#added my shitty oc lo
fbfh · 1 year
MORE ABOUT MY OCS (I LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU FOR HYPING ME UP ABOUT THEM) (also I added oc content to my tag list!! it's just going to be any random tidbits I post for now but I'll also tag anyone on there when I have updates on writing/publishing original content if you wanna stay up to date lol)
Jason and Margo as you s/o:
Jason Howard 
You want a hot slightly emo/scene skater boyfriend of your dreams?? Congrats you won the boyfriend lottery with Jason. Lo and behold, another skateboarder. Pretty unflappable with a great sense of humor, Jason is a teenage dream of a boyf. Whenever you see him, chances are he’ll be doing something dumb with his friends, then get completely distracted when he sees you. His gaze will go all soft when his eyes land on you and he gets that little smile he only gets around you, then he’ll totally wipe out and crash land hard. He laughs it off (so do his friends) and walks over to greet you with a smooch. He’ll make you a lot of playlists. Like a lot. Like I hope you have time to listen to all of them. If you’re not already into pop punk, you’re about to be, bc that’s what half of his playlists for you are. Every couple weeks or months he’ll get bored and want to dye his hair another color. He always says he wants to shake it up and do something different, but it’ll probably end up being some combination of black and whatever’s on sale from manic panic. He dyes it your favorite color for your birthday month every year and it’s fucking adorable. He wants you to “help him” every time he does dye his hair, even though he can basically do the whole thing himself. He just wants you there with him, and you’re always happy to keep him company. 
Margo Baccay
Margo has some of the worst burnt out gifted kid syndrome you've ever seen, and now the only thing she has brain cells for is you. She’ll steal your hoodies in a heartbeat, and live in them 24/7. Whenever you go over to her place to hang out or pick her up, her little sister will run off giggling. Her sister knows absolutely everything about you, and thank god you have her seal of approval. Margo’s love language is binge watching shows together, or doing absolutely nothing over facetime for hours (where her sister will inevitably pop in to say hi at least once). She’s so tired all the time to begin with, and she likes you so much that there’s a good chance she’ll fall asleep on you at some point. She loves your jokes and sense of humor and has a folder in her phone of screen shots of your texts that she looks through when she feels shitty. She has another folder full of pictures and videos of you that she looks through when she needs a little dopamine hit. Half the time if you ask her what’s been going on, she’ll start rambling about the show she’s in the middle of binge watching, giving you all the tea. By the time she’s done, you can jump in the middle of the season and watch it with her, and you won’t have missed anything. She’s very thorough in her critiques of the characters terrible decisions, and you always love to hear it. 
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all-blue-headcanons · 5 years
Eye Colour Headcanons
Okay, this is a small list on eyecolours and their descriptions of various One Piece characters, the kind that I imagine when writing more detailed responses. It’s just personally what I think they would look like and you’re most welcome to comment, request or even add your own additions if you feel like it. I may add to the list as time goes on, because there are so many great characters both hero, villain and somewhere in-between that all look so unique so enjoy I guess!
Straw Hats
Monkey D. Luffy; Jet. Actually a very dark brown, but they almost seem to look as though they’re portals to another dimension at times. When Luffy’s enemies look into his eyes, the last thing they see coming is the encoming void - and of the world of pain he’s about to unleash on their day. Warm when happy. Roronoa Zoro; Hazel. The outer rings are a paler shade of green compared to his hair, but the rings around those irises resemble pale flames of gold. Actually very pretty eyes that seem to glow when eager for battle, gleaming with an almost wolf-like hunger. Alternates between warm and cold tones. Nami; Green. They look almost like peridots and sparkle like them too whenever the woman is happy or her gaze captivated by the allure of treasure, her eyes resembling the gems she so loves. Warm to the colour, with subtle hints of gold and emerald in bright light. Sanji; Blue. These are some of the bluest eyes you’ll ever see, matching the summer skies and ocean waves in their intensity. Despite the ‘cool’ tones, there’s a warmth to these baby blues, with strong hints of sapphire and diamond ringing his irises to define his gaze. Soft and dreamy-looking, especially when smoking while gazing out to sea. Usopp; Brown. Much warmer and brighter than Luffy’s eyes, Usopp’s have all sorts of colours going on, ranging from russet to sand and honey! Sometimes there are hints of green and gold, making for some very striking stares in the crew. Intensely warm and earthy, pleasant to look at. Chopper; Brown. Brighter than Luffy’s but not as bright as Usopp’s. There’s still a hint of Chopper’s reindeer heritage in those eyes, the slightly angular pupils giving his animal nature away despite the human range of colours to match his original eyes. Hints of gold on occasion, marbling around those irises in strange patterns. Robin; Violet. Usually appearing blue in most ranges of light, sometimes there’s a violet tint to this woman’s gaze not seen in many other people. Sharper than Sanji’s eyes with a warm hint of amethyst, both purple and white that ring nicely around her irises. Franky; Silver. After Vegapunk ‘adjusted’ his body, Franky’s natural eye colour changed, from a deep blue-hazel to a near silver. They seem like they’d look cold, but Franky’s personality shines through, leading to his eyes appearing almost like diamonds. Sometimes on sunny days, you can see the faintest hint of blue they used to be. Uncanny to strangers, very intense and bright. Brook; Eyes? What eyes? He lost them long ago, yohohoho! They were probably a lovely shade of russet back when he was alive, looking almost like the warm-coloured wood of mahogany that makes for fine quality instruments. Subtle hints of warmer colours like red-orange.
Worst Generation
Eustass Kid; Orange. Most people would argue he has amber or brown eyes, but there’s a brightness to Kid’s eyes that beats either of those two colours. The blazing ring around his irises drown out the paler outer ring of gold, the redness seeming almost like the blood he spills or the colour of his hair. If dragons walked amongst men, this man would have those very same eyes, relentless and cruel in their savagery. Cold despite their warmth. X Drake: Cornflower Blue. Sanji might have the bluest eyes but Drake comes a close second, his eyes almost as blue as the flowers mentioned. There’s a softness in his gaze, distant and cold yet bright at the same time as though sad, hints of white marking out his irises. Very focused stare, piercing and cool. Trafalgar Law; Stormy Grey. These are the eyes that resemble a cold winter sea, rarely showing the hidden tones of blue and green amidst the darkness. While they usually look cold to others, sometimes when Law is really happy or looking at people he loves, they brighten to a colour that’s almost silver-blue. Intense and wild, with a calculating stare that’s almost leopardish.
Warlords of the Seven Seas/Others
Donquixote Doflamingo; Amber/Gold. They’re ‘brighter’ than his brother’s eyes but somehow there’s a coldness to them as well. Hints of green at times, especially when seen in bright light. Personally I headcanon that Doffy is actually blind in one eye, so only his good eye looks like this. The other is much paler except when using Conqueror’s Haki. No matter which eye you look at however, there’s a viciousness to them should you ever look past the sunglasses. Donquixote Rosinante; Amber. Almost honey-like in their warmth and intensity, they are a very pretty colour, the kind that draws stares from the people walking by - especially when outside in the sunlight without his shades. Hints of spice and orange at times, absolutely soft and dreamy. Sir Crocodile; Amber/Cognac. They are really warm in colour, looking almost orange in their intensity and tend to resemble the sunset over Alabasta. Hints of warm cognac and honey, the kind of eyes you could lose yourself in because they draw you in so much. Personally I like to imagine they were brighter when he was young, seeming almost gold in their intensity. Warm colours but somehow always hungry in their intensity. *Passenger Khare; Mixed*. Having central heterochromia has given her two distinct eyes colours - an amber ring primarily surrounding her irises with a outer ring of blue concealing them. Since consuming her Devil Fruit, the amber has taken on a richer tone, almost resembling fire when transformed. Unsettling gaze even when relaxed, looking both warm and cold at the same time. Cat-like as a dragon.
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tobesolonely · 4 years
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A/n: hello everyone!! im very excited to put this out :-) i was going to make a long one shot but ive never written anything multi-part before and i wanted to give it a go!! also my first time with an oc 🌟so i hope everyone enjoys!! not sure when the next part will come out but i wanna upload at least once a week or every two weeks or something idk haha but anywayssss lmk ur thoughts!
biggest, biggest thank u to my love @harryysstyless​ for beta reading and being so encouraging<333 luv u!!
photographer oc x harry styles
please let me know your thoughts on miss aminah, iman, serena, and harry!
my ko-fi! thank you :)
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Los Angeles was your newest muse.
You had always been the spontaneous type. It came as no shock to your family and friends when you told them you had purchased a one-way ticket and were moving across the country. Although your parents weren’t too keen on the idea of their daughter moving so far away from them, they helped you withdraw your savings and find a modest apartment in LA before sending you on your way.
Your reason for moving to LA was simple, really. You were a freelance photographer that felt your career was growing rather… stagnant. You had a thick portfolio and were proud of the work you produced, but your clientele wasn’t as impressive as you’d hope it would be after nearly six years of working at it.
And so began your desire to move from New York to Los Angeles— one big city to the next.
People who knew you often described you as ambitious, fiery, and an absolute go-getter. If your big move scared you in any way, no one knew any better. Your confidence never faltered— not even in the slightest.
After nearly three months of being in LA, you developed a routine of sorts. You’d wake up, eat a breakfast that almost always consisted of avocado toast and coffee, and go on a run. After your run, you would come home, shower, and decide how far you wanted to venture to take pictures that day.
Sometimes your roommates, Serena and Iman, would join you to keep you company. Although you’d never met either one of them before answering their ad for a roommate on Craigslist, you had grown extremely close to the girls in the few months that you’d known them. Despite the two girls being friends since their childhood, they never made you feel left out, and you fit in with them effortlessly.
During your short time in the city, there were so many places you had been, but still, even more you had yet to see. Serena and Iman, both native Angelenos, would often suggest spots for you to check out and even offer to drive you around— you were from New York after all, and at twenty-four years old, you were still not the owner of a driver's license.
“You’ve never been to North Hollywood yet, right Aminah?” Iman questioned as you all lounged around, trying to come up with a place you had not yet been.
“No, I haven’t really gone anywhere farther than walking distance,” you reply, looking around the cramped living room for your camera bag. “Or the places you guys have driven me. That was still considered Downtown though, right? Where we went the other day?” You were still getting used to how absolutely massive Los Angeles was.
“We should go to Santa Monica or something— wait, Malibu!” Serena exclaims. “We have to go to Malibu, Mina. It’s so nice there, you could totally get a bunch of good shots.”
“Yeah, we might even see a celebrity!” Iman chimes in, stifling laughter.
It was an on-going joke between the three of you. When you first moved to LA, you told your roommates that you couldn’t wait to make your way around the city because you were hoping to run into a celebrity. It was Los Angeles after all— you figured they were everywhere.
You quickly learned that wasn’t the case. Celebrities here kept a low-profile and even if you did encounter a celebrity, it’s not like you would approach them. “You’re not funny, Iman,” you tell your roommate with a roll of your eyes.
“Yes I am,” Iman quips, wiggling her eyebrows. “If we’re gonna go to Malibu then I gotta change. Can I borrow a cute shirt from anyone?”
A short twenty minutes later, the three of you were piled in Serena’s car on your way to Malibu. You’d heard of the city before and knew it was a wealthy area, but that’s about it. Your roommates promised you that out of all the beaches in LA, Malibu had the nicest ones, and lots of places to take pictures. Since none of you had anything to do, you all decided it was as good a day as any to have a beach day and get some shots of your roommates to add to your portfolio. Since you didn’t know anyone except Serena and Iman, the pictures on your camera from the last few months consisted entirely of nature and inanimate objects. While it was good practice, you really preferred to photograph actual people.
“Traffic is so bad today,” you say from the backseat after traveling approximately two feet in five minutes. Iman snorts from the passenger side.
“When isn’t traffic bad, Mina,” she turns to look at you, an amused look on her face. “Don’t worry about it. It always gets backed up at this fuckin’ exit and then as soon as we get past it there’s like, zero traffic.”
“Right! I always complain about how shitty this exit is. I have no clue who designed it,” Serena adds, skipping through songs on her playlist. “It’s still early in the day, though. I’m just hoping the beach won’t be too crowded by the time we get there.”
“I don’t care how crowded the beach is. I just don’t want it to take us forty minutes to find parking…”
You tune out your roommate's voices, instead choosing to focus on the traffic jam outside the car. To Serena and Iman, people who were born and raised in Los Angeles, the city wasn’t necessarily anything special. Sure, they loved how there was always something to do, but the bad drivers, traffic, and smog got old. The novelty of LA hadn’t yet worn off to you, though. You didn’t know how your roommates were content to sit inside the apartment all day when there were tons of things to do basically right outside your doorstep. You felt like you were the one convincing them to go out with you half of the time, and you didn’t even know where you were going.
After what feels like almost entirely too long but was really only half an hour, Serena pulls into a fairly empty parking lot. “Are we not allowed to be here?”
“Why do you think that?” Iman asks, squinting her eyes to read a sign. “It doesn’t say it’s closed. I mean, there are a few cars–– look.” She points to a few cars scattered around the parking lot.
“I mean, it is nine in the morning on a Wednesday. People are probably at work,” you tell the two girls in the front seat. “Besides, there’s someone in the parking booth. Can you even close a beach?”
Serena drives forward, rolling down her window. “I mean, I guess not. You can close the parking lot, though.” You hum in agreement. She quickly pays for parking and tosses her receipt on the dashboard before driving slowly through the parking lot.
“I love when no one’s at the beach,” Iman sighs, clapping her hands. “No one will get in the way of your picture-taking either, Meens.”
You smile at the nickname. “Yeah, that’s true. We picked a perfect time to come too, guys. The lighting’s great.”
“Really? Is it gonna make my skin pop?” Iman turns around and sticks her arm out, sensually running her fingers along it.
“You always look good no matter what the lighting’s like, Iman,” you reply, refraining from rolling your eyes at her. “You have the glowiest complexion out of all of us.”
“We’re literally all the same skin-tone, Aminah,” she retorts, crossing her arms.
“We have different undertones, though,” you answer. “So not really. Plus, Serena is way lighter than us! What are you talking about?”
“Should I park here?” Serena asks, interrupting your conversation.
“Why here? All these empty spots and you wanna park directly next to this car?”
“This is a good spot, Iman. It’s a parking lot. If they didn’t want anyone to park next to them, they should’ve taken an Uber and got dropped off.” She turns into the spot, quickly putting the car in park and crossing her arms to prove her point.
You unbuckle your seatbelt, smiling at your friends’ bickering. They were so close they were basically sisters. They argued sometimes and were quick to call the other out on their shit, and you loved it.
“I just think you’re weird for parking next to this car. It’s a nice car.”
“Who cares, girl?” Serena groans, exasperated. “We’re gonna be on the beach. They’ll probably be gone before we will.” She pops the trunk before unplugging her phone from the aux cord and stepping outside. Iman mimics her before flinging the door open as well and stepping out of the car.
You make sure your camera bag is closed all the way before situating it over your shoulder and climbing out of the car as well.
“It’s kinda cold,” Iman says, wrapping her arms around her body. “If I knew it would be so overcast I would’ve bought a jacket.” Serena hums in agreement and you look up at the sky, unphased.
“It’s like, seventy degrees?” you look at the weather app on your phone in confirmation.
“We get it, Meens. You’re from New York,” Serena teases, closing her trunk. She hands you a few towels and a blanket to carry while she rolls the cooler and Iman carries the beach chairs and umbrella.
“It’s a cold seventy degrees and you know it,” Iman defends. “Look at my goosebumps. I can’t fake this shit.” You shake your head at your overly dramatic friends and follow them down to the beach. You take off your sandals as soon as you’re off the pavement, wiggling your toes in the cold sand.
“We can set up pretty much wherever we want,” Serena points out, tucking flyaway curls behind her ears. “Where do you think the best place to be is, Mina? Y’know, so you can get good pictures?”
“It doesn’t really matter, to be honest,” you tell them distractedly, too busy looking around the beach in awe. Your friends were right–– out of all the beaches you’d visited in Los Angeles so far, this one was the nicest (and cleanest). “Maybe we can get a little closer to the water?”
The three of you walk for a couple of minutes before Iman abruptly stops, dramatically dropping everything she was carrying. “Let’s just set up here. There’s no one around anyway, it doesn’t matter.”
“There actually is someone around,” you tell them, looking at a stranger who seemed to be fixated on staring at you and your friends. “Don’t look, but a cute guy is staring at us.” Serena and Iman immediately turn around, shading their eyes from the bit of sun that was starting to peek through the clouds. The guy couldn’t have been more than twenty yards away from where you were setting up.
...“Huh,” Serena says, turning back around. “Is it just me, or does that guy look a lot like Harry Styles?” She looks back over her shoulder again, but he’s no longer staring at the three of you, focusing on what appeared to be a book instead.
“Why would Harry Styles be at the beach by himself at nine in the morning?” Iman asks, unfolding a beach chair and flopping down on it.
“Why wouldn’t he? It’s Malibu, dude,” Serena responds. You could tell your friends were about to start bickering again, so you quickly jump in.
“Doesn’t matter. Neither one of you would go up to him even if it was, so what’s the point in arguing about it?” They both raise their eyebrows at you.
“And you would, Mina? Bullshit!” Iman exclaims, laughing. “I dare you to go see if it’s him, and if it is, ask him if he wants to join us.”
“That’s weird! What if it’s not him?”
“Even if it’s not him, we’ll still get to hang out with a cute boy.” Iman points out. Serena nods in agreement and you can’t deny that she makes a convincing argument. “Just ask him if he wants a mimosa or something!”
“No, don’t ask that,” Serena interjects. “Tell him that you’re a photographer and you’re working on building a new portfolio. Ask him if he would be cool with you photographing him.”
You narrow your eyes at her. “Are you sure that’s not weird, Serena?”
“Aminah, trust me. I wouldn’t deliberately let you make yourself look weird.” Your roommate reassures you.
And so you found yourself clearing the short distance to where the handsome stranger was laid, half hoping it was Harry Styles, half hoping it was not. You couldn’t act like you weren’t a fan of him–– you thought he was incredibly attractive and enjoyed his music just like most people. If Harry Styles was the first celebrity you encountered during your short time in Los Angeles, you‘d never stop talking about it. Ever.
When you’re almost to him he looks up, dog-earring the page he’s on. After making eye contact with him, there’s no mistaking that this is Harry Styles. You pinch the back of your hand, urging yourself not to freak out. He has a knowing look on his face and you’re grateful for your darker complexion that hides your blush.
“Hi,” you speak first, stopping a few feet away from him. “Uh, my friends and I are just uh, we’re... you know.” You internally wince at your inability to form a coherent sentence. His gaze never breaks from yours and you look away first, growing shyer by the second. If you thought he was beautiful on Instagram, he was even more gorgeous in person. It was incredible.
“Hi,” he finally says after a brief moment of silence. “‘M sorry if I was starin’ at you ladies a moment ago. I jus’ usually never see anyone else this early out here. Are you a photographer?”
You almost ask him how he knows when you realize your camera is still hanging around your neck. “Oh, yeah. Yeah, I am.” He’s still staring intently at you.
“Would you like to sit?”
You look over your shoulder at Serena and Iman who were pretending to be preoccupied putting on sunscreen, but you know they were waiting for you to come back with the man you now knew to be Harry Styles.
“Oh, my friends are waiting for me,” Harry looks up at you patiently, waiting for you to continue speaking. “I was actually going to photograph them. I’m working on building up my portfolio. I understand if you can’t for… I dunno, legal reasons? Or if you just don’t want to–– and that’s fine if you don’t, but would it be okay if I photographed you as well?”
“That actually sounds like a lot of fun. It’s kinda boring jus’ readin’ out here on my own,” he agrees quickly, surprising you. Harry stands up and stretches a bit before leaning down to gather up his blanket, towel, water bottle, and book. “What’s your name? I’m Harry.”
You know that Harry knows that you know exactly who he is, but the fact that he introduced himself to you makes him even more endearing. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Aminah.”
Harry extends his free hand to you. “It’s very nice to meet you, Aminah.” You love the way your name sounds coming out of his mouth.
As you approach Serena and Iman, their eyes go wide when they realize it really was him. Serena nudges Iman and you know without even having heard it that she’s saying, “I told you so!” Harry stops a bit behind you, smiling at them.
“Hello,” he starts. “S’okay if I join you ladies? Aminah here extended such a nice offer that I jus’ couldn’t pass it up, but wanna check with the two of you first.”
Serena’s mouth is shamelessly hanging open, and you realize that she may have been a bigger fan than she let on. Iman answers for them. “Of course! Mina’s building her portfolio and I bet it would look like, super cool, if you were a part of it!” Harry nods, setting the few things he had with him down.
“I don’t think I would even be the center of attention if ‘m sittin’ beside you beautiful ladies. I’ll jus’ act as a prop or something,” he flashes them a dimpled smile. “If you don’t mind me asking, what are your names? I’m Harry.”
“We know,” Iman answers a little too quickly. “I’m Iman and this is Serena.” Serena gives him a timid wave.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you all. Are you guys from around here?” He lays his blanket beside all of your stuff and sits down cross-legged, not once breaking eye contact with any of you. You had no idea how he did it.
“We live Downtown. We’re only over here so Mina could get some good pictures, she’s a photographer,” Iman answers proudly. “She’s amazing, but she’ll never admit it.”
“Iman…,” you trail off. “Stop, dude.”
“It’s true,” Serena jumps into the conversation, now seemingly over the initial shock of who was sitting barely two feet away from her. “She’s the best photographer I know.” Harry turns to look at you, an amused look on his face.
“That’s a hefty claim. I can’t wait to see your photography skills, Aminah.”
“They’re just hyping me up,” you reply, making a mental note to yell at your friends for embarrassing you once the three of you were alone again. “I’m not that good.”
“That looks pretty professional to me,” Harry says, gesturing to the camera that has not yet left your neck since arriving at the beach. “I bet you’re just as good as they say you are.” You look away, hiding your face. Iman, being the wing woman she is, can tell you’re growing flustered from all the attention and moves the conversation away from you.
“Do any of y’all want a mimosa?” Before anyone can even answer her, she’s popping open the champagne and handing the orange juice to Serena to open. Harry politely declines, as he drove himself to the beach that morning. You and Iman are ultimately the only ones who indulge in a drink since you were the only ones not driving.
Talking to Harry was like catching up with an old friend. He wanted to know everything about the three of you and whenever he felt the conversation was becoming too much about him, he quickly changed the subject. Harry learned that Iman and Serena have been friends since the second grade when Iman pushed some boy off of the monkey bars for teasing Serena. He learned your favorite take-out spots, your favorite bars, and what freeways Iman and Serena tried to avoid at all cost (it was the 405, which he agreed with). What seemed to intrigue Harry the most, though, was him learning that you just moved from New York and had never even been to Los Angeles before moving.
“Why did you pick somewhere all the way across the country that you’d never even vacationed at before?” He had a look of confusion written across his face. You shrug, not really knowing the answer.
“I mean, I’ve seen it on TV shows and in movies. That doesn’t count?” you joke. Harry still looks utterly bewildered.
“I mean… no?”
Serena laughs. “We were just as confused as you were, Harry. We were scared for a moment when she moved in because we were like, oh shit, what if she’s insane? You know? Like, what sane person would move all the way across the country to live somewhere they’d never even vacationed before?”
You let out an offended, “heyyyy”, lightly smacking Serena’s thigh. “I just needed a change and I’m a drastic person! I either go all-in when I do something, or I just don’t do it at all.” You defend yourself.
“I actually think that’s really fuckin’ cool,” Harry says after a moment. “Sometimes I wish I could just… up an’ go. Y’know?” you all nod, and it falls silent again. “Well, should we take some pictures now?”
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Any intimidation you felt to photograph Harry disappeared as soon as he started posing for you.
Being that he was a major celebrity, he was no stranger to posing for a photoshoot. Harry was ethereal–– you knew the pictures of him would most likely require minimal to no editing. Serena and Iman also looked incredible, and you were thankful to have such gorgeous people as your muses. You were taking pictures of them in various places around the beach, only stopping once it started getting too crowded. There were starting to be too many people in the background of your shots and Harry wanted to get going, not particularly in the mood to be recognized. The three of you decide you should get going too. You had more than enough pictures to go through and besides, you were all starting to grow hungry.
Harry follows the three of you to the parking lot, keeping his head down the entire way. The closer you got to Serena’s car, the sadder you got. You didn’t want to stop talking to Harry and photographing him. However, you knew you were just in the right place at the right time, and it was likely that you’d never cross paths with him any time soon–– if ever again.
“Thank you for letting me photograph you,” you tell him sincerely once you were almost to Serena’s car. “That was really kind of you. I can promise you I won’t post them anywhere without your permission or like, disclose the location or anything like that.”
Harry finally looks up, determining you were far enough away from the crowds and he was no longer at risk of getting recognized. “It was my pleasure, really. Thank you for inviting me to hang out with you and your friends. It was a lot of fun getting to know you all.” You feel your body heat up.
“Where did you park?”
“Right there,” Harry points straight ahead. “You?”
You let out a loud laugh, causing Serena and Iman, who was walking slightly ahead of you and Harry, to turn around and look at the two of you. “We parked right next to you! Iman was getting on Serena for parking next to you because the lot was pretty much empty when we got here this morning.”
Harry lets out a breathy chuckle. “I guess it’s fate that we crossed paths then, yeah?” You let out a quiet hum in agreement, stopping a few feet in front of Serena’s car. You hear her and Iman debating on where you should stop for lunch, but you were waiting to see what Harry would say next.
“Aminah? After you get a chance to look at those pictures, do you think you can send them to my manager? His name’s Jeff. I’d love to see how they come out.”
“Oh yeah, of course! Do you have his business card or something?” You were excited that Harry actually cared to see your work but based on the couple of hours you spent interacting with him, you learned he was just an overall insanely kind person.
“I can jus’ put his contact info in your phone? If you don’t mind,” his gaze falters, a sheepish look on his face.
“Totally! Let me just unlock my phone,” you dig in the pocket of your shorts, pulling your phone out and unlocking it with your face. You hand it over to him and while he’s looking down typing you glance over at your roommates who had shocked looks on their faces. You would explain to them later that he wasn’t giving you his number, just his managers, but for now, you’d let them think he was giving his number to you out of all people–– a total stranger.
Harry hands it back to you a few moments later, running his fingers through his hair. “Thank you again for such a great morning, Aminah. I’ll let you get goin’, don’t wanna hold you ladies up any longer,” he waves at Serena and Iman. “It was really nice to meet all of you. Hope to see you all again soon.” You notice that his gaze lingers on you for a moment when he says that, and you feel your body heat up for what must have been at least the tenth time that day.
The three of you watch as Harry unlocks his car and throws his items haphazardly into the passenger side before climbing in, slamming the door shut. His car starts immediately afterwards and he gives you a quick nod before quickly backing out of the spot, leaving. None of you say anything for a bit, just processing what just happened. Serena is the first one to speak, her hand on the handle of her car door.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Harry fucking Styles?” her voice raises at least two octaves and you know she’s about to have a mini freakout. “Did he ask for your number, Meens?”
“No dude, he just gave me his manager's number. He wants to see how the pictures come out after I edit them,” you tell her, opening the backseat of her car. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Uh, that’s definitely a big deal, Aminah. Stop being so humble,” Iman tells you, exaggerated annoyance lacing her voice. “Did you see how he looked at you? When he said, ‘Hope to see you all again soon’?” She puts on a terrible posh accent.
“You’re so annoying,” you groan, shaking out the blanket and beach towels before throwing them onto the seat. “Where are we gonna eat?”
Iman and Serena pile into the car as well, telling you about the three restaurants they were stuck choosing between. You hum distractedly, typing the name ‘Jeff’ into your contacts to see if Harry left a number and an email, or just an email. Your brows furrowed in confusion when you see the name is nowhere to be found in your contact list. You chalk up the mistake to Harry just forgetting to press ‘save’ after creating the contact and figure you can just find his manager’s contact information on the internet somewhere. As you’re scrolling back up through your contact list, your eye lands on a name that makes your breath hitch in your throat.
Harry Styles.
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Gotcha, binch. Do 'em all. 💚🤍🖤
Oh noooo you got me what a shaaaaame /j
1.) When did you realize you were aromantic?
Uuuuuuh I wanna say in the first quarter of 2021 after breaking up with my ex boyfriend? I came to the realization that romance was legit just... friendship with a different label for me, if that makes sense. I feel very little distinction and being demiro myself, it can take a hot minute for the distinction to be more clear. And like even then, sometimes it just felt like ~super friendship~ and in the end for the two romantic relationships I had been in, both myself and my partner had been hurt in some way because it wasn't something I understood before it clicked. Tbh I should've realized it sooner cause there were multiple times in middle school when I'd talk about someone of the opposite gender doing something nice for me and not understanding why people would immediately reply with "omg do you have a crush on him???"
2.) How important is your arospec label to your overall identity?
Irl, super important, actually! It's hard for me to explain to people who don't know how it works and what it's like, but the people important to me love and understand, which I appreciate. In online spaces and irl ones, you may hear me just call myself aro, which is accurate, but I identify more with demiro at the moment! I can definitely say that I've been a lot happier and much more fulfilled in life now that I've realized it.
3.) Are there any aromantic microlabels you use?
Mainly demiro! I just found demirose, which I fucking LOVE, and I think aegoromantic, quoiromantic, recipromantic, and the tried and true grayromantic describe me fairly well too! Still, mainly demiro though cause it's easier to keep track of fjwhdj
4.) What does aromantic mean to you?
Aromantic means that just because I don't experience love romantically, that doesn't mean I can't fiercely love platonically. To me, it means that the part of me that people expect to be filled by a romantic partner is instead filled by the friends and family who love and support me. It means that I'm not broken and that I don't have to force myself to "fix it". It means that I an be atypically me, as I've started calling it.
5.) Has your arospec identity impacted your self shipping experience?
PFFFT fuck no-- Well, once I figured it out, a little bit. Helped me to understand why I'm so enamored with friends to lovers and childhood friends to lovers. But I still have ships that are more "traditional" in a romantic sense and lowkey some of the best ships I have. Like honestly, I absolutely LOVE romance as a concept, especially in fiction! ...Okay I lied, I like adding in a "oh god fuck WHY" moment for my OCs and inserts once they realize they have feelings and absolutely have no idea what the fuck to do or when the feelings changed.
6.) Give us some arospec headcanons for your f/os!
*slaps Albedo and Piers on the back* these bad boys can fit so much demiromanticism-- Lowkey though Albedo is very much gray aro. And I like to think Momo also identifies with an arospec identity and would probably just use gray aro until she figures it out. Platonical/Familial? You cannot look me in the face and tell me that Iago isn't aro in some capacity. I'd also hazard to say Aizen would be somewhere on the aro spectrum too?
7.) Here’s one (1) gush pass for a platonic or familial f/o!
We already know who that's going to and that's my duncle baybeeeeeee. Bertrand is like, so fucking kind and supportive to his kiddos and he doesn't even realize it? Asks about plans for the future, encourages them when the going gets tough, even makes a shitty dad joke about being cold and then starts moving his cold armored ass towards his kids to scare them because well, he is wearing cold ass metal. And we CANNOT forget the incident where a bunch of creepy crawlies started falling from a tree and in true uncle fashion, he used his shield as an umbrella and told everyone to fuck off and get their own. I love him so much. 10 out of 10, would punch a guy for me if I asked him to.
8.) Are you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go ape shit? Free pass to go on a little aromantic rant.
Please please PLEASE if you are gonna make a joke related to something with a specific aro label, don't lump everyone together, please? Just because a label is under the arospec umbrella doesn't mean that the joke will go over well for all identities under the umbrella. It comes off as kinda exclusionary and can be a form of erasure. Like, shit hurts man, especially as someone who identifies as demiro. For example, if something is pointed out as a specific arospec label, don't make a joke about aromanticism in general. It doesn't go over well and lowkey makes me super uncomfortable. Also just, don't shit on demi labels in general please. Like, come on, right in front of my salad?
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imagineredwood · 4 years
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Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5    Part 6    Part 7    Part 8   Part 9       Part 10    Part 11  Part 12   Part 13   Part 14  Part 15  Part 16   Part 17  Part 18   Part 19  Part 20  Part 21   Part 22  Part 23  Part 24 
Pairing: EZ Reyes x Camila (OC)
Warnings: Insecurity, worries of infidelity 
Word count: 3k
***The gifs are from @angels-reyes  💜***
“Is it all good? Did we miss anything?”
EZ chuckled as Camila looked around the house quick for the hundredth time. He walked up closer to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. Her hands came up to hold onto his sides and she looked up at him and he hushed her.
“Its fine Cam. The guys don’t care trust me. Even if the house was a mess, which it never is, they don’t care. They’re just coming for the vegetables and to see the garden. Relax.”
She took in a deep breath and let it out, nodding as she looked up at EZ.
“I just,”
“What, you think they suddenly would stop liking you because there was dust on the shades? Come on.”
Pulling away, EZ grabbed her hand and walked with her into the kitchen. With her back against the counter, he placed his hands under her arms and lifted her up onto the white granite. She jumped slightly, her hands gripping his shoulders as the back of her thighs hit the cold. EZ only laughed and kissed her mouth gently as she settled there. He leaned forward and rested his palms on the counter as well, arms to either side of her as he leaned forward, resting his head against her chest. Her arms immediately wrapped around him and she cradled his head. His voice was a low rumble as he relaxed in her embrace.
“I’m sorry about yesterday.”
Camila smiled and continued to stroke the back of his head gently, raking her nails along his scalp every now and then.
“I told you EZ, it’s ok. You’re the prospect, you’re done when they tell you that you’re done. I understand. You can’t help it if they run late and you have to stay.”
EZ was grateful his face was hidden at that moment. He didn’t want her to see the look of pure vehement shame that he wore. Lying generally, ever since he was little, was something that he hated. He hated having to lie to his parents, he hated lying to Angel. Now with Camila in his life, he was lying more than he ever had before. He was lying about his true intentions with the club, he was lying about what he did with the club and now he was lying about how he spent his time when she was waiting on him. It was wearing him down and apparently, she could feel his body tensing. The hands that were grasping his head gently now got slightly more firm and she pulled his face back up to face him. She looked into his eyes and gave a small smile.
“I promise, Ezekiel. Don’t worry about it.”
The fact that she thought he was tensing because he didn’t believe her made him feel even worse and he pulled away entirely, forcing a smile that even he could feel was fake. By the look in her eyes, the slight narrowing that she quickly concealed, he could tell that she also knew it was fake. Saying nothing, she allowed him to pull away from her, hands gripping her as he helped her get back down from the counter. Just as her socked feet hit the ground, the rumbling of bikes could be heard in the far distance. Camila’s smile was back then, and she bounced excitedly on the balls of her feet for a moment before going to open the door and wait for the men.
Camila smiled as she poured five glasses of her fresh lemonade, looking out of the sliding doors to watch the boys wander around her garden. Bishop and Tranq were walking around, looking through the plants and picking something every now and then, adding it to the bag she had given them. Taza, on the other hand, was simply walking around peacefully, hands crossed behind his back as he simply took in the sight. Every now and then he would lean down to smell a fruit or place his hand out for a butterfly to land on then continue walking the stone path.
Angel and EZ were off under the porch covering, speaking privately. What the conversation was about, she wasn’t sure. What she was sure about was that they were both irritated, the lines on Angel’s forehead deeply set as he spoke to EZ, his body language looking like he was giving a scolding. There was nothing but hand movements, both accusatory and defensive and suddenly Angel’s hand shot out, pointing into the house at what Camila assumed was meant to refer to her. She looked away then, feeling like she was intruding. She was curious, no doubt. She hoped that she hadn’t caused a problem by calling so much when they were busy. She hadn’t meant to be annoying or clingy and she hoped they knew that.
She couldn’t help but glance back up then, seeing both brothers now staring down as opposed to each other as they had been before. Camila trailed her eyes down and saw that they were both looking down at EZ’s phone. They glanced back up at each other, Angel’s eyes on fire, and when EZ swiped at the screen and brought the phone up to his ear, he tossed his hand aggressively in dismissal of his brother. EZ turned around then, walking off to the side to take his call while Angel shook his head clearly not thinking that EZ should answer the call and pulled open the sliding glass door, walking back into Camila’s home. She looked back down at the glasses for a moment, not wanting him to know she had been watching. When she felt him getting closer, his feet thudding heavily on the floor, she looked up to find him looking frustrated. She offered a smile as he came to stand beside her, and he returned a fake one. She couldn’t keep her mouth shut this time.
“Everything ok, Angel? And don’t lie.”
She had said the last part more to seem playful, but it seemed Angel didn’t catch on.
“It’s fine, Camila. I ain’t lying.”
His tone was sharp when he spoke to her and she recoiled slightly. He took notice and sighed, leaning to the side to rest his hip against the counter, forcing his shoulders to relax as well as his vocal cords. His voice was much softer when he spoke again, more like she was used to.
“I’m sorry, chiquita. I’m just overwhelmed.”
Camila nodded but kept her gaze down and he reached over, grasping her shoulder and squeezing slightly until she looked back up to meet his eyes.
“I mean it. I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you. I’m sorry.”
Camila nodded then and gave another smile.
“It’s ok. I just don’t want you feeling like you have to deal with shit alone. You can talk to me if you need to.”
The Mayan nodded, knowing that she was speaking the truth. He knew she was one of the few people he could count on to confide in and not be judged. That was partially why he was so furious with EZ and his reluctance to simply ignore Emily. He had brought EZ into the loop, brought him into his plans concerning Los Olvidados. Adelita worked on her own, she didn’t run things by Angel before she did them. How was he supposed to know that she was going to kidnap Emily’s kid? He understood that it was a shitty thing to do, but she had her reasons, and Angel couldn’t wrap his head around why EZ was making it his business to help Emily. He said she had called after it happened, saying that she didn’t know who else to go to and that she felt she could trust EZ to get answers, despite their rocky past. Angel had told EZ to leave it and the younger brother ignored him, as he had always done. Always thinking he knew best. Now here he was wrapped up in the MC, the side project with Los Olvidados and now he was caught up with his ex because he felt that he owed her help. The whole thing was a fucking mess and it was giving Angel more and more of a headache as the days went on.
He knew it was only a matter of time before Cam realized who was calling and the hiding was only going to raise suspicion. Angel had covered for EZ one too many times already and by now he was ready to let his baby brother take the fall for whatever repercussions came as a result of his stupidity. That would mean Camila getting her feelings hurt though and that was something Angel didn’t want. He was facing one ethical dilemma after another and he was tired.
Offering Camila a real smile, he leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead. She grinned and grabbed his glass, holding it up to him. Angel took the fresh lemonade gratefully. With a tap to his free hand, she lifted the tray with the other glasses and motioned for him to follow her back out.
“Let’s go give everyone else theirs.”
Angel said nothing and simply followed her, handing her his glass to hold while he grabbed the tray from her hands and carried it out for her. The two walked quietly out of the house and she opened the sliding door, following Angel outside. EZ was the closest, sitting on one of the chairs on the porch. Seeing then both back outside, he quickly said goodbye and ended his call. Camila hesitated and looked over at Angel, who gave her a solemnly sympathetic look. It was then that she realized that he hadn’t been upset himself because of whoever was calling. He was upset for her. Her mind started rolling then, trying to come up with who she would possibly be upset about him speaking to. All she could come up with was KJ. Maybe EZ had lied. Maybe he had told her things that weren’t true about their cousin simply because he didn’t want her getting close. Those were most definitely not letters that could ever stand for his initials. She suddenly recalled then what he had said when he had forced her to look at that picture.
“That’s Emily Thomas.”
She remembered the screen from when it had rung in the room and she had brought it to EZ, then when they had been at the clubhouse and he had quickly tried to hide it.
It was almost as if smoke had cleared and yet gotten thicker at the same time. Now she knew who it was, but it answered one question and created ten more. When Kevin had brought up Emily, EZ had been angry and she had told him that she wasn’t upset, that she understood the history, that she wasn’t jealous. They had agreed that an ex was an ex and she’d told him that didn’t care about his past. Except now his past was starting to meddle in his present and Cam felt a sinking feeling. EZ had assured her that he had nothing left with Emily, yet he had left her alone at their first club event to play catch up. He assured her that there was nothing there, yet now she knew they were keeping contact. Hidden contact. Camila could feel the tops of her ears getting hot and her stomach growing uneasy. It wasn’t until she felt a hand on her wrist that she came back to earth and realized she had zoned out. Blinking and looking at her arm to find EZ’s hand there. His hand was holding her arm, his brows knitted in concern.
“You ok baby? We’ve been talking to you and you just,”
EZ trailed off, looking her over. It had been a solid 10 seconds where she was there in body but not in mind. Looking to the side, she found Angel there looking worried as well, though by the look he wore when they locked eyes, she was sure he may have known why. Camila swallowed around a suddenly dry throat and nodded, not able to find words quick enough.  Instead, she simply pointed to the tray of lemonade that Angel was holding for her.
“I made lemonade.”
As gently as she could, she shook off EZ’s hand. She saw the flash of hurt across his eyes, but her mind was going into overdrive and she couldn’t spare sympathy for the moment. She pulled away and motioned back into the house with her thumb.
“I forgot the napkins.”
She didn’t wait for either Reyes brother to say anything, simply turned and walked back into her home, the air of happiness and family that he previously been in the air having evaporated. She closed the door behind her and walked back to the kitchen, hiding herself in the corner where she knew no one could see her from outside. She took several deep breathes and tried to steady herself. She was never the jealous type. Never one to be worried about another woman. Never one to be controlling or want to be in her man’s business. She had also never been faced with her man constantly hiding the fact that he was talking to his ex though. That was new, as were the worry that was starting to bubble in her stomach. The sound of the sliding door being pulled open hit her ears and she rolled her shoulders, trying to erase the sudden tension that had built up. Footsteps could be heard, softly going through the living room and into the kitchen and she couldn’t really tell who it was. Turning slightly, she looked over her shoulder and gave a smile, Bishop giving her one as well.
“The lemonade is wonderful. Why don’t you get yourself a glass as come sit outside with us?”
His warmth soothed Camila some and she nodded, grabbing another glass for herself.
“I’ll be right there.”
The President smiled once more and stepped back, going back outside while Camila poured herself a glass. She grabbed a handful of napkins from the rack and then made her way back outside to the others. Stepping outside, she looked around the patio and saw two open seats. One on the left over next to EZ, the other on the bench next to Angel. Walking to the right, she took a seat beside the older brother and took a sip of her lemonade, actively avoiding EZ’s eyes that were burning holes into her. She was quiet as the boys made conversation, simply drinking her lemonade as she willed herself to relax. She told herself that she was just reading into it too much but there was a nagging feeling that made her feel like there was much more going on behind the scenes than she was being let in on. To say that it hurt her feelings was an understatement. The feeling on Angel softly pushing his shoulder into hers pulled her out of her thoughts once more. She looked up at him and he gave her a small smile.
“You good, hermanita? And don’t lie.”
His duplication of her words from earlier made her chuckle and she told the truth, quietly.
“Been better.”
Angel nodded and looked at her sincerely, a pained look coming over his face.
“Talk to him.”
He looked away from her then and tried to focus back on the conversation. Camila did the same, but she stole a glance at EZ to find him looking like a kicked puppy. His face looked how she felt, and she looked away once again when the President stood and so did the others.
“Well, we gotta get going. We have to ride into town.”
Camila nodded and stood with them, each of them coming to hug her and say goodbye. One by one the embraced her and walked back into the house to leave until there was only EZ left. They stood there together in silence for a moment before EZ slowly reached out, giving her time to reject his touch. When she didn’t, he slid his hand along her waist to her lower back.  He opened his mouth to speak but she quickly raised her finger up to silence him.
“I know you have to go but we need to talk. Tonight? Will you have time?”
With a gulp, EZ accepted.
“Yes. I’ll be back tonight. It might be late, but I’ll be home. I promise.”
Camila thought to herself to take that promise with a grain of salt but didn’t tell him.
She was short, upset, and the last thing that EZ wanted to do was leave her that way. He knew that she must’ve figured it out and he wanted to explain, to defend himself and soothe whatever worries his foolishness had caused, but he didn’t have time. He knew that Bishop was having them cross under the border tonight and they needed to get going. He felt that a kiss was pushing it and so instead he took her face in his hands, leaning down and resting his forehead against hers. His voice was soft as he spoke.
“I love you, Camila. I love you.”
It was the best he could do. He didn’t have time to explain, to assure her that what was going on with Emily didn’t pose a threat to her or their relationship. All he could do was remind her that she was everything to him. With a nod, she looked up at him through her lashes. She knew he loved her, but his secrecy was starting to weigh heavily on her and she wished that he would just be entirely honest. She would speak with him tonight and lay everything on the table, no longer worried about being gentle or polite. Heaving a deep sigh, she closed her eyes as her forehead stayed resting against his.
“I love you too, EZ.” 
Tag list:  @caramara3   @lostgirl219 @mrsjaxtellerfan   @actuallyazriel   @vannabanana1995   @unnecessarypineapplesstuff  @thegreat-annamaria @negansdirtygirl22 @svintsandghosts @piccasoe @tobesurroundedbysplendidthings @jadert15  @lovejn29 @may114   @meltingicequeen
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quackmyback · 4 years
Heads or Tails : chapter one
Will Byers x Fem!OC
Hi friends, I don't think anyone actually read chapter zero, besides myself ofc, so I decided to post Chapter One today like I said I would :)
Mason pulled herself from a restless sleep, blinking away the gunk layered across her pupils and trying to swat away the sun streaming through the window. Slowly, she sat up and messed with the knots in her hair and she watched Max peacefully snore with her blanket half on her and half on the floor.
"Max," Mason called to her sister in hopes of waking her from her dreams. "Max. Dude!" Mason threw a stuffed animal -- a small, kind of deflated elephant her dad had got her years ago -- and nailed Max right in the nose.
"What the hell, Mase?"
"Get up, we have a one-way ticket to hell in about fifteen minutes." Mason threw her blankets off her legs and headed over to her and Max's shared wardrobe -- picking out a simple outfit that she hoped wouldnt get her taunted on her first day at school.
The twins juxtaposed each other:  while Max wore her hair down, Mason tied it up with braids and and excessive use of hair clips, while Max liked baggy jeans and larger hoodies -- Mason preferred oddly patterned skirts with white shirts and denim jackets. Both girls only owned one pair of shoes: Max's were a red pair of converse they had found super cheap at a thrift store while Mason's were a weird off brand of keds that were fully white.
Mason walked out of the room, back to the bathroom, and shouted back to her sister, "and you better hurry your ass up, because I am not biking to school!"
"Whatever, dork!" Max slammed the door to their shared bedroom.
• ○ •
hen Billy parked the car, Max and Mason exited. Mason gazed around to see everyone staring at her new step-brothers ass and, while delighted it wasn't at her, her lip curled in disgust. She sped walked to catch up to her sister, who was slowly skating towards the Middle School across the parking lot.
"This is gonna be a total nightmare," Max scoffed glaring at everyone around them who dared to take a glance towards the Mayfield twins.
"Maybe" -- Mason shrugged -- "maybe not."
The girls continued their slow, torturous walk to school -- stopping at the front desk so that Mason could ask for their schedules. Assuming that their classes would be the same, Mason felt misery when she realized she would have to part from Max for art.
Max sighed, "Well, at least you dont have Drama with Mrs. Cockwit."
The girls looked at each other before their faces broke into smiles, Mason examined their schedules side by side once again. "Science," she said. "We should probably hurry and go find-"
"-That wont be a problem, Miss Mayfield." The twins turned suddenly to find a burly man behind them, the principal they assumed. Now, they're own personal tour guide. "I will be leading you to your first class, please the bell will ring shortly, so follow me."
They did, reluctantly, follow him to a wooden door where they could faintly hear the teacher teaching his wisdom to a class full of kid more likely than not to drop out of three years. They walked in, quickly as to avoid as much attention as possible. Though when Mason had looked up when passing the teachers desk, she realized that wasn't going to be easy.
"Ah, these must be our new students!" Mason's attention snapped to the teacher, she had realized on her schedule his name was Mr.Clarke.
"Indeed it is," the principal who had herded the two into the classroom confirmed,"All yours."
Mason rushed to follow Max to the back, yet they were stopped about as fast as Max could rolled her eyes.
"All right, hold up." Mr. Clark held put his hand to stop the two and smiled. "You dont get away that easy."
Mason barely muttered under her breath, not even enough for it to really reach her own ears. "One could hope."
Mr. Clark continued his introduction, as if the two girls weren't capable of saying their own names. Mason was more than capable of having a panic attack discretely, surely she could say her name to a classroom full of people. Wait a minute.
"Come on up, dont be shy. Dustin, drum roll." A kid in the front, who wore a hat and a dinosaur hoodie, closed his notebook and drummed his fingers against it. "Class," Mr. Clark began," please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passengers to join us on our curiosity voyage, Mason and Maxine."
Mason swallowed and shuffled awkwardly, "Uh, I'm actually Mason and that's-"
"Max. Not Maxine," Max interrupted her sister, eager to sit down and hide away from the vulturous stares of the class.
"Oh, well, I'm sorry. Um, all aboard, Max and Mason."
The twins hurried past him, finding empty seats in the near back of the class -- Mason scoring one near the window. She pulled her notebook from her backpack and pulled one of her many colorful pens from the side pockets -- the only happiness she ever was given was from those pens.
She sat there for a moment, staring at the blank page in front of her and barely hearing Mr. Clarke lecturing the class. Not surprisingly, she also barely notices Max's elbow slowly shoving Mason's notebook off the desk.
"Dude" -- Mason barely caught the book before it fell and furrowed her brows -- "what the hell?" She dropped her voice to a whisper in Hope's of not getting in trouble on her first day at school for Max's mischief.
"Those guys upfront keep staring at us," Max whispered through her hair. Mason's eyes flickered up and, lo and behold, the four boys were, indeed, staring at them. Well...
"They arent staring at us," Mason corrected, "they're staring at you. "
"How the hell should I know?" Max turned to face forward, playing with her hands after her sister said that. Mason sighed," Don't worry, I have an idea."
Max nodded, trusting her sister,"Okay."
With that, Mason grabbed the top of her blue pen with her teeth and popped it off. She wrote the first thing that came to mind in big letters.
• ○ •
Mason walked into the art room, it was lined with floor to ceiling windows and every wall was a different color. The room was fairly empty, Mason assumed it was because art was pushed onto students as much as sports or academics.
She sighed and took a seat by the window. Some one pulled the stool beside her out and sat down. Mason looked over to find one of the boys who were staring at her sister. He smiled, a small smile that didn't really reach his eyes. He looked like he had a lot on his mind, way too much to deal with for a small boy his age.
"Hi, uh, I'm Will."
Mason returned his smile, her hands were shaking; she buried them in the pockets of her jacket.
"I don't think I need to introduce myself." Mason looked down at the table, he had his sketchbook out and she didn't -- she anxious that she was supposed to already have it out. Did anyone else have it out? Her eyes danced around the room, avoiding Will's beautiful brown ones the whole time.
He noticed her behaviour, and it barely seemed unusual until he realized her leg was bouncing quickly and her bottom lip was pulled tight between her teeth. When she released it from its death grip, he could see the scabs forming across the sensitive skin.
"You'd be right," he laughed, hoping to calm her down,"Mason, yeah? That's a pretty cool name."
"It's a boy's name." Mason ducked down below the table to retrieve her sketchbook from her back pack.
"It can't be a boy's name." Mason looked at him for the first time since he sat down next to her. He smiled goofily, she saw that it reached his eyes this time. Her heart leaped. "How can it be a boy's name if it's your name?"
Mason's lips parted and her leg stopped bouncing for a second, but her hands had exited her pockets and were bending the bottom corner of her sketchbook. "Well, I think my parents wanted a boy."
"Well, I think my mom wanted a dog." He spun a lock of his hair around his finger, "She got the shedding and, I offered to play fetch with her, but she thought that was weird."
Will felt pride swell in his chest, a smile broke out across his face after a sweet snippet of laughter fell from her lips.
Mason let her laughter die into a small smile and she glanced at him, "Hey, I'll, uh, I'll show you mine if you show me yours?"
Will glanced down at his sketch book anxiously, "O-Okay."
They grinned, exchanging books and looking through the other's masterpieces. Each other, carefully calculating their looks at each other to see the other's reaction towards their pride and joy.
• ○ •
"He seemed nice," Mason defended her new friend, despite Max's efforts to deter her away from him.
"No way, he's one of the creeps who stared at us." Max slammed her hand down onto the button and violently yanked the joystick.
"They were staring at you, and maybe they arent creeps maybe they just are curious about the new kids and are too scared to approach."
Max quickly diverted her attention from Dig Dug to Mason and back to Dig Dug before she died. "If that were true, they would've been looking at you too." Mason sighed loudly, laying her head against the side of the machine. "Now, dude, you're really killing my Dig Dug vibe."
"Whatever," Mason shover herself off the machine and turned to her sister, "I'm gonna get a soda, you want anything?"
"Grape and a snickers."
"Got it."
Mason walked away, her hands in her pockets jingling she change, she rubbed her fingers over the rough circles repeatedly to assure herself she had enough to pay for everything.
"What can I get for you," The guy behind the register asked. Mason's eyes dashed across the menu even though she already knew what she wanted.
"Uh, yeah, can I get a strawberry and a grapefruit fanta plus two snickers." She looked down at her pocket to pull out the change. "Oh, uh, please.m," Mason quickly added.
"No problem."
While she waited, Mason leaned against the counter and faced towards where Max was standing at the Dig Dug machine working her magic. Then, her eyes fell on the two boys from their science class."
"Oh, you've got to be shitting me."
As if they sensed her looking at them, the glanced behind them and their eyes widened -- busted.
"Position has been comprised! Fall out!" The curly haired boy shouted, Mason watched as they ran out the door. She sighed, shaking her head and turned towards the counter where the guy had set down her order.
"Thank you." She handed him the money and retreated back to Max. She sighed as she handed max her snickers and held onto the soda for when she finished the game she was playing.
"What's got your panties in a knot?" Max barely glanced at her, taking a giant bite of her snickers.
"Fuckin' creeps." Mason cracked the top of her strawberry soda and took a gulp.
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callunavulgari · 5 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2019
1. these roads will take you into your own country by @notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney | WIP | 33k
Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.
Heather Says: So. It’s funny that another of @notbecauseofvictories‘s stories is at the top of my list again this year. Keep in mind this list is sorted by when the fic was read rather than favorites (because that would get real complicated real quick). Clearly there must be something about January. There’s just something about the writing that is easy to slip into, be it a Star Wars fic or a Labyrinth fic or even a fic about Johnny and the Devil. This was lovely and I can’t wait until it’s finished.
2. eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by @honkforhankcon | Detroit: Become Human | Hank/Connor | 91k
Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Heather Says: I don’t think that this is the first DBH fic that I sought out after beating the game, but it is the first that I loved enough to make it to this list. I didn’t think that I would go for a modern au for this fandom, certainly not a modern au wihere Hank is a truck driver and Connor is a sex worker (albeit briefly?) but here I am.
3. Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit: Become Human | RK900/Gavin Reed | 41k
After the android uprising, Connor becomes a permanent fixture in the DPD. That’s fine. Gavin can accept that. The dipshit’s more human than he used to be, and a decent detective to boot. Gavin can deal with him being around. What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
Heather Says: I also never thought that I’d like a fic with Gavin in it. But I got curious about all the Reed900, and well, this fic really won me over. The writing is fantastic, and it softens Gavin while still keeping him believable. Also, well, I like the enemies to lovers thing.
4. Almost Cool by @blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 30k
While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Heather Says: This is actually the first thing that I read for this fandom. In fact, this is the fic that got me into Buzzfeed Unsolved in the first place. I’d seen a lot of art and gifs and fics pass my way, but I was only ever slightly interested in what I saw until this fic came through my inbox and piqued my curiosity. 
5. Pride by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne/Cersei | 22k
Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. 
Heather Says: Wowza. This fic was intense. I’ve always loved Jaime and Brienne. I’ve loved them since the second book, which was read at least a few years before I started loving them in the show. Adding Cersei to their dynamic would have probably been almost impossible to pull off if it was anyone else, but @astolat lives to surpass my expectations.
6. Skin and Scales by Ernmark | The Penumbra Podcast | Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla | 18k
The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing. “Lord Arum?”
Heather Says: I was one of those people who skipped through all of the Second Citadel episodes during my first listen through of Penumbra. The stories were good, but the pull of Juno was too great. A couple months after I finished, I went back and listened to everything I didn’t. And let me tell you. Lizard monster. Honorable knight. Bookish girlfriend. Poly. It hit every single button I had and then some. This fic really hit the spot when I ran out of story.
7. someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k
catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Heather Says: Noooot usually a big fan of high school fics. Namely because I’m not in high school anymore and well, after you read so many in your teenage years they sort of lose their luster. This one was phenomenal enough to change my mind.
8. Sands of Time by @tirsynni | Legend of Zelda | Ganondorf/Link | WIP | 98k
Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Heather Says: I have seen a lot of really good Link/Ganondorf art over the years, but never really stumbled across a fic that didn’t have judicious amount of non-con involved. But the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer happened, and everybody started drawing really pretty art, so I went looking. And lo and behold, @tirsynni saved the day with this gorgeous time travel/fix-it fic. 
9. killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k
Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend. (Or: the one where the Phantom Thieves decide to know thy enemy, befriend thy enemy, love thy enemy, crush on thy enemy).
Heather Says: I’ve read a couple of veterization’s fics over the years, and to date they have never disappointed me. They published this in June, and I think I clicked on it mostly because I was bored and hadn’t read any good P5 fic yet. This was basically just what the doctor ordered, and I was really happy to find something where Akechi’s story went ever so slightly different.
10. paper thin by @ebonybow | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k
Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
Heather Says: So I went into this one knowing very little about how Sara fit into things. I didn’t know she was Shane’s girlfriend. I’d never even seen her, but I clicked because I like poly and I trust the author. I was 100% not disappointed. There’s also another fic with a very similar dynamic here, which is also aces.
11. damn.nation, now available on itunes by @kaikamahine | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 11k
When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell. This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
Heather Says: Elizabeth may have only written one fic this year, but she made it a damn good one. I’ve always loved her OCs especially, so I was pretty tickled that this is 10k+ of outsider pov. Also, demons! Demons are great! This demon is great! I want like 9 seasons and a movie about Amphora, just saying.
12. The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Jon/Sansa/Daenarys | 60k
When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Heather Says: What do you mean season 8 didn’t exist and the show totally ended with a three way relationship between the two most powerful women in Westeros and Jon Snow? Never been a big fan of Jon/Sansa before this, but this is another of those writers that I would literally trust if they wrote a fic about a fork and a spoon.
13. never tell me the odds by @wildehacked | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 9k
“I tried Star Wars," he says, adjusting the phone under his neck, "and it was way underwhelming.”
A shaky breath from her end. “Well, where did you start?”
Heather Says: I don’t remember which of @wildehacked‘s fandoms I started reading first. Most recently it’s been The Magnus Archives (more on this later). The point is, they’d written Wolf 359 fic and it had Hera and Eiffel and it was literally everything that I’ve been looking for since the series ended.
14. Find Me Somebody by raiining | Good Omens | Warlock/Adam Young | 11k
“You left me,” he said. “You both left me, for him. And I can’t even blame you, because I’d have left me for him too.”
Heather Says: There was an Art. The art was lovely. So I went looking, because that’s what I do when faced with beautiful art depicting a rare pairing. And I found the holy grail. Like, possibly my favorite Good Omens fic? Ever? 
15. flirting with fire by @brawlite | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | WIP | 7k
Steve's a cop, Billy's a firefighter. It's not a grudge, it's just a regular old small town rivalry.
Heather Says: Okay so brawlite has written a lot of great stuff this year (more on that later), but I read this in bed at the beach house this August while I was reeling from both a horrible sunburn and like seven hours of mild to moderate day-drinking while everyone else was still throwing back shots right outside my bedroom door. Jaws was playing on the tv and I wasn’t even paying attention to it, because THIS. Long story short, I’ve been thirsty for more ever since.
16. gold, when you find me by mmtion | The Flash | Iris/Barry | 53k
It's not that Iris hates The Flash, per say - more that she hates writing about The Streak in a weekly, pun-heavy comic based on The Flash.
Heather Says: I never would have thought that a canon pairing would make it to my Top 25 list, but here we are. I like Iris/Barry a lot better when they don’t grow up together and spend a lot of time playing the Superman game, apparently. Also, this was really well-written, and sexual tension has never been something I’ve felt from Barry and Iris, but I felt it in this fic. Just. Damn.
17. never gets old by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger| Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
Heather Says: Told you I’d come back to it. brawlite and toastranger are a fantastic team. last year was cherry pie and under the covers, this year it’s camboys and cop/firefighter dynamics. Also, I have a really strange fascination with fics where a character has an instragram. It’s really, incredibly strange. Also also, every time I see this fic title I get that one Discovery Channel song stuck in my head. And no, it probably isn’t the one you’re thinking.
18. ways to save the world by @wildehacked | The Magnus Archives | Martin Blackwood/Jon Sims | 19k
“I left you,” Martin says softly.
Heather Says: And we’re back at wildehacked too! The Magnus Archives was a thing that happened to me. This is I think the first fic I read for it while listening, and it was so very close to what we got in canon. I think when it comes down to it though, I still prefer this fic, even if the ending of this season was pretty fantastic.
19. The Denial Twist by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 35k
“This is kind of surreal,” Shane says, taking a sip of his tea. It’s piping hot and delicious, except it tastes like hot chocolate and not like tea at all. “Sort of—Wonka-esque, right? Or Alice in Wonderland.”
Heather Says: While the vampire one is my favorite both because it is excellent and because it was my first, this one was bizarre and sexy and also I read it like only a month or so ago! The dancing was my favorite part, but having dreams to work with made this story fantastically interesting and I loved every second of it.
20. silver in our lungs by taywen | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk Lord | 4k
The marks had been with Miryem for as long as she could remember. There were a number of them, all the same shade, following one after the other around her left wrist. They were pale as old scars, though they felt no different from the rest of her skin, and her mother claimed that Miryem had been born with them.
Heather Says: I really like soulmate aus. There’s so many different ways to twist them and the way they can sometimes change the dynamic entirely and other times not change them at all is just fascinating. I’ve been hoping there would be more Spinning Silver content on ao3 and running into this while I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for yuletide was a real treat.
21. you got me begging, begging, i'm on my knees by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 5k
Costis has a particularly enlightening evening. (or, that struggle when you're a guard who's in love with your rulers and it turns out you would kind of like it if they bossed you around a little)
Heather Says: I accidentally re-read the King of Attolia and it made me consider ships I had perhaps not previously considered. This was really lovely and just steamy enough.
22. something more alive than silence by pageleaf | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 21k
It was a good thing that six months after the king had promised to halve the guard, he still hadn’t done it, because since then, there had been two attempts on the king’s life.
Heather Says: I want to only type the words AGONIZED NOISES to describe this fic because that’s basically my headspace when I get 21k of a shiny new ot3, but I mean. Really. This is super good and maybe my favorite yet? Why didn’t I start reading this fandom when I first read the books?
23. Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k
The dragon chooses, Mark knows that as well as any boy born in a weyr. He'd never considered what that would mean if the dragon picked someone you hated. He's starting to think that was a mistake.
Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
Heather Says: This should actually be somewhere back in March, but I apparently closed out of the tab at some point. I never really got into Pern much. I have the first three books, but got most of the way through the first one a long time ago and then never picked it back up. I didn’t think I would like this, mostly because of the fact that I hadn’t gotten into the books, but was surprised to find that I absolutely loved it.
24. Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby | Shades of Magic | Lila/Kell/Holland | 9k
Holland travels with Lila and Kell. Somewhere along the way, they reach an equilibrium.
Heather Says: I love the new things I’ve discovered during my yuletide trompings. I don’t think I ever actually considered this pairing when I first read the books, but I am just so enamored with the idea of the three of them together. Like, why did I not realize that potential back then? This was lovely, and I loved it, and I want so much more out of this pairing than what ao3 has to offer me.
25. Charioteer by petrichoral | The Queen’s Thief | Gen & Costis | 13k
Captured in battle and stuck in the Mede capital, Costis has given up all hope of seeing his country again. But Eugenides has a habit of turning up where he's least expected.
Heather Says: Technically this shouldn’t be on here because I only read it today, but it was really wonderful and so canon typical. Gen and Costis were perfect in it, Irene was perfect in it. Everyone was perfect and nothing hurts.
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geniejackman · 6 years
Reasons why you should go see Starkid’s newest show: The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals
Spoilers(ish) ahead:
-the Matrix Theatre is fairly small, so it’s a very intimate setting! you’re never more than a few feet from the actors regardless of where you sit. I was hyperventilating at being so close to them the whole time.
-the music and lyrics by Jeff Blim are absolute BANGERS and I can’t wait to buy the entire soundtrack.
-seriously one of Nick and Matt’s best scripts. AND THE JOKES, I can’t.
-Joey Richter: “we can’t hide in a church, we’re all different denominations and I’m not dying in your filthy fucking Methodist chuch CHARLOTTE.”
-All the musical theater in-jokes are great and relevant and I love them. especially the ones about vocal rest.
-newcomer Mariah Rose Faith is dazzling and has the voice of an angel. also, can we appreciate the fact that Team Starkid gives their newcomers as many opportunities to shine as possibe and never shunts them to the background?
-SPEAKING OF NEWCOMERS: Jon Matteson as Paul is hillarious and ridiculously compelling. I got the feeling he was going to be a great addition to the cast based on the premotional youtube videos. He doesn’t sing for most of the show because, well, “the guy just doesn’t like musicals”. but when he does, it’s gorgeous!
-Robert Manion has a fabulous Show Stopping Number and it’s incredible and I love it. His acting, singing, and dancing is ridiculously on point.
-THE DANCING. Oh sweet jesus the dancing. The choreography is a good fucking time. hats off to Lauren Lopez and James Tolbert.
-the doomsday senareo is actually really compelling and various characters reactions/motivations are well thought out, not as hastily thrown together as is usual for most doomsday plots.
-there were a handful of goofups, one particularly hillarious incedent involving hard to remove drapery, which I think added to the enjoyment of the show. Hopefully some of those will make it onto the finished youtube version.
-the ending was really unexpected and hillarious. poor Lauren.
-in summation, the whole production is amazing in every aspect and I can’t wait for it to be online so I can watch it a million times. if you live in LA/SoCal and can make it for the remaining shows, I highly recommend checking it out! it’s a great way to start the Halloween season! like I said before, the theater is small but there isn’t a bad seat in the house. Get there early, parking in WeHo is super shitty. Darren Criss was there the night I went, and it’s a testemant of how respectful the teams fans are that they didn’t create a big mob-scene and let him peacefully enjoy his friends work. and boy is there a lot to enjoy! in my opinion, this is one of their best shows, right up there with Twisted and the Potter musicals. but really, when has Team Starkid ever put out a bad show amiright.
-JUST GO BUY TICKETS: https://www.todaytix.com/x/los-angeles/shows/13066-the-guy-who-didnt-like-musicals/rush
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rosecocoas · 7 years
Kirli: 1, 2, 3, 5, 19... Chris: 2, 3, 17... Angie: 2, 17... Emery: 3, 5, 8, 17... El: 5... Jaspar: 19... Ravi: 19... Glen: 19... All/Your Pick: 11, 15, 18... Running Out Of Hell characters: 13... + any other questions that catch your eye :D
I AM SO GLAD TO KNOW YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THESE ASSES?!! YOU ASKED FOR IT:(heads up, this is very long and idk how to do the read more thing)1. what was the first element of your oc that you remember considering?Kirli: I wanted a demon severely loyal to Mephistapheles, who was the main villain at the time. Both Chris and Ravi, the only other demons, were against Mephi for a most part, so I felt the need to have SOMEONE side with her? I also really wanted a demon OC with succubus tendencies lol2. did you design them with any characters or ocs from their universe in mind?Kirli: She was originally supposed to be the parallel of Chris; driven and passionate, instead of lazy and uncaring like him. I also wanted to give Tessa a designated demon , so she was built around Tessa as well! Chris: I really wanted to give Emery, who was the first to be created in ROoH, a friend, but not a GOOD friend, so Chris was brought to life! I also wanted a dynamic akin to Jonathan and Sock from W2H , which I was (and still am) very into at the time!Angie: Lol I looked at Emery and Chris, the only two ocs I had for this story atm and thought, "holy shit, they're basically two incompetent fools. I should give them a voice of reason." Levelheaded Angie joined the story then. She had, no significance to the plot other than to tell them not to do stupid things??? She's more rounded out now tho :D3. how did you choose their name?Kirli: Her original name, Twyla, was because we read a story in English class about two girls, Jessa and Twyla, and it was a story I found interesting, so I wanted to incorporate an Element from it into my own story! For some reason, I really wanted to make her name mean 'dirty carpet', so Twyla changed to Zikina Tapis, and then the Kirli Tapis we all know and love Chris: .... I actually have no recollection on WHY I decided his name should be Chris???? He just kinda, felt like a Chris.Emery: I think I met a girl named Emorie at a church thing, and her name was just so pretty , that it stuck with me an I desperately wanted to use it somehow? I looked up different ways to spell it and decided on Emery!5. is there any significance behind their hair color?Kirli: she dyed her hair pink after seeing a rlly cute girl with pink hair! It drew attention to the girl, which, Kirli craves attention, and decided to do that as well! Her hair color is originally a medium brown.Emery: His most cherished memory from his childhood was seeing a rainbow for the first time. His mom and dad had taken him to the park for a picnic, and it rained on them for a while at the beginning, but they ate under a gazebo and waited for it to let up. He was so mesmerized by the beauty of the rainbow. It felt like pure magic. When his mom was reduced to a vegetable state, he tried to cling to his happiest memories for stability, because his dad was isolating himself and he had nothing else to lean on. When he ran away from home as a teen to perform magic, he dyed a part of his hair rainbow (he had to bleach the whole section, then dye small segments the different colors one at a time) to remind himself of how he felt that day.El: Hers was purely for the color scheme, but I think I've decided that all mermaids from where she's from have unnatural hair colors? (wow what a jarring difference from Emery's reason lol)8. what, if anything do you relate to within their character/story?Emery: honestly, I based a lot of his childhood off of mine, so I relate to him in that way? We were both forced to grow up a little too early due to parental problems, but Emery's dad was a bit more of an extreme case. His dad turned to drugs to forget the loss of his wife, or at least the woman he fell in love with. On a bit of a lighter note, I've always loved magic, so I relate to Emery's fascination with the unexplainable!11. did you know what the oc's sexuality would be at the time of their creation?All: Not really. I never really consider romance in my stories, so their sexualities weren't thought of until much later! Jaspar was the first oc from ROoH to get a confirmed sexuality, I think ? Emery and Angie were the most recently decided, and Chris and Kirli's are still To Be Determined.13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?ROoH: I dont have anything decided AFTER the story, but I do have what happened BEFORE ? Chris, Angie, Jaspar, Kirli, and Ravi all have more or less ideas on how their human lives played out, if this counts as an answer. Chris and Angie met while trying to immigrate to America in theeeeee 1800s-ish, Angie from Iran and Chris from Switzerland (haven't fully decided??) they fell in love , Chris died in a fire, Angie died of ,,, something (haven't decided this either). Kirli lived and died in 1300-ish England, Black Death. Jaspar lived in Minnesota, early 1900s, cause of death unknown. Ravi lived in Germany all his life, cause of death: not sure yet, again. Probably something random like food poisoning knowing him.15. what is something about your oc that can make you laugh?All: Every time I think of Chris's power to turn things into lawnmowers I laugh because,,, what a dumb power omfg,,,, ALSO THE FACT THAT A MAIN BAD GUY IS JUST. AN EVIL SNOWMAN THAT CURSES A LOT. LIKE,, WHAT. 17. Is there some element you regret adding to your oc or their story?Chris: I mean, the whole thing he does at the end (not gonna spoil :3 ) was pretty shitty?? Like he didnt talk the person out of sacrificing theirself, just kinda accepted he was gonna Stab™. At least he felt guilty afterwards...Angie: I think at one point she was a narcoleptic??? which, that served no purpose to the plot. I regret having that as a trait for her. I also feel bad for not letting her bond with Tessa? She's her guardian angel and still doesn't care for her as much as she should :(Emery: ...... just his entire backstory. so sorry my child I love you I swear-18. what is the most recent thing you've discovered about your oc?All: The fact that Angie remembers all of her human life was a recently discovered thing (so, she remembers her and Chris's relationship, while he doesn't. She dislikes him a lot because now she looks at this trash demon and thinks "I,,,,,, dated that thing???? *barf emoji*") she also hates that he doesn't remember at all, she finds it annoying.Also a recently discovered thing! A reason for Kirli's hatred of humans! Thanks to you Lea!!!!! Kirli died during the Black Death epidemic, so her death went unnoticed. She was brought back as a demon quickly after her death, so she got to watch as her corpse was just tossed to the side without a second glance. Kirli watched as humans dropped dead and were treated in the same respect, and it disgusted her. She reasoned that all humans must be like this: jaded and uncaring towards each other. She refused to look at anything humans did as redeeming in any way, and even any good they did she labeled as a negative trait. "American humans fighting for freedom? well who took away their freedoms in the first place: humans. Famous artworks? All made to prove to others their life is worth something, even though the paintings often went unappreciated until the artist's death."19. What is your favorite fact about your oc?Kirli: The fact that she tries fake like she has a French accent to make herself seem more impressive?? And also the fact that she had a French SO (who was also a demon) that actively taught her the wrong French words for things. "How do you say 'Die a slow and painful death' in French" "omelette du fromage" "thanks hun"Jaspar: The fact that he tries so so so hard to become friends with Emery? Who he knows everything about because he's Emery's Guardian Angel, and he just loves Emery to bits and wants to be around him forever. His passion for Emery and humans in general, for short?? Also he has a strong Minnesotan accent which I LO VE. Ravi: The fact that he has this awful power to make someone relive their worst memory just by touching them, and he refuses to use it just because he is a soft boy who doesn't want anyone to suffer. Also the fact that he's a hella big Mephistapheles Fanboy.Glen: He's always getting nosebleeds from fighting so much??? And his solution is to put A BAND-AID on the bridge of his nose??? Honey that's not how it works. He knows nothing. Luckily angels heal over a short amount of time regardless, so his ignorance doesn't cause any long-lasting damage.Lea you are a trooper for sending me OC asks, bless you and thank you for wanting to know about these garbage babies(and also watch out for some questions about YOUR ocs :333c)
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Marked Men Regent Theater Review
Here’s a reading playlist that shouldn’t be hard to make. It’ll enhance the experience or give you a good introduction to each band. 
Thursday July 20th, 2017, The Marked Men headlined a show at The Regent Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles. My brother, best friend and I made it a top priority to attend. I have quite the affinity for The Marked Men and had been wanting to see them for years. Discovering them was a cathartic experience. They played a style of punk rock that I had definitely heard before but now it was perfected. It’s an assault of Dan Electros and Telecasters for wallflowers and introspective punk kids who aren’t tough guys. They just wrote better songs. I feel like the torch was silently passed to them but not everybody got the memo. So that really fucking hot night in Los Angeles was an important one. Royal Headache, Audacity and Flatworms are the openers. I’ve only heard of these bands, but I was excited to get a live introduction.
The Regent is spacious, really dark, simple and it feels like home every time I’m there. The floor is at an incline. I wonder how that’s going to go with the environment of a punk show.  We’re greeted with an intense and fast band called Flatworms. A gnarly style of punk with a hypnotic aspect like something of the krautrock persuasion. I was pretty taken back almost immediately. I suddenly had an urge to lose my mind. Typical male with unresolved anger at a punk rock show. Every song was another jolt of electricity that added to the energy of the room. There’s not a full blown pit but crowd physical crowd reaction came in waves. That’s a compelling opening band. If your band isn’t even promoted on the ticket and you’re playing with a band with a cult following, there’s not a high likelihood of making a huge impact. Flatworms seemed to be the exception to that uphill battle of a rule. Their singer was a nice dude too. We gave him a beer for a dope set and our good deed was rewarded with a free copy of their 7” Red Hot Sand. Thanks bud. I’ve listened to it several times since the show and it rips. I recommend you check it out too. My group gets closer to the stage.
Being that this was an evening of hybridity, Audacity brought a more quintessential OC garage rock feel to the Ramones tempo party we were all taking part of. Catchy songs with good melody and a sense of humor showing that you don’t take yourself that seriously is refreshing. To be geek for a second, I immediately saw the colors and logo for the first Adolescents album come from behind the drum set. Except it was a shirt that read, Rikk Agnew. (Original guitarist for the Adolescents) That alone got me invested before a note was played. Every member of this band seem to have a strong personality like cartoon characters. The music is infectious. I found myself saying “damn this is a hit” about every other song. The room has filled up a bit. The waves have gotten a little bigger. Suddenly making sure my PBR doesn’t spill is becoming a priority. Apparently whoever is standing in front of me is becoming one as well. She was beautiful human being with blonde hair and a denim jacket. All logic went out the window, so I felt compelled to talk to her. I can typically put that aside and stare at my shoes politely or drink another beer but for some reason, that didn’t seem to be an option. Every beer run we made I would attempt to be charming by offering to include her. She tolerates my feeble attempts at any interaction and the awful inside jokes about beer and Black Flag tattoos from my boys and I. We’re amusing at best.
But now it’s time for Royal Headache. I’m comfortable saying I love each band that played that night. But gun to my head, the highlight might have been discovering Royal Headache. They were a name I heard tossed around for years but I was never exposed to them. Imagine if sixties soul songs and punk rock had an affair with the resentment and partying of something like Guided By Voices and the intensity and rage of Husker Du. That to me is Royal Headache. There’s a familiarity to them. I suddenly feel like I’ve been a fan for my whole life when it’s really been twenty minutes. Shogun is the truth and I’d like to be him when I grow up please. Like a true anti frontman, he just doesn’t give a fuck about anything you think. He’ll out perform you too. On top of that, they play shameless love songs. I’m completely caught up in the moment. These themes are starting to put me under the influence. As if buzz from a bill of only good bands and a room of like minded people wasn’t enough. The blonde girl with the denim jacket is magnetic. She has an orange glow similar to Charlie Murphy’s description of Rick James. I have a spot not right next to her. All I have is to maybe say something polite, but at least that’s something I suppose. Then the pit pulled me in. Oh well, probably for the best. I accepted the pit and embraced these wallflower anthems as my punk rock missed connection soundtrack. There’s love, snot, beer, comradery and a stiff little finger all at once.
The only consolation of their set ending was the fact that I was finally going to see The Marked Men. Now is the time to take it all in. People rush for a final bathroom break or a beer run. The seas of the pit part, and there’s the blonde girl with the denim jacket. The punk rock gods have shined a light on me, so I thought. My main objective was to get to know this person as much as human possible while the hosts of this party set up. I’m not going to bore you with the details but I like her quite a bit. We seem to be hitting it off. We both said it was cool to meet someone who liked The Marked Men though we were in a room filled with people who shared that sentiment. I’m positive she’s a figment of my imagination now.
“We are The Marked Men. This song is called A Little Time.” A four count from the back of the drum set kicks into a 45 minute set that made everyone in the room forget how shitty it was outside of the Regent. That’s all it took. There wasn’t much else said in-between songs. They just plowed through the rest of their set. There’s a stoicism to their appearance. A Marked Men set requires patience, stamina and discipline in order to execute properly. It’s calculated and emotionally charged. All of the pleasure points of being a fan of the band were hit. What was probably just a strong handful of knuckleheads including my party felt like the place exploded. I’m front row presses up against the stage with my new friend.
On The Outside and Don’t Lose It back to back hit hard. I got that same inexplainable feeling of “finally” that I had when I first listened to that album. At first it was surreal, then I thought about the various experiences of the people in the room. I wondered who traveled far just to see this. Who is having this music heal their wounds? Is anyone in here a day one fan who have been waiting for this far longer than the years I have?
I decided to play roadie when the crowd adopted the mic during the last song of the night. Fix My Brain was something everyone had been waiting for apparently, myself included. That was it. There was a new energy in the room compared to the beginning of the night. An overwhelming buzz and that feeling you get on Sunday night before school the following morning. Life resumed. I bid farewell to the blonde girl with the denim jacket. I wish I would have walked her to her car. Hug and a smile. That girl knocked the wind right out of me. As did whoever rammed my rib cage into the stage earlier. Still feeling that one.
This was a good night. Not just for me but for rock n roll. I saw a lot of people fulfill what was a fantasy to them just a few months ago. That’s a cool thing to see. I hope it happens again, if it’s right. So here’s to Flatworms, Audacity, Royal Headache, The Marked Men and the blonde girl with the denim jacket.
Check out and support all of the bands here:
Royal Headache 
Marked Men 
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