#addendum that aelwyn and adaine used to pretend to sword fight with their father's pool cues
smolandweirdwriter · 3 months
ally and siobhan planted the seed in my mind and now i MUST see adaine and kristen play each other in pool. just for the bit, because this is how i imagine it going:
kristen: where did you learn to play pool?
adaine: *flashbacks to her father having those 'after-dinner-smoking-and-games-with-colleagues' moments in her childhood* we had a table in my house
kristen: *lining up her next shot* oh. that's nice.
adaine: yeah. what about you?
kristen: OH during my huge 'rejecting helioic traditions' phase, i decided i wanted to learn, um you know, drinking games and stuff are sinful to helioic worshippers, which is weird because Helio's literally a fucking frat boy. it's a VERY messed up religion, the more i think about it.
adaine: yeah, I'm sorry. so tracker taught you?
kristen: *flashbacks to tracker doing one of those 'here-let-me-teach-you' moments where they're pressed up together and end up making out* yeah.
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