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rod-dogg-reviews · 8 years ago
time to wake the world up!! #SDC #SDCX #streetdrumbciros #bobbyalt #frankzummo #adamalt #RocknRoll i start my days with bad ass jams!!!! what are your morning jams?
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cagriyavuz · 6 years ago
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İmkan ve koşullar her ne olursa olsun #insan kendi potansiyelini sürekli güncelleyebilir. Bu günümüzde daha da eşilebilir konumda. #futurist #ufuktarhan a göre gelecekte ben şuyum demek yeterli olmayacak. İnsan olduğunuzun farkına bir an önce varıp, T İnsan modeli için bu günden neler yapabilirim sorularını sormalıyız kendinize. Cevap tek bir düşünce veya yol değildir. Çeşitlilik varoluşun en temel kuralıdır. #Günaydın 🌈 🌎 #drcarolsdweck #alfredbinet @selcuksirin @futuristufuk #drdanasuskind #adamalter (İzmir, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0fZnD9BlyG/?igshid=1fgn87k8tpnby
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elapb · 6 years ago
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Heute neu eingezogen, so langsam muss ich das mit dem Sub-Abbau etwas ernster nehmen 🙈 wenn ihr nach links wischt, sehr ihr die Klappentexte 😊 ich freue mich schon total auf die Rezepte von @projekt_gesund_leben #hannahfrey #zuckerfrei #zuckerfreifürberufstätige #alisparkes #nightspeakers #adamalter #irresistible #books #booklover #bookstagram #instabooks #berlin #meinberlin #newin #shopping #shoppingqueen (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsQyQPxA-2R/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=cqnfss19aaot
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steveheyduck · 7 years ago
Am I Addicted?
I just finished my first read of Adam Alter’s Irresistible. I clarified “my first read” because I am going to start it again today. I social media-ed that “I can’t put it down,” partly for the irony, partly because I really enjoyed the read.
We are, most of us, addicted to technology that didn’t exist at the turn of the century. If we aren’t addicted, we have certainly learned to rely heavily…
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aprioriposterous · 8 years ago
" We are constantly giving labels to the things and people that fill our everyday lives. But how do these labels affect us? Labels can bias our judgments... language can even create false memories. Why are symbols this powerful? Apparently because we perceive them so effortlessly, even unconsciously. " #DrunkTankPink #AdamAlter #Blinkist #BookWorm
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porcelainstramp · 12 years ago
"There he is!!"
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simoechelon71 · 12 years ago
Street Drum Corps "S.D.C.X" Official Music Video (di streetdrumcorps)
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circusminor-blog-blog · 14 years ago
Ship in a Bottle is off our 1st record. - recorded in San Pedro. CA
This song has visual images to match the sounds.
The kick and the un-snared snare drum sound like 2 separate cannon balls being fired while ensuing kicks and toms sound like those balls landing and bouncing.
The one note guitar part sounds like rippled water running along side the ship. The descending keyboard part sounds like the first drops of rain from the coming storm.
The bass sounds like a creaking ship.
All of these sounds were referenced in the lyrics subconsciously.
Come have a drink with us on our pirate ship!
-Daniel Denton
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rod-dogg-reviews · 8 years ago
time to #ROCK!! #StreetDrumCorps #BobbyAlt #AdamAlt #FrankZummo
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rod-dogg-reviews · 8 years ago
#2017 this is how I start the year! My jam for the year #SDCX #StreetDrumCorps We're gonna take control #ItsTheBeginning #BobbyAlt #AdamAlt #FrankZummo #BoomBoom
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aprioriposterous · 8 years ago
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#rflxn: how is your World? "Each of us is an ongoing product of the world within us, the world between us, and the world around us." #AdamAlter #DrunkTankPink (at Lohas New Well Being Spa Hotel, Clark Pampanga)
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livingdeaddrummer · 7 years ago
TBT 2013. Performing on @cartoonnetworkofficial’s Hall of Game Awards with @streetdrumcorps. ****************************** @nikkigdrum @jaredhren @drummerjustinbarnes @adamalt @bobbyalt ****************************** #StreetDrumCorps #CartoonNetwork #HallOfGame #LiveTV #livingdeaddrummer #drummerlife #drums #drumming #drummer #parcour #tbt #2013 #throwbackthursday
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circusminor-blog-blog · 14 years ago
Starting today we will be giving away 1 song a week for FREE! We want you guys to hear the songs WE love as a band, and that have been recorded over the last 8 YEARS! So every week (for the next 8 weeks) on Fridays we will post a song from our catalog to download for FREE from our website.  You will have to follow the link from Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr to get the MP3, but it should be pretty easy.
Keep on a lookout today for the FREE MP3 link!
Thanks to everyone for the continued support!
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