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jcacciolagallery-blog · 8 years ago
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Adam Welch: fetish brick. Ceramic & gold luster. #adamawelch #adamwelch #ceramics #ceramicbrick #ceramicbricks #shiny #minimalism #sculpture #contemporaryart #conceptualart #jcacciolagalleryw #jcacciolagallery (at J. Cacciola Gallery W)
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recom-actual · 6 years ago
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This Valentine's Day, give the gift of light to your special someone and help keep them safe...if it doesn't work out tell her it has a chocolate center... ————————————————————— @midwestindustries @shleeangel30 @inforce01 @aguilaammo @rutsen_eagle @511tactical —————————————————————- #happyvalentinesday #saintvalentin #loveguns #valentinesday2019 #ownthenight #recomactual #gunlifemedia #300blk #rutseneagle #chasewelch #adamwelch #recomboss #inforce #arpistol https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt3UhjWBY2h/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fh8ia2n33x7o
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recom-actual · 6 years ago
#Fridayfeature some 22LR. Had to get some training in before heading to the #beach with the @recom_actual team! --------------------------------------------------- #gunsofinstagram #savior_gst #haleystrategic #recomactual #gunlifemedia #chasewelch #canon #firearmsphotography #22lr #aguila #rutseneagle #adamwelch #trainhardlivefree https://www.instagram.com/p/ByI1K0fgggl/?igshid=uafowx1k8odh
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recom-actual · 6 years ago
“Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.” Psalm‬ ‭144:1‬ ‭ ————————————————— @inforce01 ————————————————— #faith #god #jesus #sunday #saved #godgiven #freedom #christians #standup #pray #prepare #love #spiritualwarfare #spiritualwarrior #warriorpoet #canon #rutseneagle #firearmsphotography #chasewelch #adamwelch #trainhardlivefree #holosun #unitytactical #s3f #gunlifemedia #recomactual #inforce https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt_KvzQhBCw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wuvde118agiq
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recom-actual · 6 years ago
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Merry Christmas World!! ——————————————— #jesusisthereasonfortheseas#christmas #recomactual #gunlifemedia #serve #protect #grateful #sleeppeacefully #thankyou #teamwork #canon #firearmsphotography #recomboss #rutseneagle #adamwelch #thankful https://www.instagram.com/p/Br0JX0zhyx2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hjyi7tjrpklo
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recom-boss · 6 years ago
Had to get some training in before heading to the #beach with the @recom_actual team! --------------------------------------------------- #gunsofinstagram #savior_gst #haleystrategic #recomactual #gunlifemedia #chasewelch #canon #firearmsphotography #22lr #aguila #rutseneagle #adamwelch #trainhardlivefree (at Recom Actual) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByELlMagZ3E/?igshid=4dllwtqci4ao
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rutseneagle · 6 years ago
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Merry Christmas World!! ——————————————— #jesusisthereasonfortheseas#christmas #recomactual #gunlifemedia #serve #protect #grateful #sleeppeacefully #thankyou #teamwork #canon #firearmsphotography #recomboss #rutseneagle #adamwelch #thankful https://www.instagram.com/p/Br0VI5rnAfX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lqsny65xsflo
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rutseneagle · 6 years ago
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When real shit gets virtual, shit gets real... #areyouready _____________________________________ @optics_planet @raytheoncompany @hecklerandkoch @pubg @pubgmobile @recom_actual _____________________________________ #waitwhat #pubgmobile #pubg #opticsplanet #recomactual #gunlifemedia #rutseneagle #chasewelch #adamwelch #recomboss #ismt #getsome #actual5 #firearmsphotography #gunsofig #gunsdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/BopG6Cqna6s/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gnwjz2mot7e0
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rutseneagle · 6 years ago
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When real shit gets virtual, shit gets real... #areyouready _____________________________________ @optics_planet @raytheoncompany @hecklerandkoch @pubg @pubgmobile @recom_actual _____________________________________ #waitwhat #pubgmobile #pubg #opticsplanet #recomactual #gunlifemedia #rutseneagle #chasewelch #adamwelch #recomboss #ismt #getsome #actual5 #firearmsphotography #gunsofig #gunsdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/BopGimZHau5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vz50l9fgfwy4
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jcacciolagallery-blog · 8 years ago
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Join us tomorrow at 3pm at @jcacciolagallery in #Bernardsville #nj we will have an artists talk tomorrow at 3pm! Check out our website for more info. 🍷🧀👌🏻 -—--------------—- #hashtagcloud #ilovebernardsvillenj #encaustic #jcacciolagallery #tristatearea #nynj #contemporaryart #njtransit #bernardsville #morristown #essexcounty #somersetcounty #dianagonzalezgandolfi #lisapressman #adamwelch #ceramics #oilpainting #mapping #navigatedterritories #mappingaplace #manhattan #bali #bandung #argentina #travel #experience (at J. Cacciola Gallery W)
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jcacciolagallery-blog · 8 years ago
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There is still plenty of time to experience J. Cacciola Gallery W 's current exhibition, "ReImagine Everything," featuring three new artists at the gallery. The gallery is open to the public 10am-6pm Tuesday-Saturdays. We will be closed on the 4th of July and will re-open on Wednesday, July 5th. We are open today & tomorrow, so feel free to stop by the gallery, escape the heat and discover beautiful artwork that will lift your spirits. #4thofjuly #fridayfeeling #4thofjulyweekend #contemporaryartgallery #encaustic #encaustics #oilpainting #ceramics #adamwelch #lisapressman #dianagonzalezgandolfi #jcacciolagalleryw #summerartshow #galleryexhibition #contemporaryartists #collectart #artcollection http://ow.ly/oXsU30dc7mY (at J. Cacciola Gallery W)
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recom-actual · 6 years ago
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“Well Regulated” means organized and proficient in the use of military arms. It is on all of us to not just beat the drum of Freedom, but to be ready to defend it from all enemies foreign and domestic. That means voting first and frequently and it also means maintaining the ability to overthrow any power that may try to take your God given natural rights. ______________________________________________ @aguilaammo @danieldefense @t3gear @aimpointusa @wileyx @rutsen_eagle ______________________________________________ #goinghot #rangeday #training #rangedayfriday #danieldefense #t3gear #platecarrier #canon #photographer #rutseneagle #recomactual #gunlifemedia #firearmsphotography faith #god #jesus #sunday #saved #godgiven #freedom #christians #standup #pray #prepare #love #feedyourfirearm #chasewelch #adamwelch #trainhardlivefree https://www.instagram.com/p/BueQhPfBZsd/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i0rq4m7kff5
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recom-actual · 6 years ago
We are a Phalanx of Patriots. A group of like minded individuals who support the freedoms laid out in the Constitution and those freedoms our forefathers fought and died for. We stand on the line shoulder to shoulder blessed by the one true God. Always humble, always kind, always deadly. “Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.” Psalm ‭144:1‬ ———————————————— @inforce01 ____________________________________ #faith #god #jesus #dangerousbutgood #decreasemeandincreasehim #phalanxofpatriots #saved #godgiven #freedom #christians #standup #pray #prepare #love #spiritualwarfare #spiritualwarrior #warriorpoet #canon #rutseneagle #firearmsphotography #chasewelch #adamwelch #trainhardlivefree #holosun #unitytactical #s3f #gunlifemedia #recomactual #inforce https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw98ioYhg-L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17omeawn5c7ht
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recom-actual · 6 years ago
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Blessings to all our troops and their families on this Red Friday. ______________________________________________ @rutsen_eagle @gunsdotcom @inforce01 @s3fsolutions @trijicon @strikeindustries @agencyarms @mark19apparel @texasblackrifleco @glohoneyy @brass_n_bullets @glock.inc @blue_ridge_tactical_training ______________________________________________ #remembereveryonedeployed #militarylove #supportourveterans #veterans #supportthetroops #redfriday #untiltheyallcomehome #usmilitary #usarmy #hooah #supportourtroops #combatveteran #deployment #americanhero #s3fsolutions #thankyouforyourservice #veteranusa #warfighter #armyfresh #oorah #usmc #deployed #inforce #military #canon #firearmsphotography #rutseneagle #recomactual #gunlifemedia #chasewelch #adamwelch https://www.instagram.com/p/BpIRJlOBQwY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15qwyexkmn6jr
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recom-actual · 6 years ago
Time to get out on the range and put in some #work• Big thank you to @rutsen_eagle for being part of the team, doing amazing work like this, and always crushing it! #godblessamerica #gunlifemedia _____________________________________ #wakeupcall #booyah #train #training #trainbullets #inspired #freedom #tacticaltuesday #monday #brothersinchrist #honor #integrity #faith #goodfight #1truegod #canon #photographer #rutseneagle #god #faith #family #bomby #igmalitia #loyalty #hubris #recomactual #🤜🏻💥🤛🏻 #chasewelch #adamwelch https://www.instagram.com/p/BylVbqGAQVA/?igshid=1wnpyo96t9evl
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recom-boss · 6 years ago
We are a Phalanx of Patriots. A group of like minded individuals who support the freedoms laid out in the Constitution and those freedoms our forefathers fought and died for. We stand on the line shoulder to shoulder blessed by the one true God. Always humble, always kind, always deadly. “Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.” Psalm ‭144:1‬ ———————————————— @inforce01 @holosunoptics ____________________________________ #faith #god #jesus #dangerousbutgood #decreasemeandincreasehim #phalanxofpatriots #saved #godgiven #freedom #christians #standup #pray #prepare #love #spiritualwarfare #spiritualwarrior #warriorpoet #canon #rutseneagle #firearmsphotography #chasewelch #adamwelch #trainhardlivefree #holosun #unitytactical #s3f #gunlifemedia #recomactual #inforce https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw8mwnjnfb3/?igshid=1sm0slwefi7kq
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