#ada thorne x sister!reader
unknowntoyou2205 · 2 years
make it to Christmas 2/3
Info: Christmas for the Shelby clan were never special, but this year seems to be the worst as y/n the youngest has been diagnosed with the illness that takes many away, but y/n is adamant on giving the Shelby's something to remember her by.
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Y/n lay in her bed, feeling tired yet energetic for the first time in weeks since her diagnoses. Many days she spent laying around, no energy for anything, barely able to eat anything substantial without throwing it back up. Her family were beyond worried for her and feared she wouldn't make it to the end of the year. They knew at this stage that their angel of light wouldn't recover from the deathly disease that took many, and they could only hope that she would see her favourite day of the year one last time.
Y/n herself knew that her days left were limited. At eleven years old she was a smart girl and knowing the results of her sickness being lethal, she wanted to make sure that her family would remember her, even when she was gone. She made it her mission to spend what little energy she had to find something for each family member, something that would cause them to remember the good times they had together. She wasn't aloud to leave her room unless she needed the bathroom, so all she had was what was in her room.
"How are you feeling today y/n?" Polly asked asked her niece as she walked into the isolated child's room with some soup. "Fine." The girl shrugged before looking up from her drawing to see the bowl in her aunts hand, "Soup again?" She groaned causing her aunt Pol to chuckle lightly. "Well nice to see your energy is back." The woman stated, even though she knew it was temporarily. "Can't I have something else for once?" The younger girl whined, moving her picture out of the way. "You know anytime you eat anything solid you get sick, this is only thing you can keep down." Her aunt replied before placing down the bowl on the bedside table and sitting beside the young girls feet as the girl slowly began to feed herself, hand shaking occasionally.
Polly watched her niece as she slowly fed herself, seeing the struggle she faced with each spoonful. The older woman sighed quietly, knowing the young girl didn't have much time left. Her little angel would be lucky to make it to Christmas, but she doubted it would be the new year. Pollys thoughts were disrupted when she heard coughing and looked up to see y/n slouched over, coughing up some soup. The young girls aunt tuts in comfort, taking the spoon out of her hand and replacing it with a tissue, which y/n placed to her mouth. Polly gasped as the tissue was brought back from the mouth to see blood on it. Y/n looked up horrified at the sight, wide eyes looking up at her aunt.
"It's okay." Polly comforted the girl, rubbing her arm gently before taking the half empty bowl and heading for the door, turning back to watch as the young girl rolled onto her side, falling asleep instantly. "Lord, watch over y/n as I pray she makes it till Christmas to enjoy her favourite holiday amen." Polly looked up before leaving the room.
Tommy and Arthur sat at the kitchen table, smoking a cigarette each in silence. John stood against the kitchen stove, a glass of whisky in his hand. No one spoke, just sitting in silence until they heard sounds of footsteps walking down the stairs. The two smoking stubbed their cigarette when they seen their aunt come into view, eyeing her as she remained silent while she walked over to the sink with a bowl, cleaning it.
"How is she?" John asked, wanting to know how her youngest sister was. "Pol?" Tommy called out to his aunt when she didn't reply. "She coughed up blood today." Was all Pol stated, not looking up at her nephews as she finished drying and putting away. "Fuck." Arthur cursed, each Shelby brother knowing what that meant. "Is she asleep?" Tommy asked. "Yes, she tired herself after her coughing episode, barely ate even half of the soup I gave her, her appetite and energy is getting worse Tommy, I don't think she has long left." Polly stated, causing the Shelby boys to look down. "Don't say that Pol, y/n's a fighter." John stated in a broken voice. "John she's up there in that room day in day out, her energy is zero to none most days. You really think that's a good thing. She's withering away to nothing, which isn't a god thing." Pol spoke harshly, causing John to flinch, "Time to face it, we're not going to get our y/n back, we just need to make sure she's comfortable till her last." Pol stated softly, and all shelbys present nodded in agreement.
That night Tommy made his way to y/n's room before heading to bed. Ever since she was little she always snuck in her older brothers room, and since she was sick and unable to, Tommy began to do it. He wanted to make sure that she knew he was there for her, even though majority of the time the young girl was asleep by the time he checked in on her. The second oldest moved closer to the youngest bed, despite the fact he knew that aunt Pol hated any of them being close to her incase they got the spanish flu, her reasoning being it was bad enough one of them had it without everyone else in the house getting it. He moved her hair back, feeling the heat she obtained from her fever. Looking away from her, Tommy seen a picture she drew and smiled slightly before looking back at his youngest sibling.
"You need to fight this y/n, we need you to last for your favourite holiday, it'll be the best one yet you'll see." Tommy spoke softly, kissing the girls head before moving towards the door
His movement was halted by the sound of abrupt coughing coming from behind him- his eyes widened as he heard chocking and turned around to see y/n sitting up, struggling to breath.
"Aunt Pol." He shouted loudly as he opened the bedroom door, before rushing back to help his sister.
Y/n continued to struggle to breath as Tommy reached her, and he moved behind her and helped her it up right, thumping her back gently to dislodge what was most likely phlegm stuck in her throat. He didn't look up as Polly came rushing into the room, her house coat thrown on in her rush to get to her nephews shouts. She gasps as she sees Tommy trying to help his sister with the phlegm, her eyes widening when the young girl finally does, thick green and bloody mucous flying out of her mouth followed by constant heaving. Tommy rubbed the young girls back as she got sick.
"This isn't good Tommy." Polly stated with sadness as she watched her niece lie in her brothers arms tiredly after her episode. "Call the family, tell them to drop everything and come home." Tommy stated as he rocked his sister gently as she fell back asleep. "She's not going to make it, is she Tommy." Polly asked in defeat. "We'd be lucky if she makes it to tomorrow." Tommy stated with a sigh, realizing how bad his sister was.
The following day the family gathered as Polly requested, and were currently in y/n's room, all sitting around her bed, Tommy had stayed with y/n after her episode while Pol called the family and told them to come to the house. They all knew by the call that y/n wasn't going to make it as they hoped
Polly sat at the head of the bed, watching y/n's face as sweat formed in beads, rolling down the young girls face, Arthur and John leaned against the wall, heads down in defeat as they realized that their sister was going to die from the one thing they couldn't protect her from. Ada sat with Finn on her knee, hugging the young boy close, not believing all that was happening while Finn sniffled into her chest, crying of the soon to be loss of his twin sister. Tommy was still lying with y/n, having not moved from his place after helping her earlier in the night. The Shelby family sat in silence just watching over the youngest as she struggled to breath properly, the silence only being disrupted by coughing before y/n's eyes opened
"Hey , it's okay." Tommy soothed the young girl, rubbing her arm in comfort. "Tommy." The girl stated weakly, voice barely audible. "Yeah, it's me, how you feeling." Tommy asked, watching as y/n's eyes fluttered consistently. "Tired." Was all she got out before closing her eyes again. "Hey y/n, keep your eyes opened." John stated, wanting her sister to stay awake in fear of her not opening her eyes again. "Can't, so tired." Y/n stated, not able to fight the heaviness in her eyes. "Y/n sweetie, it's okay, you can rest now." Pol spoke, tears in her eyes as she spoke. "Under, bed." Y/n stated, "Love you." She stated before closing her eyes.
The Shelby family watched as the youngest eyes closed for the last time before listening to her breathing slow before it's non existent. Tommy brought a finger to y/ns neck to feel a pulse before shaking head in sorrow, putting it down when he couldn't find one. Finn started shouting for y/n causing Ada to pull him close to try and ease his hurt, tears in her own eyes as she allowed them to fall, Arthur punched the wall in anger before John had to force him out of the room, tears in both their eyes. Polly stared at her niece with glossy eyes, not believing she was truly gone. The Shelby family had lost their angel, and Christmas wasn't Christmas without her.
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myers-meadow · 2 months
Chance meetings: Tommy Shelby x reader
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader.
Summary: As you attend a wedding of the family, you meet an interesting man. He keeps popping up in your life. Maybe there's something there, something between you? AKA You share a kiss in the stables. This is firmly set in season 1.
Part two here.
Warnings: none. Safe for work.
Word count: over 2k
This is my first time writing for Tommy and the Peaky Blinders! English is not my native language, I hope I did ok! Feedback, comments and reblogs are very welcome <3. Dividers by @saradika-graphics (thank u for all u do for fandom <3)
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You may not have known who John Shelby was, but when you were invited for the wedding through your best friend, you didn't hesitate to go. A wedding was a wedding, after all, and you loved them. The getting pretty, the dress, the vows, the ceremony of the mingling blood, the food, the dancing... Oh, the dancing!
You were more jaded than your sisters by far, as you were the oldest, and still unwed in your twenties, but that didn't deter you from the topic of love. When you saw the looks the couple gave each other during the ceremony, and the tension in the air was tight-strung, it was easy to deduce this wasn't a marriage of love. But it could be, you told yourself. There is all the time in the world for love to blossom. Weddings were so beautiful, and you watched as the ceremony turned into the party. Helping the other women with serving drinks and food, the time flew by.
"I just love weddings," sighed one of the Shelby's to you, a young woman, as you handed her a drink.
"Me too," you responded, politely, not expecting further conversation. The way she looked at you made you halt.
"Are you married? I see no ring." Before you could answer, she downed the drink in one go, and continued. "I am. We got married in secret. He said I looked like an angel..."
"He's lucky to have you, in secret or not," you responded.
A worried frown crossed her face. "My brothers hate him. Or; they'd rather have him not be part of the family."
"Why is that?"
She shook her head, refilled her own glass and took a good drink. "And now they're marrying John off to solve some political dispute I'm sure. They never tell us women anything, do they?"
She needed to vent, you let her speak.
"I wore the most beautiful dress... Matching white lacquered shoes... It was-" She interrupted herself to finish her drink.
As she went for the bottle, you stopped her. "Love, not so quick. Maybe have a dance, first. If your love ain't here, there's a dozen handsome men willing to stand in, I'm sure."
Her eyes turned fierce as you held onto the bottle, not handing it over to her. "You can't refuse me. Do you know who I am? I'm a Shelby."
A man stepped closer, hands in his pockets. "I thought you were a Thorne, now."
That was how you met Thomas Shelby.
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Just like Ada, her brother Thomas was used to getting what he wanted. A little later on in the evening, the sun had set, you topped off his glass. He stopped you from moving on to the next empty glass, with the flick of his fingers, gesturing to the empty seat next to him. The smoke from his cigarette curled upwards, to the bare night sky.
"Sit. Join me." His words were spoken softly, but with an authoritative edge that made you do as he said, more curious than anything.
"Mr. Shelby, right?" you asked, with an eyebrow raised.
He set his glass down on the table, took the bottle of whiskey from him, plucked an empty glass from the table, and poured it neatly half full. He handed it to you. The drink was cold against your palm. "A toast. To the newlyweds." He didn't even really smile, but you clinked your glass against his and took a sip.
"To the newlyweds, may their union be one blessed with joy and laughter."
Thomas brought the cigarette to his lips, and the two of you simply sat, staring at the other. It felt like he noticed a great deal about you, from the way you wore your hair, how you fidgeted with your lace cardigan, to how you suppressed your wince at the sharpness of the drink. He was breathtaking in the flickering light of the campfire nearby, it danced over his face, highlighting the sharpness of his features. Yet his lips were plump, and you tore your eyes away before you could get any ideas.
"Cigarette?" he asked, already finding the case in his jacket pocket. He lit your cigarette for you like a gentleman and the drag you took was perhaps the first time you breathed properly in his company. "You're not a Lee I know. Are you a friend of the family? Recently married into it?"
"A friend, as of yet unmarried," you say, eyes dancing over his handsome face. Laughter sounds as the music takes a more upbeat turn. "If I'm no longer doing the whiskey rounds, I'd like to dance. It's a wedding after all. Will you join me, Mr. Shelby?"
He laughed softly, rubbing his face with his free hand. "Well, why don't we, hm?" And he stood up to follow after you.
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You hadn't expected to see Thomas again, not at all. It felt like a magical night, one of few in your life. One you had to make count, somehow. That's why you dared press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, before making off to your wagon at the edge of the Lees territory. Yet you did, as you followed your brother into an unsuspecting pub in Birmingham. It was by a street with factories, and workers did their work. It smelt of burnt coal and ashes.
The pub was a welcome change in temperature, as it was cold outside. Your brother, Edwin, was here on some business or the other, and you came with him purely to have a change of scenery. Or rather, that is what you'd tell anyone who asked. Rather, as the oldest, you felt you needed to keep an eye on him, to make sure he didn't get in any trouble he couldn't handle. He was rather prone to that after dad died, but it was no matter to consider, as the two of you entered the pub. It smelled of smoke, stale drink, and of wood varnish. It was after dinner, so the pub was gradually filling up with patrons, their chatter a comforting sound.
"Thank you for coming. In here," said the man you were meeting, Arthur, and he lead you to a room to the side, shutting the door behind you. Another younger man was already seated, a toothpick pressed between his lips. Another man stood to the side, leaning against the wall, and you startled as recognition hit you.
"Mr. Shelby," you greeted, nodding. "Pleasure to run into you again."
Edwin sent you a look, one that meant 'we will discuss this later', so you immediately straightened your attitude to betray no memory of that night. Thomas sent you a fond nod, and you quickly averted your eyes to avoid staring. Yet your heart leapt in your chest - what a chance to see the intruiging man from the wedding again!
"Have a seat," Arthur said, as he sat down himself. Edwin and you took a booth seat. You nodded politely to the younger one. A barmaid, blonde, came in and set down glasses in front of each of you, and left a bottle on the table. Arthur rubbed his hands. "Let's talk business, then. About those prize horses..."
Their talk and their deal went well, but you found your mind wandering off, your gaze drawn by Thomas' chiselled features. He looked harsher today, in this light, more serious. Perhaps he was softened by the wedding, by being off the clock, last time. Yet, the weight of his gaze bore down on you as the meeting went on.
When the hands were shaken, and the deal was made, his smooth voice shook you from your thoughts.
"Let me get you a drink," he mumbled, too low for your brother who was still talking with Arthur, to hear. He lead you to the bar, where a barman with a white tea towel over his shoulder was wiping glasses clean. The young women from before tended tables. "Whiskey?"
At this point, you'd agree to anything, so you nod. He ordered for you, and he clinked his glass against yours much like that first time.
"What are we toasting to?" you asked.
He looked around, leading you to a quieter corner of the pub with a hand on the small of your back, half a smile tugging at his lips. "Those beautiful racing horses you're selling to us."
"Family business," you grimace as the whiskey burns its way down your throat. Tommy nodded, deft fingers finding the cigarette case in his jacket pocket, he offered you one, before pressing one between his own lips. The flame from the match sizzles as he struck it, and you inhale sharply.
"So, this is Birmingham." you concluded, a bit of a tease. "The factories seem busy, is it like that every day?"
He nodded, regarding you with the patience of a large cat. "Every day. I like the noise, keeps the mind silent. And you, what do you do? Sell horses?"
"I take care of the horses. Edwin sells them." You fiddled with the cigarette, tapping off the ashes. "Sometimes he lets me come along to vet if the people will take good care of them. Just based on feeling, though. I'll only see the stables when we bring them over."
Tommy put the matchbox back in his pocket, leaning forward. "You wanna see the stables? Come on, I'll show you."
In hindsight, you weren't sure what made you follow him unquestioningly - out of the pub, with as little as a wave to Edwin. Your brother grabbed your arm.
"Where d'you think you're headed, girl?"
Tommy answered for you. "I'm showing 'er the horses, so she can rest easy knowing we take good care of 'em."
A short silence fell, the authoritative stare Tommy gave Edwin hung like tension in the air. It felt like he was challenging him, and Edwin didn't protest again when Tommy led you out of the pub.
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It was a bit of a walk, and Tommy kept a steady pace. You two chatted idly, about the city, about growing up Roma, about how John and his new wife were doing. Then, you arrived just outside the city, where the stables were, right next to the train tracks.
"Do the trains not startle the horses?" you question, as you look around the place. It all seemed pretty good. The smell of hay and of horse hits your nose, a familiar and comforting smell. Stepping inside of the stables, a large black horse (a Frisian?) greeted the pair of you. "What a beauty," you say breathlessly.
"Trains're only in twice a day. Horses get used to it fast. They're smart beasts." He reached out to pet the nose of the animal. "This one is Monaghan Boy. Quite the race winner."
He seemed proud and something swelled in your chest. "He's so big."
"Wanna ride him?" 
You shook your head. "Not today," you laughed, and he smiled, eyes crinkling at the corners. “I’m not winning any races today,” you joke. As you reached out your hand to let the horse smell you, another man entered the barn.
"Tommy, what are you doin' out here?" He said gruffly, before he noticed you. His voice softened. "Oh, and a young lady, hello."
"Uncle Charlie," Tommy said, jovially, "This is y/n, her and her brother are selling us some horses. She wanted to make sure they'll be well taken care off. Y/n, this is the man who takes care of the horses for us."
Charlie smiled. His face was drawn by years of hard work in the open air, and perhaps by war, you thought as you shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Charlie. I look forward to a good partnership from now on."
"Then I'll leave you two it," he said, with another look between the two of you. Monaghan Boy neighed in agreement. He left, leaving the two of you alone again.
"What are you thinking? Up to your standards?" Tommy asked, teasing undertone resting in his deep voice. He walks closer, until he's next to you, next to the big beast. His cologne smells delightful.
You nodded. "Better than I expected, especially for the city. I mean, look at this one," you say full of awe, as Monoghan Boy allows you to slide your hand over his mane. Thomas mimicked your movement, letting his hand rest on yours, intertwining your fingers. 
You turned to him, finding him caging you in against Monaghan Boy's flank.
"Perhaps there's something else you'd rather do than ride a horse, out here?" he whispered, just before his lips touch yours.
“I can think of a thing or two,” and you wrap your arms around his neck.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
The Same Situation | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by @mrsalwayswrite
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Tommy's so worried about Freddie Thorne being with his sister, Ada, that he doesn't even realize that he himself is in just about the same situation with Freddie's sister, (Y/N). What happens when Freddie finds out that the same thing is happening on the flip side of it all?
Warnings: language, death threats, weapons
Word Count: 3504
A/N: I strayed a bit from canon on this one to make it make sense, so I hope that that’s fine. I didn’t expect for it to turn out this good, but I have to say that I’m pretty pleased with it. The italicized dialogue comes right from the show. Enjoy:)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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(Y/N) was working on tidying up the displays at her family's bakery when the shop's main door opened. She didn't even need to look up to know who it was; she recognized the sound of his shoes on the hardwood. "Tommy! Where've you been these past few days?" She asked as she looked up. But Tommy Shelby didn't respond. Instead he kept walking.
(Y/N) scoffed as she set down the cake she had so that she could follow the man into the back area of the bakery. "What's going on, Tommy?" she asked him another question, hoping to gain an answer from him this time. But he still said nothing. Instead he dropped his peaked cap onto the counter, the razor blades sewn into it clanging off of the metallic surface, and fished his pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of the jacket he had on. "You know you can't smoke in here," (Y/N) pointed out, her hands falling onto her hips.
That was the sentence that finally made Tommy look at her. He'd frozen with the cigarette between his lips and an ablaze match just about ready to light it. (Y/N) raised her eyebrows at him, as if she was daring him to go ahead and disregard her statement. They held each other's gaze for a few moments before Tommy hissed from the fire licking his fingertips. He quickly shook out the match and tossed it into the sink before he took the cigarette from between his lips and put it back into its packet with a sigh.
"Care to tell me what's gotten into you?" (Y/N) asked him then, her one eyebrow still quirked.
"It's just one problem after a-fucking-nother," he mumbled, his lips pursing together in a brooding scowl.
"Well that answer told me everything," she pointed out, a slight bit of sarcasm laced into her words.
"Ada's pregnant," he forced out then, running a stressed hand over his face after he spoke.
"She is?" she responded, her eyes wide as shock filled her features, "who...who is...?"
"It's Freddie," Tommy hated the fact that those two words tasted like poison as he said them, "it's fucking Freddie," he added then for dramatic measure, the infuriation now fully present in his voice.
"My brother?" (Y/N) was still only asking questions, her shock still too prevalent for her to get past thinking only the basics. "M...my brother got your sister pregnant?" The words sounded so foreign to say.
"Yes, yes he fucking did," he was still fuming. "And now I'm going to fucking kill him," he added before he grabbed his cap and began walking towards (Y/N), who was standing in the archway that led to the exit.
"Woah, woah...you're going to do what?" (Y/N)'s voice was assertive, but it wasn't enough to get Tommy to stop. What was though, was her placing her hand on his chest and putting pressure against him as he walked up to her. "You're not going anywhere in this state of mind, Thomas Shelby," she told him, her eyes locked onto his, her gaze steely and serious, "and you'd be foolish to think that I'd let you go and kill my brother just because you're unhappy with what he's done. Freddie's not the best of men, but he's..."
"Tell me what he is, (Y/N), because right now I can only see a man who needs to be dealt with," Tommy cut into her statement, tension still evident in his words. He was just a few moments shy from foaming at the mouth here. He needed to get to Freddie and he needed to deal with this now.
(Y/N)'s eyebrows raised as she heard what he had to say, and, once again, surprise was now etched across her face, "It's rich of you to say that about him when you're in the same situation as he is," she said to him.
Now it was Tommy's turn to be confused. "What?" he asked her, his anger fizzling out slightly as he furrowed his brows.
"Are you forgetting about you and I?" she queried, her mouth slightly agape as she waited for his answer. He didn't give one, so she continued, "are you forgetting that we've been seeing each other since you came back from France? Are you forgetting that Freddie knows not one thing about us? You'd be a hypocrite if you were to go and strike him down for being in a situation that is almost exactly identical to the one you're currently in."
(Y/N) held his gaze as she finished her monologue, watching him intently for what he'd give as an answer. He blinked a few times as he thought her words over. His mouth opened and shut then before he let out a sigh and dropped his gaze from hers, clearly defeated now. "It's not that simple when you see it that way, is it?" she remarked, her hand finally dropping from his chest because he'd stopped putting pressure against it.
"I'm still fucking angry at him," he muttered in a disgruntled tone.
"Sure you are...and you have a right to be. That's your sister; you're meant to protect her. But I think I have a little bit of insight into what Ada was thinking, and let me tell you...the move wasn't made only on Freddie's part," she continued to try to reason with him, the slightest smirk forming on her face as she finished her statement. Tommy looked up as she said her final words, and upon seeing the smirk, he shot her the 'don't you even start' look. She held her hands up in surrender as the smile overtook her features. "What are you going to do now?" she asked him after a few moments had passed.
"I'm going to go and find a way to deal with this situation," he responded as he placed his peaked cap atop his head before tugging it down into its proper spot.
"And I trust that that solution will ensure that everyone stays alive?" she checked with him, her eyebrows raising as she spoke.
Tommy pursed his lips at her statement, thinking it over for a moment before he cut the tension by nodding and exhaling a sigh. "It'll take longer for me to figure out, but I'll see it through so that is the case," he told her, his eyes locked onto hers.
"You've given me your word, so now you must stick to it," she reminded him.
"When have I ever broken my word to you?" he questioned her, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Let's not start with that, Tommy Shelby," she said to him, her smile present as he exhaled a breath of a laugh at her statement.
"I'll see you later," he deflected the previous topic as he leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.
"I mean it," she stressed as they pulled away, trying to hold a serious look, but her smile was obviously breaking through.
"You have my word," he promised her again, kissing her lips one more time before she finally stepped aside and let him exit the backroom.
She turned to watch him walk out of the bakery, holding in her sigh until the door shut behind him. Men, she thought to herself as she shook her head, it's completely fine when they're in the midst of it, but if someone steps over the line they've already crossed, then there'll be hell to pay.
(Y/N)'s night had been pretty good so far. Nothing drastic came out of Tommy's blow up - besides the fact that Freddie declined his train ticket out of Birmingham and instead proposed to Ada. Of course, that struck a chord within Tommy, (Y/N) got an earful about it after he found out, but everyone was still alive. What she didn't know was that the caliber of her night was going to go down drastically the second she entered the small, dingy apartment that she shared with her brother.
Freddie was standing by the desk that was pushed up against the far wall of the apartment's main room. (Y/N) thought nothing of it, until he turned to face her with what looked to be a stack of papers in his hand. "Would you care to explain what these are to me?" he asked her as he shook the papers slightly for effect.
"What are they?" (Y/N) asked for some details. All she could see was that he was holding a stack of white paper.
"They're letters," he gave her more context.
"Ok...?" she asked for even more details. Everyone writes letters...why was he getting so worked up over these?
"They're letters from Tommy Shelby; from the war," he finally brought the hammer down, his words coming out in a cross manner.
(Y/N) sighed as she heard what her brother had to say. "I'm not allowed to write to someone who we've known since grade school?" she asked him, her eyebrows raising.
"Not in this manner you aren't," he rebuked, his voice raising slightly as his frustration became more pronounced.
"Well what was I to do? No one else was writing to me, Freddie. I tried you multiple times and got nothing! Tommy responded to me. He was my lifeline while you were all away," she raised her voice with his, showing him that she wasn't going to bow out of the argument.
"There's writing to him, and then there's forming a well-pronounced relationship with him, (Y/N). I'm never going to unread some of the things that were written here!" Freddie countered, waving the letters in front of her again.
"You shouldn't have been reading them in the first place!" (Y/N) exclaimed, her eyes wide as she managed to snatch them out of his hands. She did a quick check of them, breathing the slightest sigh of relief when she found that they were all accounted for. These letters meant a great deal to her. They were the only things that made her smile during the dark years of war, and now they served as a reminder of the beginning of the relationship that she now shared with Tommy. "Why were you going through my drawer anyway, Freddie?" she asked him then, a glare present on her face.
"Ada heard talk..." he started.
(Y/N) quickly cut him off. "Oh...Ada," she over-exaggerated the words, rolling her eyes as she heard her brother huff.
"She heard talk that Tommy'd only did what he did for us because of the situation he was in. It got me thinking, and it led me to these letters," he continued with his explanation, motioning to the letters she was holding then.
"That still doesn't give me good reason to understand why you decided to go searching through my drawer of the desk," (Y/N) pointed out. Sure, Tommy being in a 'situation' could have possibly got him thinking; she wasn't going to discredit her brother's brain, but how he pieced it together and figured out she had these letters stashed away just wasn't computing for her.
"That doesn't fucking matter, (Y/N). You've been going around behind my back with him even after you've known that we're at odds with each other. That's uncalled for and it's something I won't fucking have anymore!" he disregarded her statement, instead letting his frustration get the best of him and shine through in his words.
(Y/N) looked at him for a few moments, digesting what he'd just said to her. She tried to decide which way she should go about this situation; bring in reason? Or let him have it? She was so close to choosing the latter. "It's a bit rich of you to be saying this considering you're doing the exact same thing with Ada...well you were trying to, until Tommy found out you got her pregnant," she finally gave her response. If it were any other time, she'd laugh at the fact that she was saying the exact same statement to the other side of the equation just weeks apart. But she kept a straight face now.
There was the slightest change in Freddie's composure after he heard these words. But yet he pushed on. "That doesn't change the fact that he's crossed the fucking line. I ought to put a bullet in his head for even thinking of you in that way!" he let his anger prevail, his voice raised yet again.
"And what good will that do? I told him this when he was thinking the same thing, and I'll have no remorse in telling you the same: dealing with him in this manner will make you an outright hypocrite because you are doing the exact same thing with his sister. In a way, you'd be unjustifying your situation by dealing with mine in such a way."
Silence fell between the two siblings after (Y/N) finished her piece. Both were staring at each other, and tension was building around them to the point that it could be cut with a knife. Freddie made the first move, breaking his gaze as he began walking to the door. (Y/N)'s voice stopped him before he could open it. "You're not going to find him because he's gone for the weekend...figuring out some deal with some fucking Inspector because you don't want to take your stubborn ass out of the picture," she told him, knowing exactly what he was about to go and do.
Her words made Freddie freeze. He didn't say anything, but instead stared at her for a moment longer before finally opening the door and exiting the apartment. (Y/N) couldn't help but exhale a sigh once she was alone. Men, she thought as she shook her head. Now she'd have to figure out a way to make sure that both her brother and her lover would make it out of this situation alive. Thankfully Tommy was out of the city for the weekend, and that Freddie knew about the potential of him getting caught if he went anywhere close to that Inspector at the moment.
"How did I know that the two of you would come here the very first chance you had?" (Y/N) questioned the two men that were currently pointing their revolvers at each other. She confidently walked up to them, seeing only their eyes shift over in the direction she was coming from. Their stances stayed unwavering; it was going to take more than a simple statement.
Tommy spoke first. "What're you doing here, (Y/N)?" he asked her, his eyes still fixed on his target that was lying below him.
"I'm making sure that neither of you do something stupid," she answered him as she stopped a few paces away from where their stand-off was occurring.
"I won't let him fuck up my sister's life for his cause," Tommy said then, his finger toying with the trigger as he spoke. (Y/N) didn't know what to say. The both of them had their weapons fixed on each other, and the tension was almost palpable around them.
Thankfully (Y/N) didn't need to do any negotiating. After a few moments, Freddie dropped his gun to the ground. "My God..." he started, a sigh escaping with his words, "you actually believe that," his next sentence was spoken as a statement, as it was made pretty obvious by Tommy where his thoughts were at the moment, "I love her, Tommy. I loved her since she was nine and I was twelve. And she loves me the same," he said then, the slightest smile creeping onto his lips as he spoke.
Tommy still kept his revolver fixed on its target, his gaze unwavering as he heard what his ex-best friend had to say. (Y/N) watched with her breath held as Freddie then stood from the ground. Tommy didn't lower his arm until Freddie took two steps so that they'd be standing face to face with each other.
"Do you even know the word?" Freddie queried, his eyes locked onto Tommy's, "because I can say the same thing about you with (Y/N); using her for your fucking gain, like she's just some dispensable object," he added then, his words spoken with a harshness.
"Freddie..." (Y/N) cut into their stand off with a warning tone.
"No, (Y/N). He needs to fucking hear this," Freddie brushed his sister off, "he needs to fucking know that this can't be a two way street; that he can't damn me for what he thinks I'm doing and then go and do the exact same," he spoke these next lines to Tommy, as if he was trying to get him to see sense in it all.
"Then you must know that we are in love too," (Y/N) spoke up after a few more tense moments had passed. This made Freddie break his gaze from Tommy to look over at (Y/N). She could tell just by his eyes that he was shocked by the news. "You heard me right," (Y/N) doubled down, moving closer to the two of them before she continued, "we are in love; have been since 1917, when we were writing letters to each other. He professed it to me the moment he found me at the apartment and I said it back all the same. You weren't there when it happened, Freddie, because you'd gone to meet Ada under that bridge you always find yourselves under," (Y/N) spelled it out for her brother, watching as his jaw went slightly slack. (Y/N) fought the smirk that was trying to form on her face. She loved having the upper hand. "That's right, I know about that. Us women, we talk, and Ada told me everything. I'm happy for the two of you, I see your relationship for what it is. I only hope that you both can stop patronizing each other and let it lie," she ended her statement by looking between the both of them.
The two men looked at each other again, the tension arising between them again. Freddie was the one to break the silence. "I don't know where you stand, but I will accept you and (Y/N) being together," he said, being the bigger person and the one to bury the hatchet first. (Y/N) wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but she knew she couldn't yet. Not with the way that Tommy was still staring her brother down. She silently hoped that he'd choose peace as well.
"I will accept you and Ada being together, but if you do anything to hurt her, it will be the end of you," Tommy finally conceded, but not before throwing one last threat into the mix.
Nothing else was said then as the two men continued to stare at each other. (Y/N) knew what this was. Neither wanted to make the first move. So she stepped into their staring contest. "Freddie, why don't you go find Ada. She was telling me earlier about some pain that she was having. She may need you," (Y/N) tried to reason with her brother, pushing on his chest slightly so that he would get the cue that she wanted him to back away from the situation. This did the trick in getting Freddie's gaze off of Tommy, and (Y/N) watched it soften as his eyes found hers. He said nothing, and only nodded before he stepped away and began to leave the old warehouse building.
(Y/N) turned to Tommy once the other man was out of sight. "I'm sure you would have killed one another had I not shown up," she broke their silence, her hand fiddling with the lapel of his jacket as she focused her eyes on his chest.
"He's not worth it," Tommy responded, shaking his head slightly.
"Sure seemed like he was when I got here," (Y/N) replied, her eyes rising to meet his. She was able to see the starting of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
"He's not worth it, but you are," he flipped his words around, the second half of his statement succeeding in making (Y/N)'s cheeks heat up.
"You're a sap, Tommy Shelby," she teased him, smacking his chest gently, her words making his smirk appear full on his lips. She smiled back at him as she took hold of his lapels and pulled him closer to her so that she could press her lips to his. "You're a sap, and I love you," she whispered against his lips, feeling him smile against hers at her words. Tommy said nothing in response, but instead pulled her in for another kiss; a kiss that perfectly conveyed how he felt towards her.
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @lora21 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @dragons-are-my-favorite @sunsetbeachesandwriting @forgottenpeakywriter @cilliansangel
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mutenized · 2 years
The Choice Bit of Calico - Chapter 2
Ship: Thomas Shelby x Reader Characters: Thomas Shelby, Billy Kimber, Ada Shelby, Polly Shelby, Finn Shelby, Arthur Shelby, John Shelby, mentions of Freddie Thorne Warning(s): mentions of blood, war, and violence (obviously), maybe a slow burn?, forbidden romance, inner conflict, heartache, rebellion. Intended smut. In this chapter there is a bit of time skipping; only 3 times I believe. A/N: Choice Bit of Calico was slang in the 1920s for a desirable woman. The prologue to this series can be found HERE and Chapter One can be found HERE. This is the first time I’ve written a fic in, like, a year. That also means I haven’t written since Helen McCrory passed away, so I was feeling EVERY feeling whilst putting my whole heart into this one. Enjoy! Synopsis: You are the sibling of Billy Kimber. Living with him in London, you heard of nursing classes offered at a church in Birmingham near where you and your older brother were born. It was during World War I and you wanted to do something to help the soldiers from your country as well as the allied countries. Living in your childhood home until you were sent back to London to work at the Veteran’s Hospital, you never forgot about the firey brunette who wanted to do the same as you. Keeping in touch, you both wrote letters back and forth until one fateful day you find yourself back in Birmingham, bags in hand, to take care of an ailing family member. Who knew the moment you got off the train your whole life would change?
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Laughs filled the parlor as you and Polly caught up, her face never in a scowl which was usually transfixed on her features with the three brothers back from war. You had assumed correctly that they were running amuck, causing Polly to hop back into her motherly role that she lightly retired though never fully rid herself of since Ada and Finn were both around. Speaking of Ada, Polly had told you of the rebellious phase the young woman has currently found herself in. “She thinks she is sneaking out swiftly, but I can hear the pads of her feet hit the wood! Does she think I’m daft?” The woman’s voice came out exasperated as her hands toyed at the rim of her teacup, her head leaning back against the molding of the chair she rested in. With your lips kissing the gold trimmed teacup as a pause, you took in Polly’s comments and connected the dots with the miniscule number of details that Ada had sprinkled in her notes to you. “Well,” you pause as you place the cup down on its twin coaster, “maybe since her older brothers are back, she feels like she isn’t free to express her femininity and her freedom? I can relate to her struggle since I too have my older brother always breathing down my neck.” Tilting your head, you tried to play the devil’s advocate. That was a dangerous game to play within the Shelby household, but Polly didn’t seem to mind. However, the brothers who were being mentioned were lurking around the corner as not to be spotted. With a cigarette pursed between his lips, the blue eyed man clenched his jaw before pressing his head back against the wall he rested upon. Something about you set all of his alarms off, the anxiety filling his stomach as he felt kicks and warmth within it. The sensation wasn’t new but it hadn’t been felt in a while and, like a bloodhound hunting for its owner, Thomas was going to sniff you out. “Yes I know, darling, but Christ. You would think she would at least confide in me since I struggled the same as her. Whatever she might be doing, this family has a target on its back and we need her to be safe.” An earnestly spoken Polly leaned forward and placed her warm hand on your knee with a soft smile. You understood that look. The look of familial love, the type you longed for ever since Billy stopped seeing you as his kid sister but rather another thing in his life to worry about like you were a task. “But she will be grateful you’re here. Maybe then she won’t pussyfoot around and actually help with the family. Speaking of,” rising from her chair, the woman brushed her skirt out before turning to the doors of the parlor, “I think we owe you an explanation of what is going on. You were probably confused by the eyes on you as you came to the house.” Before you could respond, the door that you and Polly stood by swung open. A scowling Thomas stood in the doorway, steam practically coming out of his ears as his eyes darted between you and his aunt. “Pol, what do you think you’re doin’? Not introducin’ Y/N to what I think you’re about to head to.” His voice was gruff and dark, filled with warning which would’ve sent you into a spree of apologies if he was your brother talking to you. “That’s strictly family business. That’s up to me an’ I don’t feel like she can be trusted to know that.” Confusion and a bit of anger overtook you as you furrowed your brows at the older male whom towered over you, how dare he talk to Polly like that. Before his aunt could even muster a reply, you stepped forward and crossed your arms over your chest in defense. “Thomas, is it?” A sickly sweet tone dripped from your lips, the tone Polly knew all to well. It was the one you would use on the men at The Garrison when they tried to insinuate that only whores show up alone there. The tone that she admired in you, it signified your will to pull apart the stigma around women being seen as mere objects for men and weak minded. She knew by this point she couldn’t stop you which resulted in her raising her brows to her nephew and pursing her lips. The telltale Polly face that signified to the man that he fucked up royally. “Well, Thomas. When you and your brothers were away serving in the war, which I am grateful for seeing as we are no longer missing your lovely intelligence from this society, I helped Polly out with making sure everything was in order like I stated before. I even made sure to dress you and your brother’s beds just incase you were sent home that day. I helped Ada with the ever-present anxiety that your absence caused. I know bringing this up is not fair to you or your brothers but with me back in Small Heath, I will be around here more often so you must get used to my lovely presence. One that, for no reason in particular, you seem to despise though I just met you all of an hour ago.” Pressing your hands into the material of your dress, you rid yourself of any anxiety and frustration you had held before letting go of the breath you held. “I would like to know why men with flat caps stared at me with venom and lust as I walked up your front steps and why your flat caps,” pointing to the hats with shiny tips at the lip that hung on pegs in the hallway, “look just like the ones I saw as I walked over from my flat to yours.” Thomas, though never one to show emotion through his facial expressions, seemed visibly shocked. Observant, he noted of you, taking your words into account as he pursed his lips just like Polly did moments before. His blue orbs gazed between his aunt and you once more before raising his brows at Poly as if to say ‘well go on and tell her then.’ Though reluctantly, the man knew that if Polly vetted for you, you were someone who was loyal enough to let into their lives though he wasn’t fond of newcomers. Especially ones that were already so close to his family. With a hand on your shoulder, Polly explained to you the reason of the men with razors in the brim of their caps and the protection around their house. The air seemed to grow tense in the house as she and her nephews guided you to the hidden room of their house. The bidding room. Holy. Shit. Monaghan Boy. “So you do horse racing as well?” Tilting your head inquisitively, you look between Polly and the business in front of you. Of course Polly knew who your brother was as did Ada. That was something you couldn’t hide, especially over 4 years of knowing the pair. With a knowing glace, you knew Polly would keep your family name a secret as to not cause your head possibly being blown off by the hot-tempered men who acted on impulsivity. “Interesting. I don’t have much knowledge of the topic,” that wasn’t a lie. You wanted nothing to do with what your brother did seeing as he ran a gang that has caused more than one death scare, “but if you ever need help, I’m quite good at arithmetic. Got all exemplarities on my exams all my life in the topic.” That was your olive branch and Arthur noticed it from across the room, his eyes now focusing on the small group as he stood. “Pol, don’t we need another accountant to help out with our expenses? Maybe this lass can help out? I mean you say she’s part o’ the family, why not make ‘er one?” Arthur’s words shock seemingly everyone in the room, eyes darting between eyes, John sitting in the back corner with a smirk as he rolled his toothpick between his teeth. Thomas looked absolutely livid at the idea, going to speak with a wild look in his eyes before being cut off by a shrill gasp. Ada. “OH MY LORD!” The sweet girl that you knew all those years ago came rushing towards you, her bag and fur flung to the ground as she wrapped her long, pale arms around your figure. “Y/N You’re here?! Are you visiting? Why didn’t you tell me?” Slapping your arm playfully, the brunette then took count of the situation. The bidding room, you and Polly, Thomas, Arthur, and John. Oh god. “What did you lot do?! Did you fuck with the Kimbers?!” The joy you felt disintegrated as eyes snapped to you.
Well fuck.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Oh Bother, My Brothers
Requested by peakysputain: Hi could you do an angsty Shelby sister please?
Pairing: Shelby & Gray family + Shelby!fem!reader (No romance)
Warnings: Swearing, angst, kidnapping, mention of murder, violence
Note: I decided to use one of my prompts for this! I know it’s not quite what you asked for but hope you like it! Also quick addition, I have no idea what the title so yes, I know it doesn’t make much sense or relate to the story oopsies
Prompt: (42 from this prompt list) “This is the third time I’ve been kidnapped this WEEK. It’s getting old.”
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Taglist: @matth1w​ @redspaceace​ @simonsbluee​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist
She was just minding her own business. Sitting on the bench, minding her own business. However, her peaceful state somehow led to her having a black bag forced onto her head and some mystery people dragging her away. She thrashed around, trying to get out of their hold, but today was not Y/n’s lucky day.
They tied her hands and tossed her into what she assumed to be one of the carts that carried hay, and shut the doors. Why were they taking her? Who were they? What did they want with her? So many questions raced through her mind. But Y/n was wise.
Aunt Pol taught her many things, including ways to break free from imprisonment back when the boys thought it as funny to lock her in her room on her date nights. She adjusted her leg a little, reaching down and grabbing for the knife that was hidden in her shoe. 
The binds on her hands prevented her from being able to grab it if it were to slide from her grip, so she focused as hard as she could. She felt it. The handle. Just as she was about to grab the knife, a chuckle came from the other side of her.
“Whatcha doin’ there, love? Got something in your shoe, do you?”
She rolled her eyes. “No, my foot itches. Wanna help out?” Y/n giggled to herself as the voice made sound of disgust. “Then piss off, eh?”
“You’ve got a mouth, don’t you?”
“Yeah, all humans do, in case you haven’t noticed.”
The person scoffed, then chuckled. “Whatever, smartass. Do you know where you’re going, Miss Shelby?”
“Not really, I can’t see with a bag on my head, but I guess you don’t have enough brains to have known that either.” Under the bag, she was smirking. If she learned anything from her brothers, it was how to get one someone’s nerves. How to rile them up, show them she wasn’t scared.
“Watch it.”
“Or what? You gonna pull a gun on me?” She laughed mockingly, “I’m a fucking Shelby. Death doesn’t scare me one bloody bit.”
“Sure. That’s what you all say, until you really face death. That’s when you’re frozen in fear, regretting every wrong you’ve ever made in your life.”
Their attempt of “exposing” her and getting into her head was pathetic. She let them know that, laughing until they yelled at her to shut up.
“You’re a fucking idiot! You really think you know everything about me and my family, don’t you?” She didn’t give them time to answer. “I will never regret anything at all in my life, I will never look death in the eye with a even an ounce of fear, and finally, I will never allow you, and your crimes against my family, to get away with this.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes. What? Are you deaf or something? I’d sign it to you, but my hands are tied... literally.”
They grunted. A few seconds went by and finally, the world became light again. The bag was torn off her head, she blinked a couple times and squinted as her eyes slowly got used to the new brightness. A male sat in front of her, one she’d never seen before. Nonetheless, he was most likely someone who had beef with one of her brothers.
“So... what’d my brothers do this time?”
“Nothing, actually,” he grinned, “we just know that you’re one of the younger Shelbys, and a girl-”
“Correction. Woman. Please, continue!”
The man gave a huff of annoyance, “as I was saying, it’d mean you’re of a higher worth to your family. We kidnap you, your family pays us, you go free.”
“So what if my family doesn’t pay you?”
“Then you’ll die.” He shrugged. She’d been through this many different times the same month, even year. The third time in a week ought to teach her how to react to certain threats and keep her mouth shut.
“Again, I’m not scared of death, you dumb bastard.” But she obviously spent way too much time with John and Arthur.
Her kidnapper was red in the face, a few veins in his forehead becoming visible as they bulged. “Give me one fucking reason I shouldn’t put a bullet in your head right now!”
“Oh! This one’s easy! Hmm... Well for starters, my brothers wouldn’t be able to pay you, and even better, they’d kill you in the worst possible way.”
He clenched his jaw and looked to the side, he knew she was right. Too pissed off and annoyed, the man lazily put the bag over Y/n’s head and began moving back into a comfortable position. His adjusting, however, was cut short with a scream of pain. His own scream.
Y/n pulled her knife from his thigh and waited for the perfect moment. She leaned against the wooden part of the cart and rolled sideways, falling out of it and landing on the empty road. Her escape was unknown, as the man was still grasping at his wound and trying to stop the bleeding.
Fortunately, the idiot didn’t put a whole lot of effort into putting the bag back on her head, and it easily came off. She slid the knife skillfully between the ropes binding her wrists and cut her hands free. With the knife back in her shoe, her hands rubbing her red wrists, and her eyes now filled with the world around her, she started home.
With a temper, and a mighty one at that.
The doors slammed open, her footsteps stomped throughout the home. “Boys! Ada! Pol! Get your asses in here! All of yous!”
They did just as she commanded, Polly squinting her eyes at Y/n and reaching to rub some of the blood off her hand. “What happened?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She drawled.
“John, get her some whiskey. Y/n, sit-”
“No! Don’t even tell me what to fucking do right now!-”
Arthur stepped up, concerned and confused. “Y/n, what’s got you so... angry?” He chuckled nervously, uncomfortable with the tension.
“What’s got me angry? What’s got me fucking angry? This is the third time I’ve been kidnapped this WEEK! It’s getting old!” Her family widened their eyes as the realization hit them. Ada and Finn looked down with sympathy while the others held stern faces.
A silent but agitated tension filled the room, accompanied by silence.
Pol walked over to Y/n and grabbed her face, inspecting her up and down, checking for wounds, bruises, and more. After her search was over, her hands lifted back to Y/n’s cheeks, forcing her to look her aunt in the eyes. “Did you kill them?”
“N-no, but I did stab one with the knife you gave me. Got him good, he didn’t even notice my escape.”
Polly let a proud smile find it’s way onto her face. “Atta girl.” She turned to the boys. “You know what to do. Make them regret it or I’ll do it myself. Now,” Pol turned back to Y/n, smile returning to her face, “you, Ada, and I are going to go have some fun to celebrate your escape while the boys deal with the rats who were dumb enough to think they could kidnap Y/n fucking Shelby.”
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theshelbyclan · 2 years
Summary: You’ve accidentally snitched on your brothers and now that Polly is furious, you have to deal with the consequences
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(gif by @mistress-gif​)
A/N: For my 4k celebration I finally got round to this request. My previous fic Family Secrets was such fun to write, all fluff, and now a sweet anon requested: Hi, if I could request a fic, could you do one similar tickle Shelby sister one like family secrets? Maybe the sister could snitch or do something to John/Tommy and she gets tickled? If not it’s fine xx I could never turn down something this wholesome and I hope you like it!! This is nothing but fluff and childish brothers, entirely based on my own annoying siblings  Words: 4301
On one bright sunny morning down in Small Heath, you were watching your brothers work in the betting shop. Being their sister of sixteen now, you were no longer the family baby, though they often still treated you this way. So many times you’d longed to grow up quicker, just so they would allow you a bit more freedom, but now you often missed those old days. The days of sleeping outside together or piled together on a narrowboat. You often dreamed of how the boys were before the war, back when they still played and laughed. But those days were long gone now. 
Tommy beckoned you over and handed you some papers to look over. He asked, “Have you heard of this one?”
“The foal?” It wasn’t unusual for him to ask your advice on horses. You spend more time over at Charlie’s yard than any of the siblings and you’d grown up riding. So, you frowned and asked, “What do we need a foal for?” “I want to train her,” Tommy said pensively, “But I need to know if you know the stallion?” “Oh yeah, I’ve heard of him. Fucking hell, Tommy, what does this foal cost?” He pointed at a figure on the paper. “Fuck,” you breathed, and then, “Did you discuss this with Aunt Polly, because she’ll never let you spend this much money on the mere possibility of a racing horse.” “I’m not telling Polly just yet.” You eyed him but decided to move on, “Wait a second, isn’t this the horse that made all the headlines? This heiress of some kind who was left the stallion in some will, but it was attested or something?” “Yes.” You fixed him with a gaze once again, waiting for him to explain. “I know the heiress,” he finally said, with a wave of his hand. “You know the heiress…” “I know the heiress, yes.” “Oh,” and you rolled your eyes, “So, she’s selling you the horse.” “Not quite, I’ll need to steal it first.” “What, the horse or the woman?” you joked, but he didn’t seem to share in the fun. So, you said, “Fine, but this is bound to end in tears.” “Just let me do the thinking, eh Y/N? Me and John have got it all worked out.”   You sighed again, “Whatever happened to family meetings, Thomas?” He shrugged and gathered up the papers, “You sound just like your aunt.” “Thank you. I’ll tell her.” “Wait,” Tommy stopped you as you turned to leave, “Don’t tell her about this. Not yet.” “Fine,” you sulked, already bored with this day.
*** Polly Gray’s voice boomed through the house the very next day. You’d been asleep, but you sat bolt-right up in bed at the sound. Only then you realised she wasn’t calling for you; she was calling for your brothers.
You listened intently as they dragged their feet towards the kitchen. The truth was, you always enjoyed it when they got scolded, it was a sibling thing, so you silently crept down the stairs and watched through the banister. “What the hell is this I’ve heard?” your aunt sounded incredibly angry, “Why the fuck did the two of you think you could pull a stunt like this without informing me!” John whimpered and becameshorter on the spot, but protested with, “It’s not like we took the foal yet. We’ve only just made contact.” This earned him a smack around the head and Aunt Polly bit, “No, you only let your brother fuck for the cause.” “Well, he’s good at that…” John whispered, rubbing his sore head. “Polly,” Tommy held up a hand in an attempt to soothe things, “It’s a good plan. We just need you to agree to…” Tommy was on the receiving end of the next slap, and you smirked in the dark. “There’s no point in me agreeing now, is there!” she snapped, “It’s done. If we back out now, we’ll have half of the lords and ladies of fucking England on our backs! And unless you plan to fuck them all, Thomas, we’ve no choice.” And out of pure irritation, she smacked him again. You, meanwhile, held a hand to your mouth to stop the giggles from pouring out. It really was good fun to be just the spectator for once. “Pol, we didn’t plan on hiding it from you…” “No?” she had her hands on her hips now, which was never a good sign. Polly was like a mother to you: she’d raised you, praised you and scolded you all your life. And if you weren’t at least a little afraid of her when she was angry, you had no sense at all. She continued, “So why did I have to hear about the foal from Y/N?” You froze. And then you realised, you’d completely forgotten. Memories flooded back from breakfast when you sat at the table, chatting away with Ada about the races, and you may indeed have mentioned this foal in passing. You suddenly remembered Ada asking about the heiress and you calling Tommy a ‘man-whore’. Apparently, Polly had listened in, but not only that, she’d added two and two together.
As the scolding went on and a few more smacks were administered, you slowly made your way up the stairs again, deciding that would be in your best interest. You were almost at the top, when you heard Aunt Polly stomp away. For a few moments, you only listened. “How did she know?” you heard John ask. “I told fucking Y/N,” Tommy replied, darkly. You’d meant to sprint the last few steps back up to your room, but unfortunately, you tripped and slammed down into the stairs. Within seconds, your brothers were at the bottom of the stairs, looking menacingly up at you. “Hello,” you said, praying for some manner of escape. Much to your good fortune, Polly crashed back into the kitchen, glaring daggers at the boys as she walked on by. In those short moments, you fled, but behind you, Tommy called out, “Oh, you better run, Y/N!” *** The next few days, you tried your best not to be alone with either John or Tommy. Not quite sure just how mad they really were, you decided not to risk it. Still, you couldn’t help but think back to the both of them at the bottom of the stairs, where you’d been certain you’d seen a smile playing about Tommy’s lips. John was a lot easier in that sense; his mischievous nature was never far behind, but if Tommy really was angry, there’d be no chance. Either way, better not to be at their mercy. One afternoon, you were sitting in the front room with your Aunt Polly. When John and Tommy entered, you quickly looked away. Polly noticed at once however and immediately asked, “What’s going on?” “Nothing,” Tommy put on his best angelic face “Just need to have a word with Y/N, that’s all.” Aunt Polly got up to leave, but you tried to run after her, calling out, “No! I’ll come with you, Aunt Pol!” Again, she eyes the room suspiciously, “If there’s anything going on behind my back again, I’ll have all three of you. Don’t think just because you’re grown now, I won’t.” None of you even dared to think so, so all three Shelby siblings nodded obediently. And before there was anything you could do, you were left alone with John and Tommy in the front room.
Frantically, you let your eyes flit back and forth between both brothers. This was not a good situation to be in.
“I think we should punish the snitch,” Tommy growled, unusually playful. For a moment, you felt relief wash over you, recognizing the old Tommy again, but then you weren’t so sure if this really was in your favour.  
“What?’ you asked, with big eyes, “Why?” “You told Aunt Polly about the horse, didn’t you,” John continued, “You got us in trouble.” “What are you?” you joked, “Five?”
John stood leaning against the door, making sure you had nowhere to go if you planned on escaping, “Remember when we were kids,” he mused, “When she used to hide our caps and we used to chase her around the camp?” “Oh, I remember, she used to be a little devil.” “Yeah, but that was before,” you tried, “before you all got caught up in business and became boring.” “Boring, eh?” Tommy said sarcastically, “We became fucking boring, do you hear that, John? We became boring. Well, I’m guessing that’s the worst charge, eh?” “It is,” you said, decidedly. “Remember when we caught her and threw her into the canal, Tommy?” John grinned, “Polly beat us both.” “Yeah, but she always tried to run off,” he took one menacing step towards you, “Just like now,” because Tommy had most certainly noticed you eyeing all the exits. “If this is about the horse…” you started, but you didn’t get to finish your sentence.
You fell to the ground as John launched himself at you. Luckily, the rug provided for a soft drop. But the air was knocked from your lungs, having John and his full weight on top of you. As you clawed at your brother to no avail, John was giggling like a small child and you threw your head back in defeat, catching a glimpse of Tommy who had apparently decided not to do a thing about the situation. “Now what?” you asked him, as you fell still, because quite obviously, resistance was futile.
Tommy lifted one eyebrow and said, “Well, you’re the clever one, aren’t you? Little miss know-it-all? Get yourself out of this one.” Straining every muscle you had in you, you managed to wiggle your legs out from under John’s torso and tried to buck him off. For a second, your brother was lifted up into the air, but he was too heavy and immediately dropped back down again, managing to make you wheeze for a second time. So, you tried to pinch John, hard, and that worked. He called out and tried to move away, which gave you the opportunity to extract your arms and grab a chair. Using the chair, you then tried to pull yourself out from under him. Tommy, however, calmly picked up the chair and moved it out of the way. So, you stuck out your tongue at him and ground out, “Spoil sport.” “Am I?” he nodded, “Oh right, I’m the boring one.” “You could,” you groaned under the weight of one very childish brother, “you know, help?” “Help? Alright, I’ll help.” For a moment you saw the flicker of mischief in his eyes and then he jumped on top of you as well. You shouted out theatrically at the weight of a second, “Get ooooooooff!” “You said we were boring.” “You’re not boring, you’re behaving like fucking children!” you scolded. Full of satisfaction, John said from somewhere in the pile, “So maybe it’s you, Y/N, who’s the boring one? You’ve forgotten how we used to do this all the time.” You hadn’t forgotten. And you certainly hadn’t forgotten what would follow next, which made it all the more frustrating you couldn’t move an inch. “John, are you ready?” Tommy informed casually. “Ready!” “Nooooooo,” you protested in advance. John shouted out another battle cry by way of an answer. Seconds later, they both started tickling you and you actually screeched. It felt like a hundred hands were attacking you, instead of only four, and this indeed brought back all kinds of memories. You’d forgotten just how annoying they could be when they were in a playful mood, and on the one hand you enjoyed this immensely, on the other hand you regretted this immensely.
“Still think we’re boring, eh?” But you couldn’t answer, only giggle like an absolute maniac. At some point, you were quite sure you wouldn’t survive. John’s face was close to yours and a massive grin was plastered all over his face. He demanded, “Apologize for getting us in trouble!” Now that really took you back to all of you as kids. It had happened so many times that one, or all, of you had done something they weren’t allowed to do and, as good siblings do, tried to drag down the others with them. This would always have consequences, however. But there was no way you were apologizing. It was a matter of honour now. You managed to pull out a hand from the pile and grabbed the first tuft of hair you could find. The groaning that followed told you, you’d gotten hold of Tommy’s rogue locks. “Get her fucking hand, John,” he ordered his little brother, and at once John started tickling you more under your arms. You dissolved into another pit of laughter. The squirming pile of siblings managed to knock over quite a bit of furniture in the front room, but no one seemed to care. Suddenly, all three of you froze, when you heard Polly call out from the kitchen, “John!” John’s head shot up like a deer in headlights and he looked at Tommy, legs sticking up into the air, for advice.
Tommy called back, “John’s busy, Pol!” But his aunt wasn’t done yet, “Have you seen Y/N?” she called out. This time John replied, “She went out, Aunt Polly!” None of you dared to move and looked at each other one by one. Like a live painting, limbs all over the place, you’d been frozen in time and waited for what your aunt would do next. Then you heard footsteps and she was evidently approaching the front room. Tommy hissed at John, “Why the fuck did you tell her Y/N was out?” You all now knew you were going to have to explain this to an already aggravated matriarch. Unless, “Quick, hide her!” came John’s solution. Before you knew what was happening, two brothers lifted you up and stuffed you into the fancy cabinet against the wall. Sitting there, with the expensive plates and cutlery all around you, you watched through a crack as Aunt Polly marched into the room. John had quickly grabbed a book, holding it upside down, but pretended earnestly to read it. Tommy leaned up against the mantlepiece, smoking solemnly. The only thing that gave him away was a slight dishevelled look and bits of hair sticking in every direction imaginable. Tasting the atmosphere, she demanded, “What in the hell is going on here?” Tommy lifted one eyebrow and shrugged, “Working, Pol.” She didn’t believe him for a second, that much was obvious, and she looked around the room where none of the furniture was in their proper place anymore. Finally, she said, “Well, if you do see Y/N, tell her to come to me.” “Why?” John asked, always the one to ask question. “Because I told you so.”
After Aunt Polly had left again, Tommy told the cabinet, “You’re in trouble too now, Y/N.” “Why?” you sounded a little muffled coming from inside. You’d recognized her tone as well and it was quite clear you were in for a scolding, but you had honestly no idea what you’d done to deserve it this time. It had been so much more fun watching your brothers being on the receiving end of her temper. But that was concern for later, because judging by the silence on the other side of the door, your brothers weren’t done with you either. “Can’t stay in there forever,” Tommy commented dryly.
Can’t I? You thought about it for a second and looked around for some food in there, but there was nothing to be found. John seemed to sense your thoughts, “Ada’s eaten everything in there, Y/N, nothing but rats for you.” “Great, rats on both sides of the door,” you snapped. You surmised you had no other option but to run. So, you crouched down in the dark, suddenly slammed the door op and bolted. You managed to slip through John’s hands and sprinted towards the kitchen, hoping to God Polly wouldn’t be in there. Tommy called out behind you, “Go left, John-boy!” and you understood at once they planned to cut you off from both sides. There was only one thing left to do really, which was to gain the upper hand somehow. You scanned the kitchen for a weapon of some kind. There wasn’t much to work with, but you did find the infamous wooden spoon. Throwing it at Tommy, who dodged it calmly, you were now once again without any protection. For you second attempt, you held up an egg as a warning. “Put the egg down,” your brother held up a hand, “I’m warning you, Y/N, do not throw the fucking egg.” John didn’t even try to be scary anymore, he had too much fun playing, but he did say, “Polly will actually kill you if you throw the egg, you know that, right?” And then he made another dive at you, which made you throw the egg, which then hit him perfectly on the forehead. With a shout of glee, you tried to make another run for it. While John was wiping the egg of his face, Tommy was quicker this time and he grabbed you around your waist and threw you over his shoulder. The younger brother then proceeded pummelling you with all the eggs that were left. You tried to wiggle your way off the older brother’s shoulder, made a grab for some flower and covered Tommy with it. He spluttered a little, but his grip remained firm. The kitchen was in an absolute state within seconds.
Somehow, you’d worked yourself up and were now sort of balancing up top of Tommy. Then you caught a glimpse of his face, covered in flower, but you noticed the sheer joy that you saw in his eyes. And you stopped, and felt a warm sensation inside you hadn’t felt in years: happiness. This was it, you thought, we can still be like we were before the war. It’s rare and it’ll only last a few moments, but those amazing precious moments could still exist. Maybe they did too, but you had needed this so much the last couple of years. John interrupted your happy thoughts when he tried to lift you off of Tommy’s shoulder, but somehow underestimated how easy that would be, so the both of you landed on top of the kitchen table. It broke. Tommy sighed, “Polly’s not going to be happy when she hears you broke her table, Y/N.” “Oh, you wouldn’t dare,” you breathed, “there’s no way she’d believe it was just me, by the way, why would I break an actual table?” “Why should we?” you brother returned the question, “You’re the only child around here.”
“If you tell Polly I broke the table, I’ll tell John.” “Tell me what?” John’s head shot up, as he kicked away some pieces of wood from what was once your kitchen table. “Remember that wagon that burned down at the Lee camp?” you asked, sweetly. Tommy glared daggers at you, but John said, “Yeah, me and Arthur got the blame.” “Tommy burned it down,” and you quickly added, “And don’t think Polly’s forgotten about that either!” John turned to Tommy, “That was you? I thought it was bloody Arthur.” “Because I told her it was bloody Arthur,” Tommy replied. Then he turned to you, pointing finger and all, “Now, quite obviously you haven’t learned your lesson yet about being a snitch. Whatever happened to family loyalties, eh?” You shrugged, “Maybe I’m just loyal to Arthur.” Tommy Shelby, man feared by all, tried his most intimidating look on you. When it didn’t seem to do much, he called out, “Right! Into the canal, it is. John, take her legs.” You screamed again as you were being hoisted up into the air, though it was practically drowned out by John’s laughter. Chaos ensued once again and, in the end, Tommy had one of your legs, while John sort of carried your torso about. Your free leg you pulled back and you kicked Tommy hard in the chest. At once, he flew back and landed right on his arse. Both you and John burst out laughing. “Tommy, we’re never getting her to the canal like this,” your brother commented, while wiping the tears from his eyes. Tommy got up and he looked genuinely angry now. Any other person would be shitting themselves out of fear for what he might do. Any other person would start praying out loud. Any other person would quickly apologize and try to make a run for it. You were not any other person, you were his little sister, so you just continued laughing at him. It really was a funny sight, to see Tommy so dishevelled, but still trying to salvage some of his dignity. Within seconds, he was on top of you. He sat on your waist and took both of your hands in his, so much quicker than you had expected, and placing you in a hold you had no chance to get out of. You’d forgotten he could do that. Wide eyes, he ground out, “Respect, little sister. You need to learn some fucking respect.” “I’m sorry,” you said, cocky now, “Respect for what exactly? The brother covered in egg or the brother covered in flower?” Tommy sighed deeply, took both of your hands in one of his much bigger hands and dug his free hand into your stomach. For the second time, you were quickly screaming with laughter. He lowered down his face and whispered, “Apologize.” “For what?” you managed to get out in between giggles, “For being the only Shelby with a brain?” This didn’t help you much, as it only seemed to spur Tommy on. He started scribbling all over your ribs and soon, you weren’t able to say anything anymore, sassy or not. Then he paused for a second, mirth still visible in his eyes, and asked, “Want to try this again?” You sighed, exhausted already, and said, “I am sorry… I am sorry that you both are absolutely terrified of Aunt PolLY AND HER NOOOO!” He continued and left you with very little air. “John,” Tommy was now grinning broadly, “Take her arms,” and Tommy shot his evil fingers under your arms, which made your laughter go almost silent and you kicked your legs about, but to no avail. Tommy’s teeth blinked as he laughed with you, “Oh, little sister, you think you can be cocky with us, eh? With fucking us?”
Finally, feeling slightly desperate by your own ticklishness, you gave in, “Okay! I’m sorry, I’m sorry!!” But still, they wouldn’t let you go. He demanded, “Sorry for what?” “I’m sorry I told Aunt Polly about the horse,” you panted, “I didn’t mean to but it sort of slipped out? Either way, I’m sorry.” “And,” Tommy cracked his fingers as if to say: I can do this all day. You believed him too. You rolled your eyes, “I’m sorry I kicked you and made you fall on your arse. And I’m sorry I laughed at you because you looked hilarious, while falling on your arse. My bad.” “Still think I’m boring?” John asked, which made you wonder if you’d genuinely offended him by saying that. “No,” you spat, “but I do think you’re a mad bastard.” “I can live with that.” “What about me, eh?” the other one asked, still straddling your waist. John had let go of your arms and you smiled up at Tommy, deciding to be completely honest, “Nah, but I wish you could be like this more often.” “Maybe I should be,” he thought out loud. When you saw his deep thoughts were taking him back to whatever dark place he inhabited now, you decided you didn’t quite want this lightness to disappear yet. So, you started poking Tommy’s ribs, which was never a good idea, especially in the position you were in. Tommy flinched and even squirmed a little, trying to protect himself from your hands, which gave you the chance to crawl out from under him. “Don’t fucking tickle me,” he huffed, “Tickle John!” For the second umpteenth time that day, the kitchen had turned into a battlefield of wrestling and tickling siblings. From a distance, it looked far too rough and like you were really hurting each other, but that was just the Shelby way. This was all just good fun, or so you thought. Polly watched the three of you and smiled, because to her, a Shelby, this was nothing but pure Shelby sibling love. After a while, she decided to put a stop to it, by banging a pot down onto the stove. The effect was immediate, as all three siblings practically jumped up to salute. For a moment, Polly just glared darkly at all three of you, as you bowed their heads in shame. Then she said, calmly but sternly, “You have two hours and then I want this entire kitchen spotless. And that includes a new table. I want you in clean clothes and faces scrubbed before dinner and I don’t want to find a single speck of flower on anything. Do you hear me?” “Yes, Aunt Polly,” you mumbled, trying desperately not to make eyes-contact with your brothers for fear of bursting out in laughter. “I’ll keep this to myself, if you can swear you’ll get it done,” she emphasized and waited for all three of you to agree.
When she walked away, head held high and sure of her parental duties well done, she heard the fight continuing. But she smiled and decided not to hear. Let them have their fun, she thought, let them have their fun while they still can. *** Masterlist
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toms-cherry-trees · 2 years
No One Left || Victoria Shelby
Summary: Even when the world is black and the ground threatens to crack underneath his feet, Tommy always has someone to count with, has he?
Word count: 2446
Warnings: police brutality typical of the era
Author’s note: This is what I call a writer’s clot. An idea I wasn’t sure about but it wouldn’t let the creativity flow until I got it out of my system. I don’t expect much attention since I’ve had Victoria abandoned for a whole year but hopefully she’ll become more of a regular. For timeline purposes, Vicky is 13 in this.
Let me know if you wanna be in my taglist
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Whenever Victoria closed her eyes, the flashbacks began. 
As per usual, they hadn’t allowed her into the meeting, not even permitting her to be in the premises of Tommy’s office while the entire family sat there discussing business. But as every sneaky child, she had her ways, and had figured shortly after moving into Arrow House that a vent in Tommy’s office connected with one inside the cupboard by the staircase, and with a little effort she could make out most of the words they spoke.
She didn’t expect to encounter a tragedy.
The banging against the double doors of Arrow House, the thumping of heavy boots against the polished wooden floors. Her family screaming at Tommy with such raw emotion, she could imagine the spit flying from the open mouths, veins popping and faces flustering from sheer, unfiltered rage, while he remained impassive to the storm in the unnerving way only he managed to do.
When the police bustled in, Tommy did not move a muscle. He chose to stay frozen in place, staring at the smooth surface of his desk while his family fought for their freedom. Victoria rushed towards the entrance, only to find bedlam in there.  She saw her sisters in law, one heavily pregnant and one with a newborn being manhandled towards the door, their screaming and slapping being useless against the coppers hauling them out. 
John tried to bite an officer’s hand out of useless spite, and in retaliation he was slammed so hard against the wall he went cross eyed for a moment. Arthur headbutted the one holding his arms back; the fearful cracking of the wooden baton against his rib cage resonated in the lounge; he would surely have a few broken bones to account for.
Polly could barely hold herself upright, being held against the wall by the neck of her shirt and forced to stand on the tips of her high heeled boots. Michael didn’t struggle, taking what was coming his way with the resignation and demure fear expected of her well educated cousin. Ada screamed bloody murder at the man holding her back, who threatened to arrest her as well if she didn’t calm down.
Finn and Isaiah had gone feral, kicking and biting in the same way they did when they were young children caught in mischief. Isaiah stomped on someone’s foot; the next moment his own head was pressed under a baton against a side table. Finn was handcuffed on the floor after making Moss believe he had a gun in his pocket and would shoot him.
Uncle Charlie and Curly went on peacefully, far too shocked to even protest, and reassured by the security that they had nothing against them to hold and they didn’t even know enough to be witness to anything. Victoria still tried to protect them, spitting at a copper as the only act of defence she could muster in her state of shock. The fist that collided with her gut knocked all the air out of her lungs and forced her to bend down. 
At the end they had all been hauled in the back of a police van, the black doors closing behind them feeling like a slam on their faces; as if they had hit the end of their road. Victoria tried to chase them through the driveway, but she hadn’t even made it to the iron gates when her legs gave out and she collapsed on the road, sharp pebbles digging into her skin.
In less than five minutes, her world had collapsed. 
Tic toc. Tic toc. The clock seemed to mock him. The bloody needles definitely moved faster when he wasn’t looking. For it was impossible that three days had already passed. Each day marked on the calendar meant one day closer to set them free. Or one day closer to see them hang. They all had yet to go to trial but it wouldn’t be long, and it wouldn’t be fair. There was not much to argue against anyway. They had all done it, after all. None of the accusations were false. But they were innocent, in a way. None of those crimes were committed for their own benefit. They did it to help Tommy and his boy.
It was all for him. 
It felt like five minutes, but 2 hours had gone by while Tommy stared blankly at the papers in his desk, crossing names on lists, dialling phone numbers and making sums on how many bribes he’d have to pay. He had the biggest card of the game tucked under his sleeve, but no players to play it with. Any official he could pay, any friend he could call, any favour he could trade was simply not high enough to reach the stars he needed to pull down for this feat.
Another five minutes passed by in his mind, but in reality another hour had disappeared in the blink of an eye. The clock definitely was taunting him, the wretched machine laughing in his face as it said you cannot beat me, nor can you stop me. Just like you couldn’t beat them.
In a moment of frustration, Tommy shot the antique clock until nothing remained but shattered glass and splintered wood. 
Once the smoke had dissipated, both from the barrel and from his brain, it felt like suddenly all energy had left his body. He leaned against his leather chair, rubbing his eyes until sparks of light danced on the edge of his vision. He felt a headache forming behind his left eye, the familiar throbbing matching in perfect sync with the beating of his heart. 
Tommy remained in that position, wallowing in his own misery until he heard a car pull up in his driveway. His whole body tensed, ears perking up, waiting with a held breath for any more unusual sounds. But nothing else happened, which was just as worrying. Tommy grabbed the gun from its holster and marched towards the foyer, ready to fill the intruder with lead first and ask questions later. His index was already hooked in the trigger when a sound startled him from the stair landing, almost making him shoot on accident. Victoria came down the stairs, dragging a battered suitcase with her, and Mary following on her heels, begging her to reconsider what she was doing.
She walked in such a haste she didn’t stop to even spare a glance at Tommy until he physically blocked her from the entrance with his broad frame. 
“Now where the hell do you think you’re going”
“I’m leaving”
“I can see that for myself. Where are you planning to move, eh?”
“I’m moving in with Esme”
“And whom did you ask for permission”
“No one. I don’t need permission. I am an orphan and the adults in charge of me are in jail”
Those words hurt more than Tommy cared to admit. It was true that after their father’s death the subject of the kids was left hanging in the air, but the brothers didn't worry because after all, their youngs were not so young anymore. Finn had turned 16 not long ago, and Victoria would soon be 14 and a proper young lady. They never had a father to begin with so nothing in their lives would be disrupted. But Tommy had never heard her refer to herself as an orphan, not even once, not even when she believed both her parents to be dead when she was a child. When asked about her parents, she just shrugged it off and said she had her aunt and brothers. But now she had lost them all. Or almost. 
“Mary, leave us alone please” The maid simply nodded and disappeared behind the service door
“Oh sorry almighty Lord, I didn’t meant to hurt your pride in front of the service”
“What the fuck is your problem now, eh? You used to be so well behaved and now…”
“And now what?” Victoria had dropped her suitcase and took a step forward, being face to face with her brother. Or as much face to face as she could, being considerably shorter than him still “And now I’ve decided to not be anymore the perfect little sister? You still have the nerve to ask what’s my problem? I have about a hundred of those now, and they all relate to you”. Her chest heaved dramatically with each phrase, and her hands trembled slightly at her sides. It took her a lot of courage to pronounce those words, which had been fluttering inside her head for a long time. But they held nothing but truth. Her life had peaked when the business soared, and then had steadily declined when the money abounded and so did the avarice. But none of them did it on their own free will. They all tethered on the edge of disaster led by one man. The one who swore to protect them all and claimed to want nothing but great things for the family. Easy is to seek greatness when you are the King and not the pawn. 
“Now now sweetie, I don’t think you mean that at all” He tried to pet her head, just like he did when she was just a little girl who asked too many questions. Great was his surprise when she smacked his hand away. She had never once hit him, not even throwing tantrums. 
“Stop being so condescending. I am not a toddler anymore, nor am I a fool. Don’t you think I know what’s going on? Even if you keep me away from everything, I know what happens in this family. I know I lost my family, maybe forever. They could go through the noose anyday. And I know it is all your fault, your and your ego’s. You finally found yourself a bigger dog, but it wasn’t you who got bitten. Consequences never reach you”
The only fault Tommy found in himself at the moment was not realising that even if Vicky was a darling, she was still a Shelby, and being cunning came with the genes. No secrets were safe from her. For the first time he came to notice his baby sister had grown, and she could no longer be treated like a child. But she couldn't be treated like an adult either, especially in the adult world her family lived in. She was not made for that type of life and could not handle that type of harshness. 
Yet he still decided to not be the bigger person and argue with her
“This is not all on me. They did everything on their own free will. I didn’t hold a gun to anyone’s head as far as I can recall” Now if he could believe those words himself, it would surely help him to sleep better at night. But he couldn’t afford the luxury of showing weakness. If he crumbled, the world would collapse. 
“Do you actually believe they would have turned their backs on you when Charlie’s life was on the line? They did this to protect your son because you couldn’t do so. Because your greed knows no limit and you got involved with people you couldn’t control” Victoria’s lip had begun to tremble, but she forced herself to be strong and swallow back the knot in her throat. The one lesson they had ingrained in her brain was to never show emotion. Emotion is weakness and weakness is defeat “Do you even realise the full impact of this debacle? Esme is alone with seven children including a newborn. Linda could give birth any day now. You left eight children potentially fatherless in a world where single mothers struggle to get by. Polly had found herself a man who loved her, and turned her back to him because of your paranoia. Michael has his whole life ahead of him”.  Tommy opened his mouth to defend himself, but his sister cut him off with a smack on the chest “Finn was basically left to fend for himself, because you never spared him more than a glance every once in a while unless he was useful to you. I bet you don’t even know where he lives now”
Tears had begun to trickle down her cheeks, getting lost in the curve of her neck, but she didn’t bother to wipe them away. Tommy wanted to do so, but feared touching her would only make things worse. This woman in front of him held no resemblance to his sister. His sister had never stared at him with hatred in his eyes nor had she ever recoiled from his touch. This girl was not his sister. Or maybe he was no longer her brother. 
“Why do you always do this? Always getting into trouble over and over again. You didn’t learn your lesson with Sabini, nor with Campbell,  because some wicked twist of fate always saved your neck at the last second. It's like the universe sends you endless opportunities to humble yourself, and you only use them to inflate your ego. Is time to wake up Tommy, you are not God. Just a fake idol with wax wings who continuously flies too close to the sun. Beware of your fall, I just pray nobody crashes with you”
Victoria looked like she had something more to say; as if not all of her burden had been unloaded. But the honking of the car outside broke their moment. She picked her suitcase and marched past him, not even sparing her once favourite brother a second glaze as she climbed on the cab and left Arrow House, perhaps to never return.
Tommy stood for a long time in the foyer, right where Victoria had left him, hands in his pockets and heart in his throat. For the first time in a long time, tears welled up in his eyes, but was quick to brush them away. During the worst times of his life, when he couldn’t even face his own reflection on the mirror, he had counted with Vicky on his side. She had always stood by him, and would be the cheerful girl who would tell him to keep positive and that everything would be solved and things would get better someday. She was the ray of sunshine of this family. But now her spark had become muddied and dull until her light faded into darkness, merging with the shadows of the dark world her family lived in. And this time, Tommy had only himself to blame. He had broken her rose tinted lens and stepped on the shards.
And now, he had no one left. 
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queenofkings1212 · 3 years
Alone to the End
A/N: Couldn't get this out of my mind, so I decided to write it. Please forgive the mistakes, and it's kind of bad.
Shelby's x reader (platonic)
Fem!Reader, Angst, Bad Writing
Y/N is missing from the celebratory dinner, and Finn seems to be the only one to care.
Smiles had adorned every face present in the grand dining room. Laughter and playful banter could be heard all around. A whisper of a smile adorned Thomas’ face as he looked around. Feeling happy and content that his family was free and safe from their past. He studied every smile, while his own plastered on his face. It had slightly faltered when he caught sight of his youngest brother. Finn sat four chairs down from him, but his stare made it feel as if the young adult was miles away. He had studied his face, seeing his jaw clenching periodically, and his arms fell limp by his side. His food was left untouched. Thomas was brought out of his thoughts as his newly-wed wife stood, tapping her glass, gaining everyone turned their gaze towards the newest member.
She made her speech about the family, how proud of how far they’d come. It didn’t sit right with most of the members of the family, but no one wanted to ruin the moment of peace.
“I’m so proud of how far we’ve co-”
“We?” All eyes turned to the hoarse but determined voice. “We?” He repeated, but louder.
“Finn.” His aunt said with a smile, but her voice was determined as well. Determined to keep the peace for as long as they could.
The young adult slammed his hands on the table, standing to demand the attention of the room. “No! No! We will not sit here and celebrate the peace and success we have without the one person who guaranteed it! And you!” Finn pointed an accusing finger at his second oldest brother, all but abandoned the thought of having a civil conversation. Tears threatened to fall and it took everything Finn had to not break down. “You threw this lavish dinner, in your big lavish home, with your new posh wife, while forgetting who put you there!”
“For fucks sake Finn!” Thomas, and just as Finn had done. slammed his hands on the table, standing up and glaring at the youngest of the Shelby siblings. The children quickly ushered out by the maids, leaving the adults to watch. “She betrayed me! She betrayed our family!”
“So did she!” Finn was quick to respond to his brother's accusing tone. “So did she, but she sits at the head of the table, while Y/N-” Finn voice cracked at the mention of her name. His body tensed, a tell-tale sign of fighting the onslaught of tears.
“Y/N’s what Finn?” Pol asked, trying to keep her head from swimming towards the dark side of all possible outcomes.
The sobs held at bay wouldn’t be contained anymore. The words he wanted to scream at his family, seemingly died in his throat, replaced with cries of anguish and longing. He leaned over the table, his long, slim arms holding him up, as his head hung low. His family watched in surprise as he sobbed. Ada stood to comfort her brother, tears and hurt evident on her face. Her steps were halted upon seeing her young brother's elbows and knees succumbing to his weight. One knee on the ground, the other bent to keep him steady. They watched as Finn seemed to collapse. His cries grew louder, knuckles white from gripping the table cloth, desperate for anything to hold on to. The only words the family could hear was the wailing of Finn's beloved honorary sister. He had called her name, wishing and begging anyone, anything, everyone, and everything that could hear him, that she would answer.
His aunt made her way to the boy, holding him tight against her. Consoling the boy through the grief, of what, they didn’t know. They didn’t want to know.
His cries grew quieter after minutes of soft whispers and empty promises from his sister and aunt. Finn sat on his chair, staring at the ring adorning his middle finger. Though the onslaught of tears never seemed to cease, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he remembered the day she gifted him with the jewelry.
“I’ve a gift for you.” Y/N smiled as she walked through the kitchen into the living room. She tossed a small string bag to the boy, who caught it with ease. His cocked eyebrow and questioning eyes followed her as she stood by the fireplace. The young Finn opened the bag, and out came a simple, silver ring.
“Don’t you think you’re a bit too old for me?” He jested, laughter falling through his lips as he dodged the onslaught of items that were thrown his way. Y/N laughed at the joke, but she didn’t miss the opportunity to practice her aim.
“OK! OK!” Finn shouted through laughter as his own shoe hit his lips. “I’m sorry.” They both chuckled knowing the little bastard didn’t mean it.
He looked down at the ring and discovered an engraving that decorated the inner part of the ring.
My brother has the best sister in the world.
Finn took off the ring, rereading the engraving, and although it was meant as a joke he knew it was the truest sentence he’s ever read. Y/N had taught him many things his family should’ve taught him. Finn knew his family loved him, but they were always too busy with one thing or another to properly care for him. Y/N was his mother in many ways, but “I’m way too young to be a mother,” she’d always joke, so they settled on big sister. She was everything he needed. A mother when teaching him how to read, a father when teaching him how to throw a punch and to be a proper gentleman, a sister when she comforted him through nightmares and walked him to and from school, and a brother when she taught him how to stand his ground, and eventually how to woo a girl. Y/N had been his family when his own decided he wasn’t important or old enough to be included in the family business. She was a family encompassed in one person. She was his ‘one-person family’, and perhaps that's why it hurts like it does.
“The coppers cornered me this morning.” It was the first words spoken in what felt like hours of silence, his voice rough and hoarse.
His older brothers and aunt tensed. They didn’t want any other problems so soon.
“For what?” John asked, voice low but still held the power of the Shelby’s.
Finn continued to fiddle with the last part of his sister, not raising his head. He didn’t have the slightest strength to hold his head up.
“To identify a body.”
The temperature seemingly dropped significantly. Chills and shivers ran up their spines. No one dared to move. The thought of exhaling left their thoughts as it would somehow confirm what everyone already knew, but was scared to admit.
It was John’s wife, Esme, that broke the silence. “Y/N?”
A dark chuckle left Finn’s parted lips. The slight nod of his head was the confirmation his blood sister needed to wail, just as he had minutes before.
“Bloodied, bruised, and torn apart, but yeah. It was her.”
Ada rushed out the room, Esme leaned into her husband for comfort, Pol seemed to be in denial. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she continued to smoke. As for the men, not one moved. They couldn’t believe that she was gone. They couldn’t believe that the woman who was there for them when their mother had died, when their father abandoned them, when the boys were shipped off to France is no longer among them. She was there to take care of John’s children, patch them up after fights, and bridge the broken relationships between the family. She was there from the very beginning, and they all seemed to have forgotten that when they had found out about her betrayal. And now? Now, she laid on a table unmoving. It was then John started to shake, tears finally breaking free. He cried for his sister. First, he cried about the absence of her in their life. Then, he cried for her. For all the happiness she’s going to miss out. She’ll never get to know the good life. She had helped them to make it out of the slums, and all she got in return was a gruesome death. She’ll never know about the lavish parties, fancy dresses, or overpriced jewelry. She’ll never know the life she fought so hard to create.
The Shelby’s sat in the dining room, hurt, grief stricken, and lost. But Arthur was all those things and more. He was angry. He was angry that his honorary sister would never know the true love and happiness of marriage and having her own family. She wouldn’t know the fear of having cold feet before her wedding, the bliss after having her first kiss as a married woman, or the joy of intimate love between a married couple. She wouldn’t know the joy and fear of carrying a child, or self-doubt if she was a good mother. Y/N would never know what it would feel like arguing with her husband, having a disobedient toddler, or the pure love and happiness of waking up everyday knowing she had a loving husband and beautiful and healthy children. She’ll never know the things she had so desperately fought for.
The Shelby’s were quick to anger, and slow to forgive, and because of it their lovely Y/N laid lifeless on a table and alone in her last moments. No one to whisper lies that it’ll be ok. No one to attempt to save her life. No one to hold her hand as the fears took over. No one there to hold her as she drew her last breath, to hear her final words. No one was there to tell her that they loved her. That they were grateful to have a person like her in their life. No one. She was there for everyone, and yet no one was there for her.
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smallheathgangsters · 3 years
Drugs and Problems | T.S.
A/N: i realised i just really started to dislike writing romantic stuff involving tommy. but i loooove writing about him in any other situation, especially him and Shelby!Sister! so, i really do hope you enjoy this little drabble.
Tommy Shelby and Shelby!Sister
Word Count: 709
Requested by: @sighonahurricane
Type: angst
Summary: Tommy and his sister had a long day. They end up in his office, drinking whiskey. Until Tommy mentions a name he shouldn't have.
Tag List: @captivatedbycillianmurphy @tranquility-or-chaos @zodiyack @slytherinicequeen @livingforbarnes @siriuslyshewrote @lovemissyhoneybee @peakyblindersengland @lucillethings @callmesunshinexx @simonsbluee @anyasthoughts @sophieshelby
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Tommy’s rough hand gripped the Irish whiskey, pouring two drinks. One for his sister and one for himself. It had been a long day. A very long one. When his eyes had met the clock after putting the last folder into the top drawer of his desk, it had shown eleven o’clock at night. Then, he had noticed that there was still light outside his office. His sister had also been working late.
“Finn doesn’t seem to be very happy about your interest in Isaiah,” Tommy murmured, taking a sip from his whiskey, while handing the other glass to Y/N.
She snorted and rolled her eyes. “He should be glad that I chose to go after a Peaky Blinder and not some communist like dear Ada.”
Tommy raised both his eyebrows and took another sip instead of replying anything to that.
“Plus, I don’t think Finn will ever be my biggest concern.”
“Who then?”
She swirled the liquid around in her glass. “Well, let’s be honest. Finn won’t be able to tell me what to do and who to meet up with.”
Tommy nodded slowly, showing her that he was listening.
“Unlike you, Tom. As much as I would hate and try to rebel against it, you’d make my life a living hell if I were to see a guy you did not want me to see,” she finished.
“Perhaps,” he partially agreed.
She sighed, leaning against his table, and bringing her glass to her lips. “You don’t think so?”
“I’d like to believe that I’m not the most commanding brother.”
“Who, if not you?” she laughed, amused at his words. “Arthur? Who hasn’t even noticed that his baby sister started meeting up with men?”
Tommy rolled his eyes. He rarely laughed at her silly remarks. It just wasn’t his type of humour.
“I was talking about John.”
Immediately and almost unwillingly, she gritted her teeth. Hard. This had been the first time Tommy had mentioned his name after his death. The first time hearing his name come out of her brother’s mouth.
She remained silent. Whenever and wherever his name had been said, her limbs stopped working and there were no words left for her to say.
“He was always very concerned for your future and who you would share it with,” Tommy continued, clearly not realizing that his sister was not partaking in the conversation anymore.
Her eyes wandered to the wooden floor, knuckles turning white around the whiskey glass. And as much as she tried to suppress her breath that was getting heavier with every minute, Tommy eventually seemed to notice her getting awfully quiet. “Y/N? Everything alright?”
“Don’t every mention him again,” she almost whispered, not lifting her gaze.
Tommy sighed. “Talk to me.”
She squeezed her eyes shut, as if she could escape the situation. To simply lower her eyelids and disappear. Unfortunately, life did not work that way.
“Please?” he added, though making it sound more like a question than a request.
She exhaled deeply, before pouring the rest of her drink down her throat. “Neither one of us is drunk enough to have this conversation.”
“What in world are you talking about?” Tommy asked, confused.
She let out a fake laughter. “Really? You are the one that can’t express any sort of emotion without some kind of drug in your veins and I am just really not ready to talk about him just yet.”
“Y/N, calm down.”
An order.
Suddenly, Tommy had turned into the boss again.
He wasn’t her sister anymore. He was her boss. Telling her how to act, how to behave.
“I’m more than calm, Tom.”
“You need to start confronting and most importantly, accepting what happened. Alcohol isn’t going to solve your problems,” he preached in his most monotone voice.
She cocked an eyebrow at him. “Seriously? Isn’t it you who drowns all his sorrows in alcohol and what was it called … opium?”
Angrily, she slammed her glass down on his desk. “You’re a fucking joke, Tommy. Start practicing what you preach before coming at me like this ever again.”
And before he could defend his words, his sister had stormed out of his office, leaving the door wide open for him to watch her stride away.
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noroger · 4 years
Tommy Shelby x Sister Shelby reader
Summary: Sister Shelby and the Shelby have a traumatic experience one night.
A/N: This is part 1 since i’m getting the hang of writing again, people who have requested they are drafted and are waiting to be posted :) i want to see the response before i post.
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Everyone was tucked away in their beds at Waterly Lane after an eventful night at the Garrison. Due to the whole Shelby family being drunk they decided it was best to stay there and not travel until the morning. They had been celebrating a friend’s wedding and it had all gotten a little too out of hand once John announced that drinks were on the house.
It was nearing 3am when Y/N Shelby, the youngest Shelby sister at the age of 14 felt as though her conciounes was telling her to wake up, however she ignored it thinking it was the buzz from Arthur allowing her to take occasional sips from his whiskey at the Garrison.
The breeze from her open window had become stronger than she had felt when she first had opened it. Sighting she decided it was best to go close it before she regretted it and woke up to a freezing cold room i’m the morning.
She froze as soon as she heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor in the very same room she was in. Who was in this room with her? Was she just hearing things?
Peering around slowly she saw the eyes of a man she did not know looking straight back at her. He smiled and put his finger up to his lips in attempt to tell her to be quiet. Y/N was not stupid.
“TOMMY!” She yelled knowing his room was right beside hers as the kidnapper dragged her from her bed and she landed with a strong thud or the floor.
“LEAVE ME ALONE! HELP!” She cried, praying her family weren’t too out of it from the alcohol they had consumed just hours before.
“Shut up” the attacker hist at her as they tried to pick her kicking form off the floor.
Tommy woke up with a jolt from a nightmare of the war, he dreamt of his youngest sister screaming out to him from no mans land, he ran a hand over his face as he realised it was just a dream and that his sister would be sleeping.
“TOMMY!” He felt his heart sink into his stomach when he realised her screams for him had been real.
Sprinting out of bed he started yelling at his brothers to wake up. “Y/N?” he called as he heard commotion in her bedroom?. He tried to open the door and had no luck, he knew there was no lock so whoever was in that room had thought strategacly about this whole thing.
John and Arthur came barrelling out their rooms at the same time in shock at what was even happening.
“SOMETHING IS UP AGAINST THE DOOR” He shouted at his oldest sibling as he tried to use his shoulder to knock whatever it was over.
The attacker quickly grabbed her as he saw the chair was beginning to fall down, making his way to the window he knew he would never be able to get down with her in his arms without the Shelbys grabbing them back in.
“What on earth is happening!” Aunt Polly shouted at her nephews for making such a ruckus.
“Someone’s in that room with Y/N” John rushed out shakily as he tried to think of what to do.
All Shelbys we’re now up from their slumber and now aware of the stranger they had in their house. They would not lose her, they could not let his man take her away from them.
“You have to catch her?!” the man shouted at his accomplice who was standing at the bottom of her window with the car ready to go.
“I-i can’t, what if i drop her?” he man bellow panicked.
Arthur and Tommy both slambed their shoulders into the door whilst John ran downstairs to see if there was anymore outside. The screaming of their sister motivated them to ram through the door faster. That was the only thing they could focus on.
“Whoever is in there i’m gonna fooking kill ya” Arthur yelled.
Bursting through the door they saw a man throwing her out his arms and trying to scurry away however Arthur was fast enough and dragged him back in with his hair and threw him to the ground.
Tommy looked out the window to see John wrestling a 2nd man down on the ground however he also saw the car speed around the corner and out of their street. His heart fell even further as he knew they had succeeded in what they had come here to do. They had taken the youngest Shelby to probably use against them.
Y/N cried out in fear as the man driving the car also held a gun to her head. “Stay where you are and i won’t need to use this thing !”
“They’ve fucking took her!” Tommy grabbed his hair and he paced around. “FUCK!” he kicked the chair that was now broken and lying on the floor.
Arthur had dragged the man out of the room and all the way into the betting shop so they could properly interrogate him. John stormed in with a panicked look on his face a he has just killed the man who dared to try take her . All Shelbys were now up and ready to find their darling girl.
“I’ve called the blinders, everyone is out looking” Polly hurried out as she walked into the room.
“She asked to stay in my room when we got back” Finn tried to hold back his tears. “I should have let her! she would have been safe!” he cried out.
Tommy was by the phone making calls to other people to notify them about what had happened. They hoped your kidnapper would hurry up and inform them what they needed to do to get her back. Tommy knew whatever they wanted he would give to them in a heartbeat, just to have her back in his arms is all he wanted. Y/N Shelby was still the innocent one in the family, she was the light of their life’s. They all needed her to survive.
“It’s alright Finn” Polly brought him into a hug as the tears from her eyes were also threatening to fall. “It’s alright”.
Hours had passed but there was no news as to where and who had taken you.
Would they back unharmed? That’s all the hoped of.
Meanwhile the youngest Shelby had been dragged out of the car and into a building she did not recognise one bit. She heard a laugh that made shivers go down her spine as she knew she recognised it.
“You got her!” The voice cheered out, “Good lad”.
The figure came closer and she felt her heart drop into her feet.
“Hello girl” The man came up to them, “Sorry to take you at such a time in the morning, we just needed you here quicker then we thought” the man chucked.
She knew he was an awful man but she did not know he could go this low. She knew from her brothers, sister and her aunt of how horrible this man was.
In front of her very own eyes was the man who had planned to ruin the Shelbys life once again.
This man was Sir. Arthur Shelby. Their own dad.
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Hello K!! :)
📓 I’m curious
Hello Mar!! 🥰 I hope you’re doing well!!
I’m gonna share a Tommy x reader with you called Brother’s (Ex)Best Friend that was requested by @mrsalwayswrite … I’m not sure if that title’ll stick though cuz it’s kinda cringey.
Essentially it’s going to be centered around (Y/N), Freddie Thorne’s sister, who has been seeing Tommy on the side. The whole Freddie/Tommy/Ada situation happens as it does in season 1, and (Y/N) has something to say about the hypocritical treatment that Tommy’s showing Freddie when he’s essentially doing the same exact thing.
That’s a bit of a rough outline - I’ve still gotta flesh it out, but I’ve been wanting to explore this whole dynamic from season 1 and am excited to do so. Thanks so much again for asking, Mar! ❤️
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smcc212 · 4 years
Gone, But Not Forgotten
Pairings- Finn Shelby x Shelby! Reader, Shelby family x Shelby reader
Word count- 2,234
Warnings- Description of mental illness, implied/referenced self-harm, it’s the 1920s, so people not understanding mental illness, let me know if I messed any. Not proofread.
A/N- So, rather than writing what I’ve been asked to write, I wrote this-big thanks to my mum for naming this for me. The mental illness depicted in this is based off of my own struggles with mental health and I tried to dial down so I don’t offend anyone. Anyway, with that all said, I really hope you enjoy!!
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“The forgotten Shelby” that’s what I was; that’s all I was. Finn Shelby’s twin, was another thing people would call me, no one would just call me (Y/N) Shelby. At least everyone that said that remembered I was Shelby though. Tommy was having a big party for Lizzie’s birthday; everyone was invited. Everyone except me. I found out about the party while I was at Garrison, some strangers sitting next to me were talking about it. Finn didn’t even tell me. Finn and I used to be inseparable. Now I was all alone.
I pushed everyone away, I pushed my friends with away; I pushed my family away. I never wanted to loose them, though, not really. I just... I couldn’t help myself, for some reason, I felt as though I didn’t need them; I never could control my emotions. I was always getting in trouble in school for my emotional outbursts, but I couldn’t stop it from happening. They’d change all the time, my emotions. Sometimes I felt the same emotion for a day, sometimes my emotions would change every hour.
I hadn’t talked to my family in three months when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to see my twin, Finn, standing there.
“Hey, Finn,” I grumbled. I was happy to see him, but I’d been living off the last pay-check Tommy had given me. I left school two years after Finn did so both of us couldn’t do anything but go into the family business. But it’d pushed them away; they wanted nothing to do with me.
“(Y/N),” He breathed out. “How are you? What’s been going on in your life? Are you-“ He cut himself as he looked behind me. The place was disgusting. I knew that. I just couldn’t motivate myself to clean it. “(Y/N/N)... what the fuck happened?” Despite his wording, his voice was soft and full of concern.
“I... I just couldn’t clean. I mean, physically I could, but I just couldn’t get myself out of bed to do so; I didn’t have any reason to,” I murmured embarrassed that he’d seen the pigsty I’d been living in. “I-I’ll clean soon though. I had to get up to answer the door, so I’ll clean a little today.” I gave him a sad smile but he didn’t return it.
“I never realised it was this bad...”
“Your mind. Whatever the fuck’s going on in the head of yours; I didn’t know it was this bad.” I moved to try and block the sight of my home from him even though he’d already seen it.
“Why are you here, Finny?” Finny, the same thing I’d called since I first learnt to talk.
“To invite you to Lizzie’s birthday, but... (Y/N), you can’t live like this.” His eyes stared into mine; into my soul. I could not only hear the concern in his voice, but I could see it in his eyes as well. I didn’t want that. I didn’t want to be a burden.
“I’m okay, Finn. I’m alive, aren’t I?” I giggled, but stopped when I realised he didn’t find it funny.
“Being alive doesn’t mean you’re fine! Pack some clothes, you’re coming to stay with me.”
“Oh no, Finny, I don’t want to bother you,” I mumbled, looking at the ground.
“You’re my twin. You’re not bothering me, just let me help you. Please?” He begged. He was begging to help me. I didn’t deserve his help, but I needed it.
“Okay, Finny. Wait here, I’ll pack a bag.” I walked into my bedroom, grabbing a duffel bag I’d stolen from John a while back, and stuffed the few clean clothes I had left inside it. Walking into the bathroom, I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, then I spotted my stash of razor blades I collected as a child. When I was younger, I would steal the blades my brother would sew into their caps; they always thought they’d misremembered grabbing them. At first, it was just to be a nuisance, but, eventually, it was to cut myself. My brain screamed at me to leave them behind. But I couldn’t. I grabbed them, stuffing into the front pocket of my duffel bag and walking to Finn’s flat with him.
I looked around the small room Finn said was now mine. It wasn’t bad; it was was nicer than the room he and I shared growing up.
“Thanks, Finny.” I smiled at him, carefully placing my bag down to make sure the blades couldn’t be heard.
“No problem, (Y/N/N).” He smiled back at me. “So... are your coming to Tommy’s?” He asked carefully.
“No.” I couldn’t face Tommy, the head of the family. Finn was my twin, he was fine, but the rest of them? They’d hate me, I was sure of it.
“Why not? They wouldn’t be mad.”
“Finn, they’ll hate me; I was horrible to them.” I started to hyperventilate and I didn’t know why, it just happened and I couldn’t stop it. “Th-they-they.”
“(Y/N), calm down. Breathe, (Y/N/N),” Finn cooed, trying his best to calm me down, but it wasn’t that easy.
“I can’t-I can’t,” I gasped out.
“Yes you can, you just have to do it slower.” He grabbed my hand, placing it over his chest so I could feel his slow heartbeat. “Breath with me, okay?” There was panic in his eyes, but he trained his voice well so that I couldn’t hear it. He took deep, exaggerated breaths. It took awhile, but, eventually, my breathing started to calm and the tears in my eyes cleared up.
Finn didn’t say anything as he walked over to my new bed, lowered himself and gently pulled me into him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his warm embrace. I had been so long since I last saw another person, let alone got a hug off someone. I missed all of my family, but I missed my twin the most, I clung to him like he’d disappear if I let go.
“You okay?” Finn asks, finally letting the worry and concern flood his voice.
“Yeah... thank you, Finny,” I smile up at him. After a moment of silence, I spoke up again, “please don’t make me go, Finn.”
“You don’t have to go, (Y/N/N). I just thought you would want to, that’s all.” One of his hands started to smooth through my hair; Polly used to do that when we were younger.
“I’ll see them soon, it’s just... it’s a party, loads of people will be there and don’t think I can cope with that; you’re the first person I’ve seen in months, Finn, that was overwhelming enough.” I lower my gaze to the floor, embarrassment rushing through my body at how bad I got.
“Fuck, (Y/N)... I never realised it was that bad,” Finn mumbles and tightens his embrace. I hate that he’s pitying me, I know why he is but I hate it.
“It’s okay; I’m okay,” I replied. I’d gotten so you used to saying that I’m fine, it’s hard-wired into my brain.
“No, (Y/N), you’re not okay! If you were okay you wouldn’t have been living like that!” Finn exploded, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. I felt tears burning in my eyes.
“Fuck sake,” I cry, rolling my eyes. I’m sick of crying! Sometimes I can’t cry at all, and other times I can’t stop crying. It’s a fucking nightmare.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I should’ve shouted, I’m sorry,” Finn frantically apologies. I shake my head, curling in on myself.
“No, no, I need to my shit together! I’m so fucking useless!” I shouted, beginning to claw at my arms. “Fucking worthless piece of shit,” I mumble to myself. Suddenly, there are hands on my wrists, holding them together to stop be scratching.
“Stop it, (Y/N/N), you’re scaring me,” Finn spoke as tears begin to fill his eyes. I thrash against him trying to free myself, but it’s not working, he’s too strong.
“Let me go!” I scream. The front door opens, but I don’t realise, far too focused on freeing myself to care about who’s coming into Finn’s flat. “Get the fuck off of me!” I feel my throat ripping as I scream bloody-murder.
“Please! Stop it, (Y/N)!” Finn begs as two men enter to room. My twin’s pleas land on deaf ears, all I know in this moment is anger; all I know is that I have to get free. I fight and fight until something hits me on the back of the head and I black out.
My eyes flutter open, trying to adjust to the light. Looking around I see my family. Finn standing at the other end of the room, his cheeks stained with now dry tears; he looks scared as our eyes meet. Guilt overwhelms me, filling up my body until tears start cascading down my cheeks. Next to Finn stands John, one arm wrapped around Finn’s shoulders with a look of worried and perhaps guilt on his face. Polly sits next to me, her gaze upon the floor, shame and guilt paint her face too. Ada, I can’t see her face, she’s looking at some flowers placed on a dresser. The flowers look sad though, perhaps Ada does too. Arthur fights back tears as he looks at me, gripping onto Linda’s hand tightly, arguably too tight. And Tommy, he looks angry, or maybe neutral, I can never tell the two apart. Either way, he’s leans against the window looking at me. Lizzie sits on the bottom of the bed, looking up at me with sad eyes, she sends me a pitying smile as we lock eyes.
“Finny,” I croak, my throat still sore for my screaming.
“Don’t.” Tommy looks at me. Angry. He’s definitely angry. I don’t want him to be angry. “Don’t fucking speak to him; you terrified him,” His voice isn’t loud, but it’s not happy. Fuck, I fucked up again! I always fuck up! I try to hit myself, but I can’t move my arms, looking up I see that they’ve tied my arms to the bed.
“(Y/N),” Finn speaks shakily. “W-we had to, y-you we’re out of-of control.” My heart shatters at thought of Finn being scared of me.
“I didn’t mean to,” I murmur quietly, they won’t listen to me but it’s true, I don’t want to hurt them.
“I-I know.” Finn says softly.
“No, no that’s not enough.” Tommy’s stern voice cuts in again. “First, you cut us all off, and now you act like that? What the fuck is wrong with you? Eh?” I feel myself start to panic, a sudden weight on chest makes it hard to breath and it’s only getting heavier like someone in slowly but surely pushing it down until it crushes.
“I-I d-don’t know, I d-don’t-“ I cut myself off, unable to form the words.
“For fuck sake, (Y/N)! Stop that!” Tommy demands, but it only makes it worst. I just want to curl up in a ball, but I can’t because I can’t get my hands free.
“Tom, stop! Shouting makes it worst!” I think I hear Finn say, but he’s sounds so far away. I pull at the ropes tying me to the bed. Just have to get free. Just have to get free. Finn, seeing me panic and realising no one was gonna help, rushes over. “(Y/N/N), it’s Finny. Listen to me, yeah?” I can hardly hear him, but I try to focus on his voice. “I know it’s hard, but you need to try to calm down, okay? Stop pulling on the restraints and I’ll undo them, okay?” I nod slowly. “Good, that’s good.” He keeps talking as he unties the ropes. Repeating his action from earlier, he places my hand over his chest and takes long, deep breaths. I copy him as best I can until, finally, I calm down. I threw my arms around him, catching him off guard. It took a few seconds but he hugged me back.
“I’m so sorry, Finny!” I cry, but he just hushes me, rubbing my back soothingly.
“It’s okay, (Y/N). I know you didn’t mean to,” He coos softly, one hand reaching up to run his fingers through my hair. I hate myself for what I put him through, I hate myself for what I put my family through... but I can’t control it.
“I’m sorry, Finny. I don’t want you to be scared of me, I love you, you’re my brother. Please, please don’t be scared of me. I don’t mean it!” I beg and cry and plead. Finn doesn’t know how to deal with me, but he knows a lot more than anyone else does. As I cry and I beg and I plead for forgiveness, he grants it. When I promulgate my love for him and the rest of my family, he says he understands; he says he loves me too. He squeezes me with his comforting arms that provide security and safety. Crying into his arms I feel the judgement radiating from everyone else, but Finn seems to understand better than most, better than me sometimes.
The rest may not understand, they may not want to, but Finn. Finn understands, he wants to understand me more than he already does. He wants to be there for me, he wants to help me, he wants to safe me.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Requested by anon: Imagine toddler Elizabeth being a cute little flower girl at her mothers wedding? My heart can’t take it 😩
Pairing: Bonnie Gold x Shelby!Female!Reader, Gold & Shelby & Gray Family + Elizabeth Shelby-Gold
Warnings: Fluff, cuteness
Words: 1,017
Summary: (See Request...now add Bonnie Gold as groom)
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @peakysputain​, @fandom-puff​, @cai-neki​, @simonsbluee​, @darling-i-read-it​, @thewarriorprincessxo​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​
Masterlist | Peaky Blinders Masterlist | Elizabeth Shelby Masterlist
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“You look beautiful, Ellie!” Ada pecked her niece’s cheek with a smile. The little girl wore a pink-tinted dress, design similar to her mother’s wedding dress but with a flower crown. Both gowns had some gold specs strewn about as a little joke about Elizabeth’s father’s, the groom, last name.
“Where’s mummy?” She didn’t care about how she looked, desperately squirming from her aunt’s grip. “I want my mummy.”
“She’s getting dressed, Ellie... You’ll see her in a little bit.”
The tears threatening to spill over concerned Ada; Ellie had never cried about her mother being away, but today seemed different. She hadn’t seen her mother in a little less than a week, Y/n had to be away to prepare and her daughter was left with her family. The empathetic girl was gifted with both a curse and a blessing.
“Is she okay?”
Ada was confused but understood Elizabeth’s intentions. She had a strong feeling that something was wrong, and she acted on it. Perhaps she sensed her mother’s pre-wedding-jitters? Even so, the only way to calm the weeping child was to oblige to her wishes and bring her to her mother.
Y/n held her arms open, her daughter now resting on her hip as she wiped her eyes. “Are you okay, baby?”
“Yeah... Are you okay, mommy?”
“I’m a little nervous but I think I’ll be good.” She bounced Elizabeth slightly before setting her down. “Do you think you can be good for aunty Ada? At least for a few more minutes? We’re almost done.”
The little girl didn’t even take time to think about it, nodding immediately with the joyful smile placed on her lips once again. She skipped off happily and started a conversation with Ada as she picked her up. Y/n was about to close the door when a shoe stopped it. Her eyes widened when she realized who the person was.
“Bonnie! You can’t be here!” Her giggles contradicted the scolding. Luckily, Bonnie could only see her face, the rest of her body and gown hidden by the door.
“I won’t tell if you don’t.”
“No, go! You’ll see me in a few minutes. Don’t break right before!” He chuckled with her. Their wedding was indeed a few minutes away, but she couldn’t blame his eagerness. Y/n too felt the urge to swing the door open and kiss her fiancé, but she wanted to wait until they were husband and wife.
“I think it’s funny...our last kiss as fiancés was when I said goodbye to you last week. A week without kissing you or holding you in my arms... Your aunt can be cruel, I’ll give her that.”
It was Polly’s idea to separate the two for a week rather than the day of the wedding, nevertheless, it was a struggle for them both. She rested her head against the door and sighed. “Bon, I have to close the door. We’re about to go in...I love you.”
She could practically hear the smirk in his voice. “I love you too...this is the last time we’ll say that as fiancés, you know?” The two laughed, their snickers growing louder as Polly rushed over and shooed the groom, practically swatting him with the gloves she’d retrieved for Y/n.
Before they knew it, it was time. 
Polly adjusted Y/n’s clothing for the tenth time outside the doors. Ridiculous, yes, but she wasn’t surprised. Arthur was going to be the one to give her off, as he was the oldest brother. So, he too was getting “momed” by Pol.
She wet her thumb with her tongue, wiping away whatever she’d seen on Arthur’s face, and swatted at him when he scrunched his nose and complained. “Don’t touch me woman, I’m a grown man.”
“A grown man who still doesn’t know how to bathe. Do you need me to have your sister teach you?”
Y/n was quick to reject her aunt’s joking offer. “No thanks, I’m good, I already have El.”
“It was sarcasm, Y/n... And don’t ‘woman’ me, Arthur, I’m your aunt.” Turning, Polly smiled at her niece. Her eyes were glossy and she tried to hold in the tears with an astonishing amount of strength. “You look so beautiful...”
“Don’t cry Pol, she’ll cry too.”
“Right, right.” Polly sniffled and wiped away the tears that had broken through. She then placed her hands on Y/n’s shoulders. “Are you ready?”
Y/n inhaled shakily before nodding. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Okay, here we go, little sister.” Arthur pat her back and held his arm out. Y/n’s hand lifted to rest atop her brother’s, and with an assuring glance exchanged between the two, the doors opened and the wedding had officially started. Elizabeth walked in front of them, tossing little petals along the path. “Awes” were sounded when she stopped at the alter and turned to Tommy, who picked her up and rested her on his hip.
Then, it was the moment everyone had been waiting for.
Arthur and Y/n steadily walked through the doors, making their way to the alter. When they reached it, Arthur had to pass Y/n off. He smiled at her with watery eyes and nodded at both her and Bonnie before going to the stands. Whilst the preacher spoke, Elizabeth couldn’t help but squirm excitedly in her uncle’s arms.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m happy. For mummy- and daddy.” She didn’t tear her eyes from her parents as she spoke, not even to face Tommy when he’d asked her. “I’m just happy.”
He found himself smiling as well. “Me too, Ellie, me too.”
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“You may kiss your bride.”
As Y/n and Bonnie’s lips met, Elizabeth’s smile dropped and was replaced by a small grimace. She looked at her uncle, who chuckled and lifted his free hand to guide her face to the crook of his neck, “hiding” her from the sight. More laughter rang out before her mother’s voice joined in.
Elizabeth turned her head to her parents again. They chuckled softly, the softness fading into the hearty-laughter once again when she hid her face back in Tommy’s shoulder again, this time out of embarrassment.
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rubysunnday · 4 years
I’ve got you, part 3
A/N: part 3! If you’ve missed the other parts they’re all linked here!
Finn (part 1), Michael (part 2), Ada (part 3), John (part 4), Tommy (part 5), Arthur (part 6), Shelby!Sis (part 7)
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It’d been five years since Freddie had died. 
Five years of Ada raising Karl by herself and, somehow, managing to keep the rest of the family in check. 
You knew what day it was. Ada was always a bit more subdued and snappier on the day, not that you minded. In the five years since the funeral, you’d always kept an eye on her whenever the anniversary occurred. Polly did too, the two of you, together, telling the boys to fuck off and leave their sister alone.
 The five-year anniversary was slightly different, however.  Race day happened to fall on the same day and tempers were high.
 So, it was no surprise that, after one snide comment too many from John and Tommy snapped at her that Ada lost her temper and yelled at them both, locking herself in her old bedroom. 
“Ada,” Tommy called, knocking on the door, “come on.”
“Fuck off, Tommy!” Ada yelled and there was a thud against the door. 
Tommy sighed, turning to look at John for help.
“Ada, let us in,” John said, jiggling the door handle. “We just want to talk.”
“Both of you can fuck off!”John huffed and pushed past Tommy, walking down the stairs and into the shop. “Y/N!” He yelled and your head shot up from where you were surrounded by people trying to place bets.
“Yeah?” You called, waving Isaiah over to take over. You weaved your way through the people packed into the ship and over to your brother. “What?”
“Ada’s locked herself in her room,” John said, crossing his arms.
You frowned and sighed. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything I don’t normally do!” John exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes. “You do know what today is, don’t you?” John’s silence made you sigh. “It’s Freddie’s anniversary, John,” you said quietly, giving him a pointed look.
“Ah, fuck.”
“Let me go talk to her,” you said. 
John gestured to the stairs and you headed up them. You tapped Tommy on the shoulder, and he moved out the way, leaning against the wall behind you.You knocked on the door. 
“Ada, it’s me,” you called, leaning your head against the wood. “And just me,” you added, giving Tommy and a pointed look.
 Tommy sighed and turned, walking down the stairs leaving you alone on the landing. The door unlocked and you let yourself in, shutting it behind you.Your sister was sat on her old bed, hugging an old jumper of Freddie’s close to her.
“Oh, Ada,” you said sadly, sitting next to her and putting an arm around her as she sobbed.
There’d been so many times throughout the years that Ada had sat and held you as you cried and put you back together after you’d fallen apart. 
She’d rescued you from the first date who’d stood you up and had helped you sneak out when you’d been dating Isaiah and didn’t your brothers to know. But now it was you looking after her as she cried, and it would be you who’d put her back together after she’d fallen apart in front of you.
“Come on,” you said softly, handing her a tissue, “what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know how much longer I can keep going,” Ada said quietly, sniffing. “Everything is draining me; Karl is taking up all of my energy and I can’t keep putting out fires for everyone else. I just want Freddie to be here,” Ada whispered. 
You nodded, stroking her hair softly. “Ada, you are the strongest person I know, darling. You kept going even when everything around you was falling apart and you’ve managed to raise a beautiful son. If it wasn’t for you, Ada, Tommy and John would’ve probably killed one another by now and this entire operation wouldn’t be as successful as it is.”
Ada smiled softly. “You’ve helped.”
“Because you, Ada Thorne, taught me how, You and Polly were the two people I aspired to be when I was older and I hope that I’ve done you proud. Ada Thorne, you are a fucking amazing woman and you never take anyone’s shit and that is why you’ve kept going for so long.”
There was a knock on the door and Tommy poked his head into the room. 
“Are you going to throw something at me again?” He asked meekly. 
Ada shook her head and laughed softly. “No, Tom, you’re safe.”
Tommy came into the room and sat down next to you, putting a hand on Ada’s knee. “You alright?”
 Ada nodded, glancing over at you with a smile. “Yeah, I am now, Tom.” A
da leant over to Tommy and hugged him tightly, your brother hugging her back just as tightly.
 “Y/N, get in here,” Tommy said, catching you watching them both and you laughed, engulfing both of your siblings in a hug. Ada gave you a knowing smile and you nodded, knowing what she was trying to tell you. 
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theshelbyclan · 2 years
Summary: When she took a job at the night club, all the second Shelby sister wanted was to be in control of her own life. Unfortunately, her brothers don’t approve
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(gif by @tatianapetrovna​)
A/N: Okay so this one took me ages, because I spend way too much time researching the history of dance, of prejudice and even old maps and descriptions of 1920’s Birmingham XD All because anon requested: Thura, you wonderful wonderful person. I’ve been saving this request and waiting for your requests to reopen for your talents. Could I please request a Shelby sister where she loves dancing and becomes an exotic dancer at a club, and of course her brothers are horrified when they find out but she manages to convince them that it’s all for her own empowerment Historically, I hope this is all correct, but I put my best woman onto the research as well as I did my own research. There’s no such thing as an exotic dancer yet at that time, or at least the term doesn’t exist, but things like ‘dancing girls’ or ‘the variety’ obviously do exist. These forms of variety were more entertainment for the upper class btw, because they didn’t have to bother with mores as much. You did have different kinds of ‘music hall’ entertainment, a little similar, which was more the working-class entertainment. This wasn’t prostitution, but there were a lot of grey areas. Either way, all women up on the stage, whether they performed half-naked or not, were suspected and accused of prostitution. Legally, the Criminal Law Amendment of 1885, the law that also made ‘gross indecency’ between men punishable, also dealt with sex trafficking and blurred the lines between acting and prostitution even more.
Shelby sis a few years younger than Ada in this, 18, older than Finn, and this takes place around season two. Hope you like this! Words: 3411 ***
Ada’s London home still looked like a vardo, you thought, as you sat on the brightly coloured sofa in het front room. Sure, it was big and fancy, provided to her by Tommy, but half the rooms weren’t being used. The maids’ rooms in the back of the house were simply gathering dust, because Ada couldn’t bear it on her political conscience. And the furniture, well, it wasn’t very different from their interior at Watery Lane: a strange mixture of old items and always a little too colourful and crowded to be properly respectable. 
“What?” your sister demanded, reading the deep thoughts on your face. “I like your home,” youquickly said. “Liar,” Ada threw back, “What’s brought you here, then?” You got straight to the point, “I’m sick of Tommy looming over me like I’m still a child. And it’s not just him. John feels he can interfere in whatever I’m doing as well, keeps banging on about me getting married. Even Arthur keeps taps on where I’m going and where I’ve been. I feel like a fucking prisoner in my own house.” “Ah,” Ada said sarcastically, “Welcome to the life of a Shelby woman. Must’ve been nice, being their little princess, but now it’s time to grow up.” “And that’s what I fucking want! I want to be able to make my own way.” “Well, you can’t sweetheart, not while they’re around. Remember I moved to London to get away from them? And here I am: sitting in Tommy Shelby’s fucking house,” she sipped her drink a little too aggressively. You downed yours and sighed, “You got married, Ada. I have no fucking intention of doing that.” “Oh? Why not?” “No one’s good enough.” Ada laughed, “Bravo.” The two of you sat in silence for a while. In many ways, you were very similar. Two sisters, quite close in age, who were Shelby’s without a doubt, but sick of the business. Ada coped with all of it by distancing herself, through sarcasm and aloofness. You had tried to do the same and cursed your Shelby name in silence, but your brothers wouldn’t let you. They were always so protectiveand it irritated you to no end. Even when you decided to buy a dress for yourself, one that you had picked out, it was theirmoney you were spending. “I want out, Ada.” “So get out.” *** Being a woman in the 20’s wasn’t easy. You’d heard talk of women being more liberated now, of fighting for their rights and being able to control their own lives. This may have been the case for rich upper-class women or those without brothers, being able to march in protests, but not when you were a Shelby from Small Heath. As you walked through muddy streets, you saw all those women selling their bodies and you wondered: were they free? Did they choose? Probably not. Not here. At night, you loved to dance. Often, you walked for over an hour to get to a pub or club where your brothers wouldn’t find you. The Shelby name did help you there, it meant they served drinks to a woman alone, but it wasn’t so much about drinking alone. What mattered to you was the feeling of freedom, of going out and a party never seeming to end. Of dancing, dancing and dancing, and no one telling you to stop. And so you walked until you ended up at the club where you wanted to be. Being blessed with the Shelby good looks wasn’t a bad thing either. Outside, you saw the rich and fancy young men lining up. They didn’t have to worry about their reputation, they didn’t even have to worry about getting arrested, because if they were, the judge would simply let them get off with a simple fine, which they would be able to pay easily. “Alright, fella’s!” you called out cheerfully, turning on your best smile. At once, you noticed them checking you out. You made sure you’d put on your best dress and just as easy as that, you were on the arm of one of them, and he happily paid your fee for you to get inside. “Dance with me, sweetheart,” he breathed into your ear, already drunk by the smell of things. Intoxicated by the music and atmosphere, you danced and forgot all about being a Shelby. Drinks were offered to you left and right, so you eventually had to excuse yourself to visit the powder room. Another girl eyed you as you were fixing your lipstick. She asked, a smile playing around her lips, “First time out in ages, love?” “Nah,” you replied, “But it feels like that sometimes. Finally, free again.” The girl laughed and you noticed how absolutely gorgeous she was, pearly white teeth blinking against dark brown skin and a skirt that seemed to sway even when she didn’t move. Immediately, you were envious of her and all that she represented. She said, “You work at the Alex?” The Alexandra Theatre offered many variety acts and you knew your brothers went there on occasion. What really went on in there, you couldn’t be sure, but you were certain they’d never want you to come along. “No,” you sighed, “My brothers would kill me.” “Luckily I don’t have to worry about mine anymore,” the girl replied airily, “All of us girls, we got ourselves a lodging together. The people don’t approve, but we’re free to do as we please.” “I want that,” you said, without even realising you’d spoken out loud.
“Well, you can, sweetheart,” she turned to you, “If you really want it.” “How?” “I know a man who can get you a job at the Hippodrome. I mean, I’ve seen you; you’re good with people and you know how to dance. And if you ever need a place to stay, if your brothers kick you out, you’re always welcome to stay with us.” Everything she said made you feel so excited, but also scared. And then you asked doubtfully, “Why would you help me?” “Oh, I was once a lot like you. You want to get out, right? You want to make your own money and have your own life. Fuck what people will think of you, they’ll judge you no matter what, at least you can decide on this. You decide to dance and who to make eye contact with and who can touch you and most of all, who fuckingcan’t. Men no longer control your body, only you. That’s what you want, isn’t it, sweetheart?” And that was exactly what you wanted. ***
Weeks had gone by and you were managing your double life quite well. Your brothers were busy with doing whatever it was they were doing and Ada kept her mouth shut. She was too busy trying to not be a Shelby anyway. At the club, you’d met the most amazing girls and had finally found likeminded souls. It was as if they belonged to a different era. The idea of girls having so much freedom to work, earn their own money and just have a good time in the process had been mind-blowing to you, but so, so liberating.
At first, you’d only been a background dancer for the different variety acts, but eventually you’d moved up to doing your own acts as well. Your fan-dance was particularly popular amongst the rich student boys. And, truth be told, you loved the attention. You loved being up on the stage, dancing away and being no longer made to cover up. Of course, many wanted more of you than just to watch you, but you still managed to turn them away with just a cheeky laugh or a decisive ‘no’. This was the life for you, you were certain.
Aunt Polly, however, did have her suspicions and one night she straight up told you, “Are you safe, working down at that club?” You’d tried to deny it at first, but there was no point: Polly had seen you exit the club and you quickly realized she knew everything going on in Birmingham. “Take this,” she’d told you and handed you a small revolver, “It’ll fit down your dress.” You’d protested a little, but knew she was right: better safe than sorry. Still, you didn’t plan on living like this forever. Freedom was limited if it meant you had to sneak about in the evenings and lie to everyone you loved. The girl you’d met at the club kept on offering you a room though and you thought seriously about taking her up on her offer. This, however, would force your hand: you’d have to tell your brothers about your work. *** It was a few days after your brothers had had their holiday in London. You’d come home from work late at night and Tommy was sitting there, waiting for you in the kitchen. “And where have you been?” he demanded, darkly. “Out.” He nodded slowly, but kept looking at you, “I have contacts inside the factories, Y/N. They tell me you no longer work there.” Obviously, you’d given up your job at the BSA, because why would you do both? “You always told me there was no need for me to work,” you threw back, “You always said that you’d take care of me.” “I did. But you never wanted that, did you? You wanted to be your own fucking woman.” Head held high, you asked, “What’s wrong with that?” “Nothing,” Tommy shrugged, “If you don’t mind people talking.” “Fuck people.” “Where did you get the coat, Y/N?” he fired next. “I bought it.” But you realised your mistake at once. Tommy smiled coldly, “With what money? There was nothing taken from the safe.” You started fidgeting a little and turned on your heels, planning to make a quick getaway. Your brother continued, “See, me and John and Arthur went to London today. Business. And we went down to the Eden Club, you might have heard of it? And the things I saw there, Y/N… The music and the booze and all those fucking half-naked girls, men fucking them right there in their seats. Nothing but fucking maniacs out there…”
“Get to the point, Tommy.” Tommy’s eyes went dark again and he pointed at you, “They might as well be fucking you.” “I’m not fucking anyone!” you protested. But he slammed a hand down on the table, “I know you’re working at once of those clubs, Y/N, and you tried to keep it a secret, but guess what? Nothing happens in this city without my consent. And you’re not having it.” The same fury you saw in him was rising up in you as well, “You don’t control me, Tommy.” “I do. And you will do as I say.” He whispered venom, “I will discuss this with your brothers, but I can tell you right now, they feel the same. So here it is: you’ll stop working there right fucking now.” “No!” you shouted out, “I fucking won’t!” “I will not have a fucking whorefor a sister!”
That hurt, so you turned around and left. Behind you, you heard Tommy shouting, “You’ll stop, you hear me?” *** But you didn’t stop. You just told the other girls you were sick and had to take off work for a few days. The boss wouldn’t put up with it for much longer though. For another week you kept pretending you had errands to run or friends to meet at night, but your brothers would no longer let you out of their sight. Surprisingly enough, none of them approved. One night, you’d had enough and the warning had come that if you didn’t dance tonight, your job would go to another. So, putting on your best dress, you were planning to leave the house and no one was going to stop you. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Arthur growled from the betting shop. You hadn’t even noticed his presence. “Out.” “Tommy’s told us…” he started. “Yes, I know what he’s told you, alright?” you said without patience, “He told you your sister is a whore who fucks rich men for money, right?” Arthur looked down, but repeated, “You’re not going nowhere.” “Watch me,” you hissed and made your way to the door, but Arthur grabbed your arm before you could leave. At once, you spun around and slapped him, shouting, “Get the fuck off me!” But your brother was the stronger one, raising his voice to drown yours out, trying to calm you down, but to no avail. That’s when John came running, bellowing, “What the fuck is going on here?” “She defied Tommy’s orders, John,” Arthur explained, “She’s still working at that club.” “Fucking orders,really?” you breathed. John sighed, and for a moment you thought he’d side with you, but then he said, “I’ll go and get Tommy.”
“I’m going to be late,” you tried desperately to sound casual, as all three brothers now gathered around you. Tommy smoked emotionless, “And maybe then they’ll fire you instead of you leaving like I fucking told you to.” Roughly, you pulled back your arm from Arthur’s grip, “ And I fucking told you, Thomas, I’m keeping this job. Now, if you don’t want me living here anymore because I’m such a fucking embarrassment to the good Shelby name, I’ll move out!” “Move out to where?” he scoffed. “A friend has a place where I can stay.” “Fine,” he raised his eyebrows, “Go and fucking live with her.” “Thomas,” your aunt had now also joined the party, “Let’s talk about this first.” “There’s nothing to talk about, Aunt Pol,” Arthur said, “It’s all in hand.” “I can see that,” she replied sarcastically, “I’m guessing this is about Y/N’s new job?” John looked at Polly, “You knew about this?” “Of course, I do. Nothing goes on in this house without me knowing about it.” John turned back to you, “Why the fuck would you think you can do that job without any danger?” “Because I have a gun!” Smiling, you held up the weapon that you’d just produced from your garter. “Pol, I decided,” Tommy continued, “She’s not doing it.” “Why!” you called out, exasperated, “Why are you all so against it? I mean, it’s not fucking morals that’s the problem, is it? We’re the Shelby’s! And people already think we’re scum, so who the fuck cares!” “It’s not safe,” John replied at once. And you actually believed his main worry was for your safety. After all, he’d been the one who had wanted to marry Lizzie Stark. The others had all laughed at him. Hell, even you had. And in that very moment, your view of him and that entire situation, which had seemed so funny back then, changed. “It’s not… right,” Arthur protested. You rolled your eyes at that, “You, all of you, all the time, pay for sex. Don’t fucking tell me it’s not right.” “So, that’s what you do, eh?” Tommy asked, “You sell sex.” “No!” “And you somehow think we’d be alright with that,” he continued, voice softening a little bit, “It’s not alright, Y/N.” Polly looked from him to you, and said, “She doesn’t, Tommy. She’s a dancer.” “What’s the fucking difference?” he laughed. “This is the last time I’m going to say this:” you sighed, “I do not fuck men for money!” Three pairs of eyes looked sceptically back at you. “I’m a dancer, like Aunt Polly said. I do the variety on most nights, when they do they sketches about the politicians? I’m a background dancer.” You paused for a moment, “And recently I’ve also been asked to do some solo performances. It’s just me dancing on stage, yes I’m not covered from head to toe, but I’m up on stage. No one can touch me. My body is there to look at, nothing else.” “Your body is there to look at,” Tommy shook his head, cynical smirk playing about his lips. “Yes,” you hissed, “Because whether you like it or not, my body is mine. I fucking decide what I do with it and you know what? I’m fucking beautiful and everyone over there thinks so. And I’m good at dancing, Tommy, I’m actually really fucking good at it. But I dance, because I decide. I can flaunt all of it, because it’s mine.” Arthur still had a very dark expression, “What about after the show. Me and John, we’ve been to the Alex, so we know what the girls do…” “They walk around, chat up the men and sip their drinks while sitting on their laps,” you filled in the blanks, “I know.” “Oh, they do a lot more than that,” John smirked, but he quickly looked down to hide it. “But I don’t.” “Why would you even want to do this?” John looked up, “Why this of all the things you can do?” “Why not?” you threw back, “I’m good at it, I’m making my own money, and for the first time I don’t feel ashamed or scared for being a woman.” Tommy shook his head again, “You’re being exploited, Y/N.” “That’s rich coming from you,” Aunt Polly laughed, “So it’s alright if you go to them, alright for you to exploit them, but not when your sister dances out of her own free will?” “Do we have a man inside?” John asked Tommy, “Like the doorman?” And when tommy nodded, he said, “I’ll talk to him and make sure he looks out for Y/N.” “You’re bloody agreeing to this?!” Arthur shouted. John only shrugged in reply, but when you shared a look with him, you knew he understood.
Arthur opened his mouth again, but you quickly cut him off, “It’s feminism, Arthur, and you wouldn’t understand.” “What the fuck is feminism?” “Exactly.” Now the only one left to deal with was Tommy and he was obviously the most adamant one. Stubborn and angry, he stood there, cigarette against his lips. But he wasn’t the only Shelby who wouldn’t budge when pushed; you could be just as stubborn as he was. “If you hate men looking at me or the idea of them paying for my body, maybe you should reconsider using women like that yourself, Tommy,” you fired. He locked eyes with you, which made you more nervous than anything he could’ve said. Then ground out, “That’s the thing, Y/N, I know men.” “Oh, so do I, Tommy. Better than you do, I’m sure, especially now that I’ve worked this job.” He rolled his eyes. “Listen to me,” you urged, “Because I know you can understand. It’s all just a game, everything I do is a game. I do what I’m good at and I show them what they can’t have, and they fucking pay for it. They pay for what they can’t have, and even you have to be impressed by that. I know how they think, these rich boys at the Hippodrome, and when they think I like them or just talk to them for a second, they’ll give me everything I want. The rich toffs in control? I can play them all. I’m in control, Tommy. I am. They think the girls are easy? Theyare. They don’t buy me and I don’t sell sex. I own them.” A glimpse of something like recognition passed over Tommy’s face and you knew what you said made sense to him. Because in many ways, you weren’t as different. “You think I’m a whore?” you asked, “You really think so?” He looked down and thought about it. Then he said, “Everyone’s a whore. We just sell different parts of ourselves.” “Exactly.” And that’s when you knew he did understand. “Let her go,” Polly said softly after a while. “Fine, you can go,” your brother finally agreed, “But you come to me if there’s any trouble.” With a smile, you nodded. “Also, don’t expect to see us in there,” Arthur grumbled, sounding a little sad that he could no longer come to the club now that his baby sister was working there. Absolutely excited, you sprinted out the door, because you really were running late now. But after about a minute, you came back running inside again. “Now what?” John asked. “I forgot my feathers!” you called out, while thumping up the stairs. “Fucking feathers,” Tommy sighed. And with your most charming smile, you came hurrying back down again, “For my fan-dance!” But none of the brothers really wanted to know. *** Masterlist
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toms-cherry-trees · 4 years
Girls & Guns || Victoria Shelby
Summary: Guns have been part of Victoria’s life since she was a baby. But sometimes she bites more than she can chew
Word count: 2660
Warnings: Mentions of blood and guns. Some cussing
Author’s note: This is the first time ever I write for Shelby sister and I’m not quite sure I like this, I’m just testing the waters. Also I gave her a name because I had that name in my mind since forever. Also no proofread
Taglist: @caelys​ @carryonmyhomoson​ (dont know if you want to be tagged in this type of posts though)
Let me know if you wanna be in my taglist
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The first time Victoria Shelby held a real gun in her hands, she was just a few weeks short of her second birthday. Ever since the little devil had learnt how to walk on her own, without having to hold onto one of her sibling’s finger, chaos had taken over the household. There was not a single object that she would not grab onto if left within her reach. It didn’t matter if it was a coin, food, or a pair of scissors. If it fit into her chubby little hands, Vicky would take it and either put it in her mouth or run around with it.
Polly had been forced to baby proof the entire house, keeping everything hazardous into high shelves and asking her bunch of Shelbys to do the same. With her having to look after the baby, a not much older Finn and a still teenager Ada, she trusted the three eldest would do their part to help. Therefore, great was her surprise when one evening, while she was busy with dinner, her youngest niece waddled into the kitchen, happily babbling and waving around a handgun that barely fit into both of her hands.
Polly swore her heart skipped at least two beats right there and then. She snatched the gun out of Vicky’s grasp with such force that the girl tumbled back onto her bum and began wailing like she had been murdered, which alerted the rest of the siblings. The earful the three brothers received could be heard all over Watery Lane, and legend has it that Arthur’s asymmetrical ears come from the pulling he received from Polly after admitting the weapon was his.
Something bad was about to happen, Victoria could feel it in the air. Polly called it the gypsy sense, Ada called it being obtrusive. But today, not even she could deny the facts. The boys had left the house early morning, leaving behind a pale faced Polly, nail chewing Ada, and two confused kids, now aged 11 and 8. Something about today being the day. Whatever it was, it had been big enough to close the betting shop and collect men, guns and the car and ride off. Aunt Polly had been praying and lightning candles all day, while Ada had been locked upstairs with her baby. Finn and Vicky had been forbidden from leaving the house under threat of a permanent house arrest. Curtains were closed, lights turned off and the streets swept of children and citizens.
Vicky hated being kept in the dark. She understood her brothers didn’t want her meddling in Peaky business, saying it was just for adults. But why did they let Finn run errands for them then? 11 and 8 wasn’t that much of a difference and she was probably far smarter than her brother. At least she could read, and lie as easily as she breathed. In her opinion, she’d do a far better blinder.
When Tommy returned home a couple hours later, fuming and saying something about betrayal and being alone, both kids were promptly ushered out by Polly, away from earshot while they spoke in hushed voices near the fireplace. Vicky immediately tried to catch a word, inching closer and closer down the corridor until Finn pulled her back by her plaits.
“What the hell was that for?” Victoria scowled, rubbing her sore scalp with a frown twisting her usually angelical features. If Aunt Polly had heard her, she would have washed her niece’s mouth with soap
“Aunt Polly said to stay away” Finn said with a matter-of-fact tone that caused Vicky’s blood to boil.
“Since when do you follow the fucking rules?” Her small hand quickly smacked him around the head
“Since I decided I don’t want to be locked in the rest of the year because of you”
Both kids began bickering and attacking each other in the floor, taking so long in their quarrel that by the time they had stopped pulling at each other, Tommy was long gone and in the doorway stood Polly, eyes as hard as ice as she eyed the mess of hairs and clothes they had become “Both of you, leave” She snapped, going to pick up the candles and matches again. At this rate, their house would have more light than the church itself. Finn decided to go up and play in the tiny back yard, seemingly fed up with his sister. Victoria, on the other hand? She was gonna seize this moment. The little one was fed up with being left on the dark. Something big was coming and she wanted to know.
Pricking up her ears, the 8 year old held her breath, searching for any sounds. Polly was mumbling prayers in her room, while Finn could be heard making shooting sounds with his mouth outside. Ada and Karl were nowhere to be seen, which only left her in the main floor, just like she wanted. The door locks were out of her reach, and she didn’t want to risk dragging a chair from the table and making too much noise. But the front window had been neglected, and it only took a little push to crack it open enough for a small body to slide through. Landing smoothly like a cat, Victoria was free.
Victoria Shelby was nearly 5 years old the first time she was caught in crossfire. 1915 was coming to an end under the gloomy clouds of the never ending war. New drafts left for the Western front every month, the soldiers younger and less prepared each time. Tempers were flaring high back home, those who had fed lies to the recruitment offices to avoid conscription being treated as scum and handed feathers on the streets. The white feather for the chickens. Not even the upcoming holidays could placate the fights that broke up virtually anywhere.
Finn and Vicky had been playing out in the snow, with Ada keeping a not so careful eye on them as a young boy of around her age, still too young for war, had stopped by for a chat. Both kids were throwing small fistfuls of snow at each other down the middle of the street when the shots rang. People screamed and ran in every direction, kids clinging to their mother’s skirts as they were ushered down alleys and behind doors. A bullet whistled so close to Victoria that the girl felt it ruffle her plaits. Finn grabbed her by the coat and pulled her down, both keeping their faces buried in the snow until Polly came through and lifted them by the scruffs of their necks, screaming something about mad men and a wretched city.
They weren’t allowed out for months after that.
The streets of Small Heath were oddly quiet. Not even the whistle of the wind seemed to dare interrupt the piece of history that was about to be written that day. People ran towards their homes, keeping their heads down and close to the walls, mumbling to each other, voices full of fear. A few words reached Victoria’s ears; like vans, police, and the Garrison. Garrison! Bingo, it was obvious the Shelbys would go there to do important business. Victoria was never allowed inside without any of her siblings, and even with them she had never set foot more than a few minutes, not even enough time to seat in the bar. If she could just sneak in without them noticing, perhaps then hide behind a curtain or under the bar and finally listen to their business. She wouldn’t be left out anymore.
Her short legs ran down the damp streets of town, her Mary Jane shoes slipping in the cobblestones and splashing droplets of mud into her white socks. There was a large group of men in black coats gathered in the street, Victoria having to squeeze in between them to make her way through. One at the front was talking; his nasal voice and tailored clothes making him stand out like a sore thumb amongst the sea of men. Vicky pushed past him in the direction of the pub, skidding to a halt the moment she saw the full of the Peaky Blinders standing in front of her. Her brothers, Uncle Charlie, even Curly standing at the back. Ada’s husband was carrying a weapon that looked like it could blow down a house, but he lowered it, along with most of the others, when their gazes landed in Victoria. The little girl, with her blue dress and ribbons in her hair, had completely thrown off guard the dozens of men ready to engage in battle.
Victoria’s plan had gone to the trash. She felt her brothers’ gazes in her back as she slowly turned to face Kimber’s men. He had been in the shop once, along with a funny looking man and riding in the back of a huge fancy car. Vicky didn’t know him but she didn’t like him either. His eyebrows rose as he gaped at the child in front of him, dumbfounded by the interruption. Although that seemed to be his natural expression.
Just to make matters worse, moments later Ada showed up, pushing Karl’s pram and dressed in all black. Her face showed determination, but even she faltered when her gaze landed on her youngest sibling “What on earth are you doing here?” Fear laced her words, eyes darting anxiously between Victoria, who seemed to have lost her ability to speak, and Freddie. Everyone was rooted on their spots, guns still raised and aimed. All that it took was one person having a finger slip…
Ada seized the moment, eyes drifting from one gang to another as she planted herself and the pram in between the gangs as well, lifting her black veil to let anyone get a clear look at her face as she broke into a speech about wars and families, clearly addressing not only Kimber’s men, but also her own family. Her eyes were locked in Freddie, whom had turn paper white, his grip on the gun faltering.
“Go on then. Fight if you want to, but that baby ain’t moving anywhere. And neither am I” Her jaw was set, knuckles turning white from the strength of her balled fists. Vicky had only seen that type of fierceness on her brothers’ faces, and sometimes Aunt Pol. Never in the sweet features of her only sister. That was a clear indicator of the seriousness of the situation, and the gigantic mess Victoria had walked herself into. But since they she was already there, may as well follow example and help Ada
“I am not leaving either” Her voice was small and uncertain, contrasting with her well planted feet on the floor, hands in hips like she had seen Polly do, standing face to face with a group of baffled men. Her back turned didn’t allow her to see her brothers, or she would have been in for a surprise. John looked greenly sick, Arthur was being held back to keep him from launching himself at her, and Tommy had a stony expression, but his eyes had widened in fear. The following silence was deafening, uncertainty filling the air as the soldiers awaited orders from their generals. No one dared move, and some had already lowered their guns. A triumphant smile spread across Vicky’s face, proud of what they had achieved, but the joy was short lived.
Suddenly Kimber had cocked his gun and shots were being fired. A bullet grazed her ear, and suddenly she had tumbled over into a puddle, a dead weight crushing her body as screams came from all directions. One last shot was heard, and someone was talking, but all she could hear was the ringing of her ears. The dead weight was lifted, and she felt herself being pulled up and passed over onto someone’s arms, shivering from cold and fear. Her eyes remained closed shut until John gently stroked her cheeks.
“Come on poppet you’re safe. Open your eyes, you are okay. It’s over” His voice was soothing and calm, rough fingers tickling Vicky under the chin while Arthur fussed over her scratched ear, hands roaming in search of any other injury.
Gingerly, Victoria opened one eye. Most of the bad men had dispersed, and they seemed to be carrying something between four of them. She craned her neck to get a better look, but Tommy blocked her vision with his broad frame, teeth clenched and eyes wild with panic.
“Are you out of your damn mind? You could have died!” His trembling hands were on her shoulders, shaking her rather harshly, eliciting a whimper from the scared girl. Uncle Charlie had to step in and remind him she was just 8, which seemed to snap the man back to his senses. He rubbed his face with his hand, trying to clear his mind from the horrible sight he had just witnessed.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t want you to die. You always say that guns kill men and I don’t want any of you dead!” Victoria began sobbing, which quickly dissipated the remaining anger fogging Tommy’s head. He brought his sister into his own arms, one hand resting protectively on her head.
“Never ever do something like that to us, ever again” His voice held an unseen fear and raw emotion, something he hadn’t showed since before the war. Seeing his darling baby girl with dozens of guns pointed in her direction was a sight pulled out of his nightmares. One that he hoped never having to revive again at night. He’d rather hear the shovels for the rest of his life. Of course he had been scared for Ada too, but she was an adult knowing what she was getting into. Victoria was just a kid copying her.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to scare you. I just wanted to help” Vicky was set down on her feet, sniffling and wiping her wet cheeks with her sleeves. But upon noticing her little hands and clothes stained with someone’s blood, she let out an ear piercing shriek, catching everyone off guard. The girl was promptly passed back onto John’s arms to be walked home, away from the battle and from the sight of the man who saved Tommy’s life, safely tucked in her brother’s embrace.
That night, Victoria was allowed to join everyone in the Garrison to celebrate their triumph, sitting atop of the bar with Finn as everyone around them cheered and drank. Arthur paraded her around, sitting over his shoulders as the eldest Shelby claimed he had the bravest sisters in the whole of Birmingham. Polly yelled at him to not encourage her, but the damage was already done, with Vicky puffing out her chest proudly and holding her hands up to distribute high fives around the guests. Tommy watched from the back, a laugh falling from his mouth as his sister put on John’s cap, the piece too large for her and covering her eyes.
Victoria Shelby was just 8 years old when she helped stop a gang battle. It had been scary, but she had felt brave, brave like a true Shelby girl. When tiredness finally settled over her body, she was laid off to sleep across a seat in the private, a coat thrown over her and her three eldest brothers watching from the door, as if they feared she’d run off into trouble again if left unsupervised.
“Boys?” Her quiet voice emerged amongst the folds of the coat, eyes struggling to stay open “When do I get to help you out again?”
“Never again” The three replied in unison. They knew that with a personality like hers, they wouldn’t be able to keep her out of trouble forever. But for now, she just had to stay safe and happy. There was plenty of time for her to help.
Just not yet.
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