#adaptation fanpitch
the-elusive-soleil · 1 year
Concept for a Silm-adaptation pilot:
See, I would want any adaptation worth its salt to at least touch on the beautiful, poetic opening segments of the book that describe creation and the Ainur. But there are some things that humans are just not able to adequately portray in a realistic fashion, and I'm willing to take a stand that a choir of thousands of heavenly beings singing reality into existence is one of those things.
So, instead: they don't try to portray it realistically. Instead, the first episode of the Silm series opens with an animated sequence (a shadow puppetry style seems thematically apropos) that doesn't even come close to capturing the grandeur and majesty of it all. That's not the point of it, because it's telling a children's story version.
There's a voice, narrating everything, and we the audience are trying to guess who it is. Maybe Maglor? Maybe he's telling this story to Elros and Elrond? But the voice doesn't sound quite right--it's a good voice, for sure, but not that kind of good.
And we see creation and the Valar coming to Ea and the fall of Melkor and the great battles before people came into the world, all through the lens of a children's story, and at the end, the narrator says, "And that, Curufinwe Feanaro, is why the world is marred and not always as it ought to be. It is for us to make the best of the world we have."
It's Finwe, telling this whole story to a young Feanor.
And we finally see the two of them, in live action or whatever the look will be for the rest of the show, and Feanor is justifiably suspicious and says, "Why are you bringing this up now?"
And that's how Finwe leads into telling his son that he's about to remarry.
Music swells. Smash cut to the opening credits.
And when we come back, Feanor is an adult slightly pre-Silmarils, and on we go...
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