capsulecomputers · 2 years
Based off of an Italian #fantasy book, is the #action #RPG Batora: Lost Haven from Team17 worth your time? Read our review inside to find out.
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queerstuffonscreen · 1 year
The New Mutants (2020)
94 min.
Country: USA
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Science-Fiction
Language: English
The story of the New Mutants, a team of mutant heroes comprised of the first graduates from Charles Xavier's school.
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Watch on Disney+
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February 26: Service 9
Investigation: This time we decided to modify the goal of my Service branch and enroll in a program which could potentially fulfill both the service and activity branches: this program is a charity-driven marathon event. We first examined the offer and rules of application.
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Preparation: We inputted the data and subscribed to the event.
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Meta post: in this timeline I think I'll be less chaotic??
Just good vibes, being helpful and supportive
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stuffands-stuff · 3 years
me at 2am on ao3 after putting off watching The Old Guard cause i knew this was going to happen:
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magicmyth83 · 6 years
Please. Update! Even if is just chapter 37. It could be half of chapter 37. Damn, it could be just one freaking phrase. I NEED SOMETHING TO HOLD ON TO. I have an adction, you see. The waiting is killing me... ps: i meant all of this as a compliment, although it's truth, i dont want to rush you. YOU ARE AWESOME! Love your work. Xoxo.
Okay, since you asked so nicely…here’s a snippet of Chapter 37. *may be subject to change cos I’m not finished writing yet, and editing is still to be done*
Of course she andJaqen had been spotted near Trident’s Bend. The park where they had been formedpart of the riverside walk that Trident’s Bend was famous for, and they had notreally made the effort to make themselves discreet. As far as everyone couldtell, she and Jaqen had just been talking. No one was aware they had broken up.People will find out soon enough, shethought.
Hot Pie, ever loyalHot Pie, had contacted her early that morning almost as soon as Gossip Spyder’supdate had gone live.
               “Are you okay, Arya?” Hot Piehad asked over the phone. “Is everything okay?”
When Arya had takentoo long to respond, her friend had offered to pick her up on his way to schoolthat morning and during the drive Arya had told him the truth about thatconversation with Jaqen.
               “We broke up, Hot Pie.” Arya hadconfessed as she’d sunk into the passenger seat.
               “Oh…I’m sorry to hear that,Arya.” Hot Pie had said. “Was it because you bid on Gendry? To be honest, I wassurprised when I read that it was you who’d won Gendry at the auction. I didwonder what Jaqen would say about it.”
Arya had not beenprepared to bare her soul entirely, but Hot Pie needed to hear an honestresponse. “He said it was a clear sign to him that things weren’t working outbetween us. I agreed, so we ended it.”
               “I really am sorry,” Hot Pie hadsaid again. “I know I was never totally sold on your relationship with him, butI thought you were happy with him. Now, I’m just sorry you have to go throughsomething like this.”
               “Don’t be,” Arya had assured herfriend. “It was the right thing for both of us.”
Arya’s voice hadbeen flat, which had caused Hot Pie to glance at her, unconvinced.
               “Are you sure it was for thebest?” he had asked.
She had nodded.“He’s going away to New York soon. I guess it’s better this happened nowinstead of letting things drag on as they were.”
               “New York?”
               “It hasn’t been made public yet,but his band is getting signed and they have to move to New York.” Arya hadtold him.
               “That’s great for his band, butnot so much for you two.”
               “Yeah,” Arya had sighed.
               “Arya,can I ask…why did you bid for Gendry anyway?” Hot Pie had glanced at her again.
Arya had shrugged. “It was for charity, and Inever expected I’d actually win.”
It was partly true, Arya had realized. She hadwanted to win, otherwise she never would have begged her father to give her themoney to enter the auction. However, she’d never suspected that MargaeryTyrell, whose pockets went far deeper than hers, would bow out so suddenly.Perhaps she’d been expecting Jazmine Choi to fight harder, but the most likelyscenario was that they both had the same limit, and Arya had simply just beather to it. If Jazmine had been the first to make the offer of one hundred andfifty thousand dollars, Arya would have been forced to bow out.
               “Yeah…”Arya had replied with a sigh. But, luckhad been on my side.
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pumpkinpurrs · 4 years
i have a adction to this game https://t.co/su4z4koHTl
i have a adction to this game https://t.co/su4z4koHTl
— 🎃 DaPum 🎃 (@PumpkinPurrs) July 23, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/PumpkinPurrs
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fitnessterritory · 9 years
Flippin' over the splits by balazskovasznai
Flippin' over the splits by balazskovasznai
Athletes: Rita Vrazsovits Tamás Horpácsy Dániel Bálint
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