Maybe like. Paz isn't necessarily into pain but adenn has some very interesting ways of parsing sensation of all kinds so Paz winds up Very Into It Actually due to a symbiote having way too much fun fucking with his nerves
o Also @battlemasterafterdark I would like to submit for your approval the symbiote itself acting like living lace to hold the piercings together. *nods*
o AZIRIEL AT IT WITH THAT GALAXY BRAIN YES I LOVE ADENN TUGGING ON THE PIERCINGS ahakfjdbfj just,,, the EDGE of /too much/ for Paz to stand bc Adenn a shabuir and absolutely would abuse the ability to cause Paz pain
o @aziriel 👀 I'm voting that adenn can definitely break pieces off to stick with Din because leaving the bar out of din's piercings because adenn's holding him shut for the day I. Yes.
· fennec is also fascinated by the way sometimes, particularly the times she cuts just a bit deeper than she really should, adenn dribbles out alongside the bloody rivulets flowing from her handiwork
SURPRISE ADENN INHABITS PAZ /AND/ DIN and also some or ther rando mandos maybepossiblyprobably
😂😂🤣🤣🤣 I love how this is a messy history of our conversations as well, look at the testament to our collective
I really, really love the potential of all of this. Of particular interest is the idea that Adenn and the Armourer absolutely do not get along.
In the short piece I'm writing, Paz is effectively breeding Din at the Armourer's instruction. She may or may not be somewhere in the background providing commentary. Din and Paz have both agreed it's necessary #ForTheCovert, Operation Repopulate is now underway, but--
Din is carrying the Darksaber. Ever since he left Bo-Katan and the Nite Owls, he's been hearing voices. Having strange dreams. Sometimes, he wakes up with his lungs aching, overheating, primed for a fight, his fist mid-swing, his throat burning on a scream; or he writhes out of dreams with his tongue feeling thick, a fever on his brow, slick on his thighs like he's been riding someone all night.
Din has had strange dreams all his life, but he's had a strange life full of loss, isolation and trauma. They're his baseline of normal. He doesn't think too hard about the difference after he takes up the Darksaber. He's more stressed. He's grieving. He's weary.
He'll do anything to help the covert, they're all he has left.
He thought he would at least get a bed but there's something special about being on his back under the open stars, rocking with every thrust of the one fucking their next generation into him. The durasteel grate of the path is dampened by his armour, he's had worse.
It helps that Paz is no stranger to Din's body. He rocks and grinds into the channel of wet, rippling muscle that never expected to enjoy him again, his pace fluid, strong and steady. The heated moans Paz earns are sincere.
But the shadows on Paz's buy'ce are darker than he remembers. The longer Din looks, the more he's drawn in to the pitch black of that visor that seems to devour all light. They bear no reflection of the stars nor Din himself.
He can't help feeling something is not right.
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Does the darksaber goo have its own character? Does it make sure Paz is taken care of after he's so worked so hard looking after his partners? Does it scold him for not taking enough for himself when he sometimes leaves them shuddering, sated and clean, but with a weird sense of loss and freefall tightening in his chest? Does it ever hold him in his sleep on those rare instances when he rests alone?
Does it ever publicly fuck him under the armour in punishment and lovingly call him a loser, like other symbiotes we know?
once again, this is a smol bite-size bit of a more expansive thing but I don't have bandwidth to write it right now. it will be written tho. I just want the gratification of sharing it now 💀
this is kind of a symbiote!darksaber crossed with haunted!darksaber concept. also, I like the idea that there's a special tie between the saber and Clan Vi(s)zla but not to the exclusion of other folks. it just likes to fuck with them the most bc they're all volatile and often stupid 😆
I'm sorry there's no horny in this, I swear there will be, I'm just tapped out rn bc real life is a steaming pile of garbage and nightmares abt being chased by wasps? in a cult house full of maggots and rotting live vermin, sorry that's graphic but that's apparently where my subconscious is at rn 🤷
that said I really really like your questions here. they sparked some Very Tasty scenes that the brain is refusing to put out. printer broken, change your toner cartridge
notes on Mando'a at the end
There are no words to describe the thing tied darksaber. There are no words for how it communes from some place beyond the veil of stars, beneath Paz's ribs, under his feet.
Kebiin ruusaanete, the thing scoffs, dancing through the bones of his hands as he carefully cleans his armor. Do you truly think yourself worthy? It has been generations since a Vizla was anything like reliable.
(Reliably ambitiousinsaneselfishcruelfoolisharrogant, countless voices mutter and howl in the echoes between his ribs. He does not need a clan history lesson.)
Paz ignores the not-voices swirling through him, languorous and untamed and taunting. He continues with his task.
Pathetic. Have you no shame? What of your pride, Last of House Shriekhawk? Black starlight dances across his vision as he painstakingly traces a new shape on his bes'marbur.
Paz never asks why Adenn is by turns cruel and fond. It is a fathomless thing, beyond the understanding of one man centuries removed from the one who brought it into being.
It is our duty, Adenn doesn't say, and our honor. Tarre knew the faults in Clan Vizla; we ensure they learn.
Adenn tells him things his buire never did, never would even if they had known them. They tell him things shouldn't know. He does his best to keep the secrets slyly shared. They watch and they wait for him to abuse their knowledge.
Tarre called us home, Adenn tells him. It's impossible to parse all of the tones it uses but Paz thinks he can he recognizes some of the louder ones.
Greif. Nostalgia. Anger. Joy.
We were not one, an voice says, shame and regret and more and less. Tarre reminded us. Tarre made sure Mandalore would endure until the end of all.
Kebiin ruusaanete--blue reliability (probably butchered; from ruusaanyc (reliable) and cuyete (probability, tho probably more in a "could be" way. Mando'a definitions tend to be intense when taken literally and translate poorly to English and--this is enough language nerd nonsense lol) bc I'm bastardizing my way through grammar
bes'marbur--shoulder guard, pauldron, spaulder, whatever the fuck you wanna call it
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shalltheseboneslive · 2 years
(yes, I want YOUR impressions of monster au now, too 🥰)
I think when Cobb and Adenn interact, it could be interesting. They're both old entities-- Adenn is ancient, even. But Cobb doesn't know exactly how old he is because he feels like he's always just sort of been there with Tatooine. Maybe he makes anecdotal reference to some impression of an idea one day only to be informed by Adenn that's not just an idea, that's an event that really happened and it was X decades or centuries ago, gifting Cobb with the unexpected revelation he's at least X years old
I hadn't really thought about Cobb and Adenn a lot but man am I ever Thinking now. There probably isn't a lot of overlap in their knowledge -- Adenn has never bothered to retain history that doesn't involve Mandalorians and if it didn't happen on Tattooine Cobb never knew about it in the first place, let alone remembers it. But maybe there's an old folk story about a group of warriors who came from the stars and tried to make Tattooine theirs before they were driven off by the krayts and the sands and the suns. They hear that story told, Cobb rambles about it for a bit, retells a version he thinks he heard a long time ago, maybe, it's just something stuck in his head that he can't quite place but he's got the oddest sense-memory of the burn of a strange weapon through tough, scaled hide and the scrape of metal parting between his teeth.
Adenn remembers the long-forgotten Mandalorian who, in possession of the Darksaber, declared themselves Mand'alor and that Tattooine would be the new home of their people, untainted by the beliefs of whichever other Mandalorian sect currently ruled their home system. They remember the day that Mand'alor was bitten in half by a krayt dragon.
They have a lot more respect for Cobb after that.
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ladybokatan · 3 years
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ALINA KOVALENKO // have you met BO-KATAN KRYZE yet? SHE is a TWENTY-SEVEN years old TRANS WOMAN HUMAN, originally from MANDALORE but typically reside on NABOO. after everything they’ve gone through, they show loyalty to THE UNALIGNED. they are best known for being a WARRIOR, and i hear they’re grown pretty RELENTLESS yet also PROUD at times; i hope they survive the galactic war.
the past
born the youngest of three in a family of great expectations. bo-katan was afforded a freedom that her sisters did not have much of while growing up. 
as the baby of the family she was left to her own devices, and despite never wanting for anything, still found it in herself to want to rebel.
so after learning the plans her oldest sister had for mandalore, bo-katan found herself desperately looking for those that wanted to return to the old way of the mandalore.
losing adenn fueled the need of bo-katan to walk away from her family.
eventually bo would find what she had been looking for in mandalore’s moon concordia. she would join death watch but keep her origin secret from other members, wanting a chance to rise on her own, free of her family name. 
a skilled fighter, bo would soon become a lieutenant under pre vizslas leadership, eventually becoming his right-hand, and going on to lead the elite unit of warriors the nite owls.
bo’s desire to forge her own path would cloud her vision to realize that death watch truly was the misguided radical group everyone claimed to be, and the acts committed by the organization were truly despicable acts of terrorism.  
as luck would have it, death watch would run into a escape pod and vizsla would find himself allied with a pair of sith lords, who bo-katan pointed out should not be trusted, resulting in her being force chocked by maul. 
bo-katan got to listen to the plans to overthrow her sister, even helping to assemble the shadow collective, and execute the plan to attack sundari in order to make death watch look like mandalore’s saviors and her own sister a failed leader.
after a series of events that bo should’ve seen coming, she got to watch as vizsla died at the hands of maul. the darksaber now in the hands of an outsider. watching as several traditionalists stood by the new ruler, bo-katan claimed no outsider would ever rule mandalore, taking off with the still loyal nite owls.  
she would join forces with her nephew korkie, and they would set out to rescue satine from prison. while initially a success, they were all soon pursued by maul’s forces. despite everyone’s best efforts, they were overpowered, her sister however managed to send a message to an old friend before being captured again.
it had been a fool’s hope, bo realized, to think that with the help of one obi-wan kenobi the tide would turn. it only ended with her losing another sister. 
she had hated being the youngest, the baby of the family. now she was the only one left. determined not to let it be the end of clan kryze, bo-katan immediately went to work on finding a way to keep korkie safe. 
she would even ask the jedi to inform the republic, as she would rather watch occupy mandalore, than have maul rule over her people.
bo and the nite owls continued their operations until fate reunited her with ahsoka tano. now with a common enemy bo once again put her faith in the jedi. only to have them turn their back on her. which only helped cement her views on the order, and realize that ahsoka was what a jedi should be, not what the self-righteous jedi master who got her sister killed claimed to be. 
with the help of tano, commander rex, and part of the 501st, they laid siege to maul’s forces on mandalore. eventually succeeding when ahsoka defeated maul, leading to his capture. 
using the last mandalorian vault, bo-katan turned maul to the republic forces. finally at peace, even if what awaited ahead was a tough job, at least her sister’s murdered had been caught, and would no longer poison her people’s minds.
of course the small moment of joy did not last long. as soon after the jedi would be branded traitors, the republic would become the galactic empire. and bo-katan would not have mandalore fall under imperial rule.
the present
          the empire had begun an occupation on mandalore, violence erupting on the streets once more. the proud warriors of mandalore would not recognize the empire’s rule, or at least that’s what bo-katan had been trying to fight for. that is until she woke up in an unfamiliar setting, unable to recognize her surroundings bo-katan feared something had been done in the quest to remove her as regent of mandalore. realizing she was in a republic cruiser, well she guessed it was an imperial cruiser now, bo-katan soon found it was running with very limited crew, and stationed on the ocean moon of trask. she was a long way home, not even imagining how true that was. unware that she had been thrusted decades into the future, bo walked the docks trying to get in touch with mandalore only to come face to face with a breaking news report.
         ❝hapes?❞ bo said to herself, everyone knew the hapans had long ago isolated themselves from the rest of the galaxy. the youngest of the kryze sisters could hardly contain her shock as she watched the action unfold through the holo on the cantina. if such a threat existed and had taken the hapes consortium she had to hurry and contact mandalore. a task that became impossible when communications went down, soon the inhabitants would learn that nevarro —among other major communication fields, had been bombarded, and as ships began to experience difficulties to even get close to landing, bo-katan started to frantically try to find a way off world.
                     ❝i wish i was good at something other than war❞
confidence that only those born into royalty ever experience, bo-katan knew her role in society and acted as such.
a skilled warrior, ruthless in battle, a proud representative of her people’s way of life.
loyal to her beliefs, but also to those who had proven to be alles.
stubborn and relentless, bo will not stop until she accomplishes her goals, whatever those might be, at times not even she knows. 
torn between the love for her family and trying to restore mandalore to what it once was, bo-katan is not oblivious to the fact that she is not the kind of leader mandalore needs. her goal had been to hopefully one day see korkie ruling their people, clan kryze had always being meant to lead.
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finitefm · 3 years
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WILL   YUN   LEE   /   /  have   you   met   TARRE   VIZSLA  yet  ?   THEY  are   now   51  years   old   NONBINARY   HUMAN,  originally   from  MANDALORE   but   typically    reside   on   YAVIN   IV.   after   everything   they’ve   gone   through,   they    show   loyalty   to   THE   NEUTRAL   /   THE   MANDALORIANS.   they   are   best   known   for   being   a   FORMER MAND’ALOR,   and   i   hear   they’ve   grown   pretty   THOUGHTFUL   yet   also  INTENSE   at   times   ;  i   hope   they   survive   the   galactic   war.  (   RICHIE   )
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L   O   A   D   I   N   G  :   /   /   …      8ABY  :  MONTH   TWO …   /   /
tarre   traveled   across   mandalore   and   eventually   met   SABINE   WREN,   finding   a   close   family   member   friend   and   ally   in   her.
they   began   to   explore   the   galaxy,   meeting   KANAN   JARRUS   and   fellow   mandalorians   ADENN   KRYZE,   JANGO FETT,   PAZ   VIZSLA,   and   CANDEROUS   ORDO.   they   briefly   lived   with   their   new   bestie   adenn   and   eventually   partially   endorsed   fett’s   claiming   of   their   darksaber.
tarre   was   horrified   by   the   mandalorian   artifacts   displayed   on   hapes   and   discussed   the   issue   with   some   of   their   fellow   mandalorians.   they   successfully   killed   a   vong   when   the   chaos   broke   out   and   encountered   STASSAM   CHAR   while   stealing   electrum   from   the   hapans.
they   are   reuniting   with   their   jedi   lineage   after   a   conversation   with   DEPA   BILLABA.
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mvchinery · 3 years
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SARAH SNOOK / / have you met ADENN KRYZE yet ? SHE is now THIRTY - SIX years old CIS WOMAN HUMAN, originally from KALEVALA but typically resides on NABOO. after everything she’s gone through, she shows loyalty to THE REBELLION. she is best known for being an ANTHROPOLOGY PROFESSOR, & i hear she’s grown pretty SCHOLARLY yet also TACITURN at times ; i hope she survives the galactic war.
L O A D I N G : / / …  8ABY : MONTH TWO … / /
adenn reunited with her son korkie kryze on naboo, shocked to find him now the same age as her. she confided in her close friend alexsandr kallus about her struggle with it.
she befriended the legendary mandalorian tarre vizsla, helping them learn about what they had missed with the mandalorians & hoping to learn the secrets of building the darksaber in turn.
she attended the new years party & was horrified to see the mandalorian artifacts on display. she met korkie’s love interest paz vizsla there, & she fought alongside iden versio against the hapan guards. adenn sustained only mild injuries.
after meeting so many mandalorians, she’s begun to wear her beskar again & was recently given a large stash of electrum to forge with by tarre.
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
get ready for nonsense. a lot of this is copypasta from comments that were useful so i copied them into my notes but didn't bother refining. • Adenn isn't the Ka'ra, Adenn is the overlapping traits of the Ka'ra, the void between stars that ties them together, that hold them all. (the commonalities amongst all Mandalorians)• Adenn is adoption, adaptation, katini, unity, strength, unyielding, defense and fight to the last breath• they're an eldritch abomination amalgamation of mandos to stubborn
Iiiiiiinteresting so Adenn is a symbiote like creature that inhabits the Darksaber (either was born from its forgery or attached itself, perhaps not even Adenn remembers anymore), takes on traits of every Mando that wielded the Saber before, but is also something of a living memory of them all? And maybe Adenn rarely chooses which personality characteristics of their former hosts comes out, but there is also a strong sense that Adenn has their own individual sense of personhood and individuality.
I'm really fascinated by the idea of Paz getting the existential crisis of his life being overtaken by this thing that breaks down all his high ideals of the legacy he's descended from... being wrecked in mind and body, how delicious
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
I forgot but this ask&answer may also be helpful
Thank you!
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So the prospect of how Adenn and Paz first encounter each other: it's giving me platonic comedy of errors but with nightmares vibes.
The night they all discover Din is a cubi, Paz is broadcasting so loudly, it calls to Adenn. As the pack doze together that first night, Adenn slithers from the Darksaber on Din's belt across the floor, probably complaining about all the sand, and eventually hones in on the source of all that mental anguish under the imprint of "Mandalorian"
It nestles round Paz's head like a slimy crown to listen to his dreams, purring because... Adenn hasn't had a meal like this one in so long, this will be fun.
Adenn doesn't make itself apparent to Paz for a while, sharing with him impressions of things long past, leafing through Paz's memories to understand him better and comparing him to Din who Adenn honestly thinks has all his priorities in the right place even if Din himself thinks he's a mess.
Maybe Adenn starts becoming more tangible to Paz as a voice in his dreams, and eventually while he's waking, until one day when Paz fears he's actually lost his mind, Adenn finally pops up on his shoulder 🙋
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oh my :eyes:
how did i miss this? or worse, forget abt it? >.<
i really like this gradual introduction of Adenn, it slowly sneaking up on Paz. timing it in concurrence with the Cubi discovering is eehhhhh bc of other stuff we've chatted abt but that could be when Adenn finally actually manifests and Paz can't write it off as not enough sleep
i love the slithering thru the sand and Cranky abt it XD
"platonic comedy of errors but with nightmares vibes" is exactly the vibe i want for Pazdenn
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bellsyafterdark · 3 years
Where to find me
AO3 for all my fanfic (incl final versions of blurbs, sketches)
Twitter (sfw) for meta discussion, shitchat, and good vibes (if you need to reach out, DM there is the best place)
Twitter (nsfw) for the fic discussion, previews, but also feels, gore and relentless thirst 😂
Tumblr (sfw) for fandom appreciation
Tumblr (nsfw) for explicit content and brainstorming
Recurring story AU links under the cut:
The Mandalorian
Ball and Chain AU: A Paz/Boba/Din/Fennec(/Cobb) canon divergent excuse for omegaverse, lots of sex and kink play set after the Mandalorian season two and in parallel with the Book of Boba Fett season one.
Ball and Chainchomp AU:  A Paz/Boba/Din/Fennec(/Cobb) monster spin-off of the ball and chain AU instigated by @battlemastercoffeeco. Paz becomes the host for an eldritch primordial entity named Adenn tied to the Darksaber, Boba appears to be a werelizardman but is actually much more, Din is a cubi (space incubus) requiring energy to survive, Fennec is a space vampire who does not combust in the sun, and Cobb is a native desert spirit of Tatooine.
Soulmate AU: A Paz/Din AU where all the events are the same but Paz and Din are soulmates, in a universe where your soulmate is revealed to you when their words (lies) appear on your skin.
Robot Paz AU: A Paz/Din AU where all the events are the same but Paz was always a droid in armour; originally designed for pleasure but honed for war.
Pazdin werewolf AU: where Paz gets turned to a werewolf offscreen after s1 and reunites with Din and their long-standing tradition of “temporary marriage”.
Shadows in a cave AU: A Paz/Boba/Din werewolf omegaverse AU where the three Mandalorians are on the brink of bonding but Din has a secret. Then he discovers a monster in the palace’s basement.
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