#adding to the mallow tag like i said i would lol
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When Maxwell Met Stephanie: Pt. 2- Christmas Eve
This is another bit of backstory for Maxwell and Stephanie within the Cordonians Gone Wild AU created by @speedyoperarascalparty , @ao719 , @leelee10898 and @cocomaxley. Thank you guys so much for letting me be a part of this fantastic AU!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
My tags: @fullbeaumonty @brightpinkpeppercorn @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @blackwidow2721 @choiceslife @dancetothestoriesinyoursoul
CGW tags: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo @tornbetweentwoloves @ownworldresident
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     Pam opened the door of the Walker cabin to find Anitah, Alicia, and Genevieve.      “Hey guys. What do Drake and I owe the pleasure?” She asked, stepping aside as the girls filtered in.     “We're scheming of course.” Anitah giggled.     “It's a good, Christmas spirit scheme.” Alicia assured. ��  “Maybe just a little bit selfish too.” Gen shrugged. The ladies gathered in the living room, spreading around the furniture.    “Okay, I'm listening.” Pam perched on the arm of the couch next to the queen.    “So you know how everyone keeps commenting about how we have to find Max a partner right? He's always alone when we all get together…” Gen started.    “And we kind of feel like, at least Alicia and I owe Maxwell in a huge way.”   “Right. I mean without Max, she'd have never gotten to marry Liam. And if she'd never married Liam, I'd have never met Leo.” Alicia shrugged.    “So you want to play Christmas matchmaker for Maxwell?” Pam asked quirking an eyebrow. The ladies all nodded.    “Okay, so I take it you guys have someone in mind then?”   “Well you weren't here to see it, but our little Maxie was quite smitten with Drake's cousin, Stephanie. She and her mom stayed at Ramsford for a couple of weeks after your wedding and he's been texting her and talking to her on the phone and Pictagram ever since.” Anitah said slyly.    “No. Absolutely not. I'll be damned if I watch another member of my family get involved with the Beaumonts. Not happening. Leave my cousin out of this.” Drake said entering the living room, folding his arms across his chest.   Pam rolled her eyes. “Drake, stop being so dramatic. Don't you want to see Maxwell happy?”   “Sure if it keeps him out of my hair. Can't he be happy with someone that doesn't share my DNA? Lady Hana? Lady Penelope thinks he hung the moon for Christ's sake.”  “But we like Stephanie too.” Alicia piped up.   “Plus she seemed to really like him. You can't choose who she likes, Mallow-man.” Gen added.   “I'm in. Don't pay any attention to my grumpy husband. He'll get over it. I'll make it up to him later.” Pam gave him a coy wink.  Drake came up behind his wife, sliding his arms around her waist and planting a tender kiss to her cheek.  “If you swear he'll be too busy with Stef to bother me on our vacations, I suppose I'll survive. Just don't pressure her or anything. She's like my little sister. And I swear if he hurts her…”   “Drake, Maxwell is a good catch. I don't think you have to worry about that.” Anitah defended.   “So what's the plan?” He asked reluctantly.   “The Christmas Eve ball. We wanna invite Stephanie to attend. And surprise Maxwell with her!” Gen exclaimed clapping her hands together.    “Right,” Alicia began. “That's where you guys come in, since she's your family and all.” ***********************      “What am I doing?” Stephanie wondered staring out the window of the royal jet.    Drake had called her out of the blue and invited her to attend the Cordonian Christmas Ball. He'd talked with her a little bit about her relationship with Maxwell. Was it even a relationship? It was weird whatever it was, but she couldn't wait to see him.    Her cousin had also filled her in on the plan the ladies had to surprise Maxwell with her attendance, and so far it was proving to be so hard not to tell him she was on her way to see him.   Her phone lit up with a text from Maxwell.    M: I hate getting fitted for a new suit. Why can't I just go in a suit I already have?   S: Go where?   M: this  Christmas Ball. I'd rather skip it and FaceTime with you on Christmas Eve.   S: awww I bet it'll be so much fun! You have a hot date? Lol   M: well I have this girl I wanna take, but she's in Texas. I don't think she'll make it    Stephanie beamed down at the screen. She had never been the type to be giddy over text messages, or guys for that matter; but something about Maxwell made her that way.     They'd been inseparable during her time in Cordonia after the wedding, and despite the huge time difference they'd kept in touch since she'd returned home.     Stephanie peered out the window as the pilot announced their descent. Her body buzzing in anticipation at just the thought of seeing Maxwell again. She wouldn't have to wait long as the ball was tomorrow night, but as she glanced back down at his words on her screen the task of keeping quiet even just one more day seemed insurmountable. ***************      “So, Maxwell huh? You really like Maxwell?” Drake asked taking a sip of his beer. Stephanie peeled at the label on her own before taking a swig.    “It's hard to explain and I know it sounds crazy, but I think I more than like him, Drake. I've never felt like this before. It's like... we're connected somehow.” She shook her head and averted her eyes from her cousin's probing gaze.   “It doesn't sound that crazy. It's exactly how I felt about Pam. Like I'd known her all of my life, but I couldn't get enough of her.”   “Yeah, but you were here with her. Touching her, smelling her...you were with her. Max and I have only had text messages and phone calls. What if once we're together he can't stand my perfume. Or what if I can't stand the way he bobs when he walks? The little things that get lost in a long distance communication.”    Stephanie's eyes were clouded with confusion when she looked back at Drake. He could tell she was nervous about tonight. Her eyes searched him for answers to her unspoken questions.     “Why did you come all this way to surprise him, Stef? I mean there had to be a reason right?”   She screwed her eyes shut trying to find the right words. Finally she exhaled.    “I... I love him, Drake. I know it like I know that the sky is blue and the grass is green. I felt like maybe...maybe being invited here was Fate's way of telling me that what I'm feeling is real. And that he feels it too. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't take the chance.”     He opened his mouth as if to reply, but was interrupted as  Pam came down the hall, slinging her purse over her shoulder.     “You ready, Stef? The girls are waiting for us at the salon.” she said grabbing her keys off the hook. She strode over to Drake, kissing him warmly.     “I'll see you guys tonight.” He told her, reluctantly releasing her lips, but never breaking eye contact.    Stephanie gulped the rest of her beer, sliding the empty bottle toward her cousin.   “Guess it's now or never.” *************       Stephanie was thankful for the queen's penchant for pre-gaming events like this. The ladies had already had their nails, hair and makeup done, donning bathrobes before they put on their elaborate gowns for the evening, and they were already a bottle and a half of champagne deep.    “It seems like such a waste to get this hot just to sneak away from the party later.” Alicia laughed. They all knew it would happen at some point in the evening, so they didn't bother arguing.    “How're you feeling, Stef? Ready to surprise Max?” Pam asked.     “Nervous? Excited? I'm not sure how I'm feeling but I could sure use a whiskey sour.” She laughed.    “Definitely related to Drake!” Anitah giggled hailing one of the staff over. “Let's get Lady Stephanie a whiskey sour, please. She needs the liquid courage.”      Stephanie's whiskey sour had arrived promptly and she sipped it quietly taking in the chatter from the other ladies as they headed into the boutique. There was a giant red velvet bow adorning one of the changing stalls along with a sign which read “reserved” . Anitah sauntered over to the door and removed the sign. “This,” she began proudly, spinning on her heels to face her new friend, “is where we're going to stuff you once you're dressed to surprise Beaumont.”        “Sounds good. Guess we should get to getting dressed then.” Stephanie replied.     She selected an emerald green dress, simple satin with a trumpet skirt. It would hug her curves nicely. She slipped into the changing booth to put it on, careful not to disturb the elegant side-swept hair do the hairdresser had given her. The off the shoulder straps and sweetheart neckline showcased more of her cleavage than she had intended, but hopefully Maxwell would enjoy that. Drake, however, would likely flip his lid even if he was quiet about it.  She stared at her reflection in the floor length mirror before her. She'd paired the dress with an heirloom string of her grandmother's pearls and her hand landed upon them absentmindedly as her phone lit up with a text from Maxwell.   M: I think your cousin in broken :D   S: broken? What do you mean?  M: well he's been pre-gaming this ball more than usual. We just had a very weird conversation about the proper way to court a lady and the importance of safe sex practices. Stephanie laughed out loud at the text. She couldn't wait to see him. Just the knowledge that somewhere within these very walls he was hanging around shooting her these rapid fire texts, totally oblivious to her presence was enough to make her heart ache for him and she sighed hearing Pam's voice from the main boutique “Drake said Liam just left with Maxwell. They'll be here any moment. All done in there, Stef?” *******************      Maxwell was filled with so much excitement he feared he would burst. As he and Liam made their way through the palace towards his Christmas surprise from his girl squad it was all he could do not to take off in a sprint.    “Slow down, they're putting the finishing touches on now. You'll spoil the whole the if we arrive early.” Liam chuckled clapping his old friend on the shoulder.  “Sorry, Li. I'm just...no one ever surprises me. I'm usually the surprise-er, and I love surprises. I just want to know what it is already!”  His pocket buzzed and he pulled out his phone, a text from Stephanie, of course.    He stopped dead in his tracks to read the message, his face lighting up like the many Christmas trees throughout the palace.   “Come one, Max. I thought you were excited.” Liam joked.   Maxwell held up a finger. “Uno momento, compadre.” he shot off another reply before he resumed his bouncy steps.   “Are we? Is my surprise in the boutique?”   Liam placed his hand on both of Maxwell's shoulders and steered him into the boutique, the ladies were standing around looking as excited as their best friend.   “God, you all look so hot!” He exclaimed making his rounds, pulling each lady into a brief but warm embrace.    “ Merry Christmas, Beaumont!” Pam shouted.    “You don't look so bad yourself, Max.” Alicia told him.   “Are you ready for your surprise?” Gen asked as Anitah rubbed her hands together in anticipation.   “I can't believe you guys have a surprise for me! Of course I'm ready for it.”   “Well it's right in there,” Anitah started gesturing to the door with the velvet ribbon. “Go on and open it!”     The room was buzzing as Maxwell crossed the distance to the door. He reached for the handle, but abruptly recoiled his hand.    “I know you ladies too well….this is gonna jump out and scare me isn't it?”   A collective groan rang through the room just as the decorated door swung open.   Stephanie raced out of the changing booth, leaping to close the foot height gap between herself and Maxwell as she threw her arms around his neck.    “SURPRISE!”  She shouted.     Maxwell's eyes were like saucers as he spun her around, clinging to the petite redhead for dear life.    “Stephanie?! How did you..? You're really here?!”    He peered momentarily over her shoulder  to look at Anitah, Pam, Genevieve, and Alicia. They all stood with wide smiles, and Gen and Anitah were clapping. “Thank you” he mouthed the words at them as he settled Stephanie back on the ground holding her at arm's length for a moment.   “I've never seen anything more beautiful and elegant in my life.” He commented, drinking her in.   “God I've missed you, Red.”  “I've missed you too. Are you surprised? It was so hard not to tell you!” She told him with a smile that reached her eyes.   His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her close.    “I'm totally surprised. Looks like I have that hot date for this Christmas Ball after all.” He winked. “You will be my date, right?”   Stephanie laughed. “ I dunnooooo...I was thinking I'd let Drake escort me.”   “Not a chance in hell, Stef. Drake's already got Pam. I still need a hottie to walk in with.” Maxwell feigned a whine.   “Well, I suppose. I mean fair is fair.” She giggled. ***************     “His majesty King Liam and Her majesty Queen Anitah, Duchess of Valtoria.” The herald loudly announced.    Stephanie shifted her weight uncomfortably and gripped Maxwell’s hand a little tighter.    “Hey, you alright?” He asked rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb.    “Yeah. It's just, I didn't realize that I'd be announced or anything. I've never done this before and I'm kind of nervous. I don't like it when all eyes are on me.” Stephanie told him in a low tone. She cast her eyes to her feet, but Max lifted her chin with his thumb and index finger to look into her hazel eyes.   “But that's where they should be. You're amazing, Stephanie. And tonight you're on my arm, so I want everyone to see just how lucky I am to have you here with me.”    She gave him a weak smile as the herald continued.    “The honorable Prince Leo and the Lady Alicia of New York.”     Stephanie watched as the couple stepped through the ballroom doors arm in arm with wide smiles. She unlaced her fingers from Maxwell's, wiping her palm on her dress. “I'm sorry.” She whispered, cheeks flushing.    “It's okay. I get sweaty palms too.” He laughed, re-capturing her hand.    “Sir Drake Walker, Guardian of the Realm and the honorable Lady Pamela Walker.”    Pam and Drake disappeared into the ballroom.    “Lord Rashad Domvallier of Domvallier and Lady Genevieve of Illinois”    Maxwell turned to Stephanie, taking her hand and draping it in his elbow. “We're up, Red.” He told her gingerly placing his lips to her temple.   “Lord Maxwell Beaumont of Ramsford, Guardian of the Realm and the Lady Stephanie of Texas.”   Maxwell proudly led her  through the doors of the ballroom, pausing only a moment for the brief applause as they made their way toward Drake and Pam.        The evening seemed to fly by in a whirlwind of champagne and waltzes. Stephanie felt like she was in a fairy tale of some sort; but the thing about fairy tales is they eventually end.    She and Maxwell had scarcely let go of one another all evening. They both were silently afraid that if they stopped touching, even for a moment, the other may disappear. As if they would suddenly wake up from this dream they seemed to be walking through.      The last of the guests were beginning to trickle out as the clock struck midnight. Stephanie gazed over the almost empty ballroom and sighed.     “Merry Christmas, Maxwell.” She said without turning to face him.    “Merry Christmas, Stephanie.I guess the evening is just about over, isn't it?”  “I guess it is, but I'm not leaving until the new year. We still have time.” She smiled sweetly finally turning to look at him. He smiled back and have her hand a squeeze.  “I can walk you to your room if you're ready, milady.”    The couple walked slowly towards Stephanie's room, her arms around his waist, head nestled against his rib cage while his hugged her shoulders close.    “This night has been spectacular, Max. I never imagined I'd ever be at party so fancy. I feel like Cinderella, now it's time for me to go turn back into a farm girl.” She joked as they approached her door.    “ You'll still be a princess in my book.”    Stephanie giggled, taking both his hands in hers as she stepped in front of him. Even in her 4” heels she was dwarfed by him, and she peered up into his eyes with just a hint of sadness.    “It isn't just the fancy dress and the fancy party, or even that its Christmas eve, that have made tonight feel magical. It's you, Maxwell. After all these weeks of phone calls and texting…..and the amazing sexting…. I'm just...I'm so happy to finally touch you again.”        He grazed the backs of her hands with his thumbs, tracing tiny figure eights.      “I really wanna kiss you, Stef.” He told her, his tongue flicking out of his mouth to nervously wet his lips.      “Well, Lord Beaumont,  I've been waiting all night.”      Maxwell gently cupped her cheek with his hand, his long slender fingers tangling in her strawberry blonde hair, still draped over her shoulder. He leaned in slowly, and after what felt like an eternity his lips finally found hers.    Stephanie sighed softly into his lips, gently pulling his bottom lip in between her teeth as he deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around her waist.    She leaned into him and they stumbled a bit until his back landed softly against her door, Her hands planted firmly on his chest. Reluctantly she broke the kiss, her lips swollen and her cheeks flushed, the feeling of butterflies in her stomach at full force.   “Will you come and see me tomorrow?” She asked, her eyes darting quickly over his face in anticipation.    “Of course I will. And everyday until we figure out how this is going to work.”   “What do you mean?”   “There is no way in hell I'm letting you get away again, Stephanie. Either I'm going to Texas or you're staying here. Either way I never want to spend another night without you.” His thumb caressed her cheek as he spoke and her eyes seemed to sparkle. He kissed her lips once more. “That's a talk for tomorrow, perhaps. But I've dug in my heels on it. I want you to be mine.”   Stephanie beamed up at him, firmly grasping her doorknob. “Good night then, Maxwell.”  She twisted the knob and entered the room.   “ Good night, sweetheart. I'll dream of you...again.” he told her.   It took all of the strength in her body to close the door behind her and she sighed as she leaned against it. After a moment she flung her hands into the air, spinning and flinging the door open.    “Maxwell!” She exclaimed, louder than was necessary as he had only taken a few steps from her doorway.    He turned to face her, hands jammed in his pockets, and he quirked a questioning eyebrow.   “I….I just wanted to say….” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth a moment inwardly debating her next words.   “I... I love you, Maxwell Beaumont.”     He smiled, taking wide steps back to her as his hands cupped her face once more and his lips crashed against hers fervently.   “I love you too, Red.”
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