#adding another couple more minutes in the towel drama
selamat-linting · 1 year
its not my job desk but i'll do it but dont be mad when i can't do it properly lol.
#weaponized incompetence strikes again#context : my boss have been understaffing people#esp in the customer service division so we have to cover for them occasionally#i do it for my coworker so she'd get a break with reasonable hours#but im aware how it excuse my boss from not hiring more ppl#i've been thinking of a way to deal with this but#guess what?#today the owner came for a session and since im not the customer service my treatment of him is not#up to standards#he requested for a towel and i genuinely dont know where it is#i was looking it up but then when i came up with nothing they have left#ofc i call the CS on break asking where the towels are so i can give it to them like some lowly servant#and then a few mins the cs came and gave me the key but ofc i asked her. okay cool where's the place i can get them#turns out only the janitor knows. and theyre nowhere in sight since theyre a new hire and is the only one in our shift today#adding another couple more minutes in the towel drama#so now the owner is mad and is taking it out on the manager#honestly it could be anything that set him ofd#he wants to buy a drink? oh yeah sorry. you need to give me the exact amount because im not allowed to touch the register#you want a spesific locker room? yeah im not trained to remember which one's where#he wants a system read? yeah haha im technically not allowed to do it#but yeah the manager came. and i explain the situation in the way that put me in the best light possible#and he just. sighed in resignation and go#okay. why dont you just come sit down in your desk#he cant even be mad at me lmaooo#if he did get mad at me though. he has no right to. im just a substitute who is given a task i dont even have the clearance for#posts about my life#can you believe this is one of the best workplaces im in#at my previous job i was given the keys to open a store all by myself on my second day#i pissed in a bag once because we were sooo fucking understaffed that i have to be alone running an entire store from 9 am to 3pm#at least this job has regular parties lmao
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brokestminimalist · 3 years
Broke Laundry: updated 2021
For the time being, let's skip talking about how almost all of us have too many clothes.   The clothes that you have get dirty, and must be washed.  I am going to assume you have access to a modern washing machine, either at your house or a laundromat. We'll call step one sorting:
Sorting: Ain’t nobody got time for this.  This is an extra chore that is 99% not necessary.  Unless you have specialty fabrics or are particular about how white your whites are, it’s just added  stress and a waste of time.  I don't actually own any white clothes anymore, but if I did I'd run a load of whites with a cup of bleach once a month. I do not own things that can’t survive the washing machine, either.  No delicates, no dry cleaning.  I wash towels with clothes, and sheets together with bedspreads. Cleaning rags and towels have their own basket and get washed when it gets full.
Laundry Detergent: Avoid the very cheapest for the sake of your darks, but there is no need to spring for the most expensive thing on the shelf.  In fact, I make laundry detergent from one part washing soda, one part Borax, and one part soap. A double batch is enough detergent to last three months for a single person. Good recipes can be had all over the internet, so go forth and find yourself one.  If you’re washing in cold water and your tap water is very cold, such as in the winter, you may find it necessary to stir your homemade detergent into a cup of hot water before putting it into the machine. Out of detergent?  A spoonful of dish soap will do in a pinch.  Regardless of whether you’re using store bought or homemade, don’t use too much detergent; it’s bad for the machine, the environment, and your clothes.  We do not want to buy new clothes until we absolutely have to, right?  Right.
Fabric Softener: I recently saw a headline about how Millennials are killing the fabric softener industry.  The truth is, they are prioritizing groceries and lights over luxuries like Downy.  If you must have it and can afford it, go ahead.  Measure carefully but don’t dilute unless the package says so.  Fabric softener sheets are a good alternative, if you are using a dryer.  Here at Brokest Minimalist, we use a Downy ball with white vinegar in it.  The vinegar cuts soap residue, softens most fabrics, and is much cheaper.  Plus it’s versatile enough to be used for cleaning as well.  An added bonus is that it doesn’t reduce the absorbency of your towels like regular fabric softener does.
Water:  Set your washer on Tap Cold. Yes, really.  Unless your clothes are very greasy, almost anything can be washed in cold water and will get just as clean.  It isn’t so much the temperature of the water or even the detergent that does the washing, as much as it is the action of the clothes rubbing against each other inside the machine.  Anything that’s machine washable can be washed in cold water, period.
Settings: On our machine at home, clothes go on “casual” and sheets/bedspreads on “heavy duty”. Don’t stress too much about this.  Choose a water level that is appropriate to how full the machine is, add your stuff, and go ahead.
Drying:  Here at Brokest Minimalist, we don’t dry anything in the dryer.  Why?  Because air dries stuff for free, that’s why.  Clothes dryers are one of the most frivolous uses of electricity in the modern world.  They are also one of the number one causes of fire in the United States, after candles and cooking fires.  Unless you are in a huge hurry, hang your clothes to dry. Outdoors if possible, as sun dried clothing smells much better than any fabric softener does.  You don’t even have to spend all afternoon pinning stuff to a clothesline like your great-grandma did, either! Our system is beautiful in its simplicity.  We take our clothes out of the washing machine, hang them on clothes hangers, and then hang the hangers on the clothesline.  If you have a smooth line, tie knots in it or use clothespins to keep stuff from sliding back and forth in the breeze.  If you don’t have a line, put one up or buy a portable or retractable one. In summer your clothes will be dry within an hour in direct sunlight, which is a comparable time to many dryers.  If it’s raining, you can hang them indoors over curtain rods, from your mantel, or on your shower curtain rod.  Even if it’s freezing outside, in direct sunlight your clothes will dry within a few hours. For free.  No kidding.  And UV light is a great sanitizer if you’re worried about germs! Here we hang our and towels and unmentionables on racks purchased from Amazon, such as this and this.  Another tidbit we have figured out, is that there is no need to wait until daylight to hang your clothes. In the old days it was nigh unheard of, but there’s no harm.  The morning dew won’t make your wet clothes wetter.   Do you work nights?  Do a load of laundry after you get home from work and hang it out to dry, even if it’s midnight.  It will be dry by lunchtime tomorrow.   This saves wear and tear on your clothes, it saves electricity, it won’t create extra static like the dryer, and hanging stuff is kind of a nice, meditative way to spend a few minutes. Take some deep breaths of fresh air, reflect on your day, let go of some anxiety.
Does all of this sound too complicated? Written down it’s a lot, but let us take you through a load of laundry we just did.  For the record, it is currently one o'clock in the morning.  It’s 31 degrees outside.
1) Put clothes in washer.  Not sorted, just all the clothes in the hamper or off your floordrobe, dumped into the washing machine.
2) It’s cold out, so put a tablespoon of detergent into a cup of hot water and stir.  Pour in washer. Put white vinegar in Downy ball, toss in washer.
3) Push start button and go do something else.  Read, take a nap, cook, clean bathroom. Write a long-winded Tumblr post.  Whatever.
4) When load is done, hang everything on hangers/racks still wet.  This is the longest part, and it takes 5-7 minutes, max. You can do it while watching tv or listening to music.
5) Carry your hung up clothes outdoors to the clothesline and hang them up, or to whatever indoor location you have deemed fit if it is raining.
These will be dry in a few hours except for very heavy things like thing hoodies or jeans, those may take longer.  Yes, even if it’s cool outside.  As long as there is direct sunlight, they will dry.  When you’re ready, bring them in. All the clothes are already on hangers, so just stick them in your closet.
Once upon a time we had a lot of drama about laundry.  We had fights over whose turn it was, how much Tide to put in, and who was going to clean the lint trap.  When the dryer broke, I absolutely agonized over the three hundred dollars it would take to buy a new one.  That three hundred dollars meant going without cable for two months, it meant scrimping for groceries and paying a late fee on the phone bill.  It was more than an entire paycheck, just to dry clothes!
Today that same dryer is sitting in our laundry room in disuse.  We have it, for emergencies.  A drink spilled on a work shirt, perhaps, that needs to be worn in 30 minutes.  It’s good for fluffing up pillows, on the no-heat setting. It wasn’t worth the stress or the tears or the three hundred dollars we put into it all those years ago.  It’s basically a glorified shelf for our detergent now:
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So today, I challenge you, broke person.  Don’t wear those grungy jeans for one more day.   Do a load of laundry, as frugally as you can.  Measure your detergent carefully, hang your clothes to dry.  Your clothes will last longer, your utility bill will be lower, and you will have a few minutes of peace and quiet outside.  It’s less wear and tear, less electricity, and less stress, and that’s a minimalist win.
If you do choose to dry your clothes in a dryer, beware of over-drying as that can cause static and extra wear and tear on your clothes.  Clean out your lint trap, it will make your clothes dry faster and reduce the risk of fire.  If you are too broke to have dryer sheets, wool dryer balls are pretty cheap and effective for fabric softening and reducing static.  We have also heard that you could use tennis balls or a couple balls of wadded up aluminum foil for this purpose.
Happy washing!
Some links: homemade detergent at TSD, and Mr. Electricity’s opinion on dryers.
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writingoneshots · 3 years
Hello :D I really liked your last story with Law and the other with Killer!! I would also like to request something and if you don't wanna write it that's fine too. Idc about the scenario in general but how about Kid and reader fighting about almost everything daily and Kid gets pissed off and breaks up with reader. Then he finds out that she's pregnant and suddenly feels bad. You decide if they get back together or not :D
Hi :) ! I had way too many ideas with this, which is why I randomly decided to just let my brain write what comes to its mind first. This is the result. I really hope you like it! Also.. I got a little carried away. Let me know if you don't like it, I can re-write it any time (for example: if you want a bad ending).
Ps: I tend to use names from my personal FF's because it's sometimes too strenuous to write 'Killer's girlfriend' or 'xy's partner'.. might happen in future stories as well but I will always announce it in the description first!
Have a nice day!
- Kid x reader (I also added 'Bella', who is Killer's girlfriend - I needed a name, sorry) - 2,492 words - drama, fighting, swearing, lots of thinking, SFW
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The nights were almost as painful as the rest of the day lately. Kid couldn't stand not talking to you and for more than two weeks, you two have been barely speaking. The only sort of communication you two have is screaming and make-up sex, followed by another fight in the morning after. Kid loved you with his whole existence but he just couldn't take it any longer. If there was nothing fixing it tomorrow, then he would have to end it since even his crew has been in constant fear of getting killed by their own captain because he has been in a bad mood since your first fight. In the next morning, you took a quick shower and put on some clothes for breakfast. You tried your best not to think of Kid, even though you didn't know why. When you arrived at the restaurant, where the crew had been meeting up in the last couple of days, the ship's doctor patted at the empty seat next to him to offer you a seat.
He immediately used that chance and handed you some fresh fruits, "(Y/N) we really need to talk about your blood results from last week." "I know it's bad. I barely had any sleep in the last few weeks and I also have constant pain in my stomach.. could be because your captain is pissing me off lately. Stress and blah blah..", you rolled your eyes and grabbed the food before he could continue talking. "Oh, I see. This is my fault now too?", Kid came out of the bathroom and dried his hands on his little towel, which he carried around tied on his belt. You looked at him startled and didn't expect him to be here already. With a soft headshake, you just began eating the fruits, which the doctor handed you and sighed a bit. The table was quiet when Kid sat down, which was unusual. Kid ate his breakfast slowly, trying to figure out what to do or say. He looked at you, watched you eating silently and got lost in his thoughts. Should I give her a compliment? She looks good today.. But she doesn't deserve it. She didn't even want to have sex yesterday. Not even cuddling or making out.. Bitch. But if I don't say anything, she'll be mad as well. I really don't want her to leave. Fuck. Stupid woman. Suddenly a burst of loud laughter appeared from a table nearby and Kid couldn't help but take a look. A group of women was laughing about something funny that a guy has said, who was sitting with them. They were all having a good time. Kid was jealous. His table was usually the loudest one and now nobody was speaking at all. Again. His eyes wandered to the woman, who had a similar outfit as you when you once roleplayed in bed. This whole night suddenly played like a recording in his head and he couldn't help but spark a little interest again. You realized that Kid had stopped eating and when you looked at him, you realized that he was completely lost into something. Following his gaze, you didn't need too long to figure out what it was. Another woman. Kid was never interested in anyone else but you and didn't even dare to stare at someone else. But this was more than just staring. He was longing for her. "Why don't you just go and ask her to spend the night with you?", you looked at him angrily and pushed your plate aside. Kid frowned at that statement and looked confused at you. "What?" "So now you're also staring at other women? Why are you even with me? Always fighting with me, not having sex with me, staring at other women, and just being a complete idiot!", you tried to hide the tears in your eyes but it was all just too much for you. His eyes widened. He was really about to lose his mind and he had no idea how he managed to control his inner self from not exploding. "Are you fucking kidding me?", he whispered and his knuckles turned white as snow because of how hard he made a fist. "I have no fucking clue, why you're fucking mad at me. So you better shut the fuck up, before I do something that I will regret." "Oh really? And what would that be?", you crossed your arms at your chest and leaned back into the chair. "(Y/N), I am asking you now for the last fucking time. Shut. The Fuck. Up.", Kid looked down at his plate and closed his eyes right after. The metal around him began to vibrate and you raised an eyebrow at this reaction. "Guys.. please.. I can help with-" The doctor didn't have a chance to explain himself. "No, come on. Say it, Kid. What is going on in that mind of yours? Are you going to fight me again? Ignore me again? Hm?", you wiped your tears away and took a deep breath to prepare yourself for whatever he would say. "We're over." Silence. No one in this crew dared to say a word. Even Killer froze and hated himself for not interfering. You couldn't comprehend what he just said but your brain somehow understood. After taking a deep breath, you stood up without saying a word and left the restaurant. A few minutes have passed before the first one spoke up. Killer waited for the metal to stop vibrating and gave Kid a few more seconds to breathe. "You know what you just did, right?", he talked in a soft tone
and watched how Kid was slightly shaking. He could see the regret in his eyes but had no idea how to help him. "I couldn't stand this any longer.", was the only thing that Kid has said that day. He disappeared until the night has covered the skies and came back to the crew helping to carry a few things into a different cabin. Apparently, a few arrangements have been made while Kid was gone. His head was completely empty and he couldn't care less about what has happened during his absence. He just wanted to lay down and wasn't even sure if he wanted to be alone or not. Bella, Killer's girlfriend, carried your things into the girls' sleeping room where she had already spend her nights with Heat's girlfriend as well. Kid couldn't help but think of the good times when the ship only had men on board. Life was much simpler back then he would do anything to get back to it. Killer approached Kid slowly and eyed him carefully. "You seem.. calm?" Kid gave him a short side-eye and turned his attention back to the crew re-decorating his ship. "She's going to leave the ship on the next island.", Killer commented and took a deep breath. "Are you still sure about this? That you don't want to be with her?" He wasn't. But he also didn't know how to work this out. This was the first time in his life that Kid had no idea what to do. "C-captain.. I tried talking to (Y/N) but she keeps avoiding me. May I talk to you instead?", the doctor of the ship was holding some papers tight in his hands, dithering slightly. "You really think that now is a good time to talk?", Killer scratched his head and wasn't sure if this doctor was smart or stupid as hell. "Get out of my sight, man. I don't have time for bullshit right now.", Kid pushed the doctor away and walked right past him. The doctor couldn't take it any longer. "IF AT LEAST ONE OF YOU WOULD LISTEN TO ME, NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED!", he screamed out of his lungs. When he suddenly realized what he just did, he wanted to jump off the ship. The whole crew went silent and stopped in their current motion. Even Killer went a step back and someone in the background started praying. Kid turned around and made two large steps towards the doctor, grabbing him by his shirt and lifting him without any struggles. His eyes were glowing in anger and his muscles were tensed, focused not to kill him within two seconds. "You have only one sentence to save your life, asshole." "(Y/N) is pregnant!" The doctor spitted that out, faster than a gun's shot. Kid froze. His grip on the doctor's shirt loosened and he stood still like a statue. The doctor got pushed to the side and Killer asked him several times if he was sure about this. The doctor nodded and showed him the results. "The mood swings, the pain in her stomach, her sex drive and the morning sickness. The blood results are proof enough.", the doctor showed it to Killer but it was worthless because Killer didn't understand any of these things. Kid let his arm slowly down and turned around, facing the corridor to the cabins. She is pregnant.. That's why she was behaving like a bitch and hated the fact that I was existing. Pregnant.. Shit. I am going to be a father? I am going to have kids.. A Kid having kids.. I can already hear the jokes. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Why am I so shocked? I never used any condoms with that woman. It's my fault. But also hers. Just because I stopped asking her to swallow.. For fucks sake. Is that bad? Can't we get rid of that? I could just leave it on an island.. but then (Y/N) would kill me or even leave me to be with that child and- Wait.. no.. nonono.. she's not even mine.. she can't leave me because I- I- .. I broke up. "Killer.. I have never seen Kid like this.", Heat looked more sad than usual and didn't know what to say. "Is he broken?" "No, he's probably just trying to think. You know.. he's barely doing that, which is why he is in this situation right now.", Killer shrugged and didn't let Kid out of his sight. This stance always meant that Kid was battling his inner self and Killer knew that his best
friend could have a mental breakdown right afterwards, which usually ends up in a killing spree every time. But this time, Kid just shook his head and went straight to the ship's corridor. He pushed away other crew members and entered the women's cabin without knocking. Heat's girlfriend was unpacking your things, while you were in the bathroom throwing up. Kid took a deep breath and approached the bathroom, now knocking softly. "Give us a second!", Killers girlfriend screamed and opened the door right after. She shrieked at the sight of Kid, not expecting to see him here. "She's not feeling well, Kid.", Bella explained carefully and blocked the sight to you. "I know. Let me talk to her." "I don't think-" "It's alright..", you sighed and washed your face right after cleaning your mouth. Bella looked at you to make sure you're okay and nodded before leaving you two alone. Kid entered the bathroom and locked the door afterwards. He wasn't sure how to start this conversation but he couldn't stop looking at you. The thought of not being the one, to own you and actually being the reason why you're feeling sick, made him feel uneasy. "If it's about me being here then I-" "Shut up." You looked at him confused and didn't know what to do now. After drying your face with a towel, you watched Kid carefully as he approached you. "What are you doing?" "Stop talking.", he commanded and took a deep breath when he stopped right in front of you. His arms wrapped around you as well as his one metal arm allowed. But his flesh arm pulled you closer to him and kissed your head. "I am sorry for causing you pain. This is all my fault.. A little bit of yours too but mostly mine.", he whispered because he was more than just sure that Bella and Heat's girlfriend were listening on the other side of the door. "What has gotten into you? Are you drunk? You do remember that you broke up, right?", you frowned but didn't move away. Your cheek rested on his chest but you didn't hug him back. "(Y/N).. please forgive me. I was a dick. You can do anything to me.. hit me, scream at me, I don't care. Just please be mine again.", he mumbled against your skin, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. Tears were building up in your eyes and you hated yourself for it because you didn't know why you became such a crybaby. "Are you sure about that? I don't want you to hate me!" "I could never hate you.." "But something is going on with us and I don't want this.. I want it to be like before.", tears were running down your cheek and you tried to wipe them away but new ones were rolling down right after.
"It will be.. after our child is born.", he kissed your head once more and waited for your reaction. "Wait... what?", you froze and sniffed against his chest. When you looked up, your eyes met his' and you didn't talk for a few minutes. Then it hit you. It suddenly all made sense. "I.. I am pregnant..", you took a deep breath and couldn't believe it. There was nothing in this world that could have prepared you for this moment. But you and Kid are going to be parents. You two didn't have a bad relationship. You were just too emotional and Kid wasn't used to it, which is why you both started fighting all the time. You weren't quite sure if knowing this fact would change anything in the next few months but you felt better. "We are going to have a child..", tears were rolling down your cheeks again and your heart was beating fast because of how excited you were. "Yea.. I would celebrate this with a kiss but you just threw up.. Disgusting.", Kid shook his head and pulled you tight to him again, lifting you up softly. "Also, I won't change a single diaper. Telling you right away." "I will squeeze a giant baby out of your favorite part of me. You don't have a say in that.", you chuckled and shook your head.
"Did you just laugh? I haven't heard that in weeks. Sounds like make-up sex to me.", Kid smirked and let you down on the bathroom sink, already ripping off your clothes. "I guess Daddy has a new meaning for you now?", you teased him a little and had to laugh at how he suddenly cringed. "Add this to the forbidden words in the bedroom."
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
Ateez: Going On We Got Married
Kim Hongjoong:
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Anxious was the word to describe Hongjoong when he was about to meet his 'wife'. He kept looking over at the camera man, waiting for the signal that would allow him to open the door to the room where you were already waiting in, another camera crew capturing your reaction as well.
"I can go in now?"
Getting the ok, Hongjoong took a deep breath and opened the door. He peeked his head in and burst into a nervous giggle when he saw you. You in turn, covered your face to hide your blushing cheeks. The situation was just so funny and new to both of you rookie idols that you couldn't help but be shy.
"I guess I'll introduce myself. Hi, I'm Ateez's leader, Kim Hongjoong." He bowed to you.
"Hi, I'm [insert group name and position], L/N Y/N." You responded awkwardly.
The staff couldn't help but chuckle and 'aww' at your cute interactions.
"We're already like a newlywed couple. Can't even look at each other in the eyes." You pointed out.
"I'm sorry, it's just....... it makes me more nervous knowing I got such a pretty wife." Hongjoong confessed.
His comment made you cover your face once again.
"Oh thank you. You're very handsome as well." You complimented him, and Hongjoong swore his heart stopped for a minute.
"Can we get you two to pose together for a few pictures for the fans and viewers?" The director asked.
It was awkward at first, trying to figure out how to position yourselves.
"Is it ok if I touch you?" Hongjoong wanted permission before laying any finger on you.
You nodded and he instantly wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. Both of you could feel your hearts pounding against your chests, you wondered if the other could hear it. But the awkwardness was soon gone and you both got very comfortable with each other, capturing some very cute and adorable photos that the viewers were going to eat up. In no time, were you guys about to become the most popular couple, both on and outside the show.
Park Seonghwa:
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It had been a month into your 'married' life and it was time for a new challenge chosen specifically by your fans. Seonghwa and you entered into the location given to you and were confused when you guys saw it was a daycare center. You both looked at the director for an explanation.
"The challenge fans wanted to see you do was the daycare challenge. For the day, you'll transform into caregivers and take care of the kids here."
Both you and Seonghwa looked dumbfounded.
"What is this?" You laughed slightly at the situation your fans decided to put you in.
"Ahh really Atiny?" Seonghwa shook his head.
Soon you both changed into the proper attire and after going through a quick tutorial with the women in charge, you guys proceeded to go meet the kids. It actually proved to not be so hard and both of you were having fun with them. It surprised both of you to see you were actually good with kids.
"I had so much fun." You told Seonghwa when you went back to your 'home.'
"You were so good with the kids. They really loved you." Seonghwa said as he picked at his plate of food.
"You were not bad yourself. Remember the baby that wouldn't stop crying until you held him? I bet Atinys will love it." You smiled at the memory.
Seonghwa blushed and was hesitant to ask, but he really wanted to know.
"Do you think you'd ever want kids?"
You instantly lit up at the question.
"Of course I do! I'd love to have a family of my own one day."
Seonghwa wasn't surprised, he knew you were the mom in your group, just like him. It was something you two bonded over when you first met. You looked up from your food to see him staring intently at you.
"What?" You asked.
He only smirked before saying "I bet we'd make really cute babies" and winking at you.
You almost choked on your food, causing Seonghwa to laugh at your flustered state. You blushed intensely and threw a towel at him.
"Yah Park Seonghwa!" You nagged at him.
Jeong Yunho:
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Yunho and you looked at the place you were staying at during the duration of your 'marriage'. It is definitely cute and had a lot of room. You two looked around the place like little kids, excitedly pointing out so many things. It was when you both looked at your bedroom that reality hit: you were going to be sleeping with a total stranger cause room only had 1 bed.
Yunho looked over at you and could sense how tense you got. Quickly, he nudged you with his elbow.
"If you want, I'll do something to really annoy you and we get in a fight." He suggested
"Why would we do that?" You asked, completely baffled by his suggestion.
"So you can send me to sleep on the couch and you sleep here. You know, like an actual married couple." He actually held two thumbs up and had a goofy smile on his face.
You burst out laughing at him. He never failed to make you laugh.
"No, I'd feel bad. Besides, your long limbs wouldn't fit in the couch."
Soon nighttime came and both of you were getting ready to go to bed. Yunho was currently in the king sized bed, playing around on his phone when you came out of the bathroom, face clean and makeup free. Yunho dropped his phone and just stared in awe.
"Stop looking at me like that! I'm already self conscious about being bare faced in the camera." You exclaimed.
Yunho only smiled lovingly at you. "Trust me, you have nothing to be self conscious about. You're absolutely beautiful."
You blushed but quickly got over it and got into bed with him.
"You better not kick me in your sleep." You warned him.
"I won't. I'll just do this."
With no warning, Yunho tangled his long arms and legs around you, encapsulating you into a giant embrace.
"No! Stop! I don't like it!" You shouted half heartedly.
"Don't lie, you know you love it. And if you don't, get used to it. You're stuck with me for a long time.... wifey." He teased you.
Kang Yeosang:
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"Eek! I'm going to fall!"
You squealed as you tried to balance yourself on Yeosang's skateboard. It was the challenge set for you: you two had to share with each other your favorite hobbies and experience them together. The day before, you already had Yeosang try out [insert hobby here] and you two had lots of fun.
Now it was his turn and he was already excited about showing you his skateboarding skills, but nothing made him happier than teaching you a few things.
"No no no. It's ok. I got you ok?"
Yeosang carefully held your hands, slowly pulling you forward as you kept both feet on the board, trying not to think about losing your balance.
"What if I fall and mess up my face? I'll lose my source of income!"
Yeosang chuckled. It was one of the things he loved about you: your sense of humor even when you were scared to death.
"Don't worry. I won't let you fall, I'll catch you."
You and Yeosang shared a heartfelt smile and continued on with him pulling you. Everything was going great, until a dog suddenly rushed past both of you, making you lose your balance and almost toppling to the ground. Luckily, true to his word, Yeosang stopped you from getting hurt, locking you in a tight embrace. You both stood still for a moment, getting over the shock of what could have happened.
"Are you ok?" Yeosang asked, looking you up and down to make sure nothing was damaged.
"Yeah.... I'm fine. Thank you."
Neither of you let go for a while, you just stared into each other's eyes, simultaneously leaning on closer and closer before one of the staff following you two accidentally sneezed, making you two remember where you were.
"Are you going to add special effects and a drama ost in the background when this airs?" You asked so casually causing the entire staff to burst out laughing.
"Please play either the Goblin soundtrack or Boys Over Flowers, make it more sentimental." Yeosang added.
He picked up his skateboard.
"I think we've had enough for today."
"Yeah. I don't want to have my life threatened once again." You agreed.
"I told you I'd catch you didn't I? And I did. But now you need to catch something..." Yeosang paused and looked at you.
"What?" You tilted your head.
He hesitated before reaching into his sweater and then pulling out a finger heart.
"My heart!" He exclaimed in a cute voice.
Choi San:
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From the start, you two were viewer's favorite couple. Your interactions were just so cute and adorable they couldn't help but eat them up. San was especially happy when he found out you were to be his 'wife', he already admired you since you debuted, but with this new experience, he knew for sure he had fallen for you.
It was more than a month into your marriage and you two had yet to share your first kiss. Everyone else already had theirs but you two. It just seemed you two never had the perfect opportunity to do it. But San was determined to make the moment, not for the fans or viewers but for himself. That's how you two ended up on a late night picnic date.
"Oh my God San!" You almost cried at how beautiful the scene was.
There were lights decorating the nearby trees, flower arrangements at every corner and fake candles around the blanket for your picnic.
"I hope I like it." He said shyly.
"I love it! Oh my God! It's beautiful." You couldn't help but hug him tightly.
You spent most of the date eating the delicious food he prepared and overall talking, with music playing from his phone. When a certain slow song came up, he stood up and held his hand out to you.
"May I have this dance?"
Of course you couldn't refuse him. Not when he smiled at you with his pure and sweet smile. You stood up and allowed him to wrap his arms around your waist, you in turn put them on his shoulders. You two just swayed to the music. You could hardly look at him in the face, you were still too shy around him.
San, however, took his chance and proceeded to dip you like in the movies, catching you by surprise. You looked at him and saw something different in his eyes.
"Can I...?" He asked you.
You smiled and nodded, knowing full well what he wanted. San leaned down and softly pressed his lips against yours. You returned the kiss, your hands going to to the back of his head. Even when he lifted you back up, San never broke the kiss, he simply deepened it and pulled you closer like his life depended on it. He completely forgot about the cameras and didn't care at that moment.
When he finally pulled back, he scanned your face to see your reaction. You were blushing and smiling widely at him.
"Was it ok?" He asked.
"It was perfect. You're perfect." You assured him, pecking his lips once more before laying your head on his chest.
San released a breath he didn't know he was holding. He felt truly happy having you in his arms. He simply grinned like a fool in love.
Song Mingi:
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"Everyone, today as you can see, my lovely wife and I are going to cook breakfast together. As you all know, I'm actually an expert in pancakes."
You only rolled your eyes at Mingi's comments towards the camera, knowing full well he can't boil water to save his life. You were so focused on mixing the batter, you didn't notice he took one of the cameras and started coming closer to you with it.
"Here we see our pretty Y/N barefaced. She looks even more beautiful than she usually does today."
You looked over to see a camera all over your face, flustering you.
"Stop." You told him, trying to hide your face.
"I'm only trying to share your beauty to the world! Let me finish!" He protested, trying to film more of your face.
You responded by holding up a wooden spoon and threatening to swat him with it, making him quickly run away.
"This should count as domestic abuse!" He exclaimed.
You had Mingi watched the pancakes while you tried to set up the table. You took your time trying to make everything look as pretty as possible when a high pitched scream made you run back into the kitchen.
"What did you do?!" You shouted as you took in the smoke emanating from the pan.
"I swear I didn't do anything!" Mingi shouted.
"Yeah I can see that!"
You proceeded to put out the smoke that was now causing the smoke detector to go off. You thanked god none of the staffs were there with you at the moment cause they would have been losing their minds.
Once you got the situation under control, you looked at the completely burnt pancakes, your hard work gone to waste. You blinked slowly, trying to process what happened.
"I'm sorry Y/N....I really didn't mean- Oh god. You're mad aren't you?"
You looked over at poor Mingi, who looked so guilty and afraid of your reaction. You couldn't find it in yourself to stay mad at him.
"It's ok. I'm glad no one got hurt."
Mingi was taken aback when you hugged him, laughing softly at the situation. He started laughing with you.
"Does that mean you'll allow me to help you again?" He asked with hope in his eyes.
"Not a chance."
Jung Wooyoung:
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It was finally the part of the show where you two had to meet your parents. Wooyoung and you were very much nervous even if it was just for fun and entertainment. You all met up at a restaurant and introduced everyone. It was difficult at first, your families trying to get used to being filmed and you two trying to make sure everyone was comfortable. But soon both your parents were having a good time poking fun at your expense.
"Honestly mom, what was your reaction when you found out who I was marrying?" Wooyoung had a smile plastered on his face.
"Truthfully.....I'm still not sure how she puts up with you and your loud mouth." His mom spoke honestly, causing everyone to erupt in laughter.
Wooyoung simply poked his cheek with his tongue, not very amused by the comment.
"If you ask me, I thought he'd get annoyed with Y/N." Your dad piped in.
"Why me?! What did I do?!" You exclaimed at your father's comment.
"You hardly talk and when you do, you tend to nag like an old lady."
Now it was Wooyoung's turn to laugh at you, and you simply glared at him.
"I do not!" You protested.
"Yes you do!" Wooyoung said.
The conversation soon took a better turn.
"In all seriousness sir, what kind of guy would you prefer your daughter to marry?" Wooyoung couldn't help his curiosity.
"Well I...."
All of you looked forward to his answer.
He turned to look at Wooyoung and patted his back.
"I actually like you for her very much."
Everyone was surprised by that, even Wooyoung himself.
"Right? I feel like they have such good chemistry together. I'd want Y/N as my actual daughter in law."
You blushed when his mother added her opinion.
"Would you guys consider dating for real?"
You and Wooyoung looked at each other. Sure things started off rocky with you, but over time you learned to put up with each other and found out you actually complimented each other. Wooyoung's extroverted personality helped you become less shy and not worry too much about things, whereas your calm nature helped Wooyoung to have more patience and self control. You actually couldn't imagine what it'd be like without each other in your lives anymore.
"Well I mean.....our parents approve, our fans ship it and we definitely are cute together....what do you say?" Wooyoung winked at you.
Choi Jongho:
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It was the final filming of the show. Jongho and you were supposed to sit down and look back at all the fan favorite moments you had together and also answer a few questions they left for you.
"Is there any clip you hope made it into the top 5 moments?" The director asked.
"For me it's when I serenaded Y/N on our first date." Jongho answered.
You smiled at the memory. "That was cute."
"Were you surprised by my beautiful voice?" He asked you.
"I was more surprised by the fact you split my apple in half." You responded.
"I see how it is. You only like me for my strength, not my talent." He fake pouted, causing you to laugh.
You guys had your eyes fixed on the screen, watching the clip of when you first met and the reactions you had backstage without the other knowing, now watching what each of you really thought.
"Wow! You seriously thought I was going to be a boring stick in the mud!" Jongho was offended when he saw your interview when you said you thought your marriage would be boring.
"I'm sorry! You came in all intimidating onto the set! I was scared of you!" You explained why you thought that way then.
"You were scared?! You were wearing all black when I saw you! I thought you were planning to hex me or something with your creepy aura!" Jongho exclaimed.
"My stylist picked that outfit!" You said.
"Is her stylist here? I want a word with them."
The rest of the filming spent in laughs and reminiscing about the past weeks between you two and eventually the cameras stopped rolling and it was officially over............
It was over on the show, but not for you two.
"I'll pick you up after we're done with recording ok? I love you Y/N." Jongho smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips.
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
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nose-bandaid · 4 years
그해 그 달 그날  (that year, that month, that day)
i Need a yanan fluff please! how about fluffy/angst one of him being really tired because hes recently just rejoined the group but loving being back and just needing some comfort and cuddles 🙁🙁
Yanan x (Gender Neutral) Reader fluff (with some angst) | 2.1k words
synopsis: yanan has finally returned to his group for promotions — and he’s elated, the happiest he’s ever been — yet he feels so tired. so, so tired. and so he comes to you for some comfort, and maybe some cuddles and sweet reassurances along the way.
a/n: hi yanon anon !! i hope that i got what you were going for with your prompt! i really like writing this i didn’t know how much i needed this yanan comfort + fluff until i finished it. i hope you enjoy reading it! :)
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You were just finishing up some of the last chores on your to-do list when your phone rang from the other side of the room. Skipping over the objects littered all over the floor (it’s funny how in order to clean, you sometimes had to make a mess first), you glanced at the screen and titled your head a little out of confusion when the caller ID read Yanannie. Not that it was unusual for your boyfriend to contact you throughout the day — you guys would text each other whenever you had the time to — but he rarely called unless it was something serious. He’d already established the fact that he preferred texting over calling, so a hint of worry laced your voice when you picked up.
Yanan didn’t hesitate to get straight to the point. “Are you free tonight?”
“Huh? Yeah, why?”
There was some distant chatter on his side of the line and it sounded like he was trying to move away from it. “Can I come over? At like 7?”
“Sure,” The conversation stalled for a moment before you spoke again. “Is everything alright?”
Just like last time, he answered without missing a beat. “Yeah, I just want to come over.”
“Okay… Then I’ll see you at 7. I love you.”
You heard him mutter a soft “I love you” back before the mumbling near him grew louder and he quickly hung up, leaving you all alone.
You reasoned that the conversation was so awkward and rushed because he was busy — the group was in the middle of their promotions after all. But despite his words, all that call told you was that everything was in fact, not alright. The clock on your wall told you that you still had a couple hours to get all your work done and you sped through the tasks as fast as you could. 
By the time it was 6:00 (5:56 if you wanted to be really exact) everything was complete and you scrolled through your phone in search of a recipe you could follow. You weren’t the most amazing cook out there, but you could definitely make a few basic dishes, and hopefully, you’ll be able to make some sort of comfort food for him. Your eyes caught a familiar name and you looked through the recipe. If you recalled correctly, he really liked that dish, and the process didn’t seem to be that difficult either.
And so, you got up from the warmth of the blanket you had wrapped around you and headed to the kitchen to chop up the ingredients. Not too long after you began doing so, you heard the door knock and you panicked. Yanan wasn’t supposed to be here for another hour, and you were definitely nowhere near finishing the dish. You abandoned your little workstation and made your way to the door, in which you opened to come face to face with your boyfriend. 
Though the man in front of you looked nothing like the Yanan you were used to seeing. 
The last time you got to meet with him in person was about a week ago, when you joined his group for a company dinner. Back then, he seemed perfectly fine, laughing along with the others, looking absolutely stunning in the outfit he had on. But now, even the hat he had on refused to hide the messy strands of hair poking in all sorts of directions, and his posture was hunched, as if the weight of his backpack was far more than he could handle. He had his cute round glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, but that didn’t hide the dark bags underneath his eyes, which lacked the mischievous glint he usually had when he was with you.
“Yanan… You look like a mess.” You pointed out meekly, as if he hadn’t realized that himself.
He let out a small pitiful laugh and took off his hat to run a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I do, don’t I?”
You stepped back to allow him into your house and waited for him to take off his coat and set his bag down before engulfing him into a warm hug. The two of you stayed like that for a while, until you spoke up. “I was going to make you some food, but you came a little earlier than expected so I’ve just barely started.”
“Let’s just order takeout, don’t worry about cooking.” He muttered tiredly into the crook of your neck, his lips cold from the weather outside. “And I’m sorry, I know I came earlier than I said I would, I just really wanted to see you.”
You chuckled as you pulled apart, leaving a hand resting on his chest. “And I’ve missed you too. How about you take a shower while I’ll prepare some things to help you calm down?” You suggested.
He nodded silently and disappeared to your room. He’d stayed over enough times for you to have some of his spare clothes tucked in your closet, in case of any impromptu visits, like right now. As you heard the shower start to run, you returned to your kitchen and packed away all the ingredients you had prepared — you could always just use those later in some other dish — and then picked up your phone to dial his favourite Chinese restaurant. It was a small shop near your house that you first visited together a year ago and it quickly became a hidden treasure to Yanan. He loved the fact that it was always bustling with locals who respected his privacy and had some of the best food that reminded him of home. The owner laughed when she recognized your voice and order.
“I have some extra desserts that I don’t think we’ll be selling tonight, I’ll add them in there for Yanan. I know he likes them.” She added sweetly. She was like any generic auntie down the street, always taking care of the people she met, but you loved for that and smiled through the receiver. 
“Sure, that sounds great. Thank you so much”
You spent the next few minutes cozy-ing up the couch a little bit, grabbing a blanket from your room, and preparing a laptop so that you could watch the latest episodes of your favourite drama that aired a few days ago. You were in the midst of grabbing yourself a glass of water when Yanan walked out of the bathroom, towel resting on his matted wet hair as he dried himself off.
“Feeling any better?” You asked gently and he made his way over to the couch to join you under the blanket.
“A little, yeah.” He replied, nestling into the comfort of the cushions.
“I ordered the food, it should be here in about half an hour,” You continued. “And we’ve got some episodes we gotta catch up on so we can watch those while we wait.”
He simply nodded at your words, humming just the slightest bit. His eyes were glazed over as he stared at your finger hovering over the laptop. You pursed your lips at his reaction and drew back into yourself, daring to ask him the question that’s been on your mind since he called you. 
“Yanan… are you sure everything’s alright?”
He sighed and rubbed his face, you could practically feel the fatigue radiating off of him. Before he answered, he snuggled closer into your body. “Everything is alright, like I’m finally back with the boys and we’re all together again and promotions are going well, so how can things not be alright? Everything’s perfect…” His voice trailed off and he averted his gaze from yours.
“And yet I find it so hard to wake up everyday, I’m just so tired. I love doing this, I love seeing the fans and going to practice and sharing our new songs, but I’m so tired that I’m starting to get sick of this. Sure, everyone else is tired too, I know they are, but no one else seems to have it as bad as I am… I don’t know if I’m fit for being an idol anymore.” He paused again, and then added quietly.
“I don’t want to have to leave again, I want to keep on going.”
At a loss for what to say, you simply kissed him on the forehead and pulled him closer. “It’s okay to be tired, you know that right? That doesn’t make you any less of an idol, or a person, even. You wanna talk more about anything?”
For the next while, you listened to him talk about the good and the bad of his return, commenting here and there to reassure his thoughts. The toll, not just physical, but emotional as well, his recent return had on him was evident and your heart clenched at his tired state. 
The food came not much later and you spent the time eating as if you were in another world. Worries were pushed aside as you told each other silly stories and jokes about your friends, and you couldn’t help but smile when you saw his mood lift and his eyes sparkle once again. Even if it was just a little bit. You loved all sides of Yanan, but this was by far your favourite, and you wanted to keep him in this happy mood for as long as you possibly could.
One episode of your drama and many mouthfuls of the delicious food later, you found the two of you settling on the comfy couch once again. He rested his head on your lap, body stretched across the length of the couch and dangling on the other end a little bit. His hair had finally dried off and now its platinum strands were fluffy, enticing you to to run a hand through them. You giggled when they flopped back onto his forehead and continued doing so lovingly.
“Sorry to come over all of a sudden and be all needy.” He apologized. “I didn’t even ask how your day was.”
You shook your head in disagreement. “There is absolutely no reason for you to be sorry about something like this. I understand you’re tired, and like I said, it’s okay to be tired, you’re only human, Yanan. If you’re concerned about my day, it was fine, nothing special honestly, but today is all about you, okay?”
He let you gently pinch his cheek to make your point.
You pulled back the sleeve of your sweater to reveal the simple string bracelet that wrapped around your wrist over and over again. “You remember that day?” 
He smirked softly. “How could I forget?” He pulled up his own sleeve to reveal a matching bracelet in a different colour. “I asked the stylists to incorporate it into my outfit today so I could wear it on the stage and think of you.”
“You’re so cute.” You smiled. “Do you remember what we promised each other on that day?”
There was a short moment of silence as he recalled his memories. “That we wouldn’t give up?”
“That we wouldn’t give up.” You echoed. “No matter how hard it got, we’ll push through it.”
Life sucked at times. You both knew that. And sometimes it just sucked so bad and you aren’t able to do much about it. Especially with your busy schedules, moreso his busy schedule, seeing each other was difficult and chances to comfort each other physically was scarce. You could understand how the recent events would’ve affected him.
“You’re really strong, you know that?” You added in a whisper, and he sighed.
“I do… I’m just not feeling it today.”
“And that’s fine, it’ll come back to you soon.”
He nodded at your words. “Can I spend the night?” He then asked softly.
“Of course,” You answered, you were still playing with his hair, although your actions were a little more absentminded now. “You know you’re always welcomed here.”
“Mm, I wasn’t planning on sleeping over, but I’ve never felt this relaxed in so long.” He apologized anyways, as he stretched in your lap, looking almost like a cat with his long body, and his eyes stared up into yours. “I love you.”
You just smiled back, and it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep on your lap, eyelids fluttering every so often as he entered a deep slumber. Eventually your legs began to feel a little numb from the weight of his body on yours, but you didn’t do anything about it. Not when he was finally able to rest for the first time in a while. Soon enough, you also fell asleep on the couch, not in the very best position, admittedly, though that was a problem to deal with in the morning. Things like that could wait.
So yeah, life did suck at times. But if you had each other by your sides, you both knew you could get through it. And that “getting through it” could also mean taking a break, taking a moment to recollect yourself, before continuing that long run ahead of you.
And it’s okay if you need to take a break.
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"Hand me that loofah."
Keeping his face carefully averted, Pyro picked up the sponge, and tossed in Fabian’s general direction.
An angry “Watch it, you idiot!” indicated that the loofah had struck it’s intended target. Then there was a low chuckle.
“I get it. You’re a married man, after all. You can’t bear to look upon me, lest you completely lose your self-control. Don’t feel bad, you’re hardly the first.”
Pyro was, in fact, struggling not to lose his self-control, but was fighting the urge to vomit.
“You should have invited me to the wedding,” Fabian continued, accompanied by splashing sounds as he apparently flopped around in the tub. “Are we not friends?”
That sentence was technically true the way Fabian had phrased it.
“Yes,” Pyro responded simply.
“But I can understand that, too,” Fabian continued. “You didn’t want to be upstaged at your own nuptials, and my presence certainly would have captured all the attention.”
“Dominic and I thought you might be a bit too busy,” Pyro said, although the truth was less “thought” and more “hoped.” “We didn’t want to intrude on your valuable time.” He was absolutely going to relay this whole horrible conversation to Avalanche tonight over drinks, with a very exaggerated impression of Cortez.
“Well, I always make time for the little people!” Fabian exclaimed magnanimously. “Hand me that towel.” Water sloshed and Pyro was hit with a fine spray as Cortez stood up in the tub. At least it sounded like he was standing up, Pyro wasn’t going to look. He grabbed the nearest towel and thrust it blindly at the demanding voice.
A hand grabbed his wrist and yanked Pyro around, so that he was face to face with a dripping, naked Fabian Cortez, with soap suds sloughing off his glistening body. It was actually a very nice body, that was the worst part, with with a “package” that partially explained the man’s unearned confidence. But the smarmy, arrogant smile completely ruined the picture.
“Looking’s free, you know,” Fabian grinned.
Directing credit, Pyro thought fiercely to himself. Executive producer.
“Why don’t I give you some privacy to get dressed?” He said aloud, plastering a fake smile on his face. This would all be worth it when show’s profits started coming in, and then Pyro would get himself and Dominic matching His and His jet-skis.
He still wasn’t entirely sure how he wound up in this position. It had started with Shinobi pitching a reality show to the Council, which had somehow, inexiplicably, gotten a majority approval vote, possibly because Krakoa hadn’t been attacked in the last few weeks and the Council was bored. It was Survivor meets the Bachelor, in which groups of male and female mutants competed to win the hand of the handsome, debonair, and, most importantly, ridiculously wealthy Shinobi Shaw, through date nights and dinners and pointless jungle challenges of strength and skill.
Pyro had just made a few innocent comments, that was all. Just a couple of suggestions to Emma, who had wound up saddled with the bulk of the responsibility, about story arcs and pairings and how to arrange scenes for maximum drama and pathos. He understood that stuff, after all, as a romance novelist it was his bread and butter. (And he was a bit of a soap opera fanatic, but he wasn’t going to admit that freely.) Emma had listened with an eager, almost hungry glint in her eyes, and there had been a short conversation that had somehow ended with Pyro agreeing to serve as a writer, director and general creative supervisor, in exchange for a percentage of the profits and fairly massive salary. (Massive to Pyro, anyway, probably a drop in the bucket to Emma “Swimming in the money bin” Frost.)
And it actually had been kind of fun. “Reality” TV presented a unique challenge, in that he wasn’t allowed to directly tell the “performers” what to say, but he could do absolutely anything else to construct his creative vision. He could ask leading questions in the talking head interviews, edit scenes by splicing completely unrelated shots together, and put volatile contestants in a room with plenty of alcohol, then poke at them until they exploded.
Unfortunately, his duties had somehow gradually expanded to include talent-wrangling both on and off-set, which left him stuck making nice with Fabian Cortez, the most “colorful” (obnoxious) and, unfortunately, most popular, of all the contestants. Iceman would probably win the show as the nice, relatable, boy-next-door type, but Fabian was what kept viewers tuning in.
“Oh, that’s quite all right,” Fabian purred. He contorted his body as he toweled himself off, appearing to pose for nonexistant cameras. “I’m a generous man, I can spare you a bit of eye candy, even if our relationship must remain professional.”
“Yes, that would be best. Listen, we need you to do another challenge with Sienna Blaze.”
Fabian’s “generosity” quickly withered away.
“I will NOT get in front of a camera with that maniac! Such an uptight, ill-mannered, man-hating – well, I’m too much of a gentleman to use the word that she so richly deserves! She nearly killed me last time! Over a simple compliment!”
Yes, Pyro remembered it well. Fabian’s near barbeque had garnered record-high ratings. And hopefully tossing them into a mud-pit together in bathing suits would produce similarly explosive results.
“Oh yes, I know, Fabian,” Pyro cooed, hating himself a little. “She’s very difficult, and you’ve been such a professional about it.” He pulled up comforting mental images as he spoke. Jet-skis. Wagyu steak. Insanely expensive whiskey. Him and Dominic having a long honeymoon in Bali, Sydney, Seoul and Tokyo. All those zeros at the end of the check that Emma had given him.
“Well, a professional shouldn’t have to put up with this kind of shabby treatment!” Fabian said haughtily. He was finally wrapping the towel around his waist, to Pyro’s great relief. “I asked for Norwegian strawberries in my dressing room, and that idiot assistant brought me French!”
“I’ll look into it,” Pyro assured him, fully intending to send Fabian the exact same strawberries (which were, in fact, grown on Krakoa) with his apologies and a fake Norweigian label.
He had a vague notion in the back of his head that Emma should be handling this, Emma was supposed to be in charge! And yet she’d gradually eased the responsibility into Pyro’s arms, only sashaying onto set once every few weeks for a “status report,” and spending the rest of the time off performing mysterious and supposedly very important duties for the Hellfire Trading Company and the Council. She never picked up her phone or responded to voice mails.
It was okay, though. Pyro could handle this. He was a damn writer, and he was good at it, and he would poke and prod his stars through the storyline he had planned, because he was absolutely brilliant. Even Emma had said so.
“Anyway, don’t worry about Blaze,” Pyro insisted, his voice dripping with sticky-sweet honey. “We’ve given her a talking to about her behavior.” He had done no such thing. “I’m sure she’ll be much nicer to work with. In fact, we think the audience will really enjoy you putting her in her place. Really demonstrate your masculine superiority.” Was that too much? They couldn’t have Fabian dying on camera, after all, even though it would be hilarious.
“Well, I should hope so!” Fabian said, rubbing lotion carefully across his pecs. “I’m obviously carrying this entire show, and I will be treated with the respect I deserve.”
“You know,” Pyro added slyly, “I think she’s actually got a bit of a crush on you. You know how some women are.” No, this was definitely too much. Oh well, they could edit around Fabian’s inevitable death and resurrection, and in the mean time they’d get some amazing footage.
“Oh, of course,” Fabian said, with a leering understanding creeping across his face. “I suspected from the very beginning. She couldn’t handle my raw sensuality.”
“Who can, really?” Pyro hated this, he really hated every second of having to pull on the polite mask of social niceties and insincere compliments. It always seemed almost obscene. May as well just flip the other fellow over and start tongueing his arsehole, right? Except that was actually fun in the right circumstances.
But he’d done it before, as a journalist dealing with self-important sources, as a novelist schmoozing with publishers and book sellers. He could do it now, for the astronomical salary that Emma was paying him, and for the Prime Time Emmy Award for Outstanding Competition Program that was hovering in his sights. Emma had assured him that it was a strong possibility. Just imagine rubbing that in the faces of all the critics who had called him a talentless hack! They’d say…well, they’d probably say that an Emmy for trashy reality TV was the highest possible honor for a hack like him, but Pyro wouldn’t give a fuck, because he’d have an Emmy and they wouldn’t.
“C’mon, then, we’ll give you a quick touch-up with bronzer. We’re shooting the scene in fifteen minutes.” Pyro began to guide Fabian, still clad in only a towel, towards the bathroom door.
“We’ll shoot the scene when I’m ready, and not a second before!” Fabian insisted. It would probably be another hour of Fabian demanding and sending back expensive snacks before they could even get him to the set. Luckily, they were actually scheduled to shoot the scene in two hours.
“Yes, of course, whatever you want,” Pyro wheedled, imagining the satisfying explosion of flesh and blood that would very likely occur when Fabian and Sienna Blaze came into contact. And Fabian was going to do it, that much was clear now. “I know you’ll do a fantastic job. You’re brilliant you know, absolutely brilliant……”
For a moment, Pyro trailed off as a crack opened in his mental wall, and memories slipped out into the light. Emma pouring more wine into his glass during their monthly meetings, assuring him again and again that he was absolutely brilliant, a true artist, that the show would thrive in his capable hands.
“No, that’s completely different,” Pyro muttered to himself, shaking his head.
“What was that?” Fabian twisted around, the towel slipping dangerously low on his hips.
“Oh, nothing,” Pyro exclaimed brightly, slamming the mental wall shut again. “Now, let’s get you into make-up, ya big handsome star!”
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honney-boy · 4 years
Wonder (Part 1)
Rudy Pankow x Oc!Reader
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gif by → @riobeth​
Wonder Series Masterlist | Wonder Playlist
Chapter summary:  Rudy and Nevaeh meet in person for the first time and things aren’t awkward. Yougurt cups, bananas and ice blended in a cup and maple syrup.
Full Summary and Story Concept
Warning(s): language, shenanigans, jet laggness, social media zombies, teenage girls
Words: 5k+
A/N:  This is my first attempt at a Rudy fic. My first series too! But if this flops, let's pretend it never happened, okay? :) But If you guys want to read more, please do let me know. Your love and support is the encouragement I need. I got the concept from tik tok haha. Fair warning, I am handwriting out chapters with a pen and paper before converting it digitally, so updates with be spread out. THERE WILL BE GRAMMAR MISTAKES! I'm human, and Tumblr is my test run for this series. Anywho, hope you enjoy :)
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One | “Social Zombies”
            In Nevaeh's opinion, airports were the worst. It wasn't due to the 38,000 feet in the air flying ride or the nothingness in the sky you see your whole flight; it was the people, the airports themselves, and the limited space.
Airports were much worse than flying - especially the San Francisco International Airport. Also known as SFO Airport. The few times, literally very few times, Nevaeh has been to the airport, she had poor experiences. Now, SFO Airport is definitely smaller than LAX and not as busy - it's a nightmare. You would think with a much smaller airport, there would be fewer crowds, but no, it's like a family reunion every day but with strangers. If you bump into the wrong person, your day on the off chance will get ruined.
Along with the busy crowds, there are many places to eat. From pizza to Italian to pie, your choices are endless. That's until half or more restaurants are closed or have long lines. Nevaeh never ate airport food, so she couldn't give her opinion on it. She'll leave that to the professional reviews. She wasn't at SFO Airport to judge the food or traffic flow, not even the staff's attitude - except she already gave a flight attendant a glare. The flight attendant took a bathroom break before their next flight and griped at Nevaeh because she used the last paper towel so they couldn't dry their hands. Air drying is a thing, and it works well, she thought to herself while leaving the restroom. She was not going to let one grumpy flight attendant ruin her great mood. She was going to meet someone who she hopes is special today.
Over the past two months, Nevaeh and this person had gotten to know each other well, virtually, that is. They met online, and Nevaeh lived in San Francisco while they lived in Alaska. Countless messages, facetime calls, photos, and videos were exchanged, and a bond was formed. Who would have thought that two people could meet through a video sharing social media app and hit it off? Most people start with dating apps, meet and get to know different people, but Nevaeh met them all because a video of hers popped up on their for you page.
Nevaeh created and shared a variety of things on the app. From cooking to creating and her little hobby of disco skating. She wanted to keep her followers and supporters entertained and herself; she didn’t want to be stuck, making the same content, so she did many things. Nevaeh thought maybe one of her disco skating, videography, or cooking videos drew them in, but it was one of her mini vlogs. In the video, she showed how she would scout places before spending the day getting footage for a short montage film or scenes for a movie she is working on. Not long after the discovery, they - he sent her a message asking about a more in-depth explanation of her process, and it went up from there.
Now, after all this time of them chatting back and forth, they get to meet. Nevaeh gets to meet him. 
Standing by the arrival gate, her eyes bouncing around the room at different things just to keep her mind centered and not all over the place. She wanted to pick at her nails, or hold her hands to her chest but she couldn’t hold them in place for long; she opted for playing with the white beaded bracelet he bought and sent to her in a box full of other things. It was so sweet of him; just thinking about the box she received makes her smile and her heart swell. Just last week she received a box full of thoughtful gifts. Inside were some of her favorite snacks, a movie she loved, one of his hoodies - it was the hoodie he wore the first time they facetimed. The hoodie was one of his favorites, but he had the urge to send it to her, he just wanted her to have it. And finally was the white beaded bracelet with a single aqua blue bead on it - he had the matching one with all aqua beads and one single black bead. She was having an uncreative and pretty shitty day until that box arrived on the front door step of her shared apartment.
“I wanted to surprise you, so I messaged Birdie asking her for your favorite snacks, I added the hoodie and got the two of us distance bracelets. You know, because we are long distance.” He told her later that day when they talked on the phone.
“Until you come here, or I go there,” she replied. She hasn’t stopped wearing the hoodies since and she has had the bracelet on since the moment she got it.
Nevaeh watched different people walk past her; none of them were him yet. The dirty blond mess he sported for hair shouldn't be that hard to miss, but the longer she searched, the more she doubted her assumption. 
It was another couple of minutes that went by, and she didn't see him, so she pulled her phone out to see if he had sent something. Maybe he has to catch a different flight, and he forgot to tell her, or perhaps he didn't want to meet after all. Her fingers type out a message to send, but a figure stands in front of her before she hits the send button. Nevaeh could see the shadow of their body from her peripheral vision, but she did not look up, hoping they would go away - but they didn't. Sending her message, the woman was preparing to turn away until she heard the stranger's phone go off. It's just a coincidence that their phone went off a couple of seconds after I sent a message. She said to herself, then she looked up and there he was. Dirty blond hair - a little long all over, but instead of it being in his face like it always is, it was pushed back and tucked underneath a red cap. His eyes were more lovely in person. The pair ranged from a light blue to gray, depending on the day. Today they were light blue. He sported stubble across his chin and cheeks with a blond mustache above his top lip. He wore nothing flashy, just a simple red ACDC sweatshirt, cargo shorts, and a pair of vans. He looked tired, but that didn't throw off the good vibes and smile he had going on. She couldn't help but smile back. He's here in the flesh. Rudy.
"Hi," he said light-heartedly, breaking the silence.
"Hi," she echoed; the smile on her face grew some more. "Wow, you're really here in the flesh."
He chuckled, and the sound woke up the butterflies in her stomach. "Yeah, I am. And you...the pictures and videos don't do enough justice for the actual thing." His eyes scan over her, noticing the navy blue Hilfiger sweatshirt he sent to her. Nevaeh couldn't help the dust of blush that appeared on her cheek.
“Talk about me, what about you? Who knew those Snapchat filters were hiding such a god-like person.”
“Oh, stop, you’re making me blush,” he joked while bashful. No matter online or in person, Nevaeh was still able to get him flushed; it was something he didn’t want to admit, not while he was flying blind with this.
Nevaeh smiled and had a tiny giggle; the full laugh was muffled by the hand she brought up to her mouth in an attempt to hold the sound back. He could watch her smile for a while. Is that weird? “How was your flight? I hope it wasn’t too horrible.”
“It wasn’t too bad,” he admitted. “Definitely long, but nothing a pair of earbuds, music, and a couple of movies couldn’t fix.” The two quickly began walking toward the direction of baggage claim. More of Rudy just following whichever direction Nevaeh was going. She did know the airport better anyway.
“Which movies did you watch?” she asked.
“Since I had six hours to waste - Joker, 1917 and Pride & Prejudice.”
“Oh, I see you listened to my suggestions; not surprised you watched Joker again,” Rudy shrugged his shoulders with a hum. “I’m surprised you didn’t watch the Harry Potter movies.”
Rudy rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Actually, I already watched them a couple of days ago,” Nevaeh hummed as if she were to say, ‘of course’ “You can judge me all you want. I won’t pay you any mind. Just the same as I did with the guy that had the aisle seat in my row. I guess other guys find it weird that a guy decided to watch a period drama on a flight.”
“He was just jealous he didn’t think of it first. Mr. Darcy’s pinning for Miss. Bennett and the film’s  overarching theme is too good not to watch.”
“That it is, who would want to miss the warnings heeded against trusting one’s first impression or prejudices?”
“Or the character arcs that grow throughout the storyline. I pity that aisle sitting man.”
“I do too,” Rudy agreed. “He missed out on a classic and had to get up to let the other person and me out to take a tinkle.” He did it again. He made her laugh genuinely. The conversation between them flowed. The small worry Nevaeh had earlier about the two of them not being able to continue the light-hearted and enjoyable nature they had over text had diminished. He seemed just the same - goofy, charismatic, charming, and caring - as he was over the phone the past month and a half. She, too, was still kind, compassionate, and sarcastic as before. Yet both of them had their own doubts about the thing they were doing; they didn’t know what it was or where it was headed, but they were willing to find out.
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           In the car, Nevaeh drove the route she knew from the airport to her shared apartment. Rudy sat in the passenger seat; his gaze focused out the window, watching the San Francisco scenery appear, disappear and morph as they passed by the window. The radio played while they sat in a comfortable silence - it impressed her how easily they fell into it. Wasn't it common for an uncomfortable silence? Two people who just met for the first time should struggle in an attempt to make a conversation, but not them.
To Rudy, the comfortable silence was almost expected. Granted, he did expect one of them to talk the other's ear off - he's glad neither of them was. The six-hour flight took its effect on the man, but he wasn't going to let his fatigue ruin the time they had together. He'll rest later. Spend time with her now, sleep later.
The car rolled to a stop, a red light shined on the traffic light hanging in front of them. Rudy's eyes watch a girl across the street riding down the sidewalk on a skateboard. Her stance relaxed, feet planted in a way that helped her ride easily; she was experienced, probably skated regularly. Watching her skate triggered a longing in Rudy for his board back at home. He rides on concrete and in the snow, but he was missing snowboarding the most. It was beginning to be summer, so the temperatures in Alaska were warmer. To warm for snow but warm enough for the evergreen to take over. Now he was in California, the state that was sunny all the time. The state that thrived in the summer and its soil hardly ever to never had the chilled touch of snow. His longing grew more for the chilly weather and white flakes.
The woman sitting next to him took the next couple of seconds between the light change to look at him. Catching the moment of his gaze out the window of her jeep. "I know you're probably tired from your flight. I had some ideas about the things we could do, but we don't have to do anything today." She spoke and after, glanced at the traffic light only to see it was still red.
Rudy tore his gaze from the distant image of the skater and met Nevaeh's. "I am, but if you want to do something, we can. I'm more than happy to hang out." He said.
Trying to reason, she said, "I know, but you just got off a six-hour flight." 
"Nevaeh, it's fine. I'm not that burned out. Time zones are an hour apart, and seven am isn't that bad." she begins to give him a skeptical look. She heard his words but feels as if he was only saying that to make her happy. He sat by her, leaned back, and relaxed. His head sat lazily against the headrest, and the smile he was giving her was light but tiresome. She switched her gaze from him to the traffic light, which turned green, and she didn't know when. Nevaeh eased her foot off the brake and to the gas pedal. "Seriously, we can do something."
“Fine,” She says after a moment. “I won’t wear you out too much more.” Flicking her left turn signal on after checking her mirror, she merges into the lane beside her. “There’s somewhere I wanna take you - well, maybe two places, but we’re going to the apartment first.”
“Alright, sounds good to me.” Nevaeh drove them to the apartment she shared with her long term friend. Rudy followed behind her as she led the way; they only spent a few minutes there. After a short tour, a bathroom break, and dropping off a couple of suitcases later, Rudy and Nevaeh left the place. They began a walk along the San Francisco hills to the mysterious place Nevaeh had in mind.
“This place is somewhere I walk to every other day. It’s Birdie’s and my favorite place.” It was a short six to eight-minute walk. Nevaeh reassured him before briefly going into a conversation about the impressive things you see in the city. Just like Nevaeh told him, they both come up upon a corner shop with a couple of large windows to see inside and out, a brown exterior with outside tables with green umbrellas and foldable outdoor chairs. The corner shop was known as the Nasik Cafe. For a small cafe, the place was doing well. There were a handful of people inside sitting, chatting, or ordering and quite a few sitting outside.
“This place is pretty health-oriented, and like Starbucks, it has things you could make at home for free, but their stuff is great,” Nevaeh explained to the man.
"So you spend way too much on yogurt cups, fruit drinks, toast, and other food you can make at home?" She nods her head like it was evident at what he said. Rudy shook his head. "Couldn't you just spend ten dollars on a yogurt cup?"
"Oh my goodness, they don't have yogurt cups, Rudy." She shook her head in disbelief.
"Okay, so ten dollars for a banana blended with ice in a cup - still sounds ridiculous to me."
"I can't with you," She tilted her head back, but she wasn't annoyed. She found his witticism amusing. At this rate, Nevaeh should prepare to always smile all the time around him. "You should find a table out here, and I can grab us something - wait, do you want to sit out here?"
Rudy nodded, then began to scan the area but only briefly seeing a couple of empty tables. "Yeah, it's nice out, let's enjoy it. Out here is great."
"Great," she says, pleased. "I'll grab something; I wanna surprise you. I'll be back." Nevaeh turns to walk inside. The smell of strawberries, oranges, and granola invaded her nose. It wasn't a new smell to her, but a new one for the day. She would always smell fruit and granola wherever she would walk into Basik. Some days it smelt like bananas and chocolate, or honey, peanut butter, and coconut. The smells varied, but the most prominent one was the tropical smell. To her left at a table was a couple enjoying smoothies. Both cops were a little under half full. A person sat at another table, invested in their laptop. To her right, more people sat. Art adorns the walls as realism paintings along with abstract images. There was a line at the counter; no more than four people stood waiting. She took the time to look up at the big and wide wood board hanging from the ceiling. When Nevaeh told Rudy she wanted to surprise him with something, she knew what she was getting for the both of them. The colorful and fruitful acai bowls.
Nevaeh and her roommate Birdie loved acai bowls. Birdie was the one to introduce her friend to the fantastic bowls she grew to love. Now it was her turn to turn another friend onto them.
The line moved along smoothly and grew smaller by the minutes. Once Nevaeh got closer, her lips stretched into a grin as her eyes caught sight of the barista.
"Hi, what can I get you? Could I interest you in our new fall to-Vae! Hey." the blonde barista's mood brightened significantly when she realized she was taking Nevaeh's order. She leaned across the counter and grabbed hold of Nevaeh's hand, and laced their fingers together. "What are you doing here? I thought you had to pick up your friend." She said, then making finger quotations. The barista was her roommate, Birdie. Birdie was a full-time college student and full-time barista to get by. She was more than happy to talk to her friend now that she wasn't as busy - Nevaeh was the only person in line for now.
"I was - I did pick up my friend. No air quotes, we're friends."
"For now."
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes at the blonde. "He's here with me, just outside." Birdie looked past Nevaeh and out the window in search of this guy. Nevaeh looked around for him, too; she didn't get to see where he chose to sit. "He's...the one with the red cap, right there." She pointed out once she spotted him. Birdie hummed and squinted her eyes to get a better look, which was difficult with the angle he sat at.
"He looks nice...from here," Birdie leaned back, so her fingers could let go of Nevaeh's and tap the terminal screen as she put her friend's usual order in. While Birdie did that, Nevaeh nodded in agreement but kept her gaze on him. "Lemme guess, the usual?"
"Kilauea; everything but-"
"No pollen and extra honey." Birdie finished with assuredness and not a drop of doubt in her answer. Her friend smiled, her eyes looking to Birdie with amazement.
"You know me too well."
"Well, you order the same thing almost every time."
"Touche," she couldn't argue with that. When it came to her acai bowl, she liked the Kilauea - made with mango juice, granola, berries, papaya, honey, and acai - the best. "And water, of course - make that two." She stepped back to look over the menu. Rudy wasn't familiar with the place, and he didn't know what they served, so Nevaeh wanted to get him something he hopefully liked. She decided to go with something not too fancy - directing her attention back to her barista friend. She went ahead and finished her order. "And...let me get the Islander acai bowl." That one was made with hemp mylk, granola, banana, berries, cocoa shavings, and honey.
Birdie rang up the rest of the order for Nevaeh. After catching a glimpse at the total, Nevaeh reached in the little card pocket of her wallet and grabbed her card. Unbeknownst to her, while she was getting her card, Birdie took her name tag and gave her friend her employee discount - she got it for half the price.
“I know you’re an independent woman and paying for the first date, the least I could do is give you a discount. Just don’t tell Daniel.” She winked, and Nevaeh gave her a thumbs up with one hand, and with the other, she made a zipping and locking motion over her mouth before throwing the key.
Outside, Rudy sat at the table he picked out for the two of them while waiting. While Nevaeh ran inside to get their order, he observed the small San Francisco scenery around him. California weather was sunshine with fluffy clouds. Just about everyone was either in shorts, a tank, and a cut-off shirt or any other summer clothing that provided them some comfort in the blazing sun. He dressed just right for the weather, though in Alaska, it was more on the chill side, causing him to wear a sweatshirt while he left. Now that he was basking in the California weather, he took off the warm sweatshirt and left it at Nevaeh’s apartment.
There were other people outside along with him. A group of girls sat a few feet away at a table in front of him, trying not to giggle as they attempted to make a video. At another table, there were two guys, perhaps brothers. They were eating something colorful from a bowl - it looked like yogurt to Rudy - and having a conversation with one another.
Rudy shook his head at the drastic difference between the two tables. Maybe it was just him, but it was amazing how much the world - more specifically America- was wrapped up in technology and social media. Sure the brothers at the one table had digital watches that told them the time and lit up, catching their attention with a vibrate when a text or notification went to their phone. But at least they could carry on a conversation without having their phone in their hands. On the other hand, those girls haven’t put their phones down longer than a few seconds. After those seconds, they tap away or show the other something they thought was worthy enough to gauge a reaction out of them.
Rudy wasn't one to judge. He didn't have much right to because while watching them and waiting for Nevaeh, he had the urge to pull out his phone. It was almost like a habit, but he chooses not to feed the temptation. He wanted to enjoy the day with Nevaeh; notice the burn on his skin from the sun, get to know her, have fun, pick up on little cues she has, and find out what he likes the most about her. And though it was kind of ironic that the two of them met through social media, he hopes Nevaeh is not one of those social zombies. Then this trip would be a waste of time and effort.
Ruby pulled his sunglasses down due to the sun starting to bother his eyes. Then he also wanted to cover his eyes and focus on something else while he waited. A minute later, Nevaeh walked out of the cafe's door backward with her back pushing the door open. In her hands, she had what she ordered; he wondered what she got. Rudy briskly stood up out of his seat to help her out.
"Hey, let me help you out," he walks around the table towards her, but she only nods him off.
"I got it, you sit."
"You have all the food and drinks in your hands; it's the least I can do." he stood off to the side, not interfering but reading despite what she said. He watches her struggle a bit and almost drops the stuff. Rudy immediately reached out, but Nevaeh had already saved herself and looked at him with a smile.
"I got it, Rudy. I was just pulling your leg." He picked up on the playfulness in her eyes, which made him pull his lips into a smile matching hers; her smile is definitely contagious.
“Alright, alright,” he raised his hands, backing away and then taking his seat. Nevaeh took her seat across from him, sat everything down before passing him the items she got him. “What’d you get us?”
“Well, I don’t know if you have had this before, but it’s my go-to thing to get here. It’s an acai bowl,” Nevaeh’s eyes caught his confused expression before he tried to cover it up with an understanding.  She laughed softly and explained further. “It’s like a smoothie bowl with other things in it.”
“Smoothie bowl…” he murmured more to himself, but she still heard it.
Shaking her head, she continued. “Acai palm is the main ingredient along with bananas and granola, but you can add other fruits or peanut butter and syrups. Or take things off.”
“Like maple syrup?” he asked, looking at the acai bowl she got him.
Her face begins to twist in disgust until she covers it with a shrug and looks down at her bowl, ready to dig in. “Uh, I guess if that’s what you want, then yeah.” She answered, and Rudy nodded his head and grabbed his spoon to take a taste. Before Nevaeh tasted her own, she watched Rudy, waiting for his reaction. He took a bite, letting the flavor invade his taste buds.
“Wow, this is good,” He says after swallowing. He glanced up, catching Nevaeh already looking at him. She quickly looked away and stirred her bowl.
“I’m glad you like it; it’s my second favorite one,” she peeked back up, and Rudy was still looking at her. Laughing softly to herself, then shaking her head, she takes a bite of her own, almost moaning at the taste. “I’m surprised you haven’t had one before.”
“ I have wanted to try one, but never really went with actually going out to get one.”
“Well, maybe now you will get them more often,” She says but stops herself before taking another bite. “Wait...you aren’t allergic to any fruit, are you? Or granola?”
He lifted a brow while getting another scoop. “Oh, only bananas,” He replies. Nevaeh watches him as he lifts the spoon to his mouth and takes another bite that includes bananas before she could reach across the table and stop him in time. “What?” he looked at her. Her eyes were wide with shock and fear, her mouth opening to say something but closed when nothing came out. “Is there something wrong?”
Nodding her head slowly, she sat down her spoon and reached for her phone in her pocket just in case. "You ate a banana, and you just told me you were allergic to them." Nevaeh wanted to yell at him for being so careless, but that would mean she was too for not asking before ordering something random for him. She pretended to remain calm but was internally panicking.
"I actually eat them all the time," he held back the smile easing its way into his features. "I eat them quite often. They're a great source of potassium and vitamin C."
"So you aren't allergic to bananas?" she noted, and Rudy shook his head. His mouth broke out into the smile he managed to hold back for a few seconds. Nevaeh relaxed a bit, her shoulders dropping as she was no longer tense. "You're an asshole, you know that, right?" Rudy gasped softly, a hand placed on his chest as he looked at her, offended at her comment.
"What, me, an asshole? That can't be right, I'm really nice," he said and made Nevaeh huffed. "What do you not believe me?"
The woman shrugged, the smile still on her face when she looked down at her food. "Well, you did play a mean joke just now; I thought I almost killed you." She reminded him and picked at her bowl.
"I wanted to see how caring you were, and you passed the test. Now you love me, don't you?"
"You wish," she said, taking a bite then pointing at him with her spoon. "We're going on a road trip together, let's see if I survive that, then I'll let you know if I like you enough to be your friend or jump out of a moving car because you're an annoying little shit."
Rudy raised his eyebrows, smirking at her now. "Me being an annoying little...alright. Let's make a deal," he starts; Nevaeh gestures for him to continue. "If you survive this road trip, meaning - if you have a great time - I get to take you to my home town in Alaska. Ah, ah. I'm not finished." he held his finger up to stop her from making a comment. She rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, attempting to hide a simple, but you could see the amusement on her face. "If you don't have a great time, I'll do whatever you want."
"So, If I understand right, If you win, you get to take me to Alaska - assuming I haven't been there already,"
“Wait, you’ve been to Alaska?” Nevaeh held her finger up, echoing his movements moments before.
“If you win, you take me to Alaska, and if I win, you do whatever I want, correct?”
“Yeah, as long as it’s not too inappropriate or impossible,” He says, already finished with his acai bowl, which Nevaeh didn’t remember seeing him eat the rest. It didn’t matter when he ate it, she didn’t care, but that was quick. Looking down at her own, she wasn’t more than halfway done. “So, so we have a deal?”
Nevaeh looked up from her food, meeting his ocean-like eyes. The pair were becoming more familiar over the past few weeks from countless photos and videos the two have shared over Snapchat. Messages over text and facetime calls. They got to know each other digitally, and now they have to learn more in person. 
“We have a deal.” She says, and Rudy sticks his hand out, which she gladly took. They shook hands. While doing so, Rudy thought of a million possibilities to get the woman across from him to a great time and not just so he could take her to Alaska, his home. He found her intriguing, and he wants to take the time to get to know her better and maybe have a solid standing friendship at the end of it all. If the cosmos had a say, perhaps something more would blossom.
➣ End Note:
So, I honestly don’t know how the next few or future chapters will go but hopefully they turn out well. Here are the Revaeh interactions we all needed and plenty more to come so just you wait. ;)
Wonder Taglist:
@Scooby6, @ifilwtmfc​, @rudypankowswife​, @themaddies-obx​
[If your username is bold and slashed out it means i can’t tag you. If you want to be added to the taglist add yourself here! If you no longer want to be on it let me know. :) ]
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leggomylino · 4 years
S&M Act I, Scene I | Windstorm ༄
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Genre: Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Fluff, Angst
Pairing(s): Lee Minho x fem!reader x Kim Seungmin
Au: Wizard of Oz au
Word Count: ~2.6k
Warning(s): Minorly to moderately dark themes of suppression, depression, panic, and insanity. Mentioning of blood, dark magic, violence, and (censored) language. 
A/n: I’m so happy this story is finally coming to light! <3 Thank you to everyone behind the scenes who has supported me on the creation of this series, and to anyone who has ever supported my writing ever. ^^ I hope you enjoy!!! | Inspired by the events of Dorothy Must Die, by Danielle Paige.
Tag List: @hanniiesuckle17​ @distrikt9​ @hanstagrams​ @hyunsunq​ @smolboiseavey​ @jisungsjheekies​ @iluvlix​ @moonlit-han​ @stay-nctzen​ @yangomangos​ @stayndays​ @cotccotc​ @skzctnightnight​ @multi-stan-present​ @dreamy-dreamies​ @yunhoesss​ (Please let me know if you’d like to be added! Comment, ask, or DM me!!!)
ღ S&M M.List | Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
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The dreams had been plaguing you for a while now.
“Y/n,” a boy’s voice spoke. “Y/n, always remember, and never forget. You must forgive, and never forget.”
“Remember what?” You’d cry out into the empty space. “Always remember what? What is it I’ve forgotten? Who is it I’m supposed to forgive?”
Alas, the empty space never told you anything. It was just a soft chuckle, the feeling of eyes lovingly watching you from somewhere far away, cloying and envious, and then, in the blink of an eye, it was gone.
~ ♕ ~
The rain pelting against your bedroom window that night had been harsh. You listened to the uproarious melody, now awake, lying in a pool of your own sweat, heart racing, wondering where you had come to and where you’d just been. It was always this way, taking time to cool down from such a feverishly swift and spiraling dream; although you were theoretically standing still in a vacant space, you felt the effects of falling as you arose.
The rain calmed you. Despite its intensity it was the one thing that gave you peace, something mentally stabilizing to cling onto and give full focus to as the echoes of a dream deferred vanished into the far recesses of your mind, where they’d be all but forgotten until the next evening. You didn’t know what you’d do when the stormy season was over-- it had already been unusual to have such a large mass of wacky weather one after the other this time of year-- and sure a ferrying rain shower or two was normal-- but you’d grown accustomed to running to the storm’s ferocity for guidance, a child’s blanket, a figurative teddy bear that you could squeeze against your thoughts when escaping the dream realm. The heavy downpour washed all of your fears and anxiety away. What would you do when it was all over, and Fall returned?
It had been so odd; with all the rain and fluctuating humidity, the flowers and Spring-Summer crops were in full bloom. You’d never experienced seasonal allergies in the Fall until now. Neither had your best friend, Hyunjin, and...speaking of… 
You hadn’t realized it was morning until Hyunjin came bursting into your room with one of your uncle’s chickens in his arm. It was still raining, hard, the droplets sounding like tiny fists pounding to come inside. Doubtful to let up anytime soon. “Y/n! Are you still auditioning for the role of Sleeping Beauty up here? ‘Cause I’m pretty sure Mia Harper’s got it covered, and Aunt Em’s gonna slide me your stack of pancakes in the next ten minutes if you don’t get your share of the chores done.”
A yawn escaped you. Hyunjin and his sidekick Kkami had been coming over to assist in your busy-hermit lifestyle ever since you could remember. He was your neighbor, after all, but...more on that later. The moment Hyunjin’s words soared beneath the backlash of bad weather, you’d completely forgotten what it was you’d just been thinking about, before the rain, what it was you’d dreamed. (Ever ironic how the dream had instructed you to remember, and yet, here you were, doomed to forget.) “Yeah, okay…” You yawned, stretching and easing yourself into the usual morning (sometimes afternoon) routine. You glanced at the chicken in his arms, and his subtle goofy smile in the doorway. “Is this your way of saying you’d rather have Pluckers as your lab partner instead of me?”
He shifted his eyes thoughtfully to Pluckers, watching him twitch and litter feathers like drops of rain before giving you his answer. “...I mean, that’s not a bad idea, actually. Have you even started your half of the worksheet yet?”
Ugh. Always about school. You wanted to tell him yes, but in all honesty you’d been spending your free time and late nights with your nose lodged between Harry Potter pages or your eyes plugged and gasping over YouTube storytimes. So you clamped your mouth shut.
And now, the backstory: Hyunjin had been your best friend for years. The two of you grew up next door to each other, which for country living was pretty dang far; having someone as your neighbor here was the same thing as having them live down the block. You’d never known your parents; you were adopted at a young age by your Aunt Em and Uncle Henry, who weren’t biologically related to you in any sense and just as good as any biological pair of adults. The details surrounding your DNA relatives-- and the year you’d come to live here-- were all unknown to you. The only story you’d ever gotten out of Aunt Em was that they’d had you from “knee-high” and that you couldn’t remember because of a nasty fall from one of Uncle Henry’s apple trees; Uncle Henry himself refused to speak of the subject at all, either pretending he needed hearing aids or choosing to run into the next room.
Hyunjin was your only friend in school. You’d never been very good in the communication department; growing up in a small town made your comfort zone the same. But not Hyunjin. He was popular and kind and got along with everyone. He had a gift for catching people’s eyes: every boy envied him, every girl drooled over him, and all your teachers and professors fawned and smiled and patted him on the back, even when he’d blurted out the “dog ate my homework” excuse in eighth grade and you proudly stood up and announced that he didn’t have a dog, disregarding Kkami, just for the amusement of finally seeing him choke and get scolded for once in his life. Instead you found yourself pouting with the Cone of Shame in silence while Hyunjin outrageously was given a star on the Good Noodle chart. It’d been the one moment to ruin your friendship for the remainder of class...until he gave you his Free Ice Cream ticket for PeachyKeen’s ice cream parlor downtown. Then, you were okay.
Even now, in your town’s small local college, he was applauded by all. The only person you’d ever seen frown his way was Uncle Henry, who often argued that a boy of his age shouldn’t be barging into a young lady’s room anymore. But Aunt Em always shrugged him off, quoting her famous “times change” saying and shoved a slice of pie before him, and he was back to watching TV.
A flash of lighting lit up the dim clouded sky, followed by the roar of thunder, and with a panicked squawk Pluckers shot out of Hyunjin’s arms, leaving a trail of feathers to follow down the hall. With a nervous look the two of you exchanged a nod before Hyun gave chase, closing the door behind him, and you got right to work getting ready for the day. It was Saturday, meaning no school, however there was still plenty of farmwork to do and the crops in the field weren’t going to protect themselves. Not from yesterday’s shower, and not from today’s.
You hustled downstairs with toothbrush hanging from your lips, dawned in your favorite plaid skirt and lime-green raincoat, the one with the little frog face over the left breast. Ruffling Kkami awake, Hyunjin’s “beloved baby,” you tossed her a treat from the clay jar you and Hyunjin had made together for her in sixth grade art, spinning and spitting in the kitchen sink. 
Aunt Em gave you a nervous look as you tossed the brush in the dishwasher and started aggressively inhaling cinnamon apple pancakes like a beloved Nintendo character. “...And how is my favorite girl this afternoon?” She asked. Her whimsical tone made your neck blush. 
“Sorry, I stayed up late studying again.”
“Studying the wizarding world of Hogwarts, you mean?”
You smiled apple bits and maple syrup, and she laughed, waving a dish towel at you and squinting the other way. “Keep your mouth closed until you're done. Didn’t I teach you better manners than that?”
“I dunno, did you?”
Her eyes bore into yours in warning and you laughed harder, nearly choking on the last bite of spiced apple goodness. Aunt Em sighed, shaking her head while wiping her hands clean. “I suppose I walked right into that one.” She nodded toward the side door, leading to the barn. “Hurry before the storm picks up. It’s gonna be another bad one, they say, so if the wind picks up anymore or it starts hailing or God forbid you see a giant funnel in the sky, I want the two of you right back inside, you hear?”
“Funnel cake?!” Uncle Henry called. He was glued to his usual pleather chair when he wasn’t out tending to the garden or the farm animals or fixing a leaky faucet. He was also in need of a hearing aid; working eight hours a day around screeching metals and brazen farm animals had left his eardrums in shambles. Aunt Em rolled her eyes, cupping her hands around her mouth. 
“Not cake, I’m talking about the weather!”
“It’s raining cake?!?”
She groaned, earning a chuckle from the two of you. It was cut short when Hyunjin came stumbling past, spitting out feathers and just in arms reach of a couple hens, Pluckers in the lead, signaling that brunch was over. “Thanks for the meal!” you said, shoving the plate forward. 
“Be careful!” Em’s voice bridged across the living room. “You two look out for one another! And hurry!”
“We will!” You shouted back. The sound of the door clicking shut was barely audible beneath the heavy thunks of raindrops slamming against the tin roof as the two (five?) of you ventured out into the stormy play. 
You wished then you would have taken just the sliver of a moment to look back.
~ ♕ ~
You’d never seen a flourishing of colors much like the one taking place outside. Turnips turning upwards, tulips banging heads, carrots and corn stalks exchanging blows before ending up on opposite sides of the field. Sunflowers having the sun beat out of them. It was something out of the rising action of a thriller movie. You’d seen similar scenes in nearly half the Harry Potter movies; the only thing missing were wizards and wands and perhaps a giant dragon.
“You round up Maribelle!” Hyunjin yelled over the storm. His arms were spread wide as he squinted and squatted through the blinding rain, ushering the rest of the chickens and hens inside the barn. “I’ll get the horses next!”
Nodding you ran through sloshing mud puddles and drowning fields of grain towards the feeding pasture, where dear old Maribelle the could be found, often grazing on weeds or spreading out for an afternoon sunbath. The lone cow of SunnySkies pastures for fifteen years, and the first to join the farm. Instead you found her darting bug eyes around wildly, her knobby limbs quivering beneath a willow tree that provided little protection, the willows only adding to the streams of precipitation pouring over her stiff brown fur. She gave you a frantic moo and bobbed her head in relief to see you. 
“There, there,” you soothed, whipping the grass and water from her eyes. “Quickly now, let’s get you into the barn before this picks up anymore.”
She moo-ed again, lower this time, giving you an argueless agreement.
You sledged hard against the rising winds, the blades of greenery that cut surprisingly sharp like razor blades, leaving a small mark upon your cheek. You winced, annoyed at the slight sting, the small drops of crimson that came up against your fingertips only to be washed away just as quickly. It began to rain harder, faster, the wind practically howling in your ears. The faint sounds of a freight train or some sort of heavy machinery filled the distance.
“Let’s hurry, now,” you encouraged your steed, pulling her along beside you. She was reluctant to move, frightened by the spiraling commotion around her. It didn’t help when something snapped beneath your feet, a twig, maybe, or some glass. As if on cue the willow tree came crashing down with a thud. 
You braced yourself, sucking in a sharp breath; you needed to get inside; but Maribelle had other plans. Startled, she ran a wayward direction, disappearing in the fog that was beginning to settle over the pasture. “Mari--!” you began to call, taking two steps forward-- ‘til the cries of another all but took your breath away, making you forget about Maribelle, making you forget about everything.
You stood, jaw slacked, slit-eyed, watching Hyunjin blow away. He wiggled in the fierce storm breeze like a flag pitched on the roof. “Y/N!!!” He screamed, clinging to the roof’s edge for dear life. “Y/N, GET INSIDE!!! CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!”
“HYUNJIN!” You bleated back. “HYUNJIN, HANG ON!!! I’M COMING!!!”
“NO, IT’S TOO DANGEROUS, GO-- AHHH!” He shrieked and ducked his head beneath a flying branch. “...GO INSIDE!!! CALL THE PRESIDENT!!!”
“I’m not calling the President,” you huffed, fighting your way across sideways weather and flyaway hairs to latch yourself onto the barn ladder. Of all the times to crack jokes, only Hyunjin would choose a raging level eight storm. “Hang on I’m coming…!”
...Your voice trailed off as your head listed aside, something bouncing in the corner of your eye. There, rounding the side of the barnhouse, was Kkami, frolicking like a happy-go-lucky lamb to Hyunjin’s side.
“Arf! Rwarf!”
Your blood went cold. If Hyunjin caught wind of Kkami, it was all over. “Kkami!” you hissed, or at least tried to over the roaring ninety-miles-per-hour winds. “Go back inside! Go! Shoo!”
Ushering Kkami with a branch at least beneath the safety of the barn roof, you hustled back to the side of the building. The rain made it slick and hard to hold onto, but you scaled the side of the barnhouse as fast as possible, avoiding loose vegetation and swatting at leaves and smaller branches and once a lemon wedge that the storm must have torn in two somehow, crawling up loose shingles and various askew obstacles and then...then…
This was the hardest part to remember, a part you wish you didn’t have to remember. Face wet, hair whipping in the tempest breeze, you reached for Hyun’s hand, kneeling, pleading, focusing thoughts on hot cocoa and warm lemon pie inside, an Aunt Em specialty. The reality you were so certain in. A reality that would never come.
Your hands met, fingers touched, smiles of relief shared. But it only lasted a moment before the rainstorm ripped him away, your cries drowning in the funnel that appeared in the sky...or at least that’s how you wished to remember it: in reality there was a soft, whimpering arf!, followed by your best friend’s gasp as he relinquished your grasp to adhere himself to the skies after Kkami, now paddling against the storm’s current, cries of “My baby!” and anguished “AAAAH”s lost on the wind. 
And you could only watch him go, just seeing him manage to latch onto his beloved pet of nine-odd years before disappearing from sight, sucked into the giant magnetizing center of it all you’d completely failed to notice, the last thing from his lips a cry to your name. It’d appeared out of nowhere, substantial and vigorous. Pulling into the station, the train had arrived, uprooting and tearing apart everything in its path. A giant, swirling cloud of gray and gravel and doom.
Oddly enough, in that paralyzing moment, something clicked in the back of your mind: a cursory afterthought at the eye of the storm. 
“Always remember, and never forget. You must forgive, and never forget.”
You stared into the eye harder.
“Come home, Y/n. Come home.”
“Y/N!!!” Aunt Em’s frantic voice screeched below. “Y/N, HYUNJIN!!! Y/N?!?”
You couldn’t look. Couldn’t move. Horror froze you to the barn, eyes locked on the exact spot you last saw Hyunjin disappear, the trance calling you deeper and deeper into a strange petrifying submission, until the tornado whorled to your doorstep and swept you away; the pasture, the barn, your home. Everything.
༻✦༺ ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺ ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
ღ S&M M.List | Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ 
Smoke & Mirrors. Copyright © 2020 - 2021 poeticallyspaghetti.tumblr.com. Unauthorized use or reproduction of works is expressly prohibited. Do not repost, plagiarize, claim as your own, or translate my works. Thank you. <3
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garyunwinimagines · 4 years
Definition (Ransom Drysdale x Reader)
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Warnings: Language, Angst, Angst with a happy ending
Author: @garyunwinimagines (Cross posted on AO3 - Lady_avenger37)
Word Count: 1,758 words
Description: After a drunken hookup with your childhood best friend, you find yourself pregnant. What happens when Ransom tells his family and words are exchanged?
Note: It’s been awhile. This is just word vomit that came out of my depressed ass. I hope it’s alright. I’m kinda rusty with this.
Another blowout level fight with Ransom happened again today. One that was for the record books, and one that could guarantee the ending of your friendship. You just found out that you were pregnant, and you made the mistake of telling him right before you went to his Grandfather’s house for a family gathering. Like normal, Ransom was stoking the fire with his family and Walt remarked something about having dozens of kids without him knowing. Ransom then spilled the beans on your pregnancy. Congratulations were given and then the snide comments began.
The one that really set you off was “Well I’m not at fault here,”
“Jesus fuck Ransom! Who the fuck do you think knocked me up?” You said and stormed out. Grabbing the keys to his beamer in the process. You drove off before he or anyone in his family could say anything.
You didn’t even know where you were driving to, but you just drove. Drove to forget what happened. Drove to forget what was happening. All while ignoring the constant calls from Ransom and the rest of his family. After an hour or so your stomach growled. So, you decided to just go to a gas station and pick up some food before going back on the road. Now with a destination in mind.
Your parents’ old cabin. One which they rarely visited this time of the year, and lucky for you it wasn’t too far from your current location. It was someplace that you used to go to all the time during the summer. Now since it was mid fall it wasn’t on the top of their lists for places to go. They even said that you could go and use it whenever you wanted to have some peace and quiet. Which reminded you to turn off your phone to stop its constant ringing. Turning it off was a wonderful idea as you began to relax slightly as you made your way to the cabin. Your only thoughts being to get to the cabin and take a nice hot bath.
After another 45 minutes, you arrived at the cabin. You couldn’t get in there fast enough. Taking the trash and extra food inside. Throwing it on the counter as you made your way to the bathroom. Right in front of you stood a porcelain claw foot heavenly looking tub that you could just about drown in, and it was calling your name. You grabbed a towel after you turned on the hot water. Which to your dismay took a while to heat up. During that time, you looked around to see if there was any bath salts or oils that you could add to it. After opening drawer after drawer, you did find a bottle of lavender scented bubble bath. That would have to do.
Adding that was probably your smartest idea of the day. As the water was hot and the scent wafted around the room. Taking off your clothes, you finally stepped into the tub and it was so worth the wait. Not only did the heat help take away some of the stress, but the lavender helped soothe your frazzled nerves. Your body started to get so relaxed that you started to fall asleep. Before anything bad could happen, you got out of the tub.
Drying yourself off, you wrapped the towel tightly around you. Going over to where you left all your clothes to carry them to your room. Picking them up you walked across the cabin to where your room was. Praying that you had some clothes there so you didn’t have to put back on your dirty clothes.
Opening up the door, you can tell that it hasn’t changed since you last used it. You smiled. As on the dresser to the right of the door, there was a handful of pictures of you and your family and friends. A couple including Ransom.
You picked up the photo as it was one of your favorites of the two of you. You were both smiling and looking at you mom who was taking the picture. It was a couple summers ago when Ransom decided he needed a break from the world. Aka his family. So, you invited him to spend a few days with you and your family at the cabin. That picture was taken only a couple minutes after he arrived. Your mom joked that she had never seen either of you more relaxed or happy then when the two of you were out here together.
She was right. Out here was your happy place, and having your best friend/love of your life with you only made it better.
But right now it was your hiding place. A place to forget, and a place to be in peace.
And that’s what it was for the next week.
You relaxed and tried to figure out what you were going to do. You knew that unless if it would kill you, you were going to go through with the pregnancy. You thought about aborting it, but a part of you loved Ransom so much that you couldn’t kill any part of him.
Then you thought about how you were going to raise your child. Where would you be? Would you tell them about Ransom? About his family?
Most importantly, you thought would Ransom be involved?
If he was, would you be a family, or would he still sleep around? Would he get sick of you?
That night, you couldn’t sleep. Just like most nights in the past week. Except this time, you were awoken by someone’s arms wrapped around you. Turning your head, you were met with a familiar face.
“Ransom?” You said, and in the blink of an eye his eyes met yours.
His eyes were swollen and red, with the left one surrounded by a faint bruise. You felt a slight change in the pressure around you.
“You look like shit,” You said.
“I’m sorry,” He said and he buried his face into your neck.
With him here, you didn’t know what to say. Especially since he apologized. Turning around, you forced him to look into your eyes.
“I’m sorry. I let those fuckers get to me. I didn’t mean it-” He said.
“They always get to you Hugh. Every single time.” You said. He was about to talk again, but you put a finger to his lips. “You don’t think of the consequences of your words, or your actions.”
His grip loosened around you as he began to close off.
“I’m not just thinking about myself here. I’m thinking about OUR child. As whether you like it or not, you were the one to knock me up. If you want to take responsibility or not is your choice. As if you don’t, you might as well be dead to me,” You said meeting his blank stare, which seemed to aggravate you more than you thought it would. “Cause I probably was too damn foolish to think that you’d still be my best friend, even after a drunken mishap. But apparently I’m just one of your little playthings that you’ll just throw away-”
His eyes flashed with unbridled anger when he cut you off and got out of the bed.
“How could you EVER think that you’re disposable to me? After everything we’ve been through!” He said and you got out of the bed and stood right in front of him.
“How could I not! Not after you said it was MY fault that I’m pregnant! When that happens to also be the fault of the goddamn dumbass that knocked me up in the first place!” You yelled and jabbed your finger in his chest. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you as close as humanly possible.
“I maybe the dumbass for ever trusting you in the first place. To ever think that we were friends,” He damn near growled at you. “I’m more of a fool to ever think that you could love me the way I love you,” He said and pushed you away and towards the bed.
Your heart shattered. You have loved him for a long time, and figured that he only saw you as a friend. Tears began to sting in your eyes as you looked away from him.
It was silent for the next couple minutes while you kept yourself from sobbing. Once you felt that you would be able to confront him, you looked at him. You noticed that he was tenser than earlier but more nervous.
“Ransom,” Your voice broke. His head snapped right to you. “I’ve loved you for years, and have trusted you even longer.”
He took a step closer to you. You stuck your arm out, signaling for him to stop.
“At the same time, you’ve hurt me more than any one ever has. I understand that you don’t get along with your family. That you constantly stoke up drama and other shit with them. You’ve even brought me into it before. You went too damn far this time.” His jaw clenched at the statement.
“Did you even think about how terrified I was to tell you that I was pregnant? How worried I was? Wondering if we’d ever be friends after this? How we would raise a child? The worst one that is still constantly going through my head is, will he stay?” That’s the moment your resolve broke and you were visibly crying with tear tracks falling down your face at an increasing pace.
Ransom took the couple steps to get to you before you could say anything else. Before you knew it, he wrapped his arms around you and held you to his chest. Your tears wetting his shirt. His hot breath fanned across the top of your head, and you could tell that he was saying something but not what he was saying. All you could really focus on was the warmth and strength of his embrace, and the way his hand was rubbing up and down the length of your back as he was trying to soothe you.
“I’m scared too,” Ransom said once you stoped crying. You looked up at him.
“Then let’s be scared together,” You said reaching up to cup his cheek. His mouth curved up into a smile that melted your heart.
The two of you stayed like that for a few minutes, basking in the other’s presence. Silent promises exchanged between the two of you that helped ease the pain of the past week.
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Secret Love Affair
Yes, I’ve watched another Kdrama and this one is definitely getting added to the “My Favorites” list. I’d describe it like this: if the Palme d’Or could be awarded to a television show, then this one would definitely be in the running (and it would most likely win it). There are 16 episodes but it feels more like a movie and that’s one of the things that makes this drama stand out. I’m not sure where to begin, so I’d like to apologize in advance if this particular opinion piece is all over the place and has no respect for proper punctuation. I had a lot of feelings after watching this drama, and one simply needs to let all of that energy out. With that said, I’m just going to do bullet points because that seems to make sense in this situation lol
Since music is always an essential part of any show/ movie (especially in this case), I have to start with the soundtrack because it’s magnificent. It really is. It fits well with the theme and constantly adds an extra layer of emotion to what’s already happening on the screen. Whenever you hear the end credits waltz, you know something is about to happen and it makes you feel a bit uneasy. “Four Hands” is full of longing and “Affair” is cautious but steady. More often than not, this show uses music to convey emotion in place of a dialogue. One needs to simply listen and look at the characters expressions to understand what’s happening. One of the great things about music is that on some awesome, cosmic level it’s alive and has the power to make us feel and understand things without any words. 
Whenever I watch a show, I like to read the comment section because there are always interesting opinions out there. I was surprised to see that some people thought that the pace of the show was too slow. I certainly respect other people’s opinions, but I personally think that it wouldn’t have made sense if the story kept on jumping from one thing to the next. There was plenty of intrigue throughout the entire series, and I was already feeling nervous 10 minutes into the first episode. It’s a difficult situation to be in, but Sun Jae/ Hye Won met their soulmate. They have finally met their match. They both see each other for who they are and that’s more than enough to fall in love. What’s even more awesome is that something was already there even before they officially met. He briefly saw her at the concert hall and she saw a video of him playing piano (just his hands). Talent recognized talent and the rest is history.
Honestly, I was surprised with her friends. Pleasantly surprised. They already seemed like pretty cool people from the beginning and it was made even more evident as the show progressed. I expected them to scold and alienate her, but they didn’t. They were there for her and even comforted Lee Sun Jae when he had no one else to turn to. I bet they were shocked to learn about the relationship between the two (and the other stuff), but they tried to understand the situation from her point of view and didn’t leave her side when things really went downhill. We can only guess what happened after the events in episode 16, but I really hope that Professor Jo got appointed as the next Dean instead of Oh Hye Won’s husband (Professor Kang)...The man is obviously more qualified, has a good personality, the students respect him and he’s simply a chill guy. 
Speaking of Oh Hye Won’s husband...I feel bad for saying this but that man is just pathetic. Don’t get me wrong, they all have their own flaws but in this case there was nothing that set him apart other than him being totally indifferent unless it had to do with his position in the school hierarchy. He, along with the others, was ready to throw her under the bus for the “greater good” if the situation called for it. At some point in the show, I believe they do mention that they didn’t marry for love and that it was more of a comradeship. This means that they’ve been married for at least 10 or more years and you would think that during that time people would become each other’s support system. Nope, not in this case because the man never cared to begin with and it seems that she’s the one who has always carried the relationship. She definitely works more, she’s a better musician and she’s kind of a legend in this school/ foundation and perhaps that’s why (subconsciously) her husband always felt inferior. Yes, it must hurt to find out that your spouse is having an affair, BUT I don’t think that’s what bothered him so much. I think he was more scared of losing his chance of becoming the next Dean and not being able to mentor Sun Jae (who would definitely further solidify his credibility as a professor). I might be wrong, however, that’s how it seemed to me. There were a couple of other instances when he should’ve taken her side. For example, that scene when she comes back home with a bandaid on her forehead because the psycho lady threw game pieces at her and it cut her skin. A normal person would've been concerned that someone would do that, but he simply brushed it off as if it’s OK that they treated her like that. Ugh, just thinking about it annoys me. 
The cinematography was great. It’s a different style and it stands out from the ones that one would normally see in other dramas. It fits well with the mood of the show. The camera shots from different perspectives, the color and how some of the angles repeat but at different pivotal moments throughout the show added an extra oomph to the overall viewing experience. 
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If anything, this show should give people an appreciation for classical music or at least they’ll be able to recognize it whenever they hear it again. I was listening to songs on YouTube Music the other day and a song popped up in the “recommended” category and it was the Rachmaninoff: Rhapsody On A Theme of Paganini, and I immediately thought “Omg! That’s the piece that he plays during the recital!” If it wasn't for this show, I would’ve never known the title of this piece.
The way Sun Jae treats Oh Hye Won. We really do need to take a minute to talk about this because certain details were too precious. Everything was always done with sincerity and without trying to show off in front of the person that he loves. First of all, the way he started mopping the floor when she came to his apartment for the first time. He didn’t let her step onto the floor until it was clean (it already looked pretty clean) and he gave her a towel to clean her hands after she touched the staircase railing that leads to his apartment. How he makes sure that her head doesn’t hit the pipe when they are walking through a construction site/ abandoned building. How he went on a full cleaning/ home improvement mode when she sent him her confession because he wanted this to be a safe place. He changed the lightbulb outside, so it wouldn’t be as dark in the stairwell and he power-washed the concrete stairs. He treats her like she’s the most treasured being he’s ever encountered in his entire life. These actions might not be heroic or grand, but there’s a lot of warmth/ love within them. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the shoes. They way he constantly places and rearranges her shoes. Bonus: the fact that Oh Hye Won listed him in her phone as “Home” and when he sees that...Ahhh! My heart is so full! 
All of the actors were great. The age difference between the two main lead actors is similar to the one of their characters and it made this story more authentic/ believable. I don’t think it would’ve been the same if the actors in real life were the same age but one of them tried to play someone younger/ older. Their chemistry was on point too and they simply look great together.
The fact that they both knew the severity of the situation and the repercussions that might come with it will surely send chills down your spine. It is an extremely risky situation and perhaps more for her than for him but it’s still dangerous. I’ve read a comment where someone mentioned that up until 2015 adultery was punishable by law in SK. After reading that, it certainly put things in perspective. I think they both felt the spark from the very beginning, but Sun Jae was bold enough to be the first one to say that he has feelings for Oh Hye Won. And how difficult it must have been for her to take a chance on something that she wasn’t expecting. The characters know and we as the audience know that there’s no turning back once they take this leap of faith. I mean *shivers* it’s impossible not to feel nervous for these two! Bonus: their first night together. Great choice by the director to only let us hear their conversation while showing spaces in the apartment. It’s their moment and theirs alone.
Something else that I like about this show is that Sun Jae never let others influence his opinion/ stance on the matter at hand. For the most part, he based his opinions on what he was experiencing and what he was able to observe. Of course there were things that he didn’t understand due to his age and perhaps in certain aspects it’s good that he didn’t fully understand, but he certainly wasn’t oblivious. Also, I like that Oh Hye Won  didn’t treat him like a child. She’s older, that’s true, but she wasn’t constantly reminding him of it. Even with the age difference, they are equals and understand each other in a way that’s unique to them. When they had moments of frustration, it wasn’t because one of them felt inferior. It was because they saw the other person hurting and felt helpless for not being able to make it better.
The horrible people that she had to work for. Oh Hye Won is a smart individual, and I’m sure she knew exactly who she was dealing with and the things that they were capable of. Nevertheless, she carried on while keeping her head high without letting things get to her. The thing that frustrates me the most is that this diligent, intelligent, talented person took most of the beating for something that the other party was equally guilty of but most of them were able to walk away unharmed. At the end of the day, they regarded her as a disposable tool and didn’t think anything of it. It’s just unfair. I was glad that at least some of the others who were involved got what they deserved. One must have nerves of steel in order to endure what her character had to go through and not lose one’s dignity in the process. You can’t help but have respect for someone like that. 
As much as I wanted a more Hollywood type ending, I think the writers gave us the most realistic and logical ending. Even though she had to go through all these hardships, she’s finally free from the grasp of those who have never truly valued her. There are still challenges to conquer, but at least she will be in control of her life and all future decisions will be hers. I suppose that in the end she was indeed the true winner.
Sun Jae’s soliloquy at the end *sigh* If that’s not one of the most romantic and heartfelt speeches of all time, then I don’t even know anymore. They’ve always had their own way of communicating, especially through music/ music references, and this one is perfect. I can’t figure out if it’s the same piece that he wrote about in his journal as a kid or if it’s the one that Professor Jo recommends to him or could it be the one that’s listed by Oh Hye Won’s name in the program? In any case, it’s extremely fitting that he would compare her to a classical piece of music. She’s the physical embodiment of that music. He will play it every day regardless of the weather or his mood. They have to be apart for the time being, but this will be his way of keeping her close. Once again, I think this goes to show that their connection goes beyond the ordinary. It’s on a cosmic level and just like music it has no boundaries.  
The show has an open ending and I truly like to believe that everything turned out OK. I’d like to believe that he did win the competition. I’d like to believe that she was released sooner than expected. I’d like to believe that they lived a long and happy life together. That’s what I believe and I’m going to stick with it.  
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Moral of this long post: this is a great show and it’s worth it. 
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j0hn-deacons-perm · 4 years
Bizarre Love Triangle
‘86 John x Reader, tail end of the Magic Tour. 
word count: ~3.7k
Based off Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order (I recommend listening to it while reading) also the song just slaps
Also a quick author’s note. Did I write this until about 6 AM because I couldn’t sleep? Yeah, my dudes. There might still be a few mistakes and will fix them when found but hey, I hope you enjoy!
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Last show. The bloody last show of this summer. Tour life has been nothing but stressful but to your surprise, even more rewarding simply with the audience reception. Every show packed with fans, many singing and bopping about like you were on the side lines. Despite being there for nearly every show, the anticipation never ceases to creep up on you. Shivers can be felt in your bones, ready for whatever is to come and you're not even the one on stage in half an hour. 
Standing and grabbing drinks, you sit next to John. His knee bouncing as he reads the paper, spotting he's on the current events. Sighing gently, you roam your eyes around the space around you. Brian is tuning his guitar with Fred and Roger sitting next to him. You spot a scrabble board on the table and Roger looking frustrated as he picks letters from the box's top. Most people on your team are racing around, making sure everything is where it should be and in working order. Hearing a sound from John, you look over and watch him skip over the obituaries. However, seeing a name that surely sounds phallic encites a laugh on your end. He raises an eyebrow in your direction.
"Dark comedy your thing, eh?"
"More like potty humor. I see a name like Medick and it's reflex to chuckle."
He scans the page and you laugh again.
"Damn it John, you're looking at Medick."
You determine the laugh he gives you is one out of pity with how bad your Scottish accent was. After apologizing for assaulting his senses, he gives you a smile and asks the time. Looking at your watch, your co-worker announced to everyone the fifteen minute mark before they were expected on stage.
"I hope that answers your question."
His eyes crinkle around the corners and your heart melts at the sight. Answering you with "It does, yeah", he folds the paper up and places it on the empty seat next to him. Attention now on you.
"Any plans post tour Y/N?"
"Besides catch up on nearly a month of lost sleep and time with Tom, probably nothing for a few days. At least that's the hope."
You can see his face shift into a slight discomfort but it might be out of reflex. Two weeks in you began missing your boyfriend back home and requested no one bring him up in conversation, even yourself. Knowing you slipping his name must have been reflex for him. Right?
"Can't imagine what you'd be losing sleep over besides trying to keep track of four old ladies."
"You guys are a lot. Especially you, Deacon. I swear sometimes it's easier looking after a toddler."
He fakes hurt, hand on his chest and a pronounced distressed face paints his features. The rest of the time passes far too quickly for your liking as the boys are rushed off to play their show. You follow behind, overseeing things go smoothy. Grabbing things they may need between songs and making your way off to the side, you nearly jump as the rise in audience volume increases. The floor beneath you shaking as the first few notes play. Hearing the opening lines to One Vision, you calculate the time to sing along but with the lyrics you happened to hear when bringing them their copious amounts of coffee into the recording room. What you didn't expect is John looking over to see you sing 'one dump, one turd, two tits, John Deacon' followed by 'chicken feet, babe' in his direction. You can see him smile when he looks down at his bass.
As the songs pass, your dancing picks up as well as his. You thought John was called Disco Deacy due to his taste in tunes but turns out he's a regular Belle of the ball. His spins and hops always melted your heart, watching him enjoy the music and play. You bop along with him more often than not, enjoying the beats you've heard now countless amounts of times. When I Want To Break Free ends and Brian's solo begins, he heads over in your direction. Grabbing a towel and a vodka tonic, he pats himself dry while watching from your usual view.
"I swear, this solos get longer with every tour."
"And I swear your hair gets bigger with every tour."
"Optical illusion, my dear. Brian's been getting smaller."
He winks and finishes off his drink. His company is gone as quick as it came, or at least it feels that way. The last half of the show plays out along with two encores. Fatigue dampens down on everyone as the crowd starts to disperse and the roadies begin taking apart set ups. Walking back with the boys, you hand them their normal robes and towels as they head to the dressing room. Making your way back to your post and sitting down, the realization of this is the end dawns on you. A month of tours finished. A month of pain, suffering, blood, sweat, and many tears but also a month of pure bliss. A month of becoming even closer with the band that you've come to know the much more this past year. Seeing them outside of the studio was a shock at first but tour life seems to mellow them out in ways. Less ego if that was even possible knowing them in the first place.
Knowing you probably should attend the after party the hotel Freddie booked, your feet ache as you rise up. Feeling the ripe ol' age of 87 at 29 is a sensation you've grown used to but hearing your joints crack as you rise really made you feel ancient.
"Here I thought I was the old one. I heard that all the way over here!"
John laughs at your cracky joints, walking over to give you an arm to support you. A bird is flipped in his direction and he smiles wider. You can tell someone's got more alcohol in their system.
"Now, Y/N, you ready for one last hurrah before a hangover and drive back home?"
"You're speaking my language, Deacy. I'll meet you at the ballroom, okay? Not really digging the uniform look at the minute, you know?"
"Don't be too late, I might be a goner by the time you arrive."
Following his lead to the bus, you and the rest of the group pile in. John walking up the steps in front of you gave you a view you didn't expect to enjoy so much. Those pants really doing him some favors. Shaking your head, you walk the few steps up and look around for a seat. Taking the only empty one next to Freddie, you lean over to congratulate a job well done and yet another successful tour on their end. Feeling eyes on you, a look over shows a poofy haired bassist waving at you once he has your attention. Waving back and turning back to Freddie, you can tell he has a question burning his tongue.
"You and John sure have gotten close over this tour."
"I guess so, yeah."
"Playing favorites? I see how it is, dear."
You slap his shouder with a 'piss off' and a cackle on his end.
"Are you still mad about the scrabble match the other week, Fred? Don't break up the Y/LN and Deacon dream team."
The last night in France ended with drama and an almost scratched cornea as scrabble pieces went flying. Deciding since Jim was present that night, even teams could be made. Brian and Roger, Fred and Jim, then you and John teamed up and no one's surprise, Freddie's normal strategy of adding one tile to make a bigger word didn't work out in his favor. What did come as a surprise was Brian and Roger not taking the win that night. Tempers flared as you and John danced about. When turned, you couldn't see the rogue piece flying your way. Luckily you blinked in time to save you from a more serious injury. 
"Please, I'm not mad over a silly fucking game."
"Yeah, one that nearly took out my eye!"
He rolled his eyes but smiled regardless of what he's trying to front. Pulling up to the hotel, you grab your luggage and is soon presented the key to your room. Not wanting to deal with an overly drunk John Deacon, you slightly rush to get ready. After party outfits normally consisted of a tank top, shorts and sneakers but considering it's the last one, you go more formal. Feeling very gussied up in heels you never thought you would wear at all this tour and a dress, you turn to the bathroom with your makeup bag is tow. What you already had on was fine but needed a touch up. Looking over your appearance and adjusting oddly fitting sections, you deem yourself offically ready. However feeling slightly over dressed and maybe showing more than what you're used to but hell, it's August. Realizing that it wasn't too late to call Tom, you dial the number that's branded in your brain at this point and wait for the phone to pick up. 
He sounds slightly tired but the call was quick so you didn't feel too bad about it.
"Hey, just wanted to call and say I'll be home in the next couple days!"
"Oh shit, that time already? I've already got so used to you being gone!"
You couldn't help but laugh along with him.
"We're throwing one last bash before this ends for good. Freddie's doing of course."
"Well don't let me stop you, go and have fun!"
"Love ya, Tom."
"Love ya too, Y/N."
Hanging up and taking a breath, your chest feels odd. Putting it up to just this being nearly over, you stuff your keycard in your bra, spray on one more mist of perfume. The feeling in your chest worsens as you walk into the ballroom crowded with people, nearly completely naked women servers and the sight of John sitting back and flirting with one of them while talking with Brian. Grabbing one off the nearest tray, you down it then grab another immediately. Shaking your head and walking over to the two men in question, they greet you with side hugs. 
"Where are the other two?"
"Around somewhere."
"You know I'll hear it from both of them if I don't come say hi during the party."
Brian smiles, knowing far too well how they get with you at times. 
"Regardless, cheers! Cheers to a successful tour and good friends!"
You three clink your glasses together and conversation flows. Brian talks about his plans when arriving home to the wife and kids along with possibly making plans with some actress he's a fan of. Spacing out and looking at your surroundings, the music is pulsing through your lungs with the bass pumping through the speakers. You recognize the song easily, Blue Monday filling your ears and the bass matches your heartbeat once you turn back to your friends and hear John conversing with one of the women attending the party. Watching him shift so she can sit next to him, her body pressing against his while he whispers in her ear, you're in need of a change of scenery. You finally figured out what the sinking feeling in your chest was.
"Hey Bri, care you dance?"
"Not really. Not really my kind of music, Y/N."
Batting your eyelashes in hopes of hiding how uncomfortable you are, it fails and he picks up on your body language. 
"I guess you caught me in a good mood."
Sitting up, you two walk over to the other dancing party goers and while stiff as a board, Brian tries to do something with his body.
"Is everything okay? You seemed a bit off when you came in but now I know something's up. Did you call Tom?"
"How dare you say his name?!"
"Figured it'd be safe when you see him in, what, two days?"
"I'm taking the piss and I did. He seems happy to have me back but I think something's happened."
"He's not cheating on you, is he?!"
"Oh god no! I.....I think I've developed feelings for John."
You're pretty sure if he had a drink in his hand, it would've crashed all over the floor. 
"Want to head somewhere else and talk about it?"
Taking your arm and leading you through the crowd, Brian leads you two outside. A handful of people occupy the space but mostly to get a smoke in quick before heading back in. Spacing yourself away from the others as far as possible, you and Brian sit on one of the benches. Your breathing is unsteady and worsens as you try to calm it down. He puts a hand on your knee and rubs gentle circles in hopes of doing something for your nerves.
"I'm not going to lie, Y/N, can't say I didn't exactly see it coming."
"Gee, thanks Bri. Exactly what I want to hear."
"Is this a recent development?"
Thinking back, it started in the studio. It was around the time they started recording the album and you started just watching them play behind the producer. Wasn't until you watched John lick his fingers before playing the strings on his bass again where something flickered in you.
That was almost a year ago. 
"Well, around the time you guys started recording the new album."
His eyes widened. Blinking slightly resembling that of a reptile in its speed.
"Your 'shit' is valid."
"I know! The more time I spend with him, the more I realize I really care for the guy. But I can't just up and leave Tom. I can't just...hurt him like that. He doesn't deserve it in the slightest."
You sigh, feeling tears wanting to trickle out of your eyes any second.
"But I've been finding my feelings for him fading the more I'm with John. What if I leave Tom, then what? Just go up to John and be like 'oh hey, I have some strong feelings for you. Wanna do something?'"
Brian wraps a curl around his finger, pulling as he thinks. He lets out a sigh of his own.
"Honestly, I'm going through the same thing right now with Chrissie. That actress, Anita...we've been talking and I've developed some feelings for her. Ones I haven't had with Chrissie in a while, now. I have a wife and kids but should I persue this?"
You give him a sympathetic look.
"We're fucked, aren't we?"
"Maybe a little bit. But at least you're not married."
You look at each other in solidarity. Knowing each other's struggles far too well. He brings up the fair point that you aren't married. You also think back to how things were before you left for tour and it wasn't the best. You missed Tom, you really did. But was the passion there like it was previously? Not especially. Sometimes it just felt more like a friends with benefits situation rather than a full blown relationship lasting three years. 
"You know what? I'm going for it."
"Positive, love?"
"I think so." 
Sitting up and brushing off your dress, Brian stands with you.
"I think I might have a talk with Anita and go from there on how to do this. Chrissie doesn't deserve being left for another woman but sometimes people outgrow each other. Relationships evolves and sometimes they become stagnant."
Walking back to your previous place inside, you're greeted with the sight of the woman gone and replaced with Freddie and Roger. Bending down and asking a quick 'Can we talk?' to John, you two head over to the hallway. You're shaking and can't look him in the eye. Trying to get your sights on him, he lifts a hand to your chin, using a few fingers to guide your sights towards him.
"You're scaring me a bit. Did something happen, love?"
There is not enough alcohol in your system to make this easier.
"I was talking with Brian and came to some conclusions that have been....cloudy for a little while now."
His eyebrows are furrowed together in concern, he's never seen you like this. Nervous was normal in aspects of your job but like this is completely uncharted territory for him. Not knowing how to tread the waters, he takes the hand that was on your chin and rubs your upper arm. 
"You can talk to me. You know that, right?"
You swallow, feeling like you're nearly choking on air. 
"John I...god..."
Before you could mutter even something resembling a syllable, you hear John's name being called. Turning your head slightly to see it's the woman he was flirting with earlier, danging her bag in front of her.
"Finally remembered where I put the damned thing. You ready to go, Johnny?"
You want to vomit on the spot but knowing if you would, it would be Exorcist levels in the amount purged. Your eyes threaten to release the waterworks and you look up to put the tears back in their place. Beginning to walk away, you feel a grip on your shoulder.
"Sorry but my friend here is going through something. Raincheck, yeah?"
Obviously very annoyed, her eye roll was puntuated with her heels clicking away. He looks over at you and immediately notices tears running down your cheeks. Wiping them away, he leads you out of this area of the hotel and back to his room. Turning the key, your heart beats to the point where it leaves you breathless. He leads you inside and onto the bed but before you get to talk, he doesn't sit quite yet. Grabbing the unwrapped toilet paper roll from the bathroom, he hands it to you then sits down at your side. 
"What's going on, Y/N?"
As he rubs your arm again like he did in the hallway, your brain struggles but comes up with some sort of coherent sentence to present.
"I think Tom and I might be over."
He blinks at you, much in the same fashion as Brian had. But before you knew it, he wrapped you in a hug. His head on your shoulders and hand smoothing over your back. He says your name softly followed by an 'I'm so sorry'. Staying like until the tears stop flowing, he peels away from you. You wipe away your tears, noticing your mascara has somehow held up. 
"I...I don't mean to pry but, well, what happened?"
The question you were dreading but this band-aid needs to be ripped off.
"I realized we've sort of...grown apart. Also..damn, not again.." as you rip off a piece of toilet paper and dab your eyes. Catching your breath took a minute but you finally get their in due time. With a sigh, you finally let it out.
"I've developed feelings for another person."
Watching him with blurry eyes didn't give you the opportunity to see his shoulders drop slightly or lips tighten.
"They're incredibly lucky to have caught your attention, Y/N."
"I think I'm lucky to have met them is a better statement. He's really great."
You sigh again and finally clear your vision. His expression is hard to read. Almost, seeming disappointed but that's probably your imagination trying to cope with rejection. Rejection that hasn't happened yet.
"I'm sure he is."
He moves away from you and grabs the television remote, flipping through channels until one catches his eye. Sitting back beside you, he looks back at you.
"Sorry, felt like background noise might've been welcome."
"Maybe a bit, yeah. Do you want to hear about him?"
"Am I going to have a choice in the matter? You're destined to bring him up."
"Guess you're right. But you're...already quite familiar with him already."
"It's not Brian, is it? I know you two talk or maybe.." This time putting in air quotes around "Talk". 
This time it's your turn to be stunned.
"No! I asked him advice about this guy. So, well...he's a bass player for a pretty well known group, I'm a pretty big fan of his work and writes some absolutely amazing tracks. Some may say he's had some questionable hair choices but I'm a big fan. Also he has these...gorgeous green eyes."
"Is it Paul McCartney?! I know you met him during Live Aid but damn, Y/N. Linda would kick your ass."
"It's not Paul McCartney you dumbass!"
A laugh erupts from you, making him laugh along with you. He dodges the slap on his arm but moving up the bed, sitting up against the headboard. You mirror him, eyes on the television screen. A comfortable silence washes over the room, the soft hum of the air conditioner adds background noise with the show playing before you. Seconds turn into minutes. Minutes turn into almost an hour of contemplation. Should you say something? You've grown close to him this past year, even closer this past month. He's one of your few confidants, a dear source of comfort. Possibly never seeing his smile again gives you literal heartbreak. But what if the risk is worth the reward? What if he views you in that way as well and you're just overreacting? Doubtful but not completely out of the realm of possibility.
It's when it turns into an hour and fifteen minutes when John starts yawning. If you wait, you'll never do it. You'll lose all nerve. You mutter a 'fuck it' under your breath.
"It's you."
He slowly turns his head in your direction. 
"What was that? I was zoned out for a while, there."
"The guy I was talking about....it's, well...."
You can do this, you just did it. Come on.
"It's you, John Richard Deacon."
You've never seen someone's eyes go that big in your life. His jaw goes slightly slack as he just looks at you. You see his eyes dart around every point on your face. Before you can even start registering what's happening, His lips assault you. Kisses on your forehead, kisses on your nose, kisses on your cheeks, kisses on your jaw but finally he reaches your lips. One hand laces its fingers in your hair, the other placed just below your jaw. Your breath is completely and utterly taken away and when he pulls away, lips swollen, your chest fills. What fills your heart to capacity is him whispering.
"I've been waiting, Y/N....I've been waiting for that moment when you say the words I couldn't say."
May formatting it to be tumblr friendly to read pay off and if you read this, you are a sweet cherub angel and I love you a little bit. Also damn, my first fic published on Tumblr, they grow up so fast. 
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Home - Part 11
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While Bucky was bathing the girls and getting them ready for bed Steve and I were cleaning up the kitchen. I was stood at the sink arms buried in soapy water as i scrubbed the pans before passing them to Steve to dry.
"So things with you and Bucky must be good?" Steve said smirking.
"Yeah things are great actually Steve"
"Im glad, i like seeing him happy again. You know your the first woman his been with since Olivia"
"Olivia was his wife right?"
"Yeah, you guys spoken about her?"
I shook my head at Steves question.
"Not really. He doesn't like to talk about her, his mentioned her a handful of times but nothing major"
"They were going through a rough patch when she fell pregnant with Rosie, they hadn't planned on having her.... Buck had even said they were considering a divorce. But once they found out about Rosie they agreed to try again"
"I didn't know that, all i really know is she passed while having Rosie"
"Yeah it was an awful time. Since Olivia though Bucky hasn't dated at all. All his time goes into work and the girls. I'm glad he has you in his life. His been more like the Bucky i used to know and I've missed him" Steve said with a smile "you've been amazing to all of them Y/N"
"I haven't really done anything Steve..."
"You've done more than you know"
"I'll take your word on that" i chuckled quietly passing him the last of the pots to dry "i feel like I've brought nothing but drama to his life, Ms Harper acting up because she's a jealous bitch, my asshole of an ex husband showing up and now Chloe....." i sigh "i cant help but think he'd be better off with me out of the picture"
"You kidding?? He'd be devastated if he lost you"
"Don't worry I'm not planning on going anywhere. There's no way id be able to leave him and the girls.... or you" i added smiling at him "but it doesn't stop me wondering"
"Things will calm down sweetheart, i promise".
A knock at the door made us both look towards the front door, it was just after 8pm and we wasn't expecting visitors.
"Stay here, i'll get it" Steve said before making his way to the front door.
He reappeared moments later with another man walking behind him.
"Y/N this is Sam Wilson, his the one who's been looking for Jack. Sam this is our lovely Y/N" Steve introduced us.
"Its real nice to meet you Y/N, i just wish it was under better circumstances"
"You too Sam, thank you for helping with this Jack thing"
"Hey anything i can do to get this scum bag, i'll do it. Bucky told me all about everything that happened, i can't believe no one would help you before"
"No one seemed to care" i shrugged "Jack's got friends in high places"
"Don't worry, when we find him he wont stand a chance by the time we're done with him"
"Still can't find him then huh?"
"Not yet, but we will"
"Rosie! Rosie get your butt back in here" Bucky was suddenly shouting before a naked wet Rosie came running through the living room and diving at me.
"Well hello to you too Miss Rosie" i laughed picking her up "Be right back" i told Steve and Sam before taking Rosie back upstairs.
"Returning one naked child" i laughed grabbing a towel and wrapping it around Rosie. Looking around i noticed the bathroom was soaked and so was Bucky "What the hell happened in here?" I laughed looking down at Bucky who looked exhausted.
"I forgot how chaotic it is bathing 3 children is what happened here. Brooklyn insisted on wearing her bathing suit, Allie and Rosie just kept fighting and splashing..... Brooke has gone to get herself ready for bed, i got Rosie out the tub.... by the time i had Allie out Rosie had done a runner!!"
"Yeah you gotta be quick Buck" i couldnt help but laugh at the look on his face.
"It never used to be this difficult"
"Awww poor baby" i cooed at him "go get changed i'll sort Rosie and Allie out and check on Brooke"
"No its fine i can do it...."
"I know you can, but Steve's downstairs with Sam you should go down"
"Has he found Jack?"
"Not yet. Go get changed we wont be too long".
As Bucky passed he leant down to press a quick kiss to my lips "your the best".
Once the girls were dried and dressed in their pyjamas i quickly dried their hair and braided it to keep it as neat as possible.
"Lets go downstairs and say goodnight"
Brooke and Allie ran downstairs (still too lively for this time of night) while Rosie was already cuddled up in my arms falling asleep.
"Their they are!" I heard Sam say before the girls started shouting excitedly for their Uncle Sam.
"One down, two to go" Bucky said smiling at Rosie asleep in my arms.
"She's always the first down" i smiled stroking my hand up and down her back. Bucky reached for my hand and pulled me and Rosie down into his lap.
"Hey Buck you gonna get the beers or what?" Steve said from one of the sofa's where Allie was now jumping on him.
"Ive got my hands full here you punk"
"Oh i see that" Steve smirked like the little shit he was.
"go get it yourself you normally do" Bucky laughed at his friend.
"Fine! I'll get them".
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Bucky's POV
Y/N was fast asleep in my lap still holding onto Rosie, i couldn't help but smile down at the woman in my arms.
It was crazy how easily she fit into our lives, it felt like she'd always been here with us.
"Look at him Sam, have you ever seen him so loved up?" Steve teased nudging Sam making him laugh.
"Honestly? No!" He shook his head smiling over at me and Y/N.
"Shut up!" I mumbled at my friends rolling my eyes feeling myself blush.
"Its nothing to be embarrassed about Buck, its a good look on you. You look happy, truly happy"
"I am, i forgot what it felt like to have someone in my life like this. I can't even remember it ever feeling like this with Olivia. I mean, i loved her of course i did... we had the girls.... but it was never this easy" i said looking down at Y/N again "its just so natural with her, even before we admitted how we felt about eachother"
"Just dont mess it up Buck, she's one of the good ones" Steve said shifting in his seat before he started picking the label on his beer bottle.
"I won't"
"Now we just gotta find her dick of an ex husband" Steve grumbled.
"You got that right. Sam, you haven't found anything?"
"Well he had been staying at the Palmdale Hotel but he stopped showing up there after the incident at the store. So he must know we're looking for him, maybe he left town.... we haven't found any trace of him still being here Buck"
"Maybe, he wont stay gone for long though. The guy is hellbent on getting her back"
"He won't get near her dont worry, even if it means one of us is with her at all times" Steve added finishing the rest of his beer and putting the empty bottle on the table.
"Yeah I'm sure she'll love that" i shook my head, i could just imagine how she would react to having one of us 'babysitting' her 24/7 until Jack was dealt with.
"Well she'll just have to deal with it"
"I'll keep looking too, any sign i'll let you know" Sam nodded "she gonna be staying here with you until we find Jack?"
"Yeah, i wanna make sure she's safe".
"Thats probably best, well i should get home before Wanda starts calling me wondering where i am" Sam laughed as he got up from the sofa "you need anything call me"
"Thanks Sam, you and Wanda should come by for dinner this weekend if your free?"
"Yeah sounds good Buck"
"I'll walk you out" Steve told him following him to the front door leaving me alone with my sleeping girls.
"Hey doll" i said quietly stroking her arm "wake up, lets get you to bed".
Her eyes fluttered open and she just stared at me as a smile spread on her face.
"Hey baby, you ready for bed?"
"Mmmmm, best get the girls to bed first though. Steve and Sam gone?"
"Steve's just seeing Sam out, he'll probably crash in the guest room its getting late and his had a couple of beers"
"Okay" she leant forward and pressed a kiss to my lips before getting up from my lap with Rosie.
"I'll take Rosie up, you okay with Brooke and Allie?"
"Yeah, i'll be up in a minute" i smiled as i watched her leave the room.
"You need a hand with the girls?" Steve offered coming back in.
"Yeah thanks, you take one i'll get the other. You staying?"
"If thats okay"
"Of course it is" i nodded with a smile to Steve as he picked up Allie who was closest to him and took her up, i picked up Brooke and headed towards the stairs turning off the lights as i went, setting the alarm and making sure the front door was locked before i went up. After putting the girls in their beds i said goodnight to Steve and headed for my room where i knew Y/N would be waiting for me and i couldn't wait to have her in my arms.
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168 notes · View notes
satans-helper · 4 years
Bossy Brat
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Pairing: Rick Savage x Joe Elliott
Word Count: ~5000
Warnings: dom!Sav x sub!Joe; oral sex; fingering; rimming; unprotected penetrative sex. 18+ 
Written as a gift for whitelightning625, as part of 2020's A Very Kinky Rockfic Ficmas Fest. The prompt was 'Joe Elliott,Rick Savage (Def Leppard,Def Leppard): Joe is being a little bitch and Sav makes him pay (pyromania era please).'
Thanks to @cominunderfire​ for the gif! 
Joe’s hair, which was getting perpetually lighter with each passing day, or so it seemed, shook and caught the light as he tossed his head and started to saunter away. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore, Sav.” He turned his cheek to shoot a look back, tourmaline-green eyes narrowed slightly: “Let’s just move on, alright?”
Sav wasn’t so willing to give up the fight that easily. Fight was maybe more of an overstatement but, whatever it was, he was pissed. What had started as a tiny tiff had morphed into Joe being passive-aggressive and arrogant, then Joe literally turning his back on him. It was such a stupid thing, Joe and him arguing about changing the set-list for the next night. Sav didn’t want to, but Joe did, and they couldn’t come to an agreement--usually one or the other would relent willingly and arms would be thrown around one another, and they’d laugh at their mutual stubbornness. Not today, and Sav was chalking it up to the full moon maybe, or exhaustion, or maybe Joe just needed to eat something. But he was tired of the bickering and even more tired of Joe acting like a prissy brat about it. 
Sav had hoped that things would change after dinner, with at least Joe being satiated to some extent by a good meal, but back in their shared room he was only met with the same attitude and passive-aggressiveness that he’d been dealing with all afternoon and evening. All over Sav wanting to keep the set-list the same--it was a joke! God forbid anyone but Joe be the one to call the shots. Sav thought, quite defiantly, that they were way too young to be bickering like an old married couple. 
“How long are you going to take, Joe?” Sav asked, rapping on the bathroom door. The shower wasn’t running anymore--Joe was probably standing stark naked in front of the mirror, inspecting himself, towel-drying his hair, and Sav wanted to use whatever hot water was left and get 10 minutes to himself. He was starting to regret sharing a room.
The door suddenly swung open and Sav nearly fell forward into Joe’s glistening half-naked body. The white towel low on his hips was the only covering and it was then, bare-chested and underneath the stark white bathroom lights, that Sav could see the slight tan lines around his shoulders, although his skin was almost uniform in its pale honey color, no doubt mostly owed to that well-loved Union Jack tank top that never seemed to come off these days. Despite Sav’s irritation, his gaze was slowly trailing up Joe’s body, starting at the slim hips and taut stomach, eyes moving up along the slight vertical indent of his torso, across his chest with the smattering of hair to those shoulders, more defined and visibly stronger than they’d been even a year prior. 
Joe was growing up--they all were--but the snarky sneer on his face as Sav’s eyes met his was so impetuous that Sav was tempted to grab him by the hair and toss him out of the way.
Instead, Joe bowed out of the way himself and swept an arm toward the free bathroom. “It’s all yours, your majesty.”
Oh, Sav was starting to fume. He gritted his teeth but couldn’t stop what quickly came out of his mouth, though he realized it could have been far worse: “You’re joking, right? You’re the one who’s been acting like a royal bitch all day.”
Joe scoffed, tossing his head back. “I already told you we can do it your way, Sav, since you won’t let it go. What else do you want me to say?”
“Oh, because clearly that’s what you really want, is it? My way?” Sav stepped forward, the idea of taking a relaxing shower thrown out the window. “And yet you’ve been giving me an attitude all day, ignoring me, acting like a spoiled brat.” When Joe turned back to face him, Sav threw his hands up, exasperated, but stared him down as best he could. “Fine, let’s change it for tomorrow night. Even though you know I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to.” 
Joe stood his ground, crossing his arms over his chest. “No. We’ll keep it, seeing as how hell-bent you are on that. He dropped his arms and sighed, turning away again to move toward his luggage at the foot of his bed. "It’s not a big thing, Sav.”
Sav wouldn’t relent. He was too pissed off then, the irritation prickling through his veins like thorns. He strutted over and grabbed Joe’s arm before he could unzip the bag: “Really?” he hissed, making Joe look at him. Even with Sav needing to peer up at him, Sav wasn’t going to go down like that. Quite the contrary. “Because you’re making it seem like quite a ‘big thing,’ Joe.” 
“Jesus, Sav, will you give it a rest?” Joe nearly shouted, tearing his arm away. 
Sav grabbed both of his arms that time, sliding his hands down to his wrists and holding on firm. “Not until you apologize,” he said, and started to shove Joe back against the wall. Even with the added height and weight, it didn’t take all that much to move him, and even realizing just that made Sav more determined to get some payback. It’d been a while since they fooled around, and maybe that’s what he needed in order to put out the fire, not a hot shower.
Joe snorted and turned his nose up at him even as he was backed up flush against the white wall. “Apologize?”
“I’m not going to say it again,” Sav warned, quickly pinning Joe’s wrists up above his head before he could successfully wiggle away. He leaned in close, the tip of his nose nearly brushing over Joe’s cheek, breathing in the scent of clean, fresh soap. “And I don’t think words will be enough.” 
“Drama queen.” Joe tried to tug his wrists down but Sav held them up and pressed them back against the wall harder, then shoved his knee between Joe’s legs, brushing up against his groin only protected by the white cotton towel. 
Sav took his knee back down as quickly as he’d put it up. “Why am I giving you more attention?” he mused, looking at him head-on again. “Don’t you get enough? Didn’t you get enough today with all of your bloody attitude?” 
“Sav, you’re acting deranged,” Joe said matter-of-factly, almost looking bored despite being pinned to the wall. 
Sav yanked Joe’s wrists down and tugged him forward, backing himself up against the edge of Joe’s bed. When he freed Joe’s wrists to start to unbutton and unzip his jeans, Joe finally looked caught off guard. “I said words wouldn’t be enough, didn’t I?” Sav reminded him and grabbed Joe’s hands to replace his own. Joe’s fingers remained still at Sav’s open fly, but Sav saw the faintest twitch in both Joe’s thumbs, just barely brushing over the teeth of the undone zipper. 
Joe grimaced, looking at Sav’s crotch and not his eyes, but pulled Sav’s jeans down to the middle of his thighs nonetheless. “Fine. Have it your way, Sav.” He pressed one palm against Sav’s hip. “Sit down.”
Sav gripped Joe’s shoulder and shoved him down, successfully making him falter for a moment, one knee buckling. “No, Joe. You get down,” he commanded, and saw Joe grimace again but still, he complied. Sav exhaled slowly as he watched Joe sink down to his knees, his hands gripping Sav’s thighs for support, green eyes flashing up at him as a watercolor hue of rose flushed over his cheeks. 
“Good,” Sav affirmed, heat rising from his groin, up through his torso and into his own cheeks, and reached down to run his fingers through Joe’s damp hair. Joe glared up at him, easing down the waistband of Sav’s briefs, and Sav smirked triumphantly. “In fact, this is the best you’ve been all day. Is it so hard to be compliant?” 
“Just watch out, Sav,” Joe said as Sav’s half-hard dick sprang free. “I have teeth.”
Sav curled his fingers in Joe’s hair and yanked upward. “You’d be smart not to even try that.” At Joe’s wince, he relinquished his tight grip but added, a little more delicately, “I’m serious--you owe me.”
“Whatever you say, your majesty,” Joe sneered back but Sav let that fly because then Joe’s soft lips were wrapping around the head of his cock and his balls were being gently fondled. Sav staggered back a bit and wrapped his fingers tighter in Joe’s hair for leverage, and he got a soft grunt of a response from down below; Joe’s tongue slid over Sav’s tiny, wet slit and then he was fully erect and pulsing, and Sav let his hips jolt forward an inch into Joe’s face.
“Actions, not words, Joe,” Sav gritted out, yanking on Joe’s hair again, making him take half of his cock at once. Joe could play it like he didn’t like sucking Sav off all that much, or maybe he actually lacked confidence (if only), but whenever Joe actually got to his knees or pivoted himself between Sav’s legs, he took that dick down like it was the only job he had, like it was the only job he ever wanted to have. What pissed Sav off about it, really was that it was like Joe didn’t even need to try--he just loosened his jaw, suctioned his tongue against the warm skin, and sucked, slurped and drooled like his life depended on it.
Even when he was acting pissy, like right now, and giving Sav a sour look from below with just his eyes. Sav didn’t need Joe to show that he was into it--after all, this was a punishment of sorts--and Joe’s livid technique revealed all anyway. 
His hand cupping Sav’s balls shot to the side, gripping his thigh tight as he was pushed down even further; Joe choked and Sav felt the wave of saliva inside his mouth, coating his cock and slicking Joe’s lips, but held steady. Joe allowed Sav’s hold in his hair to tighten and allowed his cock to slide further and further back against his tongue, teasing his throat, but his eyes dropped down, closing as Sav thrust forward once.
Sav threaded his fingers through Joe’s hair, pushing it back, yanking it in the process. “Look up,” he said and Joe did, the hand clamped around Sav’s thigh like a vice. Sav’s heart was thumping hard and fast--Joe really did look great like that, all flushed and finally dismantled, no longer the picture of macho stoicism. It felt amazing too, all that wetness and heat tight around him, and Joe didn’t stop sliding his tongue around him and sucking as Sav addressed him again: “Are you going to stop being a brat?”
Joe grabbed the base of Sav’s cock and started to remove himself, but Sav shoved him back on it: “Like I said, ‘actions not words.’”
Joe exhaled and made to roll his eyes but stopped himself. He twisted the base and sucked on the head, then nodded as he slid himself forward, swallowing as Sav’s cock went deeper and deeper. 
“Good,” Sav affirmed, letting out a long breath, both hands landing gently on the crown of Joe’s head, fingers toying and messing with his hair as he got worked over. When Joe reached one of his hands down and started to loosen the towel still around his hips, Sav pulled him back by his hair, making him yelp quietly. “No, none of that--this isn’t about what you want, remember?” 
Joe nodded again and took Sav back into his mouth, slow and concentrated. Sav held on and started to gently buck his hips, courteous enough to let Joe get used to the jolting back and forth and the cock in his mouth jutting into the back of his throat, Sav gradually giving more momentum and less care. Normally, when Joe would go down on him, he’d let him do whatever he wanted which was, much to Sav’s delight, sloppy and delicious. Now, however, Sav was way past letting Joe get his way--again. 
It was only when saliva started to dribble down Joe’s chin, Sav’s balls and onto the floor, and only when Joe gagged squeezed his eyes shut, that Sav started to wind back down. He pet Joe’s hair and slowed his hips, groaned quietly as all that saliva coated and soaked his erection and Joe was bold enough to pull back, drag his tongue along the shaft and then suck viciously on the head; he prodded his tongue into Sav’s slit again and, when his mouth popped off, more blood swelled in Sav’s groin and his heart skipped at the sight of his shiny precum all over Joe’s lips and the tip of his tongue.
“Come on,” Sav said, reaching underneath Joe’s armpits and hoisting him up. He crashed their bodies together, nearly falling back onto the bed, and held the sides of Joe’s face as he ravaged those slick lips. Joe moaned softly when Sav slid his tongue into his mouth and his hands gripped Sav’s bare hips, one hand inching around to squeeze and caress. Sav grabbed his wrist and moved his hand to his abdomen: “You gonna help me out of these clothes?”
Joe lifted the hem of Sav’s shirt and started to bring it over his head. “You’re almost asking politely.” He tossed it aside and crouched down to pull Sav’s jeans and underwear the rest of the way off. “I think I deserve that.” 
Sav kicked his jeans away, then pulled the towel away from Joe’s body before he moved behind him and shoved him onto the bed. With a knee between his legs, Sav pushed Joe up until he was in the middle of the mattress, already trying to turn over onto his back; Sav straddled his thighs and pressed one palm between his shoulder blades to shove him down, then slapped his ass with the other hand. 
“Being bratty again, are you?” Sav said, a growl swelling in his throat. “I thought we talked about this.” 
Joe snickered. “You like it.”
 Sav slapped his ass again, hard enough to make the fair cheek strawberry-red. “Jesus, when will you ever learn to be quiet?” 
Joe grunted but otherwise gave no reaction to the slap, making Sav’s blood even hotter. “I suppose when you learn to actually give it to me like a man.”
Sav’s mouth actually fell open in shock at the remark, but his wave of insecurity was superseded by genuine frustration and he shoved Joe harder down into the mattress. He leaned down, bare torso flush with Joe’s naked back, and hissed in his ear: “You’d like that? You should have said something earlier.” He leaned back and smacked the other cheek, harder still, and Joe winced and hissed back. “Whatever--this still isn’t about what you want.”
Which was, at least partially, a lie. Sav still got even more enjoyment out of seeing Joe wiggle beneath him as he bit his lip and moaned--it was a little hard to be punitive when Joe just looked so good enjoying it. Nevertheless, it wasn’t all that often that Sav got to have the reins, and he was going to do his best to make the most of it for himself. 
With his erection planted in the gap between Joe’s spread legs, the head of Sav’s cock nudged against his taint as he hunkered down and brushed Joe’s hair away; he kissed the side of his neck before biting it. Still, Joe didn’t make a sound other than a little “mmph,” so Sav did it again, harder, until he was sure if he did it with any more vigor he’d break skin. Truthfully, Sav wanted to hear Joe back-talk, curse and get loud. Attitude or not, it was always exciting to be in bed with him (or the shower, or the tour bus, or the men’s stall) and he was so warm and inviting underneath Sav that he was already starting to forgive him. 
Sav couldn’t let Joe know that, though.
He dragged his teeth sideways along Joe’s shoulder, biting down when he finally heard the slightest whimper from him, his face buried in the comforter. Sav slowly laced his fingers through Joe’s hair at the back of his head and pulled him back, craning his neck, and watched his Adam’s apple tremble. 
“Do you think I should treat you nicely?” Sav asked, holding onto Joe’s hair as he moved down his back, running his tongue down his spine. “Despite you being such a bloody tosser today?” Joe couldn’t even answer, because Sav was already spreading his cheeks and pushing his ass up into the air; he groaned when Sav’s tongue ran up his crack, teasing enough to make him actually moan and start gripping the comforter tight. Sav dug his fingertips into Joe’s flesh--that delightful, dense combination of muscle and fat--and licked up his taint, then to what he’d found to be one of the most sensitive spots on Joe’s entire body. Joe bucked back into his face; Sav smacked his ass again but continued, warming him up with as much saliva as his tongue would allow. 
Now Joe was panting and moaning breathlessly--Sav even heard his name uttered, muffled by Joe pressing his face back into the mattress. Sav’s cock twitched at that; he reached out and grabbed Joe’s wrist, pulling him back as best he could. “Come on, I wanna hear you,” Sav said, holding that shoulder up as Joe propped himself up on his elbows. “You were ignoring me and now you can’t get enough.”
“Can never get enough of you,” Joe replied quietly, tossing his hair back. “Even when you get wicked.”
“Oh, please,” Sav said and moved his face back down, biting down into Joe’s inner thigh, teeth dangerously close to his balls. He grazed his teeth over the sac and felt Joe freeze. “It’s always your way, Joe. Always what you want. You’re always the one commandeering.” He licked through his crack again and Joe sighed. “Not now.” 
Sav kept his fingertips taut, digging in and keeping Joe spread, as the deliberate movements of his tongue made him tremble and moan. The lack of attention to Sav himself was starting to become physically torturous but mentally, he was invested in making Joe beg for mercy--to beg Sav to finally fuck him, and apparently fuck him “like a man.” 
So he kept lapping his tongue over him, kept kneading his cheeks, and eventually Joe huffed out: “You really are such a bitch sometimes.”
Immediately, Sav stopped. Ignoring the dire need to slam into Joe right then, he crawled up his backside, making him press himself back down into the bed. “Oh, really?” Sav reached around and cradled his throat in his left hand, the right cupping his jaw, tilting his head back. He slid two fingers into Joe’s mouth and felt him swallow as he slicked them over with his tongue. “Doesn’t matter, because you’re my bitch right now.”
Once again, Sav stole away Joe’s possible rebuttal when he reached down and slid one of those slick fingers inside; Joe’s back arched beneath him and he swallowed again, and Sav held his neck up when he tried to let his head drop forward. 
“I’m being nice and getting you ready,” Sav said in Joe’s ear, nipping at the lobe, and pulling out just to slide two fingers back inside, the feeling of those impossibly tight, velvety walls so unnervingly alluring. “You should be thanking me.” 
Joe only gasped in response; Sav smirked to himself and rubbed his crotch into his lower back, then wiggled the tip of his fingers again. He pulled himself back, freeing Joe’s neck and moving that hand down to grasp his hip, watching his own actions and listening to Joe try and stifle his moans. When Joe pushed back on his fingers, Sav pulled them out and smacked his ass again, both cheeks flush and warm to the touch. 
“Turn over,” he ordered, and got off the bed, his weeping, impatient erection jutting straight out. He watched Joe roll over onto his back, hook his arms behind his head and bring one knee up; too casual, Sav thought, but went into Joe’s bag to get the bottle of lube anyway, and way too comfortable. 
Lube in hand, Sav crawled over Joe and went straight for his cock, still only half-hard. “I suppose I should’ve given this more attention, hm?” he taunted, stroking it, nudging Joe’s knee down with his elbow. Joe’s arms moved from behind his head to encircle Sav’s shoulders, his lips parted as he tried to pull Sav down into a kiss. Sav allowed Joe to bring him down but kept their mouths apart, the tips of their noses only half an inch from touching; he ran his thumb over Joe’s slit as he twisted his hand and Joe let out a little grunt from the base of his throat. 
“You want me to kiss you?” Sav asked, feeling tempted himself. Joe’s cupid’s bow was shining with saliva and his lips were plush and pink, and those waiting, silently eager green eyes above were a perpetual taunt in Sav’s vision.
Joe gently held onto Sav’s nape, fingertips brushing over his hairline. “Yes, Sav, Jesus,” he huffed, tilting his head and licking his lips.
He was too hard and needy, shoved up against Joe’s right hip, and Joe was rock-solid in Sav’s palm; Sav gave in and ducked down through the last half-inch of air, pressing his lips to Joe’s softly at first, just softly enough to elicit a little, almost dainty moan from Joe. When Joe tried to take the lead, Sav fought it--he scraped the tips of his teeth down Joe’s tongue and then caught his bottom lip, nibbling on it before pulling it, even more turned on by Joe wincing and grabbing at Sav’s hair. 
Sav shook his head and retreated when Joe’s teeth managed to bite into his lip. “Mm-mm--no,” he warned, opening his eyes again to see the green of Joe’s irises as clear and as blazing as ever. Sav leaned back and grabbed Joe’s right leg, hooking it around his waist, the firmness of his inner thigh pressed against Sav’s sharp hip bone; he grabbed the lube and squeezed it right over his erection, wrapping his hand around it to get it slick and ready. Joe pulled Sav in with his leg, Sav’s lubed up dick rubbing all over his own crotch until Sav dug his fingers into Joe’s thigh and pushed it back, lined himself up, and started to inch his way inside.
So tight--Sav couldn’t stop himself from closing his eyes and just reveling in the heat all around him, Joe’s warm body snug around his cock and around his entire frame, those long, strong legs wrapping themselves around Sav’s waist and his normally commanding hands gripping Sav’s upper arms desperately. Stamina was what Sav needed--and what he usually had plenty of--but Joe inviting Sav, begging him, really, in like that already had his cock pounding inside him. He felt frozen for a moment, eyes still closed as he tried to get his bearings, and then Joe spoke:
“Am I gonna get it anytime soon or what?”
His tone was a little gruff but there was still an underlying neediness to it, something Joe was, apparently, incapable of covering up because he wanted Sav THAT bad. Flattered but unwilling to take anymore of that brattiness, Sav shoved all the way in fast, folded Joe’s legs on either side of himself and leaned over him; he covered Joe’s mouth with his palm and watched the green eyes widen, and felt the slight bit of warm sweat on Joe’s upper lip.
“You really need to learn when it’s time to stop talking,” Sav said. He held tight onto Joe’s leg as he started to thrust and held his palm firm over his mouth, Joe breathing heavily beneath him. He wasn’t given much time to acclimate before Sav was pushing in as hard as he could, lifting Joe’s ass right up and drilling into him fast and steady.
Joe whimpered beneath his palm; Sav slid his hand to the side of his jaw, slipping two fingers into his mouth and, without any instigation, Joe licked at and sucked on them while his cheeks grew nearly as hot as Sav’s lust. 
“You never let me do this,” Sav panted out, tearing his fingers from Joe’s mouth to grab his jaw and hold him steady, make Joe keep his eyes on him. “But I bet you’re enjoying it so much, you’ll be begging for it again and again.”
The flicker in Joe’s eyes looked as though he’d try to refute that, but Sav’s hand moving down to his throat only made him whine. He squeezed Sav’s biceps; Sav dug his nails into the thigh he was fastened against, then hooked his arm through the other and pushed them back, folding himself into Joe and shoving his face through the long, dirty blonde hair and against his neck. 
Joe’s fingers gripped Sav’s hair and he let out a low “fuck” as Sav bit his neck, merciless and unhinged. Sav bit and licked, then moved his lips along just to do it in a new spot, not conscious of his wanting to mark Joe for days on end but, inside, something more primal had laid in wait for so long that it was surging out of him finally. The noises they were both making--Sav growling as he bit and sucked on Joe’s sensitive skin, Joe’s moans sounding from deep in his chest and then high in his throat--were animalistic and no doubt creeping through the walls of their room. Sav was, on some level, proud of that.
He felt Joe’s cock hard and hot against his belly, the precum warm and slippery as it leaked over his skin, and Sav’s own cock inside Joe was so close to giving in, but Sav refused to be the first. He planted a sloppy kiss on Joe’s mouth and then shot straight back, grabbing Joe’s cock before he even had time to blink.
“Gonna give it to me?” Sav asked, his tone more urgent than he would have liked, but if Joe could tell he was about to fall apart, he didn’t show it--he looked at Sav like he was marveling at the entire universe, eyes wide and never breaking away, his hands reaching out to grope at him again. Sav gave another hard, dense shove between Joe’s thighs: “Gonna come all over yourself?” He twisted his hand, felt the vines pulsing in his palm and beneath his fingers, and rocked into Joe again. “Or should I make you beg for it first?”
Joe arched his back and grabbed onto the hand that had returned to his thigh. “No.”
Sav felt he couldn’t take much more, but he was going to try. “No? Well then.” He took his hand away from Joe’s cock and was met with furious, desperate hands clawing at him, trying to pull him down, trying to get Sav to start stroking him again. There was hope in Joe’s eyes when one of Sav’s hands moved toward him again, but he only wrapped it around his throat again, Joe’s pulse against his thumb and his Adam’s apple against his palm. 
“Fuck--” Joe groaned, and Sav really thought the next word out of his mouth would be “you” but instead it was a shockingly pitiful “please.” 
Fuck, alright. Sav dutifully returned his attention to Joe’s cock--he honed in on the fluttering and pulsing, the impossible heat rising from the base to the tip, and felt his own orgasm growing in sync. Joe cursed again and threw one arm out, fingers clutching at the sheets, and shot all over his own abdomen; Sav was right on his heels, pounding into him in such a way he thought he might find bruises on his own hips later on, and released right into Joe’s quivering, wanton body. 
Sav let himself collapse on top of him and grabbed Joe’s jaw again, turning him to face each other, and kissed him. Joe’s arms cradled him and one leg wrapped around the backs of Sav’s thighs and, upon their making out, Sav really realized how much he just loved kissing Joe like that--right after orgasm, when they were both cloudy-headed and open and as close as two people could be with one another, literally. 
Slowly Sav pulled out and flopped onto his side. He reached an arm over Joe’s chest and brought their mouths together again, the kisses slow, deep and wet; Joe caressed the side of Sav’s face, fingertips tracing his eyebrow, his cheekbone, the corner of his mouth. 
When they broke apart, Joe blinked slowly and continued to stroke Sav’s face. “You really don’t want to change the setlist?”
“No.” Sav took in the sight of the cherry and plum colored bruises already painted over Joe’s neck. “You didn’t learn your lesson?”
Joe bit his lip, smirked. “It was a fine lesson, Sav. And alright, for fuck’s sake--we won’t change it.”
Sav gave him a quick kiss and started to move off the bed. “Good.”
Joe lunged across the mattress and pulled him back. “Where do you think you’re going? You’re gonna sleep in my bed with me after a pounding like that.” Sav smiled as Joe got on his knees beside him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, ducked his head to nuzzle his shoulder. “I won’t beg for it,” he said. “Just do it.”
Sav rolled his eyes. “You really are bossy, Joe.”
Joe nipped his shoulder. “You should be used to it by now.” 
He may have been forever bossy, but Joe was also the only person Sav would let completely swaddle him; all their long limbs woven together, Joe’s warm chest pressed against Sav’s back with neither one caring about the drying jizz between them. On the verge of sleep, Sav hoped he didn’t actually smack Joe’s ass too hard or bite him too mercilessly, but then Joe brushed his lips against the back of his neck. “I’ll tell you right now, Sav,” he whispered. “I’ll be asking for that again sometime.”
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blankdblank · 4 years
Next Caller Pt 30
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On your phone you got the half hour warning that your chair was arriving at your home and you couldn’t help but make a quick stop first before going home. Parking in the lot you hurried around the building and between the random people inside still swooning and speculating what was next. Grinning upon seeing you Balin watched your easing around the counter straight for his distracted cousin’s side while he was mid grind fully unaware of your arrival yet. Wide eyed a moment at the arms latched around his middle Thorin froze and glanced down perfecting the picture perfect moment Dwalin captured on his phone, a soppy grin melting onto his face noticing it was you in your step back.
“I can’t tell you yet, but I have to go wait for my chair delivery, see you in a bit for the zoo.” Turning away from him you trotted to the back door heading back to your scooter to drive home again.
Looking to his cousins Thorin’s grin held as he croaked out in an awkward chuckle, “What was that?”
Balin shrugged and Dwalin said, “Must be one hell of a chair to hug you and dart off.”
Balin said, “We’ll find out in a bit. You can get a picture when you go to pick her up.” Turning back to his mixture he let his mind wander while your usual fan club were sighing at the new update to their real life romantic drama.
Inside your garage again you were sealed and from there you hurried to remind the birds of your guests coming. It wasn’t long after when the truck arrived and a pair of men unloaded the chair that they wheeled to the front door then had to lift and carry through the house to your study behind you. While they carried it you held the tablet you had signed for the delivery with and at the desk you grinned at the pair guiding them back out thanking them after passing the tablet back. With their cart they went back to their truck hoping to get an early start on their next stop which was taking up most of what remained in their truck. Hurrying out the door you checked your mail finding a couple letters from children of one of your friends excited to show off pictures they had drawn of their garden you enjoyed swinging in with them on visits.
Back to your study you went and added the pictures to a cubby with more you were going to hang somewhere then turned to trot over to your chair. Grinning madly you sat on the chair crossing your legs allowing you to hold your desk and turn around in a circle. A few more circles and you hopped up heading back to the front door where you smirked seeing Thorin holding a to go mug saying, “I gotta see this chair.” Roac on his shoulder took off to go greet the other Ravens before focusing on Dot.
Stepping back your grin spread and he chuckled following you back to the study where he smiled seeing the chair nearly identical to your lounge in the study along the opposite wall. “I thought it might be good to have it match the lounge, and it’s pretty comfy. It spins too.”
He chuckled and said, “Well I’m glad you splurged. You deserve it, and it does fit the style. It didn’t set you back too far?”
“No,” you said shaking your head, “I got my first trust payment, from my father’s clan. Thought I’d try to see how I felt after buying something. I’m not going crazy, probably not gonna touch it again for a while, but I’m ok.”
“That’s great to hear.” He said wetting his lips and looking you over, “About the hug?”
“I have news,” you squeaked out widening his grin again.
“Can you tell me yet?” You shook your head and he chuckled nodding his head to the side, “Come on then. Must be good news if you had to hug someone.”
“Oooh,” accepting the to go mug he offered you, “thank you.”
“The citrus one you like.”
“Nice,” you said lifting the mug for a sip while he led you to the door and watched you hang up your bag and palm your keys you pocketed after locking the house behind you.
Together in a group the Durins were waiting, mostly the men aside from Mal and Tili. After the long drive your mug was empty and in a similar short and tank top combo complete with open flannel you matched Mal and Tili. The pair of whom grouped around you and remained there on the way in after the purchase of the admission tickets by the guys at their insistence. From exhibit to exhibit you went stealing pictures with Thorin continuing to steal glances at you until he felt your poke at his side and he smirked seeing the Dik-Dik exhibit.
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Shaking his head he joined you and Mal on your way to browse through the deer and antelope breeds. Pictures were taken, including one that Dwalin took with you and Thorin in front of a close by Dik-Dik in the mini almost interactive grazing area walkway. Giraffes were next and large cats next to finish off the usual savannah dwelling creatures heading into forests and mountain animals. Frodo especially loved the lions and other large cats, while Mal went crazy loving the bear exhibit.
Before leaving around a reserved table in one of the in park restaurants your head turned to Tili as she asked, “Jaqi, weekends still free?”
After licking the last bit of sauce off your lower lip you caught her eye with a nod, “As far as I know.”
“Good,” she said with a widening grin, “You should join us this weekend.”
Mal’s smile popped wider and she nodded making you look between her and your grinning boss while Thorin grumbled around his mouthful. Frerin smiled saying, “Yes, you should definitely come see the family home. Gran and Amad have been aching to meet you.”
“I, wouldn’t want to im-,”
Tili shook her head and was joined by nearly all he guys in saying, “No imposition.”
Dwalin, “You should come, we’re all going to be away and we’d hate to leave you without your usual tea fix, Thorin’s got his own little herb garden special at the house so you’ll get his best home brews.”
“I, suppose,” you said glancing at Mal, whose hand landed on yours with an excited squeak.
Finishing lowering her glass she said, “Tomorrow, you, me, we are buying you a bikini.”
Frerin, “We do have a pool, and private lakes on the grounds.”
Tili nodded, “Plus the waterfall near the cliffs. We leave Friday night to fly out.”
Thorin by then had swallowed his mouthful and said, “Our land is a few hours drive, straddling the border of Erebor and the Grey Mountains. It’s just a forty minute flight.”
“Ok, is it another, casual thing, or..?”
Balin answered, “Strictly casual, just family. If you wanted a simple dress for dinner that would be up to you.”
Tili said, “Sundress, something far from extravagant, if you spent the whole weekend in your pj’s we wouldn’t mind, Dis probably will be showing off her sweats for most of it. Even dinners will mostly be on the back courtyard cooked on the grill no doubt.”
You nodded and lowered your gaze to your plate to slice off another bite while they bled into what you all could do there before Thorin added, “Plus, don’t worry about leaving Roac with Dot alone, he’s coming with us, wouldn’t miss the trip to see his Amad.”
A final tour of the nocturnal section was on your way out and back in his car Thorin looked you over making you say, “I know I don’t have to go. Just wondering what I’m gonna pack.”
“What you usually wear should be fine. They won’t give you a hard time.”
“Is this another Mal courting thing?”
Thorin chuckled and replied, “In a way. Mainly to allow them supervised time together on a vacation since the boys are away often.”
“So no actual buffering then?”
Again he chuckled, “No.”
Music and innocent chatting while you both un-tensed from the slightly confusing trip to the zoo you had both imagined to be far more flirtatious on your parts only to be surpassed by the snuggling trio stealing pecks and embraces where they could mostly leading you and Thorin to man their phones to capture their pictures. The clearly established relationship had taken the forefront of the focus between stops you would all shift to the toddlers to ensure they were being given ample attention as well. It was a bit hard to not be jealous but then again you really had no reason to be. There was no courtship and if one was to start it certainly wouldn’t be in that setting with that crowd all watching so intently.
Open suitcase on the bed you eyed your clothes hanging in your closet and began to add simple clothes. Jeans, shorts, socks of an ample amount along with underwear. Tank tops and t shirts with a few flannels and a sweater just in case. A couple simple dressier things were chosen, a mint sundress, collard and sleeveless, layered for sway and to add a more feminine touch to the style. With that a layered sleeveless tan polka doted top with a navy skirt to match, in case something far dressier was planned you added a simple long sleeved yellow lace layered dress with your new heels and some thigh high stockings. Grumbling to yourself as to what you might choose for a swim suit only to cover your head with your pillow mid groan hoping that you could remain calm near the pool. It had been a long time since you had swam and that was in a secluded pool with just you alone on Celeborn’s property. Either way you were invited and you couldn’t be rude and back out now. Just hoping that the pool time would be kept to a minimum and you wouldn’t be a bother to anyone by spoiling their fun.
Four bell rings in a row even had your birds peeking out of the greenhouse until you called out, “I have little legs Mal! I can only go so fast!” Hurrying from your shower in your towel to open the door. Huffing once you saw her giggling self you turned letting her in, “Just let me get dried off, you said ten.”
“It is ten.”
“Not with that clock thingy last night.”
Looking at her watch she asked, “That was last night?” Then looked up following you only to stop at the first room with new curtains, “You put up curtains!”
From you bath where you wiggled into your panties and bra and got to drying your hair you called back, “Ya, it’s slowly getting there.”
After her own tour she followed the sound of your blow dryer and smirked seeing the battle of the curls trying to keep their springy selves dripping then followed your fingers in folding a simple start to a five section braid she took your agreeing nod to jump in and help you keep it straight all the way down to the end. “I don’t know how you do it every day.”
“I don’t wash it every day, can’t or I end up looking like a sheep. One or twice a week or it gets moody.”
Giggling to herself she followed you to your bed where you pulled on your shorts and tank top with the flannel over she passed you, “Any choice on color for your bikini yet?”
“I don’t know. Used to have an orange one piece,”
“That’s what lifeguards wear.”
“Exactly,” you said sitting down to pull on your socks and tie your converse.
“You were a lifeguard?”
“Out in Lindon, part of my water therapy. Ten summers helping the lifeguards there drag people out of the swells.”
“Water ther-, oh, your ship.”
Shaking your head you stood, “I’ll be fine, I can swim, I just prefer it not to be crowded. I’ll dip my feet in, who knows they might have a lounging waterfall pool area or something I can lay in while you and your duo pounce on one another, or, whatever you kids get up to these days.”
Giggling again she says on your way back to the door after you’d pocketed your phone and wallet, “You know, sometimes I can almost forget just how old you are, until you say something like that.”
“Well it’s true, and don’t you deny you haven’t been drooling over them in their, I don’t know, trunks, speedos, lets hope that they are not the banana hammock type, I doubt I could survive that.”
Nudging you with her elbow she said, “You know you’d like to see Thorin in one.”
Looking up at her you led the way to the door you locked and grabbed your keys off the ring only to turn back to your garage saying, “If I want to see his bare ass cheeks I’d prefer him naked, not in a g string.”
“So you prefer speedo then?” she teased.
“I’m seeing more big picture, you’ve met Bombur and Gloin.”
“Oh, now why’d you-,”
“Bigger picture. As long as they’re comfy I don’t care, but I am hoping for no g strings.” Hitting the button on the wall for the garage door you walked to your bike as she eyed the paint cans, “Now where are we going?”
Smiling at you she said, “To this cute shop I know.” Trotting back to her scooter in your driveway that you pulled up to allowing you to close your door behind you.
As she readied her own scooter she watched the kids racing by who stopped to wave and greet you then dart off whispering making her look at you after the second group, “They saw my runes on the mailbox matched the ones on Bombadil.”
Again Mal giggled and said snapping her helmet on, “Finally getting the credit you’re due.” Leading the way she pulled out of the drive and you were right next to her for the whole way to a far from what you would call cute in size for the shop more like a mini mall in itself. Parked in the railed off section you crossed the crosswalk to the front entrance and passing the section of just floral wraps and sarongs you made your way down the weaving path glancing up at the fans blowing even colder air down on you the farther back you got dropping the temperature absurdly low for a swimsuit themed shop in your opinion.
“I suppose we can start in one pieces.” Looking around with pursed lips she said, “I think blue,” leading the way to the section of blue while you milled about in the silver ones just past the white ones. A few minutes past and she called out, “Find anything yet?”
Sliding them from one side to the other you replied, “Do they sell nothing but thongs?”
To that she giggled and replied, “Well you are in the thong section.”
“I am?” You said peering up at the odd symbol on the sign your head cocked at, “Oh, it’s a butt, I thought it was another non peach logo mishap.”
Turning around you strolled out of the thong section eyeing the butts becoming more covered in the logos. “Peach logo?”
“I told you about the Butt bush on the way to Rohan.”
“No you most certainly did not.” She fired back peering at you as you started to browse the silver section.
“Oh, could have sworn I did. Anyways, we get to the airport and he pulls into the ‘peach’ section for parking right in front of this butt shaped bush.” Behind her hand she snorted trying to hold back a giggle moving another suit aside, “And he said it’s a peach, but it clearly was a butt,” pulling out your pocket you found the picture and sent it to her phone only making her snort and laugh out loud when she saw it, “Butt bush.”
“That is not a peach,” she giggled out helplessly while you sighed and moved onto the black section seeing as silver just shifted to more scaly designs with absurd ruffles.
“Ooh,” That had her leaving her section to come find you.
“I heard an ooh, I want to see the ooh.” Up to your side she walked and eyed the lace cutout style panel over the middle of the black one piece. “Nice.”
Holding it up to yourself, “Does this look like it’d fit, I have sort of weird proportions.”
“That’s why I like this shop,” she said moving to the end she pulled the measuring tether she brought over to you helping to get the right size using the chart hanging on the end she read when she took the tether back. “This one should fit better. Owner is a Half Hobbit, used to having weird proportions. Yours should be on the blue hangers. I get the lilac.”
Nodding you laid the right sized one over your arm and joined her to the blue section where she eased right back to where she was then pulled out a choice of her own, “Ooh, that’s nice.”
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She nodded eyeing the more classic blue polka doted suit saying, “I like it.” Laying it over her arm she turned her head taking your free hand, “Now, bikinis.”
Eyeing the signs for how much coverage the bottoms offered you skipped the silver ruffled section and started in the red section. More towards the skimpier end showing off the bright baby blue black outlined string bikini. Nipping at her lip she trotted over to you asking, “What have you found?”
“Um,” you said eyeing a black simple shaped two piece, the top was heart shaped with two bands going diagonally across your ribs flashing a bit of skin. Matching the bottom with double bands on the sides around your hip bones. “I don’t know why but I like it. Not sure how it would look though.”
Nodding her head with a larger size she brought you to the little try on station where body models were set up. Helping you to ease the suit on over its nonexistent head you settled the suit onto it laying the bands flat across its ribs. “That would look so cute on you. Just hug you perfectly, I like the crossing for you.”
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Removing the suit you went back and grabbed the one in your size and curiously kept browsing with her close by to see if there was anything else that caught her eye. Branching into colors a neon yellow top with a similar crossing set of strips around the ribs paired with a navy blue bottom with neon yellow decorative ties on the sides. Wraps and covers were next and with a couple sarongs chosen you both headed for the registers while Mal teased her way through imagining how the boys would react to her choices. Ending at the scooters by saying, “And we all know Thorin will just scoop you up seeing your piercings on full display.”
“Oh I highly doubt that.”
“Oh yes he will, because he won’t want anyone else seeing them.”
Making you giggle and roll your eyes, “With that explanation then I expect you to be locked in a closet beside mine with that teenie bikini of yours. Though it might just be Dis locking you away,” making her giggle again. A message on your phone had you saying, “Ooh, I gotta head home, my mattresses are on their way.”
“Do you need an ally?”
“I mean, if you like. I was just gonna wash these, make some soup and sandwiches while I waited.”
“I like soup.”
With a giggle you said, “Alright, come on then.” With your bag on the dip between your legs you rode your way back to your house parking in your garage that she followed you through to your sewing cabinet to cut off the tags while she gawked at your setup.
“Where did you get this?”
Looking at her you said, “Oh, um,” looking around the cabinet you brought out the card you had tucked into one of the top compartments you handed to her, “I don’t know how to say it, but they’re pretty affordable. Had mine for centuries. Folds up into a chest and it’s light weight, fireproof and all that.” She snapped a picture of the card that you put back again then went out to your greenhouse where she saw you using the faucet in the wall to fill the small barrel that with a small bit of laundry soap Mal watched you hand lather your swimsuits. Pouring the mixture out over a couple of your planters that helped to perk up the rare plants more you refilled the barrel and rinsed off the suits while she talked about her thoughts for how the trip would go.
“I think it’ll go well, I mean everyone will be there, so all the ones from the Festival plus so many more. I think that should be-,” For a moment her eyes flinched wider feeling something brushing her cheek in Kuu’s lean over her shoulder.
In her silence you looked up saying, “You’re up late Kuu,”
“We have a delivery.”
“Yes we do. I was going to make some soup, did you want some peas before bed?”
“Yes please. I will get my bowl.” He said turning away parting Mal’s lips in his sudden vanishing after his sudden appearance while you stood to hang up your suits.
On her feet she watched you dump the final barrel of water and then lead the way to the kitchen where you washed your hands and filled the pot that you added peas to allowing that to sit. “Does he do that often?” She whispered by your ear making you smirk at her.
“Ask for peas?”
“No, the, leaning,”
“Oh, ya. Hector and his Mate do the same, I think it’s just, their thing. They like to be sneaky. Means he likes you or he’d stay away.” Mal nodded and you giggled, “You get used to it.” Turning to head to the pantry for more soup and your last loaf of bread while Kuu came in and settled his bowl on the counter and looked to Mal stepping close to her side. Adding the soup to the second pot you settled on the second lit burner saying, “It shouldn’t be that long of a stop, just leaving some mattresses. Tomorrow is the big build day. But they won’t bother you all.”
Happily he watched as you strained the peas out you poured into his bowl he carried back to his house after a big yawn. “Thank you.”
“Get some sleep.”
He walked off and she looked you over as you brought out a skillet for the sandwiches and started to slice the bread. “So when are you buying a washer and dryer?”
Smirking at her you said, “Is it crazy that I might actually like my hand washer kit?”
“Little bit,” making you giggle again, “A bit like little house on the prairie. Next I’ll see you churning your own butter.”
“Oh I don’t have the patience for that, takes hours if you do it right.”
“Is this homemade bread?” She asked and you lifted a brow at her, “This is not a criticism, that’s kind of awesome. And your soup, did you buy these?” She asked lifting the empty jar she sniffed. “This smells so good.”
“Thank you, I should have some more soon, by how my veggies look.”
“I’m gonna have a house like this one day, and you are teaching me how to make that.”
“Sure. It’s fairly simple recipe. Just jar it and you can have soup when you like.” Finishing off another grilled cheese your head turned at the doorbell sounding making you turn off the burner for the skillet.
“I got this.”
You nodded saying, “Just stir it occasionally should be back before it’s done.” Walking for the door you grinned and showed the delivery men inside. “That corner should be good.” The first man eyed the empty room and you said, “They’re installing the bunk beds tomorrow.”
Chuckling to himself he said, “Stacked should be best then. Just to make sure they don’t fall over.”
“Yes, that would be good, my birds like to explore.”
Stacked in the corner out of the way the four were left and they guys were back to their truck with signed slip in hand ready for their next stop. Back to the stove you went and finished off the soup you served out complete with split grilled cheeses enjoyed while you shared basic ways to make the bread and what actually was in a few of your soups. A message from Bilbo that he needed some help in the shop had her stealing a hug and hurrying out, “See you tomorrow.”
“See you.”
Finishing off the food you cleaned up and let out a breath double checking your garage and front door were locked before heading back to your bedroom to get some sleep early. Plans however didn’t pan out as you were up a few more hours watching a show to tire yourself out. Groggily you checked your suits and ensuring they were dry you folded them and added them to the suitcase at the foot of your bed.
Today would be busy to say the least. Four rolled around and getting ready you were off, though a bit early you headed in having to skip the shop from a message that the guys had sent you saying they had a surprise for you. Sending off a quick message to Thorin you went straight to the station where you found the guys ready to lead you into their office.
“Everything good?”
Glorfindel, “Better than good.” Flashing you one of the stickers making your jaw drop as you let out an excited squeak taking hold of the sticker making them chuckle.
Ecthellion, “Just the Countess for now as she’s the most popular right now, possibly we could add another character monthly if you like.”
You nodded saying, “Ya, maybe Wolsey next, I can get you a copy of his sketch to stock up if you like.” They nodded and taking hold of the manila envelope holding the 20 sheets of portrait stickers with four on each sheet.
Exiting into the hall you froze at the to go mug being held in front of you when you turned. “Hello,” You said to Mal who you accepted the mug from.
“This is how Thorin gave me your drink. Ding Dong, ‘this is for Jaqi.’ You broke my uncle in law.” Rolling your eyes you turned for your booth to wait outside sipping on your cider, “What’s in the envelope?”
“Mmm,” lowering your mug you reached into the envelope and excitedly she squeaked accepting the sheet you held out to her, “Stickers.”
“This is why you missed your drop in?”
You nodded and replied, “Yup. I didn’t realize-,”
Her smirk deepened looking at you, “Oh you didn’t realize that Thorin wanted to make sure that his lady had her morning fix before our show?”
Shaking your head you said, “I doubt-,”
She pointed at the cup, “He woke me up, to give you, the mug that you couldn’t make it in for instead of barging in here himself. Which if he had he’d no doubt hide out and watch.”
“Either that or he’s staking out the place to find his own way in for next week.” Making her giggle to herself.
A stunning show centered around two new characters drove people off what they had imagined, though excitedly they were hooked when Frenn did come back into the story in tries to goad a confession out of Durin while he scoured his ship in search of the meant to be resting Bunny.
The silenced buzz of your phone alerting you to the bed frame arrival, once the show was over a hasty hug from you later to Mal and you were off to hop onto your scooter. Texting Bilbo she passed on word that you were heading home confirming to her that Dwalin was already at your place. A fact that you found for yourself upon arrival seeing him parked in your driveway. Opening the garage door you parked on one side and let him pull in on the other leaving a wide section for any supplies they might need in the driveway or garage. Hastily through the house you went warning the birds that you were closing the door to the greenhouse hearing Dwalin greeting the first crew. Off the truck the wood was unloaded and out you came flashing a grin to Dwalin who said, “Jaqi can show you back.”
You nodded and led the group to your sisters’ room and you pointed to the opposite wall from the door, “That wall should be plenty big enough for some extra space if you need it.”
The head builder said, “Oh ya, plenty of room,” turning his head he said, “You have the mattresses, good.”
“They’re not in the way, are they?”
They shook their heads and he said, “No, not in the least. We may have to take down your curtains till we’re done though to be safe on not catching them,”
“Ya sure,”
Measuring tapes came out while one of the men brought down the curtains and moved them to the white and orange spare room then returned to find the head man saying, “We have some, three feet, on the end over here, now, we could add some spare shelves to fill that space if you like, for spare sheets or such. I’d hate to just leave that space empty at the end of the day.”
“Yes, that would be amazing, thank you.”
He nodded pleased that you were so apt to his suggestion and said, “We’ll get started.” You nodded and headed out at Dwalin calling your name when the first crew saw another crew arriving, though chests un-puffed when they realized the much simpler bed kits were being assembled in other rooms. Through the front door while the other crew stacked the wood they would cut on their pop up table in your driveway for final measurements the second crew unloaded their kits into the sea foam room for your Naneth and Cirdan first. Following up by moving the orange and blue rooms’ beds in next with the blue beds on one side and the tan on the other. Starting with the sea foam while you sat on the couch beside Dwalin the sound of construction starting had you glancing his way.
“Want some stickers?”
He looked at you then glanced down at the sheet you passed him with wide eyes in a deep breath, “No!”
“Yup,” Shifting on the couch you said, “I think I’m gonna put two in my study and bring the rest to your family place, ooh, you haven’t seen my new chair.” He shook his head and followed you to your study where he grinned at your chair you knelt and spun around on it and chuckled watching you set your sticker sheets by the notes you had put in one of your desk drawers. The remaining sheets were added to your suitcase and back to the living room you went while he hurried to add his sheet to his trunk after having amply praised the design of the fabled Countess.
Before the hour was through the platform was built for the sea foam bed with padded headboard attached and ready for its mattress. Windows were closed and onto the next room the team moved catching glimpses of curious supply fetchers from the other team stealing peaks at what vibe the rooms were giving off for them. All seeming to be pleased with your taste, especially those building the base of your bunk beds loving the clear able to grow into children’s room hinting for them perhaps that there were bairns excited for these beds to be completed for them. Every hint urging the teams to do their best, especially since more than one of them had shared whispers on your name, having recognized it instantly upon the bombshell addition to Bombadil’s new lineup.
The twin platform beds for the orange/blue room were completed with ease and with Dwalin beside you they gave you a final tour of the results and with checkbook in hand you wrote out the check for the assembly fee and handed it over only to giggle and sign out a few autographs for the crew. Excitedly they cleaned up the final things and headed on to their next stop while you found your house sketch journal and crossed off the five bed frames that were now completed. Hearing the hints that the guys were nearing the end of their build after you and Dwalin had eaten you broke out some of the supplies you had bought a few days prior making Dwalin smirk seeing the tray of bacon burgers and some steak fries. Sodas, water bottles were set out with plates around the table that you expanded.
Peering into the doorway as the men finished hoisting the mattresses onto the upper levels after having added the lower ones you watched them all look over the final effect then turned at the youngest one tapping the others and turning to see you. “Hi, looks good.”
The head man nodded and said, “We’re so glad you like them. Shouldn’t take long to clean up.”
“Well I made some burgers and fries, you guys look hungry.” Gratitude blended to compliments and muffled chatter through the meal they helped to clean up after filling the sink with ample thanks keeping hold of their still unfinished drinks they took out to the truck then got to cleaning up. The head builder showed you the finer details of everything and was pleased at your own climb up the steps between the beds to crawl into the two top beds. Checking each of the shelves came next and excitedly you thanked the team again and handed over the 2k check for the install fee they wrote you out a receipt. For them as well more pear circled J Pear autographs were handed out before their filing back into their truck leaving you alone again.
Already anticipating it Dwalin grinned in your tight hug around his middle he returned before asking, “Need my help for anything?”
You shook your head saying, “Was just gonna bring out the sheets and stuff for that room so I can wash them when I get back from the trip. In case you have to head home to pack or anything.”
With a grin he chuckled saying, “I am packed, Frodo however, is not. Everything does look amazing. I will see you on the plane, Dear.”
You nodded accepting his next hug, “See you then you big softie.” Making him chuckle and join you for the walk to your still open garage he backed out of allowing you to close it while he pulled away heading home again.
Exhaling sharply you went to bring out the things for that room you set in that room, which you smirked standing in admiring it all, including the curtains that you tied back and lowered the internal shades readying for your trip, a task you repeated in each guest room. Opening the greenhouse door again you gave the all clear that the house was all yours again. Dishes were next with enough in the washer to start it freeing you to head back to the living room to wait until you could put them away again.
Pt 31
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elisaphoenix13 · 4 years
(Your) Light In The Dark (Ch. 1)
Well, by a few requests, here is the start of Against All Odds in Quill's POV. There was a vote between this and a different high school story but after all the good ideas thrown at me, nothing clicked. So I decided to start with this for now.
It was almost disgusting. He almost didn't want to look around his classroom while his teacher spoke, just so he wouldn't have to see another girl bat her eyelashes at him again. Not that he didn't appreciate them...but that was usually from a distance. There was a reason he tried to keep his distance from the more popular girls. Ninety percent of the time they had one goal, and that was to get into his pants. He was pretty sure it was supposed to be the other way around, but it felt relentless. It was bad enough Rachel had her eyes on him. She was already spreading rumors that she and him were an item and it sent shivers up his spine.
Was it too much to ask that someone wanted him for him? To not care about bragging rights (something his friends said was actually a thing)? The part of the school that cared about high school drama (and didn't listen to Rachel) wondered why Quill wasn't in a relationship, and the answer was simple.
He wanted more than a simple fuck. He wanted to get to know someone. Then again, this was high school so that probably really was too much to ask. It was rare for high school couples to keep going with a relationship after graduation anyway. A guy could hope though.
Quill sighs with a mixture of relief and trepidation when the lunch bell rings, and takes his time throwing his books into his backpack. He brought lunch from home so he wasn't in any rush to get to the cafeteria, and while he liked taco day, he liked his grandfather's leftover beef stew way better. It was so good he'd eat it cold...but he wasn't going to. He would be able to heat it up if he asked the lunch lady nicely.
"Hey Quill! Are you stuck or something? Come on!" One of his friends calls when he sticks his head into the classroom.
"Hilarious." The senior retorts sarcastically as he looks around the now empty classroom. He had taken longer than he thought.
He gets up from his desk and slings his bag over his shoulder, following his friend to their lockers where Quill switched out books and got his lunch. They join up with more of their football friends outside of the cafeteria, and after they walk in and over to their usual table, Quill throws his backpack onto his spot. It hardly took a minute to coax the lunch lady to heat up his lunch with some added charm, and a few minutes later, he was back at his seat and eating his stew.
"Hey! I heard Coach was going to cut practice short today." Eric says to him as Quill shoves another spoonful of food into his mouth. "Something about his kid's play."
"Thank god." He replies after swallowing. "I could use a breather."
"Pfft... he'll probably work us twice as hard to make up for it." One of the other guys says as Quill stops eating to look around.
He had been feeling eyes on him since he sat down but when he finally looked around, the feeling went away and nobody seemed to be paying him any mind. Not even Rachel. One more glance around the room just gave him a glimpse of a student hitting another boy upside the head with a paperback but it was otherwise normal. No one was staring at him, so he shrugged it off and turned his attention back to lunch and divided a small amount of that attention to the conversation his friends were having. About football practice. Nothing new there. It was almost white noise at this point because it was the same thing every day. Go to school, die a little inside from boredom for eight hours, then spend two more hours getting his ass sacked in practice because his defense wasn't doing their job. Shower the muscle aches away, go home and do his homework, eat dinner, go to bed. Rinse and repeat.
Maybe add a couple hours of watching TV or listening to music in there somewhere. It depended on how he was feeling and if he had the time or energy. It was all a boring routine. He wanted something new in his life. To mix it up. It was another reason why he wanted an actual relationship.
His routine played out for the rest of the day as expected. The only difference being that the football coach was indeed going to cut practice short, and that his friend was right that they were going to be working twice as hard to make up for it. By the time practice was finally over, Quill was pretty sure he had more bruises than ever. He had never looked forward to a shower as much as he did today, and made sure he beat his teammates to one of the showers where he made quick work of washing up so he could enjoy the hot spray of the water massaging his sore muscles.
"Damn Quill, put that away." One of the guys jest and the captain rolls his eyes as he turns off the shower.
"No one asked you to look." He wraps a towel around his waist before making his way over to the locker his clothes were in.
"Kind of hard not to when it's there." Eric adds.
"You're just jealous."
"...yeah. Kind of. You've got girls dying to get in your pants!"
Quill snorts. "Guess it sucks they have to settle for you. Do they ask you if it's in yet?"
Eric scowls. "You're a dick Quill."
"You all made that clear three seconds ago." Quill says with a grin over the team's howling laughter.
They all knew it was in good fun. No one actually took any offense to jokes like that because they all took some kind of shot at each other, and even Quill had a few of his friends take a few stabs at him.
"Anyway, we're thinking of going to get pizza. Want to join?" Eric asks as they get dressed.
"Sure. I was just going to head home, but I wouldn't mind a slice."
"You mean a whole damn pizza?"
"I pay for my own food. Shut up."
Quill closes his locker before throwing on his sweater and he curses when he remembers that he left his wallet in his regular locker. He shouts to his friends that he'll meet them at the restaurant as he throws his backpack over his shoulder and runs out of the locker room. There was no one besides the team and maybe some stragglers in the library on campus, so Quill didn't bother slowing down on his way to his locker. He came to regret it thirty seconds later though when he rounded a corner and barreled into a student that was innocently putting his books away. The poor guy was smaller than the senior though so while Quill only stumbled in surprise, the other boy was sent straight to the ground and his books tumbled to the floor.
"Holy shit! I'm sorry!" He exclaims as he crouches down to help gather the strewn books. "I wasn't paying attention. My bad."
Quill looked over at his unfortunate victim to hand his belongings over and his heart skipped a beat. He found himself looking into the most beautifully colored eyes he had ever seen.
His eyes are gold.
The younger teen looked as if he were caught doing something naughty.
"The one time I don't pay attention to where I'm going." He jokes as he helps the teen to his feet and brushes him off. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
It was a plausible concern. The other boy was much smaller than Quill, and somewhere in the back of his mind he wanted to roll him up in bubble wrap and protect him from the harsh, unforgiving world. He wore a sweater that had definitely seen some usage, tight jeans that very pleasantly hugged every bit of his legs that Quill made sure to take a look at the back when he could, and then had the tiniest cowlick in his hair that he almost reached out to try and fix. He resisted though since he was pretty sure that wouldn't be well received.
Not a single word passed the younger's lips. He only continued to stare and Quill began to wonder if the guy could speak at all. Maybe he was mute? Quill's concern grows as the other turns back toward his locker to fumble his books back into it, but just when he turns back and finally opens his mouth to possibly say something, Quill was distracted by golden eyes again. His brain to mouth filter failed spectacularly on him in the next moment.
"Damn. You have some really pretty eyes for a guy." He blurts.
The blush that grew rapidly on the younger's face was just the icing on the cake. Quill did manage to take a look at what tight jeans were accenting when the other teen had turned to put away his books, and the senior was given an eyeful of hot damn. The smaller teen opened and closed his mouth like a fish, and just as Quill was about to ask him if he was okay again, the younger shut his mouth so hard he could hear his teeth clack together, made the most adorable squeak...and then hauled ass. By the time the senior processed what had happened, the other boy was already halfway around the corner (and his attempt to call out to him was all for naught), and Quill was intrigued. Most students either flirted with him or looked at him with obvious disdain (usually the students that despised the popular kids even though Quill was nice to everyone.), but that student? He did neither.
It was refreshing.
Who was that guy and why had Quill never noticed him before? He liked to think that he knew all of the students (at least almost all of them), especially someone as cute as that guy was, but he didn't recognize him. Maybe he was new? A transfer student? No. Even transfer students got some attention even if it was just for a couple of days, and Quill hadn't heard anything about one.
The only explanation at the time was that he was a guy that just wanted to get through high school with as little drama as possible, and Quill couldn't say he could blame him. High school sucked sometimes. Cliques didn't help.
He would have to figure it out later. Right now he needed to get his wallet and meet up with his friends at the pizza parlor so he could eat and hang out before he was expected home. He had all weekend to ponder about the mystery teen and how the everloving fuck he's never seen him before. Quill sighs and finishes his trek to his locker to grab his wallet, and then jogs a little slower (so not to accidentally bulldoze anyone else down) out of the building and to the parking lot to his car. He tosses his bag into the passenger seat as he gets in and then drives away after buckling in and starting the car.
It was on the short drive to the pizza parlor that Quill wondered a little more about the walking visible tease...and what he was going to do about getting rid of the sadness that was lurking behind honey-gold eyes. Sadness and loneliness that even Quill couldn't have missed. It wasn't the normal kind of thing he saw around school either. It was a cry for attention from someone that didn't seem to want it in the first place.
This guy was already a walking conundrum and Quill didn't even know his name.
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lorei-writes · 5 years
Had it happened in the future
Part 3 - Noisy
Masamune x MC (Mizusaki Mai) Modern AU Word count: 1563 Featuring: Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, Nobunaga, Hideyoshi
I had fantastic time writing this. It’s a bit funny, a bit heartwarming. @missjudge-me , I think you’ll like it. 
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, as Ikemen Sengoku is the property of Cybrid. Anything included in the story is not canon.
Shogetsu wag his tail with clear displeasure, as Mai lifted him out of just another box. The cardboard oasis was not his to be had, yet once again. „ Once we're done moving, you can sleep in them all you want, okay?”, she tried to sooth the animal, only to be ignored. She smiled, refocusing on her task.
Over a year and a half had passed since they started dating. Despite Masamune's initial enthusiasm after paying off his debt, not that much had changed for them – he still couldn't take more than a day off per week and with Mai's designs gaining more recognition, she soon found her hands full with commissions. Before the couple realised, they shared evenings and nights at one of their places, returning home being lined with too much of a reluctance for either of them to do it. As such, the decision to move in together came rather naturally and so, the packing began. „ How many pans do you possibly need?”, Mai questioned while sitting on a floor, drained out of the last drops of energy. „ Ask me that again when I whip you up a dinner,” Masamune answered and opened a cupboard. „ Have you seen Shogetsu? I'm starting to think we might have taped him shut in a box by accident.” „ He's not in the bathroom?” „ Nope. I've already checked the shower,” he sighed, mentally preparing himself for a cat search.
Something rattled under the sink. To his owner's disbelief, Shogetsu sat there amidst the paper towel shreds, his head deep into the packet of his favourite treats. Masamune pulled the pet out of the cabinet and lifted him up. Shogetsu licked his whiskers with fierce passion, as if to say he didn't regret a single thing in his life. However, upon realising his treat supply was cut off, any traces of the contentment vanished. „ Lad, Ieyasu will kill me if you get any fatter. You are not growing anymore, you can't eat like a little kitten!” Masamune stated, shifting to hold Shogetsu like a baby. „What, you're grumpy now?” Mai's giggle answered him. „ Okay, let's wrap this up before he learns how to open cans,” she claimed, rising to her feet.
A couple of weeks have passed since they moved into their new apartment. Masamune trailed kisses down Mai's neck, his hands moving towards the zipper on the back of her dress. Encouraged by the way she gasped, he slowly pulled it down, sliding the piece of clothing off of her shoulders slowly. As the fabric hit the ground, he gave her a gentle push, urging her to fall into the bed. Taking advantage of their parting, he swiftly discarded of his shirt, just to return to Mai. They met in a kiss, his hand travelling down the curve of her hips, when... “ VERONICA! I will avenge you!” a voice from the other side of the wall broke into their apartment. Msamune moved back, glaring at the spot he presumed their neighbour would sit at. Mai hid her head under the pillow. “ I'm going to go insane!” she groaned loudly, annoyance replacing all arousal she had felt just seconds ago. “ It's fucking midnight!” “ And it's the same damn episode all over again. You sure I can't scare the guy shitless?” “ No,” she answered, sitting up abruptly. She held the pillow in fron of her. “ There must be some civilised way. Plus, he comes and goes, right? How much worse can it be?” As if to give her an example, the heroine of the show yelled, waking up Shogetsu and sending him to hide under the dresser. “ We've already tried civilised ways, kitten. It didn't work.” “ But we can't get evicted,” she sighed, her body tensing up. Masamune draped blanket over her shoulders and hugged her from behind. “ I promise we won't,” he assured her, placing a gentle kiss on her nape. “ Just let me handle it.” Mai nodded, relaxing into his embrace. “ Maybe we should sleep on the couch today? I don't think the earplugs can do anything with that much noise,” she suggested, looking up at him.
The next couple of days were rather hectic, as Mai noted. Her lover constantly checked his phone and texted, sometimes smiling widely towards the screen. She caught glimpses of him calling somebody, yet the overheard parts of the conversation didn't make much sense to her. However, constant stream of words, some recognisable and some turned into incohesive mumbling, tired her out enough to forget about it all. Had it not been for the meals prepared by her beloved, she thought she might have succumbed to her darkest urges and had barged into their neighbour's flat by herself.
She turned the key in the lock, readying herself for another round of terrible drama hearings. To her surprise, four additional pairs of shoes stood in the corridor. Familiar voices came from the living room, where four men were hunched over the table. Ieyasu sat on the couch, patting Shogetsu. Hideyoshi, Nobunaga and Mitsuhide wore suits, causing Mai's eyes to widen in surprise. She glanced at the thing they were discussing, her confusion growing upon seeing tens of pages littered with scribbles. “ Guys? What exactly are you doing?” she questioned. “ We're preparing for a play, little mouse.” “ A play?” “ Exactly, though I suppose you won't be able to see it.” Mai turned towards Masamune. “ I asked soon-to-be-lawyer and world's fiercest quarreller to help us out.” Nobunaga narrowed his eyes, just to regain his confident aura in a matter of seconds. “ Remember, one-eye, we have a deal.” Hideyoshi raised his brows, his imagination conjuring images of illegal sweets trade. “ Just remember to brush your teeth,” he sighed. 'You addict', he added in mind.
A nod from Nobunaga was all they needed to depart, leaving Masamune, Ieyasu and Mai behind. “ Wait, you really did send Nobunaga after the guy. How.” “ Dragon's beard candy. A couple of batches. I've already blocked Hideyoshi's number for all the scolding I'll get,” he answered, sitting down. “Okay, what about Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi then?” “ Mitsu wanted to hear the 'Veronica!' with his own ears and decided to get involved. Hideyoshi went  as a mum.” Mai nodded, focusing on Ieyasu. “ I'm here for your cat. You don't have one eye, not half the brain, Shogetsu will get ill if he lives in constant stress.”
An hour passed and the three of them found themselves with one ear pressed against the front door (although it took Ieyasu a couple of minutes and rude comments about how childish the couple was, to finally warm up to the idea). A clack of shoes on the floor. A doorbell and a crack of the opening door. Their neighbour stepped out of his apartment. “ Yes? How can I help you?”, he inquired, his voiced lined with uncertainty. Judging by sound alone, he appeared to be in his mid-thirties. “ We are the representatives of the local community. There have been complaints regarding noises coming from this apartment and as such, we came to investigate them. Our clients hope the situation can be resolved peacefully.” The man didn't answer verbally. The last thing the waiting trio heard was the sound of the shutting entryway. They rushed to the bedroom, just to be disappointed. Apparently, the walls were thick enough not to let any tone of appropriate volume slip to another flat. “Shit, I can't hear anything,” Mai said, giving up. A tinge of disappointment painted over her face, yet soon got overpowered by sheer curiosity. 
Awaiting for their friends return, they moved to the living room. Not an hour had passed, when a bell rang. Masamune sprang up to answer it. “ Yes? How can I help?”, he asked, Mitsuhide and his neighbour standing in front of him. “ Sir, can I ask you to grant us a brief access to the room that shares the wall with this man's apartment? We're trying to verify a complaint about noise,” the white-haired man stated, not a hint of amusement appearing on his face. “ Sure.” Masamune showed them the way to the bedroom. Once they stepped in it, Mitsuhide took out his phone and called Nobunaga.  “ Please, play the sample material,” he asked politely.  “ VERONICA! I will avenge you!” roared through the walls. It repeated three times, with each the neighbour becoming redder and redder on his face. “ I presume the evidence is sufficient,” Mitsuhide stated, his eyes cold. He looked straight at the man and added: “I suppose dear Veronica's death haunted not only the series viewers, but the residents of this property as well. Who knows what activities could have those sad tidings disturbed.” “ I... Understand” were the only words that came out of the man's mouth before he left. Masamune could hardly keep his composure and as soon as the door closed, he doubled over in laughter.
A couple of weeks had passed, not a single trace of Veronica's tragic life left in the air. The couple laid in the bed, cuddled up together as they watched another episode of a series. Slightly bored, he started placing soft kisses on her neck. Mai hummed in contentment and exposed more of her skin, hoping no promises of revenge would reach them this time.
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