#actualmichelle problems
actualmichelle · 7 days
got my covid and flu shots today so my arms are killing me x.x
then my cat Kiki went to the litter box and strained like 10 times in a hour so we went straight to the vet
they did an xray and said there wasn't anything in her system except gas and a bit of stool but not enough for like an enema
so now after an unspeakable vet bill she is back home thank god, but we are waiting for her blood work results and I'm supposed to bring in a pee sample because she had nothing in her bladder at that point (she emptied it prior to the straining episodes)
like can the events stop for a bit please? omfg after last month I am hoping for some....traquility? maybe???
the important part being she is home and seems to be feeling better. but I am like Tired tired. tireD
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thesmilingfish · 5 years
actualmichelle replied to your post “Did you finish the Terror? what did you think?”
Even without cold meds I had plenty of trouble telling the dudes apart hahah I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
spockvarietyhour replied to your post  
“Did you finish the Terror? what did you think?”
i really enjoyed it too, distinguishing the young bearded men seem to be a universal experience with this show
I’m glad it’s not just me. I think the last time I had this problem was with Dunkirk - again with the young brunette man overload.
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fineappleprince9 · 7 years
Tagged by @bennbee
1st rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
2nd rule: bold the statements that are true
appearance - i am 5'7 or taller - i wear glasses - i have at least one tattoo - i have at least one piercing - i have blonde hair - i have brown eyes - i have short hair - my abs are at least somewhat defined - i have or had braces
personality - i love meeting new people - people tell me i am funny - helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - i enjoy physical challenges - i enjoy mental challenges - i am playfully rude to people i know- i started saying something ironically and now i can’t stop saying it - there is something i would change about my personality
ability - i can sing well - i can play an instrument - i can do over 30 pushups without stopping - i am a fast runner - i can draw well - i have a good memory- i am good at doing math in my head- i can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - i have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - i can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - i know how to throw a proper punch
hobbies - i enjoy sports - i’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - i’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - i have learned a new song in the past week - i exercise at least once a week - i have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - i have drawn something in the past month - i enjoy writing - i do some form of martial arts
experiences - i have had my first kiss - i have had alcohol - i have scored a winning point in a sport - i have watched an entire tv series in one sitting - i have been at an overnight event - i have been in a taxi - i have been in the hospital or er in the past year - i have beaten a video game in one day - i have visited another country - i have been to one of my favourite bands concerts
my life - i have one person that i consider to be my Best Friend™ - i live close to my school/work - my parents are still together - i have at least one sibling - i live in the united states – i have hung out with a friend in the past month - i have a smart phone - i own at least 15 cds - i share my room with someone
relationships - i am in a relationship - i have a crush on a celebrity - i have a crush on someone i know- i’ve been in at least 3 relationships - i have never been in a relationship - i have admitted my feelings to a crush - i get crushes easily - i have had a crush for over a year - i have been in a relationship for over a year - i have had feelings for a friend
random - i have break-danced - i know a person named jamie - i have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - i have dyed my hair - i’m listening to a song on repeat right now - i have punched someone in the past week - i know someone who has gone to jail - i have broken a bone - i have eaten a waffle today - i know what i want to do in life - i speak at least two languages - i have made a new friend in the past year
Now, I’m tagging: @actualmichelle @tudorgirl @ageofrebellion @supersweetvenus @lambsandkings @earlgreyhaught
Of course, you do not have to do this if you don’t want to. I don't know that many people :) Just thought it was fun--it's not a mega survey (remember those myspace surveys?), but it was a cool time.
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actualmichelle · 5 days
lol they weren't able to get a urine sample on friday so they sent Kiki home with these anti-absorption beads to put in an empty litter box
She walks past the litter box and gazes at it longingly but she will not use it. And she did pee today so I know it's not because she can't go, she just doesn't want to .... she was soooo mad when she realized that her normal litter wasn't there.
So I guess I'll give her a couple more hours and if she won't use it we'll just need to go to the vet again tomorrow. I can't withhold her litter for too long if she's going to refuse to go 😭
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actualmichelle · 1 year
Funny story!
In my quest to get Vinnie to love a cat carrier very much I put a towel in one and sat it in our living room. I have not witnessed him get in it, though he did delicately sniff it a couple times (!!!).
Kiki on the other hand spends all her time in it! She naps in it, grooms herself in it, lounges on top of it -- she loves it!! The problem it isn't her carrier! She has two carriers of her own downstairs that she already naps in.
So I have 1 cat who won't go in his carrier, 1 cat who won't get out of the carriers multiple, and the first cats vet appointment is 2wks away now!
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actualmichelle · 1 year
for anyone wondering how the impending vet trip is going I have successfully gotten Vin to go into his cage with treats & predict it'll be a matter of just shutting the door fast while he's snacking
but on the flip side my father just told me to make sure I stay near Vin at the vet's office and I was like 'you think I'd leave him??' and I started crying rofl
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actualmichelle · 1 year
ughhh I just made Vinnie’s vet appointment...I’ve been dreading this for a year. He just needs a rabies shot but after what happened with the visiting vet I’m so anxious about it in general
hear me spiral below!!
First off....I’m afraid I won’t even be able to get him in the carrier, he won’t be able to go to the vet, and he’ll get RABIES.
But the idea of getting him to the vet is somehow even worse. I’m nervous he’ll freak out and escape, or the carrier will break and he’ll run away. Or he’ll just be traumatized or die of fear, or hate me forever...
Just ughhhhhhh he’s seen this vet 2x and did okay, but seeing him go into chaos mode with the visiting vet just destroyed my confidence in my own ability to cope with any issues :(
Maybe deep down I’m afraid that the vet will say something’s wrong with him. But I think he’s pretty healthy, I mean hopefully.
I just want my little man to be able to get his shots, come home, and be happy. ::((
oh yea and this is like....2 months away LOL I had to schedule far ahead so I could ask off work. Plus, I’m anxious. So... *shrug*
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actualmichelle · 2 years
things hr has fucked up since january--
1) dropped my health ins and other benefits because their system had “a glitch” I was without health ins until March and didn’t realize it, because I’d set it up and confirmed it had been set up during the election period
2) did not apply my raise to my paycheck
3) did not inform me that I was now salaried so my clock in procedure had changed
4) did not inform me that since I was now salaried I need to reselect all my benefits, so I almost got dropped off everything again
And now today I made an exciting discovery -- $300 has been deducted from my paychecks over the past month for my 401k....but it did not go into my 401k account. Where did it go? Who the hell knows, maybe HR decided to withhold it and reroute the money to pay for some of the countless past due invoices sitting in accounting.
like!?!>>?ASFD I am so fucking pissed. I contacted HR and am waiting to hear back, hopefully they fix it today because that’s enough money that it goes from unacceptable to being absolutely infuriating.
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actualmichelle · 3 years
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actualmichelle · 3 years
Kiki’s vet appointment went well, though now I’m waiting to get her bloodwork back which is nerve wracking in its own way. The visiting vet came to our house, so Kiki is napping peacefully under her blanket now <3
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actualmichelle · 3 years
my cat has a vet appointment and I know her vet is going to bring up her teeth--one of them has feline resorption & we've been keeping an eye on it. She's 13 so I really don't like the idea od anesthesia and she also goes berserk at the sight of another cat, so I don't think it would go over well bringing her in to stay???
Obvs I need to wait until Friday to talk to the vet, but I was just reading about feline dental surgery and anesthesia complications and I'm now literally shaking. How do I know I'm making the best decision for Kiki & not letting myself be too swayed by my own fears):
One big thing is she is energetic, has a good appetite, hasn't lost weight....so she is fine ( right now ). Maybe I should wait but then she will just get older lolol
As an aside I think these 2 cats and our 2 dogs might be the last pets for me, truly. I don't think I can live the rest of my life making these decisions it is one reason I won't b e having kids. I love them and I want them to live looooong lives BUT after them I will be too fatigued. So many of our pets have come and gone I can't wrap my head around it
This was a rant 💫
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actualmichelle · 3 years
New signature idea for work emails - I’ll just tack it on the end permanently -
“can you please advise why we were not alerted of this in a timely fashion? 
thanks honey bun,
Michelle etc”
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actualmichelle · 3 years
The first thing my mom said to me today was that Loki (the puppy) threw up a ton of hair. He is acting normally so hopefully he is okay, but I'm basically sitting here just waiting to rush him to the doggy ER
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actualmichelle · 2 years
my mom went to florida (again, surprise) and as usual I’m slowly losing it between the weirdness of my routine being disrupted, and being alone with my dad!!!! :D
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actualmichelle · 3 years
refinanced my student loan to a lower interest rate & higher monthly payments -- by 5 years from now either this fucker is going to be paid off or I’ll be dead ⭐
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actualmichelle · 3 years
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Has anyone else had this happen or is it just me?? Are my teeth deficit
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