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teachingrounds · 2 years ago
Question: What percentage of youths receive medications for opioid use disorder shortly after diagnosis, and are those who receive medications early after diagnosis more likely to remain in care compared with those who receive behavioral treatment only? .
. Findings: In this multistate cohort of 4837 youths with opioid use disorder, 1 of 21 adolescents younger than 18 years and 1 of 4 young adults aged 18 to 22 years received medication for opioid use disorder within 3 months of diagnosis. Youths who received buprenorphine were 42% less likely to discontinue treatment, those who received naltrexone were 46% less likely to discontinue treatment, and those who received methadone were 68% less likely to discontinue treatment compared with youths who received behavioral treatment only. Meaning: Pharmacotherapy, a critical evidence-based intervention to address opioid use disorder, may be underused in youths with this disorder; those who receive medications shortly after diagnosis may be more likely to remain in care than youths who receive behavioral health services only.
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(Dr JohnSpencer Chikeziem)
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doctorkatehenry · 4 years ago
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Gentle reminder that interventions come when you're in danger of being consumed by an issue that you can no longer even see. I'm not judging when I give this reminder. I've been through enough interventions and now have had to give enough of them as a doctor that I just know that ☀️you are never going to feel like you need the intervention when it happens. That's the entire point.☀️ That type of shock / denial / anger is actually a sign that you need one. So when it comes, you just have to trust. You don't 👏have 👏to 👏agree👏 that it's the right thing in order to do it anyway. You don't have to agree that it's the right thing for it to work. You don't have to think you need treatment for it to help you. You just have to do what your family and friends and health professionals are asking you to do. If you do, you'll live. LATER, you'll know it was the right thing. I'm here for you if you need help❤️ #recovery #naturalrecovery #naturopathic #truerecovery #addiction #addictionrecovery #recoverylife #12stepstorecovery #12steps #12step #realrecovery #naturopathicmedicine #functionalmedicine #addict #addictionmedicine #intervention #interventions #chronicillness #chronicpain #painmeds #naturalnutrition #naturalpainrelief #help #orthomolecular #orthomolecularpsychiatry #naturalpsychiatry #functionalpsychiatry #naturaladdictionhelp (at Dr. Kate Henry) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXTIbJAefY/?igshid=1va42y6ldldq9
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healthconsultology-er · 4 years ago
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𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐜𝐭?⠀⠀
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the delivery of telehealth services has now become the norm for routine patient care. Psychiatry has long been a specialty in which telehealth services have been provided. Now, that has extended to the subspecialty of addiction medicine. ⠀⠀
Although there is currently not many specifics regarding this bill, the United States Congress has proposed the Telehealth Response For E-Prescribing Addiction Therapy Services Act also known as the TREATS Act. If passed, this bill will do the following:⠀⠀
■ Make any emergency actions passed during the COVID-19 public health emergency permanent thereby increasing patient telehealth access for substance use disorders via medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs. ⠀⠀
■ Allow providers and patients to bypass the initial face-to-face examination requirement and e-prescribe controlled substances in MAT programs.⠀⠀
■ Expand Medicare coverage for mHealth to include audio only phone calls and audio-visual/video visits. ⠀⠀
Source credit: mhealthintelligence.com. ⠀⠀
Yours In Consulting,⠀⠀
Ask Me? Dr. Smart, DNP⠀⠀
Nurse Practitioner|Nurse Educator|Healthcare Consultant|Infopreneur ⠀⠀
#mentalhealth #telehealth #publichealth #addictionmedicine #substanceabuse #privatepractice #entrepreneur #nursepractitioner #physician #physicianassistant #pharmacist #pharmacy #rehabilitationcenter #socialworker #counselor #healthconsultant #AskMeDrSmartDNP #DrAntiquaNSmartNPLLC
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alcoban · 5 years ago
Alcoban Homeopathic Remedy For Complete Anti-Addiction
Homeopathy is treatment system that is based on the theory that “like cures like.”After the symptoms of an ailment are identified, the patient is then given very highly diluted doses of the substances which in large doses, created those symptoms.
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 Homeopath experts believe that the weaker the dosage, the more powerful will be its effects. Also vigorously shaking the solutions increases the power of its ingredients by making them interact with each other.
 Homeopathy is a popular treatment option for alcoholism and other conditions, especially in Europe.
Sulphur is prescribed for the philosophical, reclusive type of individual who drinks alcohol or partakes marijuana to open up their stream of creative thoughts or as an escape from trauma. Sulphur is prescribed for those drinkers who have a particular predilection for red wine.
Nux vomica is prescribed to alcoholics who fly into a angry, insulting rage while drunk. Office workers, for example, drink beer or whiskey to relax and forget about the hard day. They share these drinks with all their buddies. Nux vomica functiona as an acute hangover remedy.
Lastly Sulphuric acid, is a remedy for the final stage, broken down alcoholic who ruined their life by abusing whiskey, gin, or scotch. They may often suffer from severe gastric distress and hyperacidity.
Alcoban Homeopathic Drop is an Homeopathic Anti-Addiction Formula which manages the withdrawal symptoms, reduces cravings,  and treats addiction once and for all. It utilizes the benefits of specially selected homeopathic ingredients. It stops cravings of addictive substances like alcohol, tobacco, heroin, ganja, etc. It contains the above mentioned homeopathic ingredients in addition to a few more. Taking this homeopathic formula regularly will decrease the craving to drink. It is an homeopathic solution that can be administered without the addict’s knowledge through drops.
 For further information, visit http://alcoban.in/
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teachingrounds · 2 years ago
"What do you think caused your addiction? How does it change your body or mind? These questions can start the conversation about the patient's explanatory model of addiction. Eliciting a patient's explanatory model can go hand in hand with understanding a patient's readiness to change and personal goals."
The biopsychosocial model of disease encourages us to share knowledge and decision-making with our patients, beginning with their understanding of their disease.
Helen E. Jack, et alia, "Asking How Our Patients Understand Addiction," American Journal of Medicine, Volume 132, Issue 3 (March 2019): 269–271.
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storesandmarket · 7 years ago
🛒 #Shopping MALL for #DOCTORS 👩‍🍳 👍🏥 www.StoresAndMarket.com #WhatAreYouLookingFor ??? #Cardiology #optometry #ophtalmology #Thoracic Surgery #UROLOGY #PediatricUrology #Urology #VETERINARY #AddictionMedicine #ClinicalPharmacology #Epidemiology #Hospitalist #LegalMedicine #MedicalManagement #NuclearMedicine #Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine #ophthalmic #eyecare #PainMedicine #PalliativeMedicine #SleepMedicine #PharmaceuticalMedicine #Administrator #NONPROFIT #EDUCATIONALINSTITUTION #MULTISPECIALTY #StoresAndMarket Best Customer Service in the Industry 1-800-303-2996 dial for your #Medicalequipment Needs (at New York, New York)
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opendoorwellness · 4 years ago
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Addictions come in many forms . We traditionally think of alcohol or drugs but sex, gambling and eating addictions persist and affect many . While the addictions may be different the underlying causes of trauma, PTSD or adverse childhood events are a component of most #addictionmedicine #treatment #solutions# #hope (at Juneau, Alaska) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHuFB2PAsm9/?igshid=iqnj9v6j3niu
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myjadewellnesscenter · 4 years ago
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The body remembers trauma. All it takes is a sound, touch, person, word or sight to awaken it. May is mental health awareness month. Be more mindful of the struggle. End the stigma. 
Jade Wellness Center
Monroeville, Southside, Pittsburgh Wexford
#Addiction #MentalHealth #YouMatter #EndTheStigma #AddictionMedicine
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danyainstitute · 4 years ago
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Check out the latest training bulletin from The Danya Institute/Central East, November 12, 2020. "The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives." - Robert M. Hutchins
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healthconsultology-er · 4 years ago
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𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐡𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐄-𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐠𝐧𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤⠀
October 19-25, 2020 is recognized by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) as National Addiction Treatment Week. Because opioid addiction is such an overwhelming problem in today’s society that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is highly recommended that all prescribers in your independent practice obtain DATA 2000 (buprenorphine) waivers. For more information about National Addiction Treatment Week, please visit the following website: TreatAddictionSavesLives.org. ⠀
Yours In Consulting,⠀
Dr. Smart, NP⠀
Nurse Practitioner|Nurse Educator|Healthcare Consultant|Infopreneur ⠀
#treatmentweek #addictionmedicine #substanceabuse #mentalhealth #privatepractice #entrepreneur #nursepractitioner #physician #pharmacist #pharmacy #socialworker #counselor #psychologist #telehealth #publichealth #DrSmartNP #HCE #HealthConsultologyEResolutions
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colorado-recovery · 4 years ago
Join CMAR & BCH for Live Presentation tomorrow, 4/28 at 12:00PM MST! This presentation will share the true story of addiction, recovery, redemption and CMAR's development!#addictionrecovery #addictiontreatment #addictionawareness #addictionmedicine #addictioneducation #DrugRehab
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darrellafrytx · 7 years ago
Thank you @RepKClark for your leadership in passing the Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Act! This is an important step to help expand our #AddictionMedicine workforce. #ThankYoupic.twitter.com/Qod6pfMx9w
Thank you @RepKClark for your leadership in passing the Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Act! This is an important step to help expand our #AddictionMedicine workforce. #ThankYou pic.twitter.com/Qod6pfMx9w
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from Drug Rehab Treatment Near Me https://twitter.com/ASAMorg/status/1006694365899771909 from Addiction Treatment News https://addictiontreatmentnews.tumblr.com/post/175038436457
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teachingrounds · 2 years ago
Buprenorphine has been used internationally for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD) since the 1990s and has been available in the United States for more than a decade. Initial practice recommendations were intentionally conservative, were based on expert opinion, and were influenced by methadone regulations. Since 2003, the American crisis of OUD has dramatically worsened, and much related empirical research has been undertaken. The findings in several important areas conflict with initial clinical practice that is still prevalent. This article reviews research findings in the following 7 areas: location of buprenorphine induction, combining buprenorphine with a benzodiazepine, relapse during buprenorphine treatment, requirements for counseling, uses of drug testing, use of other substances during buprenorphine treatment, and duration of buprenorphine treatment. For each area, evidence for needed updates and modifications in practice is provided. These modifications will facilitate more successful, evidence-based treatment and care for patients with OUD.
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addictiontreatmentnews · 7 years ago
Thank you @RepHalRogers for your leadership in passing the Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Act! By expanding the #AddictionMedicine workforce, we can treat addiction and save lives. #TreatAddictionSaveLivespic.twitter.com/5u11waCOhW
Thank you @RepHalRogers for your leadership in passing the Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Act! By expanding the #AddictionMedicine workforce, we can treat addiction and save lives. #TreatAddictionSaveLives pic.twitter.com/5u11waCOhW
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from Drug Rehab Treatment Near Me https://twitter.com/ASAMorg/status/1006695286016757760
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myjadewellnesscenter · 4 years ago
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Addiction is a brain disorder and, if left untreated, can cause severe physiological and physical harm-if not death. Your health matters. You matter. Reach out to Jade Wellness today at 412.380.0100  #Addiction #MentalHealth #YouMatter #EndTheStigma #AddictionMedicine
Jade Wellness Center
Monroeville, Southside, Pittsburgh Wexford
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